Gulliver children's clothing new collection. School collection for girls and boys

Floral motifs can be confidently called the main ornamental theme in clothes for girls. Freshness, airiness, and romance of floral compositions, created using light watercolor techniques, create a special atmosphere of tenderness and peace. But Gulliver wouldn't be Gulliver if he limited his creativity to using floral prints on basic shapes of children's clothing. Based on the most current trends season, using the latest technologies in fabric processing, the most daring combinations of textures, designers offer collections for children from 3 to 8 years old, allowing them to form a style that reflects the child’s personality from childhood. In fact, not every girl dreams of being a beautiful princess in everything pink and airy. Some people enjoy riding a scooter, playing football and climbing trees. At the same time, they have no less charm and beauty characteristic of other representatives of the fair sex. The “Herbarium” collection is for them, girls of a tender age, different in tastes, behavior and manners.

In the photo: clothes for teenage girls Gulliver spring-summer 2018

Gulliver stores have already launched a spring-summer collection of clothing for children and teenagers.

Children are used to imitating adults in everything. If mom and dad like to dress fashionably, then the children try to keep up with them.

Designers of the Gulliver brand always follow the principle: “Clothing for children should be like for adults, only better!”

In the photo: T-shirts for girls Gulliver spring-summer 2018

For the youngest fashionistas, a new collection for spring and summer 2018 has already appeared in Gulliver stores.

Clothing of the Faraday and Maritime History lines for children from 2 to 6 years old

The theme of the sea occupies a special place among the spring-summer collections of the international children's clothing brand Gulliver. In 2018, clothes for the little ones sparkled with new colors. Blue and yellow colors have become the basic colors for the outfits of boys and girls aged two to six years, presented in the “Faraday” and “ Maritime history».

In the photo: jacket, sweatshirt and hat Gulliver spring-summer 2018

Gulliver designers have created a light, positive set of simple, but very stylish and interesting models for every day.

In the photo: jacket and T-shirts for girls from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

The Faraday and Maritime History collections are designed for children preschool age, while all clothes are created in harmony with the latest fashion trends. Thus, among the outfits from the “Sea History” series for girls, you can find wide, cropped culottes that are popular today. Made from denim, they look very fresh and stylish, while being practical. After all, this fabric has excellent wear resistance and is not afraid of washing.

The Faraday boys' collection features a jacket "just like dad's" for young gentlemen. The classic fit and elegant blue color combined with beautiful interior finishing make this piece a staple in a casual look. The jacket is made of 100% durable linen, which means that the child will be as comfortable as possible and not hot in it.

Both collections are created according to the total look principle, which means that choosing a complete look for a child is not at all difficult: a T-shirt and shirt go perfectly with jeans, a coat matches the color of the hat, and a quilted vest will highlight the original print of the sweatshirt.

In the photo: clothes for children of the Faraday line from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

The “Maritime History” and “Faraday” lines include not only clothing, but also shoes and accessories in the same style. For girls, you can choose hair ties, a headband, barrettes and a scarf in a trendy nautical stripe - these details are ideal to complete the look. You can also buy cute rubber boots for rainy weather in stores.

In the photo: rubber boots for girls from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

For boys, the designers came up with a hat and a baseball cap, a belt, knitted scarf and stylish socks in the key colors of the Faraday collection.

Gulliver “Berry Party” clothing line for teenage girls

The international children's clothing brand Gulliver presents a spring-summer collection for girls 11–15 years old “Berry Party”.

The main motif of the new product is the black and white chalkboard font graphics: unusual text prints harmoniously combine with bright images of juicy fruits and berries, emphasizing the lightness and airiness of the collection.

In the photo: a jacket and T-shirt for a girl from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

The Berry Party collection is based on black, but when combined with bright yellow and white, the outfits look positive, light and airy.

Clothing in this color scheme is suitable for a party, and for every day, it is perfect for those young fashionistas who are not afraid to experiment and combine clothes in contrasting colors.

For example, sunny bright yellow trousers made of thick soft cotton with elastane will make an excellent pair with a black T-shirt with a plant print that imitates a chalk drawing on a graphite board.

The shapes of the presented models deserve special attention. Despite the apparent simplicity and laconism, the collection can hardly be called basic - each item from the “Berry Party” is distinguished by its current volume, fashionable length and interesting stylistic solutions.

