Large family: rights, benefits, state support

Today we successfully processed the “Annual compensation payment for children from large families studying in educational institutions.”

If you find out in advance the list of all necessary documents and plan a day for wholesale MLB jerseys to collect the necessary certificates, then you can process the payment in the Multifunctional Provision Center within one public services in your area of ​​St. Petersburg. And happily wait for the money to be transferred to your account.

A huge advantage is that family income is not taken into account when cheap MLB jerseys is assigned to this payment.

This compensation payment is assigned to children from large families who study in educational institutions of the city (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, vocational schools), but are not older than 18 years old. The compensation payment is intended for the purchase of a set of children's (teenage) clothing for attending school classes and sports uniforms at the expense of the budget of St. Petersburg.

This compensation payment is paid once during the academic year at the request of the holder of the right, who is only one of the parents (legal representatives).

Collect documents

In order to complete the appointment of this payment within 1 day, it is advisable to follow the following instructions:

1. In the morning, receive a certificate from the educational institution about the education of the child (children) in educational institutions that implement educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education.

2. During the reception hours of the housing office’s passport office, obtain a certificate in form No. 9 confirming the place of residence of the parents (parent) and minor children in St. Petersburg. Please note that this certificate is only required for those who have an HOA. If you pay for utilities in the city using “pink” receipts, this certificate is not required to be submitted to the MFC.

3. During the office hours of the pediatrician at your site, obtain a certificate confirming cohabitation in St. Petersburg with a parent. This certificate is required if your child and you are registered at different addresses in St. Petersburg.

Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services in St. Petersburg are open from wholesale NFL jerseys 9.00 to 21.00, so if you successfully receive the above certificates and cheap NFL jerseys documents, you will be able to get there for an appointment on the same day.

Don't forget about family documents

To receive an annual compensation payment for children from large families studying in general education institutions, the MFC must also provide responsive:

- application for compensation payment. It is filled out by the MFC inspector. You will only need to sign it;

— identification document of the applicant (passport, military ID, etc.);

- birth certificates of all minor children in the family.


In addition, if you wish to receive a compensation payment to an account in Sberbank (savings book), and not in post office it must also be provided at your place of residence. An MFC employee will make a copy of the first page of the passbook and return it to you. This is where the money will go in the future.

This is how we did it all in 1 day. We wish the same for you! Good luck!

Best regards, Elena

Free school meals for families with many children. Why is it needed? The whole point is that children are the key to the existence and prosperity of any state. And the optimal environment for a child is a full, large family. It is children from such families who are particularly sensitive and responsive. Unfortunately, in our difficult times, large families immediately fall into the risk group. The financial situation of many of them leaves much to be desired. To support such basic units of society, some benefits have been introduced. In particular, food benefits.

Which family is considered to have many children?

Who provides benefits

Food benefits for large families include free breakfast and/or lunch. Parents need to remember that the mechanism for supporting families with three or more children is given to regions and municipalities. So the level of benefits may be higher, but at the expense of the regional budget. Typically, regional authorities set specific amounts that are allocated for child food. But it happens that there is not enough money. Then the food is not fully compensated, but a discount of 30-70 percent is given. The rest of the amount must be paid by the parents. It is possible to raise money from other sources.

What documents are needed

There is no special bureaucracy here. In order to receive free meals for large families at school, a passport of either parent, birth certificate and ID card of a large family will be sufficient. All these documents must be copied. All copies are attached to the application addressed to the director of that school (or other educational institution), where the child studies. Your application will be reviewed within one business day.

At a meeting of the Moscow Regional Duma on Thursday, a bill was adopted in two readings, which provides for the payment of compensation to large families for the purchase of school uniforms, writes, writes

“The amount that is included in the budget is 3 thousand rubles for each child. We believe that on September 1 we will have approximately 97 thousand recipients (of compensation - IF),” the chairman of the committee on issues told reporters at the end of the meeting health protection, labor and social policy Galina Utkina.

She added that all large families, regardless of their financial situation, can count on compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for students in grades 1-11 registered in the Moscow region and enrolled in local schools.

“Compensation will be issued through the department of social development in our territories, compensation will be paid according to the checks that parents will provide,” explained G. Utkina.

According to her, if a school uniform is purchased for 3 thousand rubles. and cheaper, then the family will be compensated for its full cost; if we are talking about more expensive clothes, then the authorities will reimburse only 3 thousand rubles. In this case, municipal administrations may decide to pay additional compensation from their own budget.

Previously, the first deputy chairman of the government of the Moscow region, Olga Zabralova, stated that compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for children from large families varies greatly in the municipalities of the region, it is necessary to bring these payments to a single value.

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All news on child benefits, payments and benefits

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Hello friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is with you! Today's article is addressed to those parents who are raising three or more children. That is, those with many children, and those who are going to become them. Do you know what benefits parents with many children are entitled to when their children enroll in school? And you need to know about this! For no one will take care of us except ourselves. And you may not receive quite tangible help simply because you know nothing about it.

