Jewelry and souvenirs made from coins. Crafts from coins: metal creativity (20 photos)

Surely, many of you have already seen such funny things as rings made of coins, and this will surprise few people now. But progress and the imagination of masters do not stand still, and gradually I began to stumble upon new interesting coin crafts from the same pioneering masters. I want to talk about them in this post.

I’ll explain my position right away. Since I myself work with coins, bending them into various obscene states, I am naturally primarily interested in those coin crafts that make you think “how is it made?” Therefore, I will not consider various floors/tables/stools and other mosaics where coins are used purely as a covering. I'm interested in geometric changes.

Let's start with something simple. We cut out the middle of the coin, bend the washer into a cone, bend it to the state of a straight ring with parallel walls, and we get a blank.

More to come. Cut this ring in one place. Carefully straighten it. The result is a strip like this. Of course, all this is done with the necessary precautions to preserve the original external and internal design on the coin. This pattern is not visible in the picture below because the workpiece is annealed and not yet polished.

Well, now this blank can be bent any way you want, giving you a lot of different options for use. These include regular pendants, bracelets, hooks, and tie/money clips. But you never know what imagination is capable of.

The next level is creating earrings.

To be honest, when I first saw this photo, I was stunned for a while. I thought I knew everything about bending and bending coins. And then I just couldn’t figure out how to get such a double strip, and even roll it into a ring.

But, as they say, the casket simply opened. A year later, these photographs from another master caught my eye and everything fell into place.

The point was that it was not a strip that needed to be flattened, but simply a coin with the center cut out. Even before the moment of its bending into a ring. But my brain, fascinated by stripes, didn’t let me figure it out.

Okay, earrings, pendants, stripes, they're all great. What about taking advantage of silver's exceptional tensile properties? And like this:

The Morgan dollar is a very large coin with a diameter of 38 millimeters made of 900 silver. And with proper annealing, it can stretch to impressive sizes.

If you want a more exotic version of the bracelet, then you can do the following. Take the anka in one hand and the punzel in the other. Place a coin in the hole and sharply bring your hands together several times.

Kidding. In fact, I have no idea how this is done, I can only guess, but I have never tried it myself.

And finally, if you have a CNC milling machine lying around or, more rarely, your hands grow out of the right place, you can take a jewelry jigsaw and create.

That's probably all. At the moment, this is the edge of technology for the production of various gizmos from such an excellent material as coins.

Although no, I can’t resist the temptation to show some of my works. The vanity of a master is a terrible thing.

South Korea. 10,000 won. 1983

United Kingdom. 1/2 Crown 1937-1946.

USSR. 5 rubles 1980. Anniversary series "Olympics-80".

P.S. If you read to the end and decided to try to do such things, here is a small bonus about how often it happens :)

Thanks for reading. I hope it was interesting and informative.

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Many are accustomed to the fact that coins are a means of payment that can be left in a store or put in a piggy bank. But restless craftsmen with indefatigable imagination came up with an unusual use for them, making crafts from coins with their own hands. Yes, such that sometimes you are amazed at what kind of creations you get. The following information is for those who are not indifferent to creative delights at home.


Master class from coins

At first glance, it is difficult to make beautiful crafts from small money, but in fact, nothing is easier if your hands know how to bring the plan to life.

To confirm the veracity of our words, let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a gorgeous apple.

You need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • a base (a plastic orange or apple, a rubber ball, a foam ball, a Christmas tree toy will do);
  • glue gun;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • coins;
  • decorative leaves.

Work progress:

Simple crafts

If you have the desire, but don’t have enough experience, you can start with the simplest craft options.

Such a pyramid is very easy to make: you just need to glue together individual rows first: 3 rows of 5 coins, 3 rows of 4, 3 rows of 3, 3 rows of 2 and the very top is crowned with a structure of 3 coins on each side.

Making a box is simple, but in terms of time this process can be called protracted. You will need to glue together many columns of small items, and then use them to create any geometric shape you want (circle, rectangle, square, heart). The lid of the box can be made flat, or, as in the photo, you can glue the material, creating a three-dimensional look.

Any vase or jug ​​can be refreshed with the help of old and new coins (pre-cleaned) glued to them. And then these items will sparkle in a new way in the interior of the apartment.

If you have collected a sufficient number of metal monetary units, then replace the old or tired upholstery of any furniture with a new and shiny one.

Children will be delighted with their favorite cartoon character made on cardboard, first with a pencil sketch, and then with the help of glue, coins and colored cardboard.

In the old days, jewelry made from zlotys had a double meaning: they were worn not only for beauty, but also so that in difficult times it would be possible to pay for food. Nowadays such pendants are worn by adherents of the boho style and gypsy motifs. Moreover, everyone can make such pendants, bracelets and earrings with their own hands.

Coin tree

The most popular type of crafts made from coins is the money tree, which should bring financial success to the person in whose house it is located.

To get started, prepare:

  • burlap;
  • coins in large quantities (any coins that are in the house, but preferably the same size or denomination);
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun;
  • sponge, brush, acrylic paints;
  • photo frame;
  • 3-layer napkin;
  • scissors.

When starting work, take burlap and cover the cardboard component of the photo frame with it using glue. From the prepared napkin, cut strips a little less than 2 cm wide for the future trunk. To make it, take one of the strips, unfold it and divide it into 2 parts (for more comfortable rolling), then quickly dip it in water to soften it and twist it with a flagellum. Make movements strictly in one direction at an angle of 45 °.

At this stage, you need to find any sketch you like on the Internet (or a craft magazine). It's good if you did this a little earlier. Looking at the selected photo, you should recreate it as closely as possible in your craft. Glue the paper flagella to the burlap in a certain order, achieving the exact shape of the trunk and branches.

After gluing all the tissue material, leave the work for a while so that the glue dries completely. After some time, use a heat gun to place 50-100 coins on the burlap. First, the contour of the crown is “outlined” with metal pennies, and after that the rest of the space is filled. Coins can also be glued on top of each other to visually increase the volume of the “leaves”.

Advice! Make sure that the coin crown turns out beautiful and lush, otherwise a meager number of coins will not be able to recreate the beautiful appearance of the tree.

If the glue has left marks on the burlap, they can be removed with a stiff brush. Only after this the application must be dried.

When everything has dried, acrylic paints are applied to the entire craft, and then the coins can also be treated with bronze paint. After this is done, leave the semi-finished product to dry again. When the time is up, insert the result of the work into the frame. In this form, the craft is quite suitable as a gift for any event.

Ordinary coins that have already gone out of use, or are simply lying around as unnecessary weight in your bins, can be turned into original jewelry, or used to decorate any surface. Today we offer you a small master class, thanks to which you can change either a coffee table or any interior door.

Materials for work:

  • A lot of coins (absolutely any, but preferably the same diameter);
  • Wire cutters;
  • A suitable horizontal surface (in our case, the author used a regular interior door without embossed inserts and glass);
  • Thin wooden slats to match the door;
  • Any glue;
  • Epoxy resin in large quantities;

So, as already mentioned, absolutely any horizontal surface is suitable for our product. In this case, wood looks like a more advantageous option, as it harmonizes with the color of copper coins.

Wooden slats must be glued to the edges of our surface, and the corners must fit tightly to each other; this is very important at the final stage, when we apply the coating.

Now you need to decide on the pattern that you will lay out on the surface. You can use diagonal stripes, floral motifs or a simple geometric pattern. Color effects can be created by swapping coins of different colors. Typically, the oldest coins have a dark copper tint, while newer coins have a gold cast.

When the pattern is determined, you can begin to lay out its surface, gluing one coin at a time. In places where a whole coin is not needed, use wire cutters to cut off what is unnecessary and place the coin in place. We also do not throw away the remaining pieces; they may be needed to fill voids along the edge of the surface.

In principle, it does not matter which side and in which direction to move, although it is better to start from the edges or from any corner, and then move straight. We place the coins as close to each other as possible so that there are no large gaps between them.

When the entire surface is covered with coins, you can begin the final part. We take epoxy resin and a special hardener, and mix it all until a homogeneous mass is obtained (the number of components is written on each package and depends on the type of resin and manufacturer). When the mixture is ready, simply pour it onto the surface with the coins. In this case, wooden slats act as sides and will not allow the still liquid material to leave its place.

We leave it all until it dries completely and we end up with an original surface that will help you decorate any room.

Crafts made from coins have long been considered one of the most common types of home crafts. This is due to the fact that a large amount of unnecessary little things sometimes accumulate in the house, which can be put into use by making various accessories and souvenirs from it. At the same time, you will not only spend your free time usefully, but also keep funds in reserve, because they will retain all the properties of the payment currency.

Crafts made from coins are very popular these days.

Pros of crafts made from coins

DIY coin crafts have become quite popular recently for a variety of wines. So, if earlier work with money was entrusted to jewelers or blacksmiths, who could make a monisto or a necklace from coins, now anyone can make products from them. This is due to the fact that metal money has become available to most people, and not just wealthy citizens, and also to the fact that handmade goods have become fashionable, using any suitable objects to create various crafts.

Experienced handmade masters name the following advantages of working with coins:

  • availability of thin coins;
  • ease of working with metal;
  • the ability, if necessary, to use coins as a payment weapon;
  • durability of souvenirs created from them.

Attention! Coin crafts are usually made from thin coins, which are rarely used in making payments.

So, so, crafts from 10-kopeck coins are made from various coins of the corresponding denominations, which are no longer in circulation, or are in limited circulation. This is money from the USSR stage or the 90s of the last century. At the same time, most householders have a reserve of such small items at home, since they are not always in demand in stores. As a result, this little thing is easy to access and can be used to create homemade items.

Coin crafts help attract physical well-being

Souvenirs made from coins are also good because they are durable. The thing is that money is usually made from metal that is little susceptible to corrosion. Naturally, products made from it will serve you for a long time, and in order to restore their pleasant appearance, you just need to clean them until they shine. In addition, metal can be easily processed even by a novice craftsman, which opens up wide possibilities for the future.

Crafts made from coins can be used as an ordinary means of payment.

Also, money crafts made from coins are good because, if necessary, they can be used as a regular means of payment. To do this, you need to leave the coin itself intact or damage it minimally. By the way, in ancient times, jewelry was specially made from coins in order to be able to pay for food with them in case of need.

It is worth mentioning separately about this direction of this type of handmade, such as feng shui. According to his principles, if you want to attract material well-being, you need to decorate the premises using banknotes and coins. So, a money tree is created from them, or they are fixed on the walls of the room and on the surface of the furniture.

Images of crafts made from coins

Coin crafts come in a variety of forms. This is due both to their practical use and to the technology used to manufacture such products. If we divide these crafts according to the principle of utilitarian use, then there are accessories and gifts made from coins, as well as decorative elements made from them. If the former can be used in everyday life, for example, in the form of buttons or fasteners, then the latter are especially needed to satisfy aesthetic needs, for example, for finishing furniture.

As for the methods of making the mentioned products, the same craft from penny coins can be made by weaving. To do this, 2 holes are made in a similar coin, through which a fishing line or wire is passed. The result is strands, from which you can then weave a bracelet or necklace. Such a cord can be decorated with beads or beads, as a result of which it will only become more beautiful.

The second way to make homemade coins is to create a mosaic from them. It can be made by placing money on plasticine, glue or special mastic. This method can be used to decorate furniture, household items, and interior items. In addition, experienced artists can create a real picturesque panel from coins.

Decorating a paint vase with coins is very simple.

The third main method, with the support of which you can make crafts from coins, is to use them as an improvised material for jewelry, plumbing or blacksmithing. For example, coins can be used to decorate metal flasks, dishes, and weapons. In addition, they can be used to make a memorial sign with a directive of the name, emblem and image of a person. Naturally, such products can only be made by an experienced craftsman.

Crafts made from coins are often presented at weddings.

Worth noting! Crafts made from coins and banknotes are often presented at weddings as a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Here the imagination can play out very widely, but the most loose option is the so-called money tree. In addition, rings and earrings are often made from gold coins; they are supposed to bring money to the newlyweds.

As for unusual ways of using coins, they have recently been used to decorate tabletops, make coasters for hot food, and decorate the floor. It all depends on your taste and, of course, financial status. The fact is that coins are still money, so only wealthy people can widely use them in interior design, of course. you do not have a stock of retired banknotes at home.

How to make a money tree?

If you are allowed to make crafts, your first product could be a money tree made from coins. In order to create such a tree, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • approximately 100 coins;
  • sackcloth;
  • heat gun;
  • picture frame;
  • acrylic paints, brush and sponge.

Attention! A money tree is a fairly simple homemade product, but if you decide to professionally make crafts from coins with your own hands, it makes sense for you to attend a master class on this topic.

Usually at such events they talk about the intricacies of making a particular product and demonstrate particularly complex technical calculations.

As for the money tree itself, for the base you will need to glue burlap onto the cardboard base of the picture frame. Next, strips 1-1.5 cm wide are cut from a three-layer napkin folded in half. The barrel of a tree will be made from them in the future.

To do this, take one strip, unfold it and divide it in half so that it can be more conveniently twisted. After this, holding it at one end, the strip is placed in water. As a result, it becomes soft, and it can be very easily rolled into a flagellum, following the example of products made from plasticine. In this case, twisting must be done in one direction at an angle of 45 °.

There are some difficulties encountered when making a money tree.

After the consumables are ready, you need to find a sketch of the future money tree or its image. This can be done easily on the Internet by asking in the search bar the question of how to make crafts from coins and photos of such crafts. Based on such a sketch, the application is made. To do this, the finished flagella are glued onto burlap using PVA glue according to a sketch planned in advance.

A bright beaded money tree with coins will amuse your eyes every day

After the wood is glued, it will need to be dried. Next, you need to take a heat gun and, with its support, glue the coins onto the burlap. First, they are glued along the contour of the crown, formed with flagella from a napkin, and then they fill all the spaces of the panel. Glue drips are removed with a coarse brush, and the product is left to dry.

To make the tree look very impressive, you need to make several layers of coins

After drying, the craft is painted black using acrylic paints. Then the coins are shaded a little with bronze paint. After the glue and paint have dried, the finished money tree is inserted into the frame, and it can be presented to the newlyweds at the wedding.

A money tree made of coins in a “vintage” frame looks very attractive

Crafts from coins of 10 kopecks

Another common type of money crafts are crafts made from 10 kopeck coins. This is due to the fact that this coin has low circulation, so its reserves often accumulate in the apartments of Russians, since not every trading enterprise in the distance agrees to accept them for payment in large numbers. But they make excellent coin crafts, for example, decorated bottles.

Attention! When starting to make such crafts from 10-kopeck coins with your own hands, first of all, prepare a suitable container for yourself.

So, a bottle for such a homemade product can have almost any shape, but it will be better when its surface allows you to easily place coins on it. You will need old tights - they are used to make a kind of tube and a zipper 15 cm long.

Crafts made from 10 kopeck coins are loose

If you have never made crafts from coins with your own hands before, you should study photos of such a process. To decorate the bottle, you will first need to pull a pre-prepared nylon tube onto the container and, slightly draping it, make a cut for the zipper. It is better to make such a cut a little obliquely.

Golden apple made from coins is a great gift

Next, the zipper is placed at the edges of the cut and attached to the nylon using a hot glue gun. As a result, when unbuttoned, a small pocket should form. The subsequent operation will be impregnation of nylon with glue. After you soak it with PVA, you will need to leave the workpiece to dry overnight.

Crafts made from coins are aimed at attracting good luck

The next stage is painting the bottle with steel or black paint from an aerosol can. Next, the workpiece will again have to dry for 5-6 hours. Afterwards, you will again need to pick up the heat gun and glue ten-kopeck coins into the previously created pocket. To give them a nice appearance, they are painted with bronze or silver paint. The final finishing of such a craft will be coating it with varnish.

You can decorate other items in a similar manner. In addition, crafts made from coins with a denomination of 10 kopecks are made using the beadwork technique. This is due to the fact that such coins have a small diameter and therefore go well with beads. Thus, they are actively used in the process of making bracelets, necklaces and chokers. To do this, they make 2 holes into which a fishing line or silicone thread is threaded for weaving. At the same time, some experienced craftsmen manage to weave real dresses from threads with coins.

This coin pendant will be a great decoration for your car.

If you have only recently taken up this type of handmade, you should first start making the simplest crafts. Having learned how to make panels or simple bracelets, you can move on to working in Feng Shui styles, which has its own principles and unique techniques in the design and decoration of both rooms and everyday objects. They are aimed at attracting good luck and financial well-being to the house where the furnishings are made in accordance with the rules of this philosophy.