Benefits and compensation for large families. Benefits and compensation for low-income families. Regional maternity capital

In order to increase the birth rate and increase the number of residents in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra, a system of child benefits is provided to help families with children. Social payments and benefits for families with children make it possible to provide the child with necessary food, things, and provide the child with school items for his education. Possibility to receive compensation if the child was not accepted into kindergarten.

The government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug provides additional financial assistance large families, which can be aimed at improving the quality of housing where the family lives, providing quality education at a university or other educational institution, and receiving additional medical care. Separate payments are also provided for families from the indigenous peoples of the north.

BenefitPayment amountDocuments
613.14 RURThe same package of documents is submitted as for maternity benefits
Additionally - a certificate from the antenatal clinic or another medical organization who registered the woman
100% of average earnings for the previous 2 years or according to the minimum wage (if earnings were less).

Officially, the unemployed benefit is calculated based on 613.14 rubles per month.
For students - in the amount of a scholarship.

1. sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
2. a certificate calculating the amount of earnings from other places of work - if any.

The full list can be found in the corresponding article.

RUB 16,350.33 per child
40% of average earnings for the previous 2 years, but not less:
    RUB 3,065.69 - for the first child;
    6,131.37 ₽ - for the second and subsequent ones.

    Maximum size benefits - 23,089.04 ₽.
    Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during maternity leave are paid benefits in the amount of 40% of average earnings.

    Maximum amount paid by authorities social protection population -
    12,262.76 RUR.

Application, in free form, for taking leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old;
Application for accrual of payments;
A certificate stating that the second parent has not applied for and is not receiving the same benefit;

The full list of documents can be found in the corresponding article.

50 ₽

In some regions, upon the birth of a third and subsequent children, large families are paid benefits in the amount of the minimum wage for children up to 3 years of age.

1. Passport with registration
2. Child's birth certificate
3. Extract from the work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure
4. Order on granting parental leave
5. Certificate from authorities civil service employment of the population about non-receipt of unemployment benefits
6. Certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence in another subject Russian Federation about what public service was not provided at the applicant’s place of residence.

Regional payments to children in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Payments and benefits for families are prescribed in the following laws:

  • dated July 7, 2004 No. 45-oz “On support of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”;
  • dated December 2, 2005 No. 115-oz “On measures to ensure the rights of disabled children to upbringing, training and education, the rights of disabled people to education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”;
  • dated June 09, 2009 No. 86 - OZ “On additional guarantees and additional measures social support orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, adoptive parents, foster parents, foster carers and teachers of family-type orphanages in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra";
  • dated October 28, 2011 No. 100-oz “On additional measures to support families with children in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.”

To receive regional payments, you need to collect the main package of documents:

  • parent's passport,
  • child’s birth certificate issued by the Civil Registry Office in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra,
  • certificate of family composition,
  • marriage or divorce certificate.

Also, do not forget to make copies of documents.

One-time benefit for the birth of a second child

One-time benefit for the simultaneous birth of two or more children

Monthly allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years and from 3 to 4 years

Monthly allowance for child(ren)

Monthly social benefit for children who have lost their breadwinner

Social benefits for disabled children

Monthly compensation for disabled children

Other compensation for a disabled child

One-time benefit for the birth of the third, fourth, etc. children

Monthly allowance for large families

Benefit for the birth of the first child within two years from the date of marriage registration

Benefit when a child (or children) enters first grade

Benefit for the birth of a child by citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North

A guide for preparing a child from a large family for the start of the school year

Monthly payment to families upon the birth of their third or subsequent children

One-time cash payment

Benefits and compensation for large families

Families are considered to have many children if three or more children who are under 18 years of age live with their parents.

Large families can apply for the following benefits:

  • Possibility to pay only 50% of the amount for utilities (gas supply, water supply, electricity supply, etc.)
  • Receive free medications prescribed by doctors and purchased in pharmacies for children under 6 years of age.
  • First of all, admit children to kindergartens.
  • Opportunity to visit museums, cultural and recreation parks, and exhibitions held by cultural institutions once a month for free Autonomous Okrug. Also sports facilities for sports.
  • Compensation for travel expenses for children to places of recreation or recreation, and back.

To receive social compensation, a large family must provide a certificate confirming that the family is large. This certificate is issued by the government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug-Ugra.

Benefits and compensation for low-income families

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug provides additional benefits for low-income families. Such families can receive one-time assistance so that the family becomes self-sufficient. In addition, payments are provided in case of difficult situations.

To receive benefits, you must provide a passport, a document confirming that you live in the Autonomous Okrug, and proof that the family is low-income.

Regional maternity capital in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The right to provide regional maternity capital is regulated by the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “On additional measures to support families with children in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”.

You can receive Ugra family capital only once. It is awarded to persons who reside in the Autonomous Okrug and meet the following requirements:

  • Women who gave birth to their third, fourth, fifth, etc. child since 2012. Or they decided to adopt a child who will become the third, fourth, etc. in the family. But the child must be registered in the registry office of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra.
  • Men who are the sole guardians of the third, fourth, etc. child born since 2012.

This does not take into account children in respect of whom people claiming maternity capital, deprived of parental rights.

If a woman who claims to receive Ugra family capital dies, is deprived of parental rights or is declared incompetent, then this right passes to the child’s father or his adoptive parent.

If a man claiming payment of Ugra family capital (this right was transferred to him after the death or recognition of the child’s mother as incompetent) dies, is deprived of parental rights, and is declared incompetent, then he can receive the payment minor child or an adult who is studying full-time. But the child must be no older than 23 years old.

The additional material payment has a fixed amount, which is 100,000 rubles. When receiving it, you must indicate where these funds will be sent.

Ugra maternity capital can be directed to:

  • To improve the quality of housing in which the family lives. Make repairs or purchase a new property. A prerequisite for purchase is that housing must be located on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug.
  • For the education of a child or parent. Funds are allocated for training in educational institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, these funds can be obtained for the formation of the first, second, etc. child. But the child’s age should not exceed 23 years before starting school.
  • For a child or parent to receive specialized medical care.

To receive Yugra maternity capital, you must provide the following documents with their copies: passport, document confirming actual residence in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, application for payment.

An application for receiving family capital in the region is considered within 30 days from the date of its submission.

Compensation for failure to provide a place in kindergarten

When a child reaches 1.5 years of age, he can be enrolled in a kindergarten. If there is no place for a child in kindergarten, then in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug compensation in the amount of 6,286 rubles is paid. Payments occur every month until the child enters kindergarten or reaches the age of three.

If there is not enough space in kindergarten for two children, then the amount is doubled, and for three children it is tripled.

Upon reaching the age of three, the payment amount is 3,000 rubles until the child turns 4 years old. From the age of four, payments stop even if the child does not go to kindergarten.

Compensation is paid to working and non-working mothers.

Payments are made if the child is not accepted into state kindergartens. This does not apply to private kindergartens.

If a child was given a place in kindergarten, but the parents refused him for some reason, then benefits continue to accrue.

To receive compensation, you must provide the following documents with photocopies: parents’ passports, the child’s birth certificate, a document confirming that you live in the Autonomous Okrug, a written application for compensation, a certificate that the child is in line for a place in kindergarten, but he doesn't go there.

Application for compensation with necessary documents provided to social support agencies.

The capital can be used for gasification of any housing - not only in the private sector, but also in high-rise buildings. In addition, we plan to lift other restrictions. Today, maternity capital cannot be used until the child reaches three years of age. Meanwhile, when gasification of a settlement is underway, money is required immediately. Deferred individual project may require additional investments. In the interests of large families, we will exclude the age norm from the law, and they will be able to use maternity capital at the moment when it is necessary,” said Vladimir Kupriyanov.

It's the same with fertility. Naturally, it will fall. After all, 25-27 year old women, which get married and have children, at this age it becomes smaller. This is due not so much to the socio-economic situation, although this also cannot be denied, but to changes in the structure of the population. This will continue until modern population policies reach a surge.

As of 2017, in Bashkiria you can get dozens of types of benefits, subsidies and payments - it’s easy to get confused. Most of the benefits are social: these are both one-time and monthly payments.

