How to change a newborn's diaper, how often should it be done? How to change a diaper correctly and how often should it be done? How long can a newborn stay in a diaper?

With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents begin to master new tasks and procedures, for example, they learn how to change a diaper, what products can be used for delicate skin, and how often the baby needs to be changed. With the advent of disposable diapers for newborns, work for young mothers has decreased slightly, since such devices significantly save the time and effort of adults.

There is no single rule on how often to change a diaper, but there is a set of rules that every mother should follow:

  • the diaper must be changed after each serious bowel movement, since fecal discharge is not completely absorbed and therefore comes into contact with the skin;
  • You should change disposable panties before going to bed, both during the day and at night, because a filled diaper will cause discomfort for the baby and, most likely, will wake the child up earlier than expected;
  • It happens that you have to change panties at night, for example, if the product has shifted and is leaking;
  • It will be more convenient for you to put on a clean diaper for your newborn before a long walk, going to visit or shop, traveling, or leaving your baby with family;
  • even if after 4 hours the diaper is still not very full, it would be correct to replace it with a new one to prevent overheating and sweating of the skin;
  • you should immediately change the diaper if its integrity is damaged, for example, if the Velcro comes off or there are holes and tears in the top layer of the product;
  • In the initial months of life, the diaper should be changed frequently, since the baby can go to the toilet after almost every feeding. Over time, you will determine how many disposable products you need per day, and gradually this amount will decrease.

Each mother herself determines how often to change her baby’s diaper, since all children go to the toilet with different frequencies, so it is impossible to say with accuracy how many disposable products are needed per day. It is not at all necessary to replace panties after each urination; for a newborn, a new diaper every 3-4 hours is enough, and at night one is enough. The main thing is to periodically check the dryness of the skin and the fullness of the product in order to change it in a timely manner and prevent discomfort for the baby.

At the initial stage, the process of changing a newborn's clothes can take a lot of time, but soon you will get the hang of doing all the manipulations correctly and will begin to cope with this process in a matter of minutes. To change a diaper you will need:

  • clean diaper;
  • wet wipes or a ladle with warm water and baby soap;
  • towel;
  • powder or soft cream.

Before preparing your baby for changing clothes, prepare all the above-mentioned devices, since after placing the baby in the changing area, he should not be left there alone in order to avoid falling from a height.

First you need to remove the used diaper and cleanse the skin of moisture and secretions. Heavy contamination should initially be removed using napkins, and then the baby should be washed with warm water and soap. After washing, the skin should be blotted with a towel and left to dry naturally for a short time. When you need to change a diaper outside, it will be enough to wipe the butt and legs with napkins; at an acceptable temperature, it will be correct to give the body the opportunity to “breathe”, leaving the baby lying naked for a few minutes.

Dry skin should be treated with baby talcum powder or cream to protect against irritation. If your skin is dry, you should use special gel-like suspensions for diapers or regular baby hypoallergenic creams. For normal skin types and in cases of excessive sweating, it is better to prefer standard powder, which will eliminate excess moisture.

We place the baby on his back and lift his legs, grasping both with one hand. The second hand at this time places the unfolded diaper under the back with the Velcro side. We place the baby on top and straighten the bottom side of the disposable panties, adjusting the elastic bands and pulling out the Velcro fastenings. We place the front side of the diaper on the baby’s tummy and secure it with clasps. All that remains is to correct the areas between the legs by turning out the internal elastic bands; often they twist inward, and this can lead to fluid leakage.

Now you know how to change a diaper. After putting on a clean disposable device, you can dress your baby in a vest or suit, being careful not to loosen the Velcro. By the way, it is better to choose models with reusable fasteners; such devices can be opened and closed back without difficulty.

After changing clothes, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Or at least treat them with wet wipes to eliminate germs and unpleasant odors.

There is no single definition of how many disposable diapers are needed per day, but they should be changed frequently - every 3-4 hours, and even more often in case of heavy filling or heavy bowel movements, at the child’s request.

