Summary of physical education entertainment in the middle group of preschool educational institutions. Summary of the entertainment “Visiting the Hare” in the educational field “Physical Education Relay Races and Games

Synopsis of physical education entertainment in the educational field "Physical Education". "We are soldiers" for middle school children


1. Strengthening the health and hardening of children when performing physical exercises.

2. Creating a cheerful holiday mood in children.

3. Develop vital motor skills, actions: basic movements, sports exercises and outdoor games.

4. Develop physical qualities: agility, speed, flexibility and coordination of movements.

5. Cultivate in children courage and will to overcome obstacles.

6. Foster love for the Motherland and the Russian army, respect for the Russian soldier.

Children enter the hall accompanied by a solemn march.

Because today is a special day

For boys and men

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows!

May you have good health

The guys had

After all, the boy is

Future soldier!

We walk bravely

Left and right

Because everyone is a soldier

There were preschoolers too!

I wish I could grow up quickly

To join the army!

Song: "Our army is strong"

Exercise is good for everyone

Everyone needs charging.

For pain and colds

She saves us.


Are there any soldiers among you?

I want to see what your boys are like

Strong, dexterous and brave?

Please form a team

Today there are 2 teams participating in our competition

Team: "Rocket"

Team: "Star"

Today there will be judges at our celebration


Are the teams ready for the competition?

Children: Yes!!!

Relay races and games

Ved: Let's start our fun competition

1 relay race "Border Guard"(children run to the arc, crawl under it, run to the landmark and run back).

Ved: Well done! Next
Relay - "Hockey Players", because a real soldier must play sports (children run with a gymnastic stick, pushing the ring in front of them, to a landmark and return the same way).

Ved: Well done! While the judges are summing up the results, you and I will play
The game "Cavalry".

Word to the judges: Results for two relay races.

Ved. Attention, attention, our competition continues!

Relay "Artelists"", the soldier must be an accurate shooter (throwing at a target at a distance of 2 meters).

Ved: Well done! Let’s hold this relay race and see what skillful riders our boys are; every soldier should be able to ride a horse.
The relay race is called "Cavalrymen".

Ved. While our judges are summing up the results, you and I will dance the “Merry Dance”.

The judges speak for summing up the results and awarding.

Program content:

1. Develop interest in sports games and improve children’s health.

2 . Cultivate collectivism, the ability to play in a team, and empathy.

Inventory: 2 large balls, 2 benches, 10 small balls, prizes for each player, emblems for each team.

Progress of the event

Host: Sports, guys, everyone needs it

We are close friends with sports

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game.

To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY!

Today we have a competition between two teams. Team "Kolobok" and "Rocket".

A fox should also come to visit us.

(Knock on the door) - Here comes the fox! The fox enters.

Tell me, did I make it to the competition? (Yes). I brought an envelope, and in it sports games. I would like to watch you play and cheer for you.

Host: Well, of course it’s a fox, look.

Attention team to start!

Host: Team “Kolobok” is your motto?

- “We are koloboks!” We will always be ahead!”

Team Rocket is your motto?

- “The rocket is rushing high! There is one rule in it: one for all and all for one!”

We wish you all great success. May you not feel tired today and bring a lot of joy!

Relay races.

1. “Running with the ball”

(Each team member runs around the turning post and passes the ball to the next one)

2. "Harvest"

(Each player takes a small ball from the turntable and runs back, puts it in the hoop, etc.)

3. "Hurdle"

(Everyone runs, then crawls along the bench, then runs to the turntable and runs back)

4. “Running - cannonball flight”

(The ball is held between the knees. Jump until the turntable, then pick up the ball and run, and pass it to the next one)

5. “Passing the ball over your head”

(At the signal, the children pass the ball over their heads to each other. The last one runs forward, etc.)

6. “Rolling the ball between the legs”

(Teams stand with their feet apart, the first one rolls the ball back, the last one presses it and runs forward, etc.)

Host: Well, our competition is over. The jury sums up the results. We want to give everyone prizes and awards.

The holiday begins with a script. When developing scenarios, listen to the opinions and wishes of children. If they want to meet for a holiday with their favorite characters - Carlson, Baba Yaga or any other character - then the meeting will certainly happen. And how much joy and delight there will be!

Game is game, but when preparing holidays and entertainment, consider certain points:

Plan holidays in accordance with the tasks for a given period of time;

Use a variety of methodological techniques and ways of organizing children to perform exercises in order to increase their physical activity;

Games and exercises must comply with the dosage rules: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task decreases;

After completing tasks that excite children, use low-mobility games, word games, massage game;

Use a variety of sports equipment, including non-standard ones;

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment. It increases the emotional state and activity of children when completing the proposed tasks;

Create various situations in which children need to independently find a solution and overcome difficult obstacles.

