How to make soda at home without much expense? How to make mineral water at home Homemade mineral water.

People first learned about soda in the mid-19th century. Even then, people appreciated these fizzy drinks and drank water to quench their thirst. Surely, each of you drank sparkling water. There are a huge number of its varieties on the modern soft drink market. How about making soda at home?

It’s very simple, you just need a glass of purified water and a few quite common ingredients to form gases. In Soviet times, a drink called soda was prepared according to this recipe. Ingredients were poured into water dispensers. And it turned out to be a wonderful thirst-quenching drink.
To make soda at home you don't need to spend much. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and extinguish it. To do this, use a slice of lemon or regular citric acid.

Everything else is very simple. Pour half a teaspoon of citric acid, a teaspoon of soda into a glass, and for those who like sweets, add a teaspoon of sugar or fruit syrup. Fill the resulting mixture with clean water, voila the soda is ready. The traditional name is soda. If you use a slice of lemon instead of citric acid, you get lemonade.

This carbonated water in moderation will not cause any harm. And for those who suffer from heartburn, it will definitely help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

This is the basis of the recipe, if you get a little creative you can come up with many different variations on the theme. Add spices or caramelized sugar to get a cola flavor. Juices and syrups, in general, everything your heart desires. In fact, this is what soda manufacturers do.

Anyone who loves mineral water and is not a fan of unnatural flavors can make their own carbonated drink from natural ingredients. Mineral water is indicated for numerous health problems, such as stomach ulcers, inflammatory processes of all gastrointestinal organs. People first learned about soda in the nineteenth century. Since then, water has occupied its gastronomic niche and has ranks of admirers. You can purchase it at any store or make it yourself. The question arises: how to make mineral water at home, what products are needed? Let's try to figure it out.

What you need to stock up on to make mineral water at home

There are several simple, inexpensive options for making mineral water at home. To do this you will need the following components:

  • a small amount of soda;
  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • plain water;
  • cup.

That's it, no more ingredients are needed.

You can prepare mineral water in different ways; let’s look at the most popular ones.

Making mineral water using stones

Before examining the options for preparing sparkling water, you should distinguish between the concepts of mineral and sparkling water. Mineral water can be with or without gas, gas is added as desired.

To prepare mineral water, you need to stock up on mineral stones, apatite or agate.

Let's consider one of the options for preparing mineral water:

  • two liters of water should be heated over a fire to seventy degrees;
  • when the desired temperature is reached, remove the water from the heat and cool to room temperature;
  • Ideally, you want to pass the liquid through a filter;
  • a sterilized container, it can be a pan or a jar, is filled with dry mineral stones;
  • Prepared water is poured into the container.

About the health benefits of peaches

After three days, the water will be ready for use. It is recommended to keep the liquid in the sun. Stones can be reused.

How to make mineral water at home

Water prepared in the described way can easily be made carbonated. To do this, add vinegar and baking soda. The action algorithm looks like this:

  • It is recommended to prepare a couple of dark plastic bottles with lids;
  • you need to find a polyvinyl chloride tube about a meter long;
  • holes should be made in the covers for the tubes;
  • You need to insert a tube into the first bottle and fill it with water;
  • in the second bottle soda is placed, in the proportion of forty grams of baking soda per liter of water, seven tablespoons of acetic acid;
  • Carefully pour vinegar into the first bottle and immediately close the lid.

The procedure requires care; it is not recommended for children to make sparkling mineral water.

Preparing large portions of mineral water

First of all, the powder is prepared. To do this you need to do the following:

  • three incomplete teaspoons of soda;
  • three to five teaspoons of powdered sugar, the amount depends on how sweet you like it;
  • six teaspoons of citric acid or the juice of half a large lemon;
  • all components, with the exception of powdered sugar, must be mixed and ground to flour;
  • at the end add powdered sugar;
  • the mixture must be stirred again.

Finally, mix water and powder. The amount of water is selected according to taste, on average from three liters of water. If you mix juice and powder, you get a very tasty and healthy drink.

Production of mineral water by fermentation

In addition to the recipes listed, you can use a rather original one - preparing mineral water by fermentation.

  • after five days of storage, the bottles must be put in the refrigerator or cellar;
  • the drink is ready to drink.
  • The simplest soda recipe

    All of the recipes listed above require certain efforts and rules, but an extremely simple and quick way to prepare mineral water is known: baking soda (a teaspoon) and lemon juice (a few teaspoons) are dissolved in a glass of water. All ingredients must be quickly stirred, the carbonated drink is ready to drink. If desired, you can add honey, syrups, juices. These products will improve the taste of mineral water and benefit the body. It is not difficult to make mineral water at home; you can use any of the many existing recipes. Delicious drinks!