If we simply increase aid, we will get some increase in births. But this will most likely affect rural areas and that part of the population for whom 200-300 rubles of aid is a lot of money. It is also necessary to stimulate those who earn more than the average salary.

Currently, another important issue is being resolved - the return of the monthly payment at the birth of the third and subsequent children in the family. The state treasury stopped co-financing this article due to the fact that the demographic situation in the Omsk region has improved. The region received its last funds in 2016. The authorities are doing everything to return this norm next year.

But since families living in apartment buildings also experience a similar need, the authorities decided to meet them halfway.

In 2016, the birth rate decreased in Belarus: 117,779 children were born, 1,249 less than in 2015. And before that, for five years we observed an increase in the birth rate. The birth rate of the first and second children has fallen, and the birth rate of the third, fourth and fifth has increased. In an interview with, Anastasia Bobrova, head of the socio-demographic policy sector at the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences, analyzes the figures and explains the features of the demographic situation in Belarus.

Today, more than 26 thousand large families live in the Omsk region, almost nine thousand of them are in Omsk. For the birth of the third or next child families are awarded regional maternity capital, the amount of which is 138,266 rubles. Maternity capital money can be used to improve living conditions, get a child’s education, and also gasify housing. This year, 121 large families have already taken advantage of this opportunity.

— I am categorically against banning abortions, since they will do it anyway. But in terrible conditions, which will lead to maternal mortality and unknown consequences for fertility. Abortions do not affect the demographic situation. According to surveys, young people now put family first. That is, there is hope that if family is a value for young people, this will affect the birth rate.

The minister said that the regional government plans to maintain all existing social support measures, including preferential travel. Currently social spending in the budget of the Omsk region exceed seventy percent. More than 520 thousand residents of the Irtysh region receive various benefits.

Benefits for large families 2017 in Moscow where to find out the list. Main news today 09/08/2017

4. Low-income families They can also apply for a monthly regional benefit: it will be 318.78 rubles, 637.56 rubles. – if the mother is raising children alone, 478.17 rubles. – if the second parent does not pay child support or is undergoing military service.

All families, regardless of their financial situation, can receive compensation for paying for kindergarten. Depending on the region of the republic, different amounts of payment for kindergarten are established, but the amount of compensation is always the same - 20% for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for the third.

— This is how the statistics turned out, but we are talking about different age groups. Because you need to look at whether this is a first marriage or a second marriage, who these people are. For example, the age at first marriage has remained virtually unchanged over the past few years – it is 27 years old. And the age at which people get remarried has increased by a year: women - at 38 years old, men - at 41. Again, the number of those who got married for the first time is 75%. This is good. We can't say that family tradition Belarusians somehow broke down. Another thing is that the number of divorces has begun to increase among those who have been married for two to four years. The next period, in divorces, is after 10-14 years of marriage. In both cases there is a remarriage and a child in it.

- I can’t say why exactly there. There are regions where the influence of one or another religious denomination is felt. People deliberately give birth to five children. Perhaps the age structure of women plays a role, perhaps the availability of work - for example, they found work here and moved from other regions. But there is no special policy aimed at fertility in Bragin.

— Last year, 77 women gave birth between the ages of 45 and 49 women. Moreover, ten of them are first-born. Does this indicate a change in consciousness or trust in medicine?

2. the family must be recognized by law as in need of improved housing conditions, and must also have the means to purchase housing, in other words, the family must not be low-income;

— Firstly, medicine is now at a different level, sometimes it seems that care for pregnant women may even be excessive. Secondly, the mentality is changing – it’s no longer so scary. Thirdly, women who may not have wanted to give birth at all decided that all stages of life had been completed (study, career, etc.) and decided to try. Moreover, now there is reproductive medicine. Therefore, when 50 years ago a woman at that age could not even think about pregnancy, now she can afford it. There is hope for such women. But, naturally, we will not receive a massive influx of newborns. It’s another matter if at 30-35 they start giving birth to their first children, and at forty these will be their second and third children.

Families raising a disabled child can receive a free plot of land to build a house. There are several conditions: the plot is given to families recognized as needy; the age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years. Also, large families raising three or more children can receive land for the construction of a private house. Details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Land and property relations republics (hyperlink).

