How much does a person on the labor exchange earn? Electronic labor exchange - online vacancies. Special cases of determining unemployment benefits.


According to Article 31 of the Law “On Employment in Russian Federation»:

4. Each period of payment of unemployment benefits cannot exceed 12 months in total within 18 months, except as provided for by this Law.
5. Unemployed citizens who are not employed after the expiration of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits have the right to receive unemployment benefits again, unless otherwise provided by this Law.
The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months in total for 36 months.

The benefit will be paid in the amount established by Article 33 of the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”:

1. Unemployment benefits for citizens dismissed for any reason (except for those specified in Article 34 of this Law) during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, who during this period had paid work for at least 26 weeks on a full-time basis (full workweek) or on a part-time basis (part-time work week) recalculated to 26 weeks with a full day of work (full work week), and recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, is accrued:
in the first (12-month) payment period:
in the first three months - in the amount of 75 percent of their average monthly earnings (salary), calculated over the last three months at the last place of work (service);
in the next four months - in the amount of 60 percent;
in the future - in the amount of 45 percent, but in all cases not higher than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits and not lower than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, increased by the size of the regional coefficient;
in the second (12-month) payment period - in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, increased by the size of the regional coefficient.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2014 No. 1382, the minimum benefit amount for 2015 is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4,900 rubles.

According to the Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, the insurance period includes periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that payments were made for these periods insurance premiums V Pension fund Russian Federation.

Article 11 of the same law states that:

Article 11. Other periods counted in the insurance period
1. The insurance period, along with periods of work and (or) other activities that are provided for in Article 10 of this Federal Law, includes:
4) the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;

In the current economic climate, many people are losing their jobs and are temporarily out of work. You can look for a new job on your own, or you can trust the specialists of the employment service, or, more simply, the labor exchange. The Labor Exchange provides assistance on employment issues to those who are left without work, as well as to those who are looking for one for the first time.

Many people wonder? A huge advantage of registering with the employment service is the payment of benefits to unemployed citizens.

How to obtain unemployed status?

Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as stateless persons living in the Russian Federation, can register with the employment service and receive official unemployed status; in this case, the age of citizens must be over 16 years. Not all categories of citizens can be provided with labor exchange services. These categories include:

  • citizens receiving income from other labor activity(official or unofficial);
  • citizens receiving;
  • citizens who are sentenced to correctional labor;
  • citizens serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty.

Those who already have work experience are required to provide the labor exchange specialists with the following documents to register for unemployment:

  1. passport or a document replacing it;
  2. work book or its duplicate;
  3. certificate of average salary for the last 3 months(issued at the previous place of work);
  4. diploma (certificate) confirming professional qualifications.

If you are looking for a job for the first time, then you will only need a passport and a document about your education (certificate or diploma).

After the labor exchange specialists review your application, you will officially be assigned the status of unemployed.

The amount of unemployment benefits at the labor exchange

Unemployment payments at the labor exchange are made only to those who have registered with the employment service and are officially recognized as unemployed. However, unemployment benefits are not paid for the entire unemployed period. The periods for payment of benefits, as well as their size, depend on the period during which the unemployed receive it. Citizens looking for work for the first time will have a minimum payment amount.

So, how much do they pay at the labor exchange? The minimum amount of benefits paid to the unemployed in 2014 was 850 rubles, and the maximum amount of unemployment payments is 4900 rubles. Unemployment benefit payments are regulated Federal law RF On employment of the population in the Russian Federation, and the sizes of the minimum and maximum payments are determined annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Benefit payment period

To receive monthly benefits, unemployed people must register on the stock exchange within the established time limits. Unemployment benefits are awarded from the moment you are officially assigned the status of unemployed.

Payment at the labor exchange can only be received within 12 months out of 18 in each benefit payment period, there are two such periods. There is a mandatory condition according to which a citizen had a paid job within 12 months before unemployment, but at least 26 weeks.

In the first three months of the unemployed period, citizens receive 75% of average salary for the last three months from the previous place of work; in the next four months 60% of the average monthly salary will be paid; after this period the benefit will be only 45% of salary. The amount of unemployment benefit cannot be set higher than the maximum amount - 4900 rubles.

In the second period (12 months), the unemployed receives the minimum established benefit - 850 rubles.

