Documents required to receive maternity benefits. List of documents for receiving maternity benefits

Step by step instructions upon receipt of benefits

The question of applying for a lump sum payment for maternity and childbirth often terrifies mothers because of stories about queues and a huge pile of necessary papers. In fact, you can spend a lot less nerve cells and time if you familiarize yourself with how to receive maternity benefits in advance.

Step 1: collecting documents for maternity benefits

The list of required documents depends entirely on the parents: what kind of activities they conduct, where they live and are registered, where they decided to receive them, and much more.

Work is not a hindrance

If any of the applying parents works, you will need:

  • Application for a one-time benefit. The form can be taken either from the employer, or downloaded from the Internet, or taken from the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Certificate from the registry office No. 24 about the birth of a child.
  • Photocopy and original of the child's birth certificate.
  • If both father and mother work, then you will need a certificate confirming that, for example, the father did not receive maternity benefits at his workplace.
  • Certificate from the authority social protection that maternity benefits were not issued there, necessary if one of the parents does not work or study.
  • An extract from the bank where the personal account is opened (a bank card is issued). In some cities, the document that was issued along with the card is accepted, the one with the account number and bank details. But it’s better to clarify this in advance.

If there is no work

If you both study and don't work, then maternity benefits at the registration stage require the following documents:

  • An application that will be given to you upon application.
  • Certificate from the registry office, form 24.
  • Parents' passports in original and photocopies.
  • Birth certificate of the baby and its photocopy.
  • Certificates from the dean's office confirming completion of full-time study.
  • Certificate of opening a personal account in the name of either parent.
  • Photocopies of work books along with the last blank page or a certificate from the employment center.
  • Photocopies of SNILS (insurance certificate, which can be obtained from your pension fund) each parent.
  • Certificate of family composition confirming that the child is registered. Can be obtained from housing and communal services authorities.

Unemployed dads and moms It is a little easier to apply for maternity benefits. You will need to collect:

  • An application that can be received and filled out when registering with the social committee. protection.
  • Photocopies of passports with registration, birth certificates of the child and their originals.
  • Photocopies and originals of work records. If they are not there, then you need to take a certificate from the employment center about the lack of work experience.
  • Certificate of registration of the child.
  • Marriage certificate. Photocopy and original.
  • Photocopies of SNILS of both parents.
  • Statement of the presence of a personal account.

A few very important points

Special attention should be paid to collecting the necessary documentation foreign and nonresident citizens, as well as people stateless. In this case, maternity benefits will also require:

  • A copy and original of the temporary residence permit.
  • A certificate from the Social Insurance Fund located at the place of residence, confirming that the payment was not assigned there.

If you - child's guardian, then you will need:

  • Court decision on adoption and photocopy.
  • A photocopy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

There is another tricky aspect for single moms. Receiving a one-time benefit and its registration requires another certificate from the registry office, if in the “Father” column of your child’s birth certificate there is not a line, but someone’s name and patronymic. It is better if this certificate and the Form 24 extract are issued on the same day. Otherwise, you will have to write an extra application when applying. The same document requires not only maternity benefits, but also the registration of monthly payments and allowances for single mothers.

Step 2: Let's go apply for maternity benefits

When the documents are collected, the question arises: where should they be taken?

If you or your couple are working, that is, there are two options:

  1. Arrange payments at the workplace of either parent. To do this, it is better to approach an accountant.
  2. Contact the FSS. This method requires you to take your passports and their photocopies with your registration page.

The first option is easier because it does not require standing in queues, unnecessary applications and certificates, but if it is not available to you for valid reasons, then you can use the second.

If both parents study or do not work t, you will have to report to the FSS authorities. You need to go in pairs, because applications must be written to both parents.

If your husband is in the army, then maternity benefits will be assigned at the place of service.

Step 3: How to find out the amount of maternity benefits and when to expect it?

The same for everyone and depends on the region. You can find out about it either by calling the Social Insurance Fund, the child benefits department, or on the website of the city administration department.

It is necessary to complete the documents before the child turns 6 months old, otherwise you risk not receiving it.

The money must be transferred to your bank card no later than 10 business days after the paperwork is completed. If there is a hitch, it is better to immediately call the child benefit department and check if everything is in order. Often such authorities “lose” or “reject” documents and requests for maternity benefits without even warning you about it.

Drawing the line

If you are asked for any unnecessary documents, for example, a certificate stating that your husband is registered at the labor exchange as unemployed, then this is a reason to contact your employees’ superiors or a lawyer. The list of documents is the same for everyone and cannot be changed, therefore they have no right to demand anything unnecessary from you. When filling out applications, you should be careful: a mistake can lead to additional waste of time, which is better spent with your loved ones.

