How to remove the smell. Unpleasant smell in the apartment: causes and simple ways to combat it

Today we are often faced with the question: How to get rid of smell? To answer it you need to understand what smell is and how to deal with it.

Smell is the evaporation of organic and inorganic substances that is detected by the human sense of smell.

The most common problem is the smell of sweat and urine on mattresses and upholstered furniture: sofas, chairs, beds. Also, if there are pets in the house: cats, dogs, then an odor inevitably appears on carpet products: carpets, rugs.

What is the secret to completely removing odor?

It must be remembered that for complete removing unpleasant odor on textile or carpet products, it is necessary to remove from the surface of the product exactly those substances that led to the appearance of the odor - sweat, urine, tobacco extract. Very often, the first thing that comes to the aid of our clients in solving the problem of eliminating an unpleasant odor is household chemicals from a hardware store, but the odor, at best, will disappear only for a while and reappears.

We do not recommend removing odors yourself from mattresses, sofas and carpets, as well as heavily wet stains from urine and sweat, since in the future it is possible that odor and stains may not be completely removed, due to the fact that dissolved sweat and urine can penetrate too deeply into the surface of the mattress or sofa.

The professional “” offers its clients to remove the following types of odors:

    • Remove unpleasant odor;
    • Remove cat urine odor;
    • Remove dog urine odor;
    • Remove the smell of animal marks;
    • Remove sweat odor;
    • Remove burning smell;
    • Remove tobacco smell;
    • Remove mold odor;

We remove odors from mattresses, upholstered furniture: sofas, armchairs, and carpets: rugs, rugs.

How to remove odor from a mattress, furniture, sofa, or carpet

For that to remove odor a number of procedures must be followed. How our specialists perform the odor removal process:

  • First you need to determine the strength of the smell and where the smell came from, a specific place on the mattress or sofa. As a rule, this can be determined by the characteristic yellow-red or dark brown spots and stains on the product;
  • Then the specialist determines the composition of the fabric of the product in order to select the most effective means for eliminating odor;
  • Eliminating odor from urine, sweat, tobacco smoke, food and animal odors on textiles and carpets begins with washing the fabric with a special product, especially in those places where foci of odor are found. The active components of the product chemically neutralize organic compounds (amines, thiols, mercaptans) that are a source of unpleasant odors. During odor removal work, all bacteria that may be in the fabrics of mattresses and sofas, including dust mites, are also destroyed.

Please note that all chemicals used to remove unpleasant odors are certified and absolutely safe for adults and small children, as well as for pets. In our work, we use only professional odor removal products from the world's leading manufacturers, which are not sold in regular stores.

How to prevent unpleasant odors

In order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor on your upholstered furniture: a sofa, an armchair, a mattress, you simply need to periodically clean them, because an unpleasant odor can appear not only from urine, sweat, but also from general contamination during use of the products. As a rule, manufacturers of sofas and mattresses recommend cleaning the upholstery at least twice a year, because if this is not done, in addition to the smell, harmful microorganisms – dust mites – can develop in the fabrics.

How to remove odor from a mattress, upholstered furniture and carpets

In our work, we use special equipment - an extractor, with which we achieve maximum results in odor removal. The operating principle of the extractor is that, under high pressure, a washing solution is applied to the fabric of the product and immediately pulled out, thereby washing the fabric of the product and removing chemical residues along with dirt and dust that could emit an unpleasant odor. Then you just have to wait until the mattress or sofa is completely dry and enjoy its cleanliness and freshness.

Video of traditional ways to remove odor

  • Remove cat urine odor from the sofa you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. This product oxidizes urine and deodorizes the damaged area of ​​the sofa. Simply treat the cat mark and let the sofa dry.
  • Remove unpleasant odor An aqueous solution of vinegar will help with carpets, as it works quite well to remove residual cat and dog urine.
  • Get rid of unpleasant odor The sofa helps with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. It is necessary to apply lemon juice to the area marked by the cat using a sponge or rag.
  • Get the smell of urine out of the sofa, or hydrogen peroxide will help the carpet. You will need 12 drops per liter of water and the smell should go away.
  • A more complex method for removing odor from a mattress. It is necessary to mix vinegar with water approximately 1:5 and use a non-staining rag to blot the damaged area of ​​the mattress with the resulting solution. Then sprinkle baking soda on the stain and rinse with a small amount of water.
  • Fresh urine stains on a mattress, sofa, carpet, so that they do not smell, can be treated with substances that kill bacteria and thereby eliminate the smell - this is vodka, a concentrated solution of soda, a solution of laundry soap with glycerin.
  • You can simply cover up the smell with various coffee flavors or essential oils, but this usually only helps for a short time.

