Citizens receiving social benefits. Social benefits: what they are, who is entitled to them

Benefits - payments due to unemployment, compensation of earnings during illness (the so-called payment of sick leave), lump sum allowance in connection with the birth of a child and monthly child care for up to one and a half years.

Compensation includes funds paid to a citizen as compensation for expenses incurred by him. Typically, these costs do not need to be documented. For example, with full or partial compensation for public transport expenses, a certain amount is transferred monthly to the account of the citizen who is entitled to it. For example, in Moscow, such compensation for travel on public transport is provided to the unemployed in the amount of a single monthly subscription for all types of transport. It is transferred monthly to the account of those who are registered with the employment center, in addition to federal unemployment benefits.

Such compensation should be distinguished from the benefit of free travel to in kind, entitled to pensioners, disabled people and a number of other categories of beneficiaries. In some regions, citizens of these categories are simply transported on public transport for free on the basis of presentation of a document on benefits (pension or other certificate) or on a free ticket issued on the basis of the appropriate certificate.

Many payments are due to certain categories of citizens based on federal law from the fund social insurance(this, for example, is all the benefits listed in the first paragraph) or the federal budget. Such payments are called federal. In addition, in specific regions, additional benefits and compensation may be assigned from the regional budget on the basis of local legislation. For example, compensation for expenses due to the birth of a child is due to Muscovites. Or additional allowance in connection with the birth of a child to all families with permanent or temporary registration in the Yaroslavl region.

Regional social payments include local maternity capital, which is due to residents of a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation once in their life at the birth of a second or subsequent child, if the payment goes directly to the bank account of the citizen. At the same time, the amount, conditions, procedure for providing and the possibility of using capital are determined by the legislation of a particular subject of the Russian Federation and can be either softer or stricter than federal standards.

Some subsidies may also be classified as social payments (for example, to Moscow's waiting list for the purchase of housing). Since the money is in in this case are transferred not directly to the person who provides the service, but to the citizen’s personal account; they can be classified as payments, despite the fact that the citizen will not be able to freely dispose of this money - only spend it on solving the housing problem. But it is not a social payment, although it refers to measures social support, a subsidy for utility bills: after all, the money goes directly to suppliers, and the citizen is only billed. We can say that a sign of social payment is that the money is received (paid) directly to the citizen in one form or another.

Among the citizens of any state, not all are able to work. To support categories of citizens who for some reason do not have the opportunity to earn a living, the country regularly pays benefits - state social payments.

What are they, what are they and who are they supposed to - IQReview will be explained below.

Social payment (or benefit) is regular or one-time financial assistance that is issued to groups of citizens in accordance with adopted laws. In one form or another, state social forms of support exist in any state.

May differ:

    Size. The main characteristics of government payments. It directly depends on a number of factors, but first of all - on the state of the economy and the “wealth” of the country. In more developed countries it is at a high level, to the point that it completely covers the basic needs of a citizen. In less developed countries the level of benefits is lower.

    Categories of citizens who are entitled to state support. Another basic criterion. In most developed countries, the list of benefits is approximately the same, and in addition to the most “basic” groups (for example, pensioners, large families) it also includes other categories of the population.

    Accrual conditions. Each country has its own conditions that a citizen (or family) must meet in order to be entitled to benefits.

The state is obliged to pay benefits.

Some statistics

Population Russian Federation- 144.5 million citizens. Among them are entitled to state material support:

    Pensioners - about 43 million (that is, approximately a third of the country's total population).

    Unemployed - about 4.4 million.

    Single mothers (with a child under 18): about 10 million.

    Disabled people - about 13 million (all groups).

    Low-income people (with income below the subsistence level in the region) - about 22-23 million.

There are about 83 million working-age citizens.

We are not on the listor include other, smaller categories of citizens who also have the right toprovision of social benefits.

Calculation and indexing

The amount of social benefits is calculated by the state for each group separately. When calculating, the current cost of living and the reason why the citizen requires financial support from the state are taken into account.

The established benefit levels are regularly reviewed and indexed according to inflation.

Basic concepts, terms and designations

In the field of social financial assistance There is a set of specific terms that will be useful to know for those who are eligible for government support:

    DEMO (Additional Monthly Material Support) - monthly payments that are due to the following categories of citizens: former concentration camp participants, disabled people and WWII participants, disabled people due to war trauma, widows of WWII participants and WWII disabled people, citizens who have the order “Residents of Siege Leningrad”. DEMO is transferred simultaneously with the pension benefit.

    EDV (Monthly Cash Payment). Relies on: veterans (WWII, combat), victims of radiation, disabled people and disabled children.

    NSU (Set of Social Services) - the opportunity to receive additional free medical care and the right to free travel to and from the place of treatment.

    Social supplement to pension. Monthly social payments to pensioners are due if their total income is less than the regional subsistence level for a pensioner.

Types of payments by frequency and form of delivery

Benefits can be roughly divided by frequency of issue, form of issue and type of benefit.

According to the frequency of issuing social payments, there are:

    Periodic (regular, but not paid every month). For example, on the first of September.

    One-time (situational). A one-time social payment is provided under certain conditions (for example, for a funeral).

According to the form of issue, they are divided into:

    Cash benefit - when a citizen receives a payment in cash.

    “In-kind” provision is when a citizen receives some property that is necessary in his situation (for example, disabled people are given vehicles, large families are given housing). Property can be transferred either permanently or for temporary use.

