Briefly about benefits. The concept of benefits, their classification and purpose.

The state keeps records of vulnerable and low-income segments of society, sets certain standards, introduces social programs - all this is done to improve the standard of living of citizens in difficult financial situations.

Introduction to the topic

In our country there are a huge number of people who, due to various circumstances, have lost their jobs, received a degree of disability, or are classified as large families. For this reason, there is an urgent need for more rational and competent calculation various types cash assistance to such citizens. State social services are obliged to correctly and timely accrue the appropriate types of benefits specifically to those individuals who really need it.

All forms of social support established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are guaranteed by the state. The concept and types of benefits that are established in Russia will be discussed in this article. The right of those in need of such assistance is enshrined in Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

What is a benefit?

A benefit is a form of monetary assistance from the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government bodies to people. It can be made on an ongoing basis (for example, monthly), in the form of a one-time payment, and have a specific nature in the event of any circumstances arising that become the basis for the accrual of monetary compensation at a certain frequency.

Different types of benefits are an integral part of the social security system for citizens of the Russian Federation. Their list is not exhaustive.

Main types of benefits provided in the Russian Federation

The legislation of our country provides for various social benefits. Many financial support programs for the population are working successfully long years.

Kinds state benefits are divided into the following categories:

1. Payments for temporary disability.

2. Payments to parents and guardians. Types of child benefits:

3. Payments for unemployed people who are officially recognized as such, that is, registered with the employment service.

4. One-time cash payment for citizens who have health difficulties after vaccination.

5. One-time cash payment to doctors who became infected with HIV as a result of performing their official duties.

6. One-time cash payment to military personnel involved in the fight against the terrorist threat.

7. Monetary state assistance for the burial of the deceased.

8. Material payments to citizens who have received a work-related injury or illness related to their profession.

Types of monetary compensation provided in the Russian Federation

It is necessary to distinguish between benefits and compensation payments that are made to specific people who find themselves in an unforeseen situation or circumstances that in no way depend on them.

The following types of compensation payments are typical for our state:

  1. Mothers (other close relatives who are actually caring for a newborn child) who are hired workers or wives of military personnel and are in maternity leave(the size today is 50 rubles).
  2. Students and graduate students forced to be on academic leave due to health problems.
  3. Able-bodied citizens who are unable to carry out their work duties due to being forced to care for a disabled relative.
  4. Non-working wives of privates and commanding officers of internal troops serving in remote garrisons where there are no opportunities for their employment.
  5. Unemployed wives of military personnel whose husbands are serving under contract in areas where there is no opportunity to go to work or carry out work duties according to their specialty. Due to either a lack of employment options or due to health problems in children.
  6. Children under guardianship and trusteeship or in foster family.
  7. For meals for students of general education institutions of state and municipal ownership, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.
  8. For forced migrants (one-time cash payment).
  9. Refugees who have received official status (one-time cash payment).
  10. For disabled people of certain categories (for treatment in sanatoriums and specialized resorts, payment for fuel and technical inspection of vehicles, their maintenance).
  11. Certain categories of citizens to pay for housing and utility services.
  12. Parents: compensation for failure to provide preschool children from 1.5 to 3 years old. Currently, this type of compensation payments is not practiced in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Types by intended purpose

All benefits can be divided into the following types:

  • benefits for full or partial compensation of earnings;
  • benefits that are provided as additional financial assistance.

Types by time of payment

Benefits also differ in duration:

  • one-time, i.e. are paid once after the beginning;
  • those that are accrued at regular intervals (for example, monthly).

Types depending on the source from which the benefit is paid

Depending on the source of funding, benefits are divided into the following types:

  • payments from social extra-budgetary funds (insurance);
  • types of benefits and payments from budgets of all levels.

How is the benefit amount determined?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a uniform rule for establishing the amount of material assistance to those in need. The size is set in one of the following ways:

  1. As a fixed amount. Types of benefits, the amount of which is established in this way, are, as a rule, compensatory in nature for additional expenses. For example, payments for the funeral of the deceased.
  2. In accordance with the cost of living in the region in which the recipient lives. Most often, the mandatory percentage of payments, which corresponds to part or the full amount of the subsistence minimum, is established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  3. In accordance with the recipient's earnings. For example, temporary disability benefits.


