Summer city children's camp. Which camp would be better for children? Traditional classes at the Jewish Cultural Center

Urban children's holiday organized in more than 300 institutions, including almost 130 schools, 27 sports schools of the Department physical culture and sports and 146 institutions of the Department of Labor and social protection population.

During the summer shifts, children, under the guidance of teachers, will be able not only to relax, but also to go on excursions, gain additional knowledge and skills, play sports, and attend master classes. Three meals a day are provided here for children. The vacation will be free.

Two shifts are planned - from June 1 to 30 and from July 4 to 29. In addition, the third shift will take place in the institutions of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population from August 1 to August 29.

It is expected that under the program " United Russia» More than 50 thousand Moscow schoolchildren will be able to relax during the “Moscow Shift”. You can view the map of children's summer camps at.

Children's city camps

These are traditional school camps. They plan to open them in each district on the basis of the most equipped schools. Children here will be able to relax and study under the guidance of experienced teachers.

The gifted will be prepared for exams and olympiads in chemistry, physics and the Russian language, and for children for whom the material is more difficult, they will conduct interesting activities on various subjects. Those who love sports will be able to attend master classes of champions.

Each of the school camps will provide its students with three meals a day.

To send a child here, parents need to write an application addressed to the director of their school. He, in turn, will contact the director of the school where the camp will be opened. After this, a decision is made to enroll the child in the shift.

City health centers

This type of summer camp will be opened. Children from families in difficult situations will be able to get here life situation, and with special needs. All preferential categories have the right to visit health centers.

Children can enjoy hikes, sports competitions, bike rides, military sports games. They will be able to visit sports complexes, swimming pools, and on excursions to places of military glory in the Moscow region. Those who need it will work with a speech therapist and psychologist, attend physical therapy and physiotherapy.

Children in the centers also receive three free meals a day.

To enroll a child in the camp, parents will only need to submit an application to the regional family and childhood support center at their place of residence.

Sports city camps

They plan to open summer camps at the base as well. sports schools. Here, every child will be able to actively spend their holidays under the guidance of experienced coaches and mentors.

In such camps they will not only train, but also attend big sports matches and legendary sports venues, and master classes will be given to them by Olympic champions and world champions.

The camps will also be open on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00 from June 1 to July 31, and children will be provided with three free meals a day.

To register a child, parents need to contact the nearest sports camp.

On the eve of the longest holidays, many parents are looking for something to keep their child occupied while they are at work - preferably so that he eats, doesn’t break anything, doesn’t climb anywhere, and spends time not only having fun, but also usefully. One good solution is a summer city camp near work or home. The Village has selected children's programs for this summer, where children can improve their conversational Spanish or French, learn dramatic art from Moscow theater actors, visit a mobile planetarium, learn how to make cupcakes and even archery.

Moscow Speaks English

City language camp from the Everyday English project, where children are completely immersed in a language environment: only English can be spoken in the camp. The child’s progress in oral speech is recorded without fail: teachers record videos on the first and last days of the camp to show parents how different the children’s spoken language is before and after. Classes with native speakers alternate with sports and creative activities: in terms of activities - swimming three times a week with a professional trainer at a local fitness club, football and dramatic art.

Age: from 4 to 16 years

DMTYU Summer Theater Camp

This camp will not solve the problem of childcare while parents are at work: classes are held from 10:00 to 14:30 three times a week. But children get the opportunity to get to know the theater better and discover their acting potential with excellent teachers: the program includes intensive classes in acting, choral singing and choreography. At the end of each shift, children participate in a reporting concert on the stage of the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor. You can apply for the theater camp on the website.

Age: from 8 to 14 years

Where: metro station "Smolenskaya"

What is the price: 15,800 rubles per shift

Secret summer workshop “Children in the city of M.”

During classes at the Museum of Moscow, children will explore the city: they will be told what Moscow can become in the future and what can be done to improve the urban environment, and will also learn how to navigate the city and avoid dangers. The workshop program includes: master classes, visits to exhibitions, walking tours, viewing and discussion of films, filmstrips and photographs, parties, sports games and acting readings.

Age: 7–14 years

What is the price: 10,000 rubles for a 5-day subscription

“World of Hobbies” at the children’s club “Smiley”

The Smiley Club works with children using the Montessori method: teachers believe that every child strives for development from birth, so children are not forced to study and are treated with respect and in a friendly manner. For each day of stay at the camp, the organizers prepared thematic classes, creative workshops and sporting events. For example, the Zoological Museum with reptiles, or a mobile planetarium, or ballerinas of the Moscow theater will come to visit “Smiley” - the list is long and varied, because they try to introduce children to a variety of activities: from painting to paleontology and robotics.

Age: from 3 to 9 years

When: all summer, 09:00–17:00

Language camp "Patagonia"

Children will relax and study according to an “anti-school” language program: the camp offers classes in English, French and Spanish together with native speakers. In addition, there is a lot of entertainment on the schedule: skateboarding and surfboarding, segways, hoverboards, a climbing wall, a strelarium, a trampoline center, a panda park. But the main thing is that in Patagonia all games are only offline.

Age: from 7 to 16 years

What is the price: 36,000 rubles per shift

Summer camp "Fanny Bell's House"

"Fanny Bell's House" is a good children's theater, the performances of which we often talk about in the children's guide on weekends. There will be three groups for children at the camp of different ages: 4–7 years, 7–10 years and 11–14 years (check location on the website). Two younger groups will study according to the program for theater studios “ABC of Genres”, based on culture different countries. A “Cinema Camp” will open for teenagers: for two weeks they will be taught storytelling, working with a camera and light, and editing.

Age: from 4 to 14 years

When: all summer, 09:00–19:00

Summer camp Les P"titsPLUS

Under the guidance of native English teachers French languages- children study, do creative work and participate in competitions. Each week has its own theme: on design days, children will make miniature pieces of furniture for a dollhouse and design outfits and hairstyles for cardboard models; During the film week, they will learn how to make scenery and try filming, and at the end of the shift, children and parents will have a private screening of the film and the opening of the “alley of stars.”

Age: from 2 to 7 years

What is the price: 17,000 rubles for 5 days

Educational programs for teenagers at Britanka

Schoolchildren from 12 to 16 years old can immerse themselves in the creative atmosphere of Artscool Summer programs at Britanka for two and a half weeks: modeling, digital professions, design and drawing await them. Lectures are held in English and Russian.

Age: from 12 to 16 years old

What is the price: from 83,000 rubles per course

Summer camp Mini Domini

Each week in this camp for preschoolers is dedicated to one country: children learn its characteristics, dress up in national costumes and homemade jewelry, learn dances, anthems, and prepare their own costume party. Large families There is a 10% discount for the second and third child.

Age: from 2 to 9 years

What is the price: 13,500 rubles per week

Sports camp “While mom is at work” in “Kant”

At the city camp “While Mom is at Work,” children relax and engage in various sports: there is roller skating, skateboarding, rock climbing, martial arts, tennis, dancing and gymnastics. And in the “Sports + Education” program, the child will study programming, English and graffiti. For the youngest children - from three to six years old - there is a “Preschool Team”: for them, a quiet hour and training in household skills have been added to the schedule.

Age: from 3 to 16 years

When: all summer, 08:30–19:00

What is the price: 30,000 rubles for 10 days (equipment rental is not included in the price)

Creative camp with English One!

The camp will host 14 thematic seasons, here are just a few: “Battle of the Bloggers”, “Mission Possible!”, “Let’s Play Actors?!” and "Future Era". The children will be looked after by counselors with specialized pedagogical education, and sports activities will be conducted by professional coaches. You can choose one of three city locations that is closest to your home or work: Muzeon, Krylatsky Hills or Mosfilm.

