Crochet spider pattern: features and applications. Openwork crocheted bedspread with a spider pattern Square crocheted spider pattern diagram

The crochet spider pattern has remained one of the most common throughout the world for many years. It is used to make a huge number of different items: from clothes and bags to pillowcases and jewelry.

The reason for the popularity and demand of the pattern is that it is quite simple to calculate, can be combined with other patterns, can be easily increased or decreased, and can also be used to form vertical or horizontal openwork stripes.

Components of the pattern

Using the example of the diagram shown in the following figure, we can describe the formation of the main element of the “spider” pattern.

The ornament owes its name to the external resemblance of the openwork part of each quadrangular element to a spider, whose legs stick out in different sides. These quadrangles can be very close to each other (as in the bottom part of the diagram) or scattered across the canvas (as in the diagram above).

The crochet spider pattern consists of the following components:

  • Framing the pattern.
  • Dense central part (spider body).
  • Chains air loops(VP), which connect the frame with the dense middle (spider legs).

Let's learn how to make this pattern.

Crochet spider pattern: basic principle of education

The framing of the pattern is most often made up of “bushes”: double crochets with a common base; also a common option is to use four double crochets (DC). The frame is arranged in steps with a shift to the right or left:

  • I r: one step from 3СН.
  • II p: two steps from 3СН, between which there is an air loop.
  • III r: the left step moves to the right, 3VP, double crochet, 3VP, the left step moves to the left.
  • IV r: right step with a shift to the right, 3VP, 3 single crochets (SC), 3VP, left step with a shift to the left. Further formation of the diamond occurs as the distance between the steps increases. It is compensated by an increase in the number of RLS in the center of the element. The number of VPs in the chains is always the same.
  • V r: in in this example this row is the widest, here 5СБН. Further, the pattern involves bringing the steps of the frame closer together and reducing the number of sc in the center.
  • VI p: the right step moves to the left (the first SSN is knitted into the last SSN of the step of the previous row, the rest - into the first VP of the chain), 3VP, 3SBN, 3VP, the left step moves to the right.
  • VII r: right step, 3VP, double crochet, 3VP, left step.
  • VIII p: two steps, 1VP between them.
  • IX r: one step.

How to expand or shorten a pattern

This ornament may contain a larger number of rows. If desired, knitting after the 5th row can be continued for expansion. To do this, the right step should be shifted to the right, and the left one to the left, while the number of chain stitches in the chains will remain the same (three), and the number of single crochets will increase by two in each row (seven, nine, and so on). Naturally, the crocheted spider pattern will also include a larger number of rows in which the steps will move towards the center of the element.

To reduce the width of each diamond, it is worth stopping the expansion, stopping, for example, on the 4th row. In this case, the 5th row will include shifting the right step to the left, and the left step to the right.

Practical knitting: spider pattern in clothes

With the help of this ornament, craftswomen knit various summer products:

  • Skirts.
  • Blouses, pullovers and blouses.
  • Dresses.
  • Scarves, shawls,

The easiest way to knit a shawl with a spider pattern is from the corner to the wide edge. In this case, the canvas will constantly expand on both sides. Adding stitches is quite simple: when moving steps, additional VPs are cast on at the beginning of the row, and at the end of the row, each double crochet is knitted from the base of the previous one.

Good afternoon, friends!

An openwork crocheted bedspread with a “spider” pattern deservedly received the attention of many needlewomen from my group of classmates. Someone has already started knitting this. And although there is a diagram for it, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to make a description as well.

A long time ago, as a beginner knitter, I came across the idea of ​​a pillow knitted with a spider. Then I couldn’t figure out how to knit such a pattern. Therefore, I decided now that my small master class might be useful to someone.

Crocheting an openwork bedspread with a spider pattern

Crocheting an openwork blanket according to the pattern with the description will be quite simple, in fact.

Many people will also like this blanket because it is knitted. whole cloth and there is no need to stitch together motives.

The source where I found this picture did not say what yarn to knit from and how much it will be needed.

I believe that acrylic or cotton is better for bedspreads. You will need about 2.5 kg of yarn, a little more or less depending on the thickness of the yarn and the size of the bedspread.

As always, we select the hook according to the thickness of the yarn, and I also advise you to definitely knit several samples with hooks of different thicknesses and see which one you like best.

How to crochet a blanket

First let's tie sample spider pattern according to the scheme.

We collect 43 VP.

1st row: 3VP, С1Н, 3 times 3С1Н in every third loop of the chain, 13 VP, 3С1Н in the 6th loop, 4 more times 3С1Н in every third loop and repeat the pattern again, at the end of the row 2С1Н in the last chain loop.

3VP, turn knitting.

2nd row: 3 times 3С1Н in the space between the columns of the previous row. (as when knitting), 6VP, 1 RLS under the arch of air loops, 6VP, 4 times 3C1H, repeat the pattern.

3rd row: if you look at the diagram, we see that the number of groups of double crochets decreases, and the spider grows.

3VP, 1C1N, 2 times 3C1N, 6VP, 3СБН, 6VP, groups of double crochets and so on.

4th row: 3VP, 2 times in 3C1H, 6VP, 5СБН, 6VP, 2 times in 3C1H, repeat the pattern.

5th row: 3VP, 1С1Н, 3С1Н, 6ВП, 7СБН, 6ВП and further according to the diagram.

6th row: same as 4th row.

7th row: as 3.

8th row: as 1.

Then the pattern can be repeated from the 1st to the 8th row.

Do not pay attention that the sample is a little crooked, after ironing it takes on a normal shape.

Even from the sample you can already see what a beautiful bedspread you can knit. However, a blanket for the sofa is quite suitable.

I made a video with a master class on how to knit such a pattern for a bedspread.

Calculation of loops for a bedspread

When starting to crochet a bedspread, you don't have to calculate the stitches. I proceed as follows.

I cast on a chain of chain stitches, approximately equal to the width of the future bedspread.

To knit the first row, take another ball and start knitting from the beginning of the chain, and not from the end. We do not break the thread from the first skein yet.

Thus, having knitted the first row, it will be possible to more accurately determine the width and, if necessary, finish the chain or unravel it.

Decorating the edge of a crocheted bedspread

According to the diagram, it is proposed to tie the finished bedspread with several rows of single crochets around the entire perimeter, although this does not seem to be the case in the photo. But I think that tied up will look better, more neat.

If desired, attach long tassels along the edges.

Crochet pattern "Spiders"

The spider pattern is mainly used in light summer clothes because of its airiness. There are variants of the pattern that are knitted from the corner, which allows you to make a shawl or bactus. You can experiment with the pattern by adding chains of air loops and reducing the distance between the pachucas.

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To knit, you must be able to knit chain stitches, as well as single crochets, single and double crochets.


VP- air loop, RLS- single crochet, CCH- single crochet stitch, СС2Н- double crochet stitch.

Cast on 36 air loops (of which 3 are lifting air loops).

1 row: 1 dc in ch 5, work dc to end of row.

2nd row: 3 VP lifting, 4 ССН (one per loop), 4 VP, 4 СС2Н (each through one loop), 5 ССН, 4 СС2Н (each through one loop), 5 ССН.

3rd row: 3 VP rise, 4 SSN (one per loop), 4 VP, 4 RLS (in SS2N of the previous row, one per loop), 4 VP, 5 SSN, 4 VP, 4 RLS (in SS2N of the previous row, one per loop), 5 dc.

4-5 row: knit as row 3.

6 row: 3 VP lifting, 4 SSN (one per loop), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 5 ССН, 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row) , 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 1 VP, 1 СС2Н (in the SBN of the previous row), 5 ССН.

Repeat 1-6 rows until the end of work.


Here is a master class with a slightly different modification of the crochet spider pattern. Here openwork drawings do not go one above the other, but in checkerboard pattern, which makes the pattern even more interesting.

Size: 40.

You will need: CoCo yarn (100% cotton, 240 m/50 g) -1600 g white or blue, hook No. 1.75; 1.5. Attention! First knit the coat from the bottom up in a single fabric.

Using a hook No. 1.75 from one ball, pick up a long chain of 300-400 air. p. From the second ball, knit: 1st row - 3 air. p. lifting, 2 tbsp. s/n, *11 empty cells loin mesh(1 empty cell of the sirloin mesh = 2 air stitches, 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 filled cell of the sirloin mesh = 3 tbsp. s/n), 1 filled cell of the sirloin mesh, 11 empty cells of the sirloin mesh, 6 tbsp. s/n*, *-* repeat 8 times, finish row 3 tbsp. s/n. Break the thread from the first ball and tighten. Next, knit a spider pattern on 23 cells of the fillet mesh according to pattern 1. In the 22nd row, knit 23 empty cells of the fillet mesh. Then repeat the spider pattern from the 1st row. Having knitted 2 repeats of the spider pattern upwards, in stripes from st. s/n, decrease 1 p. The 3rd rapport of “spiders” is also knitted according to pattern 1. Having knitted 1 row of empty cells of the fillet mesh, decrease in strips from art. s/n for 1 p. Knit the 4th-5th rapports of “spiders” according to pattern 2, evenly decreasing in strips from art. s/n 1 p. - 2 tbsp should remain. Knit the 6th repeat of “spiders” according to pattern 3. (The coat can be knitted shorter, in which case do not knit the 1st and 2nd repeats of “spiders”, but immediately start with the 3rd repeat of “spiders”.) Next, start knitting the waist, for using this crochet number 1.5 along the upper edge of the knitted fabric, cast on 220 sts and knit st. s/n 33 rows, while in the 1st row, make decreases evenly - knit together every 11-13th stitch. Then divide 220 stitches into 3 parts - the right front, back and left front, mark with markers on both sides 61 p.

Right shelf: knit st. s/n, at the same time, to bevel the neckline of the shawl collar, knit 3 stitches together in every 3rd row. For the raglan line from the loop marked with a marker, decrease 1 time x 5 p., 1 time x 4 p., 2 times x 3 p., 3 times x 1 p. Next, from the armhole side, continue knitting straight 36 rows, and the bevel for Continue knitting the collar until the end of the 36th row from the beginning of the right front = 29 sts.

Left shelf knit symmetrically with the right one.

Back: knit st. s/n, making decreases similar to the shelves. Knit the remaining 84 stitches straight - only 36 rows from the beginning of knitting the back.

Sleeves: dial 63 air. p. and distribute the loops as follows: 1st row - 3 air. lifting item, 23 st. s/n, 7 empty sirloin mesh cells, 1 filled sirloin mesh cell, 7 empty sirloin mesh cells, 24 tbsp. s/n. Next, on 15 cells of the fillet mesh, knit a “spider” pattern according to pattern 3. For sleeve bevels on both sides, add 1 p in every 5th row. After 70 rows from the cast-on edge = 91 p. To roll the sleeves on both sides, close 1 times x 5 p., in every 2nd row 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 2 p., in every 4th row 5 times x 1 p., in every 2nd row 1 time x 1 p. , 1 time x 2 p., 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 4 p., 1 time x 7 p. = 27 p. Cut the thread.

Assembly: sew shoulder seams. Sew the sleeves into the armholes, sew the seams of the sleeves. On the right and left shelves, tie the strips with half-columns; on the left, make 4 holes for buttons. Knit the shawl collar in short rows, leaving 2 stitches at the edges. Tie all the edges of the coat in a “crawfish step.”