To prevent the “greenhouse effect” and irritation from frequent use of diapers, skin protectants should be used along with them. The main ones are:

  • baby powder is a choice for sweaty skin; talcs with the addition of natural flavors are often found. If your baby is allergic, it is better not to experiment with such products, as they can cause irritation. The best option would be regular chalk powder;
  • standard baby cream is a universal device because it is suitable for treating the entire body: the cream can be applied to the butt, legs, arms, and often baby cream is also used to treat the face against chapping. By choosing the right product that does not cause irritation, you can use it for different purposes;
  • special diaper cream - leading manufacturers of products for newborns offer a lot of options for specific products specifically for lubricating the bottom. Such preparations can also be used as a regular emollient cream; it is good to lubricate irritated skin with them before bed, so that the baby will not be bothered by peeling and burning at night;
  • baby soap - does not contain fragrances or chemically active components, usually does not have a pronounced odor, but it perfectly kills germs and viral infections.

If, after using a protective product, you notice slight redness or a scattering of small pimples on the skin, you should change the drug: perhaps some component of the product acts as an allergen for the sensitive body of the baby.

Many expectant parents consider the procedure of changing a diaper to be quite complicated and time-consuming. In fact, changing diapers is quick and easy. In today's article we talk about how to make this procedure easy and enjoyable.

Why is it important to know how to change a diaper correctly?

After the baby is born, one of the main concerns of parents is changing diapers. Newborn babies often go to the toilet, so the comfort and health of the baby depends on the ability to quickly and accurately change a diaper. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to know a number of generally accepted recommendations designed to make this procedure easy and stress-free.

When should you change a diaper?

  • Since a newborn baby relieves himself often, it is generally accepted that the diaper should be changed at least once every 4 hours. This rule is true even in cases where the diaper is not yet fully filled, because the baby’s skin must be regularly ventilated. A fresh diaper in any case provides better air flow than an already used one.
  • Of course, regardless of time, the diaper should be changed after each full bowel movement. Fecal matter most irritates the child’s vulnerable skin, so in this case, delay is unacceptable.
  • A new diaper will come in very handy before you put your baby to bed. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a night’s sleep or a short day’s sleep - a clean new diaper is the key to a sound and healthy sleep without the anxiety that irritation and itching brings to the child associated with an overfilled diaper.
  • If you put a fresh diaper on your baby before a long trip, be it a walk or a shopping trip, you will get rid of many possible problems.
  • The diaper must be changed if, during restless sleep, it has shifted and no longer fulfills its function. Also, the diaper is always changed if there is damage.
  • An important point: newborn babies go to the toilet with different frequencies, so the number of diapers that will have to be used in one day is ultimately determined by the baby's parents.

As a rule, after a child turns six months old, he stops going to the toilet with the same intensity, and the procedure for changing diapers becomes less frequent.

How to change a diaper correctly?

With some skill, changing a diaper becomes a simple and quick procedure. The main thing is to do everything consistently, following generally accepted recommendations.

Step 1. Prepare everything you need.

We need a new diaper, wipes, some warm water with baby soap, a towel, and powder or cream.

Step 2. Learn how to remove the diaper correctly.

To do this, you need to put the baby on his back, unfasten the used diaper, then take the baby by the legs with one hand and lift him up. We take out the diaper, carefully rolling it up to prevent the contents from leaking out.

Step 3. Remove dirt.

If the diaper is full, remove the dirt with a napkin. After this, wash the baby with warm water. If there is serious contamination, you should use baby soap, but you should remember that in order to maintain the natural balance of microflora, you should not overuse even the most gentle and safe soap. We dry the baby with a towel and leave him naked for a while so that the skin rests and ventilates.

If you have to do the diaper change procedure outside, you can get by with just wet wipes. Leaving a child naked, without a diaper, is only permissible during warm weather.

Step 4. Treat the baby's skin.

To do this, you can use classic powder, cream or special gel. If the child does not have skin problems and sweats a lot, then you should use powder. This is the most common option, which eliminates the occurrence of allergies and helps remove excess moisture. However, sometimes your baby's skin becomes dry and irritated. In these cases, it makes sense to use baby cream or special gel.

Step 5. Put on a new diaper.