We want to warn you that all of the above methods must be used very carefully in order to avoid damage to upholstered furniture and it is best to contact professionals with expensive equipment for removing odors with this problem.

By contacting the company “”, you will receive competent advice and high-quality work to remove unpleasant odors.

While we are cooking and the kitchen is filled with pleasant aromas, we enjoy inhaling the smells of garlic or fried onions. But for some reason we ourselves don’t want to smell like that. And many housewives literally suffer if their hands smell of onions, fish or garlic after cooking.

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of odor quickly using available products, and here are some of them.

It works especially well if your hands smell like fish. Citric acid converts amines, which are the source of fishy odor, into ammonium salts, and they do not irritate our receptors.
Try soaking your hands in water and lemon juice, or simply rubbing your fingers and palms with half a lemon.

If you have a stainless steel saucepan or frying pan, rubbing your hands on it or simply washing a few cutlery with your hands will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Steel soap is also sold as an odor neutralizer. True, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of such soap, but many housewives claim that it really works.
This method is one of the best, especially if you love coffee aroma. Rub a few beans or ground coffee in your hands and then wash your hands with soap.
Just don't do this if you don't like the smell of coffee, otherwise, after getting rid of one annoying smell, you'll just end up smelling another.

There are countless ways to use baking soda in everyday life. And here's another one of them. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into your palms and rub your hands with it, and then simply wash them.

It turns out that the paste can also be used to neutralize odors. Wash her hands and then rinse them again with soap. Doesn't the minty smell annoy anyone?

Don't like any of the above methods? Then just put your hands under cold water.

Did you know that if you chew a sprig of parsley, you can get rid of garlicky breath. The same can be done with your hands. Mash the twig, rub your hands with it, and then rinse them under water.

If there are no cuts or cracks on the skin, you can safely wipe your hands with coarse salt and then wash them under water a couple of times.

Of course, the most reliable way to get rid of odor is to prevent it from penetrating your skin. You can simply work with culinary gloves, and nothing will happen to your hands.

No gloves? Then grease your hands with olive or any other vegetable oil before cutting onions or garlic. The oil will create a protective barrier on the skin and protect them from odor, just don't pour too much so that your hands don't become slippery.

Nowadays, it is probably difficult to find a person who has not encountered the problem of unpleasant odor in the apartment. Residential premises, even with modern renovations and furniture, are not immune from this scourge. The specific smell in the house is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. It can bring a lot of inconvenience to residents and guests and cause great irritation. It also poses a danger to life and health. I really want to come home, after a hard day at work, where it smells fresh. Since the apartment is the main place where people live, the source of the unpleasant odor in it must be sought immediately. Therefore, today the question is very relevant: how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in an apartment? What are the main reasons for its occurrence?

Every housewife regularly cleans and ventilates the room, and it would seem where a specific smell could come from?

There can be many reasons for this. These include:

  • The smell from the kitchen after cooking.
  • Pets.
  • Smoking in the apartment.
  • Dampness and fungus.
  • Rags after wet cleaning the house or sponges after washing dishes.
  • Problems with plumbing.
  • Ventilation shafts.
  • Carrying out repair work.
  • Fridge.
  • Bin.
  • Heavy air due to sick people living there.
  • The presence of old things or furniture in the apartment.
  • Accommodation for small children.
  • If there are cockroaches or bedbugs in the house.

Bathroom and toilet odors

If we analyze in detail all these reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in an apartment, we can say that no one is immune from the appearance of this scourge. There is a very high probability of its occurrence in each of us. Remember, it is very important to first accurately determine the source of the problem, and then look for effective methods of combating it. Only an integrated approach to eliminating the problem will allow you to forget about this trouble once and for all. And also in the future it will be able to protect you from the recurrence of a specific odor.