To make the holidays interesting and memorable, choose a different theme.

Children love relay games, where they have to divide into teams, choose a captain, and come up with a name and motto for their team. Such games require more dexterity, courage, and dexterity from them. Despite the fact that competitions are loved by children, they should alternate with low-mobility games, amateur performances, rhythmic dances, and solving crosswords and puzzles. This construction physical education holidays relieves stress in children.

Adult participation plays a big role during the holidays.

It’s very nice to see mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother on the same team with their son or daughter at the holiday. They and their children participate in all competitions and relay races. The cheerful atmosphere of such holidays is also transmitted to adults.

At every holiday, take pictures of children, filming interesting points. Design albums. For parents, make exhibitions of photographs of past holidays, because the photographs can be so interesting and funny.

End the celebration by rewarding the teams. It can be different: a separate gift for each participant of the holiday, a sweet delicious pie or cake, interesting games or sports equipment, equipment for the whole group. And let it be held solemnly, cheerfully, with the lowering of the flag, a circle of honor, that is, so that this part of the holiday will be remembered by the children.

In this collection you will find scenarios for sports events and entertainment on various topics for preschool children. Play with children, love children, help them. After all, how nice it is to see cheerful, smiling, kind, healthy children!

This collection is intended for physical education instructors and preschool teachers.

Good luck to you!

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Municipal budget preschool educational institution № 160

"Kindergarten for care and health improvement"

Summary of physical education entertainment

(for middle group children)

Physical education instructor

Yantsen S.A.


Target: Instilling in preschoolers the need for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Objectives: Teach children to take care of their bodies, cultivate the need for healthy life, evoke in children an emotional response in the process of entertainment, a desire to participate in it.

Equipment and inventory: layout or drawing of eyes,illustrations of carrots, butter, eggs, fish, mask, scarf, germ masks, wet cleaning, garlic, onions, vegetables and fruits, baskets with red and blue balls, dumbbells,

  1. Decoration: posters, balloons.
  1. Presenters: Vitaminka, Doctor Aibolit (adults), Microbe (child).


Children enter the hall and stand in a circle. “Vitaminka” runs into the hall (addressing the children).

Vitamin: Hello guys! I live in the Land of Health. The word "hello" is similar to the word "health". When people say hello, they wish each other health. Let's say hello to each other too.

Communication game "Hello".

Children stand in pairs in a circle.


Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

“Hello,” the guys say (with their hands)

Standing facing each other, they shake hands.

Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

“Hello,” the guys say (through their noses)

Standing facing each other, they rub their noses, cheeks, and backs.

Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

Guys hugging.

Vitamin: Guys, you want to go on a trip and visit an unusual city.

Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains

There is a magical country.

It is called the land of health

Guys, I invite you on a journey!

Z music is taught, children perform walking on their toes (arms up, to the sides), jumping, etc.


Let's go ahead.

Many discoveries await us

We follow each other

Forest and green meadow

Normal walking

The bridge swayed to the sides,

And beneath him the stream laughed

We'll walk on our toes

We'll get to the other side.

Walking on your toes

We go one after another

And we’ll come to the swamp.

Let's cross the barrier in a moment -

And jump, jump, jump over the bumps.

Jumping on two legs

We're walking, we're walking

We raise our hands higher.

We don’t lower our heads,

We breathe evenly, deeply.

You see how easy it is to walk.

Raise your arms up through your sides and lower them down.

Close your eyes my friend

Turn around three times

You will find yourself in the land of health.

Vitamin: There are many unusual streets in the city of big guys, but to get to the street we need, we need to solve a riddle: two brothers sleep at night, and look at the world during the day.

Children: These are the eyes (match the eye layout).

Educator: So we ended up on Glaznaya Street and we’ll talk about eyes. Guys, why do people need them? Look what big eyes and why are they closed?

Vitamin: They are probably sick or asleep, oh, what grief, but what can you do to prevent them from getting sick?

Teacher and children: You need to wash and dry yourself with a clean towel every morning, do not touch your face with dirty hands, spend more time in the fresh air, eat more foods that contain vitamin A. (point to the image of carrots, butter, eggs, fish).

Vitamin: Guys, you need to strengthen your eyes, do eye exercises and perform special exercises (children do eye exercises

Look at your finger in the distance

Bring it close to your nose

1, 2, 3 close your eyes

Open your eyes 1, 2, 3 (the eyes on the model open)

Vitamin: Look, the eyes heard us and woke up. Let's go on to travel around the city of big guys (we flew by plane).


