What is relaxation, learn to relax. What is relaxation, methods of relaxation What is relaxation in psychology

Relaxation is the human body’s ability to relax psychologically and physically. In fact, the benefits of relaxation are very great. It is the practice of relaxation that has long been used in yoga, in oriental martial arts, in the processes of spiritual self-improvement and self-development. In everyday life, relaxation helps strengthen the body, relieves stress and emotional tension, calms, teaches you to breathe correctly and deeply to increase the amount of oxygen in the internal organs.

The undoubted advantage of relaxation is that anyone can master this process; no special equipment or specialized education is needed for this. Just desire and minimal knowledge on this issue will be enough.

A distinctive feature of relaxation is the process of immersion in a state of complete or maximum possible muscle relaxation. Many Eastern practitioners use calming mental activity to achieve complete relaxation of the body. This is the state of the body that is called meditative.

For the first lessons in relaxation techniques, a small secluded room or a secluded place in nature is ideal. It is advisable to avoid bright light, strong odors, unwitting spectators and noise. Low, light, relaxing music is welcome.

The simplest exercises

You need to lie down in a comfortable position on a hard surface. A pillow is not useful here, but it should be comfortable to lie on. It is necessary to try to leave mortal thoughts about everyday worries and worries. You can imagine something pleasant - the sparks of a fire, the surf or the sound of a waterfall. Try to start relaxing the muscles of the body, the toes will be the first, then the calf muscles, thighs, torso, arms, neck and head. You should try to maintain this state of relaxation for at least a couple of minutes. When you have more experience, the relaxation time can be increased.

Another relaxation method is to imagine a warm, joyful, pleasant light. This light and warmth gradually fills the entire body. It becomes cozy and good, worries and negative emotions go away.

The success of effective and efficient relaxation depends on proper breathing. During the exercises, it should be deep, calm and even.

Relaxation- This is a conscious decrease in muscle tone. Relaxation can be achieved through the use of special techniques, exercises or medications. The goal of relaxation in any of the techniques is to achieve complete relaxation of the body, thanks to which an increase in performance and a decrease in mental and physical stress is achieved, which has a positive effect on the psyche.

Relaxation techniques are quite popular in yoga, psychotherapy, and various health systems. It is believed that the relaxation technique is a method akin to , which are both effective ways to combat stress.

Various relaxation methods are especially effective for people who have increased muscle tone, since it is the cause of many diseases. People with decreased muscle tone experience less of the relaxation effect. When a stress factor affects a person, muscle tension is created in the body. This tension is a defensive reaction, preparing the body for action. The body receives a danger signal - stress, and turns on active defense.

Stress has come a long way in evolution, from the crouching tiger to the modern stress of people - problems with writing a thesis, civil strife with superiors. Such stressors require long and intense thinking. It turns out that the muscle tone remained as strong as before, because there was no discharge, but on the contrary, everything had accumulated inside and put pressure on the person.

Chronic stress, small or insignificant, becomes an obstacle to the spontaneous release of muscle tension and the muscle clamps formed by it. Muscle tension absorbs a large amount of energy, interferes with good blood flow, makes attention scattered and the state tense.

Many people know about the relaxation method, that it is a very useful way of restoring strength, which gives an invaluable effect, it does not require material investments and is quite affordable for every person. Despite daily stress, a person can protect himself from their negative impact in this way.

The effectiveness of systematic relaxation sessions is recognized by modern psychotherapists. According to the theory of the positive impact of relaxation on a person’s mental state, there is a specific strong connection between the mind and body and a person needs to maintain it. An important point in psychotherapy using relaxation techniques is generalization. Generalization is the spread and consolidation of the effect. If you do not do it systematically and superficially, then the effect will be just as temporary and of poor quality. Through regular, persistent practice, you can achieve generalization and long-term positive effects of relaxation on the individual.

What is relaxation

Many people have heard the word relaxation, but not everyone knows it. Relaxation is a technique that is used to relax the body and have a general beneficial effect on it.

Not many people realize that hugging is also a way of relaxation. Hugging with children is especially beneficial. It is important that a person has the warmest feelings for these children. Children's spontaneity and sincerity will make you forget about all the bad things. Hugs have a positive effect not only with children, but also with other loved ones. You need to hug your loved ones, parents, brothers, sisters, friends. Hugs help relieve tension and restore strength.

Relaxation method - massage. Many people know about the benefits of massage and its healing effects on the human body. A certain massage helps the muscles of the body relax and tension goes away. One session should last at least 30 minutes. A person who is engaged in many activities and is in a tense state should attend massage sessions. This is a great way to relax and recover.

Aromatherapy sessions have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. Essential oils of mint, lavender, pine nut, ylang-ylang, bergamot and others have a calming effect. If you combine massage and aromatherapy sessions together, accompanied by a pleasant melody, you will get a very pleasant relaxation.

Music is a great way to relax. She can both relax and pacify, and invigorate. One song can make a person laugh, another can make a person sad. But it is true that they evoke strong emotions. It has been proven that listening to classical music has a very calming effect and helps relieve stress. There are even separate special collections of music for relaxation. Therefore, a person exposed to frequent stress must have such records at home. If you also drink tea while listening to music, this will give you a double relaxation effect.

If a person is stressed, he can relieve it by drinking a mug of warm herbal tea. There are herbs that have a calming and relaxing effect, such as mint, sage, lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, oregano and others. The process of drinking tea itself is relaxation; it has a calming effect on a person who has to stop for a minute in the whirlwind of his worries. At this time, you can calmly assess the stressful situation, weigh its various sides and recharge. Thanks to herbs, a person’s condition can instantly improve. Sipping tea slowly is a wonderful way to relax.

Relaxation methods

There are a huge number of relaxation methods, we will look at some of them.

Breathing relaxation method. Breathing techniques are actively used in yoga and are considered basic in any relaxation exercise. The lesson should be conducted alone, in a room with minimal distractions. You need to take a comfortable position and close your eyes. You need to concentrate your attention on your breathing, feel its rhythm and depth, monitor the direction of the air into the lungs, and then out. It is necessary to imagine how air penetrates a person through his skin, arms, legs, and so on. Then you need to feel how your hand is filled with air, how air enters and exits through small tiny pores, carefully observe your sensations, how they change. This must be done until there is a feeling of complete relaxation of this hand. Next, you should do the same with the other arm, legs, neck and back, thus achieving complete relaxation of the body.

Relaxation method using imagery. This method includes . It is very pleasant to practice, especially with special relaxing music. This technique involves first looking for images, the visualization of which helps to feel relaxation. So, for example, it could be an idea of ​​how a person lies on the warm sand, near the sea, how he takes a bath with foam, basks in bed, or relaxes under a palm tree, feels the freshness of the mountain air, and more.

It is important to find your own image for relaxation, which will be closest to the person and convey a feeling of his inspiration. a person should draw an image of the highest bliss, there are several such images, you can concentrate on them one by one, then determine which of them cause a stronger state. Analyze how sensations change when each image appears, and choose a more suitable and pleasant one.

It is important to understand that this image is not just a picture in your head, but a complete identification of yourself in this image. That is, a person must feel the gusts of mountain wind, the salty taste of sand, the scorching sun, ladybugs crawling over the body, and so on. You need to stay in this state for quite a long time, look at all the details, feel the sensations. And if you practice such relaxation very persistently and for a long time, then at one moment a person can simply remember his favorite image and the body, with the help of muscles, will be able to relax itself.

The relaxation method using self-hypnosis or words is very effective for those people who trust only themselves and their logic. To do this, certain verbal formulations are created and recorded, which can be learned or recorded on a voice recorder. These phrases should include words that denote warmth and heaviness, as well as “relaxing” phrases. Example: “The right hand is relaxed. I feel her warmth. Each finger on the right hand fills with a pleasant heaviness. The brush becomes heavy. My right arm is completely relaxed."

Afterwards, you need to relax the rest of the body one by one. Relaxation formulations should be spoken quietly and slowly to allow enough time to concentrate on the sensations. The words should be simple and easy to understand, so that immediately after pronunciation you can understand what needs to be done. The entire process and effectiveness of relaxation depends on the formulations, because in this process the body is associated with certain words. If everything is done correctly, then after several relaxation trainings a person will be able to achieve complete relaxation of the body, using only the wording “My body is relaxed.”

Relaxation method using muscle tension. It is based on the physiological laws of the body. Muscle relaxation involves four approaches. The first approach is the Shavasana exercise, in which a person concentrates on the processes occurring in the body. The second approach involves the Progressive Relaxation method, which uses the contrast of relaxation with tension. The third approach is autogenic training, using self-order. The fourth approach involves the use of images.

Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation is a unique relaxation technique; it is represented by alternating a relaxed state with tension in different muscle groups. Muscle relaxation has several stages. At the first stage there are three points that must be completed. The first thing is to lie on your back, bend your arms at the joints and strongly tense your arm muscles, concentrate on muscle tension.

The second is to relax the muscles of your arms, straighten them and direct your attention to the feeling of muscle relaxation. You should repeat the first and second steps several times.

Third, contraction of the biceps. Tighten the muscles very strongly and relax very slowly, while being aware of each weak contraction. Remain completely still, relaxing your flexor muscles for fifteen minutes.

It is advisable to learn to achieve complete relaxation, to the point of no longer feeling the weakest contractions of the biceps. Next, exercises should be used to relax other striated muscles, neck, shoulder girdle and so on, the very last should be the muscles of the face, larynx and tongue last.

The second stage is called “differentiated relaxation”. A person in a sitting position relaxes muscles that are not involved in maintaining the body in an upright position. This is followed by contraction and relaxation exercises. Exercises boil down to contracting and relaxing those muscles of the body that are not involved at the moment.

In the third stage, one observes one's daily life in order to identify which muscles tense during affective states that the person would like to get rid of, for example, anxiety or fear. You need to weaken and prevent these local muscle tensions, solve your problems by getting rid of unwanted emotions.

A method of combining performances with movements. The purpose of relaxation is to develop the ability to create images and perceive verbal formulations of self-suggestion in a relaxed state. You need to sit on the edge of a chair, cross your legs so that the support rests on your toes. Straighten your spine; if you feel discomfort, it is better not to straighten too much, pull your chin in a little, put your hands on your hips, palms up. Take a deep breath and exhale twice. During a full inhalation, mentally say “a-o-um.” You need to take a breath on each sound. And take a long exhale, feel how the muscles of the body relax. Then walk around the room, while taking three or four breaths in and out. Sit back, inhale, mentally say “a-o-um.” Hold your breath for two seconds and immediately imagine yourself healthy, active and cheerful. As you exhale for a long time, feel the muscles relax. As you exhale, tense your arm muscles, imagine yourself cheerful and in a good mood. Repeat the exercise six or eight times, and when finished, stand up vigorously.

Jog for a minute. At the end of the run, hypotensive people should start doing push-ups, doing exercises with dumbbells, squatting ten times, doing fifteen jumping jacks and walking until breathing resumes. Lie on your back, relax and breathe deeply. Then say to yourself how wonderful the training was, that it gave you joy and health. Then, as you exhale, inflate your stomach three times and draw it in. Repeat three times, stand up vigorously, sit down calmly, relax your muscles and repeat to yourself about seven times: “The training was successful, I feel an excess of strength.”

It would seem that all methods of relaxation should be less active than this technique, but in fact, since the active phase and relaxation alternate, at the end the person feels a strong influx of energy.

A very popular method of relaxation is associated with the subjective perception of reality and lifestyle; the most natural and easily accessible way of relaxation is laughter. With its help, a person can quickly tune himself into a positive wave. There is even a separate direction called laughter therapy, today it is developing rapidly. Laughter can independently induce a state of relaxation in the body, which contributes to overall health. During laughter, muscles contract and relax. Breathing quickens, as a result of which the blood is saturated with oxygen. Brain cells reduce pain sensitivity. They release endorphin hormones - substances that reduce pain and increase pleasure.

Laughter therapy primarily has a connection with a person’s subjective perception of himself and the world around him. If a person is inclined to look for humor in himself or in external events, he becomes more resistant to stressful adverse effects.

A more popular method of relaxation than laughter, but no less accessible, is sleep. If someone doesn’t like to laugh a lot, at least he’s definitely sleeping. Sleep is a natural way of relaxation; with its help, the body neutralizes excitement and activity, and protects brain cells from exhaustion. Healthy sleep is the best way to rest and fully recuperate. In addition, Jacobson muscle relaxation can be performed just before bed, which will provide deep and complete relaxation of the body's systems.

Postisometric relaxation

Before performing manual manipulations, it is imperative to relieve pain, spasm and stretch the muscle itself that will be manipulated. For this purpose, post-isometric relaxation classes are used, which are performed using massage.

Postisometric relaxation technique is a combination of short isometric work of the lowest intensity and inert muscle stretching. Isometric work, like stretching, lasts 5-10 seconds. These combinations should be repeated up to six times. As a result of such repetitions, persistent hypotension forms in the muscles and the initial soreness disappears.

For effective post-isometric muscle relaxation, some recommendations have been compiled. The patient's isometric work should be of minimal intensity and short-term. An effort of great intensity causes completely different changes that do not achieve relaxation; significant intervals cause muscle fatigue, too short ones are not able to cause changes in the spatial contractile substrate in the muscles, which does not have a therapeutic effect; the expected therapeutic effect is muscle relaxation.

Human isometric work can be replaced by muscle tension, which appears as a result of synergy (interaction) during the output. The activity of volitional tension is more pronounced than muscle activity, although the therapeutic effect of relaxation is the same.

The next thing is the connection of synergistic muscle tension, with different gaze directions. When a person directs his gaze upward, his neck and back muscles tense; when looking downward, the muscles of the neck and torso tense; if to the right, the rotator muscles work, turning the head and torso to the right. The best effect is achieved if respiratory and oculomotor synergy is used simultaneously. Inhalation increases the tone of the activated muscle, exhalation helps to relax it. The practical execution of this combination involves the sequence: look to the right, take a breath and hold it, look to the left, exhale. This combination is quite effective.

The process of post-isometric relaxation begins with identifying the muscle or muscle group that a person wants to work. It is necessary to observe in which position the muscle is more stretched and in which it is contracted. The starting position is stretching to elasticity, without effort. If you try to stretch the muscles even more, you can get injured, feel pain and unpleasant tension, such efforts will not be good for anyone.

You need to fix the most comfortable position, take a deep breath, then hold your breath for a few seconds and slightly tense the muscle (fixing its length), contract it, reduce the length of the muscle. Then take a calm, deep exhale, gradually reducing the force of muscle contraction. Wait a few seconds, make sure that the muscle is completely relaxed and slowly stretch it for 10-15 seconds without resistance. In this way, the extreme stretch position is reached. Fix the position and repeat the cycle several times.

If the stretching is not enough or the desired relaxation has not occurred, then muscle tension and the isometric phase with breath holding should be increased to 30 seconds. Approximately after completing the third isometric relaxation phase, the tension goes away and relaxation occurs.

It is better to start your first sessions of post-isometric relaxation with classes with an instructor and a rehabilitator. So, a person tenses a muscle, holds his breath, the instructor stretches this muscle and fixes it in this position. Not all muscle groups can be performed with an instructor. Some muscles need to be stretched yourself, since the rehabilitation therapist does not know what exactly the patient feels, how sensitive he is to this sensation. Therefore, you need to be able to perform this technique yourself.

Postisometric relaxation is used for conditions such as musculoskeletal pain; warming up the muscles before performing various types of manipulations; local hypertonicity; neurological manifestations of spinal pathologies; muscle contraction due to local postural imbalance.

When carrying out post-isometric relaxation, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, including skin diseases, transit ischemic attack, high temperature, headaches, damage to the skin in the affected area, severe pain during exercise, arrhythmia, thrombosis, pulmonary insufficiency, refusal of the patient himself.

Relaxation is a process that is mistakenly perceived as a way to relax. This is a powerful technique aimed at eliminating psychological pressures, phobias and complexes. Its use allows not only to restore mental strength, but also to get rid of the manifestations of gastritis, headaches and hypertension. This technique has a wide range of applications. Its adherents are distinguished by their flexibility of thinking and cope with stress more easily.

Why is relaxation needed?

Relaxation is the process of consciously relaxing the body to reduce muscle tone. For this purpose, special techniques, exercises and drugs are used. As a result, the patient’s level of mental and physical stress decreases and performance increases.

For the proper functioning of all body systems, tension, nervous or physical, must be followed by relaxation. Everyday life filled with stress and the modern rhythm of life deprives people of this opportunity. The psyche is under constant tension, and watching TV shows, movies or reading news on social networks only further overloads the mind. Therefore, relaxation methods are a necessary measure to maintain health.

Any stress inhibits relaxation, resulting in muscle tension. Over time, the consequences of its destructive influence accumulate, and muscle tension increases. They interfere with proper blood circulation, reduce concentration and overall tone of the body.

Mind and body are interconnected. Therefore, while engaging in physical relaxation, a person simultaneously works on his mental health, and vice versa. When healing the body and spirit, it is important to observe the fundamental principle of relaxation - generalization is needed to achieve results.

Generalization is the process of spreading and consolidating the effect produced. Without it, methods of relaxing the body will not have the expected effect.

Haphazard exercise will never produce lasting results. To achieve therapeutic effectiveness and get rid of nervousness, exercise requires organization. Relaxation is not a miracle pill.

The essence of the technique and its application in everyday life

Relaxation is not necessarily meditation and yoga. Methods of physical and mental relaxation are present in the life of every person, even if he does not consciously practice them. For example, the classic case of an office worker. A weekday is filled with bustle and a huge amount of information, but when a person goes outside and gets ready to go home, his attention switches. A change in activity provokes a change in the direction of thought; he understands that work difficulties are left behind, and a pleasant evening and relaxation await him ahead. At this moment, a little mental and physical relaxation occurs.

Correct use of relaxation techniques can prevent depression and restore vigor and tone to the body.

Ways to relieve tension:

  1. 1. A deep breath, despite its simplicity, can significantly change the state of consciousness. In a stressful situation that seems hopeless, it is useful to use an exercise: take a deep breath, hold the breath for 10 seconds, then exhale slowly. A short period of time will allow you to assess the situation, understand your main advantages, saturate your cells with oxygen and calm down a little. During such a break, it is important to try to think positively; a critical perception of reality will spoil the result.
  2. 2. Hugs are another effective way to deal with stress. They awaken a sense of security in a person and the release of endorphins. An important condition: you need to hug only those who are pleasant. It makes no sense to expect results by touching a person who only evokes negative emotions. The greatest positive effect comes from contact with children. Their spontaneity and sincerity will help you not only feel better, but also lift your spirits.
  3. 3. Massage is a popular way to deal with tension. To achieve a therapeutic effect, regular procedures are recommended. But if you need to relax right now, then a short session of a light massage will do. To do this, just rub your ears, stretch your neck, shoulders, forearms, hands, palms and fingers. Particular attention should be paid to the cervical region. This will improve blood flow, induce a surge of energy and increase concentration.
  4. 4. Aromatherapy is recommended in combination with massage. But it can be used in everyday life. Aromatic baths with mint in the evenings and bergamot in the mornings are suitable for this. It is recommended to place a few drops of mint on your pillow. Orange oil is used to lift your mood and increase your productivity. An aroma lamp with it should be lit in the office or use perfume with notes of orange. An alternative option is a basket with these citrus fruits on your desktop.
  5. 5. Music helps relieve stress, redirect attention and improve your mood. Listening to your favorite songs will help you to be in high spirits. Classical music is useful for creative activities, and drum rhythms increase concentration. It is recommended to spend 10-15 minutes every morning dancing to drum rhythms. The vibrations of percussion instruments are invigorating and have a beneficial effect on attention and performance.
  6. 6. Herbal teas. The correct selection of herbs and avoidance of caffeine-containing drinks increases concentration, overall body tone and removes toxins. Chamomile is suitable for morning tea; a cup of mint or lemon balm infusion is useful at night or in the evening. Ginseng, chamomile and oregano are recommended throughout the day.

Types of relaxation

Modern psychology identifies a number of the most effective methods. Their implementation does not require complex skills or financial investments.

Popular relaxation methods:

Breathing exercisesBreathing techniques are the basis of yoga, Pilates and any type of professional sports. For therapeutic purposes, you need to practice in a room with a minimum amount of lighting and without strangers. Music for meditation, sounds of nature are suitable as sound accompaniment, you can completely abandon it. TV, radio and music with words will be distracting. Before starting the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position, your stomach should be relaxed and not pinched. You need to close your eyes and concentrate on breathing. It should be measured and unhurried. It is necessary to control the flow of air into the lungs and fill not only the chest, but also the stomach. Belly breathing provides good ventilation to the lungs. Then visualization and sensations are connected to the work. You need to imagine how air gradually penetrates through the pores and fills first one hand, then the other, then both. And so you need to work out every part of the body. Switching from one part of the body to another occurs only after complete relaxation of the limb. After completing the exercise, it is useful to lie on your back, place one hand on your stomach to control your breathing and breathe into your stomach
Creating an imageThis is a visualization method and requires a lot of practice. Not everyone succeeds the first time. You need to sit comfortably and start working without words to the right music. During the exercise, you need to imagine the most pleasant environment; this image is individual for each person. This should be a place where he feels a state of bliss. For example, a sandy beach, a forest edge, a beautiful garden. An important condition: immersion in visualization must be complete. That is, a person must imagine all the smallest details. If it is a sandy beach, you need to try to hear the sound of the surf, feel the warm rays of the sun and splashes of water on your skin, and remember the feeling of touching the sand. Before you can find a successful image, you need to use several options. Regular exercise will help your body develop muscle memory. This will allow you to recreate the desired image in any situation and place, if desired, without the slightest effort. It is important to make the image as realistic as possible during the work process.
Autogenic trainingThis method of self-hypnosis is suitable for those who are accustomed to independently controlling every area of ​​their life. Before starting classes, you need to record verbal instructions to yourself for relaxation on a voice recorder. They should sound like this: “My right hand relaxes, I feel its warmth, each finger becomes heavy, my hand and wrist become heavier, my whole right hand is completely relaxed.” The instruction is spoken slowly, so that there is enough time to concentrate on the sensations. The voice should sound soft and quiet. Using sound instructions, you need to relax your whole body. Regular training will help in the future to induce relaxation with one phrase: “my body is relaxed”
Muscle tension methodThe technique is based on the physiological laws of the body. Relaxation occurs through four stages. The first is concentration on internal processes in the body. The second is progressive relaxation, which is achieved through conscious tension and relaxation of muscles. The third stage is autogenic training, or self-order. Fourth, final – creating an image
Jacobson relaxationThe technique is based on alternating relaxation with tension of different muscle groups and is performed in several approaches. The exercise begins by lying on your back, your arms need to be bent and very tense. You need to concentrate all your attention on muscle tension. The second approach is to achieve complete relaxation by concentrating on extending and relaxing the arms. Both stages are repeated several times. The third affects the work of the biceps. You need to tense your muscles as much as possible and then relax them very slowly. After several repetitions, you need to completely relax them for 15 minutes. Relaxation must be absolute. The exercise is considered correctly performed if the weakest contractions of the biceps are no longer felt. The manipulations are repeated with each muscle group separately, with the muscles of the face and larynx relaxing last. The next stage of the exercise is “differentiated relaxation”. You need to take a sitting position and work out muscle groups that are not involved in vertical support of the body. They need to be relaxed as much as possible. That is, those muscles that are not involved at the time of performing the exercise are worked out. The final stage is monitoring your life. You need to monitor which muscles tense in stressful, anxious and frightening situations. The technique allows you to identify and prevent muscle tension and get rid of negative emotions
Combination methodYou need to sit on a chair, moving as close to the edge as possible, and cross your legs. The main support should be on the toes. The spine must be carefully straightened, without causing overstrain. The chin is pulled towards you, the hands are placed on the hips, palms up, and several conscious inhalations and exhalations are performed, mentally pronouncing a drawn-out “a-o-um.” Afterwards, you need to hold your breath for a couple of seconds and instantly imagine yourself completely healthy and cheerful. The exercise is repeated 8-10 times, and you need to complete it by standing up vigorously. Then jog for a minute. For people suffering from low blood pressure, it is useful to add push-ups, squats and walking to their workout. After completing it, it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes

Jacobson relaxation

Postisometric technique

Postisometric relaxation is a technique designed to prepare muscles for subsequent manual practices. It relieves pain, spasms and stretches muscles. Classes are based on a combination of isometric work (holding the body in a certain position) of minimal intensity with inert muscle stretching. The duration of one approach is from 5 to 10 seconds, and the number of approaches must be at least 6. The painful syndrome is eliminated due to the formation of a persistent hypotonic effect during the exercise.

Correct post-isometric work is characterized by a number of features, without which it is impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect:

  1. 1. The exercise should have minimal intensity and short duration. Changing the parameters promotes the opposite effect of relaxation. Increasing intervals causes muscle fatigue; too short intervals do not entail any changes.
  2. 2. Isometric work can be replaced by volitional muscle tension. It will be stronger in severity, but the effect after the procedure remains the same.
  3. 3. The combination of volitional muscle tension with the direction of gaze allows you to better work out the muscles. The human body is designed in such a way that gaze causes the activation of a certain muscle group. For example, if you look up, your neck and back tense, and if you look down, your torso and neck strain. Looking to the side activates the rotator muscles.

Before starting the exercise, you need to fix the most comfortable position. Excessive efforts and working through pain prevents you from achieving the desired relaxation effect. Before you tense the muscle, you need to hold your breath, then take a deep breath and reduce the contraction. A few seconds later, after the muscle has completely relaxed, you can begin to stretch it for 10-15 seconds. The cycle is repeated several times.

If after performing the technique the relaxing effect is not achieved, the time is increased to 30 seconds. If all the rules are followed, relaxation is achieved by the third phase of the repetition cycle.

The initial stage of classes involves the supervision of an instructor, he helps you get comfortable with the technique and learn to feel your body. Not all muscle groups can be worked with the help of a specialist. In some cases, contraction and relaxation have to be monitored independently.

To recover from panic attacks, you need to learn relaxation techniques (relaxation) and practice relaxation constantly, every day.

This is the only way to relieve residual muscle tension, which in most cases is the trigger for panic attacks.

This article, which I took from the website http://center-x.ru, describes several methods of relaxation. Choose for yourself which method suits you best and use it. The methods are simple and accessible to anyone and everyone.

Relaxation is the state or process of entering a state of muscle relaxation. For magical practices, relaxation of the body is also combined with calming mental activity. This state of mind is usually called meditative.

The ability to relax the body and mind is considered basic not only in magic, but also in almost all traditions of spiritual self-improvement. Relaxation also helps in everyday life. This is an excellent method for quickly relieving stress, and by practicing relaxation before bed, you can significantly improve your morning tone and reduce the time needed to sleep.

It is better to start learning relaxation techniques in a secluded room or in nature, with a minimum of extraneous stimuli, namely: bright light, noise, other people’s voices, strong odors. Quiet relaxing music if desired.

