Quotes about friendship between girlfriends. Cool and funny statuses about female friendship Status about girlfriend and friendship in prose

It is impossible to imagine social networks of today without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You shouldn’t ignore like-minded people with whom the brightest events in life happen, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about your best friend with meaning will definitely be useful for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about your best friend

The closest one, like a relative with whom you can consult, have a heart-to-heart chat and spend hours as if just one minute, is worthy best words. Therefore, statuses in VK about can often be seen. If you want to convey emotions and depth of feelings with your thoughts, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about your best friend with meaning for social networks will help you do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky: t You may not see them for years and not talk to them for months, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your experiences with your best friend, it becomes easier, because a problem divided into two is already half.

When I talk to my best friend, I feel like I'm sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all sorts of nonsense from my lips will he simply say that he understands me very much.

A star is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because it is always so interesting to be with her.

Only my best friend drinks from the same mug with me,

Boldly looks into the refrigerator,

Once I fall asleep, the alarm clock will set.

Like a mother or sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

Therefore, cherish your girlfriends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same thing. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with your best friend there are so many memories, as if you had lived together your whole life.

When your soul is sad, worries are tormenting you terribly,

You need to meet your girlfriend to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored

Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express a variety of emotions, presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know me very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about best friend

For social networks, many people prefer to give credit to short combinations of words. Therefore, statuses on VK about a best friend often consist of several words, because expressing feelings and emotions does not always require a lot of text.

When I feel bad, I don’t call the fire department or ambulance, I dial my friend’s phone number.

Better than any psychologist is the girlfriend sitting next to you.

Best friends have similar souls. So you can listen without interruption.

I don’t even send my real friend to the bathhouse, because I’ll worry, I know that for sure.

I don't believe those who talk bad about her. They are just jealous that she has me.

Often meetings with a friend cancel all other events for the current day.

And you, too, when you meet a friend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi?

When meeting with a friend, we have so many common topics of conversation that a sudden transition from one to another does not matter.

Thoughts transmitted even over a long distance are true friendship.

Poems about best friend

Sometimes statuses about your best friend cannot meaningfully fit into a few sentences, so only through poems can you express all your emotions. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it’s not at all scary if statuses about your best friend with meaning are long and lengthy, the most important thing is that they carry the necessary meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I'm glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is wonderful,

There are countless fun events.

And although we are not close by blood,

We are very close in soul.

It's easy and free with you,

Both in noise and in silence.

My best friend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist?

If there is joy in the soul,

I'll go with her straight away to you,

If there are sorrows and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear darling,

I love you very much.

Adventures with a friend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. That's why funny statuses about your best friend are also very appropriate on social networks. Interesting ideas you can take the most daring and different ones. This is the only way funny statuses about your best friend will be noticed and well received.

Only while walking with a friend, the next day each talks about the other, having difficulty remembering herself.

After traveling with my girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​memories with conversations lasting an hour for each photo.

Sometimes I only remember the time I spent with my best friend through photographs.

If you collect all the pictures with your friend, you can create a story that will be even greater than “War and Peace.”

Not a single day spent with your best friend and a glass of wine is sad.

Fun moments with your best friend


With you is a sea of ​​memories that only we know.

It’s a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every outing with you is like a zoo. we neigh like horses, make noise like parrots, and act like monkeys.

Sometimes I feel ashamed when you and I walk down the street together. Because we behave in such a way that people turn to us.

Express your emotions. Don't hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.

Anyone who has never experienced the ecstasy caused by betrayal does not know what ecstasy is. Jean Genet

A woman in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity. La Rochefoucauld

A friend cannot be bought, a friend can be sold.

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a friend is unlucky.

Girlfriends are like watermelons: to find the right one you have to try a thousand.

As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times get dark, you're left alone. Ovid

I can call the most wonderful moment in my life the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person. William Rotsler

Intelligence and courage are an empty sound if devotion is forgotten. Visakhadatta

Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half. Francis Bacon

If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it. Andre Wilmaitre

About my friend, I boldly tell the whole truth, looking into her eyes... By the way, she too...

For each other - this is friendship.

Friendship achieves the same result as courage, but only in a more pleasant way. Francis Bacon

Friendship is like a puzzle. Each of your friends is a piece... Some are on the edge, others are closer to the center, but each one adds a piece of themselves to us.