Holding the child by the legs with one hand, we place a new diaper under his back with the other hand. Then we lower the legs and straighten all the Velcro and elastic bands. After this, we put the front part of the diaper on the baby and fasten the Velcro. It is important to check the position of the diaper elastic bands located between the legs - they should not curl inward - in this case, urine and feces may leak out.

It is important to make the diaper changing procedure safe. Prepare all the necessary accessories in advance and never leave the child alone unattended - he may roll over and fall from the surface on which you are changing the diaper. We also must not forget that the umbilical wound in newborns is a very vulnerable place, so for babies under 6 months old, diapers should be used, the design of which takes this anatomical feature into account.


If there are general recommendations, the frequency of changing a newborn's diaper depends on the characteristics of the baby's body. How often this procedure needs to be done is determined by parents through experience. The skin care product that is suitable for a child’s skin is determined in the same way. Knowing all the nuances of this important procedure, parents quickly get used to it and deftly change diapers exactly at the right time.

Starting from the first days of life, parents try to provide the child with the best. Moms and dads choose quality items, a playpen, a stroller, and surround the baby with love and care. One of the integral parts of caring for your baby is the choice of disposable diapers. But the question immediately arises of how often a newborn’s diaper needs to be changed so as not to harm the baby and ensure him dryness and comfort throughout the day.

Diapers are a necessary hygiene product for babies. Not only the baby’s health, but also his well-being depends on a properly selected diaper. It should be taken into account that timely changing of diapers for a child means:

  • the opportunity for the baby to feel comfortable and cozy, because he has to wear a diaper all day;
  • your baby's skin will always be dry and healthy;
  • improving the mood of the baby, and, accordingly, the parents.

How to recognize that “the time has come”

  1. The diaper is dirty. It is necessary to check the contents of the diaper at least once every half hour. If feces are found, the baby will definitely have to be wiped with wet wipes or rinsed under warm running water. Discard the damaged copy and prepare a clean one.

Wipe or wash girls, moving from the belly to the butt, so that feces do not fall on the female organs, otherwise all kinds of infections may develop.

  1. The child is restless and capricious. Perhaps the hygiene product is leaking, creating discomfort for the baby.

Leakage from diapers occurs due to a number of reasons:

  • The diaper is not suitable for the baby in size, weight or volume. This information is indicated on the package;
  • a hygiene product was chosen without taking into account the gender of the baby;
  • disposable panties are worn incorrectly or become deformed as the baby moves.

How many times a day should you put on a new diaper?

The frequency of changing disposable panties depends on:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. Urinary frequency, volume and frequency.
  3. Conditions of the skin.
  4. Diets, health, illnesses.
  5. Air humidity and temperature indoors and outdoors.

At a temperature of 18-20 degrees and air humidity of 40-70%, a child feels more comfortable in a diaper than in a hot and stuffy room.

For the convenience of mothers and babies, most manufacturers have equipped disposable hygiene products with indicators that change color depending on the degree of soiling of the diaper.

Rules for changing a diaper

Let us outline the most important points related to replacing and purchasing a diaper:

  1. It is important to choose the right diapers - according to the size, weight, age and height of the baby. For newborns, look for models with a cutout for the navel, so as not to injure the skin around the umbilical wound.
  2. To determine which hygiene products are suitable for your baby, you can purchase 1-2 pieces of different diapers or panties and test each one.
  3. Check the contents of your panties every 30-40 minutes while you are awake.
  4. During sleep, give the child a rest, and do not disturb the baby again. Therefore, be sure to check the fullness before putting your child to sleep.
  5. Change disposable panties before going out. During the walk, the baby will sleep comfortably.
  6. Be sure to change diapers if your baby poops. In this case, wash the baby or wipe it with wet wipes. If irritation occurs, use powder or baby cream.
  7. When changing disposable panties, leave the newborn for 20 minutes without diapers or onesies. In this way, the child will take air baths, which are one of the components of the hardening procedure.
  8. It is better to change the diaper before going to bed at night. If the baby wakes up at night to feed, check the fullness of the panties. In the morning you need to change the diaper.
  9. When choosing whether to change a disposable hygiene product before or after feeding, it is better to give preference to the second option. After all, during feeding, the baby can dirty more than one diaper. And after eating, newborns often fall asleep sweetly.