Reduction or termination of benefits

Payments of unemployment benefits may be terminated or suspended, and their amount may also be reduced by employees of the employment service. The unemployed person must receive official notification of the reduction or termination of all payments. Such situations arise if:

  • there was a dismissal for violation of labor discipline (or for some other guilty actions);
  • the citizen did not have any work experience;
  • the citizen worked until the moment of dismissal less than 26 weeks;
  • work activity was resumed after a long break (one year or more).

In all these cases, the benefit will be paid during the year in the minimum amount ( 850 rubles). Unemployment benefits will not be paid during military training, during maternity leave, or during a training session of an unemployed person in another city.

Payments may be stopped absolutely in the following cases:

  • if the citizen is already employed;
  • when directed from the labor exchange to vocational training(retraining);
  • in case of 2 refusals from vacancies offered by the exchange;
  • if the unemployed has not been declared at the labor exchange without good reason for a long time (more than a month);
  • if a citizen has been assigned a pension for long service or old age;
  • when trying to obtain benefits fraudulently;
  • the unemployed person has changed his place of permanent residence.

Payment of subsidies at the labor exchange will be carried out only if the rules for visiting the employment center are followed. Registration as an unemployed person at the labor exchange must be completed no later than two weeks after dismissal from your last place of work. After everyone has submitted necessary documents, the applicant will need to certain period (usually 10 days) come to the labor exchange to get acquainted with the vacancies offered by employees.

If the option proposed by the exchange employees is not satisfactory, you can refuse it and come to the exchange again on the next appointed day. If the vacancy is refused again, the unemployed may be removed from the register.

Help for small businesses from the employment center

Opening your own business allows you to solve the problem of employment. Labor exchanges provide various types: conduct classes that talk about the basics of running a small business, as well as consultations related to registering your own business. Some people who are unemployed have quite a lot of work experience, but they have trouble documenting their skills.

To open your own business with the help of the employment service and receive a subsidy, you need to submit to a special commission of the labor exchange:

  1. statement on the provision of finance for the development of one’s own business;
  2. copy of invoice, opened in a bank (in case of a positive decision, public funds will be transferred to this account);
  3. detailed business plan for the labor exchange (it will need to be protected).

Financial assistance is provided to unemployed citizens who want to open their own business, registered as an individual entrepreneur. The areas that have a greater chance of being approved are: agricultural production and provision of services to the population.

Budget funds for organizing your own enterprise are provided subject to certain conditions:

  • a citizen must officially receive unemployment benefit;
  • citizen's age - over 18 years old;
  • a citizen should not have previously received financial assistance for starting a business;
  • unemployed status must be less than three months.

All information you need about employment services, unemployment benefits, and ways to support small businesses can be obtained on the Internet or by contacting social protection authorities.

How much do they pay at the employment center? Unfortunately, this question is asked very often in our country. And not only students who have not yet found a suitable job and want to get at least some money, but also people mature age who quit for various reasons or were laid off. Several stages of the financial crisis over the past decade have forced employers to cut costs. As a result, a lot of people have appeared on the labor exchange who need financial support from the state.

How much do quitting workers get paid at the labor exchange?

While people dismissed for any reason (except for those who lost their jobs due to a violation are registered), they are entitled to the following payments:

  • in the first 3 months - 75% of the average monthly salary;
  • in the next 4 months - 60% of the average monthly salary;
  • in the next 5 months - 45% of the average monthly salary.

However, the accrued benefit at the employment center cannot exceed the maximum amount of unemployment compensation, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The maximum amount of unemployment benefits for 2014 is 4,900 rubles. The minimum unemployment rate for 2014 is 850 rubles. Amounts are indexed by the regional coefficient.

People often ask how much the employment center pays to unemployed people who have never worked anywhere before. Such citizens are entitled to only the minimum monthly allowance. The same amount is paid to those dismissed for violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, drunkenness, etc.), who worked less than 26 weeks and those who have been registered for more than a year, as well as former entrepreneurs and former members of farms.

for pregnant women

Very often the question arises about how much pregnant women are paid at the labor exchange. Everything is simple here - expectant mothers are not placed in a separate category, and the amount of their benefits, like all categories of citizens, depends on the salary at the previous job, status (never worked, was laid off, quit of their own free will, etc. .). But there is one caveat - payments stop 70 days before the birth. It's not discrimination, it's just expectant mother will receive sick leave for this period (140 days), which is paid for by social security authorities.