If you want to know what your friends think about your husband, tell him that he turned out to be a scumbag and you will get a divorce.

The faithful may sometimes deviate from the letter, even from the prescriptions of the Gospel, in fulfillment of a more sublime law - the law of love. Milton John

A friend is one soul living in two bodies. Aristotle.

Don't call an infidel a friend. Is a changeable person worthy of love? Saadi

Yes, I have several real girlfriends, but we don’t really like each other.

A friend is someone who can sing the melody of your heart when you have forgotten the notes...

Everyone has a friend named Valera. But besides you, you have none!

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for you must be an arrow and a striving for the Superman for him. Friedrich Nietzsche

Your friend will wipe your tears when your boyfriend leaves you, but best friend will come up to him and say: You left her because you’re just a scumbag, aren’t you?

There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals. Francis Bacon

A girl always talks about a guy’s friend about how cool he is, but he’s not good enough to be a guy...

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends. Nietzsche.

I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better. Plutarch

For many women, experiencing love means discussing it with a friend.

The friendship between the girl and the boys weakens as night falls.

Friendship is a delicate flower. One careless touch and the flower withers. Sun Li

A woman always needs a friend to have someone to brag about.

Know how to be friends and you will meet a true friend.

You may not be my husband, but you must be my friend!

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

Meet me, this is my friend, we have been fools since childhood.

A true friend will always scratch her nose or head when your nails are painted!

There are just friends who write every day: I love you, bunny, and there are those who silently help you when you really need it.

A friend is the only person with whom I can think out loud...

The lower the price, the lower the betrayal. Georgy Ratner

In the life of every person, his friends occupy an important place, if, of course, he has them. So, if you have friends, then from time to time it will be useful to put funny statuses about friendship on your status. This will be especially useful for girls, because statuses about female friendship play a fairly large role in their relationships, at least virtual ones.

Friendship also has feelings. I'm your friend.

There is only one true friend in life. The rest are, one way or another, just good acquaintances and people who are just around you at the moment.

The main thing is that your status is better than that of your friends.

Women's tears need a pillow for women's holidays- flowers, but I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

A friend is not the one who will get you out of trouble, but the one who will not let you get into it!

A friend is not the one who says “everything is fine,” but the one who says “everything is bad, but I’m with you.”

A friend is someone who stays by your side even when he would rather be somewhere else.

Friendship - is this concept even necessary to once again understand that a friend can be a traitor?

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the whole evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls.

Friendship between a guy and a girl is impossible... Someone will definitely fall in love and ruin everything...

Friendship is not necessary for life, it is one of those things without which life is not necessary...

Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half.

There is no such thing as friendship between a guy and a girl... Someone is bound to love.

Friends are when they listen, understand, don’t judge, and help in difficult times.

Friends are people who will remind you of your mistakes all your life and make fun of them!

Friends are people who hate your ex more than you do.

Friends are those who love you, no matter how much shit you are...

Friends are those who know us well and, despite this, love us.

Friends are known in times of need... or when you need guarantors...

Friends. This is so wonderful. Have fun with them and no longer feel lonely. And then you feel bad and your friends disappear. Those who have never made friends come, but are sincere towards you.

If my girlfriend was a guy, I would marry her.

If you're suddenly on a drinking binge and you're no good... a friend is always with you.

If you are my friend, give me a gift!

There is an opinion that one day, “in contact,” everyone will become everyone’s friend.

There is such a thing as friends. I have a concept, but no friends.

You know, I just adore my friends... and everyone, everyone, all people...

And yet it exists... there is friendship between a guy and a girl!

Sometimes it seems that friendship is the name of processed cheese and only...

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend.

How you, friends, are missed...

No matter how rare it is true love, true friendship is even rarer.

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If there is a place for true friendship in your life, then you are a very happy and lucky person, since in our time it is very rare to meet people who are capable of not betraying and always being faithful. Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Statuses about friends with meaning

To be friends with a person, you don’t need to be a dog at all.

A friend is a person who knows everything about you and nevertheless continues to love you.

Only one person can be a true friend; everyone else who surrounds you is just good acquaintances.

I recently realized that true friendship is possible if you know the person well. That's why true friendship doesn't exist.

Friendship also has feelings. I'm your friend.

True friendship is like human health: you don’t pay enough attention to it until you lose it.

Successful people often have many envious enemies, while unsuccessful people often have many friends instead of enemies.