To begin training, the ideal body position would be the following: lying on your back, face up, arms along your body, do not use a pillow, but preferably lie on something comfortable and soft. You should not do these exercises after eating. If you study late in the evening, it is better to take a comfortable sitting position so as not to fall asleep. For learning, this result is undesirable.

First you need to calm your breathing and take your mind off pressing problems. Next, we begin to relax the muscles of the body. We relax them one by one, starting with the toes. You will be surprised at the constant tension your body is in.

Method one (relaxation through breathing)

With each exhalation, we relax one specific muscle group. First - the toes, then the legs, thighs, buttocks, abdominal muscles, diaphragm, back, arms, starting from the fingertips, shoulder area, neck, facial muscles and scalp. It is convenient to relax the limbs one by one. We spend as many breathing cycles as necessary on each part of the body. Already relaxed muscles should not tense again. For those new to practicing relaxation, this can be a challenge. We also try, whenever possible, to relax not only the body, but also the consciousness when exhaling. Just as the tension in the body goes away, the tension in the mind should also go away.

Method two (relaxation through visualization)

We imagine a small lump of warm golden light, which, slowly rising through your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, relieves tension and tightness in your muscles. Gradually the whole body should be filled with soft golden warmth. It is also advisable to tune in to the fact that the golden light filling the head calms the mind and takes away all thoughts, leaving a feeling of warmth, relaxation and calm.

As an option for those with a developed imagination: You can simply imagine yourself lying on the beach, and the warm, gentle sun relaxes your body and mind.

Method three (relaxation through auto-training)

If you have good willpower, you can try giving yourself verbal instructions (not out loud): “My right leg is relaxed. It's warm and heavy. Each toe is relaxed. All muscles are relaxed. My left leg is relaxed. It's warm and heavy. My legs are completely relaxed. They are filled with pleasant heaviness and warmth. Warmth and calmness rise higher. The muscles of the buttocks are relaxed...” And so on. The main thing is not to use reverse settings. For example, “the hand is not tense” forces the subconscious to focus attention not on relaxation, but on tension. The logical construction “not” can only be processed by consciousness, and we relax consciousness. It would be appropriate to introduce the following attitude: “Consciousness is calm and relaxed. There is warmth and golden light in my head.”

Method four (relaxation through tension)

We tense each muscle group in turn and then relax. Can be combined with the rhythm of breathing, i.e. As you inhale, we tense, and as you exhale, we relax. We clench our fingers into a fist, then relax.

When successfully practicing relaxation, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should not affect the internal organs. The heart muscle, intestines and other internal organs can also be relaxed through long exercise, but this can lead to unpleasant and even life-threatening consequences.

With each workout, you will enter a state of relaxation faster, the relaxation will be more complete, and extraneous irritants will disturb you less. In the future, you can begin to practice relaxation in combination with stopping the internal dialogue.

Many have heard the word relax. But do we understand its meaning? Just rest, idleness? What then is relaxation? Why is it needed, and how should it be done? Do you need special equipment or any devices for this? Or can you relax on your own, just at your own discretion? Can relaxation cause harm? Is it useful? Read about all this below.

What is relaxation

Relaxation is complete relaxation of the body due to a decrease in skeletal muscle tone. It can be achieved in several ways: by administering medications, as well as by physiotherapeutic and psychophysiological methods. Relaxation should not be confused with ordinary rest, when a person simply does nothing.

It is contained in complete relaxation precisely at the anatomical and physiological level. Also, those who think that relaxation is a manifestation of laziness are mistaken. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the body relaxing. To achieve success, you need not only to learn how to work, but also to fully restore your strength. This is where relaxation helps.

A parallel can be drawn with gaining muscle mass. Many people believe that muscles grow during exercise. But, after studying at a frantic pace for several months, they understand the absurdity of this idea. Apart from exhaustion and chronic fatigue, no other results are observed. And all because muscles grow during periods of rest and recovery, which should be between workouts. Without them, stress will only deplete the body. Similarly, in any other type of activity, in order to progress, you need to learn how to restore strength.

Relaxation indeed a great way to improve human performance, relieving physical and mental stress. It is not without reason that relaxation was actively practiced by the sages of antiquity, allowing them to achieve good results, both physically and intellectually. It is widely used in yoga and other health systems.

Relaxation is especially useful for people suffering from increased muscle tone(hypertonicity). This physiological state is caused by abnormalities in the nervous system, due to which the muscles cannot completely relax, constantly remaining in a state of, albeit minimal, tension. This is fraught with destructive processes in muscle tissue and a decrease in performance, the appearance of stress and psychosomatic disorders. Mastery of relaxation techniques allows such people to forget about many problems and prevent even bigger ones.

Relaxation techniques

As stated earlier, relaxation techniques are divided into three types:

  • Medicinal;
  • Physiotherapeutic;
  • Psychophysiological.

Although their approaches differ, the end goal is identical - complete relaxation of the skeletal muscles. This state is simply achieved in different ways, either through self-hypnosis or with the help of medications.

Medicinal relaxation

Associated with the use of muscle relaxants - drugs that reduce skeletal muscle tone with a parallel decrease in motor activity. The physiological basis for this effect is the blocking of nerve impulses to the muscles, which is why they stop contracting. The disadvantage of such relaxation is a large number of contraindications and possible consequences for the body. It should be used only in cases where it cannot be avoided. At other times, it is better to use less radical methods.

Physiotherapeutic relaxation

Relaxation of muscle tone under the influence of a warm bath and special massage. Spa treatments are still popular among people. The fact is that relaxation can eliminate a number of cosmetic problems that are based on stress. Therefore, many spa salons actively use physiotherapeutic methods in working with their clients. Treatment with soft laser, etc. can also be used.

Psychophysiological relaxation

The most accessible method of relaxation, which, unlike previous methods, can be done independently. It is based on the ability of the mind to control the physiological processes of the body. The general principle of psychophysiological techniques is a comfortable environment, absence of irritating factors, loose clothing, a positive attitude and preferably an incomplete stomach, since active digestion interferes with complete relaxation.

There are such areas of psychotherapeutic relaxation:

  • Progressive;
  • Differential;
  • Fast;
  • Applied;
  • Synthetic method;
  • Breathing practices;
  • Self-hypnosis.

The main direction of their work is influencing the human psyche in order to improve well-being and normalize all life processes.

Progressive relaxation

Its author is the American physiologist and psychiatrist Edmund Jacobson (Jacobson), who developed about 200 exercises to influence skeletal muscles. At the moment, techniques aimed at 16 main muscle groups have become widespread. The essence of his method is short-term tension of a certain muscle group, followed by its complete relaxation. These exercises must be done in a calm environment, taking a horizontal position and closing your eyes.

According to this theory, after tension, the muscle automatically goes into a stage of deep relaxation, thereby relaxing. This means that in order to relax, you need to tense up for a while. When a person masters the progressive muscle relaxation technique perfectly, he will be able to induce a feeling of relaxation in any muscle, without the need to strain it first.

Differential relaxation

Unlike the previous method, it does not require privacy. It is enough to understand which muscles are currently working and which are simply tense. For example, while walking, your legs and back work, which means your arms should rest. Typing on a computer can help you relax your legs, etc. To use such relaxation, it should be elevated to the category of automaticity.

Quick relaxation

Ability to relax muscles within 30 seconds. Moreover, this must be done in real conditions of everyday life. This skill allows you to quickly renew your strength during the shortest “smoke break,” thereby maintaining your performance throughout the day. An important factor in rapid relaxation is an external stimulus, which can be any object, sound, smell, etc. A process of “anchoring” occurs in the subconscious, like Pavlov’s dog. For example, a person accustoms himself to relaxing to the music of Mozart and every time he hears his compositions, he automatically begins to relax.

Applied relaxation

A higher level of the previous technique, allowing you to instantly relax in case of stress. To do this, you need to learn how to identify overvoltage as quickly as possible. A person relaxes without even paying significant attention to it, almost on a subconscious level, bringing this skill to automatism.

Synthetic relaxation method

Combines previous techniques, highlighting the most effective techniques. In essence, the synthetic method is a step-by-step study of different relaxation techniques from progressive to applied. It comes down to analyzing your physical condition in order to optimize control over the body and its reactions.

Breathing exercises

By controlling your breathing, you can regulate many physiological processes, even your heartbeat. Abdominal breathing, or as it is also called, abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing, is especially popular. It is necessary to use the abdominal muscles during inhalation/exhalation, while the chest remains practically motionless. The main thing to remember is that you should still exhale in the usual way, and not through the stomach, especially in the presence of other people.


The power of thought lies in its true manifestation. Without any breathing exercises or muscle tension. Just tell your hand “relax” and the relaxation process is started. Mastery of this technique allows you to recover in any conditions, without the need to take a special position or retire to a secluded place. A person does not even need external stimuli. Everything is in his mind. He decides when to be tense and when to relax.

Relaxation is a reliable way to quickly restore your strength and muscle tone. It can be used in a variety of situations and to solve a variety of problems. Relaxation techniques are used in many activities, from medicine to spa treatments and yoga. The most practical methods are those that do not depend on the influence of external factors. It is best when a person can relax at any moment, without adjusting to the environment or the presence of a certain stimulus.