How to make an eternal cube out of paper. How to make three-dimensional geometric shapes from paper (diagrams, templates)? How to make a modular cube

    I suggest you make a paper cube step by step in two ways:

    1) The first method is based on folding:

    We need to take the right size a square of paper - cut out what you need;

    Mark the curves first and then start folding.

    2) But the second method involves gluing and pre-cutting a figure with connection valves:

    Everything is much simpler here - bend and apply glue to the valves, placing them from the inside.

    In order to make a cube out of paper, you need to draw 6 identical squares on the paper on the left side so that there is one square on top, three at the intersection and two below. In this case, the two side ones should have trapezoids measuring 1/6 square; they should be on three sides. The top square has one trapezoid. Cut along the contours and fasten with trapezoids. Everything is ready.

    The easiest way is to cut out a cross-shaped template from paper:

    In this case, the face that is located on the left in the figure will be the last, final one in the assembly.

    Here is another method of assembling a cube, it already involves several parts:

    And the following diagram will allow you to make a cube without using glue. If I'm not mistaken, this is how matchboxes of ten are packed:

    Paper cube It is very easy to do and this process can be carried out together with children - schoolchildren, primary school students.

    You should choose a thick sheet of paper, take a ruler, or better yet a triangle for constructing right angles, a pencil, scissors and glue.

    If you don't use it ready-made pattern presented below, then build a cube pattern by analogy, the required size will not be difficult. To do this, draw sequentially four squares vertically and two on the sides of one of the squares, add an allowance for gluing.

    When the cube is cut out, you need to carefully bend the edges, apply glue to the allowances and glue a paper cube .

    A cube of paper or cardboard can be made very easily, but the main thing is to draw everything correctly, so that later you can glue everything together.

    We will make a cube like this:

    In order for the cube to be correct and to be able to be glued, you will need to make the following markings on paper (sheet) of cardboard:

    Basically, that's all...

    In order to make a cube out of paper, you need to draw 6 identical squares on the paper on the left side so that there is one square on top, three at the intersection and two below. In this case, the two side ones should have trapezoids measuring 1/6 square; they should be on three sides. The top square has one trapezoid. Cut along the contour and glue using trapezoids that need to be bent and spread with glue.

At the end of the 20th century, the whole world was conquered by the multicolor Rubik's cube. Inquisitive Earthlings tried to collect at least one facet from one color. But, having got their hands on a rated toy, the first thing every lucky person did was try to understand how this design works and why it spins in all directions.

Yoshimoto Cube

The same admiring bewilderment and curiosity is caused by the Yoshimoto cube, which spins, turns in all directions and does not fall apart. Made up of 8 small cubes, it can become a strip, a cube and even a pedestal. Imagine our surprise when the entire structure splits into two acute-angled volumetric stars, which, in turn, are also not stationary. They turn into a snake, a ring, a star. It turns out that you can easily make such a magic cube with your own hands from plain paper.

You will need:

  • several sheets of thick paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Work order

Copy the dimensions from the photo and make a drawing on thick paper. By the way, it is not at all necessary to use these exact dimensions. You can increase or decrease them by the same number of times, thereby increasing the entire structure.

Please note that when connecting adjacent elements using tape, it is necessary to leave approximately 1.5-2 mm between them for better mobility.

To make such a magic cube with your own hands from ordinary paper, just take ordinary adhesive tape. For a denser material, and therefore a more durable toy, you will have to use glue and pieces of nylon tape.

Simple magic cube

If you can’t immediately make a complex paper cube with your own hands, try assembling a simplified version of it. The one that does not decompose into two star chains.

It also consists of 8 segments, but that’s all. You can make cubes from thick paper according to the drawing you see in the photo. But, unlike the first complex option, you can use any ready-made wooden, cardboard or plastic cubes for this.

Scotch tape is unlikely to stay on plastic or wood for long, so prepare glue and small strips of thick fabric or pieces of nylon tape in advance. PVA glue only bonds well to materials made from cellulose. To work with cubes from other materials, you must use Moment glue.

Miracle cube

This folding figure is very reminiscent of Yoshimoto's cube, only the elements that you first cut out of paper, then glue, then assemble into a chain using tape, do not look like cubes at all. But the result is a cube. By the way, do not forget that there should be a 1.5-2 mm gap between the elements and in this design for freedom of manipulation.

A hexahedron or cube is a polyhedron whose sides are all squares. Do you like riddles and puzzles? This article will teach you how to make a cube out of paper or cardboard. Let's consider such unusual products as the Yoshimoto cube and the transforming cube.

From the scan

Developments are called diagrams that allow you to make a three-dimensional figure from paper or cardboard. First, let's learn how to build a sweep. To make it you need paper, pencil, ruler and scissors.

All sides of the cube are squares. So, first you need to draw a square on a piece of paper. At the same time, do not forget about the rules of geometry - a square has all sides equal, and the angles are 90°. Next, let’s remember how many faces the cube has – six. That is, there should also be six of them in the gluing diagram. Draw four squares around the central square. Where should I put another one? Just draw it on the side of one of the squares. The edges are in place, there are not enough allowances for gluing. They need to be drawn on three side squares. They are 0.5-1 cm.

Do not forget to cut their corners at an angle of 45°, so they will not interfere when gluing the figure.

The scan is ready! This is what you should get:

Now you need to arm yourself with scissors and glue and assemble the figure. Cut out the development using scissors. Next, you need to bend all the edges of the cube, as well as the allowances. Lubricate the edges with glue and connect the cube together. Volumetric paper cube is ready!

Origami cube

The origami technique is very ancient. Its appearance is associated with the production of paper in Ancient China. The Japanese adopted its secret, and it was there that the art of origami originated. Previously, figures made of paper had a sacred meaning. They decorated temples, wedding and funeral ceremonies. The Japanese believed that hanging balls folded using the origami technique above the patient's head would help ward off illness and evil spirits. Later this art began to be not only religious, but also entertaining.

Most of the patterns for origami originate from ancient times, but modern masters have also made a significant contribution to the development of this unusual type of creativity. We invite you to try folding a cube using the origami technique. To do this, you need to take a square sheet of paper and make a fold in the center, and then bend the edges towards the middle. This initial figure is called a door.

Fold the edges toward the center and tuck the top and bottom corners into the pockets:

Turn the workpiece over and bend along the lines indicated in the diagram:

The result is a module. To collect a cube of such modules you need six. Each part has pockets; it is into them that neighboring modules are inserted. Connect the parts according to the diagram:

The origami cube is ready. For beauty, you can make each side from paper of different colors.

Unusual puzzle

Do you want to please your beloved children with an unusual puzzle or make an unforgettable photo album? Then a short master class on creating a transforming cube will be useful to you. On each side of such a cube you can place a picture or photograph, and inside there are as many as six more pictures.

To make such a cube you will need:

  • 12 pictures or photographs;
  • Glue;
  • 8 cubes with 4 cm sides;
  • Scotch.

You can take the most ordinary children’s cubes or glue them yourself using this pattern:

First, look at the places where the cubes are attached:

It is important to understand! The whole secret of transformations of such a puzzle lies in the correct gluing of pairs of cubes.

To make it more clear, let's look at this process step by step. First, glue two pairs of cubes together as shown by the yellow stripes in the diagram:

Place these four cubes side by side and glue them together in the places indicated in blue:

Place the cubes as shown in the diagram. In this case, the yellow gluing will be on the side opposite the red one. Glue along the red lines:

The photo must be placed on the four cubes. The size of the photographs is 8 by 8 cm.

It is important to glue the photo carefully, especially if you do it with glue. Otherwise, you can inadvertently glue together those edges that are responsible for the correct transformation of the puzzle. So it's better to use hot glue or double-sided tape.

An unusual photo album from a transforming cube is ready! You can see in the photo how you can lay it out and view pictures:

Japanese invention

A real puzzle can be not only the cube itself, invented by the Japanese scientist Naoki Yoshimoto in 1971, but also the assembly of this unusual product. According to this scheme, you need to collect 48 pyramids.

You can clearly see how to correctly assemble this wonderful craft and its transformations in this video tutorial:

Video on the topic of the article

You can see more details about making cubes and puzzles consisting of them in the selection of videos below. Happy creativity!

At first it seems that these beautiful flowers are glued together from several parts. But such a flower can be folded from a square sheet of one-sided colored paper in just half an hour. In the center of the flower you can see the back (white) side of the paper. The most difficult moment of assembly is the final phase. But thanks step by step photos this can also be easily dealt with. The main thing is to carefully look at the photographs.

Sequence of work.
Fold the square in half diagonally (the white side will be inside) and unfold it.

Fold the sheet along the second diagonal.

Unfold the sheet again and fold it in half horizontally.

Unfold the piece of paper, turn it 90° and fold it in half again.

You will get a square with these folds.

Turn it over with the white side up. Bend the bottom of the square in half, aligning its edge with the horizontal fold.

Unfold it and rotate it clockwise 90°.

Fold the bottom of the square in half again to the middle line.

Repeat the steps shown in photos 8-9 twice. You will get a square, in the center of which there is another square, but smaller. It is indicated by dotted lines.

Lift the two closest sides of the square by the edge and connect them together, making a large fold.

Fold the edges, without releasing the folds, into the center of the workpiece.

Iron this fold to the left.

Then fold the fold in the opposite direction and press the fold again.

Open the fold.

When unfolded, press it onto the workpiece. You will get a small square.

Do the same with the remaining three corners (photo 11-16). You will get a blank with four small squares.

Now you need to fold each of these squares in a special way to make petals. Fold the top leaf of the square from the center to the top, folding it in half.

Unfold it and bend it so that its corner coincides with the center of the square.

Unfold again. Now bend the sheet so that the fold is between the folds already formed (shown by the dotted line).

As you can see, both folds matched.

Bend the right side of the square to the left. Fold it in half along the dotted line, starting from the center.

Return to the starting position, that is, to the right. You have made one side of the petal.

To make the second side of the petal, flip the left side of the square to the right (the white part of the leaf will be inside).

Fold this moving part in half too.

Return to original position. You will get one petal. Make three more petals from the remaining squares.

You will get a figure like this.

Now you need to bend the edge of the square towards the middle along the dotted lines.

Fold the top petals in half so they are out of the way, and bend the edge of the square on the left to a diagonal line. But iron the fold only until it intersects with the other fold (shown by the arrow).

Unfold the workpiece and fold the right side in the same way.

You will get a fold like this.

Fold the other sides in the same way. This is the still shapeless appearance your craft will have.

Turn it over to the other side.

Grab the corner (where the pointer is) and pinch it between your fingers so that the nearest petals - they are clearly visible from below - are connected to each other (shown by the arrow).

Make a fold in the place where you kept the craft. It will secure the flower in the desired position.

Origami cube is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don't know how to make an origami cube, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami cube was taken by one of our site users. His cube looks more like water bomb. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of assembling an origami cube from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, assembling the origami cube will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami cube quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami cube for beginners may seem challenging task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami cube video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find a lot different videos about an origami cube, which clearly shows the steps to assemble the cube. We hope that after watching the assembly master class video, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami cube.

Here is another video in which a master assembles a simple paper cube:

And here is a video tutorial teaching how to assemble a rather original origami cube:


The symbolic meaning of the cube is taken from architecture. Cubes are usually laid in the foundations of buildings, so the cube symbolizes stability and undeniable truth. For the Chinese, the cube represents the deity of the Earth. In Israel, the cube is considered the Holy of All Saints.