A man and a woman cannot be friends in principle. Such friendship is just disguised sympathy. A man will never be friends with a woman who is indifferent to him.

A man who has no enemies, but they are successfully replaced by friends who secretly hate him.

Love and Friendship met somehow. Love asked: “Why do you need you in the world if there is me?” And Friendship answered her: “To leave a smile where you leave tears...”

Friendship has no degrees, trust has degrees. Friendship is unconditional trust.

Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.

I could find an excuse for a person who betrayed love, it was a hobby, but I cannot find an excuse for a person who betrayed friendship.

Friendship between a man and a woman is a relationship either ex-lovers, or future ones.

VK statuses about friends

Nowadays, true friendship does not exist, it only seems to us that we have best friends and that they will never betray us, but the day comes when they plunge a sharp dagger into our back

It is not necessary that a lonely person has no friends; perhaps his friend is also a loner.

True friendship is a constant: it is not affected by religion, the dollar exchange rate, or the weather forecast. Neither death.

The quieter the friendship, the truer it is.

Don't count how many friends you have. It doesn't matter. What matters is how many of them will come to your aid in difficult times.

Friendship is a ship, in clear weather spacious enough for two, but in bad weather only for one.

Don’t be friends with those who are not your equal and don’t be afraid to correct your mistakes.

True friendship does not tolerate envy, and love does not tolerate coquetry.

IN modern world(and in past times) the number of friends is directly proportional to the number of photographs taken.

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then you miss her the whole evening.

Childhood friends are those whose home phone numbers you still remember.

A friend is not someone who will be with you in moments of sadness, but someone who will share your success without a drop of envy.

Accept your friends as they are, do not try to correct them, otherwise you will create enemies.

In order for friendship not to rust, it must be constantly washed with alcohol.

Everything is changing. And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anyone.

A friendship that ended never really began.

Best friend status

You shouldn't hang yourself on your friends' necks when they allow you to lean on them.

There are two most important concepts: friendship and love. Dreams of friendship come true for those who can love, and dreams of love come true for those who can be friends.

True female friendship is as common as a blooming fern.

Friendships formed over drinks are usually fragile.

Loyalty, frankness and honesty are very important for friendship.

To find out the whole truth about yourself, you need to get your friends drunk.

The most difficult thing in friendship is to be on an equal footing with someone who is lower than you... if you are able to provide any service to another, consider first whether it is up to him.

Friendship between a man and a woman often turns into romantic relationship, after which you can find a loved one, or lose a friend.

If you set conditions for friendship, then you are entering into a contract, and this is already cooperation.

Enjoy communication - main feature friendship.

There is no friendship between a guy and a girl. Someone definitely loves you.

In fact, we love our friends even for their shortcomings.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls.

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life

Very often those who are friends become lovers, but lovers never become friends.

Love is a feeling that comes and goes, but friendship is forever, do not betray your friends for the sake of relationships

If you address a friend as a friend, and not as a woman/man, then you are a true friend.

Statuses about fake friends

Nowadays, friendship is something cheap, easily replaced. Log on to the Internet - and you can acquire at least a thousand “friends”.

Friendship is one soul living in two bodies!

Friendship is when you share the last piece of candy that you really want to eat.

I would like to be sad because best friend he’s leaving, but I can’t, because he’s going to fulfill his dream and seek happiness!

Time only strengthens friendship.

Female friendship does not exist, there are only those who are ready to assent in exchange for the same service.

A person who cares about friendship will never say: “You made your choice, I won’t argue.” For friendship, like for love, you need to fight!

Friendship without equality is not friendship, but symbiosis.

Live and fall in love, but remember one thing: strong friendship more expensive than anything.

The gaze of true friendship is directed to the heart.

I am lonely, and you are lonely... But we will not take a single step towards each other.

Friendship - is this concept even necessary to once again understand that a friend can be a traitor?

Friendship exists, you can’t buy it with cash. And it’s easy to lose it, like a person in turmoil.

Status about a guy's friend

Love inspires, hatred gives strength, and friendship gives both.

True love is quite rare, and true friendship is even rarer.

We want true friendship, but we constantly betray without thinking.

Together, friendship and brotherhood are better than any wealth.

If you shout about friendship at every corner, then you know nothing about it. Friendship loves silence!

Those who have many have no friends.

