Family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, Me - a sports family” dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. "Mom, dad, I'm a sports family!" Mom, dad, me - a sports family

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competition work No. 52


Sports entertainment with the participation of parents.

physical education instructor, MBDOU kindergarten №60

Belovo, Kemerovo region.


Raising positive emotions in children and parents from a joint event;

Propaganda healthy image life, introducing the family to physical education and sports, creating a festive mood among children and their parents;
fostering mutual assistance, courage, dexterity, strength;

involving children and their parents in physical education and sports.

To give children and parents pleasure from joint physical education, to promote the development of positive emotions and a sense of mutual assistance.

Progress of entertainment

Cheerful music is playing.

Fans are seated in gym, two presenters come to the center of the hall. (The music fades out).

Good evening everyone! We are glad to welcome you within the walls of our kindergarten!
With a ringing song, a friendly parade
We are starting our program.
Let's shout together, kids,
To dads and moms,
Physical training!
Family is not just a word. This is mom's warm smile, kind hands father and the cheerful laughter of children. This is the place where we are loved and welcome.
It will be my great pleasure to introduce you to each other. But first I want to introduce the judges of our competition.

Jury presentation.

I represent our teams:
Team "Friendship". MOTTO:
“We are a team no matter what!
We are all masters in sports.
We'll run and kick the ball,
To fight for victory"

Team "Success"


“We live together in harmony.
And we dance and sing!
We stand by each other
Don’t stand in our way!”


I think that everyone will agree with me that even titled athletes will not go on the court without a warm-up, which is different for everyone. Mothers are invited to warm up first!
All mothers want to be slim and flexible! A unique sports simulator that you hold in your hands will help you with this! You need to untwist the hoop around your waist.
The workout continues for dads!
It is advisable for any dad, as the head of the family, to have not only strong nerves, but also a strong neck in order to be able to shoulder any burden of worries and walk through life with his head held high and proud! Let's train! Unwind the hoop around your neck!
Boys and girls! You have in your hands an amazing object with which you can develop extraordinary jumping ability! We jump through a hoop like jumping rope.
Now that we've warmed up, let's start the competition!
Sports families are welcome here,
Competitions and awards await you.
We invite you to play
Prowess, show off your dexterity!
Attention! Attention!
We invite everyone to a fun competition,
We encourage everyone to bring patience and speed.

1. Relay race "caterpillar"

To perform a caterpillar, the ball is passed between the legs. The last player with the ball runs forward and passes the ball again, etc. They return running, holding each other's waists.

2. Relay race “Roll the ball with a hoop”

Mom, dad and child perform a task together.
Using a hoop, you need to roll the ball along the distance, put it in the basket and run back, passing the baton to the next one.

3.Mom competition (relay race with bags) medicine balls mace

Mom with two bags runs around the medicine balls, runs to the mace, runs around it and returns to her team, passing the baton.

4. Competition for spectators.

Who will remember more sports games?

5. Relay race “Come on, catch up!” »

Dads - running in sacks
moms - jump rope
children - jumping on a ball

6. Relay race "Running with a spoon"

Look - it's a spoon,
An egg nestled inside it.
Go for a run along the path
Just don't break it!

7. Relay "On horseback"

The child, together with his father and mother, “jump” on a “horse” (gymnastic stick) to the stump and back to pass the “horse” to the next riders.

6. Relay race "Tug of war"

Both in the infantry and in the navy,
On a warship
You need strong muscles
Strong hands are important.
Get back in line soon,
Hold on tight to the rope!

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

To sum it up The jury is given the floor.

Nekrasovskaya secondary schoolI- IIIsteps

Sports festival scenario

Prepared and carried out

teacher primary classes

Toma Emina Emirseinovna

Nekrasovka – 2014

Goals and objectives:

Strengthening relationships between school and family;

Uniting children and parents;

Fostering a sense of collectivism and empathy;

Development of creative and physical potential of students;

Development of strength, speed, agility;

Developing interest in physical culture and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: cardboard boxes small 6 pieces, 3 tablespoons, 3 tennis balls, 3 pairs of tennis rackets, bags of salt, tug of war rope, 3 juices with straws, skittles, large footprints, 3 jump ropes, 6 hoops, 3 volleyballs, 3 balloons, short sticks 6 pieces,

Venue of the holiday: gym

The gym is decorated with slogans: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”, “Victory comes to the strong, dexterous, brave”, “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing”, “Learn to root for sports, be healthy for a whole year.”

