Kissing in a dream with a young guy. Why dream of kissing a man on the lips? In a dream, kiss a guy you like

The most detailed description: “dream book of kissing a guy you like” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

I dreamed of a guy I like

There are a huge number of such requests on the Internet. Basically, dream books say: if everything goes well in a dream and you feel happy, you should not rejoice prematurely. Most likely, it’s just your subconscious playing a cruel joke and demonstrating at the moment of rest what you most want to see. As a rule, dreams about a guy you like have absolutely nothing to do with your personal life. In addition, if there were no troubles in the dream, you can expect success, especially in the field of work. Or you can gain new skills that will bring you good income in the future.

Just seeing a guy in a dream that you don't like enough

It is very important to carefully monitor his mood. Try to remember whether he was happy or maybe he was angry. For example, quarreling with a young man in a dream is not so bad; rather, it is a good sign - soon you will become even closer. It happens that a guy had a dream not alone, but with a girl whom you consider your rival. Don't worry, if you know this person in real life, you can be sure that she is not his type at all.

It happens that in a dream you may be disappointed in your loved one. Most often, this means that you will soon meet a young man who will be seriously interested in you.

Kissing a guy you like in a dream

Kissing a man in a dream is pleasant, but in real life such a vision does not always promise joy. Most often, such a dream warns you not to let your guard down, because troubles may await you ahead. You shouldn’t worry too much, no catastrophe is foreseen, but you may be haunted by minor misunderstandings, losses, possibly quarrels, and they will end in not very pleasant consequences. True, all these troubles can be avoided; it is enough to be attentive, avoid sensitive topics and not provoke unnecessary conversations.

If you kiss a guy you like in a room where there is intimate twilight, be careful, because soon your relationship may become the center of attention of envious people and gossips.

But in a dream, kissing the person you like is not all, because often you also hug. This sensuality will bring only positive moments into your real life. True, it is very important to observe the young man at the moment of hugging. If you feel something frightening and alarming about him, your relationship may soon fizzle out. Usually, your emotional state speaks of hidden fears and desires. Perhaps you are not happy with your boyfriend or want to change him? Then you should think about whether you have connected your life with the right person.

As you can see, a kiss, hug or conversation with a guy you like in a dream does not bring any large-scale disaster. You can be absolutely calm, just pay attention to your behavior, as well as those people who are around you. Be pleasant, friendly and no dreams can dictate your terms.

Dream Interpretation

Kiss with a guy you like in life

Dream Interpretation Kissing a guy you like in life dreamed of why in a dream you dream of a kiss with a guy you like in life? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a Kiss with a guy you like in life by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a kiss with a guy?

Why do you dream about kissing a guy? The esoteric dream book says that if a girl sees such a dream, then affectionate relationships and a tender union await her, and not necessarily with the one who had the dream. According to the women's dream book, if you kiss an enemy, then soon there will be reconciliation with someone who is dear to you. Why dream of a kiss with a guy whom the girl has never seen before? To the find. The Ukrainian dream book contains information that such a dream portends trouble.

Why dream of a kiss with a guy with whom the girl is in a relationship? For a pleasant time with someone close. If in a dream she saw her husband kissing someone else’s girlfriend, then this is an omen of a major quarrel or even a break in the relationship.

If in a dream an unfamiliar girl kisses the guy who is dreaming of this vision, it means that she is not sure that her lover has sincere feelings for her. If such a dream recurs, there is probably a basis for suspicion. Perhaps the couple will soon break up. If a stranger kissed a girl, then good changes will soon come in life.

According to the American dream book, a kiss means deep communication with oneself and the union of the feminine and masculine principles. It can also symbolize that the girl will soon find unity.

According to the 20th century dream book, a kiss is a changeable image. It foretells a meeting for those who are separated, and a separation for those who are nearby. Kiss in a dream - why? Moreover, soon the couple may have to separate for a while. If a girl was kissed by a stranger, then you should soon expect some kind of fleeting connection or a short-term emotional outburst.