Today the question of reform social services in the interests of the people of our country has become extremely acute. As mentioned above, the list of benefits is not exhaustive and may be updated as the need arises. For example, the issue of the relevance and necessity of the program “ Maternal capital" Deputies of the State Duma proposed replacing it with a monthly allowance for families raising children. It was assumed that instead of a one-time payment, financial assistance should be provided until the child turns 18 years old. The payment amount depends on the number of children.

The targeting of the required monetary supplements is important in these matters. The state is trying through different types social benefits do everything to ensure that those people who really need it receive financial assistance. Constant indexation of cash accruals is also carried out.

If a person has grounds for receiving additional financial assistance from the state, then you can find out what types of benefits he is entitled to in the department social protection in your locality.


Concept, types and general characteristics state benefits

Benefit concept.

Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 39 considers social benefits

As an integral part of the social security system for disabled citizens.

Benefits are cash payments assigned to citizens in order to provide them with maintenance during periods of lack of earnings or to provide additional material assistance in cases recognized by the state as socially significant, regardless of whether they have any other sources of income.

The list of benefits is not exhaustive and is supplemented in connection with the need to provide social support to any category of citizens.

Types of government benefits.

Classification by intended purpose:

Temporary disability benefit;

Maternity benefit;

Benefits for women registered in medical institutions in early dates pregnancy;

Child birth benefit; V.

Benefits for persons on parental leave

Until he reaches the age of 1.5 years;

child benefit;

Social benefit for funeral;

Unemployment benefit.

Classification by duration of benefit payment:

One-time (for example, funeral benefits, at the birth of a child; for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy);

Monthly (for example, unemployment benefits, children's benefits, etc.);

Periodic (for example, temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, etc.). The right to receive certain types of benefits is related to the fact of a person’s employment (for example, maternity benefits and benefits for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy are paid only to working people (students, military service) women; or temporary disability benefits).

Concept and General terms assignment of temporary disability benefits.

Temporary disability means the inability of an employee to perform his or her job duties due to loss (decrease) of ability to work due to illness (injury) or other socially significant reasons provided for by law.

The benefit is provided in order to prevent the occurrence or development of any disease in the employee himself, as well as to protect the health of the employee’s family members and other people around him.

Types of temporary disability benefits. Temporary disability benefits are assigned:

In case of illness (injury) associated with the employee’s loss of ability to work;

Illness of a family member in case of need to care for him;

Temporary transfer to another job due to tuberculosis or an occupational disease;

See Regulations on the procedure for providing benefits for state social insurance, approved. by resolution of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 11/12/84

No. 13-6 (as amended on March 17, 2000). quarantine;

Prosthetics with placement in the hospital of a prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise;

Sanatorium and resort treatment. The basis for the appointment and payment of temporary benefits

incapacity for work is a certificate of temporary incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure ( sick leave).

Sick leave 1.

attending physicians of the state, municipal and private health care systems have the right to issue certificates of incapacity for work on the basis of a license to conduct an examination of temporary incapacity for work;

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued for illnesses and injuries by the attending physician individually and at a time for a period of up to 10 calendar days and is extended individually for a period of up to 30 calendar days, taking into account the approximate periods of temporary incapacity for work for various diseases;

Doctors engaged in private medical practice outside a medical institution have the right to issue documents certifying temporary disability for a period of no more than 30 days;

For periods of temporary disability of more than 30 days, the decision on further treatment and extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out by a clinical expert commission (CEC), appointed by the head of the medical institution;

By decision of the clinical expert commission, with a favorable clinical and labor prognosis, the certificate of incapacity for work can be extended until full restoration of working capacity, but for a period of no more than 10 months, in some cases (injuries, conditions after reconstructive operations, tuberculosis) - no more than 12 months with the frequency of extension by the commission at least every 30 days.