Progress of the event


Good afternoon, dear friends! We sincerely welcome you to our holiday.

So as not to deal with diseases,
Don't go to doctors
To become strong and brave,
Fast, dexterous and skillful,
We need to harden ourselves from childhood
And do exercises.
Everyone loves physical education
And be friends with sports.

Today brave and friendly families came to us. We thank you all for responding to our invitation and coming to our sports festival.

Today we will hold sports competitions and test our agility and dexterity.

We all know very well how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises... We put all this off for “later.” What if you play sports together as a family?

But not only family, butthreefamilies will show us an example in this today, and we will support them. So, participants of the family sports festival “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” are invited to the gym!(Teams come out to the song “In every small child..." The first verse sounds)

Leading: Let's start with"Team Presentation" ».

Kuznetsov family: dad - Kuznetsov Vasily

mother – Kuznetsova Elena Aleksandrovna

daughter – Kuznetsova Ekaterina, 4th grade student

Kosik family: dad – Kim Evgeniy Alekseevich

mother – Kim Alexandra Rimovna

son – Kim Rim, 4th grade student

Family: dad -

Mother -

son – 4th grade student

Parents and children sing a song to the tune of “First of all, planes...”

Let's talk about this and that

We're having fun, fun, fun today!

And our mothers, like gymnasts, can do anything!

Let them run once and twice

To loud shouts: “Hurray!” 2 times

But tomorrow their back will still hurt!

And the dads are brave, brave, brave!

They rose from the sofa with a sly smile,

They threw the ball far

They run through the gym easily.

And in the morning it will be difficult for them to walk!

Winter evening, evening, evening

When we, adults, frankly speaking, have nothing to do.

We will all come to school together,

Let's talk about this and that, 2 times

And we will hold competitions today!

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely monitor the success of our teams.

The school director, Lyubov Petrovna Zatukhina, believes that the best family vacation is sports.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs educational work, Solyanik Tatyana Yurievna, still cannot understand what kind of health you need to have to become a real fan.

Deputy Director for Educational Work, Oksana Anatolyevna Fonina, believes: if you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll run when you’re sick!

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle!

Sports have their own laws and our athletes must swear to abide by them.


Don’t spare your arms or legs, shake out the fat a little,

So that you can run faster than a turtle today.

We swear!

It is the honor of the team to protect and justify the trust.

Well, if we lose, still don’t be discouraged.

We swear!

Help mom and dad - where to hold and where to push,

And never trip up your opponents.

We swear!

And for the fans to sit and cheer diligently:

Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise.

We swear!

Well, teams, are you ready?

Fans, are you ready?

Presenter: - Let's go on a sporty journey, friends!

Leading : And now it is held for participantswarm-up “Sports flash mob”.

A moving warm-up is carried out to the music “Childhood” performed by Yuri Shatunov, under the guidance of a 4th grade teacher (Tom Emina Emirseinovna).

1st COMPETITION. Exercise “Sliding step”.

In front of the participants are cardboard boxes , you need to stand in the boxes and move forward and back with sliding steps, then the next participant performs.

2nd COMPETITION.Exercise with a tennis ball.

    A child carries a tennis ball at arm's length.

    Mom carries a tennis ball in a spoon.

    Dad moves forward, hitting the ball with a tennis racket.

3rd COMPETITION.Exercise with bags.

Throw bags of salt into the box, circling the cubes at a small distance.

Who is not afraid of obstacles?

Who is so eager to win?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

These are dads and their children!

Dads and team captains (children) are invited to participate in the competition.

4th COMPETITION. “Tug the stick together with dad”

Fathers and children stand on the line on both sides, they are given a stick (80 cm) in their hands, at a signal they must pull the stick towards themselves, whoever pulls their opponents over the line wins.

5th COMPETITION.Relay race "Papamabil".

Let's imagine that the whole family went on a multi-day hike. On the way, the child twisted his ankle. He needs a break. The participants’ task is to move it to a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. This vehicle is called a papamamabil.

Leading: While the jury is calculating the result, I invite the audience to play a game

“Say the word.”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need...(charging).

Who does exercises in the morning?

Do you want to break the record?

This will help you... (sport).

Who is involved in sports sections?

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my...(bike)!

Who can skate?

To become a great athlete,

There is a lot to know.

Dexterity will help you here,

And, of course...(training)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Where is the snow? Ready:.. (sleigh)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this?.. (skis).

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? (skates).

1. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates)

2. When spring takes its toll,

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me. (jump rope)

3. Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their names are... (skis)

4. I am from the palms

I fly in the palm of your hand -

Lie still

I don't want to! (ball)

If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - he doesn’t moan,

You will throw yourself on the ground,

He will begin to fly upward. (ball)

We continue our competitions.

6th COMPETITION. Competition for mothers."Taste of Victory"

The team that drinks the drink through a cocktail straw the fastest wins.

7th COMPETITION.Relay race “Cross the swamp”.

Anyone can walk through a swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, desire to win

They will help you and guarantee success!

We will now check whose team is the most friendly and united. At the start, each team has 3 objects (pins), and until the finish line there are giant footprints of bare feet. You need to take one item and, jumping in the footsteps, bring it to the counter, put it in the box and also follow the footsteps. The team that moves all the pins the fastest wins.

The teams are ready! Let's start! Attention! March!

8th COMPETITION. "Funny relay race."

The child starts by performing the “Spider” exercise up to the pins, and then performs the “cuttlefish” exercise back.

Mom - performs jumping rope to the pin and back.

Dad stands with both feet in the hoop, puts the second hoop in front of the first and steps into it, then puts the first hoop in front of the second and steps into it, and so on until the pin, he returns running.

9 th COMPETITION."Sharp Shooter"

The child stands on a chair with a hoop in his hands. Parents take turns throwing a volleyball into a hoop from a distance of 6 meters for 15 seconds.

10th COMPETITION. "Grasshoppers".

Each participant jumps from a place without a run-up, the next one jumps from the place where the previous one landed, etc. The winner is the team that jumps the farthest and is the first to reach its place.

11th COMPETITION. "Balloon Exercise"

At the signal, dad begins to inflate the balloon, mom ties the balloon and runs to the child, who is standing opposite, and gives the balloon, the child takes the balloon with chopsticks and carries it to dad.

12th COMPETITION. Competition “Knock down the pins”.

6 pins are placed at equal distances from the teams. Each team takes turns knocking down the pins with a ball. Who will knock down all the pins faster?

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results, I will ask questions to the fans

1) What sports games with the ball you know?

2) What is a sports mentor called? (Trainer)

3) What is the beginning and end called in running? (Start and finish)

4) What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? (5 rings)

5) Mascot of the Olympic Games in Moscow? (Misha bear)

Leading: Our sports holiday “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” has come to an end. Let's greet our friendly, sports families once again. Today they proved that the most important thing in a family is mutual understanding, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team and enjoy everyone together.

Today we joked and played.

We became even closer to each other.

So smile more often

And don’t give up sports!

Leading: So, the jury has summed up the results of the competition and are ready to announce the results.

The floor is given to the school director.

Leading: Today here, in the hall of our school, friendly family teams gathered, as well as numerous fans of the teams and our guests! We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our meeting today. This cheerful sports festival will be remembered by the children for a long time, as it took place together with their parents, and this is always fun, playful and interesting.

Awarding of teams (sports medals for teams, diplomas)



occupied I place

in sportsholiday

“Mom, dad, I’m a sports family!”

School director L.P. Zatukhina

Nekrasovka - 2014



for active participation in sportsholiday

“Mom, dad, I’m a sports family!”

in the nomination


School director L.P. Zatukhina

Nekrasovka - 2014

Yulia Buslaeva
Family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland

All-around sports championship

"Dad, Mother, I - sports family"

Target: creating the necessary conditions for the upbringing and development of a child, aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and moral health of children. Formation of motivation for the lesson among all participants sports and physical education.