The bathroom is an indispensable place for every person. We visit her every day to maintain good personal hygiene. Even she is not immune from the appearance of a terrible smell. Due to a malfunction of the ventilation system, steam from the bathtub settles on the walls. This leads to the appearance of mold. High humidity can be caused by damaged water pipes or improperly installed home plumbing. The hood may become clogged or damaged. Cleaning or replacing the exhaust fan will help solve the problem. Installing a towel dryer also helps.

If there is a cat litter box in the toilet, then this can also be a reason for the appearance of specific air. The smell of cat urine is well absorbed by activated carbon or regular rock salt. You should put one of these products in the room where the tray is located. After three days, replace these products with new ones until the unpleasant aroma completely disappears.

To combat the smell of dampness, use a solution of bleach, vinegar or soda. Treat all bathroom surfaces with it. Repeat the procedure in a week. After treatment with bleach, you will need to wipe it with clean running water, since it contains chemicals harmful to our health. However, soda and vinegar are the most harmless means. After their use, additional surface treatment is not necessary. They tend to weather quickly.

A couple of drops of mint and citrus essential oil will help freshen the air in the toilet or bathroom. In extreme cases, when you have guests coming over and the toilet smells very bad, light a scented candle or lamp. It is worth emphasizing that odors from the bathroom or toilet very quickly spread to other rooms of the house or apartment. Therefore, if you start this problem, you will have to seriously work on removing odors throughout the apartment.

Eliminate odor after smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to our health. And we harm the people around us even more. If you smoke in an apartment, the smell of tobacco in the room is inevitable. Tobacco smoke tends to be absorbed into things, furniture and carpets. It's not that easy to deal with. But there are traditional methods for eliminating this problem. They represent the use of simple improvised means that every housewife has:

  • Bay leaf. Very effectively removes tobacco odor. After smoking, light the bay leaf in an ashtray and carry it along the apartment. Smoke marks will disappear forever.
  • Ventilation. It is worth opening all the windows in the house for drafts. Hang wet towels on room doors. Moisture quickly absorbs the smell of tobacco.
  • Ammonia. If the smell of cigarettes has soaked into the floor, wash it with a solution of ammonia and water. Three drops of this product will be enough.
  • Orange peel. When smoking guests come to you, an orange peel will help save you from the smell. Pour small orange particles into water and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Boiling vapors will remove the odor.
  • Special means. They should be used in extreme cases. For example, when the upholstery of a sofa absorbed the smell of tobacco. Wipe the sofa with this product using a soft sponge.
  • Black tea. Bagged tea is ideal for this procedure. Tea bags should be hung on doors and chandeliers. This product absorbs tobacco perfectly.

Getting rid of the musty smell of dampness

It is worth noting that dampness is very insidious and dangerous to our health. The danger with mold is that it releases harmful chemicals. This has a detrimental effect on our health. In order not to harm the health of us and our guests, let’s consider the question of how to remove the smell of dampness in an apartment? First you need to find out the cause of this problem, and then look for methods to solve it. There are many useful recipes for combating mold. They are very effective, easy to prepare and consist of available ingredients.

  • If your apartment is flooded by your neighbors, the main thing is for the humid air to escape from the room. Dry the room with a heater. Wipe walls, furniture and clothes with vinegar solution. In case of global floods, there is no way to do without repairs. In this case, when priming the walls, choose antibacterial agents.
  • The main place where dampness occurs is the bathroom. The main reason for dampness in the bathroom is a poor ventilation system. The hood may become clogged or damaged. Cleaning or replacing the exhaust fan will help solve the problem. Installing a towel dryer also helps. To combat odor, use a bleach solution. Treat all bathroom surfaces with it.
  • Never ignore a bad smell in your basement. The presence of dampness in the basement of the house can cause it to spread to all rooms. To do this, check all pipes for damage. If there is a water leak, the pipe urgently needs to be replaced. If the reason is the waterproofing of the walls or ceiling, seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, due to your inexperience in repair work, you can only do harm.
  • Dealing with the problem of odor in a closet or other furniture will not be difficult. If there is a smell in the closet, then first take out all the things and dry them. Dry fur coats in the sun on the balcony. Three days will be enough for the moisture to go away. Treat the cabinet with a vinegar or bleach solution. Leave doors open for ventilation. If things in the closet have become covered with fungus, they need to be dry cleaned or thrown away.

