Difference between wax and paraffin candles. How to distinguish wax from paraffin

More than once, each of us has wondered whether it is possible to distinguish natural wax from industrial paraffin and how to determine what material a candle is made of? It's actually very simple, and this experiment requires the components listed at the beginning of the article. In general, beeswax finds its use as often as paraffin, despite the fact that the latter is made from petroleum products. Beeswax is often counterfeited, trying to pass off the surrogate as something similar to a natural product. How to distinguish natural wax from a fake?

In fact, the surface of beeswax is always smooth and has a slightly concave shape, and if you run or hit it with a sharp object, it will split into several parts, while the fake material only forms a dent after a strong blow. How to distinguish wax from paraffin using a knife? When cutting, paraffin always crumbles into small pieces, and natural wax is cut similarly to plasticine; it is a very soft and flexible material. In addition, natural beeswax is a natural product, and paraffin is a synthetic material obtained from petroleum products.

In addition, wax and paraffin behave differently when burned. Thus, wax, which does not contain artificial components and additives, never burns. Instead, it simply melts, forming large droplets that run down the length of the candle, while synthetic paraffin usually burns completely, leaving no trace behind. Regarding the color palette, the paraffin itself can be made in any color, for example, blue, red, pink, burgundy and even the color of silver, gold or pearl. A candle made from natural wax is usually tan or bright yellow in color.

In order to understand the difference between wax and paraffin, you should also pay attention to whether such material causes allergic reactions in humans. Often, natural wax, like any natural product, can cause allergies, but in the case of a candle made from paraffin, this cannot be said - allergic reactions to such a synthetic product are a priori impossible. However, this only applies to pure paraffin, in the production of which no additives or dyes were used.

Another way to check what material a candle is made of is the formation of soot. To do this, you need to light a candle and hold the glass over it for just a few seconds. In the event that soot immediately forms on it, in other words, dark spot, then you can be sure that the candle is made of paraffin. Beeswax, when burned, will not leave soot stains on the glass. Also, a wax candle, unlike a paraffin candle, becomes covered with a white coating when stored for a long time in a cool room.

Author Kolesnikova Yulia asked a question in the section Science, Technology, Languages

What is the difference between paraffin and wax? and got the best answer

Answer from Evgeny Frenkel[guru]
Paraffin is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons, wax is a mixture of solid esters. Both occur in nature. For example, wax is secreted on the surface of healthy hair and fur. It is this coating that makes the fur shiny, and most importantly, prevents water from wetting such wool. And the kitty is warm! Wax is produced by all tropical plants and winter apples. That’s why cacti in the desert and UNWIPED apples shine, and most importantly, don’t dry out.

Reply from Yovetlana[guru]
Paraffin is synthetic, and wax is a natural product

Reply from Victor Kruglov[newbie]
In addition to its natural origin, wax has several differences:
- it contains a large amount of aromatic hydrocarbons
- various enzymes and adhesive compounds
- wax most closely matches the composition of cholesterol plaques in the body’s circulatory system.
(based on enzymes secreted by “wax moths” to decompose wax, extracts are created that can dissolve the notorious “plaques”)

Reply from Erosya Burlakova[active]
Chemical composition

Reply from Onsii[guru]
Paraffin is made from oil. Wax is a natural product made from bees. expensive - zarrraza (compared to paraffin)

Reply from Alexander Tyukin[guru]
It's practically the same thing. Paraffin is obtained artificially, and certain hydrocarbons are added to it so that it has the consistency that it does. It is solid and does not get dirty or oily. It melts at a fairly low temperature and flows well in the molten state. How is that plastic bag. Polyethylene can be like this, sometimes it can be hard, and sometimes it can be spread on. Like steel. It can be fragile, it can be soft, depending on what components are added to it.
Only an organic specialist can answer what exactly is different. I'm not an expert unfortunately.

Reply from User deleted[active]
they are treated with paraffin, and wax dolls are made from wax

In temples you can find wax and paraffin candles. All other things being equal, wax candles are preferable. Why this is so, and how to distinguish one from the other - I will tell you below.

Natural vs artificial

Wax is a product produced by bees to build their honeycomb cells. Special glands located in the bee body are responsible for the production of wax.

In contrast, paraffin is a synthetic substance obtained mainly from oil, a mixture of hydrocarbons. When producing candles, chemical wax substitutes, fragrances and other components are added to paraffin.

That is, unlike wax, paraffin is an artificial chemical substance. From here you can see the difference between wax and paraffin candles. Firstly, paraffin candles burn for a maximum of 15 minutes, while wax candles burn 2-3 times longer. In addition, the wax candle does not go out, but burns out to the end. Also, if you look closely, we will notice that paraffin and wax candles are not similar in appearance. Paraffin candles are light yellow, while wax candles are darker. And as they burn, they can gradually turn orange.

The candles on the left are suspiciously light. Most likely paraffin. The candles on the right are made of wax.

Smell when burning

Beeswax candles have a rich, warm honey scent.

Currently, candles made from natural wax are included in the list of natural scented candles. This is due to the fact that the aroma of wax candles essentially comes from the material itself, and is not introduced by extraneous additives, as, for example, with paraffin candles.

Physical properties

The differences between wax and paraffin candles are easily noticeable when performing physical actions on them. If we try to bend a wax candle, it will remain intact, only slightly changing its shape. A paraffin candle will fall into pieces during a similar procedure. In addition, a wax candle can be easily cut with a knife, but a paraffin candle will again fall apart or crumble.

Almost the only value of paraffin candles is their shelf life. Unlike wax candles, which become covered with a white coating over time, paraffin candles do not change color or shape over time. This occurs due to the chemical composition of paraffin candles. Some also see the value of paraffin candles in their cost. As a rule, the donation price for a paraffin candle in a temple is 2-3 times less than for a wax candle.

However, this forgets the significant harm that paraffin candles bring to people and even to the temple. You need to know that cheap paraffin candles are produced artificially from ceresin or Austrian resin, as it is also called. Smoke, soot and fumes from such candles stain iconostases and affect the health of Christians. The reason for this is that ceresin is essentially concentrated oil. According to geologists, poorly purified varieties of ceresin have a strong smell of oil, which is very reminiscent of the smell of kerosene. From the soot and burning of such candles, a person gets a headache, sometimes severe, which can turn into nausea or dizziness.

Doctors have found that the smoke of paraffin candles affects not only the physical but also the psychological health of people, which various psychics like to use. Thus, subconscious fear may appear from the stable soot of paraffin candles.

Holy Fathers about the church candle

We looked at the differences between wax candles and paraffin candles. It remains to remember what we know about candles from the saints and apostles. The 72nd and 73rd Apostolic Canons directly indicate the constant use of wax in church life first centuries:

If any clergyman or layman steals wax or oil from the holy church: let him be excommunicated from church communion, and let him add fivefold to what he took.

Later, a 15th century saint writes about the need to light wax candles:

Wax, as the purest substance, signifies our purity and the sincerity of the offering; wax, as a substance on which objects can be imprinted, means the seal or sign of the cross, which is placed on us in baptism and confirmation; wax, as a soft and flexible substance, means our obedience and willingness to repent of our sinful life; wax collected from fragrant flowers means the grace of the Holy Spirit, wax made up of many flowers means the offering made by all Christians; wax, as a burnt substance, means our burning (that is, our nature being cleansed by divine fire); and finally, the wax in which the fire burns, and this very light, constantly burning, means the union and strength of our mutual love and peace” (see New Tablet. Ch. 134. P. 40).

But here is the opinion of practically our contemporaries, the bishops who served in the Russian Empire before the Revolution of 1917:

The Holy Synod on May 4, 1882 determined that churches should only use candles made of pure beeswax.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the material of the candle is not the main thing in prayer. And if the prayer is done sincerely, then it does not matter whether a paraffin candle burns in front of the icon or a wax one. Don't forget about the main thing, and the rest will follow.

Nowadays, classic wax candles, which have replaced electric light sources for centuries, are extremely difficult to find. Instead of wax products, paraffin candles are widely used, which are simpler and cheaper to produce. Unfortunately, this is where the benefits of paraffin end. But the oil derivative is full of shortcomings. Stearin, chemical impurities, fragrances and paraffin itself are toxic when burned and are considered strong carcinogens. How not to make a mistake and choose a natural candle?

Candles made from natural beeswax do not contain harmful components and are absolutely safe. In addition, wax candles contain a powerful disinfectant component - propolis. You can distinguish paraffin candles from wax candles by several signs, which together will prevent you from making mistakes and will help you make the right choice.

By smell

How to distinguish paraffin candles from wax candles? Very simple. By smell. Paraffin is odorless, while a natural product has a pronounced aroma. While burning, a paraffin candle does not emit any odor, while wax during the melting process releases a subtle, but still noticeable aroma.

To the touch

Beeswax candles, regardless of the production method (manual or factory), have a pleasant texture to the touch. Smooth, with a slight roughness, they differ significantly from paraffin products, whose surface is oily and reminiscent of soap.

While burning

Wax candles crackle slightly, forming a neat drop of molten substance under the flame. They burn for a long time, practically without forming drips, and at the same time they emit a barely perceptible odor. In turn, paraffin quickly melts without releasing foreign odors and aromas into the atmosphere. The burning time is several times less than that of a natural product.


The consistency of the material will help you distinguish paraffin candles from wax candles. When cut with a knife, the paraffin crumbles, but the product itself has a sufficient reserve of hardness. Wax is much softer and more flexible than plasticine. If you cut it, instead of crumbs and cracks, an elegant, even cut is formed.

A well-chosen set of candles can transform a room, give it the missing notes of mystery, or, conversely, illuminate dark corners at a later time. For example, the original Woven Bamboo designer candle will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in a colonial style. In turn, a set of natural wax candles, stylized as river stones, will organically fit into the interior of the bathroom and create the illusion that you are in a spa. Fans of the vintage design trend will certainly appreciate the beeswax candle, stylized as a ball of woolen thread!