Temporary disability benefits for illness (injury) associated with the employee’s loss of ability to work (depending on the cause and basis of temporary disability):

The benefit is issued from the first day of loss of ability to work until its restoration or until disability is established, even if the employee was fired at that time;

See Instruction "On the procedure for issuing documents certifying temporary disability of citizens", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 1994 No. 206 and by resolution of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 1994 No. 21 (as amended on March 27, 2002).

temporary disability benefits are paid if temporary disability occurs during the period of work (including the day of dismissal). In exceptional cases, a person has the right to temporary disability benefits, although at the time of the onset of incapacity he had not yet started work (a young specialist sent to work), or the temporary disability occurred within a month after dismissal from work for good reasons and lasts for more than one month. months;

If temporary disability occurs while traveling to the place of work, the benefit is issued if during this time the employee had the right to wages or daily allowance, or payment of moving expenses;

In case of a domestic injury, the benefit is issued from the 6th day (if the injury was the result of a natural disaster or an anatomical defect of the victim, the benefit is issued for the entire period of incapacity for work general rules), in case of an artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion), the benefit is paid only for 3 days;

If temporary disability occurs due to illness (injury) while on annual (main or additional) leave, benefits are issued for all days of release from work certified by a sick leave certificate. If temporary incapacity for work occurs during unpaid leave or parental leave, benefits are not issued. If the disability continues after the end of unpaid leave or partially paid parental leave, then the benefit is issued from the day the employee was supposed to start work;

For working disabled people, temporary disability benefits (except for cases of work injury and occupational disease) are paid for 4 consecutive months or 5 months in a calendar year.

Benefits for temporary disability in case of illness of a family member in case of need to care for him:

In the event of illness of a family member, a sick leave certificate is issued to the family member (guardian) directly providing care. The length of time for which a certificate of temporary disability is issued due to the need to care for a sick family member depends on the conditions of treatment (outpatient or inpatient), the age of the sick member

Family, nature of the disease;

For outpatient treatment: a) for an adult family member and a teenager over 15 years of age, a temporary disability certificate is issued for up to 3 days, by decision of the clinical expert commission - up to 7 days; b) for a child under 7 years of age - for the entire period of an acute illness or until remission occurs in case of exacerbation of a chronic disease; c) for a child over 7 years old - for a period of up to 15 days, unless a medical report requires a longer period;

Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens from

07/22/93 (as amended on 06/30/2003) provide that one of the parents or another family member, at the discretion of the parents, is given the right, in the interests of treating the child, to stay with him in a hospital institution for the entire duration of his stay, regardless of the child’s age. A person staying with a child in a hospital institution of the state or municipal health care system is issued a certificate of incapacity for work (Part 5 of Article 22 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens' Health);

During inpatient treatment of a child, a certificate of temporary incapacity for work is issued due to the need to care for: a) a child under 7 years of age - for the entire period of treatment; b) for a child over 7 years old - if there is a conclusion from a clinical expert commission on the need for care; c) for a child under 15 years of age; children infected with the immunodeficiency virus, suffering from severe blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, burns - for the entire period of hospital stay;

In case of illness of a mother who is on leave to care for a child under 3 years of age, a certificate of incapacity for work can be issued to the person actually caring for the child for a period of 5 days, and if necessary - up to 10 days; in exceptional cases - for the entire period during which the mother is unable to provide care.

Temporary disability benefits for temporary transfer to another job due to tuberculosis or an occupational disease."

Benefits for transfer to another job due to tuberculosis or an occupational disease are issued for the entire period of transfer, but not more than 2 months. It is paid in such an amount that, together with the earnings for the work performed, it does not exceed the full earnings before the transfer;

A benefit is given to a person transferred to another job if, in accordance with current legislation, he does not have the right to payment of the difference between his previous earnings and earnings from the new job;

When placed in a hospital at a prosthetic company, the allowance is issued for the entire time spent in the hospital and for the time of travel to the hospital and back.

