Analytical report for the academic year in the first junior group. Report on the work done in the first junior group for the academic year Annual report of the 1st junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

MK preschool kindergarten "Beryozka"

for 2014-2015

1st junior group

Educator: Antonnikova. A.N

At the beginning of the year, there were 14 children in the first junior group (4 girls and 10 boys), at the end of the year there were 16 people (5 girls and 11 boys). One child did not attend kindergarten during the first half of the year (parental statement). After the new year, one the boy left because he was there temporarily, and a girl took his place.

All children successfully completed the adaptation period. They know and follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten, interact with peers and adults.

Self-education topic

Speech development for primary school children through the development of fine motor skills

Goal: formation of speech activity of young children through the development of fine motor skills

Participation in the work of the Ministry of Defense:

Attended classes of colleagues: open lesson on physical education Zainutdinova A, Kh “Use of non-standard equipment”, open lesson on mathematics (Bilyalova E, A) “Continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools”, “Your friend is a traffic light” (Kharitonova S.N), consultation (Tsetsenko.N.D) “The use of ICT in educational activities for speech development, workshop seminar (Kharitonova.S.N) “Methods of implementing the educational field “artistic and aesthetic development” within the framework of regime moments in kindergarten, open lesson in a nursery group (Koryakova.T.V), open dance class (Zubko.E.I), open math class (Shesternina.N.D), drawing club (Rozhkova.L.P), seminar “Use of ICT” (Furinova .T.V), teaching council “Development of speech of children in the conditions of Doe in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (Furinova.T.V).

Conducted an open lesson on the surrounding world “Vegetables and Fruits”.

Interaction with parents:

The following forms of interaction were used:

Group parent meetings;

· questioning;

· consultations and conversations;

· joint holding of events;

Work with parents in the group was carried out according to plan. 4 parent meetings were held: “Let's get to know each other? Adaptation of a child to kindergarten”, “Do you know your child”, “The influence of the development of fine and gross motor skills on the active speech of young children”, “Children’s stubbornness and whims. Results of the year."

Parents were consulted“How to teach a child to discipline”, “The problem of adapting a child to the conditions of a kindergarten”, “Games with a 2-3 year old child at home”, “How to spend a day off with a child”, “If your child often fights with children”, “The role of adults in the development of a child”, “Development of fine motor skills”, “Winter games and entertainment”, “The health of the child is in our hands”, “Child’s communication with adults”, “Why children are different”, “Relieving emotional stress through play activities ”, “A toy in a child’s life”, “Teaching a child to communicate”, “Sun, air and water are our best friends”, “The art of punishing and forgiving”, “Cultivating a communicative culture for young children”, “What to do in the summer”.

Health corner: “If you want to be healthy”, “Grow up healthy, baby”, “How can you make your child healthier”.

Crafts exhibition

“Autumn Opening Day”, “Father Frost’s Workshop”, “Easter Souvenir”.

Exhibition of drawings

“my dad is the best”, “the victory of my great-grandfathers is my victory.”

Together with their parents, they took part in the competition “building crafts from snow” on the territory of the kindergarten, landscaping and landscaping the territory of the kindergarten.

I consider the most interesting events in the life of the group to be the celebrations held together with parents “New Year”, March 8th.

Children's achievements

Starting %





87.50 12.50

At the beginning of September - 14 children (4 girls and 10 boys)

At the end of December 16 children (4 girls and 12 boys)

At the end of May, 16 children (5 girls and 11 boys)

At the beginning of the school year, the children's games were short-lived, the actions were sometimes chaotic: the children played on their own, performed 1-2 game actions, some children called themselves by their name (Nikita is carrying a car), and did not use substitute objects in the game.

By the end of the year, as gaming skills developed, play actions became more diverse, children learned to take on a play role, a certain logic began to be traced in the chain of play actions (preparing dinner, feeding, putting them to bed), the content of the game was enriched, all this created favorable conditions for the interaction of children in games.

All the children have started talking, I plan to continue working on the topic of self-education, individual work with children on speech development.


1. Not all parents listen to the advice of teachers and continue to violate the daily routine, bringing their children to kindergarten late.

2. The centers in the group are not fully staffed; the group’s toys, board-printed and didactic games need to be updated.


1. The children began to talk, almost all the children learned to undress and dress themselves.

2. Unconventional methods of working with children have been mastered (non-traditional drawing techniques: drawing with semolina, fingers, palms, cotton swabs).

Taking into account the successes and problems encountered this year, the following tasks are planned for next year:

1. Continue to create a healthy microclimate in the group.

2. Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas.

3. Improve work on interaction with parents on routine issues.

4. Continue to improve the subject-development environment in the group (purchase board and printed games, toys, equipment for new centers).

5. Increase the level of teaching skills by participating in seminars, master classes, and training in advanced training courses.

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development No. 2

Beloglinsky district"

Annual report about the work done.

First junior group "Teremok"

2015-2016 academic year.


Shalamova L.S.

Simonenko E.V.

S. White Clay.

Educational work in the group was based on the creation of a special subject-development environment, long-term and calendar planning in accordance with the annual tasks of the kindergarten. By planning educational work in a group, correctly distributing children’s activities throughout the day, taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of each child individually, we managed to achieve good results.

An analysis of the results of the year’s activities showed that the group has created fairly satisfactory conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

Educational activities in the group were carried out in the following educational areas: physical education, health, safety, socialization, labor, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music. To carry out high-quality work in these areas, the following educational means were used in their work: play, work activity, personal example of an adult, natural objects, the objective world. Forms of work: joint activities, work with parents, independent activities of children. After monitoring at the beginning of the year, surveying parents on the following topics:

“First time in kindergarten”, “Let’s get acquainted”, we found that only 15% of children are sociable and easily make contact. 20% of children play outdoor games, following the rules. Therefore, we planned work for the year. Throughout the school year, conditions were created to strengthen and preserve the health of children. Children were taught to wear lightweight clothing, were provided with time in the fresh air in accordance with the daily routine, and were encouraged to take an interest in physical exercise and outdoor games. Morning exercises lasting 8-10 minutes were carried out daily. Physical education classes were held 2 times a week in the kindergarten premises and 1 time a week outdoors, according to the OOD schedule. As a result of the work done, children learned to walk and run without bumping into each other, jump on two legs - in place and moving forward, run, throw and roll a ball, crawl on all fours, crawl through a log lying on the floor, crawl under a goal , rope, maintain balance when walking and running on a limited plane. At the end of the year, 80% of children easily make contact with the teacher and children, they have become sociable, quickly and correctly understand the rules of playing outdoor games.

At the beginning of the year, children began to instill cultural and hygienic skills through games and nursery rhymes. Doctor Aibolit came to visit the children, he taught the children to wash their hands when dirty and before eating, to wipe their faces and hands with a personal towel. Children have developed the skill of using individual objects - a handkerchief, a napkin, a comb.

The doll Mashenka came to the children, she showed the children basic table manners: using cutlery and napkins correctly, not crumbling bread, chewing food with your mouth closed, not talking with your mouth full. Dunno came to the group with the guys; he did not know how to undress on his own, together with the guys he learned to take off his clothes and hang them on a chair. If at the beginning of the year 80% of children did not know how to undress themselves or neatly fold their clothes, then after the work has been done, 70% of children undress on their own, turn them inside out, and fold their clothes. 30% of children cannot yet completely undress and dress without the help of an adult. Difficulties arise when unbuttoning buttons and fastening sandals. Work with such children was carried out individually, as well as conversations with parents.

Work on the surrounding world was carried out systematically and consistently: we introduced children to the objects of their immediate environment, to the phenomena of social life, and to the work of adults. At the beginning of the year, only 15% of children could name their first and last names. Over the course of the year, we created problematic situations: “I’m lost,” “Let’s help mom,” “Bunny is sick,” while the children played and memorized the rules of behavior in various situations. As a result, 75% of children distinguish and name toys, pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, vegetables and fruits, and types of transport. 60% of children are well oriented in the group room, call their first and last names, the teacher and assistant teacher by name and patronymic.