In addition to walls, floors and ceilings, mold can live in other places in the house. Most things can be infected with fungus. Inspect all the furniture and things in the apartment. Especially behind cabinets and sofas. Wipe down shelves and upholstery with antifungal products. Dry clothes saturated with the smell of mold in the sun. If things show obvious signs of fungus, then they should be thrown away.

So, let's highlight the main means at hand in the fight against dampness:

Bleaching. This component is the most dangerous enemy for mold. To do this, place calcium chloride in the corners of the room. When reusing it, it should be dried and crushed. Or dilute bleach with water in a ratio of one to ten. Treat all damaged areas with the resulting solution. Carry out the processing procedure with gloves and a mask. Because this substance is very toxic.

Soda. This is the safest remedy in the fight against fungus. To prepare the product, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the product to problem areas using a sponge. Then rinse off with running water.

Toilet soap. 0.5 kg of soap must be grated. Add to 0.5 l. water. Boil over low heat. In warm weather, apply the product to the walls. Then treat with a composition of 100 g of alum and 6 liters. water.

Hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate the sponge with this product and treat the fungus. This procedure cannot be carried out on painted walls. At the end of the procedure, wipe the walls with a rag with clean water and dry.

Vinegar. Wipe damaged areas with this product. For more effective treatment of walls, a spray bottle is suitable. After a couple of hours, wipe with clean water. For prevention, repeat the procedure after 10 days.

Activated carbon or salt. In the corners of the apartment where there is dampness, place containers with crushed coal or salt. This product absorbs moisture very well. An excellent sorbent for disinfection.

Natural coffee. It is an excellent air flavoring agent. It is enough to pour a few grains into a plastic cup or other small container and place it indoors. For prevention, you can put it in bags in closets and chests of drawers.

In order not to sound the alarm and not look for ways to combat the smell of dampness in the room, you need to adhere to just a few preventive measures. To prevent the smell from reappearing, use a solution of potassium permanganate when cleaning. Make sure there are no damp towels hanging. Keep the toilet clean. In rooms with high humidity, periodically leave kitchen salt. To freshen the air in your apartment, use mint and citrus essential oils. This is better than buying ready-made air fresheners with unknown chemical compositions in the store.

Removing the smell of cat urine

All animal lovers, and especially cat owners, are aware of the problem of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. Sometimes cats, due to their nature, begin to mark territory in rooms or corridors. Then an intolerable and pungent smell appears. There are situations when the cat has not yet become accustomed to the litter box and goes to the toilet on the carpet or in the corners of the house. Dealing with an unpleasant odor in an apartment is quite simple:

  • Vinegar. Apply this product to the areas where the cat went to the toilet. The strong smell of vinegar will help neutralize the smell of urine.
  • Soda. Perfect for treating walls marked by a cat. To prepare the product, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the product to problem areas.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. A powerful oxidizing agent will quickly remove cat odor.
  • Citric acid or lemon. Lemon juice or a solution with citric acid effectively neutralizes urine odor. Perfectly refreshes the smell of the room.
  • Special means. You can buy them at any pet store. They eliminate bad odor and discourage the animal from playing pranks. These include biological and chemical preparations, products that contain enzymes. They are completely safe for people and animals. They are used to treat cat litter boxes and remove traces of marks. There are also preparations with microorganisms. They recently went on sale. They can be purchased at garden stores. The procedure for using them is that beneficial microorganisms destroy harmful ones. They are used to treat carpets, sofas, walls and pillows.
  • Essential oils. After the cat urine treatment, drop a couple of drops of essential oil onto problem areas. Citrus oil is perfect. It helps to freshen the air in the house and also prevents the animal from further developing the desire to go to the toilet in the wrong place.

Removing odors from furniture

As mentioned a little earlier, the cause of an unpleasant smell in the apartment can be furniture. If there is a smell in the closet, then first take out all the things and dry them. It is advisable to do this outside. Three days will be enough to dry completely. Treat the cabinet with a vinegar or bleach solution. Leave doors open for ventilation. If things in the closet have become covered with fungus, they need to be dry cleaned. If your kitchen cabinet smells bad, just wipe the walls with a cloth soaked in lemon juice or vinegar. Leave the doors for ventilation. As an air freshener, you must use natural coffee or activated carbon. Place them in bags in the middle of the closet.

Cleaning the oven

A specific smell in the kitchen may appear due to contamination of the oven. While preparing your favorite dishes, food and fat residues may remain on the inner walls of the appliance. This smell can fill the entire apartment and spoil the taste of the dish. You can soften old fat in the following way:

  • Using lemon. Fill a bowl with some water and cut a couple of lemon slices into it. Place in the oven, turning it on for half an hour.
  • Baking soda effectively fights fat. It is enough to prepare a solution from it and apply it to problem areas.
  • Plain water. If you don’t have lemon or soda at home, then clean water will help you solve the problem. Fill a cast iron pan with water and place in the oven. Let this water boil for 15 minutes. The steam will soften the dirt.

Cleaning the microwave

It should be emphasized that failure to follow simple rules for operating a microwave oven and preventive measures can lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences. Due to constant violations of food preparation rules, a persistent pungent odor appears that can spread throughout the house or apartment. Therefore, every owner of this household appliance must follow a few simple rules when using it. It is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it later.

When using the microwave oven to heat or cook food, be sure to use a plastic container with a lid. It will prevent food particles from spreading in the middle of this versatile appliance.

After each cooking, leave the door open for 10 minutes. This will ventilate the electrical appliance from odors. Never leave the device unattended during operation. At any moment, a food particle can catch fire and lead to irreversible consequences. It is necessary to regularly wash the walls in the middle of the device with special products.

If suddenly, while cooking your favorite meat dish, traces of fat remain on the walls of the microwave, they must be removed with a sponge. Fat tends to burn. The result will be a burning smell. There are many ways to remove a strong odor. Let's look at the most effective of them:

  • Lemon or citric acid solution. Their use helps to soften and remove dirt from any surface as much as possible. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon or 10 g of citric acid. Dissolve them in a bowl of water. Boil this mixture at maximum power for five minutes. After this, you need to wipe the walls of the device with a sponge and leave to air until completely dry.
  • Soda. It is no less effective in solving the problem. To use it in the fight against pungent odor, take 4 tablespoons of the product and mix it in half a glass of water. Wipe down the walls of the microwave. The procedure must be repeated twice. After treating the device, rinse with clean running water and leave the door to air.
  • Vinegar. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 100 grams of vinegar. This product should be used to treat the walls of the microwave oven. After completing the procedure, rinse with a clean sponge and plain water.
  • Orange peel. Take a piece and dry it for 3 minutes. It will help eliminate unpleasant odors very quickly.
  • Activated carbon. You need to take 7 coal tablets. Grind into powder. Place it in the middle of the microwave overnight. This powder has the ability to perfectly absorb bad odors.
  • Toothpaste. Heating certain foods, such as fish or garlic, intensifies their specific odor. This can be done easily with toothpaste or other mouth fresheners.
  • Special means. There are situations when the microwave is very neglected and thoroughly dirty with food residues, in which case we cannot cope without chemicals. There is a very simple way in which you can clean an electrical appliance in a matter of minutes. To do this, you will need a few drops of dishwashing detergent and some water. Place the container with this solution in the microwave at maximum power. Turn on for 3 minutes. Next, you can wipe off the internal contaminants of the device with a napkin. Then, you need to complete the cleaning procedure by wiping with a clean damp cloth. Leave the microwave to air out.

Refresh the refrigerator

The most important and irreplaceable household appliance in every family is the refrigerator. Without it, it is impossible to create a complete diet for every person. But there are situations when, for some reason, an unpleasant odor may appear from it. And this in turn can have a detrimental effect on your health. How can you make your refrigerator smell fresh?

There are such proven methods:

  • Activated carbon. To do this you will need several tablets of this product. Grind into powder and place in a chamber for several hours.
  • Toothpaste. Mint toothpaste is ideal for cleaning the unit. Apply a small amount to a sponge and wipe away any dirt. At the end of the procedure, remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.
  • Coffee. Natural coffee is ideal. But if you don’t have one at hand, you can use what you have. It serves as an air freshener and neutralizes odor.
  • Baking soda. A container of soda solution perfectly removes unpleasant odors. You can leave it in a household appliance for up to 3 months. Next, you need to prepare a fresh solution. You can put an open pack of soda in the refrigerator. When the smell goes away, throw it away.
  • Vinegar solution. Its pungent odor can neutralize other odors. It produces disinfection. Prepare the cleanser. Half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar. Wipe the entire inside surface of the device with the product. Then finish by wiping with plain running water. Wipe everything dry.
  • Black bread. Slice the black bread, Borodinsky bread works very well, and place it on the shelves.
  • Lemon or citric acid. This fruit must be cut into pieces and placed in a household appliance for a couple of days. You can replace it with a solution of citric acid and water. This is a very effective method that quickly removes unpleasant odors and leaves behind freshness.
  • Turmeric or cloves. Place small portions on all shelves.

Prevention of unpleasant odors in the apartment

To make your apartment smell only fresh, follow these simple rules:

  • Ventilate your living space regularly.
  • Carry out wet cleaning by adding potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water.
  • Take out the trash can on time.
  • Check the operation of the ventilation system in a timely manner.
  • Take care of your household appliances regularly.
  • When cleaning the apartment, wash textiles and curtains.
  • Use bags of coffee beans or tea bags to freshen the air in your furniture. Also essential oils of mint and citrus.
  • Air pillows and blankets outside.
  • Remove dust and clean carpets.

If you follow all of the above steps, then the problem of bad odors in your home will never overtake you.

Unfortunately, people tend to get sick and get old, and sooner or later, most residents of our country are faced with the problem of the unpleasant odor of human urine indoors. Often, this situation can be observed when there is an elderly and sick person in the house who is simply not able to go to the toilet on his own. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of how to eliminate the smell of human urine in the shortest possible time and without using drastic measures.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Which neutralizer will help remove urine odor? Human urine is a product of the processing of nutrients, and therefore many ailments can be diagnosed by its composition, appearance and smell. It is the development of diseases that often causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

  • with inflammation of the genitourinary system, for example the development of cystitis or pyelonephritis, the smell of ammonia can be observed;
  • if suppuration or a fistula has formed in the genitourinary system, the urine will smell rotten;
  • if diabetes mellitus develops, you will smell acetone;

Already based on the above facts, it should be concluded that as soon as the urine acquires a pronounced, unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor who can identify the physiological cause of this trouble.

Important! Also, urine can have a variety of odors, such as sulfur, beer, mold, etc. Each such change will indicate the development of certain physiological disorders in the human body. Accordingly, the question of how to kill the smell of human urine will become increasingly relevant.

Urine odor removers

How to remove the smell of urine in a room? The cause of an unpleasant odor in a room can be not only sedentary or sick people, but also preschool children. If you notice an “accident” that has occurred, you should resort to eliminating it as quickly as possible so that the urine does not have time to get old and the smell does not spread into the apartment.

Eliminating traces of fresh urine

To get rid of a fresh stain on the surface of a carpet or sofa, use one of the following methods:

  • Prepare a solution of citric acid with water and vinegar in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten a napkin in the resulting substance and place it on the stained area. This procedure should be repeated until the unpleasant odor disappears completely.
  • To remove urine stains from the surface of dark sofa upholstery or carpet, it is best to use an iodine solution. This product is prepared to remove the odor of human urine by adding 14-18 drops of a medical solution per liter of warm water.
  • Bring any detergent to foam by mixing with water. Treat the fresh stain with soapy water, after which you can dry it with an iron and gauze.
  • An excellent assistant in the fight against the strong odor of urine is a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This is due, first of all, to the fact that manganese has strong deodorizing and oxidizing properties. Treat the stain with the solution until the unpleasant odor disappears completely.

Removing traces of old urine

If you managed to miss the moment when the trouble appeared, or the cause of the unpleasant aroma is an elderly person, then the following remedies can be used to solve the problem:

  • Laundry soap and water will help remove old stains. To achieve the desired effect, you should wet the problem area and soap it well using a household bar. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Prepare a vinegar solution in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Using this mixture, rinse off the soap, then rinse the contaminated area with water and dry thoroughly. This technology will allow you to easily remove the smell of old person's urine.

Important! It is very important to dry the fabric surface to prevent the development of mold and fungal growths.

  • You can get rid of the unpleasant odor of old urine using medical alcohol or ammonia. Wet the stain well with a medical solution and leave it in this condition for 30-40 minutes. Upon completion of cleaning work, rinse the fabric with water and dry thoroughly.
  • Chlorine solution also effectively combats unpleasant odors. However, such a product for removing the smell of human urine cannot be used on furniture with colored upholstery or in rooms with children and pets.

Important! When using a chlorine solution, it is very important that the substance does not penetrate deep into the material, since it will be extremely difficult to eliminate moisture from the upholstery.

  • There are also specialized chemicals for removing the unpleasant odor of old urine. You can buy such a substance at almost any household chemical store.

Important! If you have tried almost all the means, but have still not been able to remove the smell, then you can always turn to specialized cleaning services for help. Specially trained staff will quickly help you deal with the problem using suitable substances that are based on chemical destruction of the molecular structure of urine.

Video material

In this article, we have shared with you the most effective means of combating unpleasant odors, as well as ways to eliminate the smell of an old person’s urine. We sincerely hope that the recommendations offered will help solve the problem and fill your room with only pleasant aromas.

Those who have small children or animals at home often face a very specific problem - the unpleasant odor of feces, which is quickly absorbed into clothes, the surface of upholstered furniture (sofas) and carpets. The most obvious way to get rid of the smell of feces is to take the affected item to the dry cleaner or use special odor neutralizers (they are available in any hardware store). However, if the smell is not old, home remedies that any housewife has in stock will be of great help.

  • Try to “overpower” the smell of feces with perfume, eau de toilette or deodorant spray.
  • Use gasoline or turpentine: these substances do not erode well and leave stains if used incorrectly.
  • Try to remove the smell from a dirty surface: first vacuum upholstered furniture or carpet, wipe wooden or plastic furniture with a damp sponge, and wash clothes.

When working with caustic substances (vinegar, bleach, etc.), do not forget about the safety rules: use household gloves and a respirator, do not leave products accessible to children or animals.

How to remove fecal smell from a sofa or carpet


  1. First of all, remove excrement from the surface (upholstered furniture, sofa or carpet).
  2. Wipe the affected area with soapy water (both baby and laundry soap, washing powder, dishwashing gel will do).
  3. Rinse off the foam with cold water, blot the surface with a clean sponge, collecting any remaining moisture. Dry well.
  4. If the smell remains, use one of the options below.

Absorbents. Fresh stench from feces is easily removed by absorbents. Sprinkle a dark-colored surface with crushed activated or charcoal, ground coffee, and tea leaves. Dry mustard absorbs unpleasant odors well: dilute the mustard powder with water (to a paste), apply the mixture to the contaminated area and let it dry. Remove any remaining mustard with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Soda or salt. Baking soda does a great job of removing odors that have not yet set in. Mix baking soda with a little water. Gently spread the resulting paste on the surface and leave until completely dry. Remove the remaining soda with a stiff brush, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Use table salt in the same way, and for greater effect, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to it. Please note that this composition is only suitable for smooth wooden or plastic surfaces that do not absorb oil.

Iodine or potassium permanganate. Iodine (15 drops per liter of warm water) or potassium permanganate diluted to a pale pink color will help combat the smell of feces. Soak a clean towel or piece of rags in the solution, then wring it well and place it on the contaminated area. Leave for 30 minutes, repeat soaking if necessary. When the smell disappears completely, dry the surface.

Potassium permanganate and iodine may slightly stain wood, plastic or fabric. Do not use them to remove odors from furniture or light-colored carpets.

Vinegar or citric acid. It’s easy to remove the smell of feces with vinegar: dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar in two glasses of water and add a few drops of dishwashing gel. Rub the solution into the surface or spray with a spray bottle. Leave for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure. After another 20 minutes, rinse off the remaining mixture with cold water and dry the area with a towel. In the same way, treat the affected area with lemon juice diluted with water (4:1 ratio).

Bleach or peroxide. For white surfaces, chlorine-containing bleach is suitable: rub a small amount of the product, after 20-30 minutes, rinse with water and dry.

Mix hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1 ratio), add a little soap or dishwashing liquid. Apply the solution to a surface previously treated with table vinegar (9%) and sprinkled with baking soda. Leave for an hour, then remove the remaining solution with a brush.

Test the effect of bleach or hydrogen peroxide on an inconspicuous area first. To enhance the effect, “inject” upholstered furniture with peroxide (use a syringe for this).