The procedure for providing temporary disability benefits in other cases.

quarantine benefits are issued if a worker or employee was suspended from work by the sanitary and epidemiological service due to an infectious disease of those around him;

When a prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise is placed in a hospital, the allowance is issued for the entire time spent in the hospital and for the time of travel to the hospital and back;

For workers and employees employed in seasonal and temporary work, benefits for temporary disability due to a work injury or occupational disease are issued on a general basis, and benefits for temporary disability due to other reasons - no more than 75 calendar days in advance. The benefit in the specified period is issued for working days;

A quarantine benefit for caring for a sick child under 7 years of age is paid to one of the parents (other legal representative) or another family member for the entire period of quarantine, outpatient treatment or shared stay with the child in a hospital institution, and a benefit for caring for a sick child in over 7 years of age is paid for a period of no more than 15 days, unless a medical report requires a longer period (Part 6 of Article 22 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens' Health);

A benefit for sanatorium-resort (outpatient-resort) treatment is issued if the regular and additional leaves of a worker or employee are not enough for treatment and travel to the sanatorium and back and if the voucher (course) is issued at the expense of social insurance funds.

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Currently, the topic of the course work “Social benefits and compensation payments” is relevant.

The goal of the welfare state, as is known, is to reduce poverty, as well as improve the quality of life of those groups of the population who, for objective reasons, cannot independently solve the problems of their personal and family livelihoods. Achieving this goal is possible by providing social support measures (payment of subsidies, benefits, compensation, benefits, etc.), developing a system of social services for the elderly, disabled people, families with children.

The current legislation establishes a number of social support measures for various categories of citizens. Priority attention is paid to the protection of motherhood and childhood. In particular, there is an obligation not only for employers, but also for social services to assign and pay citizens several types of social benefits, which include not only temporary disability benefits paid to unemployed (uninsured) citizens, but also maternity benefits, child care and a number of other measures to support mothers, fathers and guardians.

Compensation payments are considered, as a rule, in conjunction with social benefits, but the latter should be distinguished from compensation payments. These payments are addressed to a relatively narrow circle of people in need of social support and assistance due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen. In some cases, the legislator directly calls them as such, and in some uses other terms (for example, benefits), but provides for their compensatory nature.

This area of ​​legislation is one of the most dynamically changing in recent years. However, the changes concern not only adjustments in the size of benefits. In connection with the ongoing reform of budget legislation, the principles for the appointment and payment of benefits and compensation payments change from time to time.

A fairly large number of citizens of our country have the right to receive various types of benefits and compensation payments. However, the effective implementation of this right may be difficult due to insufficient knowledge by citizens of their rights and how to implement and protect them.

Object research is social relations arising in the field of appointment and payment of social benefits and compensation payments.

Item The research compiles legislation and other regulatory legal acts relating to issues of legal regulation of social benefits and compensation payments.

Purpose work is the study and analysis of social benefits and compensation payments in the social security system in Russian Federation.

Achieving this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

Study and analyze regulatory and scientific literature on the research topic;

Consider the concept, meaning and classification of social benefits;

Study the concept and meaning of compensation payments, their difference from social benefits;

Analyze certain types of benefits in the social security system, such as state benefits for citizens with children, temporary disability benefits, social benefits for funerals.

The methodological basis of the research is the methods of general scientific knowledge: the dialectical method, the method of transition from the particular to the general, analysis and synthesis.

The theoretical basis for the research was legislative acts and regulatory documents on the topic of the work.

The work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a main part consisting of two chapters, a conclusion, an appendix and a bibliography.

The essence and significance of benefits in the social security system

Concept and types of social benefits

To date, Russia has developed a fairly developed system of benefits, which have come to be called “social”. Their arsenal has been replenished in recent years with very significant new species, previously unknown in our country. These include monthly child benefits, unemployment benefits, and a number of compensation payments. At the same time, individual benefits ceased to exist as independent types; they “dissolved” in the system of other benefits.

The emergence of new types of benefits and compensation payments is mainly due to socio-economic transformations, which have caused significant changes in all spheres of public life, including the sphere of distribution.

Social benefits are a monetary form of security. They are provided to citizens in cases established by law as one of the types of social security, assistance, and support. Social benefits are usually paid for a short period of time or in a lump sum. They are received by both working and non-working citizens, including pensioners. The purpose of social benefits is to compensate fully or partially temporarily lost earnings for various reasons, provide material support, replenish the family budget due to the occurrence of a number of circumstances: the birth of a child, the death of a family member, etc.

According to the established tradition, social benefits are allocated by the legislator himself according to those life circumstances that necessitate their provision. Such circumstances are reflected in the title of the relevant benefits, for example:

1. temporary disability benefit

2. maternity benefit

3. benefit on the occasion of the birth of a child

4. allowance for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years

Taking into account the above, we can define social benefits as payments made to citizens in cases established by law on a monthly, periodic or one-time basis, in order to fully or partially compensate for temporarily lost earnings or provide financial assistance.

Numerous types of benefits are classified on different grounds:

1. for intended purpose– benefits are allocated, the purpose of which is to compensate fully or at least partially for temporarily lost earnings, and benefits, the purpose of which is to assist in replenishing income in connection with the occurrence of various other circumstances (maternity benefits, unemployment benefits);

2. by duration of payment– monthly, periodic and one-time (child benefit, temporary disability benefit, child birth benefit);

3. by source of payment– from extra-budgetary trust funds and from the state budget;

4. on legal regulation– benefits provided for by federal legislation, legislation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, acts of local government bodies, local regulations; subject– depending on the categories of citizens who are provided with social security benefits.

For students and course participants in social security law, social benefits are classified according to a mixed criterion: by type of benefit, purpose and importance:

1. due to temporary disability;

2. citizens with children;

3. unemployment benefits;

4. other benefits;

There is no complete classification of social benefits in the legal literature.

Citizens cannot be assigned two types of earnings-compensating benefits at the same time (temporary disability benefits and unemployment benefits), and at the same time, citizens can simultaneously receive two or more benefits. Having different purposes (temporary disability benefits and benefits for children under 16 years of age). The law does not establish clear criteria determining the right to one type of benefit or the possibility of receiving two or more benefits simultaneously. The rules defining the purpose of one or another type of benefit directly stipulate these circumstances (the unemployed person is suspended from paying unemployment benefits for the period of receiving temporary disability benefits; benefits for the maintenance of children under 16 years of age are paid regardless of other social payments).

As a rule, all citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons, including refugees living in Russia, enjoy the right to receive benefits when appropriate circumstances occur.

The law establishes some general rules concerning all types of benefits provided to citizens with children:

The first rule concerns the timing of benefits. Maternity benefits, a one-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy, a one-time benefit for the birth of a child, as well as a monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years are assigned if the application for they followed no later than six months, respectively, from the date of the end of maternity leave, from the date of birth of the child, from the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

The second rule provides for the obligation of recipients of state benefits to promptly notify the authorities that assign benefits about the occurrence of circumstances leading to a change in the amount of benefits or the termination of their payments.

The third rule establishes the responsibility of benefit recipients: overpaid amounts of state benefits are withheld from them only if the overpayment was due to their fault. Withholding is made in an amount not exceeding 20% ​​of either the amount of benefits due to the recipient for each subsequent payment, or the amount of the recipient’s wages in accordance with labor legislation. When payment of benefits is terminated, the remaining debt is collected from the recipient in judicial procedure. Amounts overpaid due to the fault of the body that assigned the state benefit are not subject to withholding, except in the case of a counting error. In this case, damages are recovered from the perpetrators in the manner prescribed by law.

The fourth rule establishes that the amount of state benefits in regions and localities where regional coefficients for wages are established are determined using these coefficients, if they are not taken into account as part of wages.

Benefit amounts may be set as a percentage of the employee's average salary before the occurrence of the circumstances; as a percentage of the subsistence level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or in a fixed monetary amount.

In districts and localities where regional coefficients for wages are established, the amount of all state benefits is determined using these coefficients, if they are not taken into account as part of the wages from which the amount of benefits is calculated.

2.1. The concept and meaning of compensation payments, their difference from social benefits

Compensation payments were first introduced into social security legislation in the 90s of the 20th century. Researchers believe that the appearance of compensation in Russian legislation on social security is caused by the need to overcome a number of negative consequences transition to market relations, associated primarily with a sharp decline in the standard of living of unemployed citizens, and the adoption by the state of additional measures aimed at their social protection. Now we can say with confidence that compensation payments in social security law are not a temporary phenomenon. Modern federal and regional legislation confirms the relevance of these social payments to compensate citizens for the consequences of social risks.

Compensations are an independent type of social security.

Industry legislation on social security does not contain a definition of compensation, and legal norms on compensation payments are scattered across legal acts of various levels. In the science of social security law, compensation payments are either considered as a new independent type of social security, or are identified with benefits. Most researchers note the difficulty of distinguishing between benefits and compensation in social security law. S.B. Tsvetkov believes that “compensation payments are close in their goals and legal nature to benefits. Their difference is seen in the following: 1) benefits are assigned on the basis of federal laws, and compensation payments are assigned on the basis of by-laws; 2) the amount of benefits is significantly higher than the amount of compensation payments ". But these signs can hardly be called significant, allowing them to be distinguished, and it is difficult to agree with the arguments presented by the author, because some compensations are established by law, for example, Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" provides for several types of compensation payments, and the amount of compensation does not always exceed the amount of benefits, and it is hardly correct to make such a comparison, since the legislation establishes different grounds for their provision.

V.S. Arakcheev, D.V. Agashev, L.A. Grechuk formulate the following definition of social security compensation: these are grants of a property (in kind) nature, sent to needy citizens in order to assist them in restoring their lost property status on the grounds, conditions, in the amount and in the manner established by current legislation. However, the current legislation, in our opinion, does not provide grounds for considering compensation payments as in-kind assistance, establishing the amount of compensation in monetary amounts.

I.S. Morozova proposes to consider compensation as a special legal mechanism aimed at compensating damage caused to an individual or legal entity as a result of both lawful and illegal actions of counter-subjects, expenses incurred, and neutralizing other circumstances related to the infringement of his interests. This approach does not raise fundamental objections, but does not take into account the specifics of social security legal relations (special subject composition; objective grounds for the emergence of legal relations, independent of the will of citizens).

N.L. Smirnova believes that compensation payments have much in common with benefits. Similarity is established based on the following criteria: time limitation; the grounds for appointment are recognized as socially significant from the point of view of the state; like part of the benefits, they are social and alimentary payments; are provided for specific purposes. The main difference is in the very essence of benefits and compensation payments. Almost all compensation is paid for the purpose of restitution. Reimbursement (partial) of lost wages during the period of long leaves without pay caused by temporary cessation of work, or during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years, etc. Benefits are paid for the purpose of providing assistance in cases established by law.

Sharing this point of view, it is necessary to note the following. In order for compensation payments not to dissolve in the benefit system and strengthen their status as an independent type of social payments, the legislator needs to take into account and develop the special nature of these provisions as an adequate mechanism for restoring property status, compensating for adverse consequences corresponding to the nature of the harmful impact (for example, compensation for Chernobyl victims) or actual expenses incurred (for example, compensation for part of the parental payment for the maintenance of a child in educational institutions preschool education), in cases recognized by the state as socially significant. It is the compensatory, restorative function that should be clearly visible in legal acts.

Compensation is provided not only by social security legislation, but also by labor legislation (compensation for travel expenses to the place of business trip, compensation for unused vacation, etc.) and civil legislation (compensation for moral damage, compensation for deposits, etc.). At the same time, compensation payments in social security law differ from compensation provided for in other branches of legislation in that the conditions for their assignment and payment are the occurrence of social risks, as well as the determination of the types and amounts of compensation payments in legislation, and not in a contractual manner. The implementation of compensation payments in social security law is based on the principle of solidarity, i.e. The size is determined not individually, but on an average basis.

Compensation payments include:

Compensation payments for the period of forced leave without pay, provided in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for providing compensation payments to employees on forced leave without pay in connection with the forced temporary cessation of the organization’s work, approved. by order Federal service employment dated March 6, 1995;

Compensation payments to mothers (or other relatives actually caring for the child) who are in employment relationships with enterprises, institutions and organizations, and to female military personnel on maternity leave;

Compensation payments to students of educational institutions of higher education and students of secondary vocational education, graduate students studying off-the-job in graduate schools at educational institutions of higher professional education and research institutions, who are on academic leave;

Compensation payments to non-working wives of ordinary and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies in remote garrisons and localities where there is no possibility of their employment;

Compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens;

Compensation payments for children under guardianship and guardianship in a foster family;

Compensation payments for meals to students in state, municipal educational institutions, institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

Compensation payments to internally displaced persons and refugees and some other payments.

The purpose of social compensation is to restore the material labor income of an individual who has objectively (as a result of disability or inability to find adequate work) lost the opportunity to independently exercise his right to wages in an amount corresponding to social standards. Social compensation is also paid to those individuals who, for valid reasons (for example, the need to care for a child under three years of age or constant care for a disabled family member, etc.) cannot work and receive adequate financial remuneration.

The procedure for providing compensation is usually regulated at the legislative level. This type of social security may also be the subject of municipal regulation, collective agreement or individual agreement of the parties to the employment contract. Compensation payments in the social security system are provided to citizens free of charge and irrevocably from budget funds.

Thus, there is every reason to assert that compensation payments are an independent type of social security, which has the following features: 1) are provided when social risks occur for the purpose of compensation; 2) the types and amounts of compensation are established by law; 3) financed from budgetary funds; 4) are provided free of charge and irrevocably.

2. Certain types of benefits in the social security system

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Social benefits are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation from the state in certain cases and are intended for material support of a specific person or members of his family.

Funds are allocated free of charge in the following cases:

  1. For partial or full compensation of temporarily lost income (for pregnancy and childbirth, etc.).
  2. Providing financial support when expenses increase (assistance for the birth of a child, funeral expenses, for families with children under 16 years of age, etc.).

Social benefits serve as a form of state social security for the population and are regulated by federal legislation.

Characteristic features of social benefits

The benefit differs from other types of social payments in that the funds are transferred directly to the beneficiary and do not depend on the type of social support or the preferential category of the applicant.

This type of payment has certain features:

  • These are always government cash payments;
  • provided to certain categories of the population in cases specified in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • paid from the federal or regional budget;
  • assigned monthly and paid periodically or in a lump sum;
  • calculated either on the basis of individual earnings or set at a fixed rate;
  • has a targeted nature of the allocation of funds;
  • is appointed on the basis of the applicant's need. In the event that there is no longer a basis for continued support, the allocation of funds ceases.

When assigning social benefits, the following factors are taken into account:

Each of the above factors may be grounds for seeking support from the state.

Federal and regional social payments

The conditions for assigning federal payments are prescribed in the federal legislation of the Russian Federation. All categories of beneficiaries specified in federal laws, regardless of their region of residence, have the right to receive funds.

In many cases, federal benefits are a significant addition to the recipient's basic income, and sometimes the only source of income.

Federal payments in Russia are assigned:

  1. Citizens who have certain services to the state (title or awards): Hero of the USSR, Russian Federation,.
  2. Persons who have received national status: rehabilitated citizens, unemployed, etc.

Federal payments are financed from the federal budget. Money is allocated on a target basis to the relevant ministries and departments, which distribute the budget for the calendar year.

Regional payments are established in each region independently by the local administration. The allocation of funds occurs at the expense of regional budgets and therefore may differ in size or be completely absent in some regions (krai).

Regional assistance is intended for people who are most in need of additional measures of social support from authorities. For example, pensioners, labor veterans, citizens with extensive work experience.

Certain types of support are paid directly by the applicant's employer. In the future, these funds will be compensated from state funds.

Who can claim benefits

This social benefit is intended mainly for citizens who have lost their ability to work or their breadwinner.

These include persons in the following preferential categories:

  • single pensioners who are unable to work anymore;
  • , in the presence of children under 18 years of age (or up to 23 years of age - full-time students);
  • persons with disabilities, including children;
  • children under the age of 18 who have disabled or retired parents;
  • children raised without one parent ( or );
  • and children under 18 years of age left without parents;
  • citizens who have state insignia (titles, awards);
  • having children;
  • or a disabled child;
  • pregnant women and those on maternity leave;
  • persons who were laid off at the enterprise.
The state guarantees the allocation of funds from the federal budget to all of the above categories of the population. Regional authorities cannot cancel these privileges.

Social payments in the Russian Federation

All social payments and benefits in the Russian Federation can be classified according to various criteria:

  1. Based on the target orientation
  • compensate fully or partially for the loss of basic income;
  • provided as additional assistance

2. By duration of funds allocation

  • are appointed one-time (at one time);
  • paid monthly (regularly);
  • are transferred once a year (payments to donors).
  • "children";
  • for citizens who have a job.

Types of benefits in Russia

In general, we can talk about three main types of social support from the state:

  • for citizens who have a main job;
  • for persons with official unemployed status;
  • for parents with children.

Unemployment benefits are paid to citizens who are officially registered at the employment center. This type of payment is assigned temporarily in order to speed up the employment of citizens and is limited in time.

The amount of payments is set individually; the state has determined only the lower and upper limits of payments. In 2017, the amount of payments is 850-4900 rubles.

Temporary work ability benefits are assigned and paid once upon presentation of a certificate of incapacity for work. An employed citizen can receive money only if the employer paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Compensation for the officially unemployed is determined at the labor exchange.

The benefit is set as a percentage of the recipient's daily earnings. When calculating the amount of payments, the length of the applicant's insurance period is taken into account.

Citizens raising children are awarded and paid several types of state support. They can be combined into the category “Children’s benefits”.

The PBR benefit is paid to both employed and unemployed women.

This type of social benefits is also prescribed at the age of up to 3 months.

To speed up the process of processing documents, it is better to contact the MFC at your place of residence. The center’s specialists will help you issue certificates and calculate the amount of expected payments.

List of required documents

To register the right to receive privileges from the state, the following documents will be required.

CebotariN /

Benefits are one of the forms of social security in Russia. Is it regular or lump sum payments from the funds of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia or the state budget.

Thanks to our important topic, you can find out who is entitled to what benefits, as well as in what amount and under what conditions they are paid.

Types of benefits

  • Unemployment benefit
  • Child benefits :

Benefits are assigned and paid at the place of work, study, service, and social protection authorities, depending on the type of activity and employment of the recipients.

Benefit amounts (2017)

Type of benefit



Temporary disability benefit

Minimum size

As such, there is no minimum benefit amount established. But the minimum average earnings for calculating benefits are fixed - (RUB 7,800)

Average daily earnings are determined by the formula (using the minimum wage as an example): Minimum wage x 24/730 (7800 x 24/730 = 256.44 rubles)

Maximum size

It depends on the length of the insurance period.

With insurance experience of 8 years or more ():

With insurance experience from 5 to 8 years:

(RUB 670,000 + RUB 718,000) / 730 x 80%

With an insurance period of up to 5 years:

(RUB 670,000 + RUB 718,000) / 730 x 60%

Maternity benefit

The amount of maternity benefit is calculated based on average earnings for the two calendar years preceding the year in which maternity leave began.

The minimum average earnings are calculated using the formula:

Minimum wage x 24/730 (7800 x 24/730 = 256.44 rubles)

The maximum average daily earnings for calculating benefits in 2017 is:

(RUB 670,000 + RUB 718,000) / 730

Part 1 art. 14 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ " "

One-time benefit at the birth of a child

RUB 16,350.33

Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "",

One-time benefit when placing a child in a family

RUB 16,350.33

If a disabled child, a child over seven years of age, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters are placed in care – RUB 124,929.83. for each child

Article 12.2 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "",

Monthly allowance child care up to 1.5 years old

The minimum amount when caring for the first child is RUB 3,065.69.

The minimum amount when caring for a second and subsequent child is 6131.37 rubles.

The maximum amount, regardless of which child is being cared for, is RUB 23,120.66.

Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "",

Maternal capital

Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ " "

One-time benefit for the pregnant wife of a conscript serving in the military

RUB 25,892.45

Article 12.3 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "",

Monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription

RUB 11,096.76

Article 12.7 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "",