Space distances. Project "space" for children of the preparatory group Project in kindergarten cosmic distances

PROJECT "SPACE" for preparatory group

Project type:
- educational
- research
- gaming
Duration: short-term
Project participants: teacher, children, parents.
Target: formation of older children preschool age ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration.

1. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and space events.
2. Introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
3. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to improvise; to cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession, in their homeland;
4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Relevance of the project:

“Humanity will not remain forever on earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.”
K. Tsiolkovsky
Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for modern children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers by telling them about non-existent planets, and often evoke negative emotions in them and contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently organize work to develop children’s ideas about space.

Project implementation stages

1. Identifying children’s initial knowledge about space.
2. Information from parents about upcoming activities.
3. Selection of literature about space, presentations, photographs, posters.

1. Spending a space week in a group.
2. Work with parents on a given topic.
3. Organization of role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, individual and group work.

1. Organizing an exhibition of works about space (joint work of children and parents)
2. Collective panel “Space Travel”
3. Reading competition “Poems about space”

Preliminary work:

1.Prepare presentations about space, the solar system, astronauts.
2. Select a photo collection on the theme “Space”.
3. Pick up fairy tales, poems, riddles about space, rockets, stars, music.
4. Prepare coloring pages according to age.
Contents of the project.

Conversations using presentations.

1. Conversation “What is space.”
Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, to find out children’s knowledge on this issue.
2. Conversation “Blue Planet - Earth”.
Goal: to explain to children what a telescope and outer space are, to show how beautiful our Earth is from space.
3. Conversation “The Moon is a satellite of the Earth.”
Goal: to find out children’s ideas about the Moon, the month, to expand knowledge about the lunar surface and atmosphere.
4. Conversation “Family of Planets.”
Goal: expand children's understanding of the planets of the solar system
5. Conversation “The Sun is the source of life on Earth.”
Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the sun, its shape; explain what it consists of.1. Cognition
Topic: I want to be an astronaut.
Purpose: to introduce the biography of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin; expand your understanding of modern professions; talk about the work of Russian cosmonauts in space these days.
2. Communication
Topic: Nagibin Yu.M. Stories about Gagarin. To school
Purpose: to introduce the biography of Yu. Gagarin. learn to comprehend the content of what you read; cultivate a sense of pride in the first space explorers; lead to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, and hard work.
3. Design
Topic: “Cosmonauts near the rocket.”
Purpose: to study the name of the components of the rocket; independently construct a rocket and astronaut figures from natural material, follow the rules of safe work with piercing and cutting objects.
4. Drawing
Topic: Space fantasy. Color scratching technique.
Goal: expand children's horizons and knowledge about space; develop color perception; maintain interest in visual arts; continue learning to draw unconventional technology colored scratch paper;
5. Application
Topic: “Flight to the Moon.”
Goal: learn to convey the shape of a rocket using the technique of symmetrical cutting from paper, cut out figures of people in spacesuits from paper folded in half; consolidate the ability to complement the picture with objects that are suitable in meaning; develop a sense of composition and imagination.
6. Modeling
Topic: “Cosmonaut in a spacesuit.”
Purpose: to teach children to sculpt an astronaut using a toy as a model; convey the shape of the parts of the toy: oval (torso), round (head), cylindrical (legs); convey the proportional relationship between parts and parts; learn to combine sculpted parts into one whole, tightly connect them by smearing one part to another.

Outdoor games: (see appendix 1)

- “Fast rockets are waiting for us” - “Space relay race” - “Rocket launch site”
- “Weightlessness” - “Sun and Rain” - “The Sun is a Champion.”

Role-playing games:

Goal: to expand the theme of story games, to introduce the work of astronauts in space, to cultivate courage, endurance, to expand vocabulary children: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “ open space».
"Flight into space"
The botanical garden needs new rare plants. The director of the botanical garden offers to fly for them to one of the planets of the solar system.
"Hospital for Cosmonauts"
Goal: to develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine; cultivate respect for work medical workers, establish rules of conduct in public places.
"Space Travel".
Goal: to promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and in everyday life, to enrich children’s experience with knowledge and gaming skills that will allow them to independently organize the game in the future. Formation of skills to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

Didactic games: (see Appendix No. 2)

- “Restore order to the solar system”
- “Find the odd one out”
- “Pick up a constellation.”
- “Find the missing rocket”
- “Add a word”
- “Where the rockets fly”

Reading fiction:

Goal: to introduce children to literature about space; foster cognitive activity.
- Y. K. Golovanov “The Road to the Cosmodrome”,
- V. Kashchenko “Constellation of Dragons”,
- P. O. Klushantsev “What the telescope told us”
- O. A. Skorolupova “Conquest of Space”,
- N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”
- poems about space.
- riddles about space.