Tasks: to form a conscious attitude towards the need to protect and strengthen your health;

increase interest in physical education and sports;

develop socially significant personal qualities quality: dedication, organization, initiative, hard work;

increase the emotional well-being of the child by conducting exciting physical education activities;

improve the pedagogical culture of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health;

strengthen parent-child relationships through joint activities.

Progress of the EVENT

To the sounds sports March team enters sports hall and line up in one line.

Ved. 1 Welcome, dear guests, welcome!

Have fun and joy!

We've been waiting for you for a long time,

We don’t start the holiday without you!

Ved. 2 Hello! Hello! Hello!

Today here in gym

We sport, skill compatible.

We are this glorious holiday with you

To our men we'll dedicate!

1 child Because today is a special day

For boys and men -

Day Defender of the Fatherland

Every citizen knows!

2 reb. May you have good health

The guys will have it.

After all, the boy is

Future soldier!

3 reb. Our grandfathers and fathers

Nice soldiers too.

You and I will grow up too

Let's be in the army, dear!

4 children Let the fireworks bloom in winter

For soldiers Fatherland,

Let him reign over the whole Earth

Peace for humanity!

Ved. 1 We see friendly faces here,

Sports we feel the spirit around us!

Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian,

Everyone here friend to sports and art!

Ved. 2 Let me open our family all-around championship"Dad, Mother, I- sports family!", and introduce our participants:

The heroes of the occasion are our dads, let's ask them to take a step forward!

Ved. 1 Here they are - our courageous, seasoned, sports dads! Not everyone can withstand the overload of traditional triathlon: TV, computer, sofa. But they don't give up! Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit, in some places collected, but undefeated. even in some ways invincible!

Ved. 2 Here come the mothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in the women's school makes itself felt triathlon: stove, shopping, washing. And even the annual respites on March 8th do not unsettle them. And we are confident that today it is mothers who will set the tone for their teams in competitions, because it is known that family rests on 3 pillars - woman, woman and woman again!

Ved. 1 And finally, our children! They are the ones who harden them from the cradle with constant training and unite their parents into a friendly team, setting them new tasks, constantly increasing the load!

5 reb. Dads are nearby, moms are nearby!

Dads threw sofas

Moms threw pans

And they pulled on the suits!

6 children Everybody wants to compete

Joking and laughing

Show strength and agility

And prove your skill!

7 children We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward,

We need to meet more often

May we all live together!

Ved. 2 Let's shout loudly, children,

For dads and moms

Physical training!

Children: Physical training!

Ved. 1 V sports there are our own laws and ours athletes should try to comply with them. To do this you need to say oath:

Don’t spare your arms or legs, shake out a little fat,

So that you can run faster than a turtle today!


Team honor protect and justify trust,

Well, if you lose, don’t be discouraged anyway!


Help mom and dad

Where to hold and where to push,

And trip up your rivals

Don't set it up for anything!


And the fans should sit

And it’s good to be so sick:

Stomp, clap and whistle,

But it's not cool to make noise!


Ved. 2 Competition, guys, we’ll start now with exercises!

If someone runs away from charging without looking back,

He will never become a real strongman!

Children perform aerobics to the music "Heroic Strength" with dumbbells

Ved. 1 Look at the squad that has gathered in our hall today. Yes, there are still plenty of heroes on the Volga land! They will now come together in a fair duel, they will show their bravery, courage and ingenuity. And our jury will judge this competition (represents).

Ved. 2 Our participants dressed up for a short time and united into teams.

First team: Success!

Your motto:Our team is the strongest

We firmly believe in our success!

We will not spare our strength,

Let's show what we can do!

Second team: Friendship!

Your motto: We are friendly, brave,

Dexterous, skillful.

We are strong for each other,

And let's get ready to fight!

Ved. 1 Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition! 1 relay race "Crossing"

Teams are built as follows ok: dad, child-couple, mom etc. e. Dads carry their child on their backs “across the river” to the other “bank”, mothers “swim across the river on a rubber boat” - jump on balls.

Ved. 2 Next relay race "Silent Scouts"

Dads put on “skis” - non-traditional equipment, moms put on fins, children climb through a “tunnel”. teams are being built: dad, Mother, child, etc.

