How to receive compensation for funeral expenses from Sberbank

In 2009, a program was launched that provided compensation to all citizens of the USSR who deposited rubles into their savings book. It was supposed to end in 2013, but since then it has been extended several times. Compensation for Sberbank deposits before 1991 in 2017 is carried out in the same manner and on the conditions specified in the relevant Government resolution.

Compensation for Sberbank deposits in 2017: latest news from the Ministry of Finance

Since not all investors (and successors of investors) managed to collect their compensation, the Ministry of Finance extended the program until the end of 2017. It’s not a fact that it will be in effect next year, so investors should hurry

The legal successor of the Central Bank of the USSR is Sberbank, and it is he who makes payments. Since it has a fairly extensive network of branches, there shouldn’t be any problems finding a suitable branch.

Compensation for Soviet deposits is carried out from the federal budget, and not from Sberbank’s own funds.

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According to the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, compensation for Sberbank deposits in 2017 is paid to citizens of the Russian Federation who opened accounts in savings banks before July 20, 1991. In this case, payments are not due if:

  • the deposit was opened later than the established date;
  • closed until the end of December 1991;
  • The deposit has already been reimbursed.

To receive funds, applicants must be citizens of Russia, and their deposits must be made in the territory of the former RSFSR.

The following can receive payment in 2017:

  • the investors themselves;
  • heirs;
  • heirs or other persons who paid for the funeral of an investor who died in 2001-2017.

To obtain compensation, the depositor or his heir must personally contact Sberbank with an application. No one will look for him on their own.

Heirs can find out whether their deceased relative was a depositor by submitting a corresponding request to any branch of Sberbank.

Amount of compensation and payments

According to the resolution, the amount of compensation is recalculated at the rate of 1 Soviet ruble = 1 Russian ruble. Of course, since 1991 the purchasing power of the ruble has dropped significantly. To “smooth out” the consequences of this a little, certain modifiers apply to the deposit amount. Compensation for deposits from 1991 in 2017, when they will give the applicant, the resulting amount will be accurately calculated.

Modifiers depending on the age of the applicant are as follows:

  • 3 times the size of the nominal deposit - for citizens born before 1945 inclusive;
  • 2 times the size of the nominal deposit - for citizens born in 1946-1991.

It is of great importance when exactly the deposit was closed. Depending on when the applicant collected his money, additional modifiers are applied:

  • 1 – if closed after 1996 or still in effect;
  • 0.9 – if closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 – if closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 – if closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 – if closed in 1992;
  • 0 – if closed in 1991

For example, a depositor born in 1941 decided to receive compensation for a deposit closed in 1995. As of July 20, 1991, he had 3,000 rubles in his savings book. He can receive 3 times the amount of payments on the remaining funds, and since the deposit was closed, a modifier of 0.9 is applied to the compensation. Total payment amount: 3000 * 3 * 0.9 = 8,100 rubles.

If the applicant partially received compensation, it will be reduced by the amount of the payment already made.

For heirs, the calculations are the same, but the modifiers depend on the age not of the investor, but of the heir himself.

Also important:

  • year of closing the deposit;
  • the size of the heir's inheritance share;
  • the amount of previously paid compensation (both to the investor himself and to the heir).

If the applicant paid for funeral services in connection with the death of the fund holder, then he can also receive compensation, even if he is not a relative. The same modifiers apply to the payment amount, but the total amount is limited to 6,000 rubles.

In 1991, Sberbank's deposits were frozen. Since then, investors have been wondering when they will be compensated for their deposits and will be able to get their money back.

According to the law, the return of lost funds must take place before 2020. Compensation for USSR deposits is mandatory. The first payments on these obligations began to be reimbursed in 1996.

How did it all begin?

In the 90s, there was nowhere to spend money, and it turned out that the population had finances, which were subsequently stored in Sberbank deposits.

At the same time, a deficit appeared during that period, which the state wanted to compensate by using the population’s money that was in bank deposits. And what was left was frozen. Therefore, the population was left with nothing.