The list of documents provided by the employer to the insurer is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 951n dated December 4, 2009. In turn, the employer must receive from the person preparing to go on maternity leave expectant mother documents for the Social Insurance Fund for reimbursement of maternity leave. 2017 was no exception in this regard. The procedure for collecting documents for calculating benefits remains the same.

What are maternity payments?

The expectant mother is entitled to maternity leave and parental leave (Articles 255, 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Both are formalized by application, that is, the employee herself decides what is more profitable for her: to take a break from work required by law or to continue working.

Situations are different, perhaps a woman does not want to lose a profitable place, good earnings, etc. The legislator takes into account the wishes of a pregnant woman. In particular, any working family member, not just the mother, can take maternity leave.

Please note: if the baby’s mother does not work, she has the right to receive not all benefits, but only some of those that are due to a pregnant woman.

If the expectant mother works, but decides to interrupt her labor activity and go to maternity leave, you need to formalize it in accordance with the rules established by law.

This means that she must necessarily bring everything to the employer necessary documents, on the basis of which they will calculate and pay monetary compensation for the entire period of maternity leave.

Allowance for early registration, maternity benefit, lump sum payment at the birth of a child, child care benefits for up to one and a half years - all these payments are called maternity benefits.

Let's figure out what documents are needed for maternity leave.

List of documents for receiving maternity benefits

It should be noted right away that maternity payments are assigned and paid in stages.

First stage. The woman is paid maternity benefits.

The second stage begins on the day following the end of leave under the BiR and is called parental leave. This part of maternity leave is also provided on request. Let's look at what this means below.

As follows from the provisions of Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a woman, upon her application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued by a medical institution, is granted maternity leave of at least 140 days in the standard case. It is paid from the Social Insurance Fund in the amount established by law.

Worth noting: Although maternity leave is issued on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work and is essentially equivalent to sick leave, the rule of payment for the first three days at the expense of the employer does not apply in this case. Payment of benefits for BiR from the 1st day occurs only at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

What documents are needed to obtain maternity leave are regulated by Art. 12 Federal Law No. 255 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”:

  1. A free-form statement of desire to receive benefits under the BiR. At the same time, a request is made to receive benefits for early production for registration.
  2. Bulletin and certificate of early registration.
  3. Salary certificate if the woman worked in several organizations for the last two years before going on maternity leave.

This list of documents is mandatory for working women. For non-workers, paragraph 3 should be excluded.

Working woman

Submits a package of documents to the employer. Whether the expectant mother completes all the certificates in a timely manner will determine whether she will receive them all. What should be done.

Step 1. Register as early as possible.

Step 2. At 30 weeks, get sick leave from your obstetrician according to BiR. If the doctor predicts a singleton pregnancy without complications, sick leave is issued for 140 days. If the pregnancy is multiple, the duration of sick leave increases to 194 days. If a pregnant woman lives in an area of ​​environmental disaster, sick leave according to the BiR is issued for 160 days.

Please note: If a working expectant mother decides not to go on labor and labor leave and works until the day of birth, she will only be paid for the postpartum part of her maternity leave. In the standard case this is 70 days.

Step 3. If during the two years before the year of maternity leave a woman worked in several organizations, a certificate from these places of work about the average salary for the time worked will be required. A pregnant woman has the right to apply for B&R benefits in two places at once.

Step 4. Having the above documents in hand, the expectant mother writes a statement to the employer about her desire to go on maternity leave. First and last days Holidays under the B&R are determined according to the dates indicated on the sick leave.

Watch the video to see what statements should be written to an employee who is about to go on maternity leave.

Unemployed, dismissed due to liquidation of the organization

Contact the social security department at your place of residence. The expectant mother has the right to receive benefits under the BiR in minimum size, calculated according to the minimum wage established in the region. Child care allowance, lump sum allowance at the birth of a child it is also required. The amount of care allowance also depends on the minimum wage in the region. What documents are needed to go on maternity leave for a non-working person are indicated above; You also need a copy of your work record.

Full-time student

Receives payments at the place of study. If educational institution state and a woman studies at a budgetary faculty, the amount of benefits depends on the size of the scholarship, but cannot be less than the minimum established by the legislator.

Never worked anywhere before, voluntarily dismissed, etc.

B&R benefits are not provided. But such a mother is entitled to a one-time benefit at the birth of a baby and paid care leave for up to one and a half years. You need to come to the social security department with a passport, birth certificate, and work book. After writing an application, the young mother will receive payments. Money is transferred to a bank card, by postal transfer at your place of residence, or to a bank account.

So. We looked at what documents the expectant mother needs to prepare before the baby is born to receive maternity leave in 2017.

The second part of maternity leave and, accordingly, payments will be related to parental leave.

What needs to be done to receive the second part of maternity payments

If the pregnancy ends with the successful birth of the baby, at the end of the postpartum period, in the standard case it lasts 70 days, the young mother needs to decide on further actions.

She has two options: write an application to the employer for paid leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old, or go to work if the father, grandmother or other working relative takes over the responsibility for looking after the baby. You can read about going to work during maternity leave.

First option

A young mother must submit an application to the employer no later than the final day of leave under the BiR, attaching to it:

  • birth certificate;
  • a certificate that the second parent has not applied for such an allowance for himself;
  • if the child is adopted, an adoption certificate.

The amount of benefit for a working woman depends on the average income for billing period, and is taken equal to 40% of it.

Second option

Deadlines for submitting documents

The law provides for the following time restrictions when submitting documents for accrual of maternity benefits.

Maternity benefits, early registration benefits. Paid after providing sick leave and a certificate from the antenatal clinic. The deadline for submitting documents is 6 months from the end date of the B&R leave indicated on the sick leave.

Care allowance for up to one and a half years. You must submit documents to receive this benefit no later than 6 months from the date your child turns one and a half years old.

Compensation paid one-time at the birth of a child. Each region has its own benefit amount, depending on the regional coefficient, the base value is 16,350 rubles. Documents to receive it must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date of birth of the child.

To go on maternity leave, you need not only to know what documents are needed, but also not to forget about the deadlines for submitting them. You will find additional recommendations on how to properly go on maternity leave.

List of documents provided to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation by the employer

The law provides for reimbursement of maternity benefits from the Social Insurance Fund. 2017-2018 were planned to be transitional for the introduction of the direct payment method throughout the Russian Federation. Currently, the previous scheme is operating in non-pilot regions.

Maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs

What should an expectant mother do if she is an individual entrepreneur and does not have the obligation to pay? insurance premiums in the FSS? Will she be able to receive maternity benefits? Yes, it can be paid if the woman concludes a special agreement with the Social Insurance Fund no later than six months before the planned date of maternity leave, and all contributions for this period are available.

The employer is obliged to provide to the territorial Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation all documents received from the employee, attaching data on her average salary for the billing period.

Having paid maternity benefits from the wage fund, the employer will subsequently receive a tax deduction for contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and will reimburse expenses incurred to pay benefits.

If the region participates in the Social Insurance Fund pilot project, the employer only sends the documents received from the expectant mother to the insurer. Accrual and calculation are done by the Social Insurance Fund itself. If the documents are completed correctly and no additional verification of the policyholder is required, an accrual is made within 10 days from the date of receipt of the documents. The money goes directly to the maternity leaver’s bank card.

In case of direct payments, the employer pays taxes to the Social Insurance Fund in full.

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Registration of maternity benefits carried out no later than six months after the end of maternity leave. When an insured woman applies for this benefit after a six-month period, the decision on its appointment is made by the territorial body of the insurer if there are valid reasons for the delay in applying for maternity benefits, the list of which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 N 74.

The procedure for obtaining maternity benefits is regulated by Chapter II of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 N 1012n (hereinafter referred to as Order N1012n). According to the Procedure, an insured woman who has an insurance record of more than 6 months must submit an application for maternity leave and maternity benefits to the employer, attaching the following documents to it:

  • copy of passport;
  • certificate of incapacity for work issued by a medical institution in the prescribed manner.

Sick leave is the basis for the employer to grant a woman maternity leave. It is issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy (or 28 in case of multiple pregnancy).

To apply for maternity benefits at the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the employer, in addition to the above documents, submits the following documents:

  • a copy of the order granting maternity leave;
  • an extract from the work book about the last place of work to confirm the insurance period;
  • calculation of average earnings from which the amount of maternity benefits is calculated.

The payment of maternity benefits to the employee is made by the employer in the manner established for the payment of wages, and reimbursement of the amount of the benefit to the employer from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is made in the prescribed manner after his written request to territorial body at the place of registration.

In accordance with paragraph 14 of Chapter II of Order N1012н, pregnant women studying full-time shall register maternity benefit at the place of study, and women serving - at the place of service.

If maternity leave occurs within a month after the woman’s dismissal from work or service, then in the following cases:

  • transfer of her husband to work in another area or move to her husband’s place of residence;
  • illness that prevents you from continuing to work or live in the area;
  • the need to care for sick family members or disabled people of group I

Maternity benefits are assigned and paid at the last place of work or service.

For women dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations, maternity benefits are paid by the social protection authorities through the Federal PS organizations or banking organizations no later than the 26th day of the month following the month in which documents were received.

When registering maternity benefits with the social security authority at the place of actual residence or place of stay, the woman must additionally provide a certificate from the social security authority at her place of registration stating that maternity benefits were not assigned.

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