Constructive modeling activity in the junior. Summary of the game of constructive-model activity for children of the younger group of kindergarten

Summary of the game of constructive-model activity for children of the junior group “Collars for nesting dolls”

Target: the name of the main parts of the designer (cube, brick, prism, cone, arch);
Continue to teach children to carry out construction in the required sequence according to the teacher’s model;
Exercise children in simultaneous action with four types of parts: cube, brick, prism, cone;
Activate the child’s speech with the words cube, brick, prism, cone;
Improve the ability to write a description of objects, highlighting essential features;
Cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help.
Material: ready-made house with a fence without a gate, nesting doll toys, cubes and arches for each child, prisms, cones. The guys came to visit us today. Let's say hello and smile at them.
Well done.
Now let's greet each other.
Communication game “Hello right hand”
Hello right hand,
Hello left hand,
Hello friend -
Hello friend -
Hello, hello friendly circle
We stand hand in hand
Together we are a big ribbon
We can be small -
Can we be big?
But no one will be alone.
- Well done!
Guys, look, the nesting dolls came to visit us, but for some reason they are sad.
Let's ask why, what happened to them?
Matryoshka answers.
We came home, but we couldn’t get into the house. No collars.
Guys, let's help the nesting dolls and build a gate for them?
But first, look at the gates I will build. (I’m building, the children are watching)
I take one part and ask what it’s called?
I take the second part, what is it called?
I take the arch and place it on bricks.
I take the following parts and put them on the arch. What are they called?
Well done.
I put a cylinder next to it, put a cone on it, take another cylinder and put the cone on the other side.
So we got the collars.
But in order to start building the gates, we need to warm up.
All day - here and there
There is a loud knock.
We are building a house, a big house
And with a porch and a chimney.
We'll decorate the house.
We'll put a flag on top.
Let's bring some flowers.
New house, meet the residents.
They will live in that house.
Well done.
Now we are ready to build the gate.
Come to the tables and get to work.
While working, I approach the children and ask: What is the name of the part?
What color is it?
Zhenya, have you already built the gates? What parts did you use to build it? What color?
Well done. Matryoshka is very happy.
Look at the gates Lera built, and these gates were built by Roma.
Well done guys, they built a beautiful gate for the nesting dolls. Now each nesting doll has its own gate.
Come to me and stand in a circle and tell me what you liked?
Well done.
Now take the nesting dolls and play with them, but first
let's say goodbye to the guests.
Now take the nesting dolls and play with them.

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Lyubov Borisova
Lesson on constructive modeling activities in the second junior group “Trees”

Target: Learn design image of deciduous crown tree from small scraps of green paper, introduce different techniques for tearing paper (into strips, into small and large pieces, learn to tear off the edges of paper by eye and get material for depicting leaves; continue to learn to work together and get joy from it; create a landscape composition.

Material: image of large deciduous trees without crown(slide, small strips of soft green paper of different shades.

Progress of the lesson

1. The teacher makes a wish riddle:

There is only one leg, standing still. And there are a hundred or two hundred hands around (Tree)

(slide trees without crown)

Consider tree, clarify that tree has a trunk and branches. Trunk tree one, and there are a lot of branches, hence the mystery. Read the riddle again, the children say the answer in chorus. They clarify that the trunk is trees It can be thick and thin, high and low, but one.

What else do you have there are trees? (Leaves)

The leaves form tree crown, you can hide under it from the heat in the summer. Under the crown tree shadow, chilly.

Is there a crown in ours? trees? (No, no leaves)

We have a poster with the image trees without crown. Let's make leaves and decorate ours trees - we’ll make a crown for them.

2. Children work at tables. The teacher explains and shows how to properly tear the paper to make small round leaves. Children work independently, under the guidance of a teacher.

While working, it is advisable to do gymnastics for your fingers. « Tree» .

U tree trunk, there are many branches on the trunk,

And the leaves on the branches are green.

(Press the backs of your hands to each other. Fingers spread

and raised up. Move your hands and fingers).

Physical education minute:

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree. One tilt, two – tilt,

Tilts right, left. He rustled the leaves.

4. Children, with the help of a teacher, analyze teamwork, see the positive in the work of their comrades, the beauty of the landscape composition and talk about it.


1. What do you have? tree?

2. What are the leaves called? tree?

3. What new did you learn at class?

Publications on the topic:

Prepared by: Educator Abrosimova Elena Petrovna GBOU secondary school No. 21 p. n. “Kindergarten “Terem-Teremok” Methodological development in terms of constructiveness.

One of the annual tasks of our preschool institution was to improve the work of the teaching staff, aimed at development.

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Summary of direct educational constructive-model activities in the middle group of compensatory orientation for children p.

Abstract of educational activities on constructive-modeling activities in the senior group “Young Architects” Goal: to learn how to create a building and a diagram for this building. Objectives: Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” (constructively.

Summary of a lesson on constructive-modeling activities in the middle group “Bridges” Topic: “Bridges” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​bridges and their purpose. structure; practice building bridges; strengthen the ability to analyze.

GCD for constructive modeling activities in the senior group “Space Builders” Goal: Improvement of the planet by building a home for its inhabitants using new generation construction kits. The form of organization of the lesson is creative.

Long-term thematic planning

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Directions: “Constructive-modeling activity”

Junior preschool age

Compiled by:


Epishkina E.G.

Explanatory note


Teach children to build basic buildings, support the desire to build something on their own. Learn to distinguish, name and use basic building parts (cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms).


· Lead children to a simple analysis of created buildings

· Improve constructive skills

· Construct new buildings using acquired skills (laying, attaching, applying)

· Use parts of different colors in buildings

· Learn to place bricks and plates vertically (in a row, in a circle, around the perimeter of a quadrangle), place them close to each other, at a certain distance (fence, gate)

· Encourage children to create design options by adding other details (put triangular prisms on the gate posts, cubes next to the posts, etc.)

· Change buildings in two ways: replacing some parts with others or building them up in height and length (low and high tower, short and long train)

· Develop a desire to build buildings according to your own design

· Continue to teach children to play with buildings, unite them according to the plot: path and houses - street; table, chair, sofa - furniture for dolls

· Practice making crafts from waste and natural materials, paper

· Teach children to carefully place parts in boxes after playing.

Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week




"Slide with ladders"

"Paths for Kolobok"

Learn to build long and short paths using bricks and plates. Learn to play around with buildings.

Learn to convert tracks into lengths. Reinforce the concept longer, shorter. Develop a desire to build.

Learn to build a slide with two ladders, help master basic design skills, learn to name the parts of a construction set, and identify what parts the ladder is built from.

Continue learning how to build long and short paths using bricks and plates. Fix color, the concept of narrow, wide. Learn to play around with buildings.


"Furniture for dolls"

"Chair and sofa"

"Kitchen furniture"


Build parts according to a model without showing techniques.

Learn to transform a building. Learn to name objects, highlighting their main parts. Fix the color and sequence of work.

Learn to build a “table” and “chair”, use parts for buildings as desired. Strengthen the ability to carry out construction in a certain sequence.

Encourage children to reproduce two or three types of gates using different parts of building material (bricks, cubes)


"House for Dunno"

"High and Low Gates"


"Build what you want"

Develop a desire to build for someone else by decorating the building using different colors. Develop design skills and the ability to complicate your designs.

Continue to learn how to build gates of different types. Fix color, concepts of high, low, pillars, ceilings.

Teach children to enclose a space using various parts of building material. Continue to develop ideas about shape, size and color.

Learn to build familiar buildings, consolidating acquired skills and abilities. Learn to build together without interfering with each other.

Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week



"Van and Truck"

“Toy store” made of paper

Learn to build a truck from building materials. Encourage creative initiative, invention, imagination, ingenuity.

Learn to make birds according to the pattern. Develop visual abilities in working with natural materials (cones, acorns)

Learn to build a truck from building material; replace some parts with others, combine them, determine methods of action.

Strengthen the ability to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, smooth out the fold lines. Offer to make a bunny or a bear.



"Horse Corral"

"High and low fence"

"Fence for the kindergarten"

Learn to build parts according to a model without showing techniques;

analyze the product.

Strengthen the ability to name parts and their colors.

Learn to enclose a space with a high fence; teach the technique of placing bricks on a long narrow edge. Develop your imagination.

Learn to change the height of a building; name the details: bricks, cubes.

Develop constructive skills.

Learn to fence off a large space (“lake” for ducks). Strengthen the ability to tell how they will build. Encourage the desire to design according to your own plans and ideas.


"Fence at will"

"House and Fence"

"Simple Bridge"

"Various Bridges"

Learn to close the space along a quadrangle, alternate parts by color and type. Develop the ability to analyze your construction.

Learn to build a house and a fence around it; play out various situations around the house with animals and small objects.

Learn to build bridges; highlight the stages of creating a structure; establish a relationship: the steeper the descent, the greater the speed of the moving car, etc.

Continue teaching how to build bridges; highlight the stages of creating a structure; establish a relationship: the steeper the descent, the greater the speed of the moving car, etc.

Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week



"By Design"

"Garage with two entrances"


Learn to independently create general plans for future buildings, think through a plan, and think through the stages of construction.

Develop the ability to independently choose a topic for construction, select the necessary material.

Learn to build a foundation for the ceiling, navigate the plane; outline the outlines of the future structure.

Teach co-design, think through a plan, think through the stages of construction.



"By Design"



Learn to build an airplane; name the details of the designer; fix colors. Develop an active interest in design.

Develop the ability to outline the sequence of construction of a structure, the outlines of a future building.

Continue to teach co-construction; distribute work;

achieve a single result.

Practice bending the sheet in different directions, fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, and then in half again; in the manufacture of toys based on the origami principle.

"Machine" made of paper

"By Design"

"My home"

"By Design"

Learn to make crafts from boxes of different shapes and sizes.

Develop visual abilities in the process of making crafts from a variety of materials.

Develop design skills, develop creativity, and the ability to complicate your designs.

Strengthen acquired constructive skills. Develop the desire to build according to your own plans, encourage joint games.

Develop a desire to build by decorating the building using different colors.

Literature used

1. L.V. Kutsakova. “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed.

N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.



Long-term thematic planning

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Directions: “Constructive-modeling activity”

Junior preschool age

Compiled by:


Epishkina E.G.

Explanatory note


Teach children to build basic buildings, support the desire to build something on their own. Learn to distinguish, name and use basic building parts (cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms).


  • Lead children to a simple analysis of created buildings
  • Improve constructive skills
  • Construct new buildings using acquired skills (laying, attaching, applying)
  • Use parts of different colors in buildings
  • Learn to place bricks and plates vertically (in a row, in a circle, around the perimeter of a quadrangle), place them close to each other, at a certain distance (fence, gate)
  • Encourage children to create design options by adding other details (put triangular prisms on the gate posts, cubes next to the posts, etc.)
  • Change buildings in two ways: by replacing some parts with others or building them up in height and length (low and high turret, short and long train)
  • Develop a desire to build buildings according to your own design
  • Continue to teach children to play with buildings, combine them according to the plot: path and houses - street; table, chair, sofa - furniture for dolls
  • Practice making crafts from waste and natural materials, paper
  • Teach children to carefully place parts in boxes after playing.

Approximate long-term planning


Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week







"Slide with ladders"

"Paths for Kolobok"


Learn to build long and short paths using bricks and plates. Learn to play around with buildings.

Learn to convert tracks into lengths. Reinforce the concept longer, shorter. Develop a desire to build.

Learn to build a slide with two ladders, help master basic design skills, learn to name the parts of a construction set, and identify what parts the ladder is built from.

Continue learning how to build long and short paths using bricks and plates. Fix color, the concept of narrow, wide. Learn to play around with buildings.





"Furniture for dolls"

"Chair and sofa"

"Kitchen furniture"



Build parts according to a model without showing techniques.

Learn to transform a building. Learn to name objects, highlighting their main parts. Fix the color and sequence of work.

Learn to build a “table” and “chair”, use parts for buildings as desired.Strengthen the ability to carry out construction in a certain sequence.

Encourage children to reproduce two or three types of gates using different parts of building material (bricks, cubes)




"House for Dunno"

"High and Low Gates"


"Build what you want"


Develop a desire to build for someone else by decorating the building using different colors. Build design skills, the ability to complicate your designs.

Continue to learn how to build gates of different types. Fix color, concepts of high, low, pillars, ceilings.

Teach children to enclose a space using various parts of building material. Continue to develop ideas about shape, size and color.

Learn to build familiar buildings, consolidating acquired skills and abilities. Learn to build together without interfering with each other.


Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week





"Poultry" made from natural materials

"Van and Truck"

“Toy store” made of paper


Learn to build a truck from building materials. Encourage creative initiative, invention, imagination, ingenuity.

Learn to make birds according to the pattern. Develop visual abilities in working with natural materials (cones, acorns)

Learn to build a truck from building material; replace some parts with others, combine them, determine methods of action.

Strengthen the ability to fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, smooth out the fold lines. Offer to make a bunny or a bear.





"Horse Corral"

"High and low fence"

"Fence for the kindergarten"


Learn to build parts according to a model without showing techniques;

analyze the product.

Strengthen the ability to name parts and their colors.

Learn to enclose a space with a high fence; teach the technique of placing bricks on a long narrow edge. Develop your imagination.

Learn to change the height of a building; name the details: bricks, cubes.

Develop constructive skills.

Learn to fence off a large space (“lake” for ducks). Strengthen the ability to tell how they will build. Encourage the desire to design according to your own plans and ideas.




"Fence at will"

"House and Fence"

"Simple Bridge"

"Various Bridges"


Learn to close the space along a quadrangle, alternate parts by color and type. Develop the ability to analyze your construction.

Learn to build a house and a fence around it; play out various situations around the house with animals and small objects.

Learn to build bridges; highlight the stages of creating a structure; establish a relationship: the steeper the descent, the greater the speed of the moving car, etc.

Continue teaching how to build bridges; highlight the stages of creating a structure; establish a relationship: the steeper the descent, the greater the speed of the moving car, etc.


Theme and purpose of OOD

1st week

Theme and purpose of OOD

2nd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

3rd week

Theme and purpose of OOD

4th week





"By Design"

"Garage with two entrances"



Learn to independently create general plans for future buildings, think through a plan, and think through the stages of construction.

Develop the ability to independently choose a topic for construction, select the necessary material.

Learn to build a foundation for the ceiling, navigate the plane; outline the outlines of the future structure.

Teach co-design, think through a plan, think through the stages of construction.





"By Design"




Learn to build an airplane; name the details of the designer; fix colors. Develop an active interest in design.

Develop the ability to outline the sequence of construction of a structure, the outlines of a future building.

Continue to teach co-construction; distribute work;

achieve a single result.

Practice bending the sheet in different directions, fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, and then in half again; in the manufacture of toys based on the origami principle.



"Machine" made of paper

"By Design"

"My home"

"By Design"


Learn to make crafts from boxes of different shapes and sizes.

Develop visual abilities in the process of making crafts from a variety of materials.

Develop design skills, develop creativity, and the ability to complicate your designs.

Strengthen acquired constructive skills.Develop the desire to build according to your own plans, encourage joint games.

Develop a desire to build by decorating the building using different colors.

Literature used

  1. L.V. Kutsakova. “Construction and artistic work in kindergarten.”

2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school,” ed.

N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.