Ved. 1 In everyone's soul dad- well, just a boy,

Sometimes he behaves like a naughty girl.

Therefore, they should be allowed

Let it be rare, but still become boys.

Competition for dads "Wake up"

Dads put on hats, jackets, felt boots, and a rug in their hands. The first participant runs to the landmark and lays out the mat. takes off his clothes and lies down. He gets up, gets dressed, runs to his team and passes on the attributes to the next player.

Ved. 2 Our next competition is “Come on, catch up!”

Children run to the landmark and back with sandbags on their heads, mothers move on a skateboard, fathers with a glass of water in their hand, pushing the ball with their feet.

Ved. 1 It’s time for the competition for mothers “Jumping Dragonfly”

Moms receive jump ropes, and when the whistle blows, everyone starts jumping. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Ved. 2 Well, the next game requires the player

Dexterity, skill, great inspiration!

“Informer” competition, but you don’t need to snitch on anyone, you just need to carry it to your destination on a badminton racket dads- ping pong ball, Mom - a balloon, for children - "watermelon" (rubber ball).

Ved. 1 It's time for a competition for the guys, it's called "Tumbleweed"

Riding a scooter between pins.

Ved. 2 An interesting thing is humor. It seems there is nothing more frivolous! Now we will hold a humorous relay race, but first I will ask you 1 question: What is the name of the first woman to fly into the air? (Baba Yaga)

Competition for children "Broom" - children "fly" on a broom, passing the baton to each other.

Question 2: What is the name of the first aircraft? (mortar)

Competition for mothers "Flight in a mortar" - Mother puts one foot in the mortar-bucket, “chase with a broom”, run around the landmark, pass the baton.

Question 3: Baba Yaga's three-headed friend?

Competition for dads “Snake Gorynych” - 2 dads cross their arms, sit the child down and carry him to the landmark, returning for the next “third head”.

Ved. 1 Well, the competition is over, it’s time for us to sum up sports result. In the meantime, the jury is deliberating, I invite our men and boys to take a lap of honor to the thunderous applause of the fans and festive fireworks from girls and mothers (pop balloons).

The jury announces the result.

Ved. 2 Let it all be just a game,

But we wanted to say it:

Great miracle family!

Keep it, take care of it,

There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Ved. 1 Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short

We tell you:

Together: Goodbye! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Dear Maamites! Good southern, hot, summer day to you! And here in Novocherkassk + 42 degrees in the shade! The heat is impossible! So she sat down.

Holiday “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” MDOU "Kindergarten "Ryabinka" Spas - Demensk. Kaluga region." Sports festival“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.”

Entertainment "Mom, Dad and I are a sports family." MBDOU Nizhne-Bestyakhsky kindergarten “FAIRY TALE” Megino-Kangalassky ulus Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mom, dad and I are a sports family. IVANOVA.

Dad, Mom, Me - friendly family for children 5-6 years old Goal: development of sports and motor skills. Objectives: to develop motor skills in preschoolers.

Game "» was carried out


Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Improving the connection between family and school by involving parents in school-wide events with their children.

Development of a child’s personality based on mastering physical education.

Fostering a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, and creative thinking.


Teams of 1st grade school students, accompanied by class teacher, responsible for the life and health of children.




about the game "Dad, mom, me - a sports family»

for 1st grade students, as part of Perm city events dedicated to world day child on November 20 and All-Russian Mother's Day on November 27, 2013.


Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Improving the connection between family and school by involving parents in school-wide events with their children.

Development of a child’s personality based on mastering physical education.

Fostering a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, and creative thinking.


Teams of 1st grade school students, accompanied by a class teacher responsible for the life and health of children, take part in the competition.


3.1. Team uniforms:

sports (for sports competitions);

on the sleeve or chest - the team emblem

3.2. Time and place.The game takes place on November 23, 2013 at 10:00 am. For

The school's gym is used for competitions.

3.3. Stages of implementation:

Stage 1 – competitions;

Stage 2 – ceremonial line-up, award ceremony

3.4 . Teams receive competition regulations in advance.


Teams that take prizes are awarded certificates.


1. To organize and conduct the game, an organizing committee is created, which includes the deputy director for educational work, teachers primary school, head of school education for primary school teachers.

2. General management is carried out by the deputy. VR directors and panel of judges.

3. The direct conduct of competitions is the responsibility of competition judges.

4. By agreement with the organizing committee, some changes to these Regulations are possible that do not contradict their general content.

Preparatory stage for the game

  1. Choose a team: 2 moms, 2 dads, 2 children
  2. 1 person - glues the stars obtained at the stages (your own glue)
  3. Support group– no more than 10 people
  4. Teams - come up with a name and motto.
  5. Prepare for the taskat the stage “Headquarters of Family Correspondents”

(issue of a holiday newspaper according to the template provided) - paints, brushes, container for

water, felt-tip pens or markers, pencils (colored and simple), eraser, glue.

For holding competitions - have your own

Clothespins - 12 pieces,

2 jump ropes (one for adults, one for children)

2 backpacks with school things

1 badminton set

Balloons 6 pieces

Ribbons 2 pieces

Game plan

Leading: - Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you all in this gym at the sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I – a sports family.”

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Today here in the gym
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We celebrate this glorious holiday with you
We will dedicate it to wonderful games.

Today we have our first team family meeting and it's great that we have the desire to become friends with each other. It's nice to see people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look. And if it’s a family, it’s doubly nice. And now it's time to meet. We meet the competition participants. We will be happy to introduce you to the teams.

The teams come out to the sound of fanfare.

- We meet the teams: 1 “A” class, Family….. Family……

We meet the teams: 1 “B” class. Family….. Family……

- We meet the teams: 1 “B” class. Family….. Family……

Child 1-A class

We see friendly faces here.
We feel the sports spirit all around us.
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian.
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.

Child of grade 1–B

Parents are such people

They rush to refer to being busy -

Everyone needs to play sports!

But to set all the records,

And forget about hospitals,

Over adults in matters of sports,

The children decided to take patronage.

Child of 1st grade

He will win the competition
Who is accurate, dexterous and strong.
Shows all his skills
Who is tempered in spirit and body.

- Let me open our family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” And introduce the participants of our competitions:

dads - (take a step forward)- Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later(dads take their places).

mothers - (take a step forward) - They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite on March 8 does not unsettle them. And we are sure that today they will be the ones who will set the tone for their teams (mothers take a step back).

And finally, children! (children take a step forward) These are them from the cradle for many years united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in learning, easy in battle.

Look, here we have
There's a whole class here,
Moms and dads are with us.
Dads threw sofas
Moms threw pans
And they put on the suits.

And since we have competitions, it means there must be a jury, strict and fair.

- And now the teams will present their name and motto.

Leading: Sports have their own laws and at the Olympic Games athletes take oaths and our athletes must swear to fulfill them.

Don’t spare your arms or legs, shake out the fat a little,
So that you can run faster than a turtle today. We swear!
It is the honor of the team to protect and justify the trust.
Well, if we lose, still don’t be discouraged. We swear!
Help mom and dad - where to hold and where to push,
And never trip up your opponents. We swear!
And for the fans to sit and cheer diligently:
Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise. We swear!


If your back is aching
Go out for a warm-up.
Three, four, five and six.
Now you can’t stand up or sit down.

Warm-up is very important for athletes, as you can see both strong and weaknesses enemy. All children and team members repeat the warm-up movements

Now we will give our teams the opportunity to prepare for the competition, and we present to your attention a musical number. Kuimova Sophia.

The sports part of the holiday.


The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

And here we sum it up
Whatever they were,
Let the sports roads
Your days are filled with health.

The jury reads out the results and awards the teams with certificates.

Now the moment of farewell has come
My speech will be short.
I say: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!”

Our parade, friends, is over,
There is work ahead.
May our union with children be strong
It will be the whole school year.

Leading. And of course, dear parents, we hope that maybe, maybe, in a few years your children will take part in the Olympics. And then we will definitely win!

Resource id #3590


Sports competitions “Dad, Mom, Me – a sports family”

Sports part of the holiday

Baba Yaga has a bosom friend
And they get along great with him,
Smart hurts everyone says
Has three heads in a row
Did you find out? (Snake Gorynych)

1 competition “Running with a child in your arms”
Leading: While the music is playing, the parents cross their arms, put the child in their arms, and the child has a ball in his hands. They run to the chip and throw the ball into the basket from a distance of 1 m. They come back.

The team that scores the most goals = WINS!

And after the first test, listen carefully to the second task. MUSIC №1

2nd competition “Hang out the laundry”
Leading: Parents and children take turns running to the basket, taking one letter at a time and hanging it up using clothespins. They come back and pass the baton.

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But you will still achieve victory,

No feathers or fluff to you guys!

3rd competition “Reindeer Sleds”
Leading: Dad and mom transport CHILDREN (5) on a sheet.


4 competition. "Pigtail"

Leading. Moms braiding their hair

Competition FOR FANS

Oh, what a great time we had
And we worked a little hard
And now my boys
Guess the riddles! Competition for fans.

1. I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun,
I make the bed myself
I quickly do.... (exercise).

2. Not offended, but inflated.
They lead him across the field,
But they’ll hit me - no matter
Can't keep up. . . . (ball).

3. On the ice platform there is a cry,
A student is rushing to the gate.
Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Hit!
Fun game.... (hockey).

4. Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their name is.... (skis).

5. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And shiny... (skates).

6. I took two oak blocks,
two iron skids.
I filled the bars with planks
Give me snow. Ready... (sleigh).

7. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my... (bicycle).

And now it’s time to remember the sport for the teams.

This is a rare sport

It is not open to everyone.

People with a compass are running

Their paths lead to the goal. (Orienteering.)

These guys are strong

They are chasing the ball

Only their ball is like a melon.

Like a sport called? (Rugby.)

You need to swim very fast

Always keep your eye on the ball

And, intercepting, into the gate

Definitely score. (Water polo.)

Two athletes on the mat

They boast of strength:

Place on your shoulder blades

The opponent is trying. (Freestyle wrestling.)

Like in our stadium

Champions gathered

They took a stick and ran

And they passed it on to another. (Relay.)

Two teams on the grass

They are chasing the ball.

If the rules are not respected,

A penalty is awarded. (Football.)

Jockey sits on a horse

He looks at the obstacle.

The horse is not afraid

Will fight with an obstacle. (Equestrian sport.)

They are skiing towards the goal.

But the goal, of course, is far away.

And you need to hit the targets,

Where it's so easy to miss. (Biathlon.)

Players on the court

They are very tall.

Balls are thrown from afar

And they end up in the basket. (Basketball.)

This sport has four letters,

It is for the strong, not the fragile.

Hook, escape, knockdown, break.

Success awaits the strong and dexterous! (Boxing.)

Come on daddies, come out!
Show your strength!
We will root for you
Clap and whistle loudly.

5th competition “Strength all-around”. Competition for dads.
Leading: Dads run to the bench, slide on their stomachs, run to the counter, thread themselves through the hoop, and return to their place.

Music No. 4

Now attention!
New competition.
Test for mothers -
Our beautiful ladies.
Our mothers run around the house all day long.
And, believe me, it’s not lazy to spin around like that.
The hoop is a wheel, mom is a squirrel. That's it! (They spin the hula hoop while music number 5 plays

Now it's time guys

Show off your dexterity contest (jump through the hoop)

Leading. Well, we will continue our competition. And the next competition:

« Who gets the child ready for school faster? MUSIC

On the opposite side of the teams there is a chair with clothes and various items. The child runs first, puts things necessary for school (1 pc.) into his backpack, then dad runs, and then mom.

Contest. "Cheerful Friends"
Leading. At a signal, first the children, then the mothers, use rackets to bring the balls to the fathers.


The desire to win

And cheerful laughter
Will help you
And they guarantee success.

1 competition. "Centipede Run"
Leading. Teams are built: dad, mom, child. Dad left hand he puts it between his legs, takes the mother’s hand by one, and the mother puts her other hand between her legs and takes the child’s hand. At a signal, they begin to move, run around the counter and return. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the finish line without being disengaged.


The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

And here we sum it up
Whatever they were,
Let the sports roads
Your days are filled with health.

The jury reads out the results