The French dream book, when asked why you dream of a kiss with a guy, answers that it is a prediction of good luck that you will soon have to experience. Feeling a kiss means that after some time a joyful and unexpected event will happen.

According to the English dream book, kissing someone you don’t need is bad. Perhaps someone you know will show hypocrisy. Perhaps even the beloved will not be who he said he was.

Why do you dream of a kiss with your loved one according to the Eastern women's dream book? Unfortunately, to a complete severance of any relationship with him.

According to the universal dream book, a kiss is a harbinger of imminent pleasure.

Kissing is the most intimate way of communication. And it can be different. And the interpretation can be very different depending on what the kiss was like.

Kissing on the cheek means you will need to thank someone in real life. In the hand - to gain respect for someone. At your feet - you will have to obey someone. A sensual and passionate kiss is a reflection of what a girl wants to give to the person she kissed. Interpretation also depends on sensations. A farewell kiss or the one that begins a new relationship? If a girl decides to do such an act with a friend with whom she does not have any close relationship, then this dream is a sign of unfulfilled desires. And the last meaning according to Miss Hasse’s dream book. If a girl receives a kiss, it means that she will be separated from her loved one. If she kisses, then this is a pleasant dream, meaning mutual feelings.

How to understand why you dream of a kiss with a guy

An interesting dream that predicts changes not only in your personal life. The Dream Interpretation writes that in the near future the feelings and needs associated with them will attract attention. They often repeat sensations in dreams and in life too.

For example, a girl, during a night trip, dreamed that she began to kiss an unpleasant, unfamiliar guy not of her own free will. What she experiences is clear - disgust, hostility, humiliation, pressure. The same thing will happen in life, although it may not be related to sexual relations.

To understand why you dream of kissing a guy you like or disgust, pay attention to your own sensations and feelings. Often they repeat events that will happen next. The dream book also interprets the dream depending on your current state - falling in love, separation, expectation of new feelings. Here are the interpretations given by the modern dream book in such a situation.

Waiting and alone

Often a girl who does not yet have a boyfriend starts kissing a man in her sleep. At the same time, she cannot even always see his face, eyes, appearance, or remember the image of this person.

The dream book does not give an interpretation of the vision if you feel unprecedented physical attraction, eroticism and are ready to do more than just a kiss. Such dreams usually occur if a girl simply lacks physical intimacy, affection, passion or love.

Typically, dreams of this kind are characterized by the fact that you do not remember a man, a person, but simply feel passion or see only general facial features, hair color, eyes. It happens that this happens with several partners. The Dream Interpretation writes that in fact, such dreams are seen as compensation for the absence of a partner and in reality they bring nothing but disappointment and temporary, but not severe, deterioration in health. Sometimes a dream promises you tears or a feeling of melancholy, an exacerbation of loneliness. In some cases, the dream book writes that you will go to a party, drink too much and won’t even remember who you kissed.

Why dream of kissing a handsome, attractive man you don’t know? At the same time, the girl remembers her partner. The dream book writes that the dream promises you joy, good news, happiness or a successful turn in your personal life.

If you dream of a kiss with a nice man whom you don’t know in reality, but you like him? The dream book writes that very soon you will receive good news. Sometimes a dream predicts meeting a young man of pleasant appearance, receiving a gift, a surprise, or simply a good mood and warmth.

Some books interpret a kiss with a pleasant person as joy, success both in business and in personal life. Try to pay attention to a similar person familiar from your environment, since often a new acquaintance is connected with him or the dreamer will owe a share of his achievement to him. Kissing a guy whose face you remember very well, but there is no such thing in your environment, the dream book interprets as a happy turn in your personal life. It may not happen immediately, but after several days or years. Especially if the image of a man is etched into your memory and you remember him very well.

Kissing generally means interaction. If the guy is pleasant and the atmosphere is similar to reality, then kissing him is a favorable sign. It promises success, new acquaintances, warmth and understanding of loved ones. And on the contrary, if you dreamed that a man of unpleasant appearance, a freak, an old man or a drunken person began to forcibly kiss you in a dream, then the dream book predicts troubles for you, the imposition of someone else’s will, circumstances that cause disgust. A dream in which you dreamed of a guy you like and whose affection you want to achieve requires special consideration. If you do not yet have an intimate relationship, then the dream book writes that such a dream has a double interpretation.

In the first case, if a girl thinks about a nice guy and starts kissing him in a dream, then success and even an affair with him awaits her. The dream book shows that there is hope for success and you can get the desired result. True, it does not always foreshadow a love relationship. Most likely, your communication will simply end in friendship, common interests or disappointment, but without pain.

If you have already kissed this guy or were physically close, but have not achieved his affection in reality, then kissing such a person in a dream means disappointment and a break in the relationship. And soon this will become obvious. For example, a girl may find out that he is going to get married or condemned her behind her back, laughed at her.

Dreams of lovers, wives, brides

If you are separated, then passionately kissing your boyfriend or fiance means that you miss him physically. Usually the dream replays scenes from your past and what happened. If such dreams were repeated more than once, then modern books write that you may become disappointed in this person or simply cannot stand the separation and cheat on him.

If the separation is not long, for example, you simply do not communicate now, but live in the same city, then such a dream was not in vain. It means final separation and separation for a very long time or disappointment in this person.

Also, kissing someone other than your fiancé or bride in a dream predicts doubts and a break in the relationship. Especially if you dreamed that you were hugging a more attractive man.

Most likely, relationships with a real partner, fiancé, or just a guy will soon become a thing of the past.

Why dream of kissing your husband? The dream book writes that there will be discord in the relationship between you. This dream also does not bode well and can occur when the spouse has already made a decision that is convenient for him or has found a mistress. And more often he was simply tired of his wife’s demands and decided to live separately.

Interpretation of dreams - why do you dream of a kiss with a guy?

It would be good to know the interpretation of your dreams. For example, why do you dream of a kiss with a guy? What could this mean in reality? After all, there are such vivid dreams, with such details, that when you wake up, you can’t understand for a long time whether everything was a dream or it happened in reality. And sometimes the dream itself is forgotten, and the sensations of the experienced kiss disturb the memory for a long time.

Many girls think that if they dream of a kiss with someone else’s boyfriend or a completely unfamiliar young man, it means that in reality there will be a new romance. But this is not entirely true. The meanings of such dreams are not always encouraging, more often they are warning.

The meaning of kisses in a dream for girls

When you dream of short kisses with your beloved boyfriend or husband (fleeting - on the lips or banal - on the cheek), it is worth analyzing whether there is enough tenderness in the relationship in reality. Perhaps, while solving everyday problems, passion and craving for each other faded into the background.

If an unmarried girl is showered with a hundred light kisses by a guy she likes, this is a sign of dissatisfaction with her personal life. It’s worth looking around and expanding your circle of acquaintances; maybe somewhere very close, “the one” is waiting to meet you.

Why dream of kissing a guy with whom you once had an affair in real life? Most likely, the spark of love on one side or the other has not yet gone out. Maybe he still wants to regain his former passion, or the girl regrets the breakup. In any case, there remains some unsaidness in the relationship.

A long kiss with your husband or fiancé warns of a possible long-term quarrel. Most likely, the kisser will initiate a quarrel. There is no need to add fuel to the fire - let a little time pass, the resentment will subside, and the relationship will improve again. A passionate kiss signals a possible illness or slight illness.

Kissing a stranger in a dream, you should expect drastic changes in reality. This could be moving or changing jobs, meeting new people. Such a dream may also mean that you need to be more vigilant in financial matters. Extravagance at such a time is simply an unacceptable weakness.

Why dream of kissing a complete stranger, and even in front of your loved one? Or if your husband appeared at the moment of kissing a stranger? Such a dream can warn of betrayal of friends. They may not be what they are used to seeing.

As the most popular dream book interprets it, kissing a guy who is your immediate boss means going through a difficult period at work in real life. Constant professional problems leave no time for household chores.

Kissing an enemy in a dream means finding a new friend in reality, just an acquaintance, which means there is a lack of male attention. If a guy you once liked kisses you in a dream, it may be that he wants to meet and communicate.

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. In order to find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

Watching your loved one kissing a stranger from the outside is not a very good dream. In addition to the fact that it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, it also warns of the possibility of betrayal. A loved one (kissing) will not necessarily cheat; a close friend or relative can betray.

It is best to tell such a dream to water; you can open the tap, and while the water is flowing, you need to tell the dream in detail, and after that say: where the water goes, the dream goes. The same should be done after you dream of kissing a dead person. The Bulgarian seer Vanga interpreted such dreams as harbingers of a serious illness or even death.

Why do you dream of a kiss with a guy (video)

Interpretation of dreams with kisses for guys

Maybe the guys dream that they are kissing each other. There is no need to worry, this is not a sign of latent homosexuality, and there is no need to worry about your sexual orientation. Kissing a guy in a dream is a sign that the workload is too much and there is not enough support from loved ones. Maybe it's time to take a planned vacation.

Seeing your girlfriend kissing someone else is a sign that it’s time to pacify your jealousy and suspicion, otherwise, never mind, she will leave the jealous man.

Kissing a man in a dream: what emotions await in reality?

A loving kiss in a dream means reconciliation with an old enemy, taking on someone else’s responsibility, and also foreshadows interesting events in life. Kissing a man in a dream is an alarming and unpleasant sign, indicating the dreamer’s dark desires and the likelihood of getting a dark spot in his name.

Why do you dream?

Marital kiss in a dream means harmonious, strong relationships between husband and wife. Such a marriage cannot be threatened by any threat from the outside - it will withstand all everyday adversities.

For a man to see someone else kissing his wife, means to be disgraced, lose respect in your own family. Kissing a male relative speaks of a trusting relationship with a person in reality, which brings joy and supports in adversity.

A girl dreams of kissing a stranger suggests that her current relationship with her boyfriend will be tested. Kissing in complete darkness with a loved one indicates betrayal and excessive debauchery of the dreamer's partner.

For a man to dream of his beloved kissing his rival indicates a loss of respect on the part of any woman. A girl dreams of her lover seeing her kissing another man, points to her unfaithful, treacherous friends, to the possible betrayal of a close friend.

Dreamed of a kiss with a man you like is a sign of friendly relations and reconciliation with yourself and the people around you. Kissing the man you love signifies happiness and a mature love relationship.

Kiss a stranger in a dream portends trouble and quarrel with a loved one. Kissing a dead person in a dream predicts an imminent illness or death of the dreamer.

Kissing a man in a dream means treason or betrayal of a loved one. It is likely that the dreamer risks becoming a victim of an unfamiliar scammer.

Kissing a man in a dream portends pleasant events in life. For a girl, such a dream predicts an imminent wedding or a marriage proposal. Kissing a man you know means betrayal or separation from your loved one. A kiss with an unfamiliar man portends a pleasant surprise, receiving good news.

Kissing your ex-boyfriend says that the dreamer cannot forget this man and still returns to him in my thoughts. If the dreamer is already in a new romantic relationship, then the current lover suffers from a lack of attention from his chosen one.

Kissing in a dream with your soulmate indicates an imminent separation, departure of a lover on a long business trip. For a young girl to kiss a friend in a dream, foretells that friendly relations will soon turn into romantic ones.

I dreamed of a kiss with my own husband - this indicates probable betrayal of a loved one or cooling of relations between spouses. You should pay more attention to your marriage and try to improve your relationship with your significant other.

A dream like a woman dreams of meeting an attractive and promising man soon, who can insidiously take advantage of the dreamer’s trust. For a man to see his woman kissing another indicates that he is not paying enough attention to his beloved.

Seeing a couple kissing in a dream indicates an unpleasant, ambiguous situation in which the dreamer will find himself due to his own stupidity.

Kissing your beloved man in a dream speaks of a threat to romantic relationships in reality, probability of separation. A kiss with another familiar person indicates a trusting relationship with him in reality - you can safely rely on such a friend in a difficult situation.

Kissing a famous man in a dream means to show your character, develop spiritually. A kiss with a stranger warns of the wrong, even dangerous lifestyle that the dreamer leads. Kissing a dead person on the lips speaks of a loss of hope and self-control.

Kissing a man in a dream means hidden intimate desires that a woman wants, but cannot realize in reality. Seeing others kissing indicates the dreamer's excessive interest in other people's problems and successes.

To feel in a dream the feeling that someone wants to kiss the dreamer, speaks of the strong sexual attraction of the sleeper to a specific person.

Kissing a man in a dream - to a quarrel or separation from your significant other. In some cases, such a dream indicates a partner’s infidelity. Kissing a man you know portends a serious danger to the dreamer’s life and health.

Kiss a stranger - to an unpleasant surprise, receiving negative emotions. Kissing a very handsome person indicates the sleeper's dissatisfaction. A kiss from a colleague speaks of imminent troubles at work and intrigue in the work team.

Kissing a relative in a dream portends a fun holiday with the family, a pleasant trip to nature. A marital kiss indicates well-being in the family and peace in the home. Kissing a man passionately indicates strong romantic feelings. A kiss in the dark portends shame and betrayal.

Hot, passionate kisses in the dark predict troubles in family life, quarrels with relatives. Even a trifle can negatively affect relationships with loved ones.

Kissing a familiar person in a dream indicates that in real life the dreamer will be disappointed in him.

Kissing a lover: what does it mean?

A kiss with your beloved man is a good sign, promising to overcome all obstacles in your path, a bright and happy future. Kissing a young girl in a dream with her lover predicts an early marriage and strong feelings on the part of her boyfriend.

Married woman such a dream indicates that her dark secret will soon be revealed, including extramarital intimate relations. Also, such a dream indicates “problems” in family life, cooling of feelings between spouses.

Also, a passionate kiss with your lover indicates an imminent separation from a loved one, a great moral loss. If another woman kisses a lover in a dream, this foreshadows an unpleasant situation, a love triangle in reality.

If someone else's man kisses you, it's portends a passionate but short relationship. For married people, such a dream speaks of the possibility of temptation and deceit on the part of a rival.

Showing love to a friend's boyfriend: interpretation

Kissing your friend’s boyfriend in a dream means that you will face quick life changes, changes in your lifestyle or way of life. But what exactly the upcoming changes will be - positive or negative - is still unknown, so the dreamer should not make hasty decisions, but rather wait a little and think about everything carefully.

Another interpretation of the dream is communication with a stranger, which will have a huge impact on the girl’s worldview. If the kiss in a dream was pleasant, then a pleasant surprise or gift will soon await the girl. The dream also indicates success in business and the achievement of intended goals.

Kissing a guy in a dream is not always interpreted as a positive sign. Popular dream books claim that such a dream foreshadows scandals, disappointments, deception, betrayal and illness. For a correct interpretation, you need to remember all the details: what kind of relationship connects the guy from the dream and the dreamer, what were the feelings, emotions during the kiss and the situation, who initiated it, as well as other details.

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    Interpretations from various dream books

    General meaning of sleep:

    • Esoteric dream book: a dream means the need for male affection and attention from your lover.
    • Ukrainian: to big trouble. If a girl took the initiative, then the guy she kissed will soon get sick. If the young man was active, the dreamer has problems in personal relationships and in business.
    • French: to luck, incredible luck, happy coincidence. Not knowing who is kissing, but enjoying caresses with a stranger is a pleasant surprise.

