In what style to celebrate February 23rd. Defender of the Fatherland Day: history of the holiday, how to celebrate, congratulations

Men's March 8th, Red Army Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day is just an occasion. Because all this is the holiday of February 23, which we inherited from the USSR. Moreover, the once army holiday is now celebrated by all and sundry - even those young people who faint at the mere sight of the military registration and enlistment office building. At first glance, there are a lot of options for celebrating “men’s day,” but upon closer examination, all of them can be combined into groups based on similar characteristics.

Celebrating at work

Somehow, in the morning, everyone is already in a completely non-working mood - of course, the day will be shortened (if the boss is not a sadist) on the occasion of the next corporate event.

The female part of the team will give their male colleagues a standard set consisting of some lotto cups/tickets/pens, etc. (underline as appropriate) in order to receive the same “meaningful” souvenirs as a gift on March 8th. The male part of the team will “throw in” for a fun evening in the morning. Then the working day will smoothly flow into toasts, congratulations and general fun. At this point, the standard of the evening program begins to vary sharply: someone goes to “continue” to the nearest gateway, someone goes to an expensive restaurant, conscientious family men go home to their wife, etc. etc.

Celebrating in the bathhouse

The bathhouse is one of the most preferred venues for February 23 (and any other holiday). Imagine: steam, a birch broom, cold beer, crayfish or dried fish, a male company, a friend screaming at karaoke... - beauty. And even our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of baths. Only, of course, you need to remember the basic rule of the bathhouse: do not drag yourself into the steam room after having a close “talk” with the green serpent. In general, the advantages of February 23 in the bathhouse are obvious - you will rest your soul and body, and your wife will be pleased with the return of her husband in a normal, and not in a “holiday” state.

Party and billiards - more fun together

Another very positive way to spend holiday time. In the billiards club, anyone can relieve the fatigue of the working week by chasing balls on the green cloth - you can choose from pool, Russian billiards, and even fashionable snooker. Again, beer, good company, the end of the work week and a holiday - what else does a person need for a little happiness?

A billiards club may well replace a bowling club - the thrill of several “strikes” in a row will be a good substitute for the feeling of pride from a difficult ball “placed” in a pocket, or from a game won “with a cue”.

Celebrating in nature

There are two options - either celebrate with a barbecue at the dacha, if the conditions of the dacha allow, or go to the Logoisk Health Resort, Silichi or Raubichi, where you will find a table and shelter, as well as a bathhouse and billiards.

A militarized version of the holiday

Every man, ever since he was a child soldier, has an inherent craving for weapons. Therefore, February 23 can be celebrated by playing Q-zar, paintball or airsoft. As you “kill” your next enemy, you begin to feel like Rambo and the Terminator rolled into one. For teenagers, spending a lot of time playing Q-zar, paintball or airsoft can replace going to a computer club and playing Counter Strike.

Celebrating at home

The calmest version of “fun” is a close family circle, a table with all sorts of goodies, a standard holiday set of “panties/socks/cologne”, a TV, a newspaper, a “four-legged friend” - a sofa and a spouse closely watching you, stopping any attempts to break free and drink beer with friends. In short, an ordinary family celebration.

Let's celebrate with fun

Put a Budenovka on your head, throw a Red Army overcoat over your shoulders, take a saber from someone, borrow a horse and prance like that through the streets, posing as a soldier of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. There are several options - either you will be “taken away” (by fellow law enforcement officers), or placed in the “Novelties”, or simply ignored. Although you can earn money if you take pictures with loitering citizens for a nominal fee.

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, not Men's Day. One way or another, in our country it is customary to congratulate all men on this day, even those who did not serve in the army. This is not correct, there is a real World Men's Day, which is celebrated on November 2. But Defender of the Fatherland Day can be counted among their holidays by women who were or are military personnel, as well as WWII veterans.

One way or another, in our country Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23rd remains unofficial holiday men! Therefore, many women before this day begin to look for gifts and come up with entertainment program for beloved men. Let's find out how to celebrate February 23 so that a man will like it.

