History, traditions and symbols of the New Year for children. “The history of the New Year holiday” How to tell children about the New Year holiday The history of the New Year for children

"New Year's Story"

Summary of educational activities for introducing preschoolers to social reality

Educational area: social – communication development

Notes prepared by: teacher

Tsytsarkina N. A.

Summary of GCD for familiarization with social reality in senior group

Educational area: social and communicative development

Form: direct educational activities

Subject: "New Year's Story"


form ideas about the holidayNew Year,



to form children’s ideas about the celebration of the New Year in our country and other countries, about the symbols, traditions and customs of the holiday;

continue to teach how to solve riddles;


learn to give complete and detailed answers;

develop interest in the New Year holiday;

develop play activity children.

Materials and equipment:

pictures of Christmas decorations and items not related to them (for the game“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”), photographs of children at a holiday with their families, photographs depicting the capitals of different countries(England, Germany, France, Japan, Russia).

GCD move

1. Organizational moment.

Educator : Guys, guess my riddle, and when you guess it, you and I will go on an interesting journey.

What kind of holiday is it outside?

Coming in December?

At this time, everyone is suddenly happy,

Kids are waiting for gifts

For a few minutes

Family gathering:

Mothers, grandmothers, relatives.

And holding glasses in my hands,

Counting the strokes of the clock,

Everyone is screaming with joy

They joke, jump, play pranks.

Away from nightmares and bad weather,

Only happiness is expected this night,

This is a holiday without hassle,

This is a holiday -….

( New Year )

Educator : That's right guys, this isNew Year. And whatis New Year?

Educator : New Year is a holiday. It's hard to find a person who wouldn't loveNew Year. Since the early childhoodNewThe year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Are you all waiting for him? Why are you waiting for this holiday?

Children's answers.

Educator : Now let's listen to the song"He's coming to usNew Year» . (music and lyrics by E. I. Morozova)

Listening to an audio recording

2. Conversation about the advent of the New Year.

Educator : What do you guys think, where did this holiday come to us from?

Children's answers.

Educator : Tradition to celebrateNewyear January 1st appeared in Russia only three hundred years ago. Peter I issued a decree stating thatNewThe year should be celebrated on January 1st.

By order of the Tsar, Muscovites for the first time decorated their houses withNew Year with pine branches, juniper and spruce.

Originally onNewthroughout the year, trees were decorated with candies, cookies, fruits, nuts and even vegetables.

But Father Frost and Snow Maiden did not exist at that time. There was Frost -old man with white beard, who commanded the winter cold. It was this character that became the basis for the birth of the fairy tale about New Year's Santa Claus, who brings gifts.

The traditional Santa Claus costume also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted wearing a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children. The Snow Maiden also appeared a little later. We first learned about her from a fairy tale"Snow Maiden", but there she was simply sculpted from snow. Everyone remembers the moment in the fairy tale when she jumps over the fire and melts. Everyone loved the character so much that gradually the Snow Maiden became an invariable symbol of New Year's celebrations.

This is how the one appearedNew Year, which we are accustomed to meeting since childhood.

Educator : Now guys, let's relax and play a little.

3. Physical education minute « New Year »

Everyone hasNew Year,

And with usNew Year. (They take a step with a stomp and simultaneously clap their hands, turning to the right and to the left.)

Near the Christmas tree there is a green round dance.

Santa Claus came to us. (Do slight tilts of the head in different sides, as if telling each other this news.)

He has toys and firecrackers,

And he brought us candy!(They spin around in place, raising their arms and rotating their hands.)

He's kind to us

He is cheerful with us, -(They take a stomping step and clap at the same time)

Near the green Christmas tree

He himself went to dance with us.(We walk in place)

4. Conversation about how to celebrateNewyear in different countries.

Educator : Guys, what do you think, is it everywhere?NewIs the year celebrated the same way?

Children's answers.

Educator : Let's go on a journey with you and find out how they celebrateNewyear in other countries.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting the capital of England - London.

Educator : This is London - the capital of England.

Here onNewEvery year, the English Santa Claus comes to children, he travels on a sleigh pulled by six reindeer.

Children hang a stocking on the edge of their bed, into which a gift should fall through the chimney.

The teacher shows an image of Berlin, the capital of Germany.

Educator : And these guys are Berlin - the capital of Germany.

Father Frost named Vainakhtsman lives here. German Santa Claus likes to appear on a donkey. When he arrives, he holds gifts in one hand and rods in the other. Those who behaved well receive a gift, but those who behaved badly during the year and played a lot of pranks will not receive a gift. Children in Germany, before going to bed, place plates for gifts on tables and windowsills. And they put hay in their own shoes so that Vainakhtsman’s donkey can eat before the long journey.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Paris, the capital of France.

Educator : And this is Paris - the capital of France.

The French Father Frost's name is Père Noel. Like all Klaus, he began to climb pipes and place gifts on his toes with his own hands. He divides gifts for children into twoparts : some gifts are left in New Year's Eve, and puts the more valuable ones in prepared shoes(children hang them in the house in the evening)At Christmas.

The teacher shows a photo of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Educator : And this, guys. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Japanese Santa Claus's name is Segatsu - san - MisterNew Year.

Favorite New Year's entertainment girls play shuttlecock, and boys fly a kite. Japanese children meetNew Year in new clothes. Adults also prefer to wear something new, as it is believed to bring health and good luck in the new year. On New Year's Eve, children put under their pillow a picture depicting 7 fairy-tale wizards - patrons of happiness.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Educator : You and I have returned home. This is Moscow - the capital of our country Russia.

In RussiaNewThe year always means a decorated Christmas tree, a festive dinner, the chiming clock, the Snow Maiden and, of course, Father Frost, who puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

What gifts to give to children onnewSanta Claus learns from the letters he receives from children just before the holiday.

Educator : Coming soonNew Year in our country. How do you guys usually celebrate?New Year?

Children talk about how they celebrate the holiday at home.

5. Conversation with children about the New Year tree.

Educator : Guys, who already has a decorated Christmas tree at home?

children's answers.

Educator : Tell me, how can I decorate the Christmas tree? What toys and decorations?

children's answers.

6. Game“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”.

Educator : Tell me, guys, who helps decorate the Christmas tree at home?

Children's answers.

Educator : Well done. Then you and I will now play a game"Let's decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday". Children are divided into two teams. In front of them are pictures depicting Christmas tree decorations and objects not related to them (balls, stars, icicles, a fox, a bunny, a stool, a nail, skates, Santa Claus, a Snow Maiden, candy, a hammer, a plate, trousers.)

The children begin decorating the Christmas trees. The winner is the team that not only quickly decorates the Christmas tree, but also correctly. The children sum up the results of the game themselves.

7. Guessing riddles.

Educator : Well done guys, you all did a good job. Now let's see if you are also good at solving riddles? For every correct answer you receive a snowflake.

The teacher asks riddles:

She comes all dressed in white,

She covers it with snow

All the trees and houses

It's called...(winter)

On the trees, on the paths,

on children's boots.

It lies on everyone in winter

Well of course it is...(snow).

All carved, lace -

light fluff

They flew to us from the sky


His children made him out of snow

A nose was made from a carrot

They even gave him a scarf

So that you don’t freeze in severe frost

Who does every child know?

In the yard behind the window stands

Boys' friend and girls' friend

Good plump friend...(snowman)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are meetingNew Year(month of December)

All dressed up in toys

All covered in garlands and firecrackers

Not prickly at all

Well of course it is...(Christmas tree)

We are not afraid to freeze

We dance and sing

We laugh and have fun

And we are waiting for gifts

And around the decorated Christmas tree

We dance in a circle

We are not afraid to freeze

We are meeting …( New Year)

Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree,

Pulls the sled behind him.

And the bag is heavy on them,

And in the bag they are...(present)

With a bag of gifts, with a beard,

Cheerful look and red nose.

He comes to us in winter

Good grandfather...(Freezing)

One two Three! - The command sounds, -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Lights the lanterns

New Year's...(garland)

Everything you want is on the tree:

There are countless toys there.

Candy, rain and firecrackers,

Garlands, stars and top.

Among the glittering tinsel

Round sparkles...(balls).

With frost, blizzard and snow

The magical winter will come.

And all the rivers and lakes

Will cover slippery thick...(ice)

We fly across the ice like the wind.

There are sparkles of joy in the eyes.

We put on our boots, walkers,

They're called …(skates)

Rolling down a snowy hill

Vadik and Oksanka.

Like the wind they rush

Their new ones...(sled).

We put shoes on their feet

We are quickly moving down the mountain

Why don't I hear the answer?

Well of course it is...(skis)

Clinging to the cornice

Droplets are thrown down

Not a toy, not a whistle,

And transparent...(icicle)

8. Summary.

Educator : What great guys you are, and you are also very good at solving riddles.

Educator : Guys, what interesting things did you learn today? What did you like most?

children's answers.

Educator : Our journey has come to an end. Happy upcoming year everyoneNew Year!

In the afternoon, invite children to watch the presentation “The Story of the New Year.”

Subject: New Year and its features.

Lesson objectives: introduce children to the history and traditions of the New Year holiday in different countries; learn the names of Santa Clauses in different countries of the world; develop clear and well-spoken speech; cultivate love for the traditions of your people.

Planned results: learn the history and traditions of the holiday, remember the names of Santa Clauses in different countries; give competent and complete answers.

Equipment: multi-colored crayons, cards with tasks on the material covered.

Preliminary work: decorate the classroom in New Year's style, prepare task cards.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational part.

II. Consolidation of the previous topic. Checking homework.

III. Notification of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. New material.

V. Physical education minute.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Lesson summary.

VIII. House. exercise.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class, checking readiness for the lesson. The children read the quatrain in chorus.

The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
I'll try to understand everything
Interesting to know.

II. Reinforce students' knowledge of the previous topic. Check your homework.

III. Announce the topic and goals of the lesson. Today we will conduct an unusual lesson (if possible, decorate the class in a New Year's theme). Look around. Do you like how our classroom is decorated? What holiday do you think we’ll talk about today? That's right, the topic of today's lesson is “New Year and its features.” We will talk about this long-awaited holiday, which is loved by both adults and children. Let's find out his story, where he came to us from. Let's remember new year traditions and many more interesting things.

IV. Learning new material. The teacher reads the poem "New Year" by N. Naydenova.

Through the dense forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to us.
So let's say it together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

Guys, who came up with this fun holiday and where did it come to us from? In ancient times, our ancestors celebrated it on March 1st. People lit lights on Christmas trees in the form of candles, with the hope of a good harvest in the new year. When the people accepted the Christian faith, the holiday was moved to the first day of autumn - September. And only in 1700, by decree of Tsar Peter I, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on January 1.

What New Year traditions of our people do you know about? The main tradition is decorating the Christmas tree. This green beauty is decorated with balls, garlands, glowing lanterns, pine cones, sweets, and toys. The Christmas tree is a symbol New Year's holiday. Another tradition is to set off fireworks at 12 o'clock at night, it is at this time that everyone wishes each other happiness in the coming new year. It is also customary to celebrate this holiday with your family. Adults and children wear beautiful clothes and carnival masks and having fun near the decorated Christmas tree. They sing songs, dance, play games and eat delicious food at the table.

Who can tell you how New Year is celebrated in other countries?

In England, when the clock strikes, people open the back door so that all bad weather will leave the house, and with the last blow they open the front doors and allow luck, prosperity, and health to enter.

The Hungarian people play loudly on pipes, whistles, and horns at midnight. They believe that this helps drive out evil spirits from the house.

Germans of all ages climb onto chairs, sofas, armchairs and jump onto the floor with the onset of the holiday. They say it helps you jump into the new year clean and sinless.

At the last minute of the old year, Italians throw unnecessary dishes, things, and furniture into the street. This allows them to get rid of bad energy.

In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes.

In Scandinavia, there is a tradition of grunting under the table; Scandinavians claim that it helps them get rid of illness and bad luck.

But in China, the New Year is not celebrated on the first of January; the celebration is scheduled on different days. The main feature of Chinese New Year is the decoration of houses and streets with small lanterns. And the children draw their sword on a piece of paper and before going to bed, put it under the pillow.

In India, New Year is called Gudi Padwa, on this day Indians must eat the leaves of the neem neem tree.

Bulgaria is a country where the smallest member of the family reads poems to guests, sings songs, and gives souvenirs that he removes from the Christmas tree.

To relax, children are invited to play the game "Who's Biggest". Divide students into two teams, and take turns naming words that can be attributed to the New Year. The team that stops last wins.

Children, without whom is there no New Year's holiday? What does he look like? Who is his assistant? What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain - this is Santa Claus. He differs from ours in his clothes; he always wears a red jacket with white fur and trousers.

In Sweden there are actually two of them: Yultomten and Julnissaar, they reward obedient children and leave them gifts under the window.

And in France there are also two Santa Clauses: Père-Noël and Chalande. The fairy Befana flies to Italian children on New Year's Eve.

In Romania - Mos Kreciun. Finland is famous for Joulupukki, he is always in the retinue of the gnomes. In Estonia - Jiuluvana.

And the guys from Uzbekistan are looking forward to Corbobo, who arrives on a donkey.

All Santa Clauses are different appearance, but they all give New Year's mood, joy, fun and long-awaited gifts.

Game "Let's draw a Christmas tree." Children are divided into two teams and take turns going to the board to draw one element of the Christmas tree. The team with the most elegant New Year's beauty wins.

V. Physical exercise. Children are invited to play the game “Mother Winter”. The teacher reads and shows what to do.
Mother winter has come,
Everything was covered in a snowstorm.
(wave-like movements of the hands in front of you)

We'll walk through the snowdrifts,
Right through to the dense forest.
(walking with high knees)

Suddenly we saw titmice,
We waved to them ( wave your hand)

And the titmice blinked at us,
And they flew away behind the pines
(swing with both hands)

Suddenly snowflakes came,
Like light feathers
(imitate falling snowflakes with your fingers)

Spun with us,
They started dancing with us
(spin around in place)

Hands clapped
(clap 4 times)
Foot stomped
(stomp 4 times)

They ran up to the tree together
And HURRAY!!! They shouted at her.
(We approach the Christmas tree - hurray!!!)

And now we are all people,
Let's say together...

The purpose of the lesson is to introduce students to the history of the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year and Christmas. The lesson uses visual, verbal, practical exercises. Methods for testing knowledge, techniques for concentrating and attracting children’s attention, techniques for presenting new things based on the children’s existing knowledge and skills. Lesson type - combined. The lesson was preceded by preliminary work - making a figure of an angel from salt dough. The lesson consists of theoretical and practical parts.



Municipal government agency

additional education

"Children's Art School No. 18"

Lesson summary on the topic:

Prepared by:


Androsova Svetlana


Liman village, 2017

The date of the: 01.12.2017

Location: MKUDO "DSHI No. 18"

Participants: Children's Art School students

Age of participants: 8-9 years old.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the history of the New Year and Christmas trees.



introduce students to the history of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for New Year and Christmas;

Continue making the angel toy from salt dough.


develop performing skills, attention, apply existing knowledge in practice;

enrich children's vocabulary with new concepts and words;

create an information culture.


Introduce students to the culture and traditions of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Lesson form: lesson getting to know new material.

Methods and techniques: methods - visual, verbal, practical exercises, knowledge testing method. Techniques - attracting and focusing children's attention, techniques to ensure children's emotional interest;accepting the presentation of new things based on the children’s existing knowledge and skills.

Lesson type – combined.

Equipment: angel figures made of salt dough, jars of water, jars of glue, wet wipes, glue brushes, sequins, cotton pads, scissors, oilcloths for work.

Logistics:media projector, screen, laptop, musical equipment, slide presentation with sound on the topic of the lesson.

Musical arrangement:video clips for the song “Angel Flies” in Spanish. groups “Fidgets”, “Silent Night”, “Christmas Tree”.

Preliminary work:making an angel figurine from salt dough, drying, painting.

Practical work:decorating an angel figurine with wings and sequins.

Lesson steps:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Learning new material.

III. Practical work.

IV. Physical exercise.

V. Reflection, consolidation of new material.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

1. Greeting, attendance control.

2. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

2. Studying new material.

Teacher. Guys, please answer the questions.

Tell me, what holiday will we celebrate soon? (Children's answers).

What is the main attribute of the New Year and Christmas holiday? (Children's answers).

Is this a Christmas tree right? How long ago did the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree begin? Who came up with this? And why do they decorate the Christmas tree and not another tree? (Children's answers).

Teacher . You all know the words from the song: “And so she came to us dressed up for the holiday...”. Today we will find out where the Christmas tree came from. In our lesson we will get acquainted with the history of the New Year and Christmas trees.

Now I invite you to watch the presentation and listen to the story about the New Year and Christmas tree.

Appendix No. 1

Presentation on the topic: “The story of the New Year and Christmas tree.”

2 slide. The custom of celebrating Christmas and New Year by an elegantly decorated Christmas tree is not one of the indigenous Russian traditions.Long before people began to celebrate Christmas, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt brought green palm branches into their homes in December, on the shortest day of the year, as a symbol of the victory of life over death.

3 slide. In the Middle Ages, an evergreen tree with red apples was a symbol of the holiday of Adam and Eve, celebrated on December 24th.

The history of the transformation of spruce into a Christmas tree has not yet been accurately restored. All we know for sure is that it happened on German territory. In Germany, even before the adoption of the Christian faith, spruce was revered as a symbol of triumph over death, as a means of protecting the home from evil spirits, cold and darkness. It was here, among the ancient Germans, that it first became a New Year's symbol, and later a Christmas plant symbol.

5 slide. Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree and when was it?

It is believed that this is the leader of the German Reformation, Martin Luther.In 1513, returning home on Christmas Eve, Luther was fascinated and delighted by the beauty of the stars that strewn the sky so thickly that it seemed as if the crowns of the trees were sparkling with stars. At home, he put a Christmas tree on the table and decorated it with candles, and placed a star on the top in memory of the Star of Bethlehem.
In the 18-19 centuries, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree spread not only throughout Germany, but also appeared in England, Austria, the Czech Republic, Holland, and Denmark. In America, New Year trees also appeared thanks to German emigrants.

6 slide. When did they start celebrating New Year in Russia?

7 slide. On December 20, 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree on celebrating the New Year.

8 slide. And the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1, 1700. Previously, the beginning of the new year was celebrated on September 1.In Russia, the tradition of decorating the New Year tree appeared thanks to Peter I. Peter I, who in his youth visited his German friends for Christmas, was pleasantly surprised to see a strange tree: it looked like a spruce, but instead of pine cones, there were apples and candies on it. The future king was amused by this. Having become king, Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year, as in Europe.

10 slide. True, this tradition took root in Rus' for a very long time, more than 100 years. For many people, the Russian birch tree remained the symbol of the New Year (which was celebrated on September 1 before the Peter the Great era).Everything that was fashionable in Europe was immediately adopted in the Moscow German Settlement. There the tree quickly took root and it was in Moscow in 1818 that Grand Duchess Alexandra, the wife of the future Emperor Nicholas I, decorated the first tree for her family.

11-12 slide. And in 1828, in her palace in St. Petersburg, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna organized children's party, “Yolka”, without which it has now become impossible to imagine the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. It should be emphasized that Christmas trees and gifts were an indispensable attribute of the Christmas holidays, and not the calendar beginning of the New Year.

Slide 13 . Harvesting Christmas trees has become one of the lucrative jobs for peasants from suburban villages. A week before Christmas, a brisk trade began at Gostiny Dvors, squares and markets - “Yolochnye bazaars”. Trees for every taste were sold: from the smallest ones that could be placed on the table, to mighty beauties worthy of decorating the state rooms of the palace.

Slide 14 But in the peasant huts themselves, Christmas trees did not take root, being considered an empty master’s amusement. The people continued to traditionally celebrate Christmastide, caroling, singing Christmas songs and dressing up in goat and bear masks and sheepskin coats turned inside out.

Slide 15 The festive Christmas idyll continued until 1914. The First World War began, and Germany became the main enemy of the Russian Empire. During these years, St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd. The tree was also damaged, which the Holy Synod declared “an enemy, German idea, alien to the Orthodox Russian people.”

16 slide. However, they did not stop decorating the Christmas tree in Russia; Christmas was celebrated with it both in the trenches and in dugouts during the war.

Slide 17 Life after the Bolshevik revolution winter holiday things were even more difficult. By decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 24, 1918, it was introduced a new style maintaining a calendar. Since the difference between the old and new styles was 13 days, Christmas moved from December 25 to January 7, and New Year from January 1 to January 14. (The New Year according to the new style continued to date from January 1).

18 slide. The new authorities still held Christmas trees for the children of workers and peasants.

Slide 19 Thus, the New Year in the new style began to be celebrated before Christmas. Disruption of the calendar disrupted life with its traditional Orthodox holidays. They started putting up the Christmas tree not for Christmas, but for New Year. And crown it not with an eight or ten-pointed star, but with a five-pointed one, a symbol of the victory of communism.

Since 1925, the struggle against religion began, and in 1929 the New Year celebrations were canceled.

20 slide. In the mid-30s, the New Year holiday tradition returned to the country. We can say that the New Year was brought back to Russia by I.V. Stalin: the order of the party and government “On the celebration of the New Year in the USSR” was issued in 1937. At the same time the first official Christmas tree , which took place in the hall of the House of Unions. At the top of the festive tree was the famous red star.The forest beauty returned after for long years oblivion and has already entered our lives forever as an evergreen miracle and a fairy tale.

21 slides. During the Great Patriotic War, the traditions of this holiday also did not stand aside. In kindergartens, children were given “gifts”: some candy, some gingerbread. In other words, from the humanitarian aid received, they chose what was more or less suitable for the roleNew Year's gift.

22 slide. War veterans say that at the front they did not forget about this holiday and decorated the Christmas tree with what they had: wire, cardboard, bandages, cotton wool, shell casings and even shoulder straps.

Slide 23 . In 1954, the main Christmas tree of the country, the Kremlin, was lit for the first time, which sparkles and sparkles every New Year.

Teacher. This is the story of the New Year and Christmas tree. Did you learn anything new? What exactly? Tell me. (Children's answers). In the 18th century, people decorated Christmas trees with angel figures. They were hung at the very top of the tree. Angels are divine beings who are endowed unconditional love and limitless possibilities that protect a person from evil. It is commonly believed that an angel brings happiness, good luck, and goodness. An angel is the savior of the human soul.

3. Practical work

Teacher. And now I invite you to the workshop to complete the work of making an angel to decorate the Christmas tree.

To make wings you will need a cotton pad, scissors, sequins for decoration, glue and a brush.

Safety briefing

When working with cutting, piercing objects, be careful and store them in a specially designated place. Place the scissors on the right, the blades should be closed, with the rings facing you. Pass the scissors rings forward.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Fold the disk in half and cut with scissors.
  2. Decorate the dress and angel wings with sequins.
  3. Glue the wings to the finished figurine.
  1. Physical education minute.

I suggest you rest. Stand up please. Repeat the movements after me.

The angels arrived and stood on their toes!

They stretched their arms up and smiled at each other.

The wings were spread, directed to the sides,

They bent down to the ground, as if they were carrying a heavy load.

They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,

We flew high to catch a star there.

We took a deep breath, turned our shoulders,

We moved our hands slightly above our heads.

And now it’s time for them all to do good deeds.

5. Reflection.

Teacher. The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted with the history of both the New Year and Christmas trees. And decorate the angel figurines made in the previous lesson.How beautiful and different each angel turned out to be.

Guys, leave them on the tables and stand in a circle. I also made my own angel for the Christmas tree and brought it to show you. Let's pass it on to each other and share our impressions of our lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like or remember?

What emotions did the activity evoke in you, what was your mood?

Thank you all, and may your Guardian Angel always be by your side!

6. Summary of the lesson. The teacher evaluates the students' work and assigns grades.


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Slide captions:

The history of the New Year and Christmas tree. The presentation was prepared by: teacher S.V. Androsova

When did they start celebrating New Year in Russia?

Christmas tree in a dugout. New Year 1917. Photo by A.V. Martynov.

Thank you for your attention!

New Year is the most favorite holiday of most adults and children, because on the night from December 31 to January 1 (and in most countries the beginning of the year falls on these dates) real miracles happen!

With impatience, excitement and joy, people await the onset of the gala night. Preparations for the holiday begin in advance, and by the end of December the city streets are already sparkling with lights, and every house has a decorated Christmas tree.

A festive atmosphere reigns everywhere: in homes, shops, restaurants.

The pleasant New Year's bustle embraces everyone without exception. People go shopping in search of gifts for their friends and family, choose the most beautiful outfits and think over the menu for the holiday table.

The history of the holiday

The history of the New Year celebration goes back to Mesopotamia, where the tradition of celebrating the spring awakening of nature arose, this happened in the month of March. Even then the fun lasted more than a week. Nobody worked these days, people went to celebrations and fun masquerades.

Later, the custom of celebrating the New Year was adopted by the Greeks, then the Egyptians and Romans.

On what date this holiday fell among the pagans, before the baptism of Rus', is still unknown, but the fact is that the celebration of the New Year coincided with the end of winter.

With the advent of a new calendar associated with the baptism of Rus', the date of March 1 was assigned to the holiday; later it moved to September 1.

In 1699, Tsar Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on January 1. This was done following the example of all European countries that lived according to the Gregorian calendar.

New Year traditions

Each country has its own New Year's traditions, but there are several holiday customs that are observed by people all over the world.

What is customary to do for the New Year?

  • Get together with the whole family.

Most people strive to celebrate the holiday in a warm, cozy, homely atmosphere. Raise glasses of foaming champagne, make a wish among family and friends, sit at a festive table - these are the things that are valued in all countries of the world!

  • Decorate the house.

It has been customary to create a festive atmosphere in the home since ancient times. Our ancestors used to decorate their homes with all sorts of things! Basically, it was something edible: apples, nuts, potatoes and even eggs. Much later, glass balls, garlands and other decorative elements familiar to us appeared. Today's choice New Year's decorations so large that choosing exactly what will make your home unique and fabulous will not be difficult.

  • Give gifts.

Not a single New Year is complete without gifts. It was like this before, people congratulated each other on the end of the old year and the beginning of something absolutely beautiful.

The tradition of giving gifts is certainly one of the most enjoyable!

New Year's signs

“MIR 24” has made a selection of the most unusual New Year’s signs from different countries:

  • In Vietnam, it is commonly believed that the household god goes to heaven on New Year’s Eve on the back of a carp, so people buy live fish in advance for the holiday in order to release it into some body of water at night. Thus, the god who protects the house is provided with transport for the entire next year.
  • Residents of the island of Cyprus turn off the lights in their homes at midnight for a period of time because they believe that darkness will bring them good luck in the new year.
  • Many Italians, at the height of the holiday, throw old things out of the windows, and at that moment they themselves are dressed exclusively in red underwear!
  • The Chinese do not use scissors, knives and other sharp objects on New Year's Eve, so as not to accidentally “cut off” the prosperity and good luck that come to the house along with the holiday.
  • The French consider the wheel to be a symbol of a happy new year, so they often give it as a gift to their friends and family.

Christmas tree

Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year is customary in many countries. The symbol of the holiday can be not only spruce, but also any coniferous tree (pine, fir, etc.).

The history of this tradition began a very long time ago. Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of the World Tree, which was a symbol of life.

Almost all peoples revered evergreen plants. At first they were dressed up in forests or near houses without cutting them. Later, people began to place trees in their homes; this tradition has still been preserved, but artificial plants are increasingly replacing living plants.

It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with balls, lights, lanterns, garlands, pine cones, and sweets. Many people stick to a certain color scheme that matches the coming year.

New Year's table

The New Year's table should traditionally be rich, however, what dishes to prepare is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

"MIR 24" chose 5 interesting dishes that decorate

New Year's tables of people from different countries:

  • England, Christmas pudding

Almost every home in England has a sweet dessert made from flour, candied fruits, lemon zest, apples, raisins, nuts and spices on the table. The dish begins to be prepared a month before the celebration! This makes it even more desirable, especially for younger family members.

  • USA, stuffed turkey

They love to cook turkey on different holidays in the United States of America, New Year is no exception. The filling of the bird can be absolutely anything; each family prepares the dish according to its own recipe.

  • Austria and Hungary, strudel

The traditional dessert takes its place of honor on the New Year's table. It is usually served with ice cream and beautifully decorated with nuts, berries and syrup.

  • Japan, mochi cakes

Delicate cakes made from rice dough not only put on festive table on New Year's Day, but are also distributed to friends who come to visit, neighbors and relatives.

  • Germany, pork knuckle

The favorite dish of all Germans is sure to be on the table on New Year's Eve! The shank is usually cooked in beer and served with sauerkraut, potatoes and other side dishes.

Father Frost

The kindest fairy-tale character that all children look forward to is, of course, Santa Claus.

An old man with a long gray beard, arriving on three horses late at night, when everyone is already asleep, quietly enters houses and leaves gifts under the tree.

The history of the appearance of this character goes back to ancient times, when there was still paganism. The almighty god Morozko personified the beauty of winter and was a generous giver of frosts and snowstorms. With the adoption of Christianity, Morozko began to be represented as a negative hero, and only in Soviet times the image good grandfather returned.

For many years now, children have had a tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus, who lives with his granddaughter Snegurochka in the city of Veliky Ustyug, and it is from there that he comes on New Year's Eve with gifts that everyone is looking forward to with such impatience!

New Year films

Nothing inspires people more before the holiday than watching films filled with a fabulous atmosphere and the magic of the New Year.

If you still don’t feel like you’re in the New Year’s mood, take the evening off from work, brew aromatic mulled wine or cocoa, take a warm blanket and choose a movie from our holiday selection. We guarantee that any of them will give you that very holiday feeling that is so necessary in last days of the passing year.

Favorite New Year's films around the world:

  • "Alone at home"
  • "Miracle on 34th Street"
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • "Sorcerers"
  • "Exchange Vacation"
  • "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!"
  • "Christmas tale"
  • "Christmas trees"
  • "Carnival Night"
  • "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

New Year cartoons

Not only children, but also adults love cartoons. And even more so New Year's!

What could be better than getting the whole family together and plunging into fairy world?

We present to your attention a list New Year cartoons that will fill your home with the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday!

  • "Cold heart"
  • "Snowman Postman"
  • "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • "Last year's snow fell"
  • "The nightmare before christmas"
  • "Nutcracker"
  • "Penguins from Madagascar in Christmas adventures"
  • "Chrismas story"

New Year's songs

New Year is a noisy and cheerful holiday! Of course, it does not take place without songs, many of which have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it is difficult to imagine this magical celebration without them.

Here are a few New Year's songs, which must be heard on the night of December 31 to January 1 in every home:

  • "Jingle bells"
  • "Happy New Year"
  • "Let it Snow"
  • "Last Christmas"
  • "New Year's"
  • "Song about 5 minutes"

Children's New Year's songs:

  • "If only it weren't winter"
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
  • “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been”

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The history of the New Year goes back about 25 centuries. Ancient peoples celebrated the New Year in March. It was in March that field work began, and the ancient Romans considered March to be the first month of the year.

In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, the year also began either in March or, less often, on the day of Holy Easter.

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On the eve of 1700, Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according toEuropean custom - January 1. Peter ordered all Muscovites to decorate their houses and large thoroughfares with pine, spruce, and juniper branches. Everyone had to congratulate their relatives and friends on the holiday. At 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky.

The New Year celebration began “all over Belokamennaya”: cannons were fired, multi-colored never-before-seen fireworks flashed in the dark sky, and illumination blazed. People had fun, sang, danced, congratulated each other and gave new Year gifts. It was from January 1, 1700 that folk New Year's fun and merriment gained recognition, and the celebration of the New Year began to have a secular (non-church) character. Since then, this holiday has become firmly entrenched in the Russian calendar.

Already in November, festive illumination and decorated Christmas trees appear on city streets. Previously people They believed that by decorating the Christmas tree, they made evil forces kinder. The evil forces have long been forgotten, but the New Year tree, decorated with all kinds of toys and garlands, is still a symbol of the New Year holiday.

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It is not known exactly when the first Christmas tree appeared in Rus'. In the memoirs there are references to the fact that the custom of putting up a Christmas tree for the holiday was brought to Russia by the future wife of Nicholas I (1796 - 1855), the Prussian princess Charlotte (Alexandra Fedorovna). According to other evidence, the first Christmas tree was erected in the 40s of the 19th century by Germans living in St. Petersburg. Living in a foreign land, they did not forget their traditions and habits, rites and rituals, and the first Christmas trees appeared in the homes of the St. Petersburg Germans. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, Christmas trees decorated with lanterns and toys, sweets, fruits and nuts were placed only for children. Following the Germans, the Russian houses of the St. Petersburg nobility also began to put up Christmas trees for children. Forest beauties were decorated wax candles and lanterns, flowers and ribbons, nuts, apples, sweets. Initially, on New Year's Day, the tree stood for one day, then these periods became increasingly longer: two days, three, until Epiphany or until the end of Christmastide.

Christmas trees were sold at Christmas tree markets: near Gostiny Dvor, where peasants brought them from the surrounding forests, on Petrovskaya Square, Vasilyevsky Island and other places. Already in the middle of the 19th century, the New Year treebecomes a common occurrence for residents of St. Petersburg and begins to penetrate provincial and district cities and noble estates. By the end of the century, it was already firmly established in the life of the city and the owners of the estates.

Christmas has been canceled in 1929 . With it, the Christmas tree was also abolished, which began to be called a “priestly” custom. However, at the end of 1935 year, the Pravda newspaper published an article by Pavel Petrovich Postyshev (1887 -1940; Soviet, party leader, repressed) “Let’s organize for the New Year for children nice Christmas tree". A society that has not yet forgotten the beautiful and Holy holiday, responded quite quickly - Christmas trees and Christmas decorations. Pioneers and Komsomol members took upon themselves the organization and conduct Christmas trees in schools, orphanages and clubs.December 31, 1935The Christmas tree re-entered the homes of our compatriots and became a holiday of “joyful and happy childhood in our country” - a wonderful New Year’s holiday that continues to delight us today.

I must tell you that the custom of decorating green branches with toys also came to us from Germany. When there were no such beautiful and varied toys as there are now, people decorated the Christmas tree with what they had.

It could be apples, nuts.

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Apples occupied the most honorable place among the variety of early decorations. In the fall, the most beautiful apples, smooth, large and strong, were selected. They were carefully stored until winter. And it was apples that became the prototype of glass balls...

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Then candles, gingerbread and cookies were added to the decorations. Later, more durable jewelry began to be made: people gilded fir cones, and covered empty egg shells with the thinnest layer of metal. There were paper flowers and skillful crafts made from cotton wool, Christmas tree fairies, graceful stars, butterflies and funny figures of animals appeared from silver foil, and tinsel was made from twisted tin wires.
There is a legend that tinsel owes its birth to the good fairy: supposedly the sorceress turned an ordinary cobweb into sparkling silver threads and gave them to children.

A few years later, craftsmen learned to blow multi-colored glass balls, which decorated the thorny branches. But, unfortunately, not everyone could afford such decoration; it was quite expensive. And everyone wanted a miracle for the holiday. So they decorated the Christmas tree with foil snowflakes, felt balls, toys cut out of wood, knitted mittens, and socks.

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One of the most common Christmas decorations was and still is the bell. Since ancient times, it was considered a powerful amulet. With its ringing voice, the bell drives away dark forces, protects the house from misfortunes, and marks the beginning of family fun.They even said that it purifies the air and prevents the spread of diseases.

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Does anyone know who the ancestor of Santa Claus was? In some sources, local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus, in others - medieval wandering jugglers singing Christmas and New Year's songs. Also, some consider the ancestor of Santa Claus to be a wandering seller of children's toys. And the most interesting thing is that among the ancestors there really was a real person who lived in the 4th century in the city of Mira, Turkey. Archbishop Nicholas, the real ancestor of Father Frost, was very kind person. Once he saved a poor family with three daughters from death. By throwing a bundle of gold out the window, Archbishop Nicholas provided the family with food and clothing. After the death of the archbishop, he was declared a saint. After a long time, Archbishop Nicholas became the object of worship of Christians from many countries of the world. And on December 19, according to the traditions of Archbishop Nicholas, the children were given gifts.

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Father Frost - a character in Russian legends, in Slavic mythology - personification winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water. Often depicted in blue or red fur coat, with long white beard and staff in hand.

On November 18, Russia officially celebrates the birthday of Father Frost. The children came up with this date for him, and this is due to the fact that, according to observations, it is on this day that severe frosts hit Veliky Ustyug, and real winter comes into force.

Santa Claus was originally an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Old Man of the North, the lord of icy cold and blizzards, who froze people. But later, Soviet filmmakers came up with a different image for Santa Claus: he came to children on New Year’s Eve and gave gifts; Santa Claus has become a symbol of the New Year holiday,

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Snow Maiden - granddaughter of Santa Claus. She is a symbol of frozen waters. Sweet, pretty, kind, a smart girl! Always young and cheerful. Dressed in a fur coat white, sometimes the color may be turquoise. On the Snow Maiden's head is a crown with eight rays, decorated with silver and pearls
It is interesting that only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter, being a constant companion and assistant, she helps him carry a full bag of gifts, harnesses and unharnesses the sleigh, feeds the deer (or horses). On New Year's Eve, the Snow Maiden, together with Santa Claus, sorts out the letters sent by children over the whole year. invents Original gifts and performances for the youngest children, who are also entertained, while Santa Claus finds out from the parents whether the children have behaved well throughout the year. Also, Snegurochka, together with the children, helps Santa Claus light the lights on the New Year's tree, leads a round dance with the children, sings songs, dances and distributes gifts to the children.

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It is believed that the custom of exchanging for the New Yeargreeting cardsoriginated in England. First sent New Year's greetings by mail Englishman Henry Cole , congratulating his friends on the upcoming 1843. Later it was he who turned to his friend John Gersley with a request to drawNew Year's card. From this sketch, the first batch of one thousand copies of New Year's cards was printed in London.

Since then, the custom of congratulating your loved ones and friends on the New Year with postcards has conquered the whole world. IN Russia this tradition came directly from England. The prototype of domestic greeting cards can be considered popular among the Russian people popular prints.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, such postcards depicted landscapes of winter Russian nature with snow-covered huts, as well as dashing Russian troikas.

Over the years, different countries have developed their own national traditions. In Japan, for example, there is a tradition of giving cards before the New Year with the image of an animal that corresponds to this year. eastern horoscope. Such New Year cards the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun send hundreds to each other. It is customary to thank your relatives and friends for all the good things that happened in the past year and express hope for the continuation of friendly relations in the future. Today, New Year's sales and bazaars are full of beautiful and original postcards made in a variety of techniques:metal, silk, holography. Have become habitualrelief, volumetric, musical cards.

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In Rus', in the old days, men-snowmen were revered as the spirits of winter and requests for help were offered to them. According to the European fairy tale, the snowman was made of chocolate. The little boy Tim took him outside to admire the snow and look at the different winter fun. So the snowman remained on the street and over time became covered with snow, turning into the snowman we know.

But whatever the origin of this tradition, it remains, first and foremost, fun.

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The substance, which when burned produces a bright and sparkling fire, was invented by ancient pyrotechnicians of Bengal (part of India) in the 5th-6th centuries. n. e, located along the Bay of Bengal. During religious ceremonies in temples, a fire of unusual brightness flared up and quickly burned out on the altars.

This is where the name “sparkler” comes from. In Europe, sparklers immediately became a source of entertainment. With its help, using compositions of colored fire, fiery pictures were drawn, scenes and scenery were decorated and illuminated. Bengal lights are a classic attribute of the New Year's holiday and any other special events.

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Raisa Kudasheva, a governess, then a teacher, librarian, published several books for children and teenagers. In 1903, the text of a children's song appeared in the Moscow magazine "Malyutka" with the signature "A.E.", the pseudonym of the writer Raisa Kudasheva. The words of the poem were set to music by an amateur musician, and also an agronomist, Leonid Bekman, making nice gift on New Year's Eve for his two-year-old daughter, Vera. So the New Year's song went around the country, and the names of its authors were forgotten over the years.

In this regard, a story was born that in the middle of the last century an elderly woman came to the Writers' Union and asked to be accepted into the ranks of the union members. The employees asked to show her works, to which the woman said, “I only wrote one poem,” and, to the condescending smiles of eyewitnesses, she handed over a worn-out page of the Malyutka magazine. Raisa Kudasheva, that was her name an elderly woman, on the same day they were accepted into the ranks of the Writers' Union.

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