I wrote a review in the summer, but it’s time to write a review about the winter shift. The child had been dreaming about her since the end of summer. And as soon as the opportunity arose to buy a ticket, we immediately ran to do it. The weather this winter has been difficult relationship, it was bitterly cold. But this did not stop the camp management from organizing a variety of interesting leisure activities for children. I would like to say a special thank you for the huge number of photos on several social networks at once, this gives parents the opportunity to see at least one glimpse of what their children are doing during the day. Thank you very much, Maria in charge)), counselors Masha, Misha, Indy and everyone who takes part in this difficult process of uninterrupted operation of the camp. You can’t fool children, they feel everything. And they run to Soyuz-sport!!! And a special hello to the girls from the reception! :) They are always so friendly!! I really hope to see you in the summer!

Ksenia Pankratova

We found ourselves in this camp for the first time. We were choosing between other similar camps, but decided to settle on Union Sports. And neither my son nor I were disappointed. I don’t know the counselors from the first squad. But from the second we have super counselors Misha and Rusya. My son loves them. And he will remember it all year long. Thank you for the excellent idea to the management, for the organization of Maria, the curator, and for the professionalism and love for the children to the counselors of the second detachment. Stay with the same lineup next summer, we will come to you. Thank you for the holiday on August 26, I was very touched in some places.

Yulia Berezovskaya

Today the first full school week began, with new worries, joys, and meetings. But the memories of summer are still very vivid, colorful and, above all, summer is the Soyuz-Sport camp. We are spending our second summer here, we started out very carefully, we thought about trying what to do if there is no one to leave the child with during the holidays. But it turned out that this has become our favorite place, where we joyfully run every morning, waiting for new games, projects, excursions. And when we go somewhere during the summer, after some time we return to the camp with joy and impatience. Many thanks to everyone involved in this project: Masha, the main inspirer and organizer of an endless series of fabulous events; to all the counselors - they are interesting and fun to be with, to the wonderful, sensitive administrators at the reception and to all those who ensured the life of the camp! We really hope for new meetings and good luck to you in everything!

Olga Ershova

Thank you for your love for your business. All events were carefully thought out and implemented at a high level! A reading competition, a soap-making master class, a trip to the All-Russian Exhibition Center on Neptune Day, a visit to the fire station and beyond - this is not the whole list of events that left an indelible mark on the child’s memory and broadened his horizons.

Prahova Alena Anatolyevna Mother

I was happy to join this center at this summer as I enjoyed my time with the kids. I found here a lot of yong friends and a lot of workers. they are very nice. I enjoyed my time at playing football and I hope that any of the kids just learned some thing new his life or I just let any one them just smile or laugh about any yhing I did or any time we had together. I hope to see you next summer.

Mostafa Counselor from Egypt

Thanks to this wonderful camp! We have been coming to you for the 2nd year now, we are very satisfied! Very interesting program! We'll come again next year.

Kristina and Nadezhda Smirnova Camper and mom

Ekushov Ivan Camp participant (12 years old)

City camp is a solution for parents whose children spend their summer holidays (or some part of them) in Moscow. In the camp, a child is under the supervision of a curator from morning to evening - he has fun, studies, communicates, and learns a lot of new things. Stay time varies: full day or half. In urban, as in country camps, there are shifts. To make it more interesting for children to attend the camp, the organizers make them themed. Each shift lasts on average 10 working days - from Monday to Friday, but can be shorter or longer. Meals - most often lunch and afternoon tea - are usually included in the price of the tour. In city camps, children do not get bored: shifts are scheduled hourly - master classes, games, quizzes, walks, quests, excursions and film screenings replace each other. There are even lessons here, but they are held in such a relaxed atmosphere that it is unlikely that the child will regret that he had to “study” during the holidays. Well, the main thing is what you need to focus on when choosing a city summer camp- not the cost of the trip, but the interests of the child and the proximity of the location to home. Let's choose!

Arbat District

Theater camp "Irbis"

Photo: Irbis Theater Camp

The camp is organized by the Irbis children's theater and dance school. The theater “branch” is located next to Old Arbat - in the Educational Theater on Filippovsky Lane. Each shift is essentially a preparation for the performance. For two weeks, under the supervision of teachers, children learn roles, master basic acting skills, learn to dance, speak correctly, move beautifully and gesture. The holidays end with the final show on big stage(the hall of the Educational Theater has 80 seats). The first half of the day is devoted to learning, the second to games and entertainment. IN entertainment program includes visits to museums, walking tours around Moscow, quests in parks, joint film screenings and games of Mafia. Acting teachers at the Irbis school work with the children.


Children's age: from 8 to 16 years
Shifts over the summer: 5
Opening hours: from 9:30 to 19:00
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 9, 2019 (schedule on the website)
Shift duration: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
Shift cost:

Dance camp "Irbis"

Photo: Dance camp “Irbis”

The camp is organized by the Irbis children's theater and dance school. The dance “department” is located near the Smolenskaya metro station - in the theater center “World of Arts”. For two weeks, the guys practice dancing, study contemporary dance and Hip-Hop, master the art of staging dance routines, and prepare the final dance performance. The first half of the day is devoted to classes and training, the second is devoted to relaxation and games. The entertainment program includes visits to museums, walking tours around Moscow, quests in parks, joint film screenings and games of Mafia. Teachers-choreographers and stage teachers at the Irbis school work with the children.


Children's age: from 8 to 16 years
Shifts over the summer: 3 (1 shift per month)
Opening hours: from 9:30 to 19:00
The camp is open: from August 17 to August 9, 2019 (schedule on the website)
Shift duration: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
Shift cost: 23,850 rubles (there are promotions and discounts), payment is refundable (if you can’t go to the camp, the cost of the trip will be reimbursed)
Nutrition: Lunch and afternoon tea are included in the price

Yakimanka District

Summer city camp AAA CityCamp

Photo: AAA English school

A language camp based at the AAA English school provides an opportunity for primary and secondary school students to consolidate the knowledge acquired during the school year and study topics that are usually not included in the academic course. 25 academic hours of English classes are aimed at speaking practice, not cramming: the students are fully immersed in an English-speaking environment. Classes are taught by certified teachers of the school - native speakers of the language and culture. Groups are formed by age and level of training (usually up to 12 people). The educational schedule is complemented by entertainment activities, excursions, quizzes, creative master classes, walks, games and sporting events


Children's age: 8-14 years
Shifts over the summer: 13
Opening hours: from 8:45 to 19:15
Shift duration: 1 week (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 30, 2019
Shift cost: 15,000 rubles (full day shift), 9,500 rubles (half day shift)

Creative camp with English “M.I.R.”


A language camp with a creative twist was created on the basis of a multilingual private kindergarten"WORLD.". The camp is located in a park area, in close proximity to the park named after. Gorky (many activities are conducted in the fresh air). Each squad (there are 3 groups in one shift) is supervised by two adult counselors. Shifts in the camp are themed - for example, “Detective Season”, “Cooking Season”, “Travel Season” and others (shift schedule on the website). Every week the program includes: English classes with native speakers, quests, excursions, games and walks, master classes, film shows, sports competitions, intellectual quizzes.


Children's age: from 3 to 12 years
Shifts over the summer: 7
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00
The camp is open: from May 27 to August 30, 2019
Shift duration: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
Shift cost: 20,000 rubles/week
Nutrition: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner are included in the price
Medical documents: compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy, medical certificate in form 076U, certificate of no contact with infectious patients


Summer camp in the city of professions “Masterslavl”

Photo: Masterslavl

Summer camp in Masterslavl is a great opportunity to try everything that you didn’t have time for in previous visits to the children’s city of professions. The motto of the camp is “It’s good to have a rest - it’s not boring!” Each day of the 5-day “work-vacation” week at Masterslavl is thematic: the theme of the day is announced by the curator at the morning meeting. After introductions, breakfast and light warm-up, the main program begins: from 11:00 to 19:00, children attend city workshops, watch scientific and entertainment shows, and participate in master classes. Excursion programs (cinema, Moscow City observation deck, ice cream factory, VRPark City) are paid additionally. Walks in the fresh air, games and relaxation are included in the daily program.


Children's age: 5-7 years ( junior group) and 8-14 years old (senior group)
Shifts over the summer: 13
Opening hours: from 9:30 to 19:30
The camp is open:
Shift duration:
Shift cost: 7,000 rubles (one day - 1,800 rubles)
Nutrition: with you, on your own in the Masterslavl cafe or for an additional fee (breakfast, lunch and dinner - 500 rubles daily)

Football camp Adidas CAMP

Photo: Adidas CAMP

The sports camp is waiting for boys and girls (yes!) who love football. You can enroll in the camp for both a beginner and a child who plays football professionally: from July 1 to July 13 - a shift for professionals, from July 15 to 27 - for amateurs. Adidas CAMP cooperates with Dutch specialists: coaches from leading Dutch academies (AFC Ajax, Almere FC, Utrecht) fly to Moscow to organize the camp’s football classes. 2019 Coach of the Year - Martin Leonard. Each day's program includes: two football training sessions, English classes (1 hour), games and recreation (group sports, PlayStation). All children receive an Adidas game uniform, surprises from sponsors and friends of the camp, and a certificate of completion of football training camps. A big plus is the stadium in the center of the capital.


Children's age: from 5 to 15 years
Shifts over the summer: 2 (the first is for professional football players, the second is for beginners and amateurs)
Opening hours: from 8:30 to 18:30
13 days (on working days)
The camp is open: from July 1 to July 27, 2019 (schedule on the website)
Shift cost: 44,500 rubles (discount for FFC members, cost of one week - on request)
Nutrition: Lunch and afternoon tea are included in the price
Medical documents: a copy of compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance, a certificate from a doctor about admission to football

Summer camp “White Rabbit House” in Krasnaya Presnya Park

Photo: “House white rabbit»

Summer camp “House of the White Rabbit” on Krasnaya Presnya is themed. Each shift here is dedicated to some area - science, sports or art (for example, “Ballet Star”, “Scientific Laboratory”, “How to become an artist”, etc.). “Graduates” of creative shifts prepare a final show at the end of the week - a dance or performance. Each day's schedule includes games (sports, music, board games, outdoor games, quests), applied master classes and/or experiments, educational theoretical blocks.


Children's age:
Shifts over the summer: 7
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 31
Shift cost: from 22,000 rubles
Nutrition: Lunch and afternoon tea are included in the price
Medical documents:

Photo: “Algorithmics”

The Algorithmika programming school invites children to the city children's shifts. In two weeks, they will master four “professions of the future”: cyber detective, smart device designer, 5D video blogger, virtual world developer. During the shift, the guys will learn to work in graphic editors, edit videos and create special effects, design 3D models in TinkerCAD, create games using the GDevelop engine, work with online editors for documents, tables and presentations, and speak publicly. At the end of each week, participants present individual projects. In addition to educational classes, the schedule includes creative competitions and challenges. Groups in the camp are small - up to 12 people. Two adults work with each group: a teacher and a counselor. The employees have first aid skills, and all children are insured against accidents by VTB Insurance (the policy is issued when purchasing a voucher).


Children's age:
Shifts over the summer: 13
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:30
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open:
Shift cost:

City summer camp “The Whole World”

Photo: Shutterstock

The summer camp on the basis of the psychological and educational center “Emerald Forest” will first of all attract the attention of parents, for whom the harmony of the child’s inner world is no less important than academic knowledge. The curators promise that during three shifts (one each in June, July and August) the children will learn a lot about the main components of a person (body, feelings, thinking, intuition), learn to communicate consciously, move a lot, talk, think and, of course, have fun. The training program is supplemented by excursions to historical places of Moscow, which resonate with the topics of the classes, and active walks.