In the New Year 2013, many are interested in how we will relax on the days on which Defender of the Fatherland Day falls. But there is no way to please those who want to spend more days outside of work:

– February 23rd falls on a Saturday, so the days off in 2013 will be February 23rd and 24th.

If previously, when a holiday coincided with a day off, it was added to non-working days the first Monday follows, then this year February 25 remains a working day! But this day off was added to the May holidays.

How to celebrate February 23: options.

1. At home. The simplest thing is to sit at home, in a quiet environment with your loved ones. A woman will always set a luxurious table; you just have to hint that you want to celebrate a holiday. You can sit with both a narrow family circle and expand it to your beloved relatives and friends.

2. To parents. This option for celebrating February 23 is suitable for those who respect their parents, namely fathers. On this day, it is necessary to congratulate the father on the holiday (after all, he certainly did not shy away from the army, etc.)! Therefore, be sure to go to visit your parents, even if you have planned something for this day, find a few hours to visit the person who raised you to congratulate him on his well-deserved holiday.

3. Meet with the team. Great option, although not every woman will like it. However, it is worth recalling how women celebrate March 8: in addition to celebrating women's day at home, they always get together as a group of women and go to a restaurant or club. So let the man rest, go to a bar with his colleagues, chat about everything in the world, and at this time you can meet with your girlfriends so that you don’t get bored.

4. Go to a sports match. Many women will now begin to actively oppose this option, but it must be noted: this is your man’s holiday, not a family celebration. Let the man go to the match of his favorite team, let him rest, watch the “fight” of the game, cheer for the players, etc. No one is stopping you from going to the match with your loved one that day, you just have to behave like a man: don’t be capricious, asking him to buy something or leave, don’t hang on to him and don’t distract him from the game.

A man's dream.

No matter how hard you try, a man will be most pleased with positive, good memories. To do this, you can look through a photo album, hear a story from your loved one for the hundredth time, etc. But if you are thinking about how to celebrate February 23, so that a man is proud of your actions and indescribably happy for what happened, you need to invite his old friends, whom he served and have not seen for so long, to visit. You can invite men from another city, let them come to you with their family. And it’s all the more fun (it’s not all time to celebrate at home), and it’s a joy for your man. This will be especially exciting if you prepare the arrival of his colleagues in secret. The main thing is to warn guests about this! Don’t forget to set a “quality” table, with liqueurs, pickles, meat and various cuts.

What to give on February 23rd.

– Take care of your man or men (father, husband, sons), prepare them breakfast, lunch and dinner, set the table and don’t argue with them all day long;

– A funny cartoon of your man in military uniform that you can hang on your wall as a keepsake. You can give something simpler - a themed mug, for example;

– For particularly romantic couples, suitable as a gift for a man romantic dinner and a beautiful dance performed by a beautiful wife (girl);

– Draw a wall newspaper dedicated to your man, with clippings of photos, newspapers, etc. It should turn out bright, fun and creative;

– Organize a real vacation with everything you need (for example, rent a house at a recreation center with fishing, hunting, or just barbecue).

How is February 23 celebrated in 2020? On this day, we traditionally congratulate men of all ages - both those who served in the army, and those who are yet to do so, and even those who have not had and will not have anything to do with it. Schools, universities, and work groups organize evenings and festive feasts.

What would be the best way to arrange a holiday on February 23? The heroes of the occasion are given greeting cards, poems are read and songs performed in their honor.

How to celebrate February 23 in 2020

On this day, you can organize a corporate party in a restaurant or cafe, or go together to an entertainment complex.

In order to organize a holiday for men on February 23, you can arrange for them fun competitions, for example, the Sniper competition.

To do this, each participant is given a certain amount of “ammunition” - these can be rubber balls, tennis balls, fir cones or snowballs (if the competition is held outdoors).

Those who hit the targets the most times will receive prizes. Another version of this competition is a game of darts.

You can go to a shooting range or bowling alley on this day, just keep in mind that you will need to rent bowling lanes in advance, because there are usually a lot of people who want to celebrate this holiday here.

How else can you arrange a holiday on February 23, 2020? Organize a “Jack of all trades” competition for men. Its participants will have to sew on a button, hammer a nail and peel a potato as quickly as possible. The one who completes the tasks faster and better will win.

You can also organize a tug-of-war or sack race competition. There are other exciting competitions of the same nature.

For example this one. Participants are divided into pairs. The leader ties their legs with ropes so that they can move. Each pair will need to complete a specific task: for example, bring a stack of books, a pyramid of stationery, a ball, etc. to the table.

The three couples who complete the tasks faster will receive prizes. These can be various souvenirs, pens, desk accessories, photo frames, funny soft or plastic toys, etc.

What else can you organize for a holiday for men on February 23? You can arrange dances for those gathered, for which you will need to select suitable equipment and music. It is important that fast and slow musical compositions alternate here.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a wonderful occasion to congratulate and please all the men in your family. And it doesn’t matter how old the man is or whether he served in the army. The main thing: these men are your protectors, which means they deserve a holiday! It's time to organize a celebration and once again get everyone together, reviving family traditions.
  1. Preparation
  2. In order for the holiday to be a success, everything needs to be discussed and prepared in advance. Get together with the female part of the family and draw up a program for the day, agree on who will perform what role and what responsibilities will be assumed.

    Make a budget for the holiday, it should include:

  • equal gifts for each of the men;
  • treats;
  • money to buy balloons and festive decorations;
  • inexpensive prizes for competition winners;
  • festive fireworks (optional).

After organizational issues have been resolved and roles have been distributed, you should begin to work on the design. Purchase everything you need in advance: balloons, colored paper, machines, flags, etc. The day before the holiday, make congratulatory posters, and also on the eve or on the holiday itself, inflate the balloons. It’s great if you can create a wall newspaper telling about the achievements of your men: jokes are welcome, but not offensive! Don't forget family history. Remember the exploits of your ancestors. Next, glue the garlands of flags. Hide all this in a secluded place until the morning.

  • Start
  • The holiday is just around the corner. We get up earlier than the men and start decorating the house, the main thing here is not to make noise and inadvertently not wake them up with a burst balloon. If your men like to sleep longer, don't wake them up before 9.30, don't ruin this day. But at the appointed time, we turn on loud invigorating music (you can even pick up a military march!) and go to present gifts! You can flavor each gift with a composed congratulatory poem.

    When the men come to their senses from the surprise, amaze them even more. Tell them that today they are in the army for a day and there is no time for laziness! They need to get dressed and pack their bed in a minute. Those who fail to cope are given a fine - to sing a song or recite a poem. And the winner will receive a small prize from you. Have you already bought small gifts for the winners in advance?

    Breakfast time. And breakfast can be spiced up! For example, come up with funny names for dishes. You can also hold a women’s competition to see who can prepare breakfast for the men the fastest and most spectacularly.

    After breakfast, the whole family can go for a walk and play in the fresh air. If there is still snow, divide into teams and play snowballs. Or organize a competition for the most beautiful snowman. If there is no snow, warm up with a game of badminton. And don’t forget to bring a thermos of hot tea with you!

  • Climax
  • Lunch can also be made festive with themed dishes and, of course, cake! It’s great if you manage to master pastry decorations from mastic and make them for a cake. By the way, the table itself can be decorated in a military theme. Find a khaki tablecloth, or paint it yourself.

    After dinner, have an impromptu concert and sing war songs with the whole family. The competitions will amuse both adults and children. Assemble and disassemble toy machines for speed, play darts, or come up with your own accuracy test. You can make a competition with airplanes at no cost. Let each participant make an airplane, and place a large basket in the center of the room. Whose plane gets there first will win. Using the same principle, you can arrange a boat race in the bathroom.

    You can end the evening outside: launch sky lanterns or have a real festive fireworks display.

    Whether to introduce certain elements into the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is up to you: pay attention to the number of men in the family, as well as their age. Remember that the holiday should please everyone!