Social guarantees for unemployed citizens

  1. The state guarantees the payment of unemployment benefits during the period of a citizen’s incapacity for work.
  2. Unemployed people sent by the employment center to retraining courses, advanced training or other forms of educational process are entitled to receive a scholarship.
  3. Unemployed citizens can take part in paid public works.

How to register

After you have found out how much they pay at the employment center, and how much you are entitled to personally, you must register. How to do this? It’s very simple - come to the exchange, get a list of documents (they can be viewed below), collect all the necessary certificates, fill out a form and give it all to the employment center employee.

Citizens who have lost their jobs are advised to register two calendar weeks after their dismissal, otherwise they may lose their payments. The former employer is obliged to pay two more average monthly salaries, and if the person has not found a new job, then a third. And this third payment can be lost if you do not register within two weeks.

General list of documents for all categories of citizens

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Certificate, diploma or other educational document.
  • Statement.

For previously employed people (additional)

  • Work book or other similar document confirming the fact of work (agreements, contracts).
  • Certificate of income for the last three months.

In order to receive benefits at the labor exchange, disabled people must provide an individual rehabilitation card.

It's hard to be unemployed

As it turns out, finding out how much they pay at the labor exchange is very simple. It is much more difficult to start receiving this money. Problems with registration can arise for various reasons. Let's take, for example, a certificate of income. Accountants often make mistakes and issue a 2NDFL certificate, which is suitable for the tax office or any bank, but is not suitable for an employment center. In the case of an exchange, you need a special form. And it still needs to be filled out correctly, and any discrepancy gives the employee the right to refuse registration.

But even after this, problems arise. If a person refuses two suitable vacancies, his payments are suspended for three months. And the concept of “suitable vacancy” for an exchange employee and for an applicant can be very different - sometimes it seems that the employment center employee really doesn’t understand why a person doesn’t want to travel to the other end of the city with transfers, work in shifts and get as much as 8,000 rubles for it! After all, he is offered a job in his specialty.

And it’s even worse for citizens who have never worked - any paid job is considered suitable for them.

Basic rules of the employment center

Payments of employment center benefits may be reduced or terminated for the following reasons:

  • if a citizen undergoes retraining, advanced training, courses with a scholarship;
  • in case of failure to appear for a test without a valid reason;
  • when moving to another area;
  • if it has been established that the benefit was obtained fraudulently;
  • if the citizen has been convicted or is under arrest;
  • when calculating a pension (labor, long service or early).

This is not a complete list, but here are the most common reasons why payments are canceled.

Real help or fiction?

Information about how much they pay at the labor exchange may surprise anyone. It is impossible to live on such an amount, no matter whether the maximum is assigned or minimum allowance. So what should I do?

We must understand that the policy of our state is not to support people and encourage citizens who do not want to work in principle, and believe me, there are many of them. The main task of the employment center is to help people find work in their specialty and provide them with some financial support while this search lasts.

However, the labor exchange is not particularly successful in finding suitable vacancies. Most of the positions offered are low-paid, with an inconvenient schedule, with actual overtime, etc. The salary range is from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. There are also higher paying vacancies, but extremely rarely, and very strict requirements are imposed on candidates: education, work experience, knowledge foreign languages- everything should be on the level.

And here, again, the employment center can help. Every year, at his own expense, he trains thousands of people: he retrains, improves their qualifications, and teaches new, previously unclaimed specialties. It should be noted that the population has no complaints about this area of ​​activity of the labor exchange. Many people remained grateful for the knowledge gained and for the new opportunities, others did not find use for the acquired skills, but also, in general, did not lose anything. They now have a reason to add a new line to their resume, which can increase their chances of attracting the interest of employers.

So we can conclude: the labor exchange provides real help. Yes, these are not mountains of gold, but still at least some kind of financial support while a person is busy looking for a new job.

Who is entitled to receive benefits, what is the maximum and minimum amount of benefits in 2017 and how to calculate it, what documents are needed to register with the employment center and other necessary information you can get from this article.

Who is eligible to receive unemployment benefits?

Unemployment benefits are paid only to those people who registered with the employment service and were declared unemployed. However, it is important to understand that unemployment benefits are not paid for the entire period of non-employment. The payment period and its size varies depending on the period during which you receive it.

So, each period of payment of unemployment benefits to you cannot be more than 12 months (in total, they may not be consecutive to each other) within 18 calendar months.

Minimum and maximum unemployment benefits, calculation of benefits

The payment of unemployment benefits is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation”. The minimum and maximum amount of unemployment benefits are established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the decree ON THE SIZES OF THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM VALUES OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS is set for 2016 the minimum amount of unemployment benefit is 850 rubles And the maximum amount of unemployment benefits is 4,900 rubles.

Most likely, our online benefit calculator will help you calculate the amount of unemployment benefits. (opens in a new window)

Minimum The amount of unemployment benefits is provided to citizens looking for work for the first time, or after a year's break, dismissed for violating labor discipline.

Amount of unemployment benefit in case of dismissal

There are general and special cases of payment of unemployment benefits - their amounts vary. It all depends on whether you worked before, for what reason your employment contract was terminated and how long you worked.
Typical case:
The employee is dismissed for any reason, except for special cases specified by law. Let’s assume that in the period 12 months before dismissal the person had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks. If this citizen applies to the employment service for unemployment benefits, the amount of his benefit will be calculated as follows:
In the first annual cycle benefit payments:
For the first three months, benefits must be paid in the amount of 75% of the average monthly earnings of the unemployed (we are talking about the average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work); in the next four months, the benefit should be paid in the amount of 60% of the average monthly earnings of the unemployed, and then in the amount of 45%. In any case, the benefit will be paid in an amount no more than the maximum and no less minimum size unemployment benefits increased by the regional coefficient;
In the second annual cycle:
The benefit is paid in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit, increased by the regional coefficient.
Keep in mind that only the official part of the salary can be used to calculate the amount of unemployment benefits, i.e. "white" salary.

Special cases of determining unemployment benefits:

If a citizen:

  • looking for a job for the first time (haven’t worked before);
  • wants to work after a long break (more than 1 year);
  • was fired for violating labor discipline;
  • was laid off from work during the 12 months preceding unemployment and had less than 26 weeks of paid work during that time;
  • was sent by the employment service to training and expelled from there for guilty actions.
The amount of unemployment benefits in these cases will be:

In the first six-month cycle of the benefit payment period:
minimum unemployment benefit, increased by the regional coefficient
In the second six-month benefit payment cycle:
the minimum amount of unemployment benefit, increased by the size of the regional coefficient.

Registration with the employment service, required documents

If you have not worked anywhere before (you are looking for a job for the first time), it is enough to present your passport and education document.
If you have previously worked, you will need to provide the following documents to register:
  1. Passport
    citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it.
  2. Application – application form for provision public services assistance in finding a suitable job. download: application form or sample.
  3. Work book or a document replacing it.
  4. Documents certifying professional qualifications.
  5. Certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work. (for the first 3 months, the benefit payment is 75% of the average citizen’s earnings, but not more than 4,900 rubles, therefore, for the maximum benefit amount, the average monthly income must be at least 6,530 rubles)
  6. An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure (for citizens with disabilities).

Be careful when receiving a certificate of average earnings.

Let's take it average earnings certificate form on at the employment center (exchange
, together with it we grab the “Memo” just in case
to the accountant about the correct filling certificates of average earnings".
We take all this to the accounting department of the last place of work. As soon as you
it will be filled out, don’t be lazy to check:

  • Have all the stamps been applied?
  • The name of the organization must be in full, including the abbreviations LLC, OJSC, etc.
  • If the position of chief accountant of the company is filled by another person, for example, the general director, it is necessary that the certificate indicate the number of the order by which he fills this position.
  • Check hiring and firing dates.
  • See if you have correctly indicated the number of working days of your work week, i.e. whether full employment or not.

If the certificate is filled out improperly, you will have to travel several times and waste your time.

Employment centers provide assistance in selecting suitable jobs and employing citizens on the same day of application without an appointment. These services are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2006. No. 513 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations Federal service on labor and employment of the population to provide public services to assist citizens in finding suitable work, and employers in selecting the necessary workers"

Termination of benefit payment

The employment service agency, which is obliged to notify you about this, can stop, suspend payment, or reduce the amount of unemployment benefits. .

The procedure for paying unemployment benefits may change? In May 2016, Kaliningrad deputies proposed paying unemployment benefits only to those who take part in public works to improve their hometown. It is still unknown whether the bill will be supported.