An airplane flies by

(arms to the sides)

Let's go flying with him

I looked at the right wing

(right hand to the side)

Left wing looked away

(left hand to the side)

I start the engines and watch closely

(circular rotations with hands)

I'm rising up and flying

(Hands up)

I don't want to go down

Educator: Doctor Aibolit lives on Lechebnaya Street. Today we came to visit him.


Good Doctor Aibolit

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone.

If someone gets sick -

Ate a lot of sweets

Cold nose and throat

And suddenly he broke his knee.

If your eyes are red

Or your ears hurt -

Contact Aibolit,

He will help and give advice.

Vitamin: Coughs, sneezes, approaches children.

Aibolit: Vitaminka, you are sick and can infect children and adults. Guys, is the patient behaving correctly?

Teacher and children:No, the patient must cover his mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing, or use a mask.

Vitamin: (Looks for a handkerchief) Oh, oh, lost

Children: We'll give it to you.

Vitamin: Doctor, how can a sick person infect others?

Aibolit: Shall we ask now?

Teacher and children:When a sick person sneezes or coughs, harmful microbes quickly move to healthy people, multiply and attack beneficial microbes, healthy person becomes infected and falls ill.

Vitamin: So this is why you should not sneeze or cough without covering your mouth and nose.

Aibolit: That's right, we all have germs. They can be useful and harmful, we have not seen them, but every person has them. If there are few beneficial microbes, then a person can get sick.

Educator: Guys, let's learn how to fight harmful microbes. Let's look at the pictures and choose the cards you need.

Children choose illustrations: wet cleaning, walking, breathing vapor from garlic and onions, vegetables and fruits. Sample answers: germs are afraid of cleanliness, so it is necessary to do wet cleaning every day. Microbes do not like fresh air, so it is necessary to ventilate the room. Microbes are afraid of vitamins, so you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, microbes are afraid of onions and garlic, so you need to cut them and place them in the room, and it is also good to eat onions and garlic.

A microbe runs in. In his hands he holds a basket with red and blue balls.

I'm an evil gluttonous microbe!

I eat everything that goes into my mouth.

I love where it's damp and dark,

I am at one with dust and dirt!

Microbe: My friends - harmful microbes - will instantly scatter and infect you (throws balls out of the basket onto the floor).

Vitamin: What is this?

Children: These are microbes, red is good, blue is bad.

Aibolit: 1, 2, 3, defeat harmful microbes!

Children, while listening to music, collect blue balls into one basket and red balls into another basket.

Aibolit: Thank you guys for helping me cope with harmful microbes, I’m in a good mood now.

Vitamin: To make it better, let’s say “We are the best, the most beautiful.” And now we will affectionately name every part of the body.

The little head is the sun. (Stroke themselves on the head)

Lobby - bobby. (Frown)

Nose - apricot (Touch the nose)

Cheeks - lumps (Crumple cheeks)

Teeth - oak trees (Teeth chattering quietly)

Beard - young woman (Stroke the chin)

Eyelashes - sisters (Blinking)

Ears are naughty (Ear massage)

Shoulders - grasshoppers (Raise and lower shoulders)

Handles - grippers (Imitates grasping movements)

Fingers - boys (Wiggle their fingers)

Breast - duck (Bend the chest)

Belly - watermelon (Put the stomach forward)

Back - cane (Straighten your back)

Knees - logs (Bend your knees alternately)

Feet - boots (Stamping feet).

Vitamin: Let's go on to travel around the city of big guys. (Our feet walk along the level path).

We ended up on Sportivnaya Street

On the sports street

Everyone must move

Lazy people, lazy people

Not needed here at all.

Let's take balls and dumbbells.

And let's stand together in a row

And we will practice

Many times in a row.

Children perform sports exercises with dumbbells. “Health is good, thanks to exercise”

Vitamin: Guys, we walked around the whole city of big guys and ended up on Igrovaya Street. Do you want to play, run, have fun?

Children: Yes!


Who is strong here, who is brave here!

Come out into the circle quickly

We are starting an interesting game!

Outdoor game “Freeze!” children jumping and scattering around the hall to the music. When the music stops, they look at the card and draw the object drawn on the card.

Toothbrush - standing on one leg, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest, palms together, fingers spread (bristles at the brush).

Comb - standing in a heel-to-toe position, arms bent at the elbows, forearms forward, one higher than the other (teeth), head tilted forward.

Towel - lying on your back, arms up, raise straight legs up.

Soap - lying on your back in a tuck.


So we washed ourselves! Well done!


Sun, air and water

(our best friends)

In the group, amicably in order

(we do exercises in the morning)

We shower with you

(cold water)

From colds and sore throats

(vitamins save)

Cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits

(useful products for everyone)

Less sweet, starchy foods

So you will become slim again.


Close your eyes

Three turn around

And in kindergarten, come back soon!


Goodbye guys! See you again! Be healthy!