Children's age: 9-13 years
Shifts over the summer: 3
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00
Shift duration: 1 week (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 9, 2019
Shift cost: 16,500 rubles per week
Nutrition: lunch and healthy snacks included in the price


Summer camp at the Children's Musical Theater for Young Actors


DMTUZ invites children who like music, dancing and acting to spend their summer holidays with benefit. Classes in specialized disciplines (choral singing, choreography, plastic arts, acting) are conducted by leading theater teachers. Creative workshops are held twice a day: from 10:00 to 14:15 and from 15:00 to 19:15. Each shift lasts three weeks, and at the end, all participants in the shift take part in the final event on the stage of the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor.


Children's age: 7-15 years
Shifts over the summer: 3
Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:15 (with a lunch break)
Shift duration: 3 weeks (Monday to Thursday)
The camp is open: from June 17 to August 15, 2019
Shift cost: 16,800 rubles
Nutrition: a small snack is included in the price

Summer camp of professions at Skazkadarium

Photo: “Skazkodarium”

The creative space Skazkadarium invites children to immerse themselves in the world of professions. Participants will study different types labor, learn new professions, decide what skills and tools are important for them. In addition, children will study English (with native speakers), music, fitness, football, choreography and theater arts. After the shift, the guys will undergo career guidance testing. In the summer, 12 shifts are planned dedicated to professions on different topics: June - professions of our time, July - professions of art, August - professions of the future ( detailed description- on the website). Several times a month, the camp is visited by invited experts from various professional fields who conduct trainings and master classes. All participants in the Skazkadarium summer camp receive a passport with marks on the completed classes and creative workshops.


Children's age: 6-14 years
Shifts over the summer: 12
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Shift duration: 1 week (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 30, 2019
Shift cost: 17,000 rubles - 1 week, 33,000 rubles - 2 weeks, 65,000 rubles - 1 month (4,000 rubles - one-time visit)

Summer camp “White Rabbit House” in the Hermitage Garden

Photo: “White Rabbit House”

One of the branches of the White Rabbit House summer camp is located in an amazing place in the very center of Moscow - in the Hermitage Garden in the area of ​​Karetny Ryad Street. The camp is thematic: each session here is dedicated to some area - science, sports or art. This summer, the Hermitage Garden will host ballet, art, theater, dance, sports sessions and two English language sessions. “Graduates” of creative shifts prepare a final show at the end of the week - a dance or performance. Each day's schedule includes games (sports, music, board games, outdoor games, quests), applied master classes and/or experiments, educational theoretical blocks.


Children's age: 4-6 years old (junior group) and 7-12 years old (senior group)
Shifts over the summer: 7
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 31
Shift cost: from 22,000 rubles
Nutrition: Lunch and afternoon tea are included in the price
Medical documents: certificate from a pediatrician in form 079

Photo: “Marte”

The dance camp is organized on the basis of the Marte dance school. The camp is suitable for future choreographers and ballet dancers, as well as guys who like to move a lot - the main emphasis here is on the dance component. Every day the program includes up to 4 hours of dance classes (with a break for rest and food). Dances that can be learned during your stay at the camp are Latin, reggaeton, jazz-funk, and dancehall. The schedule also includes fitness classes in hammocks, acting and applied creative workshops. A daily walk with games in the fresh air is required (in bad weather replaced by a film screening). At the end of the shift, the participants give a large open concert.


Children's age: from 6 to 15 years (two age groups - 6-9 years and 9-15 years)
Shifts over the summer: 6
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 23, 2019
Shift cost:
Nutrition: extra charge


Summer camp based at the Algorithmics programming school

Photo: “Algorithmics”

Each shift at the city summer camp based at the Algorithmics programming school is an opportunity to master four “professions of the future” in two weeks: cyber detective, smart device designer, 5D video blogger and virtual world developer. Children will learn to work in graphic editors, edit videos and create special effects, design 3D models in TinkerCAD, create games using the GDevelop engine, work with online editors for documents, tables and presentations, and speak publicly. At the end of each week there is a presentation of individual projects and achievements. A teacher and a counselor work with each group (12 people). All children are insured against accidents by VTB Insurance.