Individual and group work:

Development fine motor skills(coloring pictures about space).
- collecting puzzles (theme “Space Puzzles”)
- laying out pictures from counting sticks
- drawing on the croup.
- individual work for speech development, the game “Say the other way around” 1. Design of the collective panel “Space Travel” (using photographs of children).
2. Exhibition of works about space (joint work of children with parents).
3. Reading competition “Poems about space”

Appendix 1

Outdoor games:

“Fast rockets are waiting for us”

Rocket hoops are laid out around the hall. There are several fewer of them than there are players. Children hold hands and walk in a circle saying:
- Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flight to planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!
After the last words, the children scatter and take places in the “rockets” (if there are many children, then two or three people can sit in one rocket) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a place on the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful poses astronauts. Then everyone stands in a circle again and the game starts all over again.


The game is played under the accompaniment of a musical director.
Goal: development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - repetition of the sound “U”.
- We launch the rocket “U-U-U!”: Hands above your head in the shape of a cone,
- Started the engines “R-rr-r”: moving in a circle one after another
- They buzzed: “Oooh!”: Hands spread to the sides.
- We flew to the gas station: we sat down - hands forward, refueled - hands dropped.
The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

"Rocket launch site"

Children lay out the hoops in a circle, run freely around the hoops and say the words:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights on planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers!
The teacher removes several hoops. The game is repeated until only one hoop remains.


Children sit freely in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children standing on their second leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

"Sun and Rain"

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal.
Children sit on benches. The teacher says: “Sunny”, the children walk and run all over the playground. After the words “Rain. Hurry home! children to their places.

"The sun is a champion."

The selected child leader recites a “cosmic” rhyme, during which the children become one of the planets:

There lived an astrologer on the moon.
He kept records of the planets:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Eighth - Neptune.

Children put on hats with the image of the planet they were given according to the counting rhyme, begin to move to the music, and, following a sound signal, line up in the required sequence relative to the sun, which is depicted by one of the preschoolers.

Appendix 2

Didactic games:

"Restore order to the solar system"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the order of the planets in the solar system, remembering the names of the planets. We lay out models of planets on the carpet, and the presenter reads poems about the planet that needs to be found. Whoever recognizes it takes it and places it in orbit behind the Sun. All planets must take their place in the system. Finally, name each planet.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Relevance of the project

“Humanity will not remain on earth forever, but,
in pursuit of light and space,
at first it will timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere,
and then will conquer the entire circumsolar space.”
K. Tsiolkovsky

Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for modern children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers by telling them about non-existent planets, and often evoke negative emotions in them and contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently organize work to develop children’s ideas about space.

Since ancient times, people's eyes have been directed to the sky. From the first steps on earth, man felt his dependence on the sky; his life and activities largely depended on it. Our ancestors knew and understood the “habits” of the sky well. For them, the sky was alive, full, and manifesting itself in many ways.

It is this love and knowledge of the sky that we cultivate in the older preschoolers attending our group...

TOO It’s impossible to talk about the big space! Being carried away by any fact, everyone is captured, as if on a spaceship, by adventures to distant and uncharted planets solar system . That is why, when forming ideas about space among children of senior preschool age, a project methodology was chosen. The system of work on the topic “Space” assumes a person-oriented approach to the development of a child. The activity is aimed at developing mental, cognitive, and communication abilities, which are carried out through various types of children's activities. Content educational activities age-appropriate, gives children the ability to express their emotional experiences and acquired knowledge about space.

Target: formation of ideas about the role of man in the study of outer space


For children:

  • Systematize children's ideas about the Universe, the Solar system and its planets
  • expand children's knowledge about public holidays, introduce them to significant dates important for our country (50th anniversary of the first space flight);
  • form a concept of yourself as an inhabitant of planet Earth;
  • development of children’s cognitive and intellectual abilities, their creative potential;
  • fostering a sense of pride in the achievements of domestic scientists and cosmonauts;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards what is on our planet;
  • nurturing communication skills and friendly relationships.

For parents:

  • involve parents in the problem of development of the child’s cognitive sphere, using questionnaires, creating homemade books, newspapers and other forms of work;
  • stimulate the creative activity of parents through participation in competitions, events, and leisure activities;
  • promote the establishment of partnerships between parents and teachers in matters of upbringing and education of children
  • establishing friendly connections with other parents, which leads to a unification of interests;
  • the opportunity to work in an environment that encourages the acquisition of new knowledge and skills

involving parents in joint activities to celebrate Cosmonautics Day

For teachers

  • ensure the implementation of educational, developmental and training tasks through children’s mastery of educational areas;
  • create conditions for independent and joint activities of children with adults within the framework of the ongoing project;
  • replenishment and enrichment of methodological, didactic and visual material on the topic “Space”.

Expected result


  • Children’s level of basic knowledge on the topic “Space”
  • Formation of moral and patriotic feelings in the process of project implementation
  • Children’s interest in the topic of space, the manifestation of their cognitive activity: together with their parents they find information on the topic, tell and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten.
  • Children's initiative to design rockets from building materials, construction sets, and paper according to their own ideas, displaying creativity and detail in their work.
  • The opportunity to participate in a project presentation, where children will be able to apply existing knowledge about space, space phenomena, and participate in fun competitions and competitions, present your drawings and crafts.


  • Acquisition of knowledge and practical skills by parents when interacting with a child.
  • Exchange of experience family education teachers and parents
  • Participation in the celebration Russian holiday- Day of Cosmonautics and Anniversary
  • Formation of partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of group life.


  • Systematization and improvement of the quality of work with children on the development of cognitive and research abilities through various types productive activity
  • Increasing the level of pedagogical competence in mastering modern educational technologies (project method);
  • Spreading teaching experience in the use of non-traditional visual technologies, mnemonics, electronic educational resources.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1

  1. Identification of children's initial knowledge about space.
  2. Information from parents about upcoming activities.
  3. Selection of literature about space, photographs, posters.

Stage 2

  1. Carrying out using the developed technology;
  2. Working with parents on a given topic
  3. Organization of role-playing, didactic and outdoor games.

Stage 3

  1. Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings.
  2. Educational and themed holiday “Mysterious Space” together with parents
  3. Presentation of the solar system model
  4. Collective panel “Space collage”
  5. Reading competition “Poems about space”

Preliminary work:

  • Selection of visual material and educational literature.
  • Drawing up recommendations for parents “Holiday - Cosmonautics Day”, “What to tell your child about space?
  • Reading with children E.P. Levitan “Your Universe”, “Star Tales”, K.A. Portsevsky “My first book about Space”
  • View illustrations and encyclopedias on the topic “Space”
  • Homework: Together with your parents, draw any planet you like and find information about it. To then tell and show to others. . Design a homemade book “Secrets of Space”.

Stage 1

Identification of children's initial knowledge about space.

Speaking about the development of children’s cognitive activity, L.S. Vygotsky noted that in the absence of knowledge, questions do not arise. Consequently, the questions asked by children reflect their level of awareness in a particular area of ​​knowledge and allow us to identify the zone of proximal development.

And we had a lot of questions:

“Why is the Moon kind of white during the day, but at night is it yellow?” (Masha)

“Why is it dark in space? Is the sun shining there?” (Danil)

“Where does the Sun come from in the morning? Where does Luna live? (Pauline)

“Is the moon far or close? Why do we see the Moon here, but it’s also shining at Grandma’s?” (Darina)

“Why can’t you reach the sky?” (Rashid)

And many, many more varied questions:

“Why is the Sun hot?” (Farid)

“Why does the moon follow us when we move?” (Darina)

“Why is the Moon round, and sometimes like a piece of bread, as in a riddle? Why does the Moon sometimes look like a pancake, sometimes like a piece of cheese?” (Nikita)

“Are the stars round or square? Why are they visible at night but not during the day?” (Sasha)

“Where do the stars go when they fall from the sky?” (Nikita)

“Why doesn’t the moon fall, but the stars do?” (Julia)

Who are astronauts? Are astronauts pilots? Why do they fly into space? (Pauline)

Analysis of the questions that children asked about space and space objects allowed us to draw a number of important conclusions.

  • The cognitive capabilities of preschoolers in the field of natural science are very great.
  • The vast majority of questions arise in children based on observations of real phenomena and their own logical reasoning.
  • It is possible to satisfy their needs only if we abandon “school” teaching methods and take into account the specifics of the thought processes of children in the first seven years of life.
  • Preschoolers ask a lot of questions about space, stars, and astronauts, since this topic, like everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye, excites children’s imagination.

How to find answers to all your questions:

Yulia suggested asking parents to find photographs or pictures about space on the Internet;

Danil decided to ask adults to tell what they know about space, planets and astronauts.

This project will help children learn to obtain information from various sources, systematize the knowledge gained, and apply it in various types children's activities. Also at this stage, the following work was carried out: studying the literature, updating the content of the subject-development environment, compiling notes, card files of games, experiments, manuals, identifying topics for consultations and events for parents, testing, questioning children and parents.

Stage 2 - project implementation

A project implementation plan was drawn up (system web) ( Appendix 1) in accordance with educational areas, as well as a thematic plan for the distribution of activities for children and adults in accordance with the special names of educational centers. Work on the project was carried out in various directions (with children and their parents) educational - “Space laboratory. Children's modeling", "Cosmocinema"; gaming - “Cosmic Play”; reading fiction - " Reading room. Poetic living room"; artistic and creative – “Space Workshop”; physical education and health center “Space Gym”; musical - “Space Music” (Appendix 2).

The children were offered visual and didactic material: a diagram of the Solar System, a globe, star maps, illustrations, photographs, etc. In the process of activity, children learned to model, reason, and analyze. The work was carried out consistently and in a system.

When carrying out the work, individual age and psychological characteristics children (development of thinking, memory, imagination, perception). The content of the activity is focused on the mental, personal and psychological development of the child.

During the project, children gained an idea about the planets of the solar system, about the Earth as a planet: shape, size, movement around the Sun and its axis. We learned the name of the first cosmonaut on Earth. We got acquainted and learned about the meaning of new words “cosmonaut”, “space suit”, “satellite”, “constellation”, “meteorite”, “orbit”, “telescope”.

This activity contributed to the development logical thinking, creative imagination, as well as children’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena.

When implementing the project, variable forms of work were used: problem-search situations, integrated, complex training, analysis of problem situations.

Much attention was paid to creating conditions for the development of cognitive and speech activity of older preschoolers, as well as the development of their curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development mental abilities and speech, which contributed to a comprehensive harmonious development personality.

Methodological and didactic materials were compiled according to the principle of thematic planning. The essence of thematic planning is that:

  • when getting acquainted with the outside world, children became acquainted with new topic dedicated to space;
  • all other types of activities (speech development, modeling and others) continue this theme;
  • parents are offered recommendations and advice on conducting observations, reading to children at home, to consolidate the material covered;
  • holidays, leisure activities, and quizzes not only help to consolidate and improve children’s knowledge, but also provide an opportunity to implement this knowledge in games (role-playing, directing, movement). (Appendix 3)

This structure of educational work allows us to take into account the principles of preschool didactics:

  1. The principle of interconnection between all areas of work with preschool children.
  2. Principles of consistency.
  3. The principle of systematicity.
  4. The principle of repetition.
  5. The principle of visibility.

IN thematic planning All forms of work with children are provided: direct organized activity, free play, individual work with children, reading fiction, conversations with children, entertainment, quizzes, etc. All these forms serve to achieve the goal of the project - this comprehensive development children of senior preschool age, developing the child’s ability to discover new, unexpected opportunities in the everyday, developing the ability to systematize and generalize their knowledge.

For cognitive development We had weekly conversations with the children on the topics “Why is it necessary to study space?”, “Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the planet”, “Planets and stars”, “What kind of spaceships are there”, “Stars and constellations”, “Earth is our home in Universe”, “The Sun is the source of life on Earth”. The purpose of these conversations is to expand preschoolers’ ideas about the Universe.

While studying artistic activity The children sculpted funny Martians, cosmonauts, spaceships and lunar rovers, made appliqués from colored paper, fabric and foil on the theme “Stars and Comets”, and depicted their ideas about space flight. We created models of “Rocket at Launch” and the panel “Space Collage”. All these crafts were exhibited at the Mysterious Space exhibition.

Preschoolers received initial ideas about the Universe, the first flight to the Moon, the launch of Sputnik, and scientists-inventors in an accessible and fun way when they went to space travel in the process of cognitive activity and role-playing games.

They are very popular among students didactic games“Star Trek”, “Different pictures”, “Choose clothes for an astronaut”, the purpose of which is to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Creativity on the theme “Amazing Space” involves a flight of fantasy, freedom of expression and, of course, knowledge and ideas about the universe, the solar system, space exploration and travel. When preparing children for modeling and drawing, we first read fiction: the wonderful fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, “Dunno on the Moon” by N. Nosov, stories and poems about space and the cosmonaut by various authors, looked at illustrated publications for children on astronomy. Modeling on the themes “In the distant sky, or starry sky” (modeling), “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space.” "Conquerors of Space" ended big teamwork"Space panorama". We have collected all the space-themed crafts. The painting “Starry Sky” was hung on the wall, and the panorama “Cosmodrome” was placed next to it. These works not only became an exhibition, but also an opportunity to “revive” the “space” created by the children themselves. The children had a desire to play with and “revive” the created composition. Spaceships have been launched into outer space, and satellites also fly there. Astronauts prepare for a flight, fly, go into outer space or land on the Moon. Aliens arrive in flying saucers. A game develops, to which children return again and again, inventing more and more new stories. Is there anything more significant and effective remedy to consolidate acquired knowledge and intensify the desire to gain new ones.

The most effective is joint activities children, teachers and parents to study the topic of space. Thus, through our common efforts, the photo album “Russian Cosmonautics: Yesterday and Today” was created. With the help of parents, a model of “Planets of the Solar System” was created, which deservedly attracts the attention of children and teachers when working on the topic “Space”. Parents and their children also created a “Star Book”, which contains stories, drawings and photographs of the constellations under which their child was born.

Parents became our active participants and helpers. Participated in collecting visual information for exhibitions (postcards, badges, souvenirs about space), making panels, and attributes for educational games. An astronaut's "spacesuit", a "control panel", a "telescope" for observing the stars, funny "aliens" made from boxes and plastic bottles, left no one indifferent

The result of our work since the project was the educational-themed holiday “Mysterious Space”. It was fun and the guys had the opportunity to show all their acquired knowledge and skills, show their imagination, inventiveness, take part in fun, but not at all easy “space” relay races, competitions, quizzes, show all their unusual works and present them to all spectators.

Thus, in the process of implementing the “Amazing Space” project, our children, along with the development of cognitive abilities, enriched their vocabulary, expanded their natural science ideas about space, and widely demonstrated initiative and creativity. They now know a lot and can tell other children about the achievements of Russian scientists and astronauts. We will continue to work on this topic

Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights on planets.
We’ll fly whichever one we want!

Project products

For children:

  • homemade books “My constellation”, “Riddles about space”
  • constructing rockets from paper, from boxes, from waste material;
  • modeling from salt dough “In the distant sky, or starry sky”, “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space”. “Space Conquerors”, “Zodiac Signs”
  • work with waste material “Aliens from Space”;
  • exhibition of books about space;
  • solving puzzles about planets, solving the crossword puzzle “Astronomer's Riddles”.