Types of payments by population category

The largest in this regard are:

    Payments to pensioners.

    Social payments families of various categories and pregnant women.

    Help for single mothers.

Below we will consider each of the points in more detail.

Benefits for pensioners and disabled people

As we have already discussed above, pensioners are the largest category of Russian citizens receiving benefits.

Pensions are paid in cash on a monthly basis. The amount is set at the state level, focusing on the cost of living.The size of pensions is annually indexed to an inflation-related amount. For example, in 2017, pensions were already increased by 5.8%, while inflation in 2016 was 5.4% (according to Rosstat).

For size pension payments influence:

    Place of work (there are enterprises where increased pensions are awarded and various bonuses are earned).

    Salary size.

    Experience worked.

Disabled people also receive payments every month. The amount of benefits is calculated for each disability group. They are paid by the local social benefits center after submitting a written application.

Family benefits

IN the second largest group of the population after pensioners. This includes:

    Benefits for young families. Usually they are not awarded in cash, but are aimed at improving living conditions (to stimulate an increase in the birth rate). The terms and conditions of such programs may vary in individual regions.

    Benefits low-income families. Payments are made to social units whose total income is below the regional subsistence level.

    Support large families. Calculated based on parents' income. In addition to monthly material support, such families can receive non-material benefits (when paying for utilities, travel, education, medical services).

Pregnant women are also entitled to support - prenatal and postnatal maternity leave. Payment amountfor working mothers is the average salary for the last 2 years (before going on maternity leave). Unemployed people have a fixed amount of financial assistance for each region. Those who become pregnant while studying are also entitled to payments: they are calculated at the place of study.

Help for single mothers

Single mothers are entitled to financial support until the child reaches adulthood (or completes full-time education). The benefit amount is calculated as the difference between living wage for the child in the region of residence and the mother’s income. Benefits for single mothers are paid in addition to alimony.

The amount of the benefit depends on the age of the child, as well as the current income of the mother.

In addition to the monthly financial assistance provided by the social benefits center, single mothers are also entitled to a package of additional benefits:

    Employment benefits.

    If the child is under 14 years of age, the right to a part-time work schedule determined independently by the mother.

    If the child is under 5 years old, single mothers cannot be required to work overtime, night shifts, or work on holidays or weekends.

    The right to leave at your own expense, which can be taken at any time for up to 14 days.

    In case of illness of a child under 7 years of age, the right to paid sick leave without a time limit. If the child is already 7 years old, the paid sick leave period is limited to 15 days.

    Benefit for caring for a sick child.

    “Protection” from staff reduction if the child is under 14 years old.

    In the event of liquidation of an enterprise, the right to be provided with another workplace (and the management of the liquidated enterprise will have to deal with this issue).

About increasing payments in 2017 (video)

A significant number of citizens enjoy their right to various social payments and benefits from the state. There are many situations in which the right to social support arises, among them: the birth of a child, high utility bills, unemployment, lack of housing for young families, disability, loss of loved ones... The list goes on.

In this article, we tried to provide a brief overview of information one way or another related to social payments and benefits in 2017. Financial problems... they may or may not be serious, but if you have the right to legal support from the state, does it make sense to take advantage of this right? If the answer is “YES”, read on)

Social benefits for children

Social support is provided even before the birth of the child, to the expectant mother issued at the 30th week of pregnancy birth certificate(on the 28th with multiple births). Thanks to the system of birth certificates, a woman has the opportunity to choose a maternity hospital and children's department where the child will be observed free of charge.

During the same period employed women are paid maternity benefits (maternity benefits).

After the birth of the child the following is paid:

  1. one-time benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy,

In each subject of the Russian Federation there are a number of regional social benefits for the birth of a child.

If your second child is born, you can expect to receive maternal capital.

At the birth of the third and subsequent child - on social benefits and benefits for large families.

Social payments for housing for young families 2017

A young family is considered to be a married couple in which one of the spouses has not reached 35 summer age. Such a family can apply for a payment to purchase housing. The main requirements include the age of the spouses, the place of residence does not meet the minimum space standards, and sufficient income to pay the mortgage. The size of the social benefit is significant and can reach 1 million rubles.

Social scholarships for students

Students in need of social assistance are paid a social scholarship. These students include orphans, disabled people of groups 1-2, and in some institutions “social benefits” are paid to students raising children or students from single-parent families.

Unemployed citizens

A citizen who is unemployed and registered with the employment center is paid social unemployment benefits. If you are left without official employment and decide to carry out entrepreneurial activities, the employment center can pay you a subsidy for small business development. To do this, you will need to draw up a business plan and subsequently report on the intended use of funds.

Social subsidy for utility bills

In general, it is paid to citizens whose housing and communal services costs exceed 22% of their family income. The subsidy for utility bills is paid provided there is no current debt. Every 6 months you must re-apply for this type of social benefit.

Tax deductions

There are many situations that give the right to return taxes withheld from a citizen in the past year. Read about tax deductions.

Social benefit for funeral

Unfortunately, sooner or later the moment of loss comes loved one. The funeral payment in 2017 is 5,562.25 rubles. without taking into account the regional coefficient. The benefits are indexed periodically (last year there was none); the actual consumer price growth index for the past year is taken as a basis. In some regions it is prescribed additional payment To social benefits for burial (in Moscow, the coefficient is 11 thousand rubles, the total amount for 2017 is 16,562 rubles).