There is no need to seek friendship - it is a useless and unnecessary activity. You can look for new shoes in the store. And friendship is a gift of fate.

Trust is the first condition of friendship

True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.

To be friends means to generate nonsense at the same time.

Friendships between people of the opposite sex are greatly weakened when night falls on the city.

The friendship of one reasonable person is more valuable than the friendship of all unreasonable people.

Friendship is like cement that can withstand a lot.

Statuses for classmates about friends

The best friend is the sofa. You can always rely on him and even sleep without threats to friendship.

There is no friendship between a man and a woman. Because only children know how to be friends.

Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half.

Friendship is when you care about your friend more than about yourself.

A strong friendship will not break, will not fall apart from rains and blizzards. A friend won’t leave you in trouble, won’t ask too much, that’s what a true, faithful friend means.

Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept

Love without passion is friendship. Passion without love is almost enmity.

Friendship is like love, only not inspired, but strengthened.

You cannot enter the country of my soul without visas. The borders are securely guarded. It is impossible to get into it without sincere love and true friendship.

Our friendship is like glass, it breaks quickly and easily, only wounds from shrapnel take a very long time to heal

Friendship is an open relationship in which you are not free in front of your friend.

True feelings are not alien to friendship! I'm your friend!

Friendship between a guy and a girl is impossible. Someone is bound to fall in love and ruin everything.

Friendship involves sharing jokes that are not easy for others to understand.

Men play with friendship, like soccer ball, and she remains intact. Women play with friendship like a glass vase, and it breaks.

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that you can preserve it for life, unless you try to borrow money.

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth. Never leave old friends, you will never find someone to replace them. It is difficult to imagine human life without friendship and love. Without the joy of having them and the despair of losing them. a friend is someone who is on the same level with a person.

New cool laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

Recently, it has become fashionable on social networks to write statuses on your page. Status is a meaningful word or expression on a particular topic. Its meaning is always determined by the mood and emotional state of a person. You can encapsulate your feelings and joy in your status, expressing deep meaning.

There are statuses about loss, animals, etc. To show your friends that you think about them, you can write a statement about friendship on your page. Whatever these words are, they will always tell you that you do not forget about your friends and will not let them forget about you.

Statuses about a friend: the best selection

  • “For women’s tears we need a pillow, for women’s holidays we need flowers, but for me I need a girlfriend as cool as you!”
  • “The best friend is a person to whom you don’t even need to tell anything; she can see in your eyes what you’ve done.”
  • “The best friend is the one with whom you dream that you will have a big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children each and a bunch of small dogs...”
  • “Correspondence with my best friend is incriminating evidence about my whole life...”
  • “Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t tell anyone, because you’ll have to go there with her so as not to worry.”
  • “Women’s friendship exists as long as women’s interests do not intersect.”
  • “The best friend is the one who rejoices at your victories. The one who will put aside everything for you. The one who will tell you absolutely everything. The one who can afford to call at 2 am and say that she had a fight with her guy. The one who will be jealous of other girls."
  • "Best Friend is an information bureau, a psychological center and a distillery."
  • “I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood.”
  • “A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!”
  • “We are like dark and white chocolate - we are sweet, but with a hint of bitterness. Like missing pieces of one whole. We're just best friends!
  • “A best friend is like a husband, the only and beloved one. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. She’s the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry.”
  • “Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.”

Statuses about friendship: statements with meaning

  • “It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who is worth dying for.”
  • “Friendship is one of life’s greatest joys; One of the greatest joys of friendship is having someone you can trust with a secret.”
  • “True friendship is only possible between equals. Otherwise, it’s either patronage or manipulation.”
  • “A friend is not just a person who tells you “I care about you” when everything is fine with you, but someone who sits next to you when life loses all meaning.”
  • “Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest will hear, but only a true friend will hear you when you are silent.”
  • “A friend is not only someone who will follow you into the fire, but also someone who will be able to understand and forgive in difficult and awkward moments!”
  • "A best friend is someone you can sit on the porch with, not say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had in your life."
  • “Friendship should be a durable thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.”
  • “Friendship is around the clock, even a fire, even a harvest. This feeling is reckless - get dressed, come..."
  • “The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.”
  • “True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.”

Friendship is the greatest value available to humanity. It doesn't require proof. Statuses about friendship can express your feelings for your friends and show how you feel about them. Therefore, take their selection seriously. Remember that it is easy to offend a loved one with a careless phrase.