    Carbonated water (soda) or soda has been known to mankind since the end of the 19th century. Previously, it was sold in special vending machines, but soon appeared on store shelves. Today, residents of developed countries cannot imagine life without this drink, and carbonated drink manufacturers successfully take advantage of this, increasing the price of their product. Therefore, we will tell you how to make sparkling water at home and save your money.

    Making homemade sparkling water is a simple and fairly quick process. All methods are based on the addition of carbon dioxide, which has neither taste nor odor. This gas dissolves easily in water, making it taste sour.

    Using special siphons

    To prepare sparkling water, the easiest way is to use a special cylinder or siphon with ready-made carbon dioxide. They are sold in any hardware stores. You can also order online.

    To use a device for carbonating water at home, you need to do the following:

    1. Pour cooled water into the siphon.
    2. Screw on the carbon dioxide cylinder.
    3. Unscrew the valve and wait a few seconds for the carbon dioxide to flow into the siphon.
    4. Twist the bottle and close the siphon to prevent gas from escaping.

    It is very convenient to pour soda from a siphon into glasses. To do this, you just need to press the lever until a sufficient amount of drink is poured. If you compare the cost of purchased and home-made carbonated water, the latter will be more profitable for the consumer.

    Cooking with improvised means

    There are also many ways to carbonate water at home without using a siphon. All the necessary components can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

    First way:

    1. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass.
    2. Add to it 2 teaspoons of squeezed lemon juice or half a spoon of citric acid.
    3. Fill everything with clean chilled water and stir. Soda is ready!

    Using these ingredients, you can prepare large portions of soda. Plastic bottles or other tightly closing containers are acceptable as containers.

    To improve the taste of the drink, you can add powdered sugar, syrup, honey and other natural additives. And its basis, instead of water, can be any juices and fruit drinks.

    The second method differs from the previous one by using vinegar instead of lemon juice. For preparation you will need:

    • 1 liter of clean chilled water;
    • 7 tablespoons 9% vinegar;
    • 2 teaspoons baking soda;
    • meter tube;
    • 2 dark plastic bottles;
    • 2 caps with holes smaller than the diameter of the tube.

    Cooking method:

    1. Attach the edges of the tube to the two caps.
    2. Fill one bottle with cold water.
    3. Wrap the soda in a napkin and place it at the bottom of the second bottle.
    4. Pour the vinegar solution over a napkin.
    5. Cap the bottles tightly to prevent carbon dioxide from escaping.
    6. Shake the bottle for 5-6 minutes until the gas evolution reaction is complete.
    7. When the water is saturated with gas, close it with a simple lid and place it in the refrigerator.

    This is a very cheap way to make soda. But it is not recommended to drink such water often, since it contains residues of vinegar and bicarbonate acid, which, in high dosages, are irritating to the mucous membranes.

    You can make sparkling water at home using fermentation. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

    • 4 liters of drinking water;
    • 1 glass of warm water;
    • ½ cup sugar;
    • bread yeast - 1 tablespoon or brewer's yeast - on the tip of a teaspoon;
    • food additives and flavorings to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour the yeast with warm water and leave for 5-10 minutes until completely dissolved.
    2. Transfer the yeast to a container and mix with sugar and food additives (if any).
    3. Slowly pour cold water into the container, stirring constantly. Make sure that all ingredients are well dissolved.
    4. Pour the prepared solution into plastic bottles and close them.
    5. Leave the mixture in a dark place until the end of fermentation (about 5 days), unscrewing the lids from time to time.
    6. After fermentation is complete, the bottles should be stored in the refrigerator.

    The fourth method is to use dry ice. It is not so easy to get, but if you succeed, you need to use it immediately, since it is stored only at very low temperatures. To carbonate, fill a liter jar with water, add a small piece of dry ice, wait a few seconds - and the drink is ready!

    Carbonated water at home is not only cheaper, but also much healthier than store-bought water. In addition, you can add various additives and syrups to it, getting new delicious drinks for the whole family.

    how to make soda: Video

    How to make mineral water at home? What is needed for this and in what doses? and got the best answer

    Answer from Stranger[guru]
    Did you mean soda? Water ~250ml + ~Soda10mg + ~vinegar5ml!

    Reply from IK[active]
    Depending on the region, tap water is already mineralized :)

    Reply from Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll[active]
    What does mineral water mean? For soda, they also sell siphons with gas cylinders. But mineralization - here it’s better without amateur efforts.
    But I also heard this method: add 1.5 liters of “hydrosaline” to the water. water - one sachet - you get mineral water.
    About soda.
    There are only three ways to make "pop"
    1. Chemical - soda + food acid in equimolar quantities, for example citric acid.
    2. Saturation - direct dissolution of carbon dioxide in water. Occurs better at higher pressure and lower temperature. This is how fizzy drinks are made, including all kinds of lemonades and “fast” varieties of fizzy (champagne) wines in factories or at home - in what are called “siphons”.
    3. Fermentation, when carbon dioxide is produced by yeast and slowly saturates the liquid in which fermentation occurs.
    There is no fourth way. Well, or he is unknown to me.

    Reply from Margarita Andreevna[newbie]
    take a glass of water, pour the juice into it in the form of a powder) and stir a teaspoon of baking soda and voila

    Reply from Katya Bogdanova[newbie]
    3kg vinegar

    Reply from Alexander Tkachev[newbie]
    water, soda and sugar and don’t forget about vinegar

    Reply from Vadym Mykhailov[newbie]
    gas from home into a bottle and some water I got so high once

    Reply from VENERA JOY[newbie]

    Reply from 3 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to make mineral water at home?? What is needed for this and in what doses?

    The other day I thought, homemade soda is real. It’s summer, it’s hot, and I want to drink and drink, so it was decided to make homemade soda with my own hands at home. I can already feel the sarcastic smiles of some people and their thoughts about the fact that it’s easier to buy sparkling water in the store. I agree, but since the site is called “How to make it yourself,” we try to do it ourselves.

    I already told you how to make bread kvass at home which quenches thirst well, but takes a day to prepare

    Homemade soda is made faster, and you can prepare it according to your own recipes and tastes.

    First, a little theory and history. Sparkling water is very easy to make. To do this, you need to add carbon dioxide CO2 to the water.

    Its main properties: colorless, odorless, does not burn, heavier than air, soluble in water and has a sour taste.

    Those who saw Soviet times and soda fountains on the streets remember them with great warmth. They contained a large cylinder of carbon dioxide and the gas was dissolved in water under pressure.

    There is also a way to make homemade soda using a siphon and carbon dioxide canisters. These siphons are still sold now, but they cost a lot. As you can see, to make soda at home, you need water and carbon dioxide. There are no problems with water, but where can we get carbon dioxide?

    How to make homemade soda with your own hands

    Carbon dioxide can be made from things you can always find in the kitchen. This is baking soda and vinegar. When they are mixed, carbon dioxide, water and salt are obtained. If you know how to cook, then you know that in some recipes it is customary to extinguish soda with vinegar and it is carbon dioxide that makes the dough soft and porous during baking.

    Therefore, to make homemade soda we prepare:

    • Baking soda - 2 teaspoons
    • Vinegar 9% - 7 tablespoons
    • Plastic bottles - 2 pcs (preferably dark ones from beer)
    • Water – 1 – 1.2 liters per 1.5 bottle
    • PVC tube - 1 meter
    • Bottle caps - 2 pcs with holes for tubes

    The tube is a cambric tube, taken from a television cable.

    The tube should fit tightly in the lids and not allow gas to pass through in these places. To do this, we make holes in the covers smaller than the diameter of the tube and pull it in with force.

    This bottle will contain water for homemade soda. And in another container we will mix vinegar with soda. In order for the reaction to be delayed with some delay, wrap the soda in a paper napkin and add it to the bottle with vinegar. Therefore, before the gas starts to be released, we will have time to close the lid and not lose some of the carbon dioxide.

    In the photo above, instead of a napkin, I used a plastic bag, pouring baking soda through a funnel and cutting off the top.

    While mixing carbon dioxide and water, the water bottle should be shaken well for 3-4 minutes. In the photo I have too much water for homemade soda, please note that you need less.

    This way I managed to make sparkling water or homemade lightly carbonated soda with my own hands.


    I really want to warn you about safety precautions.

    It is better to use dark bottles, without scratches, they can withstand more pressure than light ones. In no case, when repeated, do not increase quantity soda and vinegar. If there is too much gas, the bottle may explode with a loud bang and damage your eardrums, fingers and eyes. This is well explained in the video using liquid nitrogen as an example.

    Over time, I think I’ll improve the recipe so that homemade soda can be made easier and safer with my own hands, but this requires equipment and experiments, so for now I’m publishing this slightly carbonated method.