We're getting ready for work. Getting ready for work Decide in advance what to cook for breakfast and what to wear

If you have a rush every morning and it’s the last day of Pompeii, if you are constantly late for work or arrive there hungry, without makeup and therefore angry, then our advice will be very useful to you! How to learn to quickly and calmly get ready for work, Passion.ru tells.

A pleasant morning is the key to a successful day! However, looking at the “happy” faces in public transport and at the “friendly” honking drivers on the roads, it immediately becomes clear that the morning can be good, but only if it starts 2 hours later. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Let's figure out why it's so difficult to get ready quickly in the morning, and how to get “five more minutes” of sleep.

Make your room warmer in the evening

Scientists have noticed that the duration of sleep in winter increases with decreasing temperature. And getting out of bed becomes unbearably difficult. Therefore, in the evening, make sure that you will sleep warmly and wake up warmly. So you won’t want to sleep “a little more” and then “more.”

Saving: 5-10 minutes

Morning shower - only for hygiene

Use your morning shower only for hygiene, not for relaxation and pleasure. Postpone various masks, scrubs and other time-consuming procedures until the evening or the weekend. Showering and washing can be done in 10 minutes instead of the usual 20.

Saving: 5-10 minutes

Wash your hair in the evening, and in the morning do only styling. If you can’t wash your hair in the evening, use dry shampoo in the morning. It will not replace regular hair washing, but you will still be able to go through the day with well-groomed hair. And if you still decide to completely wash your hair in the morning, then do it first so that your hair dries while you have breakfast and do other things.

Savings: 5-20 minutes

Prepare food for work the night before

It would be nice to not only prepare it in the evening, but also package it. This will also help save precious minutes. When you come to the kitchen, you won’t frantically throw everything into a container, but will be able to calmly enjoy breakfast.

Saving: about 3 minutes

How to reduce the time spent on morning makeup

  • Consider tattooing your eyebrows and/or lips.
  • Try salon eyelash tinting.
  • Use light colors for makeup. In a hurry in the morning, you may not be able to, for example, draw arrows evenly, and you will waste precious time on correction.
  • Discover red lipstick. Kate Moss said she wears red lipstick when she doesn't have time to put on makeup or style her hair. Lip makeup with red lipstick will still take time, because it needs to be done very carefully, but once you get used to it, it will take you much less time than full makeup. Carefully applied red lipstick is a complete look: stylish, bright and eye-catching.

Saving: 5-10 minutes

Prepare your clothes the night before

Look at the weather forecast, listen to your mood and prepare your outfit, as well as think about a plan B if something suddenly confuses you about your outfit in the morning. To prepare an outfit means to find it, iron it and hang it in a place where no one will touch it, a cat won’t get in, and the family won’t litter it with other things. Prepare everything down to socks, underwear and accessories. Shaking out and trying on all the contents of the closet in the morning always takes the most time.

Savings: 10 minutes or more

Get yourself in order

Have you noticed how much time it takes to find missing items? Shoe sponge, apartment or car keys, napkins, comb, umbrella? And the reason for this is not only chronic disorder, but also the habit of throwing things away during the packing period. So, you often end up with a phone at home, littered with dresses that don’t fit, and keys fall off the nightstand after you’ve dumped all the things you want to put in your bag.

Train yourself to put everything in the same place and, after taking an item and using it, return it to its place. This way you will not only save time on your own getting ready, but also on helping your family get ready, and on cleaning in general.

Savings: from 3 minutes

Don't turn on your computer in the morning

Even if you just want to check your email or listen to music. The experience of many people shows that “just 5 minutes” at the computer turns into fifteen minutes late for work. So it’s better not to provoke yourself or even turn it on. The same goes for tablets and smartphones, don’t waste time on them in the morning.

Savings: from 5 minutes

Count the time

If getting ready is a real problem for you, and you are determined to get rid of it, then write down everything you do in the morning, including moving from room to room. Write down how much time you spend on this. It may well be that the running around and long preparation times are due to the fact that you cannot organize everything that you need to do. Prepare breakfast in the kitchen, then go with it to the computer, then take the plates back and clear the table, take a rag and wipe the table in the room. It’s much faster to have breakfast in the kitchen, right?

If you are a gambling person, then arrange a “Get ready in 40 minutes” competition and come up with a prize that will inspire you.

Saving: 4-10 minutes

Don't do your manicure in the morning

In the morning, you will still be in a hurry and will definitely paint your nails unevenly or rub off the polish, and maybe even leave a stain on your clothes. It is better to paint your nails in the evening. You can, of course, try to paint them in the car while you warm it up, but it’s not a guarantee that the varnish will have time to dry, or you won’t accidentally wipe it off, or you won’t stain the interior of the car with it.

Saving: 3-5 minutes

The main rule for calm and quick getting ready in the morning is to leave a maximum of 3-4 tasks for the morning (get up, wash, get dressed, leave the house) that you cannot do in the evening, and do everything else the day before. Why? Because in the evening you don’t want to sleep as much as in the morning. Remember this the next time you are tempted to casually say: “Oh, I’ll do it in the morning!”

As you can see, with simple tips we were able to make the preparations faster by 48 minutes. But even if you manage to save half, that will already be great progress. Imagine what wonderful dreams you could have with that time saved, and how great it would be if you had a few free minutes to exercise.

NameWoman continues to share tips with readers on how to best organize their time. The topic of our next conversation is how to quickly get ready in the morning, avoiding stress, rush and possible delays.

Getting ready in the evening

Tip #1 . Keeping your room and apartment in order helps speed up getting ready in the morning. It's great if every item you own has its own rightful place where you always return it after use. Representatives of the gentler sex who do not have such a habit, in the morning rush and urgent long search for something, often remember the children's saying: “damn it, play it and give it back!” Unfortunately, it doesn’t work; key fobs with signals, attached, for example, to car/apartment keys or to a mobile phone, can help, but it’s much better to try keep essential items in a strictly defined place . List on the nightstand in the hallway the already mentioned keys, diary, wallet, glasses, mini cosmetic bag, disposable tissues, sanitary pad in a case, spare and sponge for shoes. Some interior designers offer special stand tables with signatures or cells for the things listed above - very convenient and immediately visible when anything is missing.

Tip #2 . Surely in the evening you are visited by thoughts about the upcoming new day, you are scrolling through future events, affairs, ordinary and pleasant plans in your head. It is worth thinking in advance about what you will wear in the morning . It’s also better to iron in the evening; to be on the safe side, use a hand-held steamer (saves time, is easy to use and helps refresh even a cashmere sweater). Hang a hanger with the outfit you chose on your closet, select accessories (jewelry, hairband, scarf, belt) and leave them on the bedside table or near the mirror. Cleaning your shoes in advance and checking the condition of your outerwear is also the right decision.

Tip #3 . The most common reason for lack of time, haste and lateness is laziness. And not just laziness, but laziness, supported by fatigue, manifesting itself in the evening... This brings you to the recommendation: wash your hair in the evening an hour and a half before bed (by the way, after this you will fall asleep and sleep much better).

Bringing beauty

Tip #4 . Morning makeup is quite a time-consuming procedure, but haste invariably affects the quality, which often leads to “do-overs”, which means, one way or another, again to stress and loss of time. What to do? Should I refuse, for example, mascara and at the same time the opportunity to make my eyes more expressive? No and no again! Beauty should not be sacrificed, but some decorative cosmetics can be excluded from your arsenal. Permanent makeup is created for those who save time and want to be expressive. The bonus is that tattooing eyebrows and permanent lips makes you invulnerable to water. This is extremely valuable both on the seashore and just on hot days, as well as in times of rain and sleet. The main thing is to choose a professional master; if you are thinking about getting permanent lips, then take a look, for example, here: http://dobryakovastudio.ru/portfolio/permanent-gub - perfect eyebrows, eyes and lips will become a reality.

Another option for reducing the time spent getting ready in the morning is salon eyelash tinting , it will last at least a month. In this case, the eyelashes will look very neat and natural. Makeup artists recommend choosing a brown shade. At the same time, you can reduce the entire procedure for obtaining the most expressive look to.

Tip #5 . Absolutely It is not necessary to apply all the day's makeup on your face in the morning . Show moderation. The main thing is a concealer to disguise skin imperfections. Don't forget day cream and lipstick. Carry a palette of products to highlight your eyes and cheekbones in your purse.

Tip #6 . Foundation requires perfect blending, which again wastes precious time. Make a choice in favor loose powder and a high-quality special brush .

Tip #7 . Morning hairstyle manipulation can be reduced to the following procedures: moisturizing hair, applying leave-in conditioner, styling with cold air from a hairdryer with a rotating brush . All this will take no more than 15 minutes (of course, if you did not neglect our advice No. 3). Remember that slight negligence is now popular in hairstyles, and charm and elegance are achieved thanks to details: a thin ribbon at the forehead or a headband can easily transform your usual hairstyle.

Keeping track of time

Tip #8 . If you find it difficult to organize yourself and in the morning you especially easily lose track of time, then try to control it. The ideal assistant is a women's wristwatch. Put the watch on your wrist as soon as you wake up and look at the dial more often. This will help you understand where precious minutes go, what morning ritual takes the most time, etc.

Tip #9 . Besides the first alarm in the morning to wake you up, you need one more! Set an alarm clock to remind you 10 minutes before you absolutely need to leave the house. to avoid rush and delays. Let the signal from your wristwatch signal the need to finish getting ready.

Tip #10 . Due to haste or lack of appetite in the morning (the body is either already accustomed to an incorrect diet, or simply does not have time to wake up during the time that you spend at home after waking up), many people refuse breakfast. This fundamentally wrong decision dooms you to spend the first half agonizingly waiting for lunch. The minutes drag on for an eternity, and you constantly look at the clock face: “how long is there left, maybe I can snack on chips/Snickers?” Have breakfast at work ! Here are two options for simple and healthy sets: some muesli fruit and low-fat yogurt; boiled egg, whole grain bread and tomato juice. For the best organization of time and yourself (as well as to prevent delays), representatives of the fair sex are recommended to arrive at the workplace at least 15-20 minutes before the time when you must appear there. During this time, you can have time to get into the mood for work, get yourself in order and have a light breakfast. NameWoman's recommended protein boost will help you last until lunch.

Maria Nikitina

What is it like to be a night owl by nature and a morning person in life? When life starts at noon, but you have to be like a cucumber by 8 am? Do you know when life begins after the first sip of coffee, and the brain wakes up only with the bright rays of the sun? And now, you are ready to trade all your morning beauty treatments for a few extra precious minutes of morning sleep. Our life hacks will help you accomplish a real morning beauty feat in a short time. The tips below will be useful to all sleepyheads and ever-oversleeping young ladies. How to quickly get ready in the morning - useful tips!))) Let's go!

Makeup in 5 minutes.

You don't need too many cosmetics to make your morning makeup look and feel good.

You will need a light foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil, mascara, and lip balm.

Choose multifunctional, multitasking tools.

For example, CC cream. It will not only correct the skin tone, but also give it radiance, visible smoothness and a fresh look. In appearance, it looks more like a cream, but on the skin it turns into a light tone.

We really like this product from Eveline Cosmetics . An excellent budget option for a fresh face in the morning and good skin condition always! You get the most from one cream! Here you will find a light tone that adapts to your natural skin tone, the radiance of healthy skin, hydration, and many other amenities! The product is also very economical, pleasant to use and widely available for sale!

Great options are lip and cheek sticks, eye and eyebrow pencils!

Bright accent.

If you overslept, but want to look fresh, focus on one area of ​​your makeup. For example, highlight your lips with a bright color, or choose colored eyeliner.

Bright lipstick from the new Avon line in a fashionable effect - matte metallic. The shade Violet Shine will attract a lot of attention and make you feel like you are on the crest of fashion!

Nude to the rescue!

A chic option is to do full makeup using only neutral shades. This way there is less chance of error and more time for all other preparations!

How to get ready quickly - get ready for the morning even in your sleep.

What!? How?! Yes, this is quite possible: instead of moisturizing your skin in the morning, apply a night mask that will work on your beauty all night long!

For example, Esfolio from Podruzhka stores with snail mucin . Apply a thin layer to your face and in the morning enjoy what you see in the mirror).

Become Caesar!

Imagine yourself as an Emperor who could do several things at once. For example, you can try: brushing your teeth while the conditioner or mask takes care of your hair; dry your hair while checking your email on the computer; apply makeup while the kettle is boiling.

Organize your cosmetic space.

If all cosmetics, decorative and skincare, are grouped and concentrated in a convenient place and rationally, this will save time. Buy special organizers made of plastic, or a spacious cosmetic bag with compartments and pockets. Once you have laid everything out correctly and removed all that is unnecessary, you can save time searching for the right jar or mascara.

Don't be lazy to take a shower before going to bed.

You can also freshen up in the morning. But it is better to do the main procedures in the evening. Oddly enough, but this really saves a lot of time.

In addition, for double pleasure, you can choose a shower gel with an anti-stress effect, gain positivity and relax your soul.

We like it new from 7Days Space Body shower gel with creative design, anti-stress effect, luxurious delicious aroma and incredible blue pearl shade. You will definitely like it!

In addition, it is also better to leave body skin care for the evening. You shouldn’t rush to rub yourself with lotion in the morning if you can enjoy the textures, delicate aroma and high-quality nutrition/moisturization.

Our choice - an incredibly comfortable and pleasant, in all respects, body balm in a convenient bottle with a dispenser from the Eveline Cosmetics brand. That time when you look forward to taking a shower so you can experience the pleasure of applying the product afterwards. The balm is ideal for dry and sensitive skin, intensively nourishes and protects against dry skin.

How to wash your hair in the morning.

You can only get by by cleaning the hair roots, because they are the ones that get dirty and lose their appearance the fastest. It's simple: put your hair in a ponytail, wet your hands with a little conditioner or shampoo, massage the roots and rinse gently.

If you decide to wash your hair entirely, then take a wide-tooth comb into the shower. You will need it to comb your hair immediately after applying the balm - this is much easier than detangling wet hair later.

Plus, you can skip the blow-drying process. Firstly, it is good for hair. Secondly, you can do other things while your hair dries naturally. And to prevent them from looking unkempt, apply a texturizer, or make a bun or braid.

How NOT to wash your hair in the morning.

Dry shampoo, of which there are a great many on the market, will save you in a situation where your head is dirty and you are sorely short of time. Just spray the product from a distance of 30 cm, massage and ruffle the roots a little with your hands - your hair will look absolutely clean and volume will appear at the roots, as a bonus!

Great options: legendary dry shampoo Batiste and, no less successful, Colab . Both of them do an excellent job. In addition, brands have a wide range of fragrances and shampoos with special features.

Dry shampoo is only an emergency measure in the fight to keep your hair clean! Wear this product on your hair for no more than a day or two. Then be sure to wash your hair thoroughly.

If you don't have dry shampoo, regular baby powder will do.

Prepare your hair in advance.

Do you want the effect of light beach casual waves? Nothing is easier! Save time on styling your hair in the morning by making two braids in the evening and going to bed with them. It's better to apply a texturizer before braiding your hair. This gesture will help highlight the strands and give the image completeness.

Apply makeup on the go.

Yes, it may annoy others, it's not very, but if you're running late, it's better to do the finishing touches (mascara, blush, lipstick) on the way.

Speed ​​up your hair curling.

If you are perming your hair, but you don’t have the 10-30 minutes that, on average, it takes for this process, then try this method. Tie a high ponytail on your head and divide it into two or four parts, then curl each strand tightly. Untie and shake your ponytail - voila! - beautiful and natural curls are ready. This design can be done at night. This way the curl effect will last longer.

Plan your makeup and wardrobe.

Try to figure out what to wear in advance, just like you should think about what to wear (this is ideal). Choose the exact shades and products you'll use so you don't get stuck choosing the next morning.

Down with the bags and shadows under the eyes!

Waking up with puffy eyes and bruises underneath is one of the most annoying problems for women. Each of us has our own favorite effective remedy for restoring the eyes - cucumber slices, tea bags, frozen vegetables, ice, and so on. But if you don’t have enough time, and you need to wake up right now, buy a special cooling roller for the area under the eyes. It will not only give you a pleasant feeling, but will also help reduce bruises and bags under the eyes in just a minute. Another great option for getting rid of the problem would be to purchase special hydrogel patches. They are now at the peak of popularity.

Use a humidifier.

Let's reveal a secret: if you sleep with a humidifier on, your skin will receive additional hydration. This way it will take much less time to take care of your skin than usual.

Choose light textures.

If you are very late, but you feel that your skin will not forgive you if you don’t please it with cream, then in this case, it is better to choose creams with light textures and a mattifying effect that will quickly absorb and will not make your face look like a pancake. Getting ready quickly in the morning is not a reason to deny yourself basic daily care.

Great option — natural day care Mattifying cream from the Naobay brand. A natural composition with eco-label will help in the matter of moisturizing the skin and mattifying it.

Get enough sleep. Try to go to bed early, provide yourself with complete silence and darkness, only in such conditions can you truly get enough sleep. Complete relaxation of the body is a guarantee that you will be full of energy in the morning.

Prepare breakfast the night before. Or cook in a slow cooker, adding all the ingredients for the porridge and setting the delay timer. The multicooker will prepare hot porridge for you at the right time. You don't have to rush to fry eggs or cook porridge; you can calmly enjoy a full breakfast with coffee.

Prepare your clothes in advance.The night before, look at the weather forecast and, according to it, decide in advance what to wear, iron your clothes and prepare accessories that will suit your look. Don't be lazy to prepare everythingfrom socks and underwear, it is the search for such little things in the morning that takes a lot of time.

Use your morning shower only for hygiene purposes,and to relax in the evening you can take a bath. It is also better to postpone the use of masks and scrubs, plucking eyebrows and painting nails until the evening.

Make a schedule. Write down your morning schedule and strictly follow it. Think about how long you will have breakfast, take a shower, put on makeup, get dressed, and what time you will leave the house, try not to go too far beyond the time frame.

Use a high-quality and powerful hair dryer.A good hair dryer will dry long and thick hair faster; if you style your hair correctly right away, you will not need additional styling with an iron.

Use dry shampoo. If you don’t have time to wash your hair, use dry shampoo; it quickly refreshes the roots of your hair and gives it volume (a great helper for girls who are always in a hurry!). If you decide to wash your hair in the morning, then do it first so that your hair dries while you do other things.

Pack your bag in advance.Remember how, as a child, your mother made you pack your backpack in the evening, we advise you to follow this rule in adulthood. This will help reduce the time it takes to get ready in the morning, and you won’t forget the things you need in a hurry.

Apply makeup with your fingertips.For example, applying foundation, blush, concealer and light shadows in this way will be much faster than using makeup brushes. By the way, eyelash extensions not only look beautiful, but also save you from having to spend precious minutes applying mascara to your eyelashes.

Accustom yourself to order. Every morning you spend a lot of time looking for your car keys or umbrella. This can be avoided if you teach yourself and your household to put all things in their place and not throw them away during morning preparations.

Don't turn on the Internet.If you don’t want to be late for work, don’t turn on your computer or phone for “5 minutes”; checking email or reading the news actually takes at least half an hour.

Create a universal look.Prepare a set of clothes that are suitable for any occasion and can save you in a moment of extreme haste or when you don’t know what to wear at all, do not forget to always keep these things in good condition.

Hate getting up in the morning? Want to have a plan so you can look and - more importantly - feel better in the morning? Are you tired of your parents constantly reminding you to wake up earlier? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then this article is just for you. We'll tell you what to do.


Part 1

Preparation in the evening

    Go to bed not too late. According to many studies, teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep per night. In fact, it depends on the person: for some, 7 hours is enough, for others, all 11.

    Set an alarm. Many people use alarm clocks with radios. It's nice to wake up in the morning to your favorite song.

    • Many people need about an hour to get up, get dressed and have breakfast. If you shower in the morning, allow at least 30 minutes to shower and blow dry your hair.
  1. Prepare everything you need for the next day. Put all the things you need in one place: wallet, backpack, homework notebooks, textbooks, papers - whatever. Check if you have forgotten anything. At this stage it is very important to be organized.

    • It can be helpful to make a list of what you need each day, and then write sticky notes to remind you of things you don't usually take with you and post them in a visible place (for example, a specific school project).

    Part 2

    Extra time in the morning
    1. Wake up. Try to get up immediately after the alarm goes off. It's difficult, but try.

      Go to the bathroom. Do everything you need to do there before you get dressed because it will make you more comfortable. Take a shower if you haven't taken one since the evening.

      Get dressed. Wrap your hair in a towel to start drying and get dressed. Take the clothes you have chosen and put them on. If you have to share the bathroom with several people, it is best to get dressed in your room so someone else can use the bathroom.

      • Try to dress in layers because this will allow you to dress or undress when it gets cold or hot.
      • If you don't know how to choose clothes, wikiHow can help you.
    2. Get yourself in order. After you get dressed, do the rest of your things. This is what takes up the majority of a lot of people's time, so it's important to learn how to reduce the amount of time you spend on self-care. Choose products that will save you time, such as moisturizer with makeup base. Think about what you can give up. Some procedures seem very important, but are actually not that necessary (for example, very careful makeup). In the morning you can do the following:

      • Brush your teeth.
      • Take care of your skin.
      • Comb your hair.
      • Put on makeup (if you use cosmetics).
      • Shave if you're a guy, or pluck your eyebrows if you're a girl.
    3. Do your hair and makeup, if you wear makeup, after you get dressed. Some people don't like wearing makeup on their clothes because they think the makeup might get on their clothes, but if you're careful you'll be fine. Plus, if you decide to get dressed after putting on your makeup, you might end up smearing it on your clothes when you pull on a tank top or shirt.

      Have breakfast. If you have time (and you should have time), eat breakfast before you get ready. We won't say that breakfast should be the main meal of the day (especially since it isn't), but a good breakfast will help you wake up and get ready for the new day.

      • Eat something simple to save time: a granola bar or cereal.
    4. Go outside. Now you are ready. Try to leave a few minutes earlier: if something on the road does not go according to plan, you will not worry.

      • You can rearrange the clock in the hallway so that it advances by 10 minutes. This will motivate you to leave the house as soon as possible.

    Part 3

    Change mode
    1. Wake up early. If you want to have a good morning, it's best to get up early. It sounds terrible, but it's not that bad. Even by getting up 15 minutes earlier, you can do everything you need to do and act like a normal person, not an 80s teen comedy hero. And if you manage to get up even earlier, you will have the opportunity to have a slow breakfast or even somehow entertain yourself in order to quickly recover from sleep. Overall, you will notice that waking up earlier will allow you to feel much less stressed throughout the day.

      • Move your alarm further away if you find it difficult to stop hitting the snooze button. Set an alarm clock on the other side of the room, or buy an alarm clock that is not easy to turn off. Both will get you out of bed.
      • Exercise. If you can spare some free time for exercise in the morning, it is best to start exercising immediately after waking up. With a few brisk movements, you'll feel more alert than a cup of coffee, and you won't need another dose of caffeine.
      • If you don't get enough sleep, you should go to bed earlier. But if you already sleep 8 hours or more, you may need to cut back on how much you sleep. Did you know that excess sleep also makes a person feel groggy and tired all day long?
    2. Have breakfast in the car. Eating breakfast in the car will save you time, especially if you have to drive in traffic. But the question arises: how to drive a car then? Take food with you that is convenient to eat while driving, and eat only when stopped at a traffic light or in a traffic jam. Try to eat healthy protein foods and this will be a great start to the day.

      • Make an apple and cheese quesadilla. Place a tortilla on a plate and top with cheese and thinly sliced ​​apple. Cover with the second tortilla and microwave for 30 seconds to melt the cheese. Slice the tortillas and your breakfast is ready.
      • You can make a healthy smoothie. Blend low-fat milk, vanilla yogurt, apples and just a little cabbage in a blender. Pour the mixture into a car glass and you are ready to go. This is a healthy dish, and you can make smoothies for 2-3 days at a time.
    3. Try showering in the evening. This will save you time in the morning. This is especially true for those who do not live alone: ​​you will not have to fight over who will go first, and you will have the opportunity to sleep longer in the morning. You can even style your hair the night before so that in the morning you only need to slightly adjust your hair.

      • To save some more time, you can wash your hair with dry shampoo in the morning or evening. You should still wash your hair with regular shampoo at least 1-2 times a week, but dry shampoo can be invaluable when you're short on time.
    4. Replace shaving with waxing. Shaving your legs or face can be time-consuming. It's okay to skip this, especially if you know you have busy weeks or even months ahead. If you are a man, then remember that a neat beard is no less attractive than a shaved face. If you're a woman, don't forget that in warm weather your legs don't have to be perfectly smooth: just wear opaque and colored tights or leggings. You won't feel hot and you can save 15 minutes every morning.

      Do several things at once. Find ways to multitask. For example, brush your teeth while the shower water is heating up. You can practice self-care and even get partially dressed while sitting on the toilet. Do your makeup while your hair straightener heats up. There are many ways to save time in the morning.