A terrible incident in Canada: a sea lion dragged a girl from a pier into the sea. A sea lion suddenly attacked the girl and dragged her into the water. A seal grabbed the girl.

A short video about an aggressive sea lion is rapidly gaining popularity online. In the video, the male seal suddenly grabs the little girl by the clothes and drags her underwater. In just one day, the video on YouTube received more than 850 thousand views.

The video shows a male California sea lion swimming peacefully in the water near an embankment. There are people chatting around on the bridge, discussing the animal and throwing food to it. The seal keeps sticking its snout out of the water and sticking it back in. At some point, a seal emerges from the water and almost touches its muzzle to a little girl who is standing very close to the railing of the bridge. The surprised girl and other people laugh, not knowing what will happen next. Later, the girl sits on the railing next to the seal, and suddenly the animal grabs her dress with its mouth and pulls her under the water with lightning speed.

While people around are shocked and screaming, an elderly man immediately jumps down after the girl and pulls her out. Then the savior himself is pulled out of the water. From a short conversation it becomes clear that no one was hurt in the incident.

As the site learned, the incident occurred in the city of Richmond, Canada. Experts believe that the animal could have mistaken the girl’s white dress for a fish. There is also a version that the animal behaved aggressively due to the mating season of eared seals at this time of year. Shocked online users suggested that the sea lion was too hungry, which is why it attacked the girl. Many experts noted that they strongly advise against feeding and interacting with wild animals whose habits a person does not know. A male California sea lion can reach a length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 300 kg.

The girl sat down on the parapet on the shore, not at all expecting that this would happen to her in a moment. A sea lion jumped out of the water, grabbed the careless girl by the dress and instantly dragged her into the pond.

Of course, attracting such dangerous sea predators to such entertainment events is a very frivolous idea. After all, these pinnipeds weigh from 300 kg. are famous for their aggressive behavior. According to statistics, when free, they attack swimmers and fishermen even more often than sharks.
Therefore, we can assume that the heroine of this story was born wearing a shirt. Because this story could have a very sad ending. And it’s just fortunate that there was someone nearby who extended a helping hand to the frightened girl at the right moment.

Among the witnesses to the incident there was an elderly man who, without a second’s hesitation, rushed into the water and saved the panicking girl. There is no doubt that she was incredibly lucky to have such a brave person nearby! He is a real hero!

Many wild animals are quite cute to look at and interesting to watch while sitting in front of the TV screen or from afar, but up close they can be deadly to people. Oddly enough, sea lions, seemingly harmless in appearance, can be just as dangerous to humans. Therefore, you should always remember to be careful. This girl learned her terrible lesson, remembering it for the rest of her life.

The story took place on the waterfront in Richmond, Canada. At this time, many people often gather to watch the sea lions jump into the water from the pier. But in this video, one of the sea lions jumped out and pulled her along with him.

This is truly terrifying, but thanks to the brave man, the worst was avoided. And this story became known throughout the world.

Now I began to appreciate the reliability of strong glass in aquariums.

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