Khanty-Mansiysk ▼. Minimum insurance pension and minimum wage in Khanty-Mansiysk

A number of events and changes will occur in the Russian pension system in 2016 that will affect all participants in the compulsory pension insurance system: both current and future pensioners, as well as Russian employers.

Increasing pensions and social benefits.

Will be indexed in 2016 insurance pensions and state pensions. An important innovation is that from 2016, insurance pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners. Their insurance pensions, as well as the fixed payment to it, will be increased by 4% from February 1, 2016.

The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,558.93 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point will be 74.27 rubles (in 2015 - 71.41 rubles). The average old-age insurance pension, taking into account the fixed payment in 2016, will be 20,126.15 rubles. State pension pensions, including social ones, will be increased by 4% from April 1, 2016 for all pensioners, regardless of the fact of work. As a result, in 2016 the average size social pension will be 11,713.19 rubles. In February 2016, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCB), the largest social payment provided by the Pension Fund, will be increased by 7%. Simultaneously with the indexation of the EDV, the cost of the set of social services that federal beneficiaries can receive both in kind and in cash equivalent will increase. At the same time, as before, in 2016 in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra will not have pensioners whose monthly income is below the pensioner’s subsistence level. The cost of living for a pensioner in Ugra is higher than in the whole country. Russian Federation Therefore, non-working pensioners whose financial support amount is below 10,732 rubles are entitled to a regional social supplement from January 1, 2016.

Assignment of pensions.

According to pension formula, which has been operating in Russia since 2015, to obtain the right to an insurance pension in 2016, you must have at least 7 years of experience and 9 pension points. The maximum number of pension points that can be obtained in 2016 is 7.83. The expected pension payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2016 is 234 months. Every citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home by submitting an application through the Personal Account of the insured person on the PFR website page in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra - website. Payment of insurance pensions to working pensioners Since 2016, working pensioners will receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it without taking into account planned indexations. This provision of the law applies only to recipients of insurance pensions and does not apply to recipients of state pensions, including social pensions. Indexation of insurance pensions in February 2016 will apply only to pensioners who have not carried out labor activity as of September 30, 2015. If a pensioner belongs to the category of the self-employed population, he will be considered working if he was registered with the Pension Fund as an insurer as of December 31, 2015. If a pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, he can notify the Pension Fund about this. You can submit an application to the Pension Fund until May 31, 2016. After reviewing the application, the pensioner next month payment of the insurance pension will begin, taking into account indexation. If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced. Upon termination of work after March 31, 2016, there is no need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. The fact is that from the second quarter of 2016, monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers, and the fact of a pensioner’s work will be determined automatically by the Pension Fund. For pensioners who worked in 2015, in August 2016, as usual, their insurance pensions will be increased (non-declaration recalculation) based on the pension points accrued for 2015, but in monetary terms no more than three pension points.

Moratorium on formation pension savings.

It was decided to legislatively extend the moratorium on the formation of pension savings until 2016. This is not a “freezing of pensions” and certainly not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that the 6% that could go to funded pension, will be used to form an insurance pension. So in any case everything insurance premiums, paid by the employer for the citizen, will participate in the formation of the pension. At the same time, the indexation of insurance pensions in recent years is higher than the average return on investment of pension savings.

Maternity capital.

Program maternity capital extended for two years. Now, to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2018. At the same time, as before, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time. In 2016, the Pension Fund continues to accept applications from certificate holders for a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles. Families living in the Russian Federation who have received or will receive the right to a maternity certificate as of December 31, 2015 and have not used the entire amount of maternity capital can submit an application. To get lump sum payment The application to the Pension Fund must be submitted no later than March 31, 2016. Families can use the money received for everyday needs. In 2016, the amount of maternity capital remains at the level of 2015 - 453,026 rubles.

Insurance premiums and reporting.