Children's age: three age groups - 8-9 years old, 10-11 years old and 12-14 years old
Shifts over the summer: 13
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:30
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from May 27 to August 30 (schedule for each age group on the website)
Shift cost: 40,000 rubles (discounts available for early booking)
Nutrition: three meals a day included in the price


Summer camp "Fanny Bell's House" in the garden named after. Bauman

Photo: Little House of Fanny Bell Theater

For the seventh time, the Little House of Fanny Bell theater organizes a summer city camp. Every day, children of all ages are offered thematic classes (music, creativity, choreography, sports). Every day will be full of educational quests and active games both indoors and outdoors (there are two walks in the park during the day). Every morning at the Fanny Bell cottage begins with exercise. And in order for the guys to remain cheerful, the daily routine includes daytime sleep/rest and proper nutrition (second breakfast, hot lunch, afternoon snack and hot dinner). One week - one shift (schedule and detailed description of topics - on the website). At the end of each week, the group presents a performance to parents based on the main theme.


Children's age: 4-7 years and 7-10 years
Shifts over the summer: 13 for each age group
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00
Shift duration: 1 week (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 4 to August 30, 2019
Shift cost: 17,000 rubles (discounts for one-time payment for several shifts)
Nutrition: four meals a day, included in price

Summer dance camp “Marte”

Photo: “Marte”

The branch near the Baumanskaya metro station is the second branch of the summer dance camp based on the Marte dance school. It is suitable for guys who like to move a lot - the main emphasis here is on dancing and fitness. The schedule includes up to 4 hours of dance classes daily, as well as fitness classes in hammocks, acting, and applied creative workshops. At the end of the shift, the participants give a large open concert.


Children's age: from 6 to 15 years
Shifts over the summer: 6
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Duration of one shift: 2 weeks (on weekdays)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 23, 2019
Shift cost: from 19,500 rubles (there are promotions, discounts are possible)
Nutrition: extra charge

"Summer City Camp" in the Creative Workshops of "Winzavod"

Photo: Winzavod creative workshops

At the summer camp in the creative workshops of the center contemporary art“Winzavod” is celebrating its anniversary - it is inviting guys for the tenth time (the first city camp was organized here back in 2009). The daily routine at camp includes: educational classes, mobile and board games, watching movies and a lot of communication. Shifts in the camp are thematic, and each involves specialized master classes. Shifts in 2019 - “The Middle Ages and knightly tournaments”, “Africa”, “Favorite musical group”. "Street Art", "Photography", "Ceramics and Potter's Wheel" - full list on the website. In good weather, walks in the fresh air on the territory of Winzavod are a must. A big plus of the camp is the early opening (you can bring your child starting at 8:30 am).


Children's age: from 6 to 15 years
Shifts over the summer: 14
Opening hours: from 8:30 to 20:30
Duration of one shift: 1 week (Monday to Friday)
The camp is open: from May 27 to August 31, 2019
Shift cost: from 12,000 rubles (part-day options are available, discounts apply for subscriptions)
Nutrition: breakfast, lunch and dinner at the [tsurtsum] cafe are included in the price


Language city camp "Saturday Camp"

Photo: Saturday Camp

"Saturday Camp" is a language camp in which children will combine active recreation with learning English. Schedule: three hours of classes in the first half of the day and rest in the second. Children learn English in game form- through games, staging skits, going through “live” film quests (“Transformers”, “Harry Potter”, “Lord of the Rings”), watching educational programs in English. For English lessons, children are divided into 3 age groups: junior, middle and senior. Each group has three teachers: a counselor, an animator and a psychologist who speaks English. Entertainment activities - walking tours around the capital, visiting museums, walks along the Moscow River, virtual adventures in the Arena Space Central House of Art, drawing with a 3D pen, a master class on creating slimes, animation classes.


Children's age: from 6 to 15 years
Shifts over the summer: 12
Opening hours: from 8:30 to 19:00
Duration of one shift: 1 week (Monday to Friday)
The camp is open: from June 3 to August 30
Shift cost: from 14,500 rubles per week (3% discount for subscribing to camp news on social networks)
Nutrition: Lunch and afternoon tea are included in the price