      Why do you dream of a kiss with a guy, depending on the circumstances of the dream:

      • Female. Kissing a guy in a dark room means debauchery and recklessness. A kiss with a young man you like in bright lighting - to sincere and tender feelings.
      • Small Velesov dream book. Kissing your ex passionately in a dream means cheating on your current man in real life or thinking about another person during intimacy.
      • Dream book of Smirnov. A passionate kiss means a deterioration in the well-being of a sleeping woman and her state of health. Prolonged and sensual touch on the lips - to disappointments, quarrels and severance of relations with a loved one. Feeling the cold on your lips after a kiss is a sign of a fatal illness; pain is a release from a heavy burden.
      • Dream Interpretation of Medea. Kissing your friend's boyfriend is a sign of strong friendship with this person. Kissing a stranger means unexpected things.

      If such a dream occurs from Thursday to Friday, you can expect passionate kisses in real life. From Friday to Saturday - for love adventures. From Saturday to Sunday - a fun and interesting pastime.

      Miller's opinion

      Kissing your lover in the dark is a sign of deception and hypocrisy. In the light of day, there is respect and mutual understanding between young people, they are honest with each other and cannot live without their other half. Seeing a kiss with your ex-boyfriend or husband - the sleeping woman wants to renew her friendship with this person. Kissing an enemy in a dream means renewing friendly relations with those whom the dreamer offended in real life.

The mystery of dreams always has a logical basis. The subconscious conveys to the dreamer important information about his life and future events. Why do you dream about kissing a guy? Understanding the meaning of a dream will depend on many details.

A kiss is not always a joyful event if an unknown or unpleasant person touches you. Also, a kiss is subconsciously perceived as betrayal. If in a dream you kiss a stranger, this plot may foreshadow betrayal - either yours or your chosen one.

The interpretation of the dream will depend on the following details:

  • who kissed you - a loved one, a stranger or an acquaintance;
  • who did you kiss - your own or someone else’s man;
  • what feelings did you experience when kissing;
  • Is the dreamer married or single.

A bad interpretation has sneaking a kiss in the dark- this portends rash actions on your part, which can lead to big troubles. A kiss without an answer promises disappointment in life and relationships with your loved one. If a guy does not respond to your kiss, this is a sign of resentment or imminent separation.

A harbinger of separation is considered to be a dream in which your boyfriend kisses another girl. If another girl kisses your boyfriend, it means that you are not sure of your feelings for him. You need to trust your chosen one more.

An unpleasant and disturbing aftertaste in the soul is left by a dream with kissing a dead person. Such a plot foreshadows an unpleasant period in life, as well as the onset of depression. Sometimes a kiss from the deceased can trigger thoughts of suicide. Contact a psychologist.

Kiss on the neck prophesies a quick wedding for a girl if her loved one kisses her in a dream. A kiss on the eyes is a sign of revealing a secret. A kiss on the forehead speaks of the coldness of a young man’s feelings.

If you dream about your boyfriend

For a married girl, a kiss with her husband in a dream foreshadows family well-being and harmonious relationships. This dream is a continuation of real married life in the dream world.

Kissing your ex-boyfriend portends a chance to restore relationships. In the world of dreams, the souls of people can “meet”, that is, interact with each other on a subconscious level. The appearance of a former loved one in a dream indicates his desire to meet you.

However, a dream with a kiss from a former gentleman has another interpretation. If you do not want to resume the relationship, then this dream suggests that you are ready to meet the new chosen one of your heart.

Kiss with your loved one most dream books interpret it as an imminent separation. Moreover, the separation will be the fault of the dreamer because of her betrayal of her boyfriend.

If you dream about someone else

This dream may indicate your subconscious desire to meet this man. This means that your loved one is not paying enough attention to you.

If you have a loved one, but dream kiss with another man/boyfriend, - this speaks of the unreliability of your feelings for your chosen one.

If you are alone, a dream with a kiss foreshadows a quick acquaintance with a pleasant man. However, if a girl herself kisses a stranger, gossip will circulate around her. Don't be open with your friends.

If you dream of a kiss with a handsome guy, which you have not seen in reality, this portends a good relationship with your soulmate.

If you were kissed by an ugly or ugly stranger, soon there will be disappointments in love and close relationships. You may be disappointed not only by your loved one, but also by someone you just know.

Kisses with a friend's boyfriend do not bode well. There is a lot of hypocrisy around you, and it is also possible that you will meet a crafty man. Be careful.

Kissing an unpleasant man portends bad events: either you will meet a gigolo, or your new acquaintance will have a dark past.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book interprets a secret kiss in the dark as obscenity: a girl on the verge of a dissolute life. If the dreamer kissed her friend’s boyfriend, then she will soon quarrel with her. The pestering of a beloved guy to a friend also foreshadows a quarrel with her: she will accuse you of an indecent offense.

Hass's Dream Interpretation interprets a secret kiss in the dark or complete darkness as a warning about a dissolute life. The girl has many fans, but there is no chosen one of her heart.

Esoteric dream book interprets a kiss with a guy as a symbol of a tender, trusting relationship with a loved one. And it doesn’t matter whether he kissed her in a dream or another man.

Dream book of the 20th century examines this plot in changeable symbolism: a kiss promises a meeting for people separated by fate and separation for lovers. However, separation does not mean a break in the relationship: it will be temporary and forced.

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed an unfamiliar woman in a dream - try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For a prophetic dream warns the dreamer about an important event that ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our actions in a dream do not always reflect what happened in reality. And vice versa - most dreams are not a direct prophecy of future events. The symbolism of dreams is very metaphorical. To understand what the plot is about in a dream, you should draw parallels between pictures from dreams and reality, and only then draw conclusions. Let's figure out how dream books explain stories in which you happened to kiss a guy.

Versions of Miller's dream book

You will be pleased with the interpretation of a dream in which your lover kisses your hair, strand by strand. Such dreams mean a meeting with a person who was of great importance to you in the past.

Stop leading an immoral lifestyle, getting confused with anyone, Miller’s dream book warns those dreamers who in a dream kissed a guy in pitch darkness. Passionate hugs not with your boyfriend, but with another, mean an inevitable quarrel with him.

For a girl to see one boy kissing another is a symbol of a quarrel with her partner due to the stubborn characters of both. This is especially true if her chosen one kissed another guy.

The advances of a stranger are a sign of non-random coincidences

Kissing an unfamiliar boy in a dream is a promising symbol. If you dreamed that you were thrilled with pleasure, kissing an unfamiliar young man - an accidental incident will significantly increase your reputation, Pastor Loff’s dream book pleases. Did you find kissing a stranger disgusting? You will find yourself in the center of a scandal.

Friendly “smack”: From past affairs to today’s affairs

It doesn’t take much to decide on your future, says the Lunar Dream Book. Remember if in a dream you kissed a guy you knew, with whom you stopped communicating a very long time ago.

If this event took place, this means that you will resume old contacts and connections. You didn’t have to kiss the guy in the dream, you just got by with hugs - he will need support and advice from you.

Did you dream about greeting a friend and end with a “smack” on the top of your head? This is what you dream about, according to the Eastern Dream Book: it will dawn on you how to act in a situation from which you have been looking for a way out for a very long time.

A kiss on the lips as a “determinant” of the future

Kissing a guy on the lips in a dream is a pleasant “event.” But only if it is mutually desired. Did you dream of kissing on the lips? Remember with whom! Dream books consider this an important detail. So, why do you dream about a kiss:

  • with a loved one - he will deceive you;
  • with someone else’s boy - to flirting and coquetry;
  • with a deceased husband or fiance - you will unravel someone’s secret;
  • with a friend you like - to pleasant communication with him;
  • with a stranger you like - to a new acquaintance;
  • with the enemy - to establish peace between you;
  • kissing a friend’s boyfriend means an unpleasant showdown with her.