What does treble clef mean in the zone? Treble clef tattoo meaning

On this page we will look at Treble clef tattoo meaning, the meaning of this tattoo and the history of the design. For those who have already made a decision and will get such a tattoo, we have prepared 2 sections with pictures that will help you create an interesting and unique tattoo:

  • Photos of finished treble clef tattoos
  • Sketches for treble clef tattoos

What is the meaning, history and meaning of the treble clef tattoo

The first thing that comes to mind when you see a tattoo in the shape of a treble clef is that the wearer is involved in music. And indeed, lately it is people who are passionate about creativity who most often ask the master to apply such a tattoo to them. The effect of musicality can also be enhanced by adding other elements: for example, depicting notes or a musical instrument (perhaps the one played by the owner of the tattoo) next to the key. In addition, in the tattoo parlor you will be offered to display a whole musical picture, which will combine a treble clef against the background of a music album or an instrument that produces sounds that scatter in all directions. A butterfly can sit on a treble clef. But the latter is more suitable for girls. Men, as a rule, choose a tattoo in the form of a strict design.

What does a treble clef tattoo mean?

Naturally, the “Treble Clef” tattoo is done not only by musicians, but also by ordinary “civilian” people who seek to show their passion and respect for Her Majesty Music. A similar tattoo can be seen on the body of movie stars, sports stars, etc. Stars who are not directly related to music, but indirectly emphasize their creative nature. The harmony of the combination of elements and the beauty of the tattoo depend, of course, on the skill of the artist. The location where the drawing is applied is chosen by the client.

But there are also some unwritten rules, the observance of which will allow the very idea of ​​a tattoo to be highlighted and conveyed. For example, for men, the neck or shoulder is more suitable for drawing. In this regard, girls have room to roam, as they can choose almost any part of the body: a treble clef will emphasize the gentle curve of the neck, a graceful ankle, a wasp waist, and correct form female hand.

Often a treble clef tattoo is made on:
  • Treble clef tattoo on finger
  • Treble clef tattoo behind ear
  • Treble clef tattoo on wrist
IN complex drawing combine with:
  • Treble clef and music notes tattoo
  • Tattoo treble clef lettering
  • Treble clef column tattoo

You can draw a treble clef in both simple and complex form; both with the addition of color and in black and white. An intricate shape with elements of a spiral will attract the eye not only to the tattoo itself, but also to its wearer, making him stand out, so to speak, from the crowd (in the world of stereotypes there is such a thing that people of art seem unusual, they are always close attention). As for flowers, their abundance seems to indicate the diversity of music and its significance in all spheres of our lives. But the black color gives the tattoo clarity, the lines seem more fundamental.

In addition to the love of music, there is another meaning of the “Treble Clef” tattoo. Few people know, but such a tattoo is also considered as a symbol of stormy youth and wild life. Moreover, the drawing expresses a person’s past, his nostalgia for the reckless days, of which there were a lot, but they are left far behind, and they can no longer be returned.

Before you get a treble clef tattoo, you need to decide what kind of clef you want to see on your body. The keys are “fa”, “sol” and “do”. It all depends on the musical instrument you play or what is closer to your perception. For double bass, cello and bassoon, the bass clef “F” is suitable, but for piano, violins and most wind and percussion instruments, the clef “G” is suitable. Music for violas and trombones is written in the key “C”.

More and more people want a “Treble Clef” tattoo. And tattoo parlor artists couldn’t help but adopt this idea (drawings gained popularity in the 20th century). It doesn’t matter what meaning you see in it, but such tattoos are a modern expression of human essence, its spiritual and emotional beginnings.

The body as a means of self-expression: what does the treble clef (tattoo) mean?

Tattooing has long moved from the category of “hooligan” attributes to the category of art. In many beauty salons, visitors of both sexes are offered to paint some mystical or sacred inscription on their body, make an original drawing, or even create a whole picture. A rich palette of colors or monochrome, strict execution or various kinds of decorations - all this is inherent modern tattoo rations, which can now be seen on the face, open or intimate parts of the body. And the themes, traditional and original, literally amaze the imagination!

Music through the bars...

One of the fairly common types of patterns is the treble clef. A tattoo has many meanings, and its meaning depends on the person on whose body it is applied.

Firstly, this is how people who visited places that were not so remote distinguished themselves in this way. True, not all, but non-traditional sexual orientation. They tattooed themselves in strictly defined places with a treble clef (tattoo).

If female prisoners decorated themselves with a musical symbol, then it indicated their love for noisy companies, cheerful sprees, and promiscuity in relationships with men. That is why, before choosing the type of image, consult with a specialist and listen to his advice. Otherwise, you may be compromised by the treble clef (tattoo). By the way, prisoners often wear it with various frightening paraphernalia. So if you want something extravagant, don’t overdo it!

Music around us

However, not only those who “have a checkered sky, striped friends” respect such a pattern. It is also suitable for those who are truly passionate about music and are engaged in this field professionally. For them, the treble clef (tattoo) is an identification mark, an indication of their occupation. Singers, musicians, especially those working in the rock style, and composers can make it for themselves.

Girls, wanting to emphasize the tenderness, romance, and airiness of their image, combine the main pattern with various additions. Therefore, a tattoo in the form of a treble clef is accompanied by musical lines or, in fact, notes, the silhouette of a singing bird, falling rose petals or their buds. And a tattoo in which the elements of the key turn into hearts also looks very beautiful.

Fans of a particular musical instrument prick a faithful friend - a guitar or saxophone. All this looks joyful and optimistic! As for the color palette, here the masters use either black paint specifically for a “treble clef” tattoo (see photo in the article), or a blue one.


Where is the image mainly applied? Most often on the forearm, wrist ( inner side), lower back, ankle. Sometimes special artists fill the picture even behind the ear. In this case, tattoo owners want to say that only in music do they draw inner strength, joy of life and hope. The key on the hand marks a talisman that should help a person merge with the instrument and play it like a god. But it is not advisable for men to do it on the lower back or stomach: others may regard it as a “special” invitation!

This is how difficult it is - the treble clef!

The treble clef is a symbol of art and a dubious tattoo

The treble clef in its familiar form appeared in the sixteenth century, when instrumental music was born. But its prehistory began at the turn of the first and second millennium AD. Then the Benedictine monk Guido from the city of Arezzo in the Italian province of Tuscany figured out how to record music using notes. To indicate sound, it was necessary to invent some kind of symbol.

The notes in their current style are solely the work of Guido d'Arezzo. After him, the system of recording music was improved, but it was this monk who laid the foundations. At the beginning of the line, he wrote down in Latin letters the note with which the melody began. The letter G, denoting the note “salt,” served as a prototype for the treble clef.

What is its function? Eleven musical symbols can be placed on the five lines of the staff. The treble clef indicates on which ruler (second from bottom) the “sol” of the first octave is located. The range of notes located on these five lines when notated using a treble clef is quite sufficient for most musical instruments. However, this is not suitable for everyone. There are very low-sounding instruments and, on the contrary, very high-sounding instruments. If you record a melody for them, you will have to apply additional rulers. They can be from below or from above. This is very inconvenient when reading a melody from sight. In order to record music for different instruments, the treble clef turned out to be poorly suited. Therefore, several more signs of this kind were invented. These are bass, alto, tenor and some other keys.

What is the difference between them? The bass clef indicates where the F note of the minor (next down from the first) octave is located. It is located on the second ruler from the top. The baritone is slightly higher than the bass, so the baritone clef places the same note on the middle ruler. The alto symbol places the C note of the first octave on the same line. Why is this happening? The fact is that the alto is higher than the baritone or tenor.

A total of eleven keys are currently used in practice. In the past there were much more of them, but in the process of development of this art form, most of them disappeared as unnecessary. To record the highest (in a musical sense) sound, a soprano or treble clef is used. He places the C note of the first octave on the first line from the bottom.

The treble clef is not suitable for recording parts of percussion musical instruments. For this, a special “neutral” symbol is used. After all, for percussion instruments the concept of pitch means nothing. The main thing here is rhythm and volume. It is written in two versions.
In the first case, these are two thick parallel vertical lines, their ends resting on the second and fourth lines of the staff, and in the second, they are an elongated rectangle, slightly not reaching the outer lines.

The popularity of the treble clef as a musical symbol has even sparked a fashion for tattooing. Among musicians, he is considered the personification of creativity and indicates that the owner of a fashionable tattoo belongs to people of art. But in the “zone” the “treble clef” tattoo can have a completely different meaning. It will cause a lot of trouble to a person who carelessly gets a tattoo of this musical symbol. As a rule, it is injected into homosexuals.

However, the opinion of the criminal community regarding this tattoo has not been completely settled. Therefore, depending on the place of application and graphic nuances, a treble clef can also mean that its owner led a cheerful, riotous life in freedom. However, the cost of a mistake in this case is too high, so more and more inmates of prisons prefer not to get involved with a dubious tattoo.

What does a treble clef tattoo mean?



The meaning of the treble clef tattoo mainly tells that its wearer has dedicated his life to creativity, and states that “music is always with me.”

In music and tattooing, there are three types of treble clef, which have different images:

Key “G” Notes for violin, piano, most percussion and wind instruments, and vocal female parts are written on this key. As a variation, one can call it the Old French key (no longer used).

The "F" clef or bass clef is used to write the parts of cello, double bass and bassoon, and vocal parts of bass and baritone.

The C clef or alto clef is used to write music for violas and trombones.

Another purpose for a treble clef tattoo was a reminder of a past joyful life, of past years of youth and joy. Therefore, for some people such a tattoo can become a sign of melancholy. In the tattoo area, the treble clef also means a cheerful, wild life in freedom.

This tattoo symbol has become an expression of endless love for music, and can be perceived as a call to action.

It is clear that the image of a treble clef as a tattoo is a great love for music, so musicians become carriers of such a design. Often notes or an instrument played by the owner of the tattoo are applied next to the treble clef. The place of application can be any part of the body and the treble clef is everywhere It will look beautiful and elegant. Treble clef - like the love of music and creativity - this is only one interpretation of the meaning. The second meaning is a symbol of stormy and cheerful youth, so sometimes the key means sadness about lost youth.

What does a tattoo on the neck with the image of a treble clef mean, such a big one?

There's one guy in the city who constantly walks around with headphones and a tattoo like this


The treble clef in a tattoo, as a means of self-expression, is very suitable for creative people whose life and work are closely connected with music.

The meaning of the treble clef tattoo mainly tells that its wearer has dedicated his life to creativity, and states that “music is always with me.”
In music and tattooing, there are three types of treble clef, which have different images:

Key “G” Notes for violin, piano, most percussion and wind instruments, and vocal female parts are written on this key. As a variation, one can call it the Old French key (no longer used).

The "F" clef or bass clef is used to write the parts of cello, double bass and bassoon, and vocal parts of bass and baritone.

The C clef or alto clef is used to write music for violas and trombones.

Another purpose for a treble clef tattoo was a reminder of a past joyful life, of past years of youth and joy. Therefore, for some people such a tattoo can become a sign of melancholy. In the tattoo area, the treble clef also means a cheerful, wild life in freedom.

This tattoo symbol has become an expression of endless love for music, and can be perceived as a call to action.

Oh, well, if it’s a tattoo and not a tattoo, he’s a master of oral sex (at least in terms of meaning). Although I personally had one musician I know almost get pinned when he wanted to get a tattoo for himself - fortunately, I guessed that before hitting him, I would ask those in the know. So maybe the guy was just unlucky)

Ilja chen

So they listen enough to such “Gurus” as Katyushechka))) - and they become like a creative person, a musician, a cheerful youth, etc. And then they walk around with cock tattoos.. The violin is a weak-willed, gentle “woman” in the zone who serves men, who was most likely forced to do this. Gives a blowjob, possibly due to its external resemblance to “moving with a bow.”

What does ZK's treble clef tattoo mean?


Most often, a tattoo of a treble clef applied to the little finger can mean a cheerful and wild life. But on other parts of the body it will have the same meaning as the Violin, which is used to mark passive homosexuals. From the bag and from prison, as they say, so you need to think that you are hitting your body, but it’s better not to do it at all.

I want to get a tattoo of a bass clef on one hand and a treble clef on the other, what does this mean???

I play the piano and am going to devote my whole life to this, please tell me if this means something bad? ?
the bass clef will be on the left hand on the veins near the wrist, and the treble clef will be on the right hand in the same place

The meaning of a treble clef tattoo depends on the person on whose body it is applied. The fact is that the image of a treble clef is one of the types of tattoos that are given to prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty. Therefore, before getting such a tattoo, you need to consult with an experienced tattoo artist, who will at least indicate places on the body where such tattoos cannot be done, otherwise you will not be perceived correctly in society. In prison, a treble clef tattoo is a symbol of a homosexual performing oral sex. It is often applied by a sexual partner. Another interpretation of such a tattoo for female prisoners: a treble clef means that its owner led have a fun life and enjoyed success with men.
A tattoo of a treble clef on the body of a person who is not familiar with prison themes can mean a creative person close to music. A singer or composer can get such a tattoo. Often the image of a treble clef is complemented by notes; it also goes well with flowers, stars or birds. A tattoo like this looks happier, instilling more optimism. An instrument producing notes may be depicted next to the treble clef.

Some body designs have become popular only recently; one of these tattoos is the treble clef. His image was invented about a thousand years ago, and the first drawings on the body began to be made only in the last century. For this reason, the interpretation of the symbol is just beginning. However, even now one thing is clear - people associated with music strive to depict the treble clef, thereby saying “music will forever remain with me.”

What does a treble clef tattoo mean?

This tattoo can rarely be found on an ordinary person not associated with the art of music. However, some ordinary people, far from creativity, use the symbol as a reminder of their turbulent youth (usually they stamp a treble clef on the little finger or on another finger). For other people, the treble clef is a symbol of longing for old times. If such a tattoo is applied while a person is in prison, it can mean a cheerful and carefree life in freedom before being transported to places not so distant.

Musicians know that, in addition to the treble clef (the most common), there are two more types of clef:

  • alto (it is used to write works for string instruments such as violas and chamber orchestras);
  • bass (used for writing notes for double bass, cello, bassoon, and vocal parts of bass or baritone).

Some people, trying to emphasize their originality, depict one of these keys on their bodies.

Who is a tattoo suitable for?

The treble clef is a very clear, harmless, simple and elegant tattoo. It looks perfect on a woman's body, but is also suitable for men. You don’t have to be a professional musician to earn the right to wear this sign on yourself - simply loving music and its performers is enough to perpetuate this feeling on your body.

There are thousands of musicians who have treble clef tattoos. For some, the design is depicted in a prominent place (neck, forearm, hands, fingers), for others it is hidden under clothing. Sometimes the key is used with other musical symbols (most often notes), thanks to which the composition acquires a certain completeness.

For many people, music serves as support, support, hobby, passion. For others, it is their main profession and a means of earning money. But it doesn't matter. If you want to become the owner of a treble clef tattoo, feel free to carry out your idea. The symbol, harmless and understandable to a wide range of people, will remind us of music - the most beautiful creation of humanity.

The meaning of a treble clef tattoo on the zone for girls

In prison, the treble clef was tattooed on girls who had previously engaged in oral pleasures, and on men one could also find such a tattoo with exactly the same meaning.

Surely anyone who has gotten or wants to get a tattoo wants to know what its meaning is. After all, any drawing applied to the body means something. The most common tattoo is the treble clef.

It is applied by both boys and girls. There is no definite meaning of such a drawing yet, because it began to appear recently. It is considered a modern tatu (tattoo). Therefore, let’s find out what such a symbol can mean at a given time.

Everyone can guess that a treble clef tattoo means a love of music.

Along with such a tattoo, notes or some additions can be inked. Thus, it can be filled in by people who are somehow connected with music or who simply like it.

They can get three types of tattoos, each of them has its own meaning.

  • The key is “sol” - it means that people who get such a tattoo are associated with instruments such as pianos, violins or any wind instruments;
  • vTreble clef “F” - applied by those people who write or have previously written parts for cellos, bassoon, double bass, or for vocal bass parts;

  • The treble clef "C" also has its own meaning - its bearer shows that he wrote notes for trombones and violas.

Tattoos in the form of a treble clef look most beautiful on girls if they are applied on the curve of the neck, ankle, arm or waist. To emphasize their beauty and elegance of their body, girls can combine the treble clef with notes, birds, flowers. This gives the tattoo new look and shows that the person is happy.

Meanings for guys

Like girls, a tattoo has exactly the same meaning for guys - music as a main activity or as a hobby.

Men can apply a tattoo wherever they want most.

But most of all they are applied to the back or shoulder. To show their love for a particular type of instrument, guys can wear a treble clef along with their favorite instrument.

If girls have the opportunity to apply such a tattoo with anything, then men prefer a more strict and masculine look of the treble clef. Mostly guys choose a classic black tattoo.

The tattoo also has another meaning. It bears the fact that its owner led a turbulent youth; the tattoo is reminiscent of the past.

The meaning of a tattoo on the zone

In the zone, a tattoo in the guise of a treble clef carries a completely different meaning for both women and men. It is extremely rare in the zone, but it still happens. Such a tattoo is applied to a prisoner against his will or by those people who are sitting in the same cell with him.

Often, for men, it means that he has a weak will or was beaten in prison.

For a woman, it means that when she was sitting in the zone, she showed herself with weak side- She has a weak character. Also, such a tattoo indicates that the person who is in prison is homosexual.

Under this meaning, it could be seen in both men and women - she is of easy virtue. This tattoo is applied by a sexual partner. Therefore, a treble clef can bring its owner a lot of trouble in the zone.

In addition, the treble clef was made in the zone for those people who stole, that is, they “walked through the music”.

If you want to get a treble clef tattoo, then you can safely implement your idea. Anyone who sees it will understand that its owner really likes music and respects it. And to give it a more beautiful and bewitching look, you can combine it with musical instruments - for men, and with flowers, notes, birds - for women.

As you know, the treble clef is a symbol of musicality and harmony. Therefore, first of all, a tattoo with a photo of a treble clef will be an excellent body decoration for musicians. At the same time, a symbol of love for music and art will be a wonderful inscription for all creative types. Therefore, the treble clef can become an adornment for the body of any person, regardless of gender and age.

With the help of this sign, be it small or large, a person strives for self-expression. This person shows his endless love for music. Along with this, the musical sign has the following qualities:

The meaning of the symbol in different cultures

The treble clef sign was first introduced in medieval Italy. Most often, the sign was depicted in addition to various notes and musical instruments. Just as now, beautiful images of the treble clef were associated with music. Subsequently, this musical sign adorned the body of those musicians who were fond of chanson.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Tattoos with the image of a treble clef are usually done by girls on such parts of the body as:

  • Ankle.
  • The bend of the neck.
  • Waist
  • Hand shape.

But guys prefer to have such an original painting in the following places:

  • Behind the ear.
  • On the back.
  • On the neck.
  • On the shoulder.

Most often, the treble clef is depicted in a classical style.

Various variations of treble clef tattoos

Both boys and girls sometimes get a tattoo of this picture on their finger, which is important for playing the guitar or violin. The treble clef also looks original on the wrist. If the female half can diversify the picture by adding pictures of birds or flowers in different shades, then the male half prefer the image of a treble clef in classic black.

The treble clef was also tattooed on the zone, which means that the owner was imprisoned as a result of theft.

Often the treble clef appears in the sketch with other notes, which makes the tattoo a real masterpiece.

  • The treble clef in the form of the note “G” reveals the owner’s attitude towards musical instruments such as the piano, violin or wind instruments.
  • The extended F key symbolizes love for the cello or double bass.
  • But the key “do” has a special meaning, as it characterizes people associated with the viola or trombone.

An original tattoo with a treble clef and notes adorns the curve of the neck of the famous Russian singer Keti Topuria. Popular singer Selena Gomez got a note stamped on her hand.

Surely, if you meet a person with a treble clef tattoo on the street, you will have no doubts about his life priorities and interests. However, a simple-looking symbol is fraught with its own special mysteries, and is not necessarily an indication of a musician or singer.

A small treble clef on a girl's wrist

History of appearance

We owe the appearance of the image of the treble clef to the Italians, who began using it in the middle of the 11th century. His appearance repeats Latin letter G and stands for the note "salt". In the musical staff, this symbol is placed in such a way that the central curl of the picture, indicating the “sol” of the first octave, is on the second line.

The symbol received its name due to the fact that notes were originally written in this key specifically for the violin. In addition, it contains notes for harmonica, some wind and percussion instruments, as well as vocal parts.

Treble clef with watercolor style shades

This is interesting . Another musical clef, the bass clef, is slightly less popular in tattooing. Its image is a curl with two dots and represents the note “F”.

The symbol came to the art of tattooing relatively recently, in the middle of the 20th century, but now it is very popular and in demand. The point here is not only the popularity of creative professions, but also the fact that people tend to choose small symbols with positive meaning for tattoo designs.

Treble clef in a pattern on the shoulder blade

Who is a tattoo suitable for?

For most people who are impressed by a treble clef tattoo, its meaning lies on the surface: it is a connection with music and creativity. It is chosen by musicians, writers, artists, and actors to emphasize their involvement in the world of art.

This is interesting . Many famous personalities directly related to the musical field choose treble clefs to decorate their bodies. This image on her ankle was Rihanna's first tattoo. We will see a similar sketch in the extravagant Lady Gaga. And among the Russian stars, singer Nikita Malinin chose the design to decorate his forearm.

An inconspicuous rune symbol in the treble clef on the girl’s shoulder blade

But not all people who create a musical sketch are musicians. It is applied to themselves by ordinary music lovers, individuals who cannot imagine their life without a sonorous song. Often the drawing is found without association with music, personifying creativity and the desire for self-expression, pure energy.

Another meaning of the symbol is a reminder of the cheerful and wild life in one’s youth; it is the embodiment of memory and slight nostalgia for youth.

Important . The treble clef tattoo, the photo of which you see in the article, also has its meaning in the world of thieves. Here it is forcibly applied to weak-willed people and passive homosexuals. Therefore, when choosing a sketch of a musical symbol, you need to strive to move as far as possible from its image behind barbed wire. However, one of the variations of the image here may also indicate that the person led a rollicking, cheerful life in freedom.

Beautiful treble clef in full hand

How to add to the sketch?

A treble clef tattoo, the designs of which can be very diverse, is traditionally combined with the following elements:

  • A phrase related to music or creativity. Often under the key there is the inscription “Music is my life” or any other quote written in beautiful ornate handwriting.
  • A line of music, a stave where the key occupies a certain place.
  • Notes surrounding the symbol or also located on the staff.
  • Microphone. This sketch is used by pop artists, vocalists and band frontmen, who are accustomed to connecting a melody with a microphone in their own hand.
  • Musical instrument. This variation is most suitable for musicians who represent the instrument they play.
  • Fantasy drawings that are vaguely related to music. Girls love to place bright butterflies with large wings on the treble clef or depict small birds nearby with notes fluttering around them.
  • Stars and hearts also become frequent companions of the melodic symbol.
  • Often the lines of the drawing themselves are created in a fantasy manner: it can be a contour made in the shape of a tree, plant, flower, flock of birds.
  • The choice of color or black and white depends only on the wishes of the customer, and both of these images have their own flavor. Monochrome designs, oddly enough, are much more common; fine lines and stylish execution play an important role in them.

Treble clef in the form of a dream catcher on a paddle in color

When the question arose about which tattoo to choose, I didn’t think much about it. My life has always been strongly connected with music and musical instruments, so I chose the most beautiful and melodic of all musical symbols. I tattooed it behind my ear because, if necessary, this area is very easy to hide from prying eyes.

Victor, Novosibirsk

Treble clef with butterfly and stars

Where to stuff it?

Male and female musical symbol tattoos are usually located in different areas of the body. Men prefer to have a large image printed on the neck, shoulder or forearm.

Girls, choosing a miniature drawing, have greater freedom in choosing a place. The beautiful ornate sign equally well emphasizes the thin ankle, the graceful waist, and the soft curve of the owner’s neck.

Images behind the ear and on the fingers are equally loved by both sexes, due to their restraint and brevity. However, you can find a small pattern on almost any part of the body.