In this article I will tell you about how the school and the state help me specifically, as a mother of three children. Before we begin, I want to clarify that in different regions Russian Federation benefits may vary. I am responsible for my Lipetsk region and for my school. You can supplement the article with information about your region and your school by posting it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you for this. Look, the whole world will get the full picture.

Lesson plan:


Today, of all my children, only my daughter Alexandra is a schoolgirl. She is in fourth grade. And has the right to free travel on public city and suburban transport. My two sons, Denis (he is a student) and Artem (he is still in kindergarten), do not have this right. This is a benefit for schoolchildren only.

In order to take advantage of this benefit, it is not enough to present your ID in transport. You need to contact the social protection authorities and issue a preferential travel document in the child’s name.

It is very convenient if you have to travel to school every day, and then back. Moreover, travel prices are not so low.


I knew that my child should have subsidized meals at school. But, as it turned out, she didn’t know everything. There was such a situation. In the first grade, Alexandra attended an after-school group, or an after-school program in common parlance. And when they started asking me for money for school food, I was extremely indignant. I already wanted to raise a fuss, like: “You have no right!” It turns out they do.

The fact is that children from large families are actually entitled to free meals at school. Namely breakfasts and lunches. But no one promised anyone the free afternoon snacks that children are fed during after school. So we had to pay for them. Now Sasha does not go to after-school care. And that’s why we don’t pay a penny for food.

School and sports uniforms

Every year I receive compensation for sports and school uniform. At the beginning of the school year, a certain fixed amount of money is transferred to my bank card. Of course, friends, this amount does not cover real expenses, but, as they say, thanks for that. All transfers come from the school.

Performances for children

It happens that during the school year, the whole class of children goes to the theater or museum, or on an excursion. For them it is pleasure, and you have to pay for pleasure! Parents pay. All except those with many children.

For us, most often such events are free. Please note, most often, and not always. You should definitely ask your teacher about the availability of such an opportunity.

Payments for school security

The fact that not only teachers, but also security guards work at school today will not surprise anyone. And the guards receive their salaries thanks to parental fees. This is called “handing over money for security.”

To be honest, I don’t rent them out. Some people think it's rude to do this. But I thought, if the school gave me the right not to pay for security, like other large families, then why would I give up this right? In my opinion, this is stupid.

Extracurricular life

It often happens that when a child goes to first grade, some sections, clubs, music schools, etc. appear in his life. This happened to us too. Alexandra has been studying choreography at the Children's Art School for 4 years now. School tuition is paid. But we, as a large family, have a 100% discount on payment. That is, we do it for free.

I would like to clarify that we pay for trips on tour, participation in competitions, and tailoring of concert costumes on a general basis. The benefit applies specifically to training.

So, if you are planning to enroll your little schoolchild or in a club, inquire about benefits for large families.

How to get school benefits?

In order to be eligible for benefits, you need to confirm your preferential status by submitting a whole package of documents to the school.

At the beginning of each school year I bring the following “pieces of paper” to school:

  • a copy of the ID of a large family;
  • copies of birth certificates of all children;
  • a copy of your passport;
  • certificate from the place of study of the eldest son;
  • a copy of the agreement with the bank where I have the card;
  • certificate from the place of residence (from the passport office).

The package of documents is updated annually.

Well, I think I told you everything. Now it’s your turn) How are things going with your benefits and compensation? Will you tell me? We are looking forward to your comments.

And this video is from the Altai Territory. Just on our topic)

I wish you all the best!

As always, a big hello to the kids!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Since 2012, admission to first grade in Russian schools has been carried out according to new rules. According to these rules, children “attached” to the school, that is, children from nearby houses, have priority to enroll in school. Applications to schools under the new rules are accepted from March 1 to September 5.

Do children from large families have benefits when admitted to 1st grade according to the new rules?

Rules for admitting children to school

According to the new rules, children are “attached” to schools in their place of residence. The exceptions are specialized schools, schools with in-depth study of certain subjects and schools for gifted children.

It will be up to the public to decide which houses belong to which school. territorial bodies education. Parents will be required to provide, in addition to the standard set of documents, a certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence of the parents.

The school can refuse “assigned” children only if there are no places there. Then the territorial education authorities must find a replacement.

But everyone knows that there are “good” schools, and there are not so good ones. And in order to get to such a “good” school, parents are ready to take their child across the whole city. As a rule, there are no problems going to school in your own backyard. How can I now go to the school I want to go to, but it is not in the child’s place of attachment?

If there are still free places in the school after all the “attached” children have been recruited, then any children who apply can be accepted for these places. Admission for available places will take place from August 1 to September 5.

All schools accept children without entrance examinations, except for specialized schools, specialized schools, schools with in-depth study of any subject, or sports and creative schools.

Benefits for large families

Are there any benefits for children from large families when entering 1st grade? Yes, I have. First of all, children with benefits will be taken to empty places: children of deceased military personnel, children from large families, children with disabilities. In specialized schools, specialized schools, sports and arts, the rules for enrollment in the first grade have not changed.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Rights and benefits of large families:

What benefits can large families count on:

New school admission rules:

Instructions for enrolling a child in 1st grade: