How much is child benefit now? Close attention is paid to the number of children. Children after three years

How much will it be monthly allowance per child in 2017 in Russia? - hot topic, of particular interest to future parents. And this is understandable: government support and financial assistance are extremely important for families, especially in the current difficult times.

Every father and every mother wants to provide their children with everything they need for their full development and growth. Therefore, many families, having the opportunity to choose, carefully weigh how well they can cope with providing for their unborn child. And this concerns not only money: during the most important period of a child’s growing up - the first years - it is important that there is a close person. It is thanks to the presence of mom or dad that the child develops trust in the world.

The implementation of the Constitutional provisions on family support is currently being ensured state program for 2013-2020 One of the most famous and effective measures of this program is the provision of maternity capital. This measure of support for families with two children has helped many families decide housing issue, provide decent education.

In our country, parents are also entitled to a number of payments, both federal and regional. Their goal is to provide families with the financial support necessary to raise children. The purpose of this material is to provide readers with up-to-date information about what child benefit for 2017one should expect to whom it is assigned and what is the procedure for its provision.

Types and procedure for assigning benefits

Monthly child benefits can be assigned to both mothers who have gone on maternity leave from their official place of employment and the unemployed. Of course, they will differ in size, however, the payment itself takes place. In addition, child benefits will differ depending on the age of the child and the family income.

Also in the regions are appointed additional benefits. For example, families with children aged 1.5-3 years, whose income level per member is lower living wage, monthly child benefit in Moscow in 2017 -2.5 thousand rubles. Federal payments in this case are not assigned.

Let's look at the main types of regularly paid benefits Russian families with children depending on their age, which are issued most often.

From birth to one and a half years

This type of government assistance is traditionally the most solid:At this age, children most need care; accordingly, the likelihood that the mother will have a source of income is insignificant. Some parents, having the opportunity to leave their child with grandmothers or nannies, still make a decision and go to work. But the majority still prefer a vacation.

Standard accrual

The standard calculation is aimed at employed women whose official income is at least 1 minimum wage. In this case, the accrual is made based on the average monthly salary for the last two years preceding the current parental leave, and is equal to 40% of this amount. Sick periods and previous care leave, if any, are excluded from the total calculation.

This payment is processed at the place of employment upon submission of a corresponding application to the personnel department.

Minimum charges

1. Unemployed mothers receive the smallest amount of this type of financial assistance. This is due to the fact that the money is paid from the employer’s insurance contributions. At the same time, the right to financial assistance Only women whose status is officially confirmed by registration with the employment service have. The current amount, established by law before February 1, 2017, for unemployed mothers is as follows:

In February social benefits are indexed in accordance with the amount of actual inflation of the completed annual period. This type benefits are also subject to revision, its estimated amount will be 5.5-6.5%. After indexing, they will be about 3 thousand and 6 thousand, respectively.

2.Employed women can also count on a similar amount of payments. This can happen if the income is less than 1 minimum wage or the work experience is less than six months. However, they have a choice - either the specified minimum or the usual calculation. Most often, a fixed minimum is more profitable than another method.

Maximum benefit

Along with the fact that the minimum is determined by law, there is also a maximum of possible payments. Why is this happening? Every year, the maximum amount of income against which insurance premiums are calculated is determined by law. This year it is 718 thousand. If annual income exceeds the above amount, child benefits are still calculated on it.

What does this mean? The maximum is limited to 21.5 thousand rubles. The insurance base, along with other socially significant values, will be indexed from the beginning of January. Therefore, next year the benefit will also be increased in proportion to the change in this base.

For a second child

Benefit for the second child from 2017,as before, it will also depend on the previous child. Below are the main provisions regulating the procedure for calculating such payments:

  1. If the first child has not reached the age of one and a half years, the accrued benefits for both children are not summed up, that is, they are accrued for each until the specified age is reached.
  2. The minimum amount of payment for the second child or subsequent ones is determined by law and is currently 5436 rub. That is, in total on the first two -8155 (2718.34 + 5436.67) rubles, and for the second and third, or third and fourth and further -10873,34 (5436.67 + 5436.67) rubles.
  3. If there are three or more children, then the final amount of such payments cannot exceed 100% of the mother’s earnings - this is the amount defined as the maximum.