- About fifteen years. Again, it is necessary to take into account the influence of European trends and the general global demographic transition - an increase in the age of first marriage and the birth of the first child. This is already noticeable in women between 30 and 40 years old. We say that we have introduced family capital. There is a certain effect from this, if we talk about second, third and fourth children. But women begin to give birth to their first child at this age, which indicates a more conscious approach to having a child.

Benefits for mothers of many children in 2017 amount. All news.

It would be a good idea for women to introduce flexible employment: they give birth, but know that after a year and a half they can easily combine time off to care for a child and work. For this we need a nursery, which they so far do not want to do. And the appearance of nurseries might also contribute to the birth rate, since mothers would become more active, and the increase in child benefits does not suit everyone - it is more profitable and easier for them to go to work. An increase in aid by 10 rubles is not an incentive.

4. The size of maternity capital in Bashkiria in 2017 is 453 thousand rubles. It can be used by parents who will give birth to or adopt a second or subsequent child, but are resorting to this type of assistance for the first time.

— In 2015, 82 thousand couples got married in Belarus, and a year later, only 64 thousand. How can one explain such a jump down? How will this affect fertility?

— Why is the number of those who decide to give birth to their first child falling in Belarus? In 2016, 2,394 fewer first children were born!

“We discussed this issue with the public and conducted a survey of parents with many children. More than 67 percent were in favor of a one-time cash payment of 4,500 rubles. Nevertheless, we plan to leave the residents of the Omsk region the right to choose. Let each family decide how it is more convenient for them to receive benefits - once a year or every month,” explained the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the region, Vladimir Kupriyanov.

1. Child care up to 1.5 years: RUB 3,525.54. – for the first child, 7051.08 rubles – for the second child and subsequent children;

- Men of working age, men from - the target group on which the state focuses in prevention plan And medical examinations. I hope that there will be an effect from promoting a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, according to statistics healthy image Only 8.5% of women and 7% of men lead lives. This is, of course, very little.

Benefits and benefits for large families in 2017, what help. Hot news.

The administration of Khanty-Mansiysk admits that will not be able to provide all large families with land plots in the near future. In search of an alternative they are offered replacing the provision of a plot with social payments in the form of subsidies. However, large families believe that this support measure is aimed at driving large families into debt bondage, the correspondent reports .

State program "Cooperation" by providing subsidies for large families for the purchase of housing instead of providing them with a plot of land in their ownership began to operate in Ugra with. Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Natalia Komarova commenting on the adopted initiative of the district, she noted that to take advantage of alternative measure state support will be able to . While in 2015 get land plots could only 173 families.

Such a serious difference in numbers is due to the relief features of the region. Large families cannot get a plot somewhere in the forest or in a swamp. By law, the authorities are required to provide land with all communications suitable for construction and living. There are much fewer such plots in the district than there are large families. As a consequence - huge queues of people wishing to receive benefits.

"To provide everyone with land plots for individual housing construction, unfortunately, it's simply impossible. Since Khanty-Mansiysk has a complex terrain, as well as due to its geographical location does not have enough land suitable for construction", explained the head of the land department of the department municipal property Khanty-Mansiysk Natalya Nikitina.

It is for this reason that large families in Khanty-Mansiysk are persistently offered to take money instead of land. Today, the authorities of the district capital will once again hold a meeting with families with many children, where they will talk about how to take advantage of the benefit. The event will take place at the Druzhba sports complex. Currently in Khanty-Mansiysk the queue for obtaining a land plot is 414 large families.

The procedure for receiving a subsidy is of an application nature. Families with many children who are registered as wishing to purchase land plots free of charge for individual housing construction can take advantage of this type of social support. until April 2, 2016 inclusive.

The amount of the subsidy will vary depending on the length of residence in the district, the number of children, and family members. As reported in the subsidies department of the Housing Administration of the Department of Municipal Property of Khanty-Mansiysk, the subsidy in each individual case is calculated according to a formula. The minimum number of years lived in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is five years. The coefficient from this time is 0.4. Minimum family composition - five people. 18 sq. m of total living space multiplied by each family member and by the average market value of one square meter in the district - 42 thousand 373 rub. Multiplied by the coefficient itself. And and by 0.30. Minimum size the subsidy for five people is therefore 457 thousand 628 rubles. The maximum subsidy amount for five people is 1 million 140 thousand rubles.

The subsidy can be used to purchase housing, pay off debt, build housing, or make a down payment. There's just one "but" - according to the conditions established by the district building department, Large families of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug can purchase housing only in new buildings. In Khanty-Mansiysk, the minimum cost of a one-room apartment in a new building is about 3 million rubles. Some large families believe that this benefit only drives them into debt bondage.

“The purpose of this subsidy is to increase the square meters, but there is a catch - the square meters must be in the new building. At one of the meetings I proposed give this million to families with many children so that we can buy the land ourselves. To which the answer was given: it is impossible to do that. Large families already have no money, but we are still being driven into mortgage bondage,” says a Khantymansi resident Ramis Rashitovich.

Another resident of the district capital is also critical of the benefit. Oleg Vizagolov also believes that the provided benefit is an easy way to drive yourself into mortgage bondage.

“You can’t buy land with this compensation. Officials motivate this by the fact that By purchasing land we will not improve our living conditions. As if by giving us land in a certain number of years, we will improve living conditions. This is an easy way to drive yourself into mortgage bondage,” said Oleg Vizgalov, a resident of Khanty-Mansiysk.

The district construction department explained that the requirement to purchase housing in new buildings is due to the fact that large families purchase high-quality housing that will not require repairs of basic structures or major repairs for a long time.

“The minimum subsidy amount is when a person has lived in the district for only five years. There are few of these in the queue. Because the queue has been formed since 2011 and subsidies are provided to those citizens who joined the queue no later than April 2016. That is, there are practically no such citizens who have lived in the district for a long time. Basically, everyone’s subsidies are larger, that is approaching 10 years", the district construction department reported.

Despite doubts and hesitations among large families, there is still a demand for the benefit. In 2016, Khanty-Mansiysk decided to improve their living conditions 13 families. In 2017, an application for benefits was submitted by 22 families. Applications are still being accepted.

One of the priority items of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug budget for 2017 is social support for families with children. The region should be looked up to in terms of organizing assistance to the local population. The management of the joint-stock company is trying not only to improve the standard of living of local parents with children, but also support the small peoples of the North.

Propaganda is underway in Ugra various forms placement of children in a family. The list of child benefits in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is extremely wide. They are divided into:

  • federal(from the state treasury) and regional(from the district budget);
  • monthly, annual and one-time.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Khanty-Mansiysk

State benefits, which are paid according to Federal law No. 81-FZ dated 05/19/1995, from 02/01/2017 were increased by an inflation factor of 1.054(Resolution).

Federal payments are distributed according to the principle categoricality, that is, they are paid to a certain category of citizens (pregnant women, mothers in labor, mothers of children under 1.5 years old).

On the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are laws that apply not only to wages, but also to child benefits. Their meanings:

  • 1.7 - for areas north of 60 degrees. for the period of field development for oil workers, gas workers, geologists, topographers, builders;
  • 1.5 - for areas north of 60 degrees. with developed deposits for designers, prospectors, and research institute workers; north of 62 degrees. - for geologists, topographers;
  • 1.3 - in the rest of the territory for most specialties.

Table of state benefits for children in 2017

Name of federal benefit Benefit amount, rub.
at the federal level from 02/01/2017 VKhanty-Mansiyskand areas north of 60° (+70%) for areas north of 60°(+50%) for other territories (+30%)
613,14 1042,34 919,72 756,25
, 16350,33 27795,57 24525,50 21255,43
25892,46 44017,18 38838,69 33660,20
  • 3065.69 - for the first
  • 5211,67 4598,53 3985,39
  • 6131,37 -
  • 10423,33 9197,06 7970,78
    11096,76 18864,50 16645,15 14425,79

    Regional child benefits in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug

    The payment of most regional benefits is regulated by documents:

    • Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra No. 45-oz dated 07.07.2004 “On supporting family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood”;
    • By Decree of the District Government No. 371-p dated October 13, 2011. “On the appointment and payment of benefits, monthly cash payments to citizens with children (...)”.