For teachers :

  • development of a thematic project
This research project gives preschoolers the most complete idea for their age about the Universe, the planets of the solar system, the role of man in the study of outer space, allows them to show their imagination and artistic abilities.

Project goals: creating conditions for joint cognitive activity of teachers, children and parents to develop natural scientific ideas about the world around us (about space). Introducing children to spiritual, moral and patriotic values ​​through all available funds, forming the basis of morality and culture of behavior. Deepening children's knowledge in the field of space exploration.



  • Generalize and expand children's knowledge about the Universe.
  • To promote understanding of the concepts of “space”, “astronaut”, “galaxy”, “Universe”, “planets”, “stars” and others.
  • To give an idea about the first cosmonaut, about the significance of the first flight into space Yu.A. Gagarin, about the inventor of the space rocket.
  • To form an idea of ​​the role of man in the study of outer space. X Form a concept of yourself as an inhabitant of planet Earth.
  • Expand children's knowledge about public holidays and significant dates. Give an idea of ​​the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
  • Development of children's cognitive and intellectual abilities and their creative potential.
  • Developing independence and curiosity.
  • Formation of an emotional, value-based attitude towards people whose work is related to space exploration.
  • Activation of the dictionary: sky, stars, planets, satellites, Sun, Earth, Moon.
  • Enrichment of the dictionary: Galaxy, Universe, Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, weightlessness, orbit, meteorite, spacesuit, lunar rover, orbital station.
  • Fostering love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in the achievements of domestic scientists and astronauts.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards what is on our planet.
  • Developing communication skills and friendly interactions.
  • Development of dialogical speech.
  • Creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual assistance, and a favorable emotional climate on the basis of joint productive activities.
Forms of work with parents:
  • Informing parents about upcoming activities and the topic of the project.
  • Assistance in the selection of information and visual material.
  • Making visuals, creative works together with children and organizing the exhibition “Imaginary Worlds”.
Work plan for project implementation

Preparatory stage

  • Identification of children's initial knowledge about space.
  • Informing parents about upcoming activities.
  • Selection of literature about space, photographs, illustrations, posters, etc.
  • Thinking through forms of work with parents.
Practical stage
  • Conducting educational activities using various forms.
  • Classes on the topics: “Space Odyssey”, “Profession of an astronaut”, “Signs of the Zodiac”, “Space rockets”, “Journey of young cosmonauts”, “We want to be like the heroes of cosmonauts”, “Mysterious space”, “Cosmodrome”, “Flying” dishes and satellites”, “Guests on Planet Earth”.
  • Organization of didactic, role-playing and outdoor games.
  • Independent activities of children.
  • Introduction to the telescope and observing the starry sky.
  • Working with parents on the topic of the project, their participation in the selection of information and visual material, producing creative works at home with their children.

Contents of project implementation activities

Communication. Cognition.

  • Thematic conversation "Profession of astronaut."
  • Thematic conversation "Heroes of Space."
  • Conversation-reasoning “What would I like to see in space.”
  • Compilation of stories “Message to the inhabitants of another planet.” Making a space collage, conversation.
  • Making a collage “My zodiac sign”, conversation.
  • Crossword "Hidden Planets".
  • Conversation “Legendary pages of our cosmonautics.”
  • Thematic conversation “All about the planets” (based on cards for classes in preschool educational institutions “Tell the Children”).
  • Conversation "Secrets of space."
  • Working with a telescope. Observation of the evening sky.
  • A game to develop attention and logic “Save the world from aliens”
  • V. Moroz “Legendary pages of our cosmonautics.”
  • S. Mikhalkov “From carriage to rocket.”
  • N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon.”
  • K. Bulychev “The Secret of the Third Planet.”
  • A.S. Exupery "The Little Prince".
Artistic creativity
  • Drawing in the non-traditional technique "scratch": "Space Odyssey".
  • Modeling from salt dough"I want to become an astronaut."
  • Modeling: making a model of the “Solar System”.
  • Application "Space rockets".
  • Application “Distant Space”.
  • Drawing “Animals-astronauts”.
  • Drawing with watercolors “Zodiac Signs”.
  • Making crafts together with parents “Dad, Mom, Me: creating cosmic miracles.”
  • Drawing and making a collage “Space aliens and their spaceships.”
  • Modeling-construction: “Big-eyed aliens in their flying saucers.”
  • Drawing in an unconventional technique - blotography “Orion Nebula”.
  • Drawing: "Draw a galaxy."
  • Unconventional technique drawing "monotopy": "Outer space".
  • Drawing “My zodiac sign.” Unconventional drawing technique "engraving": "Rocket".
  • “Deep relief” method. Theme "Space".
  • Drawing on foil “Space fantasies”.
  • Manual labor"Flying objects".
  • Construction from waste material “Aliens”.
Project implementation results

In the process of joint cognitive activity of teachers, children and parents, children’s natural science ideas about the world around them expanded, knowledge about space, and the role of man in the study of outer space was enriched.

Children have formed a concept of themselves as an inhabitant of planet Earth, and pride in the achievements of domestic scientists and astronauts.

Children’s cognitive and intellectual abilities, independence and curiosity, and communication skills were further developed.

At the end of the project, through the activation of mental activity, putting forward or refuting hypotheses, resolving problem situations, and independently searching for solutions, children have information and are proud of their Motherland and its achievements in the field of astronautics.

Teachers and parents have collected extensive educational, illustrative, and visual material to enrich children’s knowledge about space. A portfolio on the project topic has been prepared, a card index has been prepared, didactic materials have been purchased, board games, posters, star maps.

Nina Prostova, head of kindergarten No. 265,
Branch No. 1 of NOU "INESNEK", Moscow

Lyudmila Krainaya

Target: Expand and deepen students’ knowledge about space, introduce children to history astronautics, arouse interest in space.


1. promote the formation of concepts in children « Space» , « Outer space» ; introduce the history of development space;

2. Introduce the first pilot - cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

3. cultivate respect and love for the Earth as a cosmic miracle, giving everything necessary for life, as well as a sense of pride in the history of our planet, for the achievements of domestic scientists, designers, astronauts.

4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Relevance project:

Space- This is an extensive topic for research, arouses interest among children and provides an opportunity to comprehensively develop the personality of preschoolers.

Implementation stages project

1. Identifying children’s initial knowledge about space.

2. Information from parents about upcoming activities.

3. Selection of literature about space, presentations, photographs, posters.

1. Spending the week space in the group.

2. Work with parents on a given topic.

3. Organization of plot-role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, individual and group work.

1. Organization of the exhibition “We will fly on a rocket” (joint work of children and parents)

2. Exhibition of drawings "So mysterious space»

3. Poetry evening "Poems about space»

Conversations using presentations.

1. Conversation "What do we know about space» "Earth is our planet", "History astronautics"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars.

2. Presentation of children "Family of Planets".

Target: expand ideas about the planets of the solar system

3. Conversation “I want to be” astronaut. "

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of what comes first astronaut was a Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. Expand children's understanding of space flights; introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian astronautics –K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev. To cultivate pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people. Bring children to understand that astronaut there can only be a healthy, educated, strong person.

4. Reading fiction literature:

Target: introduce children to literature about space; foster cognitive activity.

Y. K. Golovanov "The road to cosmodrome» ,

V. Kashchenko "Constellation of Dragons",

P. O. Klushantsev “What did the telescope tell you?”,

O. A. Skorolupova "Conquest space» ,

N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"

Poems about space.

Riddles about space.

Nagibin Yu. M. Stories about Gagarin.

5. Design

Subject: “Such different missiles”.Target: study the name of the rocket components; independently construct a rocket from building parts and figures astronauts from natural material.

6. Drawing

Subject: So mysterious space.

Target: expand horizons, children’s knowledge about space; develop color perception; maintain interest in visual arts, reflect your impressions in the drawing.

Subject: « Astronaut» .

Target: teach children to sculpt astronaut, submit the form parts: oval (body, round (head, cylindrical (legs); convey the proportional relationship between parts and parts; learn to combine sculpted parts into one whole, connect them tightly by applying one part to another.

8. Outdoor games:

-« Space relay race»

-"Don't miss the rocket"

-“It flies, it doesn’t fly”

9. Role-playing games:

" School astronauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce work astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, expand vocabulary children: « outer space» , « cosmodrome» , "flight", "open space» .

"Flight to space»

The zoo needs new rare animals. The zoo director offers to fly for them to one of the planets of the solar system.

10. Educational games:

- "Restore order to the solar system"

- "Find the odd one out"

-“Find your way to Earth using the map”


Participation in project 65% of families, in celebration of the Russian holiday - Day cosmonautics and anniversary date!

Children's interest in the topic space, manifestation of their cognitive activity. Children talk and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten. They brought a lot of their own literature from home to read, together with their parents they made rockets for the exhibition, drew pictures about space. Children's initiative to design rockets from building materials, construction sets, and paper according to their own ideas, displaying creativity and detail in their work.

Publications on the topic:

We always prepare for all holidays very seriously and very responsibly. And even more so for such a holiday as Cosmonautics Day.

Research project for middle group children “Journey to the Land of Flowers” Research project for children middle group“Star” “Journey to the Land of Flowers” ​​Relevance of the project. The process of cognition is creative.

Goal: Expand children's horizons and knowledge about space. Objectives: Continue to introduce space objects; Clarify children's knowledge about the planets.

Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group “Space Rescuers” Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group. Teacher Kuchumova L.M. Topic: “Space rescuers.” Target. Pin.

Hello, dear friends and guests of my page! The holiday is coming soon - Cosmonautics Day. I want to suggest children's master– class “Space.

Project for children of senior preschool age Space distances

for children of senior preschool age

"Space distances"


Implementation period: short-term (April 4-12)

Type: group, information-practice-oriented

Age : children of senior preschool age

Participants: children, teachers, music director, parents

Security: dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, literature, educational games, paintings, photos, TV, laboratory children's experimentation

Target: enriching the ideas of older preschool children about space through the use of design technology

Tasks : - cultivate pride in the country in which you live, curiosity, activity

develop elementary natural science concepts

to form the concept “I am an inhabitant of the planet”, to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space

Expected results: - extension elementary ideas about space, value attitude towards the environment

developing a respectful attitude towards people whose profession is related to space exploration

accumulation of methodological files of educational activities for children, consultations for parents, illustrative and demonstration material

Relevance of the project:

If in the 20th century any child was asked what he wanted to become when he grew up, more than 50% of children answered: “An astronaut!” They talked about space, showed programs, the names of the astronauts were known to everyone. All the knowledge gained about space, space discoveries and conquests, as well as plans for the future development of astronautics and the exploration of outer space instilled in every citizen pride in their Motherland. Due to the current socio-economic situation in Russia over the past decades, interest in space has been lost; most children first hear the name of the first cosmonaut only in preschool educational institution, with eyes round in surprise, learn the initial knowledge about space and astronauts: everything is unfamiliar to them, but very interesting. That’s why we created the “Cosmic Distances” project.

Project stages

- identifying the level of development of children’s knowledge about space

Informing parents about upcoming activities

Selection of literature, illustrations, photos

Discussion of information search options

Planning of activity stages

Discussion of planned results


Planning educational activities

a) on GCD

b) in critical moments

c) in independent activity

Working with parents

Role-playing, didactic, outdoor games


Musical and sports entertainment "Space Distances"

Presentation of an exhibition of joint child-parent creativity

Main stage

This project was included in the holistic pedagogical process of educational work in preschool educational institutions. Was organized various activities, a special place was occupied by the game, familiarization with fiction, productive activity.


One, two - there is a rocket,

Three, four - plane,

One, two - clap your hands,

And then on every account.

One, two, three, four -

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One, two, three, four -

And they walked around on the spot.

Sports entertainment for children “Space distances”.

Tasks: - foster a sense of pride in the history of your country

Develop cognitive interest in space, activity, curiosity

Expand children's understanding of space and astronauts

Materials :- poems about space and astronauts


Stars, hoops

Alien robot costume

Song “Song of Young Cosmonauts” (V. Shestakova)

Progress of entertainment:

Scenario of the event for Cosmonautics Day for children of senior preschool age “Journey into Space”


1. Expand children’s understanding of astronautics.

2. Foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

3. Organize competitive activities between teams.

4. Create active interaction among students in the team.

Equipment: portraits of astronauts, images of the planets of the solar system and famous constellations, cut-out pictures of a rocket, two balloons, rackets, demonstration material (slides about space, astronauts, children's drawings).

Educator: Guys, who can guess what our event will be dedicated to? (Children's answers).

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space.

Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is a special, triumphant holiday! No wonder the whole world celebrates it!

Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise into outer space. Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. Whatever they flew on fairy-tale heroes! (Children's answers). (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and beards of wizards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows.) .

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with an aircraft that could fly beyond the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only many years later, another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite.

On April 12, 1961, the world's first space flight with a man on board took place. We had been preparing for this day for a very long time.

Scientists, test designers and people of many other professions were involved in preparing the great flight. Everything had to be taken into account, everything had to be foreseen in order for the flight to be successful. It took a long time to choose a pilot-cosmonaut.

And after much testing and discussion, a decision was made: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin would become the world’s first cosmonaut.

Finally the decisive day arrived. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight on the Vostok spacecraft. In 108 minutes, the satellite ship with the world's first cosmonaut circled the globe and returned safely to Earth. It was a powerful breakthrough in space exploration!

And then there was a solemn meeting on Red Square. In a few hours, Yuri Gagarin became the most famous person in the world. When the government announcement about the great flight came over the radio, crowds of people filled the streets throughout the country. Everyone wanted to greet the world's first cosmonaut, Son of the Earth, Citizen of the Universe.

Valentina Tereshkova is the world's first female cosmonaut. To this day, she remains the only woman to fly solo in space. She spent almost three days in space.

Initially, it was planned to send two female crews into space at once, but later it was decided to abandon this idea.

V. Tereshkova made her space flight on June 16, 1963. on the Vostok-6 ship. It was the sixth and last spaceship from the Vostok series. The launch of V. Tereshkova’s ship took place at Baikonur not from the “Gagarin site”, but from a backup one.

45 years ago, a Soyuz launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying the Voskhod-2 spacecraft. Its crew consisted of two people: the ship's commander Pavel Belyaev and co-pilot Alexey Leonov. The entire flight lasted a little more than a day, but it was a historic flight. During it - March 18, 1965, when pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was the first earthling to leave the spaceship and make the first human spacewalk in history.

Educator: The word “cosmonaut” appeared quite recently. On October 4, 1957, for the first time, our rocket launched a man-made spacecraft into low-Earth orbit. And he began to revolve around the Earth, just as the Moon does. This is how the first artificial satellite appeared. (Points to the satellite on the central wall.) The road to space was open.

Educator: Imagine that you are future cosmonauts, and we are going to the cosmodrome.


We're going to the cosmodrome

We walk in step together.

We walk on our toes

We're walking on our heels.

They checked my posture.

And they brought their shoulder blades together (walking on their toes and heels).

Let's run guys together -

We all need to warm up.

Educator: People have always wanted to know whether there is life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? But to find out, you need to fly to the planets. How can we fly into space now?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Let's assemble a rocket

Competition “Build a Rocket” Who can build it faster? geometric shapes spacecraft?

The base of the rocket is made up of rectangles. Above the rectangles is another rectangle. Above the rectangle is a square, and on the square is a triangle.

Educator: We have assembled a rocket. And now we need to fly into space. But before we take flight, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics"House".

I want to build a house

(Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)

So that there is a window in it,

(Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)

So that the house has a door,

(We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)

Nearby for a pine tree to grow.

(We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate,

(We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

It was sunny, it was raining,

(First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)

And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

(Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

Educator: Well, are we going on a trip? Crew take your seats, fasten your seat belts! We begin to count the seconds until the start.

Teacher and children together: Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start!

Educator: Guys, we arrived on"Planet of Smarties."

1. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Earth) .

2. The name of the first cosmonaut to fly into space? (Gagarin)

3. What were the names of the dogs who were the first to return from space? (Belka and Strelka).

4. What did Yuri Gagarin say at the moment of launch? (Let's go)

5. Name the spaceship on which Gagarin went into space? ("East")

6. What is the name of the astronaut’s protective suit? (spacesuit)

8. What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? (Spaceship).

9. The fastest form of transport created on Earth? (Rocket).

10. What is the name of the first cosmonaut to go into space? (A. Leonov).

Educator: Well done, guys! All questions answered. And we leave this planet and go to another. And it's called"Sports" The inhabitants of this planet have prepared a relay race for us.

In space, any object weighs nothing. This state is called weightlessness. All objects in the spaceship are attached to their place. If this is not done, they will float freely. In such conditions, any person becomes a strongman. In zero gravity, not only a person, but also an object loses its weight. Now we will try to carry a balloon at arm's length on a racket.

Competition "Weightlessness".

Ball competition

The first player holds the ball between his knees and jumps to a certain place, then runs back and gives the ball to the next player.

. Fly to the sun.

Task: At the signal, run to the landmark and return. The baton is passed by a baton. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury

.Game “Who can collect space debris faster”

Scattered on the floor are cardboard figures, crumpled pieces of paper, small toys. On command and accompanied by music, children collect “space debris” into baskets. The one who collects the most wins.

Deliver to the medical unit.

Task: Two people from each team do a “stretcher” (join their wrists). It is necessary to deliver all crew members one by one to the medical unit (mat). The team that completes the task faster wins.

The results of the competition are summed up by the jury.

Educator: And now we will take a short trip to all the planets of the solar system. Let's name all the planets one by one. (Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter). (Children name planets)

Fizminutka .

There lived an astrologer on the moon - (“Looking” through a telescope)

He kept track of the planets: (Point to the sky with his hand)

Mercury - once, (Describe a circle with your hands)

Venus two, (Cotton)

Three - earth, four - Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven - Uranus, eight - Neptune, (Lean forward, bend back)

If you don't see it, get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

Educator: Guys, while you and I were doing warm-ups, our ship landed on the planet"Riddles."

1. Among the blue field -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

It goes around Mother Earth,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window.

Well of course it is. (Sun) .

* * *

2. On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

- Go to bed, it's late! -

Because mother is the moon,

And the daughters. (stars).


3. She spread her scarlet tail,

Flew off into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary... (rocket).


4. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is this? (astronaut)


5. In the evening, look out the window:

It's already dark outside,

A light bulb is visible in the sky,

It's called. (moon) .

E. Uspensky


6. Everyone has their own houses:

Stories have volumes

There are clothing stores,

Cabbage and pears have baskets,

Animals have a zoo,

The cars have their own fleet.

Everything that is in this world,

Has a home on the planet.

And the planet, I know,

It's called. (Earth) .

B. Popov


7. What kind of ceiling is this?

Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish.

It's a little bit bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue! (Sky)

Outdoor game “Fast rockets are waiting for us”

Rocket hoops are laid out around the hall. There are several fewer of them than there are players. Children hold hands and walk in a circle saying:

- Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flight to planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!

After the last words, the children scatter and take places in the “rockets” (if there are many children, then two or three people can sit in one rocket) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful poses of the astronauts. Then everyone stands in a circle again and the game starts all over again.

Educator: Astronauts must be very attentive. Let's test your playful, jumping, jumping energy and cosmic attentiveness! If I shout: “Jump,” then you, jumping, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!” " And if I shout: “Jump! “, - then you all jump up and answer: “Jump.” Do you remember? Let's begin!

Game "Confusion: Jump and Leap"

Educator: Well, guys, it’s time to return to our planet Earth. We're flying back

Educator: Our flight is over! Thanks everyone! Open the hatch! Get out of the rocket! Congratulations on your successful return to Earth. At the end of the flight, each astronaut must refresh himself. To remember the flight, I present you with sweet prizes.