From one and a half to three years of age

During this period, one of the parents may be on vacation, but the amount of the benefit is symbolic - 50 rubles. But even this amount is accrued only to employed women and at the expense of the employer. Its size has not been indexed since 1994 and, most likely,allowance for a child under 3 years of age in Russiawill not change in the future.

According to the recommendation from the Government of the country, at this time targeted support is required exclusively for families in need. At the same time, the procedure for its provision and size is left to the leadership of the regions.

Large families

Since in our country quite a lot of families have more than one child, the section dedicated to large families, taken out separately. In our country, large families are considered to be families in which three or more children are not older than eighteen years of age.

Such families are entitled to various benefits, but anyallowance for large families per child in 2017at the federal level is not provided, except for the standard payments mentioned above. The current situation does not meet the requirements of adequate support for such families, because the social risks in them are much higher. However, according to the statement of Maxim Topilin, head of the Ministry of Labor, there are no resources for action in this direction at the federal level.

So, parents of three or more children can only count on standard federal benefits for the first 1.5 years. Regional support can be provided, but only to families in need with an officially confirmed average per capita income below the subsistence level.

Children after three years

In some special cases At the regional level, benefits are provided to older children.Monthly benefit for a child under 16 years of age in Russiais prescribed in several possible cases:

  • the child is raised in a single-parent family,
  • the child is being raised by an unemployed parent or guardian;
  • the family is officially recognized as needy, with an average per capita income less than the regional subsistence level.

If one of these cases occurs, the child may be accrued a benefit in the amount provided for by the regulations of the region. It must be remembered that the corresponding status must be officially confirmed on an annual basis, either at the employment service or by providing income certificates.

This benefit is paid while the child is in full-time education and does not have the opportunity to earn money on his own. That is, the payment can be extended for another two or four years.

Thus,monthly benefit for a child under 18 years of age in 2017will be paid based on the criteria of the region of residence, and you need to find out the current amounts and requirements in your city.

Allowance for a disabled child

Support for families raising disabled children is regulated at the federal level. In addition to standard payments up to the age of one and a half years, provided for by law, disabled children in our country are entitled to several types of additional benefits and compensation.

  1. Social pension. This benefit is paid until the age of 18 years old. Until April 2017, it is accrued in amounts from 4.2 thousand to 11.9 thousand rubles, depending on the disability group. In April it will be indexed, the estimated percentage will be 5.5-6.5%.
  2. Monthly cash payment. Its size is also different according to assigned disability groups and amounts to 924, 1402 or 2362 rubles.
  3. Set of social services. IN general list this package includes payment for medicines, spa treatment and free travel. May be paid in monetary terms in case of refusal of one or more types of services.
  4. IN payment for caring for a disabled child. Thisallowance for a disabled child in 2017appointed until April in the amount of 5.5 thousand rubles. Afterwards it is indexed to the rate of inflation. Taking this into account, the remaining year amount will be 5.7 thousand rubles.

Find out more accuratelyWhat will be the benefit for a disabled child?possible at the beginning of the year after the official announcement of the size of future indexation.


Support for families with children in Russia today includes many areas and is provided to a large number of families. However, most often the size of such support leaves much to be desired.

At a decent level - child benefits in the first year and a half and only for those with an income level comparable to the Russian average. Amounts paid during this period now will be indexed to actual inflation (5.5-6.5%) and will range from 3.1 thousand to 23 thousand rubles. Payments paid in all other cases will vary at the discretion of the management of the region of residence. An exception is benefits for disabled children, which will also be indexed in the general manner.

There will be no indexation of the amount of child benefits in 2017 and their amount will not change. This conclusion can be drawn from the draft federal budget “On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019.” this conclusion has been made.

What benefits are we talking about?

“Children’s” benefits are considered to be social payments related to the birth of children. The list of these payments is determined by Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits citizens with children." So, in particular, the most common “children’s” benefits include the following benefits:

  • allowance for registration in early dates pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years;
  • maternity benefit.

In connection with the change in the calculation period, new amounts of “children’s” benefits will be introduced from January 1, 2017. Cm. " ".

How indexing changed

In connection with the economic crisis and problems with the state of the state budget, legislators have taken a number of measures in recent years to save, in particular, on the amount of child benefits, which are financed from the Social Insurance Fund budget. So, in particular, in 2016 the order of their indexing was temporarily changed. Let us explain the essence of the changes.

Indexation until 2016

Until 2016, the amounts of “children’s” benefits (with the exception of maternity benefit, paid by employers) were indexed each year to the projected increase in inflation. The indexation coefficient was determined by the federal law on the budget for the next calendar year (Part 1, Article 4.2 of Law No. 81-FZ). So, for example, the coefficient for 2015 was 1.055. To calculate the amount of the “children’s” benefit as of January 1, 2015, it was necessary to simply multiply the amount of the benefit for 2014 by 1.055 (FSS letter dated January 28, 2014 No. 17-03-11/06-1026).

Indexation from February 1, 2016

In 2016, indexation took place using a new mechanism. This is due to the fact that deputies of the State Duma of Russia suspended until January 1, 2017 the provisions of Part 1 of Article 4.2 of Law No. 81-FZ on the annual indexation of “children’s” benefits to the projected level of inflation (clause 6 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of 04/06/15 No. 68-FZ). In paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Law No. 68-FZ, legislators provided that in 2016 benefits will no longer be indexed by the budget law, but by a separate decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2016.

In this regard, from February 1, 2016, “children’s” benefits were indexed by a coefficient of 1.07 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2016 No. 42). Taking into account the new coefficient, from February 1, 2016, the basic amounts of child benefits were:

Indexation of benefits in 2017

On January 1, 2017, the provision on suspending the indexation of benefits to the projected level of inflation, which was introduced by paragraph 6 of Article 1 of Federal Law dated 04/06/15 No. 68-FZ, expires. Accordingly, from January 1, 2017, “children’s” benefits must be indexed by an indexation factor in accordance with the budget law for the next calendar year (Part 1, Article 4.2 of Law No. 81-FZ). However, in the draft federal budget “On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019” there is not a word about the indexation coefficient of child benefits from 2017. Accordingly, if the budget is adopted in the proposed version, then “children’s” benefits will not be indexed in 2017 and will remain at the same level. Cm. " ".

The amounts of some benefits may change from January 1 if the minimum wage is increased to 8,800 rubles. Cm. " ".

Solutions options

So, if legislators do not extend until January 1, 2018 the suspension of the provisions of Part 1 of Article 4.2 of Law No. 81-FZ on the annual indexation of “children’s” benefits to the projected level of inflation, then there will be no indexation in 2017 (since there will simply be no indexation coefficient). However, it is possible that the project federal law On the budget, legislators will still make the necessary amendments and the indexation coefficient for benefits.

In addition, we do not rule out that a law may be adopted stating that in 2017 the indexation of benefits (as in 2016) will be carried out by a coefficient determined by a separate Resolution of the Russian Government. And in this case, this resolution must determine both the coefficient itself and the date from which benefits should be indexed. And it is quite possible that this date will again be February 1, but this time in 2017.

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The long-awaited pregnancy and the upcoming joy of motherhood for women is also directly related to the need to resolve a host of additional issues, one of which is receiving payments and child benefits. It’s better to figure this out in advance so that you know all the options available to a woman. Today in our country there are a number of generally accepted measures aimed at supporting motherhood, which need to be understood. This information will help you determine what benefits and support measures you can count on. in case of birth of a child in 2017.


1) Type of payments. Payments for a child can be either lump sum, which is paid once, or monthly, that is, paid monthly after the child reaches a certain age. There is also such a support measure as a certificate, which can be maternity capital, birth certificate or certificate for the purchase of housing. Another type is benefits, such as providing a discount on utility bills or providing the right to free travel;

2) If we are talking about federal benefits, which are presented at the birth of a child, they apply to all citizens. However, if we are talking about regional payments, then they apply to residents of certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) Close attention is paid to the number of children.

It must be remembered that if a woman is not officially employed and does not have a Social Insurance Fund agreement on voluntary insurance, then a one-time benefit and maternity payments She is not entitled to it as a matter of principle.

What payments and child benefits for the second child are paid in 2017

According to the current Russian legislation, which covers the area state support For families that already have children, the birth of a second child also implies financial support. When a woman gives birth to her first child, the woman can count on similar payments. Maternal (family) capital, which for the period of 2016 is equal to 453,026 rubles, a woman can receive additionally. It is noteworthy that in 2015 the payment was the same, and in 2017 indexation is not provided for due to the economic crisis.

Amount of lump sum maternity benefit in 2017

This benefit is not fixed, and its size depends on how difficult the woman’s birth was. It is 140 days in the case of a normal birth, 156 days in the case of complications during childbirth, and 194 days in the case of the birth of two or more children.

If a woman is unemployed or belongs to the category of unemployed, then she is provided minimum size payments.

For working women, the payment amount is 100% of average earnings.

In this case, the calculation of the average salary is made on the basis of two calendar years that precede the year when the woman went on vacation.

After the employer has been provided with the necessary package of documents, he must assign benefits within 10 days. In order to know when you can get money, you need to focus on the day when the organization makes a general payment of wages.

It is noteworthy that the payment of benefits must be applied for within the established time frame, which is no more than 6 months from the day the maternity leave ended.

Financial support from the state for the birth of a second child

Payment of such benefits is made to one of the parents, who is usually the mother, or to the person who replaces them. For 2015, the benefit amount was 15,512.65 rubles.

An application for payment assignment, as well as a standard package of documents, is submitted to the organization’s accounting department. This is done by one of the parents. Already at the place of work, benefits are paid. There is a procedure for the unemployed. They need to go to the department social protection population. The benefit is assigned within 10 days from the day the documents are submitted, and no later than 6 months from the moment the child is born.

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years of age

This type of benefit is monthly. Payments are made at the parent's place of work. Important point– you need to submit an application and a package of documents to the organization’s accounting department in advance. The amount of this payment is at least 40% of the average income for the two years preceding the birth of the child. Situations are different, and if the child is cared for not by the parents, but by other relatives, then they must receive the benefit.

5817.24 rubles is the amount that is currently the minimum.

A young mother can count on this minimum amount.

Monthly allowance for child care under 3 years of age

Payment of such benefits is carried out in the place where the young mother works. Compensation payments for child care are provided to mothers. However, if the actual care of the child is provided by other persons, the payment may be made by them.
A woman must provide at her place of work up to maternity leave documents to the accounting department, after which she will be paid within 10 days from the moment she submitted the package. It is noteworthy that the payment of such benefits is carried out on a monthly basis.

Maternity capital 2017. What is the size this year

The maternity capital payment is a one-time payment and is provided in the event of the birth of a second or subsequent child.

For the period of 2016, the amount of maternity capital amounted to 453,026 rubles. For 2017 it remains unchanged.

Territorial division Pension Fund The Russian Federation at the place of actual residence of the family is responsible for its ability to receive maternity capital, and it is here that it needs to apply. It is also mandatory to present the required package of documents. It is noteworthy that maternity capital cannot be spent at your discretion, and there is a list of purposes for which it can be spent. There are also a number of entities in which payment can be made regional capital.
It should also be noted here that you can obtain a state-issued certificate in an unlimited period.