Way out

After some time, M. Gorbachev indexed deposits by 40%. Amounts up to 200 rub. were given in person, and what exceeded the number was credited to special accounts under special conditions that were not very suitable for the population. But then there was no talk about choice.

Two years later, a second compensation was carried out, but in absentia. This happened thanks to pressure from investors. Although in 1996 Yeltsin ordered part of the debt to be returned to depositors. Since 2009, deposit indexing has been more active.

When will there be indexation of Sberbank deposits before 1991?

Since 2014, Sberbank has continued to pay out Soviet deposits that the population had in 1991. This money was frozen in the accounts of depositors, as state. debt to investors. Reimbursement of Sberbank deposits is done in order of age. Payment of compensation will last until 2017.


By 2020, the population will receive compensation for deposits that disappeared before 1992 in Sberbank. It is planned to return about three hundred billion rubles to investors.


Depositors by age group until 2020 can receive money for 1994.

Sberbank's promises and compensation policy

The Russian government decree of December 25 is currently in effect. 2009 “On the procedure for conducting in 2010-14. compensation to Russian citizens for deposits in Sberbank of Russia.”

Citizens who were born before 1945 apply for compensation. They are paid three times the amount of the balance. Also investors with a birth period between 1946 and 1991.

The value is double relative to the remainder. If compensation was acquired earlier, then the current amount is reduced by its amount. Refunds depend on how long the deposit was kept.

If over the course of 13 years, from 2001 to 2014, the owner of the deposit died, then his heirs are paid an amount of 6 thousand rubles. (with a contribution of 400 rubles) for funeral services. If the deposit is less than 400 rubles, then the amount of funeral services paid is multiplied by 15.

In cases where compensation must be paid in two banks, the amount for funeral services is paid only in one of them. Double payments are not provided for by law.

In situations where a Russian citizen has not previously been accrued any of the above, later nothing is paid extra:

  • Advance compensation.
  • Double and triple, which are added to the balance.
  • Additional compensation.
  • Reimbursement for payment of funeral services does not exceed 6 thousand rubles.

Now the indexation period for most of the listed payments is made every year from April 1 of the current year based on the forecast inflation level prescribed by the budget law for the appropriate financial year and planned time.

Video: How to apply and receive

Required documents

To receive compensation, you need to bring certain papers to Sberbank.

To investors or their representatives:

  • A paper that proves your identity.
  • Power of attorney with the right to receive compensation.
  • Application for reimbursement.
  • Savings book (if present).
  • Application for loss of the Savings Book.
  • For closed deposits in 1992 -2015. deposit, the depositor writes a proper statement to the banking organization.

Heirs need to present the following documents:

  • Identity papers.
  • A paper that testifies to the right to inheritance.
  • Certificates of death of the owner of the deposits.
  • A document confirming that the investor is a citizen of Russia at the time of death (if necessary).
  • Savings book (for a working deposit).
  • In a situation where there is no savings book for a working deposit or when purchasing compensation for one closed in 1992-2015. deposit, the depositor fills out a proper application at the banking organization.

It is important to note that according to the influencing law, Sberbank will not pay compensation to those who do not have Russian citizenship and to those who do not have citizenship at all, even foreign ones. This rule also applies to heirs.

Where to watch?

In order to be savvy in this topic and explain to yourself the essence of the issue with deposits, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with federal legislation number 73, which is called “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

It describes the sequence of issuing funds, what happened to the money that was left for safekeeping in a banking organization during the period from the existence of the USSR until 1991, and how the indexation of funds will be done in the future.

What do politicians think?

Minister of Finance, Alexei Kudrin, said that when drawing up the budget, a certain cost item was allocated, according to which citizens of the USSR, who had already lost hope and forgot about their contributions, would be able to get their money. The official assured investors that they could get their money back double.

But even this increase cannot realize the right of the population to use their money, which they deposited before the age of 91. After all, in the Soviet Union you could buy a real car for three thousand, but if you now double this amount, then the money will only be enough to buy a toy car.

Indexation in 2017

In 2017, compensation continues for deposits made before 1991 by Russian citizens in Sberbank, which are classified as savings in accordance with the law “On the restoration and protection of savings of Russian citizens.”

In 2017, refunds on deposits are paid to Russian citizens in the following amounts:

  • Investors in 1945 - in triple the size balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991, the amount of compensation depends on the time of storage of deposits and is reduced by the amount received earlier than the preliminary compensation.
  • Depositors from 1946 to 91 birth - in double the amount of the balance of deposits as of June 20, 1991. The amount of double compensation depends on the period of storage of deposits and is reduced by the amount of previously acquired preliminary compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).
  • If the owner of deposits in 2001-15. died - to heirs or individuals. persons who paid for funeral services are paid compensation.

Features and Benefits

The first step for those who want to receive compensation is to go to Sberbank. Funds are paid to those citizens who are no longer alive. If you know that your relatives who lived during the USSR and made deposits in Sberbank, then their money can be given to you.

But such a process regulates that money can be released on the basis of the depositor’s documents to his heirs who participated in the process of accepting the inheritance and have the right to purchase money in the amount of 6 thousand rubles.

The positive side of these reimbursements is the readiness of financial workers to allocate a line in the state. budget and to reciprocal actions, namely indexation.

Approximate calculations

Here, the amount of compensation depends on the time of birth of the investor and the period when the deposit was closed. The amount of payments is determined in this way: the deposit balance is increased by two coefficients, after which it is reduced by the amount previously paid.

Calculation of the amount of money returned to Sberbank clients

First example

Investor born in 1951. The deposit is working. There are 4.8 thousand rubles left on the Savings Book. in 2012 I received triple compensation. Is it possible to find money in the bank in 2017?

According to paragraph 6 of Resolution 1092, another payment is not provided.

Second example

Investor born in 1941. The deposit is still working. There are 4.8 thousand rubles left on the Savings Book. I have never received a refund before. How much compensation can you expect?

The payment is made in triple amount. Storage time coefficient – ​​1. 4800 x 1 x 3 = 14.4 thousand rubles.

Third example

The client of the banking organization was born in 1954. His deposit was closed at Sberbank of the USSR in 1993. At this time, the balance was 7,300 rubles. I have never received a refund before.

In this situation, the payment will be made in double amount. The storage time indicator is 0.7. Therefore, 7,300 x 0.7 x 2 = 10,220.00 rubles.

Lost Passbook

If your savings book is missing, nothing terrible will happen. You just need to go to Sberbank and fill out an application for restoration of lost paper. Once you have restored your savings ledger, you can apply for a refund.

The promised refunds are being paid little by little. You can win them either in cash or transfer them to a second account at a banking organization. Investors only need to meet the necessary requests.

If you know that you or your relatives had savings in a Soviet-era banking organization, then remember that today you can get them in a certain amount, which is considered personally.

This policy is aimed at compensating citizens for their losses that occurred due to the depreciation of money in the nineties.

The program adopted in 2009 for the payment of “Soviet” deposits of the population lost in 1991, calculated until the end of 2013 and suspended in 2014, has been extended and is working. Today, the rules for compensation calculations have been slightly modified, there are innovations in amounts and good news for those investors who were born before 1945.

All payment transactions are made through Sberbank, which is the direct successor of the USSR Savings Banks, where all citizens’ savings were “burnt.”

How the compensation program works: numbers and details

The same story with indexing and age restrictions. Why will only those over 72 years old (that is, born before 1946) receive their deposits with a compensation of 1 to 3? And on what basis is the reduction factor established for deposits closed between 1992 and 1995? No one gives specific and clear answers to these questions. There is only an assumption that these conditions are established in connection with the current economic situation and are determined only by the capabilities of the domestic budget.

These amounts are unlikely to compare with the income they promise. However, 8 billion rubles were allocated to implement the program in 2016. This amount is comparable to last year, which amounted to 7.8 billion rubles, although much less than what was spent in 2011 (about 20 billion rubles), when the peak of compensation claims occurred.

If they are the same for all regions of Russia, then there is significant diversity in the issue of compensation for “burnt” deposits in the former republics of the USSR. The greatest progress is noticeable in Lithuania. The whole process has already been completed there, the maximum amount was 1.5 thousand Euros. Belarus is still postponing full payments, citing the insufficiency of current resources. In Armenia, they planned to complete settlements with depositors of “Soviet savings banks” in 2015, but for now they extended the program for a couple of years. First of all, they settle accounts with pensioners; the amount of compensation depends on the size of the deposit. For the first thousand Soviet rubles they give 200 dollars, then - in descending order, for the 3rd-5th - already 80, starting from the 10th - 20 dollars. Azerbaijan launched a program to compensate deposits for 5 billion rubles with a mandatory payment of 0.5-1.0 dollars per 1 ruble. Kyrgyzstan and Moldova lag behind due to a lack of funds; in these countries there are cases of litigation between investors and the government.

Russian realities can be regarded as a step by the state towards the population, capable of extinguishing some degree of tension caused by crisis phenomena in the economy as a whole.

Rules for compensation payments in 2016

Based on current regulations and Federal laws The volumes and procedure for compensation payments on “Soviet” deposits opened before 1991 are determined as follows:

  • triple the amount of the deposit balance is paid to citizens born before 1945. (inclusive);
  • double – for depositors born 1946 – 1991;
  • heirs of investors (the size of the increase depends on the age of the heir himself - multiplied by 3 if the applicant for compensation was born before 1946, and by 2 for everyone else).

In addition, reducing factors apply when calculating the amount of compensation. They relate to deposits closed between 1992 and 1995:

  • 1 – applies to those currently operating and in 1992 – 2012, and closed in 1996 – 2015;
  • 0.9 – operating in the period from 1992 to 1994 and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 – in force in 1992 – 1993. and closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 – active in 1992 and closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 – closed in 1992;

Please note that deposits closed during the period from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991 are not subject to compensation payments. This is due to the transformation of the Savings Bank of the USSR and the registration of the charter of Sberbank of Russia.

It is also necessary to remember that the deposit balance usually consists of two amounts. One of them is, in fact, the money with accrued interest that the bank owes a person, the other is funds in a special account that was opened to store a one-time compensation accrual. This is the 40% on the balance of the deposit that was added to everyone by Decree of the President of the USSR in March 1991 due to an increase in retail prices.

Advice: sometimes it is more difficult to correctly calculate the payment amount than to quickly find it. Therefore, if you do not agree with the figure that is written in the debit order (for closed deposits) or in the savings book marked “compensation”, do not rush to take the money and sign for its receipt. You can always request additional explanations and verification of the calculation.

There is one more nuance that affects what compensation a depositor can receive in 2016. It concerns those payments that have already been made within the framework of state programs in his favor. If the investor, his authorized representative or heirs have previously received compensation or preliminary compensation, the money that was issued will be deducted from today’s figure. This also applies to funds received as partial coverage of the costs of funeral services.

How should heirs and trustees act?

We all understand that the age of the main contingent of Soviet investors is already approaching that stage of life that is called “sunset.” Of course, there is an exception here; many parents opened “children’s” deposits, and this category of owners also has the right to compensation. However, the vast majority of those who apply for it are elderly people who cannot “run” after bankers on their own. Additionally, in many cases, unfortunately, the owner of the investment has already died. Here his heirs can count on compensation payments.

How to receive payment to an heir?

All conditions regarding the accrual principle, volumes and procedure for payments for this category of citizens are the same as if the deposit owner himself had acted directly. That is, the rule is used to increase the balance by three and two times (age restrictions), reducing factors (validity and closure of the deposit) and the deduction of prepaid compensation.

The only exception: if the heir corresponds to the group that is entitled to triple the balance, that is, was born in 1945 or earlier, then the age of the investor whose funds are recalculated does not matter. He must be paid compensation according to a formula that includes the number “3”.

Advice: preliminary compensations are deducted from the amount that can be received in 2016. But this does not apply to 6 thousand rubles (or less, depending on the size of the base investment), which were paid as payment for funeral services in the period from 2001 to 2016. Please take this point into account when contacting the bank.

To receive compensation payments, the heir will need:

  • document confirming Russian citizenship;
  • death certificate of the investor;
  • evidence of inheritance rights;
  • savings book (if the deposit is open).

The peculiarities of the whole process are that in many cases additional actions and documents may be required.

  • The bank may require papers proving that the depositor was a citizen of the Russian Federation at the time of death. There is a wide range of possibilities here. You can provide an extract from the house register, a registration certificate from the housing department, from work about the place of residence of the deceased, data from the passport and visa service.
  • In case of an open deposit and a lost/lost savings book, you can also receive compensation payments. It is enough to contact a convenient structural unit of “SB” and submit an application of the appropriate nature.
  • All complex cases with the chain of inheritance are resolved in a working manner on the basis of documents confirming the fact of transfer of property, the share of the applicant for compensation in it, and the like.

Advice: if your situation requires special attention and it seems to you that Sberbank employees are making some mistakes - in the amount of accruals, refusing to pay - then turn to lawyers for help. Today there are a lot of free consulting resources on the Internet; you can also ask questions “online,” that is, “live,” and receive professional answers for a nominal fee from a specialist.

Please note that in order to receive a compensation payment for “Soviet” deposits, you do not need to specifically go to the locality where it was once opened. All you need to do is contact your nearest SB branch and write an application using the form.

What is required from the trustee?

If the investor himself or his heir cannot, for some reason, independently act as a person applicant for compensation payments, their interests have the right to be represented by a trustee.

When the USSR collapsed, many investors lost the money they had earned all their lives. There could be no talk of deposit insurance at that time, since in fact the institution of voluntary or compulsory financial insurance did not exist in the Union.

The discontent of the masses increased every day. This became the basis for the adoption by the President of the Russian Federation in 1993 of Decree No. 2297, which guaranteed Sberbank depositors to receive one-time compensation for lost deposits.

In 1995, on the basis of this, a law was already issued that guaranteed the restoration and safety of valuables placed on deposit in the Savings Bank of the USSR in the period until June 20, 1991. It is on the basis of this regulatory act that investors can today receive monetary compensation for money lost during the collapse of the Union.

Features of the situation

The state guarantees the return of the following types of deposits lost during the liquidation of Sberbank of the USSR:

  • deposits registered with Sberbank before mid-June 1991;
  • deposits for contractual types of personal insurance for the period before January 1992;
  • money invested in securities of the USSR and the RSFSR before January 1, 1992 (Article 1, Federal Law “On the restoration of lost investments of Russians”).

All lost cash savings, starting from 1992 to 2017, are compensated in two and three times.

As for deposits before 1991, they are reimbursed taking into account the purchasing value of the currency in which they were placed at the time of unilateral termination of financial relations by Sberbank.

This means that when paying compensation for funds transferred for use to the main bank of the country before mid-June 1991, the value of the deposit at the time of its registration will not be taken into account. The investor will receive only what comes out as a result of recalculation. And this will be a disproportionately small amount when compared with the currency value of the deposit at the time of its investment.

For example, in 1990 a person deposited into an account with Sberbank 100,000 rubles. Considering the exchange rate at that time, this was a lot of money. But when recalculating this amount for payment of compensation, you can count on actually receiving only 3,000-5,000 thousand rubles.

The procedure for compensation for Sberbank deposits before 1991

The rules according to which retribution payments for lost deposits will be made in 2017 have not changed. The basis for the return of deposit parts to depositors of Sberbank of the USSR, from 2010 to today, is PP No. 1092 dated December 25, 2009 (as amended and supplemented for 2014).

The volumes and procedure for compensation of deposits will also be regulated by the Federal Law “On the Budget for 2017”, as well as the Federal Law “On the restoration and protection of deposits of persons with Russian citizenship.”

The thing is that the debts that the legal successor of Sberbank of the USSR has are no longer bank debts. They are positioned by law as the country’s internal financial debt to its residents. That is why money is allocated not by the Security Council of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Savings Bank), but by the government of the country to cover debts to depositors. Debt to persons who have made a deposit with Sberbank of the USSR has been a separate item of state budget expenditure for several years now.

In accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 384, the government intends to allocate 150 million rubles (1/3 for the period 2017-2017) to cover the internal debt.

The Security Council of the Russian Federation begins paying retributions on deposits from the moment the budget funds approved by the Government are credited. It is necessary to immediately note the fact that compensation is paid by the state only once. And those who have already had part of their savings returned, helped pay for funeral services, or provided additional compensation cannot apply for it again.

Another equally important issue is Crimea and the procedure for reimbursing deposit amounts to persons living today on its territory. Explaining the situation, the Savings Bank of Russia excludes the possibility of paying compensation to citizens of the peninsula who have previously received monetary compensation from the Savings Bank of Ukraine.

This is absolutely legal from a legal point of view, since Sberbank of Ukraine is the legal successor of the main state bank of the USSR as well as the SB of the Russian Federation. And if he has already repaid the deposits, then there is no point in hoping for repeated compensation from the Russian legal successor.


Payment of savings compensations is carried out in the branches of the Security Service of Russia at the place of their location. To receive material retribution, the investor will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • application for compensation;
  • depositor's book, if available.

If the deposit book is not in hand, then you must write an application for its restoration. When receiving monetary retribution, heirs must present:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the right to inheritance;
  • death certificate of the owner of the savings;
  • passbook.

In some cases, the bank may require the heir to provide a document indicating that the owner of the deposit was a citizen of the Russian Federation at the time of death.

Full information regarding what the package of documents should be can be found in the branch of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. All original documents presented by the applicant will be returned to him without delay.

After payment, the refund of part of the debt will be displayed:

  • for closed deposits in a cash order;
  • for open savings - in the deposit book.

After making an entry about the payment of retribution in the savings book by a bank employee, you must take this document for yourself.


The main question that has been worrying all bankrupt depositors of Sberbank of the USSR for several decades is what kind of compensation will ultimately be provided to them by the state.

The amount of monetary compensation will be determined based on the period of storage of deposits, taking into account special coefficients:

  • 1 – for savings operating from 1992 to 2012 and closed in 1996-2015;
  • 0,9 – for deposits 1992-1994, closed in 1995;
  • 0,8 – for savings 1992-1993, closed in 1994;
  • 0,7 – for investments made in 1992, closed in 1993;
  • 0,6 – for closed deposits 1992;
  • 0,0 – for deposits closed between June and December 1991.

When calculating monetary compensation, in addition to the coefficient expression, the balance of the deposit as of mid-1991 is taken into account, as well as the amount of payments received previously.

The cash balance on the deposit investment can consist of two amounts:

  • funds in the deposit account;
  • investments in a special account.

This means that in addition to the amount of the deposit itself, the calculation of compensation will also take into account the amount of compensation received in 1991. For a better understanding, consider the following example: a depositor born in 1944 closed his deposit in 1992. The account balance is 20,000 in national currency. The compensation from the state amounted to 400 rubles.

Since the owner of the savings was born before 1945, he has the right to compensation for the lost deposit in three times the amount.

When determining the amount of payments, a coefficient of 0.6 will be used. The formula to be used for the calculation is as follows:

SK=Qv*Kk*3-Rk, where

Qv is the savings balance;

Kk – coefficient;

Rk – the sum of previously received retributions.

Thus, after calculations, the amount of compensation for a depositor born in 1944 will be 35,600 in national currency.

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Who is eligible?

Compensation for lost deposits will be paid to the following persons:

  • for those whose date of birth is in the period before 1945 (their heirs) - in triple the amount of the deposit balance for 1991;
  • for those whose year of birth falls within the framework of 1946-1991, as well as their legal heirs - in double the amount of the deposit balance as of the summer of 1991.

Persons who closed their deposits between mid-June and the last day of 1991 will not receive compensation from the state. The heirs can count on receiving monetary compensation instead of the deceased investor only if the latter was not paid. The age of the deceased will not play a role in determining the amount of compensation.

Compensation for lost deposit funds is not paid:

  • persons who made a deposit after June 1991;
  • persons who closed the deposit between mid-June and the end of December 1991;
  • persons who previously received compensation in full;
  • heirs of the investor who were born after 1991;
  • persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation.

Refunds are not paid for deposits made in another country. Persons who are citizens of Russia but do not live on its territory also cannot count on receiving compensation from the country.


In order to receive a refund for a lost deposit, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • contact the Sberbank branch at which the deposit was made;
  • write an application for retribution payment;
  • provide a package of documents necessary for transferring compensation;
  • pick up the money and a passbook (order) with a note indicating the payment of compensation.

Most often, amounts of internal debt are transferred to a special card or bank account. It is also acceptable to issue money in cash through the Sberbank cash desk at the request of the depositor (his heir or representative).

At first glance, adhering to such a scheme, everyone should receive their compensation amounts as soon as possible. But as practice shows, due to various banking “whims”, even such compensation will have to wait a long time.

Do you need to hurry?

The Russian government intends to pay compensation to Sberbank depositors throughout 2017-2017. Prior to this, money had already been allocated from the budget to satisfy the demands of persons who had savings during the collapse of the USSR during 2010-2014.

If we consider this issue from the point of view of the Federal Law “On the State Budget,” then yes, we need to hurry, because they decided to continue payments only until 2017. But there are legal provisions regarding the safety and renewal of deposits of citizens of the Russian Federation.

They guarantee the right of depositors to receive monetary compensation, regardless of the time frame that may be set by the government. From a legal point of view, the depositor can apply for compensation after 2017, since his lost deposit is part of Russia’s internal debt.

It is obvious that Sberbank extended the time for paying compensation for lost savings during the collapse of the USSR in order to strengthen the position of all existing banking structures in the state. After all, after millions of people lost their deposits, the level of trust in banks was catastrophically low.

In the 90s, people began to massively invest their money in jewelry and real estate. However, it cannot be said that this trend is not observed today. The slightest crisis in the country forces people to immediately withdraw deposit funds.

Extending the payment of symbolic compensation for deposits until 1991 is more a government strategy associated with renewed confidence in banks than repaying citizens' domestic debt in accordance with their expectations.

The Government of the Russian Federation decided to extend the period of payments for previously made savings.

The Ministry of Finance announced plans for the next 3 years - an annual allocation of 5.5 billion from 2017 to 2019. to compensate for Soviet savings.

The amount, of course, is slightly less than in 2016, but experts claim the high social significance of support.

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Legislative regulation of the issue

If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991, then the volume and procedure for compensation can be studied in Art. 15 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 415, dated 2016. This regulatory act determines that payments will be made on the basis of Federal Law No. 73, which entered into force in 1995, which contains information on recovery processes and ways to protect the financial savings of depositors.

The procedure for compensation of deposits (contributions) is also discussed in Government Decree No. 1435, extending the validity of a similar document No. 1092, issued in 2009.

The return process is planned to begin immediately after the current year’s budget funding arrives at Sberbank of Russia.

Citizens should pay attention to the fact that Federal Law No. 415, namely, paragraph 5 of Art. 15 states that if in relation to a citizen’s contribution (contribution) three-fold or double compensations, preliminary or additional compensations, as well as payments for ritual services (amount of up to 6 thousand rubles) were previously made, then a repeated application is meaningless .

Who can apply for

In 2017, those deposits that were valid before June 20, 1991 will be reimbursed.

Not subject to consideration deposits:

To return previously collected funds can count:

  • investors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and born before 1991 inclusive;
  • heirs of investors.


In accordance with Government Decree No. 1092, dated 2009, the amount of compensation payments on the deposit depends on several factors.

Citizens whose date of birth did not reach 1945 will receive compensation threefold.

Any investor born after 1946 and before 1991 can pay for double the amount of compensation regarding the remainder. Compensation is also affected by shelf life.

If the death of the investor occurred during the period from 2001 to 2014, then heirs receive compensation for funeral services:

  • 6 thousand rubles, if the amount of money stored exceeded 400 rubles;
  • a figure increased by 15 times if the deposit amount does not reach 400 rubles.

Sometimes situations happen that 2 banks must reimburse the amount, but if we are talking about funeral services, then only 1 of them will pay the amount. The legislation does not provide for double payments.

Cases when a citizen of the Russian Federation did not receive none of the above do not imply subsequent additional payments:

Almost all of the above payments are subject to annual indexation in accordance with the inflation rate defined in the budget law for the current financial period and planning years.

The amount of compensation is influenced by duration of deposit storage. In addition, when determining, we use the following odds :

  • 1 – in relation to the deposit valid at the current time, as well as to investments whose validity extends to 1992 – 2017;
  • 0.9 applies to deposits valid from 1992 to 1994. and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 if the deposit was valid from 1992 to 1993 and was closed in 1994;
  • 0.7, if we are talking about existence in 1992 and closure in 1993;
  • 0.6 applies if the deposit was closed in 1992.

If accumulation of funds was stopped from June 20 to December 31, 1991, then double and triple compensation payments will not be made.

Payment procedure

When returning a sum of money, hard currency is used - rubles. Refinancing to another structure can also be carried out if the applicant expresses the appropriate desire.

Current legislation regulates the following sequence of actions when making payments:

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, all deposits located in 1991-92. were accounts of Sberbank and Rosgosstrakh, should be compensated until 2020 If any refunds have already been paid to the citizen, then the refund applies only to the balance.

For compensation of the 1991 contribution in the current year The following citizens can apply:

  • born before 1945 and having funds in a bank account on a previously agreed date;
  • born between 1946 and 1991 and with similar financial savings.

Children's savings

Candidates for children's savings deposit 1991, opened by parents, for example, before reaching the age of majority, they also expect to receive certain compensation.

In accordance with the legislation in force at that time, funds were paid upon completion of 16 or 18 years, but only if a mandatory condition was met - a minimum storage period of 10 years. This claim is subject to representation or inheritance, i.e. The applicant will be required to provide identification papers.

In 2017 for compensation payment can contact:

Registration of a compensation payment assumes that the depositor or his heirs will receive the corresponding payment from Sberbank. statement. The institution will not independently organize search activities.

If the heirs do not have information about the savings of a deceased relative, then this information can be found at a Sberbank branch after sending the appropriate request.

The resolution states that when recalculating the amount return rate is 1 Soviet ruble = 1 Russian ruble. Of course, the ruble has lost a significant part of its purchasing power since 1991.

To partially “smooth out” these consequences, certain modifiers, directly depending on how old the applicant is:

  • 3 times the nominal deposit if the citizen was born in 1945 and earlier;
  • 2 times the size if from 1946 to 1991.

For understanding, we can give the following example: a depositor was born in 1945, and wants to receive a compensation payment in respect of a deposit closed in 1995. By the time 1991 arrived, the amount of 4,500 rubles had been accumulated in the savings book. That is, a 3-fold amount and a modifier of 0.9 will be applied to the remaining finances. The total refund amount is: 4500 * 3 * 0.9 = 12150.00 rubles.

If the applicant has previously applied for compensation, then payments made will be deducted.

The heir can calculate the due financial return using a similar formula. True, to determine the value of the modifier, it is necessary to take into account the age not of the one who opened the deposit, but of the one who inherited it. At the same time the following important factors are taken into account:

  • the year when the deposit was closed;
  • inherited share;
  • previously received compensation, which could be applied for by both the investor and the heir.

If the applicant paid for funeral services with his own funds, then he can also count on compensation, even despite the absence family connection. The same modifiers are used for calculation, but only the total amount is limited to 6,000 rubles.

For information on the reimbursement of these deposits, see the following video: