Second courses for every day for children. Plan a menu for your child's birthday. Fruit butterflies - for a summer mood

You should start preparing your baby for independent life from the diapers. It just seems that the little one will be a “disturbance” for mom while she is preparing dinner. In fact, two year old baby You can already trust beating eggs, for example. Or sifting flour. A 5-year-old child is already a more experienced assistant. He is capable of mixing a salad, decorating a dish, and making dumplings. Well, a child over 8 years old can already be allowed near the stove. But only under the supervision of mom! The main thing is to choose the right dish.

For your attention - best recipes for young chefs!

Sandwiches for the holiday table

The simplest dish that even a 2-3 year old child can easily handle.

What to look for in bins:

  • Bread (sliced).
  • 6-7 leaves of green salad.
  • A couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  • Sliced ​​ham and salami.
  • Sliced ​​cheese.
  • Green.
  • Polka dots.

And also pickled cucumbers, olives and boiled carrots (which mom will first cut into circles).

There are no cooking instructions. Because in this case everything depends only on the imagination of the child (and the mother who helps him). Food, as you know, should not only be healthy and tasty, but also... aesthetically pleasing in appearance. And on sandwiches there is a place for your imagination to run wild - mice, cats, Smeshariki, marine theme and much more.

Let's stock up on food supplies and get creative!

Crispy cucumbers in a tub - getting ready for a delicious winter

Yes, imagine, a child can cook this too. Real pickles, prepared by the hands of your own son (daughter) - what could be tastier!

Of course, you will have to help a little, but the main work is on the young cook (let him feel involved in the “great”). And if the child is also a fan of crunching a cucumber with potatoes, then cooking will be doubly more interesting. A real grown-up dish for a growing child.

Don’t worry, there are no glass jars or boiling brine in the recipe, and a child over 12 years old can handle this Russian dish on their own.

What to look for in bins:

  • The cucumbers are fresh and small. Quantity - in accordance with the container (about 5 kg).
  • Salt. For 2 liters of brine - 140 g of salt.
  • Various spices - fresh and washed. For 5 g of cucumbers: 150 g of dill, 15 g of garlic, 25 g of cherry leaves, 25 g of horseradish (leaves), 25 g of black currant (leaves) and 2.5 g of hot pepper (optional), bay leaf and peppercorns.
  • Sugar - a couple of tbsp.
  • 2 liters of water.

So, the instructions:

  1. Wash the spices thoroughly.
  2. Peel and finely chop the garlic (if the child is not yet trusted with a knife, the mother can do this). We pound it in a mortar with a masher (and this is the child’s task).
  3. We sort the cucumbers, choosing the smallest and thin-skinned ones. Wash thoroughly and soak in cold water for about 5 hours (so that the cucumbers do not wrinkle in the brine).
  4. We take 1/3 of the spices and cover the bottom of the pre-prepared tub with them. Next is a layer of cucumbers, which need to be laid as tightly and vertically as possible (“standing”). Then another layer of spices and another layer of cucumbers. Afterwards, all the cucumber beauty is covered with the remaining spices, and horseradish leaves are placed on top of them.
  5. On top there is a bend on which the load is placed. And only then we water everything with brine. How to make it? Dissolve 140 g of salt in water that has cooled after boiling (warm, 2 liters) and pour in our cucumbers so that they are completely covered with brine.

It's done. Cover with a lid and forget about the cucumbers for a couple of days, leaving the “dish” in the kitchen or room.

On the 3rd day, as soon as the initial fermentation process has started, we hide the tub somewhere dark and cool for at least a month.

Fruit butterflies - for a summer mood!

This recipe is suitable for a child 7-9 years old if he is already allowed to use a knife. However, you can cook “butterflies” even at 3-4 years old, if your mother helps you wash everything, cut out the wings and plan the antennae.

What to look for in bins:

Grapes (for example, Quiche Mish and Lady's Finger).
Strawberry and kiwi.


  1. Orange slice - in half. And we lay these halves in the shape of butterfly wings.
  2. Along the “back” of the butterfly we place half a grape – the “body”.
  3. We put a small and round grape in place of the head.
  4. We cut thin stripes of antennae from the orange peel, apply them to the “head” and bend them slightly to the sides.
  5. Decorate the butterfly's wings with kiwi and strawberry slices.
  6. The eyes can be made with a couple of drops of melted ice cream.
  7. Place it on a plate and... make the family happy!

If desired, butterflies can be seated on a “meadow” of currant leaves or hidden among marzipan flowers. By the way, children also really like to create the latter.

Homemade apple marmalade

Tastes better than store-bought (and safer). Children will not only enjoy cooking this sweetness, but also eat it.

Recipe for a child aged 12-13 years. Or - for cooking with mom's help.

What to look for in bins:

  • 100 ml water.
  • ½ cup apple/juice.
  • Gelatin - about 20 g.
  • Lemon zest - a couple of tbsp.
  • Two glasses of sugar.


  1. Pour fresh juice over the gelatin and leave to “swell.”
  2. Gently grate the lemon zest so as not to injure your fingers.
  3. Next, pour water into the sugar in a saucepan and add grated zest to it.
  4. Place the pan on the fire and stir thoroughly.
  5. After the sugar has dissolved, remove the dishes from the heat and add our swollen gelatin.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly until all lumps are completely dissolved.
  7. Strain the lemon zest through a sieve.

All. All that remains is to place in the molds, cool overnight in the refrigerator, then cut, generously roll in powdered sugar and place on a plate.

You can decorate with cranberries and mint leaves.

Tofifi candies - prepared with nuts and cranberries

An option for an adult child (from 12-14 years old) or for a baby who would not mind helping his mother create a small miracle.

What to look for in bins:

  • Hazelnuts - about 35 pcs.
  • 70 g dark bitter chocolate.
  • 9 tbsp cream (approx. 10%).
  • Creamy toffees (the most ordinary, stretchy, not crumbly) - 240 g.
  • One and a half spoons of plums/oil.
  • One and a half spoons of vegetable oil/oil without smell!


  1. Finely chop the toffee, add cream (5 tbsp) and melt in a water bath.
  2. Melted? Remove from heat, add butter and mix until smooth and shiny.
  3. We grease the mold (this is where the mold from the candy box comes in handy) with butter (or take a silicone “fancy” mold). Even a toddler can do this.
  4. Now we hand the baby a spoon and wait patiently while he pours the melted toffee into the molds.
  5. We clean the nuts (hazelnuts) in advance and lightly fry them, wash the cranberries.
  6. We give the child a plate with nuts and a plate with cranberries - let him decorate the candies.
  7. Meanwhile, mom melts the dark chocolate, gradually adds 2-4 tablespoons of cream to it (we look at the consistency) and pours the resulting mass into a container.
  8. We give the child a spoon again. Now his task is to “drench” each future candy with chocolate before it hardens.

Ready! Place our sweets in the freezer for 4 hours.

We arrange the candies beautifully on a platter and go treat dad and grandma!

Flowers for a tired mom after work

An original snack for a hungry mother who is exhausted after a hard day at work. Option for children who are already allowed to use the stove. Or for smaller children, but with the involvement of dad or grandmother in the process (dads also really like to misbehave in the kitchen).

What to look for in bins:

  • Thin sausages of good quality - several pieces.
  • Green onions, dill - for the bouquet
  • Regular baby noodles (a handful).
  • Products for decoration (whatever you find).


  1. Remove the film from the sausages and cut them into 5-6 pieces (of course, across the sausage).
  2. Carefully and creatively stick the noodles into our sausages so that they stick out halfway from the sausage. Do not portion it so that the noodles do not fall out during cooking.
  3. We put our “buds” into boiling water and wait 15 minutes for them to “bloom”.
  4. Carefully remove with a slotted spoon and let dry a little.
  5. Well, now the most important thing is creating a bouquet. We beautifully lay out the stems with leaves (onion, dill) on a dish, arrange our “flowers” ​​and, at our discretion, add, for example, vegetable butterflies (the principle is the same as for fruit butterflies - see above).

Mom will be pleased!

Mini pizzas - for the whole family

The cook's age is from 3 years. But only mom turns on the oven.

What to look for in bins:

  • A package of puff pastry dough (total 0.5 kg).
  • 100 g marinated chopped champignons.
  • Russian cheese - 100 g.
  • 150 g sliced ​​brisket.
  • Ketchup (optional - and mayonnaise).
  • Ingredients for decoration: shaved bell peppers, sliced ​​olives.


  1. Defrost and roll out the dough. The child diligently helps his mother with a rolling pin.
  2. Cut out exactly 8 circles of the same diameter.
  3. Decorating pizzas - giving free rein to your imagination! Smileys, animal faces, funny inscriptions - anything is possible!
  4. Bake until fully cooked in a preheated oven. Naturally, with my mother's help.

Ready! You can invite your family for afternoon tea!

Scrambled eggs Heart - for mom's breakfast

Well, what kind of mother would refuse such a breakfast!

Are they already letting you near the stove? Then go ahead and have a good mood!

What to look for in bins:

  • 2 long sausages.
  • Salt, drain/oil.
  • Of course, eggs (2 pcs).
  • Green onion and lettuce leaves - for “decor”.


  1. We cut each sausage (note - not all the way!) lengthwise.
  2. We turn it inside out and carefully secure the sharp corner of our heart with a toothpick.
  3. Heat a frying pan, melt the butter and lightly fry the sausage heart on 1 side.
  4. Fried? Turn over and crack the egg directly into the center of the heart.
  5. Don't forget to add salt.
  6. After cooking, place the “heart” with a spatula on lettuce leaves and garnish with red pepper.

You can bring mom breakfast!

Banana cocktail - impossible to stop eating!

Any child whose mother already lets him near the blender can handle this drink. An easy and simple recipe for a quick summer refreshing and nutritious drink.

What to look for in the bins (serves 4):

  • 2 .
  • 400 ml fresh milk.
  • Cinnamon.
  • 200 g of creamy ice cream.


  1. Place ice cream in a blender.
  2. Add chopped bananas to it.
  3. Fill the products with milk.
  4. Beat until the bananas are completely chopped.
  5. What's next? We coat the edges of the glasses with banana (do not overdo it) and, turning them over, dip them in cinnamon - that is, we decorate the rims of the glasses.

All that remains is to pour the cocktail itself over them and serve.

Berry ice cream made by a child

It doesn't matter that summer is over. After all, the best time for ice cream is always! And if you also learn how to make it yourself, then even your grandmother, who stubbornly refuses to eat “cold” food in the slushy autumn, will not resist.

As for the age of the cook, we note that again we cannot do without the mother.

What to look for in bins:

  • 300 g of ready-made berry puree (make in a blender in advance).
  • One egg.
  • 200 g drain/oil.
  • 150 g sugar.


  1. Mix the egg with sugar. Children love working with a whisk.
  2. Add the resulting mixture to our berry puree and cook this mixture over medium heat for 5 minutes, remembering to stir.
  3. Next, beat the butter with a mixer and slowly pour it into the now cooled fruit mixture.

Now you can pour the ice cream into molds and put it in the freezer.

Apples with cottage cheese

Healthy and tasty. The cook's age is from 12-14 years.

What to look for in bins:

  • 2 large apples.
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • A handful of washed raisins.
  • 1 tbsp honey.


  1. Cut out the cores from the apples.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and honey for the filling.
  3. Stuff the apples with the filling and sprinkle a little sugar on top.
  4. Place the dish in the preheated oven. You can also cook them in the microwave.

To check the readiness of the dessert, pierce the apple with a toothpick.

Rolls for dad

Even a 6-7 year old child can prepare such a snack.

What to look for in bins:

  • Pita.
  • Filling: 100 g cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, sliced ​​ham, washed lettuce leaves.


  1. Cut the pita bread into squares in advance (you can cut it with scissors).
  2. Grate 1 clove of garlic and cheese on the finest grater, mix with mayonnaise.
  3. Place the cheese mass in a thin layer on a square of pita bread, and top with a thin slice of ham and a leaf of lettuce.
  4. We roll our square with the filling into a neat roll.

Banana cookies for grandma

Who said cookies are only grandma's domain? It’s not true, everyone can cook! And the children will prove it to you.

The cook must be over 9 years old with the right to use a microwave.

What to look for in bins:

  • A few bananas.
  • Drain/oil.
  • Coconut flakes.


  1. Grind bananas in a blender. If you don’t have a blender or your mother forbids using it yet, grind it with a fork or on a grater until smooth.
  2. Mix the mixture with coconut flakes.
  3. We form future cookies with our hands.
  4. We take a plate without pictures and gilded edges (allowed for the microwave), grease it with butter and carefully transfer our cookies.
  5. Dry the dessert in the microwave for 5 minutes.

We take it out, crumble crushed walnuts on top, decorate with cranberries and serve.

Vitamin salad for mom's lunch

We've been cooking without a knife since we were 4-5 years old!

What to look for in bins:

  • Grated cheese - 100 g.
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • Half a lemon.
  • A handful of pine nuts (hulled).
  • 10 tiny cherry tomatoes.
  • Green lettuce leaves (washed).
  • Greens and arugula - to your taste.


  1. Place the tomatoes in a wide salad bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with nut kernels and grated cheese.
  3. Tear the greens and lettuce leaves on top with clean hands.
  4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the salad.
  5. Add a little salt, a little pepper and pour vegetable oil over all this beauty.

The salad is ready!

Curd tomatoes

The cook's age is from 7-8 years with the right to use a knife.

What to look for in bins:

  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • A couple of green onions.
  • Cottage cheese - half a pack (125 g).
  • A clove of garlic and herbs.
  • Sour cream, salt.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and carefully cut off the tops.
  2. Carefully remove the pulp with a regular teaspoon.
  3. Place the tomatoes with the holes down to drain the juice.
  4. Chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix.
  5. Add the cottage cheese mashed with a fork, 3 tablespoons of sour cream and a pinch of salt to the mixture.
  6. Mix again and stuff our tomatoes with the mixture.

Bon appetit and good luck to the young chefs!

Before allowing your child to prepare simple meals on his own, study with him. It would be better if you prepare a colorful instruction sheet for your baby in the kitchen - which you can also draw with him.

What kind of dishes do your children cook? Share your children's recipes with us!

A child's skills develop gradually. This process is exciting and reminiscent of a game. And if the mother can and wants to set the desired vector, then the child will grow up to be an excellent and irreplaceable assistant. Therefore, teach your child culinary arts from an early age.

How are culinary skills useful?

Allow your baby to wash potatoes or carrots in a basin. Let him put the ingredients in the blender and press the button. Give a piece of dough, let him sculpt various figures or roll koloboks. The sooner you begin to reward your child's work in the kitchen and around the house, the more successful his development will be.

As your baby grows, so do his skills. By the age of two, the child can already walk quite confidently. Participation in cooking will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, develop coordination of movement, and strengthen muscles. Allow him to help you sort out your shopping bag and put the groceries in their places. Let the dish be salted and sprinkled with herbs. Suggest stirring the thin dough in a bowl and brushing the pastry with a pastry brush. A child at this age will be able to independently peel tangerines, eggs and cut bananas with a non-sharp knife.

From three to five years old, children have already developed motor skills. Therefore, you can entrust more complex and detailed work. For example, roll out pizza dough, measure dry ingredients, peel cooked vegetables. You can give the task of peeling raw vegetables and fruits using a small knife. Show your child how to thread food onto wooden skewers, whip cream with a mixer, and form cutlets or meatballs.

How can a child over seven years old help?

From six to ten years old, for children, working in the kitchen is already an understandable and conscious process. A child at this age can already read. Encourage him to read recipes out loud to you while you cook. This way he will remember the standards applied to products and understand the measures of volume and weight. Under your supervision and control, he will be ready to use the stove and oven independently. My skills have already developed quite well when working with a knife. Therefore, it’s time to trust the work with large knives. But do not forget that at all stages that require precautions, be in complete control of the process. Never be lazy once again remind you to be careful and attentive when working in the kitchen. Although cooking looks like a fun, interesting and exciting game, the kitchen is not a place for games.

Self-cooking skills will be useful for both boys and girls and will allow the child to feel independent.

What can an 11 year old child cook?

A simple vegetable or fruit salad does not require complex skills. For this dish, suggest chopping onions and greens, chopping cucumbers, carefully chopping tomatoes and bell peppers. Stir, add salt and season with sour cream, mayonnaise or butter. To prepare a fruit salad, ask your child to come up with his own personal recipe. It’s good if a dish that a child of 11 years old can prepare becomes his signature dish, with some secret ingredient.

Healthy breakfasts

A home-cooked breakfast is a great help for parents. Now we’ll tell you what to cook for your child for breakfast. 11 years is the age when the choice determines personal tastes. Instant porridge is suitable for breakfast. You need to boil water, add porridge, note the time - all this is not difficult. You can add various additives in the form of berries, dried fruits or jam.

What can an 11 year old child cook? Scrambled eggs or omelet. This is a light and nutritious breakfast. You can break the eggs, fry them and decorate them to look like a funny face or the face of an animal. There is another option. You can beat eggs, milk, cheese, add any vegetables and the omelette is ready. The process itself will arouse great interest in the child.

Lazy dumplings

What can you cook for the children themselves? 11 years old is the age when children can make them. They are made simply. It will not be difficult to beat 2 eggs with a fork, add half a kilogram of cottage cheese, add a glass of flour and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar.

All you have to do is roll out the sausage, cut it into small pieces, make sure the water boils, throw in the dumplings, and after three minutes you can take it out and pour sour cream on it.


Offer a dish that an 11-year-old child can prepare for the whole family. Let's say make a pizza.

Cake in a cup

Creating desserts is probably the most exciting and creative process. What can a child cook himself at 11 years old? The simplest cake in a cup. In a container using a microwave oven, melt 4 tablespoons of butter, stir with four tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of sugar. Beat the egg separately and pour it into the finished mass. Stirs carefully. Add half a mug of milk and mix thoroughly again. Raisins, dried apricots and nuts will not be superfluous. The mug is placed in the microwave at the highest power for 3 minutes. Freshly prepared cake is poured with condensed milk.

It is advisable to even make a small list of what dishes an 11-year-old child can prepare. For example, this could be: canapés, cottage cheese casserole cooked in the microwave, stuffed eggs, a variety of salads (no more than 7 ingredients), ice cream and fruit cocktails, marshmallow or shortbread cake without baking.

Other dishes

If parents work, then the little assistant can be given a task for the day. You already know your child’s capabilities. Choosing what to cook for an 11-year-old child yourself is not so difficult.

A boy or girl at this age can easily cope with frozen semi-finished products. What can an 11 year old child cook? He can boil dumplings or dumplings. The skills are already enough to prepare a simple vegetable soup, make a side dish by boiling pasta or buckwheat.

A fairly good reason for developing independence would be an offer to cook something for friends or to participate in the process with them. Don't be afraid to let your kids use the kitchen for a few hours. Just adjust the process. Offer a choice of what children aged 11 can cook for themselves, without your intervention. These can be pancakes or pancakes, simple no-bake cakes or simple pies made from ready-made dough.

Naturally, we must not forget to provide detailed instructions on the rules of behavior in the kitchen and compliance with safety precautions.

Take time to clean

Don't miss this one important point in the process of cooking, like cleaning. You should be concerned not only with the question of what an 11-year-old child can cook, but also with how to instill in him the skills of cleanliness and accuracy. Get him his own separate apron. Explain to girls what hairstyle is unacceptable in the kitchen. Together with your child, come up with your own special hairstyle for cooking. Show what a chef's hat or hair band looks like. Naturally, this should not only be talk, but also stimulation by example. Explain why you need to clean your work area after cooking. Always encourage your child if he does it on his own.

Plan a menu for your child's birthday

The biggest holiday in the life of any child is his birthday. Creating a menu and distributing responsibilities is a pleasant chore before the celebration. Discuss with your child what an 11-year-old child can cook for his 12th birthday. Let him decide for himself.

Maybe he will think about making a few simple desserts with an interesting design. Or he will come up with an original decoration for the cake, which you will implement together.

Fantasize, create together with your little, but already such an irreplaceable assistant.

“What can a child cook himself at 11-12 years old and does he need it?” — a parent who considers his child still a toddler may have doubts. But the ability to cook at home even the simplest dishes is just as necessary a skill as the ability to take care of yourself. Moreover, it is equally necessary for both boys and girls.

By teaching children to be independent, parents show true love for them, because this is their best protection and help in the future. After children go to school, they spend more and more time at home alone, and the ability to make themselves at least sandwiches for breakfast or a salad for lunch makes their life much easier.

And if a child can please his parents with a lunch or dinner he has prepared at home, then this is also a reason for pride and self-respect. Of course, these skills do not come suddenly and on their own. The task of parents is to gradually teach this to their child, and it is necessary to start as early as possible.

By the fourth year of life, the baby can be trusted to take part in preparing dinner, sifting flour, stirring dough or beating an egg under his mother’s guidance. Even though some of the food may suffer at first, the baby will remember that the kitchen is a place for creativity and joy. At 6-7 years old, children can begin to be taught how to use kitchen utensils, a knife, cut bread and sausage under parental supervision, and become familiar with the stove.

Then, at the age of 10-11, children will be able to independently prepare simple dishes at home for breakfast, lunch or dinner. By this age, they will have fully mastered kitchen safety techniques, and they will physical abilities– coordination of movements, fine motor skills hands - give them the opportunity to confidently master the culinary arts at home.

The beauty of sandwiches is that a child who has mastered a knife can prepare it easily, and there is huge scope for imagination and creativity. Even a 5-year-old child can make his first sandwich if you give him sliced ​​bread and select products that require minimal processing. The sandwich is good for breakfast, and for dinner, and in between.

  • “Sweet fairy tale”: condensed milk is spread on a slice of white bread or roll. On top, according to the child’s imagination, halves of grapes or slices of sliced ​​banana are laid out. You can take an apple, mother cut off its skin and cut it into thin slices, entrusting the baby to cut out triangles, stripes, etc. from them, and add these apple cuttings to the composition.
  • "A hearty fantasy." These sandwiches are perfect for breakfast or dinner. There is no exact recipe for them; the child can arrange the products in any combination he likes. The parents' task is to provide the young cook with slices of cheese, ham and bread.

Add lettuce leaves and a few spoons of mayonnaise, canned green peas and herbs to the culinary kit. The child will certainly ensure the originality of the design. Children aged 10-11 will be able to create real masterpieces when decorating sandwiches for a holiday lunch.


Salads are the next most difficult dish that a 6-8 year old child can master. Here he should be able to cut with a knife quite confidently, and his mother should tell him the best combination of products. However, if the knife is not yet sufficiently mastered, then the child can prepare a salad with canned corn. It's the parents' job to open the jar.

  • “Yellow.” The baby is given an open can of canned corn, 2 boiled eggs and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and greens. He has to cut the egg as finely as he can, mix it with corn, add sour cream and herbs. He can cut the greens with scissors or tear them with his hands.
  • "Tropical Island" For this fruit salad you will need a couple of apples, 1 kiwi, 2 medium bananas and light yogurt. Cut the peeled fruits into cubes, mix, season with yogurt. You can add a little sugar to taste. If you wish, you can decorate the salad with a few grapes.


Little sweet tooths are especially eager to learn how to make desserts. For children aged 8 - 11 years old, it is quite possible to choose simple recipes even without using an oven or stove. For example, sweet desserts familiar to everyone from childhood.

  • Cake "Potato". The basis for the “potatoes” will be simple cookies, maybe even broken ones, since they still need to be thoroughly chopped. To the resulting crumbs add crushed walnut. We soak this mixture with condensed milk, in which dry cocoa and melted butter are dissolved. We form “potatoes” and put them in the refrigerator overnight. Already for breakfast, the child will be proud to treat his parents to a “Kartoshki” cake.
  • Cocktail “African Dream”. Take 1 banana, a glass of milk, a pinch of cinnamon and one hundred grams of ice cream. Everything except the cinnamon goes into the blender and is whipped. Coat the rim of a cocktail glass with a small piece of banana and dip it in cinnamon. Now you can pour the prepared cocktail into it.

A child 11 - 12 years old can try to make an “apple surprise”. For it you will need a couple of large apples, one hundred grams of cottage cheese, some raisins and a tablespoon of honey. The middle of the apples is cut out, into which cottage cheese mixed with honey and raisins is placed as a filling. Sprinkle sugar on top and place in a preheated oven or microwave. Check readiness with a toothpick.

Simple recipes: Nastya's breakfast. How to make yogurt

Mini pizza

To make your child feel like a skilled baker, but not have to worry about preparing the dough, you can take a package of puff pastry dough and bake mini-pizzas for lunch or dinner. The choice of filling should be left to the child’s taste. These can be pieces of sausage or frankfurters, crab sticks, champignons, and definitely cheese.

A 10-11 year old child can roll out defrosted dough on his own. Cut out medium-sized circles and place the filling on them. The parents' task is to turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up well, and place a baking sheet with prepared pizzas in it. If instead of pizza toppings you put chopped apples sprinkled with sugar, you will get a delicious pastry for tea.


No matter how parents avoid allowing a child under 10-11 years old to go to the stove, you can’t imagine a full breakfast, lunch or dinner without hot dishes. Here, a microwave oven and eggs, or rather dishes made from them, will come to the aid of children and parents. One of them, which comes in many variations, is the omelette. It is better for your child to start with the simplest classic version.

To make the omelette with a beautiful crust, it is cooked on the stove. But if you are ready to sacrifice beauty for the safety of the young chef, then offer him to cook an omelet in the microwave. To do this, take 1 egg, add 1 tablespoon of milk, a drop of salt and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Grease the mold with a piece of butter and pour the egg-milk mixture into it. Set the microwave to maximum and after 2 minutes the omelette is ready. Having mastered this simple option, a novice cook can show his imagination at home by adding pieces of sausage or tomato to the omelette, sprinkling with cheese and chopped herbs at the end.

Child cooks – Sweet chocolate Pizza – A couple of trifles

Everyone knows that food for our beloved children should not only be very tasty and beautiful, but also as healthy as possible. Therefore, recipes for children must be selected very carefully. Selected just for you delicious recipes for children, which will bring them a lot of pleasure. In this subcategory you will find the most healthy and delicious recipes for children. For example, children will like buckwheat with vegetables, children's soup or a sweet carrot casserole. Tasty and healthy at the same time. Cooking meals for children will not be difficult for you, especially with simple recipes, which you will find in this subcategory. For example, recipes for children with photos will make cooking even easier and faster. Also here are dishes for children from one year old, dishes for children 1 year old, recipes for children under one year old, recipes for children 2 years old, recipes for children 3 years old and even recipes for one year old child. It is very important that this subcategory contains recipes not only for everyday dishes, but also unusual, original recipes for a child’s birthday. For example, a “Kolobok” cake, a “Barbie Doll” cake or a cake in the shape of a car will amaze children not only with its taste, but also with its appearance. As a drink on festive table Children can be served a healthy banana smoothie. Pregnant women can also find a recipe that suits them. For example, vegetables for a pregnant woman: broccoli with bell pepper. The dish does not require any special cooking skills and takes a minimum of time. Vitamins are also very important for a child, so a vitamin mixture, the recipe for which you will also find here, should be present in the diet. Choose the most suitable dishes for children and your children will eat with great pleasure, which is also very important. After all, baby food recipes, including recipes, are very important for every mother.


Chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: champignons, chicken liver, sour cream, wheat flour, water, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

An appetizing and healthy dish can be prepared from chicken liver if you add champignons and sour cream to the ingredients. Our recipe will help you make your lunch unforgettably delicious.


- chicken liver - 350 grams,
- wheat flour - 2 tsp,
- fresh champignons - 150 grams,
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.,
- sour cream - 200 grams,
- ground black pepper to taste,
- salt to taste,
- water - half a glass.


Potatoes stewed in a slow cooker

Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, meat, vegetable oil, salt, spices

The recipe will fit perfectly into the summer menu, and into everyone else too. You don't have to stand at the stove for hours; the miracle machine will do everything for you. All you have to do is throw the ingredients into the pan and go about your business.

- potato;
- carrot;
- onions;
- meat (pork or beef);
- sunflower oil;
- salt and spices.


Chicken with zucchini in a slow cooker

Ingredients: zucchini, chicken, carrots, sour cream, greens

An amazing idea in its simplicity and gastronomic properties for a tasty and satisfying dinner for the whole family - zucchini with chicken in a delicate sour cream sauce. We will cook in a slow cooker, which means we will spend a minimum of personal time and effort.

- 400 gr. chicken thighs,
- 300 gr. zucchini,
- 150 gr. carrots,
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 50 gr. dill,
- 100 gr. sour cream,
- vegetable oil,
- spices - to taste.


Lemon Pumpkin Pie

Ingredients: butter, egg, water, sugar, wheat flour, lemon peel, lemon, pumpkin, potato starch

Despite all my dislike for pumpkin (I simply cannot appreciate the taste of this amazing fruit), lemon pumpkin pie is something. It cannot be compared to any other pies. This is a masterpiece of smell and color. Lemon pumpkin pie is perfect for autumn tea drinking. An excellent dish for those who want something simple and tasty, as well as for lovers of vegetarian cuisine.

We will need:

- egg – 1 pc.;
- sugar – 100 gr.;
- wheat flour – 500 gr.;
- lemon zest – 2 pcs.;
- butter – 130 gr.;
- water – 2 tbsp. spoons.

- butter – 50 gr.;
- pumpkin – 100 gr.;
- lemons – 5 pcs.;
- eggs - 5 pieces;
- potato starch – 1 tbsp. spoon;
- sugar – 1 glass.


Charlotte in a slow cooker

Ingredients: eggs, apples, sugar, flour
Calories: 450

Apple pie “Charlotte” will be an irreplaceable quick and tasty treat for unexpected guests. By the way, such a pie is to some extent considered low-calorie, and all because it does not contain high-calorie ingredients such as butter, cream or creams, but apples are present in large quantities. And as you know, apples help burn fat. And so, what you need to take to prepare it:
- eggs in the amount of 5 pieces,
- apples - 3 pieces or more,
- sugar - 1 cup or less if the apples are sweet,
- flour - 1 cup, look at the consistency of the dough.


Chicken soup with millet in a double boiler

Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, chicken fillet, zucchini, millet, salt

If you care about the health of your household and you don’t care what and how to feed them, we suggest using today’s recipe for making soup in a double boiler. Steamed soup is not only tasty, aromatic and light, but also extremely healthy.

- 5 potatoes,
- 0.5 carrots,
- 0.5 onions,
- 100 gr. chicken fillet,
- 1/3 zucchini,
- 2-3 tbsp. millet,
- salt.


Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy in a pan

Ingredients: minced meat, rice, egg, onion, carrot, water, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt

Minced hedgehogs with rice, cooked with gravy - a dish that will appeal primarily to children. Although adults are unlikely to refuse such a beautiful, satisfying and tasty dish. Hedgehogs are prepared simply - in a pan on the stove - and they always turn out great.
- minced meat - 400 g;
- rice - 100 g;
- egg - 1 pc;
- onion - 1 piece;
- carrots - 1 piece;
- water - 200 g;
- tomato paste - 2 tbsp;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- salt to taste.


Classic cottage cheese pancakes

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil

Cheesecakes are one of the great breakfast options for the whole family. If you cook them according to the classic recipe, then everyone will like them - both adults and children.

- 300 g of cottage cheese with fat content up to 9%;
- 1 large egg;
- 3 tbsp. flour + 3-4 tbsp. for cutting curd mass;
- 2-3 tbsp. Sahara;
- 3 tbsp. vegetable oil for frying.


Curd balls with filling

Ingredients: cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, semolina, flour, marmalade, ground vanilla crackers, butter, cinnamon

Prepare these curd balls with semolina for your child. The filling recipe is very interesting. Boiled koloboks are prepared very quickly, with minimal costs, and the result is a healthy dish! I cook it with different fillings every time and my daughter devours it on both cheeks. I suggest you pamper your children too.

You will need for the test:

- 500 g cottage cheese,
- 2 tbsp. Sahara,
- 2 eggs,
- 6 tbsp. semolina,
- 2 tbsp. flour,
- marmalade, quiche jam.

You will need for sprinkling:

- 200 g ground vanilla crackers (or cookie crumbs),
- 2 tbsp. butter,
- 5-6 tbsp. sugar (to taste)
- cinnamon to taste.


Mackerel Mimosa Salad

Ingredients: mackerel, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise

This salad used to be a decoration New Year's table. Nowadays it is prepared for almost any celebration, and sometimes just for a family meal. We would like to offer you another recipe that makes Mimosa very tasty.

- a can of mackerel,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- processed cheese - 1 pc.,
- mayonnaise.


Lush cottage cheese pancakes

Ingredients: cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, flour, vegetable oil

Did you try cheesecakes as a child? Remember this incomparable taste? We invite you to prepare equally delicious cheesecakes. It's not difficult if you follow our recipe exactly. It is better to take thicker cottage cheese, then the dish will be tastier and more satisfying.

- 500 g of cottage cheese;
– 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
– 3 – 4 tbsp. l. flour;
– 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying;
– 5 tbsp. l. flour for breading.


Lush cheesecakes with semolina in a frying pan

Ingredients: cottage cheese, semolina, sour cream, eggs, sugar, baking powder, vanillin, vegetable oil

Do you know how to cook cottage cheese pancakes? No? Then you definitely need to check out our recipe today. The cheesecakes in it are made with semolina, so they always turn out fluffy, neat, beautiful and very tasty.
- 300 grams of granular cottage cheese;
- 3 tbsp. semolina;
- 50 grams of thick fat sour cream;
- 1 pinch of vanillin;
- 1 egg;
- 0.5 tsp baking powder;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Quick apple pie

Ingredients: eggs, margarine, flour, sugar, soda, apples, cinnamon

Treat your loved ones with delicious homemade baked goods. After all, as you know, there is nothing better. We suggest you use fragrant apples and a little cinnamon. Cook with us!

For the pie you will need:
For the test:
- three egg yolks;
- a pack of margarine;
- 420 g flour;
- a glass of sugar;
- 1 teaspoon of soda;

for the pie filling:
- 7-8 pieces of apples;
- three egg whites;
- 110 g sugar;
- a teaspoon of cinnamon.


Zucchini pancakes with cottage cheese

Ingredients: zucchini, cottage cheese, egg, spinach, greens, flour, salt, garlic, black pepper, paprika, vegetable oil

You will definitely love these zucchini pancakes with the addition of cottage cheese. They also include spinach, which is ideal for both zucchini and fermented milk products. They are prepared very simply, and how exactly, see the recipe with photos.

- 2 medium zucchini;
- 150 g of cottage cheese;
- one egg;
- spinach – a bunch;
- parsley - a bunch;
- flour;
- salt;
- garlic;
- ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
- ground paprika - 0.5 teaspoon;
- vegetable oil – 50 ml.


Charlotte with apples

Ingredients: eggs, soda, citric acid, sugar, flour, apples

- eggs,
- flour,
- sugar,
- soda,
- citric acid,
- apples.

Easy recipes for children 12 years old will allow teenagers to prepare various dishes on their own and pave the way to home cooking. In this article we will present options on how to quickly and easily make fish soup, and

Easy recipes for beginners children 12 years old

The first thing you need to teach your child is to cook a tasty and rich soup. It is not necessary to use meat or poultry. You can also make your first course using canned fish. So, let’s start the list, which includes easy recipes for children 12 years old, with a nutritious and healthy soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • Potatoes, onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Canned saury - 1 jar.
  • Table salt and pepper - to taste and desire.
  • Fresh greens - medium bunch.
  • Drinking water - 1.2 l.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Easy recipes for children 12 years old are quite simple to implement. This can be seen in our example. First, you need to prepare the vegetables. They are peeled and then chopped. Potatoes and onions are cut into cubes, and carrots are grated. Fresh herbs are also chopped separately. As for canned saury, put it on a plate and mash it with a spoon. Several pieces of fish are left whole or divided in half.

The process of preparing canned fish soup

Easy recipes for children 12 years old do not involve complex culinary combinations. For example, our fish soup must be cooked on an ordinary stove. To do this, place a pan of drinking water over high heat. After the liquid boils, add grated carrots, onion and potato cubes. After adding a little salt to the ingredients, cover them with a lid and cook for about 20 minutes.

After some time, the canned fish is added to the broth with the brine that was in the closed jar. After mixing the ingredients, bay leaves are also added to them. Cook the soup in this composition for another 10 minutes. Before turning off the stove (3 minutes before), add fresh herbs to the broth. It should be served hot. It is recommended to use it with bread. For rich color and taste, you can add tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes to the broth during cooking.

Making a salad of apples and cheese

While studying easy recipes for children 12 years old, offer to prepare salads for your son or daughter. These are very tasty snacks before the main meal. You can make salads in different ways. For an inexperienced child, preparing such a dish is quite difficult. Therefore, we decided to present the simplest recipe. For it we will need:

  • Sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 95 g.
  • Canned pink salmon - 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise on quail egg - optional.

Processing components and serving

To prepare the salad in question, the child will need a little time. First, canned pink salmon is processed. Place it on a large and not very flat plate, and then knead it thoroughly with a fork (to get a homogeneous paste). Sweet and sour apples are also washed and peeled separately. Next, they are grated on a coarse grater, and hard cheese on a fine grater.

This salad is formed quite simply. The gruel from canned pink salmon is evenly distributed on the plate. After this, a layer of grated green apples is placed on it. In turn, the fruit is covered with a thick layer of mayonnaise. At the very end, finely grated cheese is placed on the salad. Light and prepared according to the recipe described above, it should be presented to the table immediately after it is formed. If you do not eat it within 30 minutes or more, the apples will begin to turn black and release a large amount of juice. This will make the dish watery and not very tasty.

Easy recipes for children 12 years old in the microwave

The microwave oven has become an integral part of our daily lives. Without it, we cannot imagine how to quickly heat up a ready-made dish. However, it should be noted that such a device is often used not only for heating dinners, but also for preparing various desserts. In this section of the article we will tell you how to quickly and easily teach your child to make a delicious cupcake using a microwave oven.

So what ingredients will you need to purchase to make easy recipes for 12 year olds? Desserts can be prepared using various products. For our version we will need the following components:

  • Sifted wheat flour - 70 g.
  • Cocoa powder - 15 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Table salt - 1 pinch.
  • Baking powder - 2 g.
  • Small sugar - 60 g.
  • Medium eggs - 1 pc.
  • Cow's milk - 30 ml.

The dough kneads quite quickly. In a small bowl, first mix the sifted flour, cocoa powder, table salt and baking powder. Next, they add a mixture made from a strongly beaten egg and sugar. Pour a little milk and vegetable oil into the same bowl. Beat all the listed ingredients thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous base is obtained.

Baking and serving

How to bake a quick and delicious chocolate cake? To begin with ready dough pour into a ceramic mug. At the same time, make sure that the dishes are only half filled, since during the cooking process the base will certainly rise.

After the described steps, the form with the semi-finished product is sent to the microwave. In this case, the highest power is set. In this form, the cake is cooked for exactly three minutes (a little longer). During the baking process, the dessert should become fluffy. It can also rise directly above the mug. Don't worry that it will fall off later. This won't happen.

As soon as the chocolate cake is baked in the microwave, take it out and let it cool completely. Next, the dessert is placed on a plate or saucer and served to the table along with tea. If desired, this delicacy can be consumed directly from the mug. For beauty and festive look the finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. By the way, some housewives prefer to decorate such a dessert with chocolate glaze. Bon appetit.