At what age do we achieve the best results in different areas of life? At what age is it better to give birth to a child? At what age is the best.

As a rule, medical experts are unanimous: giving birth before the onset of final puberty is not recommended. And, as is known, it occurs at the age of about 18 years. But life is a complicated thing, and young mothers of 17, 16 and even 15 years old are no longer uncommon. Of course, from a physiological point of view, it is difficult to find advantages in such early motherhood: the girl’s body is not yet ready for the stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth. But on the other hand, at this age it is “more physiological” to give birth than to spend your whole life trying to cope with the consequences of an early abortion.

From a psychological point of view, giving birth too early is also not the best option. The formation of a young mother’s personality has not yet ended; she is often not psychologically ready to become a mother, because deep down she considers herself a child. However, there are always exceptions, and you can find many examples of how very young girls touchingly and selflessly take care of their babies.

Those who rightly believe that a young mother is not yet able to provide for either herself or her child are also against giving birth too early. As a rule, a girl does not yet have either a profession or opportunities to earn money.

Perhaps the only big advantage of such early motherhood is that the young mother still remembers her childhood too well, she has not yet forgotten what it is to be a child, and if she has the strength and capabilities, she is capable of becoming a wonderful mother for her baby - an understanding one. who subtly senses his needs, happily shares his hobbies and interests.

Young age

It is believed that from a physiological point of view, the optimal age for the birth of the first child is the period from 18 to 25 years. Indeed, a woman’s body at this time is at the peak of its capabilities, the young mother is full of strength and energy, and she has the highest chances of giving birth to a healthy, strong baby.

But even at this age, a woman rarely has a sufficiently stable financial base to have children. Young women in the modern world strive to get an education, establish themselves professionally, and occupy a certain social niche. The role of wife, mother and housewife does not suit everyone. It is the age of up to 30 that opens up opportunities for career growth for a woman. Often, young, educated women are in no hurry to start a family and children, postponing the solution of these issues to a later date - because then there will be significantly fewer opportunities to become a specialist.

Mature age

More recently, a woman who decided to give birth after 27 years was humiliatingly called “old first-time mother.” Now the word “old” has been replaced by the more correct “age”. Indeed, the first birth after the age of 30 and even closer to 40 no longer surprises anyone.
By this period of life, a woman, as a rule, reaches certain professional heights, has a stable financial situation, housing and other attributes of a “prosperous life.” You can think about family and procreation.

The trouble is that with age, a woman’s body is no longer as strong and strong as in her youth. Chronic diseases make themselves felt and have every chance of getting worse. And the risk of having a child with a pathology increases significantly.

On the other hand, a mature lady already has extensive life experience that she can and wants to pass on to her children. Motherhood at a later age is perceived more acutely and joyfully than at a young age; a woman takes a more responsible approach to fulfilling the role of a mother. Her life priorities are shifting towards family values, and she enjoys taking care of the baby.

At any age, you can find both in order to become a mother and in order to refuse to have children. It is probably best for a woman to give birth when she really wants it.

The majority of women reach their highest sexual activity only by the age of 30. American scientists have found that, according to statistics, thirty-year-old women experience orgasm much more often than twenty-five-year-old women. After 30 years, women's lives become richer. This is an axiom. But there are always exceptions that should not be forgotten.

There are women who experience puberty as early as 11-12 years of age. At this age, little girls are already carefully studying their bodies and masturbating even before menstruation occurs. By the time they reach adulthood, such women already have decent sexual experience. At the age of 20 they begin to experience orgasm. Therefore, one should not say that this is the most sluggish sexual age. As a rule, women whose sexual activity began earlier do not fade away for a long time and remain sexy and passionate for the rest of their lives.

There are women who are called “mid-season.” At the age of twelve they still have no idea about this, but by the age of 16-18 they begin to gain sexual experience. Most of these people experience orgasm without difficulty in the first few years of having sex. Of course, you can’t call them passionate, but they want to regularly receive such release. The peak of sexuality in such girls is before 35 years of age.

As he says, all ages are submissive to love. Sexologists have refuted another claim that after 50 years, a woman is not interested in anything other than her dacha. This is not true at all. They give a lot of examples. Even after menopause, women over 50-60 years old have sex several times a week and constantly experience orgasm.

A woman's sex drive can depend on factors such as the amount of male hormone. In women after thirty years, the amount of hormones decreases, but the amount of the male hormone testosterone remains the same. There are also side effects to this - hairiness of the legs and arms, but with current capabilities this is quite fixable.

It is worth holding off on hair removal in intimate places. Not all men like it when a woman's private parts are clean-shaven. Before getting a haircut, ask if your partner will like it. Different hormones are released at different periods of the menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle, even the most “difficult to climb” woman is ready to attack you, somewhere on the 14th day from the start of her period. Such surges can occur during pregnancy. In the first months of pregnancy, of course, there is no time for sex. But, in the middle of pregnancy, many women enjoy doing it. Another sexual upsurge begins soon after childbirth, within about six months.

At what age is the risk of caries greatest?

There are two periods in a person’s life when caries is most likely to affect his teeth. This:

Childhood and adolescence
Old age - especially those who have had periodontal disease (gum disease).

Childhood and adolescence: when caries lurks

It is not difficult to guess that it is children and adolescents who are most susceptible to caries. And this is due not least to the fact that these young people often “prescribe” themselves a diet with a very high sugar content. And they often brush their teeth much less thoroughly than their own interests require.
On this page we will also talk about some problems associated with caries, which are typical only for children, namely:

"Nipple caries"

Use of sealants (sealants) to prevent caries

Some tooth surfaces are more susceptible to caries - namely those that, due to the structure of the tooth, are difficult to access during brushing. However, the situation can be corrected - sealing material must be applied to these surfaces.
Some back teeth, especially molars, are very difficult to clean properly because the grooves on the chewing surface of the tooth (dentists call them “sockets and fissures”) are narrow and deep. Even with thorough brushing, you find it difficult to remove all the plaque because the bristles of the toothbrush cannot penetrate to the bottom of the tooth groove - they are simply too thick. And since part of the plaque cannot be cleaned out of the furrow, it is there that caries can form.
The solution to the problem is the use of sealing materials (sealants). When a dentist fills the grooves of a tooth with this material, the surface of the tooth becomes flatter and more even. Narrow cracks. into which the hairs of a toothbrush cannot penetrate when brushing, no longer exist. Plaque can be removed more easily and effectively, which means the risk of caries formation is reduced.

Factors contributing to the formation of caries:
Some tooth surfaces are more susceptible to decay because they are difficult, if not impossible, to thoroughly clean.

How to prevent caries formation:

Ask your doctor if a sealant (sealant) should be applied to the tooth.

What is "nipple caries"?

“Nipple caries” (or “nursing caries”) is a type of dental caries that occurs in preschool children who are bottle-fed with sweet contents frequently or for long periods of time (for example, during sleep).
This type of caries most affects the front teeth. (In this case, the lower front teeth usually remain intact - perhaps because they are protected by the tongue during sucking). But it doesn’t spare the rest of the teeth either - cavities can form in any area of ​​the mouth, and the teeth, as a rule, are severely damaged.
There is nothing special or unique about this type of caries. It’s just that the bacteria regularly received food for a long time, and therefore the balance between remineralization and demineralization was sharply upset in favor of the latter. But “nipple caries” still has one peculiarity: responsibility for it lies entirely with adults - parents, relatives, teachers - who, with the best intentions, of course, gave the child so much sugar.

How to avoid "nipple caries"?

Here are some tips to help you minimize your baby's chances of developing "nipple caries" and the resulting serious dental damage.

Remember - all liquids other than water that you put in your baby's bottle are a source of sugar (unless your nutritionist has assured you otherwise). Breast milk, other types of milk, baby food, fruit juices - all of these liquids contain table sugar in varying quantities.
Don't let your baby suck on a bottle for any length of time or fall asleep with the pacifier in his mouth.
Do not give your baby a pacifier coated with honey or other sweet liquid.
“Nipple caries” is more likely to develop in children who are breastfed several times a night.

Orthodontic plates and the risk of white spots on teeth

It is difficult to imagine anything more difficult to effectively clean teeth than an orthodontic plate. That is why it is extremely important for a child (and his parents) to know that wearing a plate contributes to the accumulation of plaque - and, accordingly, the risk of caries increases. In addition, there are additional carious complications associated with wearing an orthodontic plate.
As you already know, the cause of caries is demineralization of tooth enamel. Acids produced by bacteria that live in plaque dissolve the mineral components of the tooth. Since both the quantity and quality of minerals in the tooth change during the process of demineralization, the appearance of tooth enamel also changes. This very stage of caries formation is called “white spots” by dentists - the tooth enamel in the area of ​​incipient caries acquires an opaque white color.
So, if plaque is allowed to accumulate around the orthodontic plate, the tooth enamel will soon become covered in “white spots.” In this case, the part of the tooth that is located under the plate will be protected from plaque - the enamel there will remain intact. When the orthodontic procedures are completed and the plate is removed, the “white spots” marking its outline will become clearly visible.

Have you ever thought that the best time of your life has already passed, and not just passed, but flown by? Some say that life begins only at 40 years old, others - at 50, others - at 60, but where is the truth? What is the best age?

To find out, BBC Future researched medical literature. considering how the parameters of human activity change throughout life - from memory to sexuality. And they were pleasantly surprised by what they found.

Let's look at physical fitness. For activities that require short, sharp bursts of energy—the 100-meter dash, shot put, javelin throw—rapid physical decline begins after about age 25. Footballers are at their best when they are even younger.

However, older athletes show excellent results in sports that require “ultra-endurance”, such as the 100 km run or marathon. Even after 30–40 years of age, the decline in performance in these sports occurs quite slowly. Sunny McKee, for example, celebrated her 61st birthday by competing in her first Iron Man triathlon championship, which includes a 180km bike race, a marathon and a 4km swim. Many athletes are so addicted to such sports that they participate in them even after seventy years of age.

With the mind, things, at first glance, are somewhat worse.

After 20 years, the ability to retain new facts in memory gradually begins to decline. Perhaps this begins to happen by the time you graduate from school. Our ability to store information in "working" memory lasts a little longer, but also declines steadily after age forty.

Even more depressing is the fact that the age of creativity also passes quite quickly. For example, most of the discoveries for which the Nobel Prize was awarded were made before the age of forty. After this, the white matter of the brain, from which information superhighways are formed, usually begins to shrink. This can significantly slow down your brain.

However, there are also positive aspects. As we age, some aspects of the mind continue to develop—reading comprehension and numeracy skills, for example, continue to improve in middle age. Social reasoning—our ability to navigate the complexities of relationships—peaks even later. In other words, mental abilities wax and wane in waves—as soon as one crest of the wave has passed, another rises. "There's no age at which we're better at everything, or even most things," says Josh Hartshorne of Harvard University, who has done extensive research on the subject.

What happens to libido?

If you believe the TV series and films, our life from 20 to 30 years old is a series of sexual orgies. In fact, neither sexual desire nor sexual activity decline sharply with age until age 50. And even then the decline is far from rapid. Based on sexually active life expectancy statistics, men who are currently 55 years old will remain sexually active for about 15 more years; women at the same age will be active for just over 10 years. Sexual intercourse may not be as frequent or as vigorous as before, but according to research, 30% of healthy people aged 65–74 have sex at least once a week.

Moreover, the decrease in sex drive can be compensated - when your libido begins to fall, your interest in life increases. This seems like a paradox, given the increasing frequency of physical complaints with age, but the reason lies in the fact that by this age people become better able to manage their emotions after the turbulent decades of youth.

Elixir of youth?

Let's summarize. As a very rough generalization, we can conclude that you are at your sexual peak in your 20s and 30s, your physical strength peaks in your 40s, your psychological peak is in your 40s and 60s, and your happiness peaks in your 60s. But this is on average. What's even more important is to realize that at every age there are ups and downs, and overall, there is no best time in life.

The good news is that some of the age-related changes are not as scary and inevitable as we imagine them to be. Exercise, in particular, not only improves physical fitness and fights a range of age-related diseases such as diabetes and cancer, but also improves memory. In people aged in good health, sexual activity is prolonged by about five years. It seems that regular physical activity may well replace the elixir of youth - but you should use it throughout your life.

Psychologists also warn that mental health may play a bigger role than you think. Some people feel younger than their age, which leads to more activity, and, accordingly, a longer life expectancy.

Nothing can help us reverse the aging process. But by understanding the essence of what is happening, and being aware of the highs and lows, we can try to turn our life into a pleasant journey. Your next peak is yet to come.