    General provisions regarding regional social benefits:

    • To process the vast majority of payments Russian citizenship of the applicant is required.
    • Benefits are paid to one of the parents or persons replacing them (except for).
    • Mandatory cohabitation applicant with a child on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, for most benefits - at least 10 years(all periods of life are taken into account).
    • You can submit documents through your local Center social payments(Social Security), multifunctional center (MFC) or government services portal.
    • Benefits are assigned starting from the month of application.

    When paying benefits, they are taken into account. Among them: low per capita income, lack of employment due to the need to care for a small child, and the presence of several minor dependents.

    Basic package of documents for applying for benefits includes:

    1. applicant's passport;
    2. child’s birth certificate (a court decision on adoption that has entered into force);
    3. information about the child’s Russian citizenship;
    4. certificate of family composition (cohabitation);
    5. marriage or divorce certificate (if the surnames of the applicant and the child do not match).

    Monthly child benefit (regional)

    If the average per capita income of each family member is below the subsistence level established in the region, then one of the parents can apply for monthly allowance for everyone natural, adopted, guardian or adopted child.

    • Installed for children under 16 years old(up to 18 years old, if you have not graduated from school).
    • The benefit can be issued by Russians and foreign citizens, stateless persons, and refugees.
    • A 10-year period of residence in the region is not required for this.
    No. 45-oz dated 07/07/2004
    Size 861 rub.
    Required documents
    • general documents;
    • information about income;
    • a certificate stating that the child is 16-18 years old and is studying at school;
    • if necessary - an agreement on the creation of a foster family, a decision of the guardianship council to transfer the child into guardianship;
    • residence permit (if the applicant is a foreign citizen) or refugee certificate
    • Recommended for 3 months. from the date of birth of the child in the family (then the benefit is assigned from the month of birth/adoption).
    • Payment is assigned for a year, then you need to re-submit income documents.

    The benefit is subject to a regional coefficient, so its size may differ in different areas and localities within the district.

    Monthly cash payment for the 3rd and next child

    If the average per capita family income does not exceed that established in the PM region, then at the birth of the third (next) child between 01/01/2013 and 12/31/2017, one of the parents has the right to apply for a special payment.

    • When applying for benefits adopted children are taken into account, wards are not taken into account.
    • Provided until the child reaches age 3 years.
    • Payment is assigned to the family once regardless of the number of children.

    Children's primary care in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is established in accordance with Art. 5 of Law No. 24-oz dated 04/05/2013 annually until November 1 of the year preceding the application for payment. According to Law No. 71-oz of September 27, 2015, the monthly subsistence minimum per child in the region in 2016 is RUB 12,975

    If a family has the right to simultaneously receive this payment, a monthly payment for a child and a local social payment for the care of a child from 1.5 to 4 years old, the applicant has the right to choose only one type of benefit.

    • According to Presidential Decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012, this payment is intended improve the demographic situation in the regions of the Russian Federation. However, the birth rate in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug over the past three years is already 16.3-16.5 newborns per 1000 inhabitants. This is significantly higher than the Russian average (13.3 children per 1000).
    • Therefore, for the region, payment for the 3rd child is not mandatory from the point of view of federal law and is not co-financed from the state budget. The district leadership introduced it on its own initiative to support parents with many children. Funds are provided only from the district budget.

    One-time benefit for the birth of a child

    Parents every baby born in the region there is an additional local payment. Conditions for its registration:

    • The child must be registered with the registry office of Ugra.
    • Issued for each eligible newborn.
    • If parents have several reasons for applying for benefits at the same time, they can choose only one.
    What law establishes No. 45-oz dated 07/07/2004
    • 5,000 rub. - upon the birth of the first child within two years from the date of marriage registration;
    • 10,000 rub. - at the birth of a second child (regardless of how long ago the marriage was registered);
    • 15,000 rub. - upon the birth of the third and subsequent children;
    • 15,000 rub. - at the birth of twins, triplets;
    • 20,000 rub. - for every child born to representatives of small indigenous peoples of the North
    What documents are required?
    • main package;
    • marriage certificate (for payment upon the birth of a child within 2 years after marriage);
    • birth certificates of previous children;
    • extract from the register of traditional environmental use (for the indigenous population of Ugra)
    • within one and a half years (for payments to representatives of indigenous peoples of the North);
    • within a year after the birth of the child - the rest

    To receive benefits in a special size, a representative of the northern people must have the status of a subject of the right to traditional use of natural resources. He does not need to prove residence in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for 10 years.

