Australian model with Down syndrome Madeline Stewart. A famous model with Down syndrome tried on a wedding dress

The story of an 18-year-old Australian girl Madeline Stuart literally blew up the Internet. girl with Down syndrome She has not only learned to live fully, despite her illness, but also has ambitious plans for the future. Lost 20 kg thanks to healthy eating and fitness classes, she decided to become model!

Finding your calling in life is not easy for people with special needs. Sometimes they have to fight not only their own illness, but also those stereotypes that are firmly rooted in society. Rosanna, Madeline's mother, has suffered a lot over the years, often having to deal with biased attitude to your daughter, to endure feigned sympathy from friends and casual acquaintances. In fact, the woman is convinced that she has best child in the world, and that on Madeline's birthday she won a lucky ticket.

Rosanna always told her daughter that she was the most beautiful, cheerful, smart, kind and charming. And she was right: the girl grew up responsive, sincere and sociable. Madeline has been interested in sports since childhood; for several years she has been dancing, swimming, and enjoys playing basketball and cricket. As a teenager, she realized that she needed to fight excess weight and began to adhere to healthy image life: eats right, goes to the gym 5 times a week. The result was not long in coming - Madeline managed to lose 20 kg!

Having achieved this result, Madeline decided that she wanted to become a model. Now she is actively searching for agencies that would like to work with this type of model. The girl believes that this is a great way to fight against prejudice and discrimination that exists in society towards people with a similar diagnosis. Rosanna is confident that if her daughter's dream comes true, she will win millions of hearts and teach people what is truly important.

Madeleine Stewart is an eighteen-year-old girl from Brisbane, Australia, who suffers from Down syndrome. At the same time, she follows her dream of becoming a model and does not take no for an answer.

Are modeling careers and Down syndrome compatible?

In fact, she has already managed to exceed all expectations, both her own and the public's as a whole. She hopes her success will have a major impact on the modeling industry, as well as the way society views people with Down syndrome.
On her Facebook page, a world-famous social network, Madeleine wrote that she decided to become a model because she believed that going out in public would allow her to gain recognition.

A look at people with disabilities

The girl's mother, Rosanna, said her daughter was overweight as a teenager but had gained confidence and lost weight through dancing, swimming and cheerleading over the past few years. Rosanna believes that it is high time for everyone to understand: people with Down syndrome can be attractive, beautiful, they are no worse than others and deserve the same attention and treatment. Rosanna also noted that times have changed a lot since Madeline was born. She remembers how narrow-minded people, when they saw her child in a stroller, told her that she shouldn’t show up with him. public places.
And although times in general have indeed changed, and opinions regarding people with mental or physical disabilities are no longer so critical, many still think that people with Down syndrome are practically a different species. But Roseanne claims that this is not true. She believes that people with this syndrome can do absolutely all the same things, but only at their own pace. Rosanna hopes for the success of her daughter's modeling project. She believes it will remind people to think big and not to underestimate those who suffer from the disease.

Madeline Stuart suffers not only from Down syndrome, but also from endocarditis. But that didn't stop her from making her New York Fashion Week debut with sparkling boys on either side.

We wrote earlier that in New York (New York Fashion Week) in September, and now we have a debut! The 18-year-old Australian took the runway at Grand Central Vanderbeet Hall as part of a showcase of international designers.

Before the show, Maddie’s mother said: “Madeline is very happy. It’s great that we have this opportunity to communicate our beliefs about development.” The young model may be a woman of few words, but she has no problems working on the catwalk.

The audience applauded when the graceful red-haired girl paraded with two young men. The fashion show in a sparkling floor-length dress made everyone hold their breath.

But her final appearance caused frantic delight. Wearing a black T-shirt with the words "I Am NYFW" (I am New York Fashion Week), she called her mother Roseanne Stewart to the catwalk, hugged her and kissed her. “It was great,” Muddy said after the show, “I feel good!”

Madeline has always loved fashion and the fashion industry, and when her mother posted some photos of her from a photo shoot on Facebook, she became famous. Her glory follows her! She already has more than 500 thousand subscribers on Facebook, and she will continue her modeling career in Sweden and Russia.

Her mother, Rosanna, believes that people have become more open, so it became possible for her daughter to choose a career in modeling. “She worked hard for this! People with Down syndrome can achieve anything,” says Rosanna, “I would like to convey to people that a book cannot be judged by its cover. All you have to do is show love, acceptance and kindness. That's all we need. Of course, being a model is great, but it's just a way to convey a message. I think that's why Muddy did so well. It’s not about us, it’s about fighting for all those who are different from most people and need love and acceptance.”

Meet Madeline Stuart, an 18-year-old from Brisbane, Australia, who is determined to revolutionize the fashion world. A year ago, she was an ordinary, homely girl with Down syndrome, but then Madeleine decided to get herself in order, went on a diet and took up fitness. With the help of great desire and willpower, she was able to take control of her life and turn into a beauty. She is currently in search of a modeling agent who could turn her dream of becoming a professional model into a reality.

Madeleine used to look like this

But then she took care of herself, went on a diet and started doing fitness. Using this simple method, she lost 9.5 kg.

Now Australian Madeleine Stewart looks like this

With the help of her mother Rosanna, Madeleine was able to take control of her life and is currently taking the fashion world by storm with all her might.

"Maddie was never selfish and always cared about others. If someone fell while playing basketball, she would immediately stop playing and try to help," said Rosanna, Madeline's mother.

"Maddie used to deal with stress by eating a lot of food, it became a habit, and this vicious cycle just needed to be broken. I gave her the support she needed and after a few months, she was already developing new habits," said Rosanna

Madeleine now swims five times a week, cheerleading and hip-hop dancing, and takes cricket lessons to compete in competitions between people with disabilities.

With the help of Kickstarter, Madeleine hopes to find a modeling agent to start her modeling career as soon as possible, with the help of her best friend Jamie Lee and her boyfriend Robbie

"People with Down syndrome can do the same things as anyone else, they just do it at their own pace. Give them a chance and you will be rewarded."

"I think it's time people realized that people with Down syndrome can be sexy, beautiful, and famous," added mom Madeline

Behind destiny Madeline Stuart in the last year the whole world has been watching: first the girl lost 20 kg, dreaming of becoming a model, then she signed her first contract with an agency, and now she’s tried on wedding dress. It turned out that the image of a romantic bride suits her very well.

Madeleine Stewart has incredible willpower and determination. Despite the fact that she was born with Down syndrome, Madeleine leads an absolutely fulfilling life and by her example proves that such a diagnosis is by no means a death sentence. Thanks to her, thousands of people around the world looked differently at the problems of people with special needs and changed their attitude towards them.

Madeleine recently took part in a charming photo project from Sarah Houston, she tried on a snow-white wedding dress and felt like a bride. The idea of ​​the photo cycle is simple: the author wanted to show that absolutely all women (regardless of age, physique and physical health) are charming on such an important day for them. Glossy publications cultivate another stereotype: the bride should have a chiseled figure and doll-like facial features. Wedding dresses are advertised by professional models, so many girls simply don’t even want to wear such an outfit, for fear of looking “ridiculous” in the eyes of others.

Madeleine Stewart's photo shoot debunks the stereotype: the girl's image is intended to inspire brides all over the world to look at themselves differently. Every girl is beautiful, and the image of the cheerful and sparkling Madeleine serves as the best proof of this well-known thesis.

Despite the external lightness and airiness of the project, Rosanna - Madeleine's mother - was sincerely worried about how the filming would go. She was afraid that journalists would write that Madeleine had gotten married. Such news would immediately become a sensation and increase sales significantly. In the end, the woman calmed herself with the thought that her daughter should tell the world: such special people Like her, she also has feelings. They love their family, friends, and sooner or later a lover must appear in their lives.