Since the beginning of the year, much attention has been paid to environmental education of children. 20% of children could name pets. Using didactic games “Big and Small”, “Whose Mother?”, we taught children to distinguish and name domestic animals (cat, dog). Didactic pictures: “Birds”, “Domestic Animals”, “Wild Animals” helped introduce children to domestic birds and birds in the kindergarten area, 50% of children began to name wild animals. Children were introduced to the distinctive features of animals, birds, and fish. They were taught to distinguish - by appearance and taste - the most common vegetables and fruits. We looked at indoor plants. Formed a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature. At the end of the year, 85% of children name domestic animals and are able to identify the characteristic features of animals (a hare has long ears, a red fox, a bear has club feet).

We also paid great attention to moral education. They instilled in children a kind and caring attitude towards adults. We created game situations that contributed to the formation of a friendly attitude towards peers. We taught children to say hello and goodbye, to express their own requests calmly, using the words “thank you” and “please”. Children were taught not to interrupt the speaker. They brought up a negative attitude towards rudeness and greed. While solving a problem situation, the children independently learned to use “magic words” correctly. By the end of the year, almost all children say hello and goodbye without an adult’s reminder, thank them for their help, follow basic rules of behavior, and answer a variety of adult questions regarding their immediate environment.

The section “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts” includes a set of game tasks and exercises: “Merry Ducklings”, “Big and Small”, “Find a Pair”. At the beginning of the year, 20% of children distinguished objects by size and shape, the concepts “many - little”, “many” and “one”.

To reinforce the primary colors, visual and practical teaching methods and techniques were used. “Select by color”, “Show me the same one”.

We taught children to form a group of homogeneous objects and isolate one object from it, to compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects based on mutual comparison of elements (objects), to compare objects of contrasting (identical) sizes, to distinguish geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, examine the shape of figures using touch and vision. They were taught to navigate the location of parts of their body (head, legs, right, left hand, etc.) and, in accordance with this, to distinguish spatial directions from themselves: in front - behind (behind), above - below, right (left) - right (left) ). Learn to distinguish between right and left hands, navigate contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening. By the end of the year, 80% of children are able to: group objects by color, shape, size, distinguish between a circle and a square, understand the words: front - back, top - bottom, left - right, show which object is long - short, wide - narrow, high - low.

Work on labor education was also carried out throughout the year. Only 15% of children, upon entering kindergarten, could take care of themselves (while undressing, dressing, washing, eating). We developed in children the ability to take care of themselves. The children learned to maintain order in the playroom, know the place of each toy, and together with the children they cared for plants throughout the year. By the end of the year, 95% of children actively help in cleaning toys and independently wipe dust from flower leaves.

While reading fiction, we taught children to listen to nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems, songs, 15% of children could finish a phrase at the beginning of the year, we gave children the opportunity to finish the words: “Finish the word”, “Say a word”, when the teacher read familiar works, the children consolidated animal onomatopoeia. They taught children to stage and dramatize short excerpts from folk tales: “Chicken” by K.I. Chukovsky, “Kolobok”. They consolidated the ability to recite nursery rhymes and short poems by heart. By the end of the year, 80% of children can read poetry with the help of a teacher and independently, stage and dramatize nursery rhymes and fairy tales, and look at illustrations in familiar books.

One of the important tasks of visual activity (drawing, modeling) is to teach children to evaluate their own work and the work of their peers, to highlight the most interesting visual solutions in the works of others. We introduced children to pencils, brushes, and gouache. 15% of children were able to distinguish the primary colors of paints. The children learned to rhythmically apply lines, strokes, spots, and strokes. An individual approach allowed us to develop the ability to create simple plot compositions and repeat the image of one object. By the end of the year, 70% of children are able to: name materials that can be used to draw, colors specified by the program, names of folk toys (matryoshka, Dymkovo toy), depict individual objects, plots that are simple in composition and uncomplicated in content, correctly use pencils, felt-tip pens, and brushes and paints.

Children sculpt from plasticine with great pleasure. We taught how to roll out lumps with straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, and flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands. Children were encouraged to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end (stack), creating objects consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing them together. By the end of the year, 60% of children are able to separate small lumps from a large piece of plasticine, roll them out with straight and circular movements of their palms, sculpt various objects consisting of 1-3 parts, and use a variety of sculpting techniques.

Children enjoy playing with tabletop and floor building materials.

20% of children built towers on their own at the beginning of the year. We taught children to construct elementary buildings based on a model and on their own: “Garage for a car”, “Kindergarten for Mashenka”, “Furniture for a summer house”. By the end of the year, 80% of children learned to distinguish the basic shapes of parts of building material, together with the teacher they build various buildings (towers, houses, cars), play with them, and put the building material back in place after playing.

Music classes were held twice a week. The children learned many songs, learned to sing in chorus, perform simple dance movements, and identify and name musical instruments. Holidays were held throughout the year: “Autumn Festival”, “New Year”, “March 8” and other entertainments.

Throughout the year, children developed an interest in various types of games: role-playing games, didactic games, and active games. Every day, in all types of activities, one or another game was played. We introduced the children to a number of outdoor games: walking, running, crawling, throwing and catching a ball, jumping, spatial orientation, various movements and singing. We developed in children a desire to play together with the teacher, perform simple movements, and introduced them to the rules of games. Children really enjoy playing the role of a presenter, conveying the simplest actions of fairy-tale characters (jumping like bunnies, pecking grains like chickens, walking like a fox, a bear, etc.). During outdoor games, basic movements were improved (walking, running, throwing, rolling). During the role-playing games: “Family”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”, we promoted the children’s desire to independently select toys and attributes for the game, and use them as substitute objects. They led to an understanding of the role in the game, taught to perform several game actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Formed initial skills of role behavior. Link plot actions to the name of the role. Didactic games are of great importance in the younger group, as they develop the sensory abilities of children, so at different moments during educational activities we used a lot of didactic games and exercises to consolidate knowledge about the size and shape, color of objects (assembled a pyramid, turrets, matryoshka, mosaic). We conducted didactic games with children to develop attention and memory: “What’s missing?”, “What’s changed?”, auditory differentiation: “What sounds?”, “Whose voice?” Tactile sensations, temperature and weight differences: “Wonderful bag”, “Warm - cold”, etc., fine motor skills of the hands: toys with buttons, mugs, lacing, etc. All these games were aimed at creating children have a cheerful, joyful mood, a desire to play calmly and independently, to develop children’s sensory abilities, their verbal communication with adults and peers, the ability to play together without conflicts. We worked with parents all year. We used different forms of work: conversations (collective and individual), consultations, meetings, and displaying folders.

Report on the work done in the 1st junior group of MBDOU No. 39 “Alenka” for the period 2016-2017 academic year. year.

List of members of the group: people. Boys: Girls: Children's age is from 2 to 3 years.

During the first half of the school year, my work was aimed at creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. Throughout the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to the new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And all the children adapted easily.

The organization of the educational process was built on the basis of the preschool education program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” / ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015.

The purpose of this program:

- creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child in preschool childhood;

Formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics;

Preparation for life in modern society, schooling, ensuring the continuous, comprehensive development of the child. The main priority areas of general development are:

-physical development;

-Social and communicative development;

-Cognitive development;

-Speech development;

-Artistic and aesthetic development.

The work was planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of areas, SAN PIN. Throughout the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions were strictly observed.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the 1st junior group was carried out according to the long-term plan prescribed in the work program.

The development and learning of children took place in specially organized games and activities, during which children acquired knowledge and skills, without which their normal development is impossible.

The methodology of educational activities with young children has its own specifics. It is associated with the development and behavior of children:

Educational activities were carried out in a playful way, taking into account the decisive importance of the emotional factor of children.

- The duration of the lesson did not exceed 8-10 minutes, always including a motor task.

It is important to repeat classes, actions, skills, and knowledge acquired by a child do not become stable immediately and are easily destroyed. The theme was repeated, but with different material; or the same material, but the task changed.

The development of young children in the group is systematically monitored by the head nurse, the head teacher, and myself. The goal is to determine the actual level of development of the child and the age group as a whole; to identify the correctness of medical and pedagogical influences, educational conditions, and the quality of educational work. Based on the criteria for the development of young children in the group, an individual diagnostic card for supporting the child’s development is filled out at the beginning of the school year, which makes it possible to detect initial deviations in his development and behavior, and to timely adjust educational influences.

Daily educational and educational work allowed us to achieve the following results:

1.  Children are interested in surrounding objects and actively interact with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of their actions;

2.  use specific, culturally fixed object actions, know the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and know how to use them. Possess basic self-service skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior;

3.  have active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understand the speech of adults; know the names of surrounding objects and toys;

4. strive to communicate with adults and actively imitate them in movements and actions; games have appeared in which children reproduce the actions of an adult;

5.  show interest in peers; observe their actions and imitate them;

6.  show interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, trying to move to the music; responds emotionally to various works of culture and art;

7.  Children have developed gross motor skills, they strive to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

At the end of the year, diagnostics were carried out, which showed the following results:

The atmosphere in the team is friendly and positive. There is a partnership between me and the children. Joint activities were carried out during sensitive moments and were aimed at solving educational problems. I tried to achieve discipline by acting within the framework not of the formal authority of an adult, but through the creation of an entire system of interests, including through the choice of topics in the educational process that were interesting and meaningful for the child. The level of conflict in the group is low. But sometimes behavior problems arise in several children. I try to create conditions for the development of children’s ability to manage their actions on the basis of primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

Throughout the year, we worked closely with the families of the students. We held four parent meetings on the following topics:

The world of children and adults is mutually interconnected. And one of the options for strengthening relationships with your child is to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

During the year, events were organized: “Golden Autumn”, “New Year”, “March 8”, “Spring”. They also took part in the exhibitions: “Gifts of Autumn”, “New Year’s Tree”, “Dad is Always There”.

The group has a subject-development environment; play areas are organized in accordance with age and individual needs. There are educational and developmental games, and story-based toys: dolls, cars, etc. There are corners with large furniture for role-playing games. The group has a selection of construction sets, small toys, cubes

For the next academic year I plan to:

1. Continue to maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group;

2. Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents;

3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a child from one and a half to four years old;

4. Find and apply innovative methods, continue to work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle among children and parents;

5. Pass certification and attend advanced training courses.

6.Increasing the level of teaching skills through self-education, sharing work experience, attending city events (seminars, workshops, master classes);

7. Active participation in preschool events.

Udartseva Olga Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOBU Tarasovsky kindergarten
Locality: Golubevo village, Kemerovo region
Name of material: Report
Subject: Analysis of the teacher’s work in the first junior group
Publication date: 15.12.2015
Chapter: preschool education

Job Analysis

Teacher of the first junior group Udartseva O.Yu.

for the 2014-2015 academic year.

The work was carried out

in accordance with the Federal State

Educational Standard for Preschool Education




general education

program of the Preschool Educational Organization; program for

health protection of the Preschool Educational Organization.

Leading work goals
: creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child in preschool childhood; formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.


are being implemented





gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.







- care for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child; - creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which allows them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity; - maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process; - creative organization (creativity) of the educational process; - variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child; - respectful attitude towards the results of children's creativity; - unity of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings; - observance of continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education for preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure from subject teaching.
2 The children's team of the first junior group at the beginning of the year was 12 people at the end of the year in the amount of 16 people (7 girls and 9 boys), ages from 1.6 to 3 years. The children's adaptation to the conditions of the new group was successful. The subject-spatial developmental environment created in the group attracts children. Children's exploration of the space of the group room, bedroom, reception room, toilet and playground occurs simultaneously with the development of speech. Children learn to use words denoting spatial relationships (prepositions and adverbs). Such a subject-spatial developmental environment regulates children’s relationships, promotes their intellectual development, develops arbitrariness, and also prevents conflicts. To achieve goals and solve problems in my work, I use the following areas of children’s development: social and communicative; educational; speech; artistic and aesthetic; physical. To implement these areas, I used the following forms of work with children: organized educational activities in the classroom; in critical moments; in independent activities; individual work (IOM), thematic leisure activities, work with parents. Significant changes occur in the cognitive development of children in the fourth year of life, which bring them to a higher level of comparisons and generalizations. Perception, memory and stability of attention reach a high level, visual-effective thinking continues to form and imaginative thinking appears, prerequisites arise for the transition to a qualitatively new stage of mastering the environment. Throughout the school year, open events were held with children with the participation of parents: “What’s in Autumn’s basket”; “The tricks of the wolf on the Christmas tree”; "Leopold the cat visiting the guys." At them, children demonstrated their ability to read poetry, sing, dance, and revealed their abilities and talents; developed physical qualities, became acquainted with the traditions and culture of the Russian people at different historical times. In interaction with parents I use traditional and non-traditional forms of work. Created an information stand in the reception area and a moving folder with consultations and recommendations “Observe traffic rules”; “Ways to overcome aggression”; “Whims and stubbornness”; "Parental commandments." Conducted parent meetings on the topic “How to cope with a 3-year-old crisis”; “Cultivating love for one’s native village in kindergarten and family”; survey. Parents shared their experiences on how to help their child survive this period. To bring children closer to adults
3 conducted a drawing test where they depicted the world of adults and the world of children, and what unites these two worlds. Throughout the school year, my children and parents have been active participants and winners of All-Russian competitions in the following categories: “Event script” “Mother’s Day”, “Autumn mood 1st place”, “Come on boys”; “Illustration for a fairy tale” Dima Khafizov 2nd place; nomination “Native Land” Polina Ufimtseva 1st place; nomination “New Year’s workshop 3rd place”; nomination “Winter Beauty” 1st place; nomination “With love for mothers” Dima Khafizov Diploma of participation. To study children's mastery of the general education program based on identifying the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities in pupils, monitoring was carried out at the beginning and end of the school year. The monitoring result was shown graphically. It shows the levels as a percentage. During the observation of children in the process of activities, conversations, and play situations, the following results were revealed. Educational areas occupy a low level, such as: “Security” 28%; "Labor" 25%; “Reading fiction” 28%. The average level is occupied by educational areas “Health” 64%; “Socialization” 50%; “Cognition” 52%; "Communication" 33%. The educational field “Physical Education” occupies a high level, 71%. After monitoring at the beginning of the year, an IOM was developed for children with high levels of development (2 children) and for children with low levels of development (5 children). Thus, analyzing monitoring data at the beginning and end of the year, we came to the conclusion that the level of development of integrative qualities increased by an average of 15% in all educational areas. We note that there is no low level of development. In the group, there is a stable positive trend in children’s assimilation of the program material.

Alla Frolova
Report of teachers of the first junior group on the work done for the 2014–2015 academic year

Report from teachers of the first junior group

O work done for the 2014-2015 academic year

First junior group"Gnomes" visit 22 person: 15 boys and 7 girls.

Upbringing and children are taught according to the preschool education program "About birth before school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. At work Modern technologies are used with children, such as the socio-game approach (the use of predominantly gaming, plot-based and integrated forms of educational activities, games during walks, musical, round dance and outdoor games of an imitation nature, role-playing, health-saving and environmental technologies.

Educational activities are carried out using an audio system, didactic material, and various gaming aids. In the future we plan to purchase easels and magnetic boards.

Back to top educational year, we prepared a development environment, which was divided into centers taking into account a gender approach and in accordance with the principle of flexible zoning. The placement of equipment is organized in such a way that it allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

Nami was a lot of work has been done on filling out methodological and didactic collections. We have enriched our theatrical corner with new fairy tales and types of theater, a table theater and a finger theater have appeared. There are plans to purchase a spoon theater, on flannelgraph.

For educational In the past year we have produced various games for cognitive development. A catalog of games on social development and adaptation, games on the development of logic and thinking, games on health, and safety have been selected.

Children's development was monitored at the beginning and end academic year.

Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning. Based on the results of the monitoring, it was concluded that more time should be devoted to the development of speech, the development of children’s vocabulary, and playing word games.

For 2014-2015 training For a year we set ourselves the task “Development of hand coordination and fine motor skills. Improving memory, attention, ability to coordinate movements and speech.”

To solve these problems, we carried out the following events:

Every day we played finger games with the children, such as How: "Mice", "Cabbage", "Finger - boy", "My Family", "Egorka", "Bike", "Lock" etc.

Daily, individually work, played board games for hands and fingers (mosaic, lotto, pyramid, games with cubes, lids, clothespins, folding a picture of 2-6 parts, games with plasticine, transferring beans and peas from container to container)

Parents were consulted on this issue.

A file of finger games has been collected

Didactic game made "Cinderella" with containers for bulk products products(beans, peas)

In the future we also plan work in this direction.

To develop fine motor skills of the hands, we plan to make didactic games with pushing an object and drawing in an individual work, carry out unconventional methods: drawing with hands and fingers.

In order for children to get sick less, we carried out hardening procedures:

Morning exercises,

Gymnastics after sleep

Lightweight clothing

"Barefoot" on massage mats,

Sleeping with access to air (air temperature + 17-19 degrees,

Contrasting air baths (jogging,


To the beginning educational During the year, children's attendance was not particularly high, but by the end of the year the attendance level had increased to 80%.

The average rate of absence of a child due to illness is 3.3%.

Throughout educational over the years we have worked closely with families pupils.

To do this, we held parent meetings, consultations, and created moving folders. We took a creative approach to holding parent meetings (gathered at a round table, had a tea party with cookies prepared by the children together with educators).

Information on current issues raising children in the first junior group collected from various sources.

We held 3 parent meetings. At each meeting, certificates and letters of gratitude are presented to parents.

The world of children and the world of adults are interconnected, and one of the options for strengthening relationships with your child is to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

We have repeatedly held exhibitions of joint work as within the group, and general garden ones. And always our parents groups took part in them with great enthusiasm. Exhibitions such as "Autumn Fantasies" crafts from autumn gifts, "Christmas tree decoration"- handmade toys work.

In our group At the parent meeting, a master class was held for parents on nutrition and hardening procedures, which consisted of 2 parts. IN first In part, the head of the kindergarten made a report on nutrition in the kindergarten; parents were invited to try some dishes from the kindergarten menu. In the second part, we showed how our guys wake up, do awakening exercises, walk along massage paths and perform breathing exercises. At the end of the event, guests were offered a mini-exhibition on hardening procedures and healing.

Thanks to the power of the Internet, designing mobile folders has become interesting and exciting.

We prepared and held all the planned holidays. Such ka: "Autumn Holiday", "New Year", "March 8", "Flower Ball".

Parents took an active part in preparing and holding the holidays. A exactly: sewed costumes for their kids and holiday characters, made decorations and much more.

In order for children to feel relaxed at the holiday and not react painfully to the presence of their parents, we came up with a small "play" for parents with dressing them in various stage costumes. The children did not recognize their mothers and fathers and felt free throughout the holiday, and the parents really liked this game. This helped us get even closer to our parents and find common ground. And the children learned to speak in front of an unfamiliar audience.

We also made selections for all holidays, designed seasonal folders and other topics related to the lives of children and parents: "Take care of your children", “Communication styles in the family”, "Secrets of Love and Relationships", “Safety Fundamentals and many others.

Thus, in our group We have created a favorable environment for children.

Throughout the entire adaptation period, we strived to ensure that the child coped with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment at the level of easy adaptation. And all the children adapted easily.

Favorable environment in group created in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

We have achieved all the goals and objectives set for this year.

In the next we are planning for the academic year:

1. Continue maintain a favorable emotional and psychological climate in group;

2. Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents;

3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a child from one and a half to four years old;

4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in your priority area, continue working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle among children and parents;

5. Pass certification for first qualification category and continue training in advanced training courses.

Group teachers: Frolova Alla Alexandrovna and Beskrovnaya Svetlana Mikhailovna