How much child benefit is paid to children of military personnel? Benefit for the child of a conscript

The procedure and conditions for the assignment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 865 “Regulations on the assignment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children.”

According to this Resolution, your family on the occasion of the birth of a baby has the right to receive the following payments:

One-time maternity benefit;

One-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in early dates pregnancy (up to twelve weeks)

One-time benefit for the birth of a child;

And finally monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Check out the list necessary documents to assign the above benefits, as well as get more detailed information about them in general, about the amounts and timing of payments, you can in our article

On January 1, 2008, the law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On state benefits citizens with children." Since then, two types of new child benefits have appeared in Russia. These benefits are: lump sum allowance to the pregnant wife of a conscript serving in the military in the amount of 14 thousand rubles. and a monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription in the amount of 6 thousand rubles.

The right to benefits is available if the serviceman's wife is pregnant for at least 180 days and in the period from the date of birth of the serviceman's child until he reaches the age of three years. These benefits can only be received during the period military service serviceman (husband of a pregnant woman, father of a child). At the same time, the basic payments required by law are preserved.

In addition, if you live in St. Petersburg, you are entitled to a one-time compensation payment upon the birth of a child for the purchase of children's items and products baby food. This is an additional measure social support families with children in St. Petersburg. It is paid from the budget of St. Petersburg and amounts to 16,350 rubles. (at the birth of the first child).

Please note that a military husband cannot take parental leave in place of his wife to care for a child under 3 years of age. The exception is the absence of a wife: death, abandonment of the child by the wife, etc. In this case, the father of the child is granted leave for 3 months from the date of birth of the baby.

Immediately after the birth of a child, the husband has the right to take another vacation without taking into account his length of service, vacation plan, etc. The husband is also entitled to 5 days of unpaid leave during the birth of his wife.

But, despite this, the size of the allowances and the time of leave granted to a serviceman still depend on the type of military service and the position of the unit. Therefore, we advise you to talk about this with the unit commander.


In order to maintain social support for families caring for the child of a conscript soldier under the age of three years, after switching to a one-year term conscript service and the abolition of deferments for young fathers with children under 3 years of age into law “On state benefits for citizens with children” amendments were made on October 25, 2007 No. 233-FZ, establishing a new form of state social security - monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription. Its amount from February 1, 2016 amounts to 10528 rubles.

Let us recall that until 2008, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 24 and Federal Law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On conscription and military service” in relation to conscripts and conscripted military personnel there were a number of socially significant delays And grounds for early dismissal from the armed forces, including those related to the birth of a child and caring for him.

However, as part of the reform of the Russian army in 2007, amendments were made to this law to reduce the duration of military service up to 12 months with simultaneous cancellation:

  • grounds for early dismissal from the armed forces upon the birth of a child;
  • deferment from conscription for persons with a child under 3 years of age.

Instead of the specified deferment, an additional payment is now being paid in respect of the child of a conscript serviceman until he reaches 3 years of age.

Who is entitled to receive a monthly payment?

Only the mother of a child has a priority right to receive this monthly benefit until he reaches the age of 3 years, provided that his father undergoes compulsory military service. Having a registered marriage with the child’s father, in contrast to in this case not required.

However, in some cases, specified in Art. 12.5 of Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, the specified payments may be provided to other persons who actually care for the child during the period of his father’s military service:

  • any other relative of the child;
  • to his legal guardian.

This circumstance is true in the case if the child's mother:

  • died or was declared dead or missing by the court;
  • limited in parental rights ah or deprived of them;
  • is incapacitated or due to health reasons cannot provide care for the child;
  • is serving a sentence in prison or is being held as a suspect;
  • evades the exercise of his parental functions (child support and upbringing).

At the same time, in cases where several persons are actually caring for the child at the same time, a monthly payment can be provided to only one of them.

Amount and duration of monthly benefit payment

The payment is provided monthly in a fixed amount, and the amount of accruals increases annually (indexed) by the law on the federal budget for the next calendar year.

Until February 1, 2016 the amount of benefit for the child of a military serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription is still 9839.48 rub. monthly. the payment amount will increase by 7% to RUB 10,528.24

If payments are made in the area to which the regional coefficient to wages, the benefit increases in multiples of its established amount.

Procedure for assigning and making payments

This benefit, provided for by federal law, is established exclusively
in the form of state social security.

In the regions, the specific service that ensures the appointment and implementation of payments of this benefit is established independently by the regulations of the constituent entities of the Federation. However, in practice, as a rule, payment security is made territorial authorities Social protection of the population(SZN Directorate) at the place of residence of persons caring for the child of a conscript soldier:

  • until he reaches the age of three;
  • until his father was dismissed from the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian army.

To apply for a monthly child care allowance for a conscript military serviceman, the mother or other person providing actual care must contact the authorities social protection population at the place of residence.

The right to payments is established regardless of the exercise of rights to other state benefits for citizens with children (including).

The deadlines established by law for the appointment and payment of monthly benefits for a child of a military personnel are presented in the table below.

Duration of payments provided by law:

  • The benefit is paid to the mother of the child starting from the moment of his birth(or from the moment the right to receive payments is transferred to another person, providing actual care), but not earlier than the day his father begins his military service under conscription.
  • Payments stop when the child reaches three years of age, but no later than the father’s completion of military service.

The right to payment is lost after 6 months from the date the child’s father completes military service under conscription.

Documents required for registration

To apply for benefits, the applicant must provide the social protection service with following documents:

  • application for assignment of payments (filled out on the spot);
  • the child’s birth certificate with a corresponding entry about the father;
  • certificate of the child’s father completing military service under conscription:
    • from a military unit - indicating the current period of service;
    • from the military registration and enlistment office at the place of conscription - after dismissal from service;
  • when transferring the right to payment to other persons:
    • a copy of the death certificate of the child's mother;
    • an extract from a court decision that has entered into force (on establishing guardianship over a child, recognizing his mother as dead or missing, depriving her of parental rights or limiting her rights, etc.);
    • medical certificate about the impossibility of caring for the child by his mother for health reasons.

Payment of monthly benefits for a conscript's child is carried out only in the form of state social benefits. provision. The following are eligible to receive this benefit:

  • mother of a conscript’s child (as a general rule);
  • guardian of a conscript's child or another relative of a conscript's child caring for him, if the mother of such a child:
    • is in custody as a suspect in committing crimes or is serving a sentence in prison;
    • is deprived or limited in parental rights, evades the protection of the child’s rights, interests, his upbringing, abandoned the child;
    • is unable to support and raise a child due to health reasons, has been declared partially capable or incompetent;
    • went missing, died.

Receive a monthly allowance for a conscript's child have no right mothers, other relatives or guardians of the child military cadet education (the same rule applies to).

If several persons are caring for a conscript’s child, then the right to receive this benefit is only one of these persons.

It should be noted that the right to receive this benefit does not deprive the rights to other types of benefits available to citizens who have children.

The body that must assign and pay this benefit is determined by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Typically, these functions are performed by social protection authorities (SSPA). at the place of residence of the child.

Required documents

The list of documents required for the assignment of this benefit is specified in clause 76 of the Procedure and conditions for the assignment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n. These include:

  • document confirming the birth of the child;
  • a certificate from the military unit about the child’s father completing conscription service (the length of service must be indicated);
  • certificate from the military registration and enlistment office after completion of service;
  • application for benefits;
  • If there are appropriate grounds, the following documents may be needed:
    • copy of medical report maternal health organizations
    • a copy of the mother's death certificate,
    • an extract from the court decision to establish guardianship over the child.

Procedure for assigning and paying benefits

The monthly allowance for a conscript’s child is assigned by the relevant authority within 10 days after receiving all necessary documents. The benefit is paid no later than the 26th of the month, following the month of registration of the application.

Duration of benefit payment

The duration of benefit payment is determined by Article 12.6 of the Federal Law “On State. benefits for citizens with children" dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ (taking into account clauses 72-73 of the Procedure and conditions for the assignment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n):

  • to the mother of a conscript's child, a monthly allowance is paid from the day of birth of the conscript's child (but not earlier than the start military service by the child’s father) until he reaches the age of 3 (but no later than the military service of the child’s father);
  • The guardian or other relative of the conscript's child who is caring for him is paid from the day of the court decision, from the day of the medical conclusion. organization or from the day of the death of the conscript’s child’s mother (but not earlier than the beginning of military service by the child’s father) until he reaches the age of 3 (however, no later than the military service of the child’s father).

Benefit amount

According to Art. 12.7 of the Federal Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, the real amount of the benefit does not change, it is annually indexed taking into account the level of inflation. The monthly benefit for a child of a conscripted soldier in 2016 is 10528.24 rubles per month.