    Monthly allowance for child care from 1.5 to 4 years

    Due to the imperfection of the preschool education system, children cannot always get a place in kindergarten until their mother returns from maternity leave, and the state benefits on parental leave from 1.5 to 3 years. Therefore, the KhMAO administration has developed an additional support measure for mothers of children 1.5-4 years old, subject to the following conditions:

    • children no place available in kindergarten;
    • the average per capita family income is below the minimum established in Ugra (low-income family);
    • The payment is subject to increasing regional coefficients.

    An important feature is that the payment is not provided for each child, but one per family regardless of the number of children 1.5-3 years old and 3-4 years old.

    Monthly allowance for parents with many children

    The benefit can be applied for by a parent with many children, regardless of income, for each child under 18 years of age - natural, adopted, or taken into custody.

    • The benefit is not issued to children from foster families.
    • It is provided if children live with their parents or at their place of study.
    • The applicant must live permanently in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, but the 10-year period is not required.

    As in most other regions of Russia, a family with many children in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is read with three or more children up to 18 years of age (by relatives, adopted children, taken into guardianship).

    Large families region, additional social support measures are being established:

    • Monthly 50% compensation for utility bills according to the standards for one residential premises (for large families, as well as for those awarded the Order or Medal “Parental Glory”).
    • Priority admission of children to kindergartens.
    • Opportunity to visit museums, sporting events, and recreation parks for free once a month.
    • Compensation for expenses up to 7,000 rubles. for children’s travel to and from their holiday destination once every two years (Resolution No. 421-p dated 10/09/2013)

    Monthly benefits and compensation for a disabled child

    Monthly social benefit is provided to the parent of a disabled child who has Russian citizenship, regardless of family income. It is being processed for every disabled child in the family.

    The regional government is trying to create conditions for children with disabilities to attend kindergartens and receive education in schools. For those who cannot attend educational organizations, training is organized at home or in medical institutions.

    What law establishes Laws of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug:
    • No. 115-oz 02.12.2005 “On measures to ensure the rights of children with disabilities to upbringing, training and education (...)”
    Size RUB 1,688 - monthly allowance

    Monthly compensation:

    • RUB 2,447 - for home education of every child 3-7 years old who does not attend kindergarten, and an uneducated child 7-18 years old;
    • RUB 1,231 and 5,979 rub. - for independent home education of a child aged 6-18 years old, respectively, from rural and urban areas (paid during the academic year);
    • up to 1,863 rub. - to pay for the Internet (based on actual costs for the academic year)

    Other compensations:

    • up to 6,177 rub. - annual fee for the services of a translator-dactylologist (based on actual costs);
    • up to 124 rub. - one-time fee for connecting to the Internet for distance learning of a child 5-18 years old (actual costs);
    • RUB 3,727 and 5,962 rubles. - annual for purchase educational literature for those receiving vocational and higher education, respectively
    Required documents
    • birth (adoption) certificates of other children in the family;
    • MSEC conclusion on assigning disability to a child;
    • confirmation of Internet costs;
    • general set of documents
    Deadline As the grounds arise

    To apply for these benefits and compensation, a parent is not required to have lived in the region for 10 years.

    Monthly survivor benefit

    The payment is made by the child's second parent, regardless of his income. The applicant can be not only a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also of another state, a stateless person, or have refugee status, while a 10-year period of residence in the region is not required.

    Monthly payment for the maintenance of orphans placed in families for upbringing

    Orphans, as well as those left without parental care, their guardians (trustees), adoptive parents, foster parents, foster carers, as well as teachers of family-type orphanages, are provided with additional social guarantees in the form of monthly payments.

    • They are issued until the child's 18th birthday(until his 23rd birthday when he is in school) regardless of the form of placement in the family.
    • Foster parents, foster carers and family-type orphanages are provided with additional monthly remuneration.
    What law establishes Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra No. 86-oz dated 06/09/2009 “On additional guarantees and additional measures of social support for orphans and children left without parental care (...)”

    Monthly payments for child support:

    • RUB 22,446.75 - for one child under 6 years of age (1.73 from the children's monthly subsistence minimum for 2016);
    • 29,972.25 rub. - from 6 to 14 years (2.31 from PM);
    • RUB 37,497.75 - from 14 to 16 years (2.89 from PM);
    • 2.5 from the monthly minimum for the working population - persons from 16 to 18 years old.

    Remuneration for foster parents and educators:

    • RUB 5,919 for each child;
    • RUB 1,361 - additional payment for each child under 3 years old;
    • RUB 2,071 - additionally for each disabled child or with a chronic disease;
    • RUB 1,775 - surcharge for each child over 12 years old
    Required documents
    • main set;
    • certificate of pension insurance of the applicant;
    • decision of the guardianship council to transfer the child into guardianship (agreement on foster family, patronage);
    • certificate of school attendance (for children over 18 years old)
    Deadline After handing over the child to the family

    The living wage (LS) for the working population in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is 14,963 rubles. as of Q4 2015

    Orphans and those left without parental care are provided with a wide range of other benefits, payments, as well as social, property and medical guarantees in accordance with Law No. 86-oz of 06/09/2009.

    One-time allowance for preparation for school

    Parents of children entering to first grade, have the right to lump sum allowance to prepare for school, provided that the average per capita income for each family member does not exceed 1.5 PM.

    For parents with many children (legal representatives of children), this benefit is provided in a special form. They can arrange it annually before the start of the school year, if the average per capita income is below 1.5 subsistence minimum. Applies to schoolchildren and students in vocational schools.

    • The payment is made after the child has been accepted into school.
    • Benefits can be issued for each child in the family who is preparing for school.
    • Established for natural, foster, ward and adopted children.
    • The school the child is enrolled in must be located on the territory of Ugra.
    • To apply for benefits, the child must live either with the applicant or at the place of study.
    What law establishes No. 45-oz dated 07/07/2004
    • RUB 7,975 - when a first-grader enters school;
    • RUB 11,180 - upon admission to the first grade of a child of parents with many children;
    • RUB 7,453 - for each schoolchild from a large family, as well as a student of an educational institution providing vocational training
    Required documents
    • confirmation of the child’s enrollment in first grade or school attendance;
    • birth (adoption) certificates of previous children (if a parent with many children is applying for payment);
    • documents on parents’ income for 3 months;
    • general documents
    Deadline Until the end of the calendar year

    If parents have two reasons for applying for benefits for one student, they can choose only one.

    In addition to cash benefits for purchases for the academic year, schoolchildren and students of vocational training institutions are provided free meals in educational institutions. It applies to students in cases and in the manner established by local government authorities.

    Regional maternity capital

    The right to an additional measure of support - Ugra family capital - is received by the mother third or next child in a family born between 01/01/2012 and 12/31/2016. The baby must be registered in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

    • Family capital is also issued for adopted children.
    • The family has the right to payment once.
    • Maternal capital can be issued by the adoptive parent or the father of the child if the mother has died, been deprived of parental rights, or been declared incompetent.

    Spending of maternity capital is permitted for the following purposes:

    • Improving living conditions.
    • Education for children and parents (adoptive parents).
    • Receiving medical care for any family member.

    Other types of assistance for families with children

    In the field of family and child health, residents of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are provided with the following assistance:

    • Free consultations on family planning, socially significant diseases, psychology family life, genetic consultations and examinations to prevent genetic abnormalities in offspring.
    • For nursing mothers from families with an average per capita income below the subsistence minimum - free medicine and food in accordance with the approved list.
    • Children under 3 years of age from families with an average per capita income below the subsistence minimum are provided with free dairy and medicinal products, medications.


    The system of benefits and payments to families with children in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is unique.

    • in the region there are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North;
    • child care benefits have no analogues in the Russian Federation;
    • p also works, which will affect children born in families before December 31, 2016.

    To complete each benefit many factors are taken into account(Russian citizenship, length of residence in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, average monthly income). The district provides much better rights and needs than other regions.