How to change a diaper

Changing a diaper correctly is a simple task for new parents, if you consider the following recommendations:

  1. Prepare a place for changing disposable hygiene products. Be sure to cover the area with a diaper that can be easily removed and washed. Place next to the prepared area: powder, diaper cream, wet wipes.
  2. Wash your hands with hand sanitizer and laundry soap.
  3. Place the baby on the prepared place with his back down.
  4. Carefully open the Velcro strips of the diaper on both sides. With one hand, grab the baby's legs and lift them up. Remove the dirty diaper from the table with your second hand.
  5. Using wet wipes, wipe the dirty parts of the baby’s body or wash the baby with warm running water.
  6. Dry your baby's skin with a soft towel.
  7. Place the baby back in place to change hygiene products. With one hand, grab the baby's legs and lift them up. With your other hand, slide the diaper under the baby's bottom. Place the baby on the diaper, pushing it from the front side between the legs.
  8. Holding the diaper in front with one hand, unfasten the Velcro with the other and glue it to the front side. Repeat the process on the other side of the diaper.
  9. Check that the Velcro is fastened securely and that it does not interfere with the baby. A properly worn diaper should not be loose or, conversely, put pressure on the baby’s tummy.

How often should I change

For babies, diapers should be changed every 2-2.5 hours. Depending on the fullness, frequency of stool and the baby’s well-being, you can change the diaper more often or less often. But at the same time, do not leave the baby in the same diaper for more than 6 hours of wakefulness.

There is an opinion that disposable panties can disrupt sperm production. However, this is not at all true. Spermatogenesis appears in boys at the age of 10 years. Therefore, diapers cannot have a negative impact on sexual function.

Newborn in the first days

In the maternity hospital, the baby may urinate up to 25 times a day and stool several times a day. Therefore, you need to check the contents of diapers at least every 20-30 minutes, and change them every 3-4 hours.

During the day and time

It is necessary to change diapers throughout the day depending on the frequency of stool and how full it is. But you should know when it is necessary to change the diaper:

  • after waking up in the morning;
  • before a walk or going to the clinic, on a visit;
  • after feeding and bathing;
  • before bedtime and after lunch.

Frequency of shifts at night

During the first days of life, babies sleep soundly at night, waking up only to feed. Therefore, you should not wake up your baby once again to check the diaper. It is enough to observe the behavior of the baby.

During the walking period

It is not necessary to change a diaper for a newborn or children of the first year of life during walks if:

  • put on a clean diaper before going outside;
  • disposable panties do not leak or get dirty;
  • The child is cheerful, active and not capricious.

At the same time, every 30-40 minutes of wakefulness it is necessary to check the hygiene product for cleanliness.

Depending on the season

The frequency of changing diapers may also depend on the season. After all, in the summer, children drink a lot, and accordingly, the diaper fills up faster, unlike the winter season.

Depending on the gender of the child

The gender of the child does not affect the frequency of changing diapers, but is a fundamental factor when choosing disposable panties. After all, girls and boys differ anatomically in the process of urination. Babies who are given hygiene products without taking into account their gender will feel uncomfortable, and the panties themselves will leak and fill more often.

For boys

Before purchasing hygiene products for boys, be sure to choose models with an absorbent layer closer to the stomach.

For girls

For girls, you need to look for diapers with a special absorbent layer closer to the middle.

How does age affect how often you change diapers?

The age of the baby is a significant factor influencing the frequency of changing diapers:

  • For babies up to two months of age, change disposable panties every 3-4 hours. Check the contents of the hygiene product at least once every half hour. Exchange a dirty copy for a clean one;
  • for infants from 2 to 6 months - the frequency of changing hygiene products is once every 4-6 hours, depending on fullness and bowel movements;
  • after 6 months - change diapers as needed, at least every 6 hours.

What to do if irritation, dryness and rash appear

If your baby has the first symptoms of an allergy to hygiene products, you must:

  1. Change the brand of diapers, choose the right size.
  2. Gently rinse the baby's skin with lukewarm water and dry with a soft towel.
  3. Apply dexpanthenol-based products to irritated areas. Use powder, protective diaper cream or drying lotion applied in a thin layer to the skin.
  4. Change diapers more often and leave the baby naked, especially in the summer.
  5. Bath the child, wipe the damaged areas with herbal decoctions of chamomile and string.
  6. If the symptoms do not go away within 3-4 days and the child’s condition worsens, consult a doctor.

A way to reduce the number of diapers: homemade tricks

There are several tricks that moms use to reduce the number of diapers:

  • leave the baby naked more often, allowing him to take air baths;
  • wear hygiene products only when necessary - when going outside, for a walk;
  • After each feeding, hold the baby over the potty or bathtub. And after urinating, put on a diaper;
  • purchase reusable panties with liners that can be washed or make similar ones yourself;
  • choose budget items, participate in promotions from children's stores and social networks.

Is it possible to do without diapers?

Of course, it is possible to raise a child without diapers, but it will be difficult. At the same time, the costs will not decrease, because the amount of washing powder, vests, rompers, and diapers consumed will increase.

Caring for children is not an easy job for a new mother. The list of tasks for the day, it would seem, can be listed endlessly, but just recently this list also included such an item as washing diapers. Fortunately, diapers were created by the American chemist Victor Mills, which made the life of parents much easier. However, the question always remains of how often it is necessary to change diapers for a newborn baby.

How often should a diaper be changed?

The neonatal period lasts from birth until the end of 28 days and is divided into two periods: early neonatal and late neonatal.

The early neonatal period lasts from the moment of ligation of the umbilical cord until the end of the first week of life. It is during this period that the child adapts to extrauterine existence; in addition, frequent urination occurs (up to 15-20 times a day) and the process of freeing the newborn’s body from the original feces or miconium, which is usually released over the course of two weeks. In this regard, newborns need to change diapers more often than older children.

In the first months of a child's life, diapers need to be changed frequently, every two to three hours. This period is the most optimal for the baby to feel comfortable. This also helps avoid the development of redness, diaper rash or diaper rash. In addition, be sure to change the diaper before going for a walk and before bed.

As for care after defecation, the diaper must be changed immediately after the baby has pooped, even if the new diaper was put on a couple of minutes ago. Fecal matter can irritate the delicate skin of the baby's genitals. Therefore, when going for a walk, do not forget about wet baby wipes and changeable diapers.

Diapers need to be changed after every bowel movement

The question of how many times I diaper babies at night always remains relevant. There is no need to specifically wake up your child every two hours in order to change his diaper. As a rule, infants wake up independently at night in order to eat. If the child pooped at this time, the diaper must be changed, but if not, then you can wait until the morning.

Every time you change diapers, the baby must be washed with warm water, and after defecation, thoroughly washed with soap. If possible, it is best to leave the newborn for 15-20 minutes without a diaper. When changing clothes, the child’s skin must be dry; for this purpose, powders or special-purpose talcum powders are used.

In the first few months, up to 15-20 diapers will be used per day; over time, the need for them will decrease to 5-8.

How to choose the right diapers?

This is important for all young mothers to know. Diapers for children in the first month of life weighing from 2.5 to 5 kg are specially marked NB (Newborn). When choosing a diaper, first of all, you need to pay attention to its absorbency, the composition of the materials used, the quality of the elastic bands and cuffs that protect the baby from leaks. Most manufacturers equip diapers with special indicator strips that notify parents that it is time to change the diaper (they turn blue when the diaper is full). Over time, the need for these indicators fades into the background.

If, even with frequent diaper changes, the baby experiences redness or irritation localized on the skin in the perineal area, it is necessary to change the brand of the product used and seek special help from qualified specialists.

How often to change a diaper for a newborn depends on the age and physical characteristics of the child, and on the type of product. Many parents refuse to use a diaper, fearing that it causes crooked legs and allergies, interferes with potty training and provokes other problems. However, this is not true. Studies have shown that if you choose the right product and brand, and change the diaper promptly and correctly, it is safe for babies. Moreover, such products simplify the life of parents. Let's look at which diaper to choose and how to change a baby's diaper.

Types of diaper

There are reusable diapers and absorbent diapers for one-time use. In the first case, the products are washed after use and worn by the child again. They are made of gauze or natural dense fabric. They are safe and hypoallergenic.

In addition, there are reusable panties with liners that can be changed. These are comfortable products that do not cause allergies or severe diaper rash, do not create elevated temperatures in panties and allow the baby’s skin to breathe. Of course, such products need to be washed and ironed regularly, and changed often, as they get wet faster. But at the same time they are light and comfortable, economical and affordable, practical and hypoallergenic. In addition, you can do this.

However, many parents prefer disposable diapers, since such products are easier to use. In this case, the diaper is thrown away after use. It absorbs better, but it can cause allergies, rashes and redness on the baby’s skin, and worsen diaper rash. Therefore, you should carefully select the brand and materials. In addition, this is a costly option.

Experts recommend using both options. For example, choose disposable products for sleeping and walking at night, and wear a reusable diaper during the daytime. Let's find out in more detail how many times a day and per day you need to change your diaper.

How often should you change a diaper?

The frequency of changing a diaper for a boy or a girl depends, first of all, on the age of the baby. As a rule, this is done once every 2-4 hours. The baby should not stay in a wet diaper for a long time, as this negatively affects the condition of the baby's skin. In addition, the diaper must be changed after each child’s “big” walk.

To avoid problems and change your diaper on time, check the product regularly. Diapers must be changed if the baby's skin is wet, before and after a night's sleep, and in a situation where there will be no possibility of changing for a long time. This could be a walk, a trip to the clinic, or trains. Below we offer an approximate frequency of changes depending on the age of the child:

  • Children from birth to three months have to change their diaper every two to three hours; it is recommended to check the diaper every half hour and change it when it is partially or completely full. If it is not full, the shift is done every three to four hours in any case;
  • At the age of 3-6 months, the change is done every 4-6 hours, not forgetting to regularly check the diaper;
  • After six months, the frequency of changes depends on the individual development of the child. When to change a diaper, parents decide on their own. But in any case, during the day you should not leave your baby in a diaper for more than six hours;
  • After one and a half years, the child is potty trained. Read how to do this.

New parents wonder if diapers need to be changed at night. At this time, children are fast asleep, so you should not wake up your baby in order to change the diaper. However, if the baby wakes up and cries, or tosses and turns and whines in his sleep, check the diaper. The check is also done during night feeding. If the baby sleeps peacefully at night, there is no need to disturb the baby. Do not disturb the baby during the daytime sleep, if it is sound and nothing bothers the baby.

How to use diaper correctly

  • Before putting on a diaper, check the product for integrity and whether the fastener works;
  • After using a diaper, the baby’s skin is wiped with warm water and wiped dry. Oily skin is treated with powder, and dry and normal skin is treated with baby cream. Choose only hypoallergenic cosmetics for newborns and infants that are appropriate for the child’s age;
  • Put on the diaper and check the cuffs around your legs to make sure they are not rolled up;
  • Do not squeeze the clasp too hard so as not to cause chafing and discomfort for the baby;
  • If a finger is placed between the panties and the baby’s belly, he is dressed correctly;
  • Do not leave your baby in diapers all the time, as the skin needs to rest, breathe and get air. When you have removed the diaper, washed and dried your skin, leave your body in this state for 15-20 minutes and only then apply cosmetics and put on a new diaper;
  • You cannot use expired diapers, as they do not absorb moisture well, can cause allergies and harm the health of the baby;
  • Choose products that are suitable for the child’s age, have a hypoallergenic composition and a normal shelf life.

It is important to choose the right diaper for your baby. Choose products made from lightweight, breathable and hypoallergenic materials that absorb moisture well. Don't be afraid to change brands until you find the right one. The child should be comfortable and safe, there should be no abrasions or marks on the skin due to fasteners or elastic bands.