The insurance premium rate for compulsory pension insurance in 2016 remains at 22%. The maximum wage fund, from which insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system are paid, was indexed in 2016 and amounts to 796 thousand rubles (plus 10% above this amount). At the same time, the additional tariff of insurance premiums for employers with jobs in hazardous and hazardous industries (if the employer does not conduct a special assessment of working conditions) in 2016 is still 9% for List No. 1, 9% for List No. 2 and “small lists" - 6%. If the employer has conducted a special assessment of working conditions, based on its results, the class of working conditions in the workplace and the amount of additional insurance premium rates are established. As in 2015, if the number of employees exceeds 25 people, reporting must be submitted electronically with an electronic digital signature. The last dates for submitting reports to in paper form in 2016 are February 15, May 16, August 15, November 15, and when submitting reports electronically - February 20, May 20, August 22, November 21. It is planned that from the second quarter of 2016, additional monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers. Its purpose is to determine whether the pensioner is working. This information will save the pensioner from going to the Pension Fund and filing an application for the resumption of indexation of the insurance pension. The Pension Fund will inform employers in more detail about the specifics of submitting this reporting in the first quarter of 2016. The minimum wage in 2016 is 6,204 rubles. As a result, for the self-employed population who do not make payments to individuals, the fixed payment is 19,356.48 plus 1% of the amount over 300 thousand rubles, but not more than 154,851.84 rubles. In addition, since January 2016, the budget classification codes (BCC) have changed for the payment of insurance premiums by payers from among the self-employed population, for penalties and interest - for all categories of payers. You can learn more about all the changes regarding the payment of insurance premiums and reporting on the PFR website page for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region - Ugra in the “Insurers” section.

Description of the "northern" pension

Citizens of the Far North and regions equivalent to it have a grace period available for retirement. At the same time, the basic part of the insurance pension increases. Citizens with northern experience enjoy the same rights, regardless of their place of residence at the time of retirement.

A year of experience in places equated to the Far North corresponds to 9 months of work directly in the North. After 6 years and 7 months of work in the North, each subsequent working year brings the retirement date closer by 4 months. The law defines northern experience as at least 15 years. For men it is 5 years more than for women.

Let us recall that from January 1, 2015, the old-age labor pension was transformed into an old-age insurance pension, and the fixed basic amount was transformed into a fixed payment to the insurance pension. In this case, the order early appointment The insurance pension and increase in fixed payments for northerners do not change. All the conditions and examples listed below also apply to the fixed basic amount of the labor pension valid before January 1, 2015 and after January 1, 2015.

Northern pension experience and retirement age.

Woman - 50 years old Far North - 15 calendar years of experience or equivalent areas - 20 calendar years of experience. Insurance experience - 20 years. Woman - 50 years old Two or more children, Far North - 12 calendar years of experience or equivalent areas - 17 calendar years of experience. Insurance experience - 20 years. Male - 55 years old Far North - 15 calendar years of experience or equivalent areas - 20 calendar years of experience. Insurance experience - 25 years. A man - at 50 years old, a woman - at 45 years old. Permanent residence in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas. Work for at least 25 and 20 years, respectively, as reindeer herders, fishermen, and commercial hunters; 9 months of work in the far north = 1 calendar year of work in an area equated to the regions of the far north.

The law provides for the possibility of assigning a pension with a reduction retirement age in proportion to the existing experience. This requires at least 7 years 6 months of work in the Far North. In this case, the insurance pension is assigned with a reduction in the retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women) by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have the insurance period and length of service required for the early assignment of an old-age insurance pension and the length of service in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early assignment of a pension, decreases by 5 years. And we will provide another table to make it even clearer.

Work experience in the Far North

The age at which the right to an insurance pension arises

7 years 6 months

Men - 57 years 8 months, Women - 52 years 8 months.

Men - 57 years 4 months, Women - 52 years 4 months.

Men - 57 years old, Women - 52 years old.

Men - 56 years 8 months, Women - 51 years 8 months.

Men - 56 years 4 months, Women - 51 years 4 months.

Men - 56 years old, Women - 51 years old.

Men - 55 years 8 months, Women - 50 years 8 months.

Men - 55 years 4 months, Women - 50 years 4 months.

15 years or more

Men - 55 years old, Women - 50 years old.

The duration of the required work experience in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas depends on the severity of the natural and climatic conditions in which such work is carried out (the regions of the Far North are more severe compared to equivalent areas), therefore the legislation establishes rules for summing up periods of work in different northern regions and localities. The pension in such cases is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North.

Compensation for retired northerners for the cost of travel to and from their vacation destination.

Non-working pensioners who are recipients of old-age and disability pensions and who live in the Far North and equivalent areas have the right to compensation for the cost of travel to and from their vacation destination once every two years. For compensation, a pensioner can apply to the Russian Pension Fund at the place of residence with an application in the prescribed form indicating the place of rest. In this case, the vacation spot must be located on Russian territory.

Types of compensation:

provision of travel documents ensuring the pensioner’s travel to the place of rest and back; reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by the pensioner to pay the cost of travel to the place of vacation and back.

Northern pension when moving.

Let's look at the question that people have when they want to move from the northern regions or vice versa to the northern regions. How will their pension change?

If a pensioner moves from the Far North to an area with normal natural and climatic conditions, the fixed payment is determined without a regional coefficient. Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them, and who have an insurance record of at least 25 years (for men) or at least 20 years (for women), have a fixed payment to old age insurance pension and disability insurance pension are established at an increased rate regardless of place of residence. Moreover, of these, only those citizens who live in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to them are given the right to choose: an increase in the fixed payment using the corresponding regional coefficient or the establishment of an increased fixed payment of the insurance pension. If a pensioner moves from the Far North region to another northern region, where a larger or smaller regional coefficient is established for wages, the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, disability insurance pension and survivor's pension is subject to change either upward or downward decrease depending on the area of ​​the new place of residence.




[title as amended by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated 04.04.2003 N 113-p]

[Document with changes made
Resolution of the Presidium of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated October 20, 2000 N 212-pp
Resolution of the Presidium of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated November 27, 2000 N 221-pp
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated May 15, 2001 N 227-p
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated November 2, 2001 N 534-p
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated 04.04.2003 N 113-p
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 15, 2003 N 505-p
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 31, 2004 N 505-p]

[The document is declared invalid
Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated May 23, 2005 N 86-p]

In connection with received proposals, appeals from citizens and authorities social protection population of the municipalities of the Autonomous Okrug in order to improve the financial condition of non-working pensioners of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug who receive pensions in accordance with Federal Laws of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, dated December 15, 2001. N 166-FZ "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation, and the organization of a unified system of additional payments to pensions, the Presidium of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug decides

[preamble as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated 04.04.03 N 113-p]

1. Establish a monthly supplement to pensions for non-working pensioners living in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in a fixed amount.

2. A monthly supplement is established for non-working citizens receiving labor and social pensions:

a) for old age, for disability, depending on the number of calendar years worked in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug:

up to 5 years - 500 rub.,

from 5 to 15 years - 600 rub.,

from 15 to 25 years - 700 rub.,

from 25 years and over - 800 rubles;

b) in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (for each disabled family member under the age of 18 and studying full-time in educational institutions, but no longer than until he reaches the age of 23), social from among disabled children, disabled from childhood I and group II - in the amount of 800 rubles;

c) in case of loss of a breadwinner and social benefits (except for those specified in paragraph "b") - in the amount of 400 rubles;

d) from among the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor and citizens awarded the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory of three degrees - in the amount of 1300 rubles.

3. This resolution applies to categories of persons who arrived in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and received a pension on its territory as of December 1, 1999, with the exception of recipients of a survivor's pension.

[clause 2 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated 04.04.03 N 113-p]

4 Payment of the assigned pension supplement is retained for citizens who leave for permanent residence from the territory of the Autonomous Okrug within the Russian Federation and who have worked in the Autonomous Okrug for 20 years or more.

[clause 4 is supplemented by the resolution of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated December 15. 2003 N 505-p]

5. The Department of Finance (V.A. Dyudina) should clarify the expenditures of the district budget for 2000 for the payment of a monthly supplement to pensions and provide funding in accordance with this resolution.

6. The heads of local self-government of municipalities must ensure the payment of additional payments to state pensions citizens living in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, in accordance with this resolution.

7. [clause 7 is excluded by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated 04.04.03 N 113-p]

9. Entrust control over the implementation of the resolution to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Okrug O.L. Chemezova.

Chairman of the Government

Autonomous Okrug A.V. FILIPENKO



Presidium of the Government


Autonomous Okrug

[Attachments Regulations on the procedure for assigning and paying supplements to pensions for non-working pensioners

[Appendix modified by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 31, 2004 N 505-p]

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for assigning and paying a monthly supplement to the pension at the expense of the budget of the Autonomous Okrug.

1.2. The organization of work on the appointment and payment of additional payments to pensions in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug is carried out by the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the pensioner.

2.1. Non-working pensioners who have citizenship of the Russian Federation, live in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug and receive a pension in its territory have the right to establish an additional payment to their pension.

[Clause 2.1. amended by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 31, 2004 N 505-p]

2.2. Those who arrived and reside in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug after December 1, 1999 are entitled to an additional payment to their pension:

[Paragraph 1 of clause 2.2. amended by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 31, 2004 N 505-p]

Pensioners who have worked in the Autonomous Okrug for 20 or more calendar years;

Citizens who have received a pension in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug (new purpose of pension), with at least 10 years of work experience in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

2.3. When determining the right to an additional pension payment depending on the number of calendar years worked in the district, four boundaries are established:

Up to 5 years (who does not have work experience in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug and who has it for up to 5 years);

From 5 years (including 5 years) to 15 years;

From 15 years (including 15 years) to 25 years;

From 25 years (including 25 years old) and more.

2.4. Persons from among the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor and citizens awarded the Order of Glory and Labor Glory of three degrees, who received this title for work in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, are given one additional payment regardless of the length of service worked in the Autonomous Okrug.

2.5. For survivors' pensions and social pensions, additional payments are established without taking into account the length of service in the Autonomous Okrug.

2.6. Citizens who simultaneously have the right to receive various additional pension payments from the budget of the Autonomous Okrug, one of them is paid at the choice of the pensioner.

3.1. To establish an additional payment, a citizen (applicant) who has the right to an additional payment submits to the social protection authorities at the place of residence:

Application for additional payment;

Identity document;

Pension certificate or certificate from the pension authority ( Pension Fund RF);

Documents confirming the pensioner’s work experience in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug (work book, etc.);

Documents establishing disability (for disabled people and disabled children);

Death certificate of the breadwinner, birth certificate of the child (for pensions under the SPC);

Marriage certificate, divorce certificate (in cases of change of surname).

3.2.An application for an additional payment to a pension is considered by the social protection authorities within 10 days.

3.3.Additional payment is assigned from the first day of the month following the one in which the application was submitted with all necessary documents, but not before the emergence of the right.

3.4. In case of refusal to establish an additional payment to the pension, the social protection authorities send the applicant a reasoned response within ten days.

3.5. Social protection authorities check documents, determine the amount of additional payments to pensions, assign additional payments, register and store personal files of recipients of additional payments to pensions, and register pensioners.

3.6. Once a year, in order to verify the fact of work and residence in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, the social protection authorities register recipients of pension supplements.

Registration of pensioners over 80 years of age and disabled people of group I can be completed by members of their families or proxies (upon provision of the required documents). Social protection authorities inform citizens about registration deadlines through the media.

Disabled children who are full-time students are exempt from annual registration educational institutions over 18 years old.

Submission of an ITU certificate of re-examination for the extension of payment of pension supplement,

Submission of a certificate of study, passport or certificate of residence.

3.7. Registration of retired pensioners specified in paragraph 4 of the resolution is carried out once a year by the social protection body that pays the supplement to the pension.

Every year by April 1, the following documents are submitted to the social protection authorities:

Application for extension of payment (in free form);

Certificate from the pension authority confirming receipt of a pension;

A copy of the work record book, certified in accordance with the established procedure.

[clause 3.7 supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated December 15, 2003 N 505-p]

4.1.Payment of the pension supplement is made for the current month.

Payment of pension supplements to citizens who have left for permanent residence from the territory of the Autonomous Okrug within the Russian Federation is carried out through credit institutions by the social security body paying the pension supplement. The basis for payment is the pensioner’s application for an extension of payment in connection with departure, indicating the number of the personal account opened at the previous place of residence in a credit institution. [Paragraph 2 of clause 4.1 is supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated December 15, 2003 N 505-p]

4.2. Citizens receiving two pensions are assigned and paid an additional payment to one pension.

4.3. Pensioners who are fully supported by the state or who reside in state or municipal social service institutions are paid 25 percent of the due additional payment.

4.4. Payment of additional payment is suspended in the following cases:

Receipt of a pensioner to work, implementation of entrepreneurial activity;

Missing registration on time;

Deprivation of liberty of a pensioner by court verdict.

4.5. Payment of the additional payment stops on the first day of the month following the date of occurrence of the following circumstances:

Transition to another type of pension provision not provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation” , including pensions from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and other federal executive authorities;

Departure of a pensioner for permanent residence outside the Autonomous Okrug; with the exception of citizens who have worked in the Autonomous Okrug for 20 years or more.

[Paragraph 3 of clause 4.5. supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug dated December 15, 2003 N 505-p]

Expiration of the pension payment period (for disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner);

If the additional payment is not claimed within 3 months.

4.6. Amounts of additional payments not received by the pensioner due to the fault of the social protection authorities are paid for the past without any deadlines.

4.7. Payment of additional payments for the past (but not more than 3 months of the current financial year) is made:

If you miss the registration deadline for a valid reason;

If the pensioner does not receive the additional payment amount on time for a valid reason.

The validity of the reason is documented.

4.8. The amount of additional payment not received by the pensioner due to the fault of the social protection authorities is paid for the entire past period.

4.9. A pensioner has the right to recalculation based on length of service in the Autonomous Okrug, regardless of the type of pension received.

5.1. The pensioner is obliged:

Register within the established time limits;

Notify social security authorities within five days of the occurrence of circumstances leading to termination (suspension) of the payment of additional payment (employment, results of re-examination by the ITU, travel outside the Autonomous Okrug, change of place of residence, etc.).

5.2. The amount of additional payment excessively paid to a pensioner due to his fault is recovered based on a court decision or repaid voluntarily.

6.1. Financing of expenses of the budget of the Autonomous Okrug for the payment of services of federal postal organizations and other organizations (alternative structures) for the delivery and forwarding of pension supplements is carried out within 1.5 percent of the amounts paid, excluding value added tax.

6.2. Funds for the payment of additional payments are transferred by the Department of Finance of the Autonomous Okrug to the account of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Autonomous Okrug by the 25th of each month in the amount of monthly needs, according to the application.

6.3. Every month (20 days before the start of the payment period), social protection authorities that pay additional payments submit applications for funding to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Autonomous Okrug.

6.4. In current and periodic reporting on the implementation of cost estimates, expenses incurred for the payment of additional payments must be reflected separately from other types of payments. (modified from 04.04.03 N 113-p)

» a press conference was held with the participation of the manager of the Yugra branch of the Russian Pension Fund. Tatyana Zaitseva spoke about the indexation of pensions. On February 1, payments were indexed by 4%. Meanwhile, the authorities of Khanty-Mansiysk also decided to help pensioners financially.

A penny saves the ruble, says Irina Mozzhevilova. Especially when a pension is your only income. Today the pensioner learned some good news. For Defender of the Fatherland and International Day women's day non-working pensioners of Khanty-Mansiysk will receive one-time social assistance.

Irina Mozzhevilova, pensioner: “For a pensioner, every penny is necessary, and even with these 500 rubles I will make a wonderful salad and invite my grandchildren, nephews and relatives. And it will be very nice that I have some kind of unusual salad thanks to the fact that the city helped me.”

In addition, in February, non-working pensioners of the district center will also receive quarterly social assistance - 900 rubles. In total, about seven thousand Khanty-Mansi residents will receive additional support measures under the municipal program to support citizens.

Svetlana Lyushkova, service director social support population, Khanty-Mansiysk: “In this program we have additional social support measures that are paid to residents in addition to federal and district support measures. The category of citizens who can count on such support measures are non-working pensioners who have lived in Khanty-Mansiysk for 15 years or more. Our program provides for such a residency requirement.”

The number of pensioners in Ugra is growing. Over the past year alone, their number has increased by three percent and exceeded four hundred thousand people. Almost every second pensioner does not work. From February 1, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed. The increase amounted to more than five hundred rubles. For working pensioners, payments remained at the same level. However, once they stop working, they can also apply for indexation.

Tatyana Zaitseva, manager of the Yugra branch of the Russian Pension Fund: “Not only insurance pensions were indexed by 4%, but the cost of one pension point was also indexed by 4%. You know that since last year pensions in the Russian Federation have been assigned taking into account the cost of the point. So, the same cost of the point was also indexed by 4% and amounted to 74 rubles 27 kopecks.”

The monthly rate has also increased social payment from the state. It is awarded to certain preferential categories - the so-called federal beneficiaries. In addition, in the third quarter of this year, pensioners will be subject to additional indexation so that the size of the increase in pensions is equal to the inflation rate.
Author Alexander Kalachev, Anastasia Levdina, Flur Zagirov.

As of July 1, 2017, 425,553 pensioners live in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, of which 400,903 are recipients of insurance pensions (old age, disability, survivor). 34% of Ugra pensioners continue to work.

Pension Fund specialists have assigned 24,650 insurance pensions, which are determined according to new rules - taking into account earned individual pension points. 375,894 of assigned pensions are old-age insurance pensions.

“To earn the right to a pension in 2017, you must have 11.4 points and 8 years of insurance experience. The right to early retirement for work in the Far North and equivalent areas arises for women at the age of 50, for men at the age of 55, if they have 15 years of work experience in the Far North or 20 years of work in areas equivalent to the areas Far North. In addition, the insurance period for women must be at least 20 years, and for men at least 25 years. Upon reaching retirement age, the points accumulated over the entire career are summed up and multiplied by the value of the pension point, which from 04/01/2017 is 78.58 rubles. A fixed payment is added to the amount received. Both of these values ​​are indexed annually to a level not lower than inflation, but only for non-working pensioners,” comments Tatyana Sergeevna Zaitseva, Manager of the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the requirements for the number of pension points and minimum length of service are gradually increasing. By 2024, the required length of service to grant a pension will be 15 years, and the number of pension coefficients by 2025 will be 30.

You can see how your pension is formed today through the citizen’s Personal Account on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia ( The electronic service contains personal, up-to-date information about the number of points already earned, length of service and the amount of insurance premiums paid. The resource also allows you to predict how many points a person can earn this year.

Now the average old-age insurance pension in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra is 20,387 rubles. 17 kopecks, for disability - 13,320 rubles. 75 kopecks, in case of loss of a breadwinner - 9,692 rubles. 36 kopecks

In addition to recipients of insurance pensions, over 23.5 thousand recipients of social pensions live in the region, the average size of a social pension is 12,009 rubles. 02 kop.