In adolescence, girls closely follow fashion news, so they will certainly appreciate multi-layered looks, thought out to the smallest detail by Gulliver designers.

In the photo: yellow dress, jeans, embroidered shirt, tunic and skirt from the “Berry Party” line

So, in the center of the collection is a charming yellow sleeveless shirt dress. The multi-layered but light trapezoidal silhouette of the outfit is fully consistent with the main trends of the spring-summer 2018 season. An airy white skirt with an expressive black and white pattern, just below the knee, is not far behind them.

The holiday mood is typical for all Berry Party items, and the loose-fitting windbreaker is no exception - this is a real hit of the collection. The severity of black color is diluted by a stylish print, as if applied with crayons to the fabric. However, the designers took care not only of the beauty of the image, but also of comfort - the comfortable hood of the windbreaker makes it an ideal option for walking even on cloudy days.

Another outfit from the collection that no one can pass by stylish girl, – long knitted T-shirt with elastane. The difference in the length of the front and back, as well as high slits on the sides, make the model very extravagant. However, the solid yellow color and laconic print on the back smooth out this effect. This tunic top can be worn with shorts, trousers and jeans, and the look will be fresh and original.

When creating the “Berry Party” collection, Gulliver designers also took care of accessories: a metal necklace and bracelet with bright pendant elements will complement any look from the new collection, giving it completeness. And stylish collar scarves - yellow and black with a chalk print - will brighten up your look on cooler days.

The collection features a variety of products for all occasions - from T-shirts, skirts and sandals to trousers, blouses and swimsuits. This allows you to choose a complete look in a single style, relevant in both spring and summer weather.

Gulliver "Palma de Mallorca" clothing line for teenage boys

Beige, white, burgundy, black - these are the colors that became the basis of the Gulliver spring-summer collection “Palma de Mallorca” for boys 11–15 years old.

Thanks to the combination of calm, noble shades, varied textures and entertaining prints, the Palma de Mallorca collection looks elegant in an adult way, but does not seem strict, boring or too correct for a teenager.

In the photo: a quilted jacket, a striped T-shirt and tapered trousers for a teenager from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

The collection includes an exquisite burgundy jacket made of natural linen, accompanied by torn jeans with spectacular “damages”. Together they will create a great look, which, depending on the event, can be complemented with a beige T-shirt with large font decor or classic shirt. By the way, in the spring of 2018 this wardrobe item is again included in the top 5 things for a boy.

It’s impossible to imagine a teenage boy’s spring-summer wardrobe without T-shirts, T-shirts and shorts, and the Palma de Mallorca collection makes it easy to choose the right items of clothing.

In the photo: a light jacket, T-shirt and shorts for a teenager from the Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

T-shirts from the new collection are made of soft cotton with elastane and are presented in four color solutions- beige, white, burgundy and striped black and white. Each model has an unusual print and allows you to emphasize your individuality.

The brand paid special attention outerwear, designed for spring coolness and cloudy summer days. The designers did not limit themselves to stylish quilted jackets and fashionable bomber windbreakers.

In the photo: a quilted jacket and a beige raincoat with a detachable black knitted hood, Gulliver spring-summer 2018 collection

The undisputed hit of the collection was a beige raincoat with a detachable black hood made of knitted footer. He will make the image of a teenage boy serious and respectable.

The new collection from Gulliver can not only update a teenager’s wardrobe, but also shape the image young man who is about to be ready to enter adulthood.

Childhood is an amazing time, and each child has his own world, his own universe... Some girls play with dolls, some play with cars, some love dogs, and some enjoy watching butterflies - these are the foundations of childhood. many habits, preferences, character. It is very important to tell your child from childhood the right words and respect his personality. If a girl is athletic and doesn’t want to part with trousers, you shouldn’t ruin her idea of ​​beauty by buying her dresses. If she's a romantic and loves all things fluffy and pink, give her time to enjoy it. Whatever our children like, the main thing is taste, which is important to develop. Correct proportions, harmonious color combinations, appropriateness of clothing in a given situation - using the Gulliver collections as an example, you can show your child how to dress. Halftones are always more difficult open color, delicacy and simplicity are always more attractive than elaborate forms and bright finishes. The “Starfall” collection is a great opportunity to see beauty in simple and understandable things, and appreciate their comfort and quality of workmanship.