Origami pencil made from triangular modules. Pencil made from origami modules step by step instructions

3D origami is a fun activity. From individual modules, which, by the way, are very easy to make, various products are assembled: from toys to interior items. If you are new to this business, then start from the very simple models. Try to assemble one product several times to understand the essence, train your hands, and consolidate your skills. For the first works, the pages of old magazines are quite suitable. Also prepare a ruler, pencil, scissors, cardboard, glue. You will need patience and accuracy and you will be pleased with the result.

Today I propose to make a glass for pencils using the 3D origami technique. You will learn how to make modules for three-dimensional origami, connect them into a circle, and use different sides module, design modules into a product.

All 3D origami products consist of individual modules. To begin with, I suggest using large modules. Cut the sheets of paper into 10 x 6 cm rectangles. Fold the module in the order as shown in the photo. You will need 176 such modules.

We begin the work by assembling the modules in the first circle: we connect two modules with the third.

So we add 16 modules and connect them with the same 16 modules until we get a circle.

To make a circle, connect the first and last modules. Having made the first circle, we got two rows. It is difficult to assemble the first circle without experience. Therefore, many craftsmen use glue, spreading the ends of the first row.

We continue to string modules. In each subsequent row we put the module on the adjacent ends. My product assembly process is represented by modules different colors for greater clarity.

Collect six rows in this order.

Turn the work over to the reverse side.

Squeeze the top with your hands.

We get a product that resembles a glass.

We continue to assemble modules in the same way. Make sure they are “looking” in the same direction. Make 10 rows.

For the eleventh and last row, put the modules on the other side.

As a result, you will get a neat tapered edge of the product. In this model we get a through hole. To close it, glue a cardboard circle to the bottom.

Create masterpieces with your own hands for family and friends with the site "

using the origami technique"

Purpose of the master class: introduce children and parents to the origami technique.


    teach children and parents how to make a pencil holder using the origami technique;

    create the need to acquire new knowledge;

    create a favorable atmosphere for informal communication between children and parents who are passionate about a common cause;

    develop aesthetic taste, sensory experience, creativity; development of creativity and imagination.

    cultivate neatness.

Participants: parents and their children.

Equipment and materials:

colored printed paper, scissors, glue stick, cardboard.

Master class plan:

    Actualization (intensification of activities).

    About modular origami.




1. Update:

Hello, dear parents. We are glad to see you and invite you to make a pencil holder using the origami technique together with your children, which will be useful for your children in the group, and joint production will bring you closer to your child.

Teachers in many countries have long noticed that origami:

Teaches you to listen to oral instructions;

Teaches you to take consistent actions;

Develops the ability to control fine movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain;

Improves spatial imagination and the ability to mentally operate with three-dimensional objects;

Introduces basic geometric concepts in practice;

Develops confidence in one's strengths and abilities;

Helps develop first drawing skills;

Stimulates memory development;

Teaches you to concentrate;

Develops creativity and research skills.

2. Origami – this is an art and not just one, but the art of folding paper. Today, origami is most often taught to children in kindergartens, elementary school and various circles of teenage clubs and centers.

Origami is a truly universal constructor, since you can make anything from just one piece (a sheet or square of paper). In most other construction sets, the parts are different, however, with the help of paper you can also master this principle of assembling complex structures.

In this case, a separate paper piece is called a module from the Latin word modulus - beat, rhythm, measure, module). Modules can be the same or different.

Various modules are usually used to create complex structures such as dinosaur skeletons or three-dimensional car models. In this case, we talk about heteromodular origami (multimodular, from the Greek Heteros - different), when the model is made up of differently folded squares.

3. Workshop:

We will make a pencil out of paper using the origami technique.(Calm melodic music sounds)

You have colored sheets of printed paper of different colors on your tables.

(The technology for making a pencil holder is presented in photographs):


18 .

4. Reflection:

We made pencil holders. Your pencil holders turned out beautiful and bright. Now children can put pencils in them too.

Thanks for your participation. Goodbye!

The order on the desktop is an excellent indicator of the organization and orderliness of the thoughts of the person who works at it. Nowadays you can find many options for desktop organizers on the Internet. But it’s much more pleasant to surround yourself with unique things that suit you. Anyone can make a pencil cup quickly and easily with their own hands and decorate their desk with it.

You just need a little patience and a little imagination. Material for creativity can be very diverse, sometimes you can simply find it at hand.

Assembling a simple pencil cup with your own hands

For example, make a cup for pencils out of paper. But the following are also suitable for this craft:

  • flower pots;
  • glass or tin jars;
  • plastic bottles;
  • knitting yarn;
  • cardboard tubes;
  • pencils or markers;
  • modular origami.

Modular origami is the creation of three-dimensional objects from paper elements - modules. Using this technique, you can assemble a toy for a child, a decoration for a desktop, or a cup for pencils. Beginners should not immediately take on complex work and buy special paper. Newspaper sheets or magazine pages are quite suitable for training.

Craft materials:
  • sheets of paper of two colors (here red and yellow);
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • slate pencil.

Using a cup as an example, you will learn the basics of creating paper modules for volumetric origami, connecting them into a cylinder, and experimenting with paper shades.
The work is painstaking, you need to be patient, but the result is worth it.

First we need to prepare the paper from which we will make modules.

We turn ordinary paper into a module.

Cut out 176 pieces of paper rectangles. We fold them as shown in the picture.

When all the modules have been assembled, you can begin to assemble the first circle. To do this, we insert two modules with their sharp ends into the third. The first 8 rows will be assembled from modules of the same main color.

We create a circle of 24 modules. For beginners, making and connecting the first circle correctly is not an easy task. The parts can be glued together. Then they won't fall apart.

In the 9th row we begin to introduce modules of the second color, according to the scheme: 1 yellow module, 5 red ones and so on in a circle.

We gradually reduce the number of red modules between the yellow ones. We decorate all sides of the stand in a similar way.

We decorate the bottom of the craft.

To decorate the bottom of the cup, you need to carefully turn its bottom over and seal it with another row of modules.

If desired, you can cut out a circle of cardboard that is suitable in diameter and glue the cup onto it.

Making a pencil cup out of paper: step-by-step instructions

Modular origami is a very beautiful and painstaking art. But there are times when time or paper resources are limited, but there is a desire to decorate your desktop with a cute and original stand for stationery. A master class on creating a cup for pencils from paper will come to the rescue.

To create a cup you only need one sheet of paper, but you have to be extremely careful, the paper wrinkles very easily. So that your craft does not get lost appearance While working, you need to collect the cup with light movements.

We make a square from a standard A4 sheet. To do this, take it by the corner of the short edge and bend it diagonally. Trim off the rest.

We bend the sheet diagonally and horizontally. In further assembly we will focus on the resulting lines. Fold the paper along the horizontal fold line to form a triangle.

The upper corner of the triangle needs to be bent about two centimeters, drawn along the fold line with a fingernail and straightened back to its original position.

We bend the lower right corner of the triangle to the left to the line marked at the top.

Fold the lower left corner of the craft to the right to the same mark. Next, fold the left fold diagonally to the left again. We hide the bottom corner down, between the layers of the product.

We carry out similar manipulations on the other side of the craft. Carefully smooth out the finished craft. Turn over and open the cup from the bottom. Use your fingers to smooth out the bottom of the cup from the inside.

Our stand is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

You can get all the details and even more options for creating a cup for pencils by watching a video master class on how to work with your own hands.