How to be baptized correctly for Orthodox Christians. How to kiss correctly: useful tips Kissing on the lips

Tatyana, Moscow

How to christen yourself correctly: should you kiss each other once or three times?

Father, I have a very serious question for you. The fact is that one Old Believer priest said that when giving Christ you need to kiss strictly once on the mouth. Someone immediately supported, expressing the opinion that Judas kissed the cheeks three times, and therefore this tradition is non-Orthodox. I also heard from one person that the tradition of kissing three times at the ceremony of Christ is generally Catholic. And they supposedly refer to the ancient charter, where it is written that one must be christened just once in the mouth - either by the Helmsman or by the Apostle. Help me figure it out if you can. For some reason, I am convinced that this is generally just a tradition in different places and there are no instructions for becoming a Christian. But I could be wrong, but I would like to learn how to do it correctly. Save Christ!

Christ is risen, Tatyana! Now the celebration continues, and before this holiday is celebrated, Christians christening(they greet each other with a kiss) with those whom they have not yet seen before Easter. Therefore, this question is important and relevant.

Let's start with the fact that even if there were no statutory instructions on how to be christened, it must be done according to established custom and just as the priest said. Christian Old Believers have a universal custom of making Christ just as the priest said: kissing each other once on the mouth with the Easter greeting: “Christ is risen! - “Truly he is risen!”

Sometimes traditions that are alien to us begin to penetrate into our Old Believer environment, not only with regard to the making of Christ, but also how to approach an icon, how to be blessed by a priest, how to address him, etc. So, for example, some beggars fold their palms when blessing, and under the influence of Western films, priests are often addressed: “ Holy Father", not " honest father", or simply "father" or "father". Orthodox traditions and pious customs must be preserved and observed. Apparently, for these reasons, the priest you mention in your question decided to show Christians the correct, Orthodox and established custom of making Christ.

I don’t know, however, why someone decided that it was Judas who kissed the cheeks three times. Apparently, this was said for persuasiveness (by analogy: “ Judas took salt with a pinch, so you cannot be baptized with a pinch"). But Orthodox icons often show Judas kissing the mouth.

And the fact that we also kiss each other on the mouth once again emphasizes that what is important is not how the kissing is done, but the meaning that is put into this action: the truth of the resurrection and brotherly love in Christ are confessed or “ The Son of Man is betrayed with a kiss"(Luke 22:48). The kiss of love (also once on the lips) is performed by the priests in the altar during the joint service of the Divine Liturgy after the exclamation “ Let's love each other" In ancient times, all Christians performed the same kiss at this moment.

This is how the charter describes kissing on Easter:

And they kiss the Holy Gospel, which the priest holds, and other images. They also kiss the abbot himself on the mouth, saying: “Christ is risen.” The same abbot answered: “Truly he is risen.” Priests are kissed in the same way. And among themselves according to their rank.”
(Big Charter (“Church Eye”). Chapter “Holy Pentecost”. Sheet 1033).

All people, without exception, should know how to be baptized correctly. After all, this is not only a matter of faith, but also the basics of culture, education and etiquette. Therefore, for those who do not know how to do this, we recommend reading this article, even if you are sure that this information will never be useful to you. After all, you may be invited to be a godfather and there you will need to be baptized, and in order not to receive reprimands from the priest and not to disgrace yourself, you need to do it correctly.

First of all, you need to fold your fingers correctly. We put the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right hand together (in a bun, imagine that you are taking a pinch of salt). This figure symbolizes the holy trinity - father, son and holy spirit. We press the ring and little fingers to the palm, they also carry their own meaning - this is the human and divine essence of God.

Now you can begin to cross yourself with the banner of the cross, you need to do this as follows:

  1. We apply a “bun” of fingers to the forehead. This means that we illuminate our mind, thought and future actions.
  2. We lower our hand to the solar plexus area. This is how we illuminate our soul and feelings.
  3. Now we bring our hand to the right shoulder and then to the left. Remember that Orthodox Christians cross themselves from right to left and nothing else (only Catholics do it the other way around). This action suggests that we ask the Lord to classify us among the righteous (right side) and protect us from the unclean (left side). For Catholics
  4. And lastly, after you have crossed yourself with the cross, you must bow. This is how we bow to the cross and to God.

Now you know how to be baptized correctly. We explained why it needs to be done this way and not another. Don't be shy about doing this, faith helps millions of people survive difficult moments life and find the strength to live and enjoy life.

Find someone you don't mind kissing. If you want your first kiss to be special, then choose the person who you think will make it special. If you're worried that your kissing technique isn't that good yet, then maybe you should choose someone you're less self-conscious about. (And stop worrying! Kissing is great! You'll understand it once you get the hang of it.)

  • Nothing compares to the kiss of a real, breathing person. A person will respond to your lips in a way that a hand or fruit cannot.
  • Kissing is natural to humans. That's why we do it! Learning to kiss until you actually kiss is like learning to ride a bike on a swing. It doesn't prepare you for the real deal. You will learn to ride a bike well when you ride a bike. This is why you will learn to be a good kisser when you kiss another person.

Casually ask someone or just do it. If you're a girl, you might have to approach a guy and ask if he wants to kiss. (Or you can develop a friendship with him and, if it develops into something more, kiss him when you get close.) If you're a guy, your task will be more difficult. Find a good opportunity to kiss someone:

  • Kiss someone you think likes you. Sometimes it's hard to guess, but if you know that someone likes or doesn't like you, then use that information accordingly.
  • Win a kiss. First of all, win a kiss by flirting. Gently touch a person's shoulder when talking to them, compliment the beauty of their eyes, or look longingly into their eyes.
  • Be in close proximity to the person. It will be awkward if you move towards each other to kiss when you are six feet apart. Get close to the person. You might even want to wrap your arms around his neck if all the signals you're getting say yes!
  • Make sure your lips are in good condition. You want the skin of your lips to be supple, soft and smooth before kissing. Regularly moisturize your lips with balm before kissing so that they do not become dry and chapped, this can distract from the moment itself. Remember, don't:

    • Apply lip gloss before kissing. Lip gloss can be sticky, glittery, or sweet. You don't want stickiness, your partner doesn't want glitter, and you don't want sweetness. Your lips are sweet enough!
    • Apply lipstick before kissing. Lipstick can look great, but it's usually for older women. When you kiss, it can smudge and leave marks on your partner.
  • Make sure your breath is fresh. If you have the luxury, you can brush your teeth just before kissing. If not, use peppermint candies. Avoid onions, garlic and other foods with strong aromas before kissing.

    Move closer to your partner. Send your partner a signal to get ready - move closer to the person. Close to the point of inconvenience. If your partner moves away, he/she is not ready for a kiss. If your partner stays where he/she is or even moves closer, you know you're on the right track.

    Make and maintain eye contact before kissing. This is important. Fix the other person's gaze with your eyes. The eyes are very powerful and can convey many things that we cannot convey with our voices.

    • Before you kiss, look at the person's lips. You want your mouth to land on the other person's mouth, so you'll need your eyes if you don't want to ruin the landing.
    • As soon as your lips touch, close your eyes. We don't know why, but it's creepy when the person you're kissing looks at you. So it's better to just close your eyes and enjoy the moment.
  • Kiss at a slight angle. If you try to kiss your partner directly, your noses will prevent your lips from meeting. Instead, tilt your head slightly to the left or right so that your noses don't interfere with the action your lips are craving!

    • If you are sitting next to a person, the side you are sitting on will dictate which way you tilt your head:
      • If you are sitting to the left of a person, it is best to tilt your head to the left.
      • If you are sitting to the right of a person, it is best to tilt your head to the right.
  • Stretch out the first kiss. The first time you kiss, keep your lips closed until the other person kisses you more intensely. If you draw out the first kiss, you'll get rid of the butterflies and set the stage for the next few kisses.

    Start kissing your partner's upper and lower lips. Not at the same time, of course. Start with a gentle kiss lower lip your partner several times. And then the upper lip.

    • Be gentle. Your partner will appreciate it, even if your heart is pounding out of your chest. In addition, it will make the kiss more sensual.
    • Be responsive. Responsiveness simply means responding to what the other person is doing. Kissing is like dancing: your movements should be based on the movements of your partner.
    • Be slow in the kiss, don't rush. Someone who is a bad kisser will rush into the kiss as if they have a thousand lips to kiss per second. Slow down, savor every last touch of your lips and don't forget to keep your eyes closed!
  • Save the French kiss for later. If you're a girl and you want a French kiss, save it for later. Unfortunately, the choice is up to the girl. If you are a guy and you try to French kiss during your first kiss, you risk ruining the mood and the kiss.

    When we begin to be baptized, we do not just manipulate our hands, but perform an important religious rite. John Chrysostom spoke about the incorrect placing of the cross on oneself: “The demons rejoice at that frantic waving.” It is impossible to overestimate the power of the sign of the cross. The lives of the Saints are replete with examples when, by putting a cross on himself once, a person got rid of demonic wiles.

    What not to do when making the sign of the cross

    1. Waving your arms forcefully - this method is good for getting rid of flies; in church everything should be “decent and in order.”
    2. Connecting your fingers into a pinch means you are not salting borscht, but turning to the Almighty.
    3. Tapping your fingers on your forehead with a flourish - grace is not driven into your head, but descends from heaven.
    4. Do not touch your shoulders, but cross yourself in front of your face.

    How to be baptized correctly

    Orthodox Christians cross themselves with their right hand. Place your thumb, index and middle fingers together. This is a sign of faith in the Holy Trinity. Press your little finger and ring fingers into your palm. This shows the dual nature of God's son - divine (son of God) and human (accepted torture to atone for our sins).

    1. Touch your forehead - it will illuminate your mind.
    2. To the abdomen (below the solar plexus and above the navel) - this will illuminate the senses.
    3. To the right, and then to the left shoulder - this will illuminate the actions of your hands.
    4. Repeat silently: “In the name of the Father (forehead) and the Son (belly) and the Holy Spirit (shoulders), Amen.”

    Lower your hand and bow. Bowing is evidence of humility before the Almighty. It is important to know that you need to be baptized slowly, with appropriate reverence.

    When to be baptized

    1. When approaching something holy - if there is a temple or monastery on your way, when you enter the church, you kiss the icon or cross.
    2. When you pray.
    3. After waking up in the morning (we thank you for the new day) and before going to bed in the evening (we ask for blessings on the coming sleep).
    4. Before eating (give thanks for our daily bread).
    5. As needed (in doubt, in grief, in joy, etc.).

    Knowing how to be baptized correctly, do not forget to teach this to your children as early as possible. If they are still too young, baptize them yourself until they grow up. . The community has more than 58,000 subscribers.

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    A person close to the Lord constantly performs the same ritual, but does not think about its meaning. While in church or at home, all believers are baptized, but few people know how to properly baptize Orthodox Christians. Before we talk about the rules of baptism, we should remember a little history and find out where this tradition came from and what it means.

    How to be baptized correctly, historical background

    Today's way of crossing oneself took shape over a certain period of time. Catholics and Orthodox do this differently, because they are based on slightly different religious traditions.

    In the initial stages of its inception, Christians crossed themselves with one finger of their right hand, touching their forehead, chest and lips. And they did this before reading the Gospel at every Mass. A little later, they began to use several fingers and even the whole palm to cross.

    Looking at the image of Jesus Christ, you can see that on the icons he is represented with two fingers raised (middle and index), and the remaining phalanges are closed, so priests often use just such a gesture.

    When the Orthodox branch of Christianity was formed, believers began to baptize the forehead, left and right shoulders, and also the navel. Only in 1551 the navel was changed to the chest, justifying this by the presence of a heart in this part of the body.

    Then in 1656, in the book “The Tablet,” the statement was first put forward that one should cross oneself with three fingers, placing them on the forehead, stomach and shoulders. Anyone who did otherwise was called heretics. And only several decades later, two-finger and three-finger baptism was accepted.

    How to be baptized correctly by an Orthodox Christian, from right to left or vice versa

    You can often hear various arguments about how to cross yourself from left to right or from right to left, and how many fingers to use. The tradition of crossing oneself from right to left, touching first the forehead, then the navel and shoulders, with three fingers closed, came from Byzantium. Three-fingered means the Christian’s faith in God the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, that is, in the Holy Trinity. This is how you can attract the grace of the Lord to yourself and your loved ones.

    Each gesture during baptism has a symbolic meaning:

    • by touching the forehead, a person sanctifies his mind;
    • By sanctifying the belly, the believer blesses all his internal organs;
    • moving to the shoulders, the whole body is sanctified.

    The right shoulder always comes first, then the left. According to legend, it is the right side of a person that is the best. Angels sit on the right shoulder and to the right of the person is the entrance to heaven. The left side is perceived as hell, so the right shoulder is baptized first, then the left. Thus, the believer asks for salvation and admission to heaven.

    Sometimes triplets are interpreted differently:

    • forehead - sky;
    • belly - earth;
    • shoulders - the Holy Spirit, which connects all living things.

    After the Orthodox has crossed himself, he should bow low as a sign of gratitude to the Lord for all his blessings.

    If you need to cross another person, for example, a child, you need to place the cross on him as if he were doing it himself. If the child is standing with his back, they cross from right to left, if he is facing - from left to right. This is exactly how the melting sign of the cross will emerge.

    How to be baptized correctly by an Orthodox Christian in a church, basic rules

    Let's describe detailed diagram How Orthodox Christians are baptized:

    1. you need to cross yourself with three fingers;
    2. three fingers - thumb, index and middle - are folded at the same level as a sign of equality. This gesture symbolizes the Trinity;
    3. little finger and ring finger placed on the palm. This means faith in the humanity of the Son of God;
    4. putting his fingers to his forehead, saying: “In the name of the Father”;
    5. then they descend to the stomach: “And the Son”;
    6. crossing the right and left shoulders, they finally say: “And the Holy Spirit.”

    Thus, the correct crossing procedure occurs. This is a very significant ritual. Therefore, before carrying it out anyhow, you should study why to be baptized.

    You need to be baptized correctly, starting from entering the temple. They do this three times, each time accompanied by a low bow. This is how a person openly declares his faith in Jesus Christ. In addition, the believer is baptized at home, in front of icons, before going to bed and waking up in the morning, after eating and at the sight of a sacred building.

    Proper baptism is of great importance. You need to do this slowly and mentally turn to God. The bow after the sign should be done only when the hand is lowered, so as not to break the cross painted on the body.

    If the sign of the cross is made quickly, with the entire palm, it is considered blasphemy and a great sin. This shows disrespect for the Holy Father and pleases the evil spirits. Therefore, before crossing yourself, you need to mentally understand the importance of this procedure and do it as correctly as possible.

    May the Lord protect you!

    Watch also the video in which Schemamonk Joachim tells how Orthodox Christians should be baptized: