Template for machine applique made of colored paper. Applique machine made from colored paper - a task for little men

Boys, especially preschool age, it’s very difficult to be captivated by something for a long time. And when it comes to needlework, parents are often faced with a child’s complete reluctance to do “girly things.” And in this case, you have to resort to a trick, for example, inviting the child to make crafts on the theme of his favorite toys. Boys especially like to draw, sculpt and paint the most different models typewriters In the master classes below you will find several variations of service cars using the appliqué technique.

This small MK is suitable for playing with children in middle group. Here it is important to cut out all the details correctly, and this can be done using pre-prepared templates, from which children will simply transfer the contours onto colored paper. To make work go faster, you can use self-adhesive paper.

Step-by-step description of the lesson:

Video tutorial on making a fire truck

Three-dimensional fire truck made of colored paper

In addition to the applique, you can offer to make a three-dimensional model of a fire truck for the children. This activity is suitable for older children in the preparatory group:

With such three-dimensional models, the whole group will be able to play in the future.

Paper police car

To help children learn the basics of handicrafts younger group Applications from pre-printed templates and pictures work well.

For example, you can invite children to cut out and glue together parts of a police car like this: But this machine can be used as a stencil for appliqués:
Applique can be made not only from paper. This is what, for example, a road patrol car made of plasticine looks like:

Making a truck out of colored paper

The easiest way to applique a truck is to use simple geometric shapes. This lesson is ideal for children in kindergarten:

You can offer such an experiment for children. Add applique elements to the most ordinary drawing:

A few more templates for trucks and special equipment:

Video: Making a car out of paper

Application "Ambulance"

You can also create an ambulance out of paper with your own hands. To do this, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

4. The last two details are the blue windshield and the orange siren.
This lesson is suitable for young children in pre-kindergarten.

Video: Machine using applique technique

Ideas and templates for applications with cars

Paper applications

The applique gives enormous scope for children's imagination. We offer you the most interesting ideas making machines using this technique.

Such templates are very convenient, because in this case, for applique it is enough to cut out the blanks and glue them step by step onto the base. For beginning needleworkers, this practice will be very useful.

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Goals: Learn to name truck, and basic parts: cabin, body, wheels, window. Strengthen the ability to use glue, perform work carefully, and be able to correctly place parts on a sheet.

Material for the lesson:

Toy truck, cat toy, pictures from truck.

Blanks for appliqués: truck, cabin, body, wheels, windows, PVA glue, brushes, napkins.

Together with the children we remembered the poem by A. Barto " Truck".

“No, it was in vain that we decided to give the cat a ride in the car,

The cat is not used to riding and knocked it over truck».

Today in class the children and I once again looked at the pictures depicting truck, we talked about what this type of transport is needed for.

Then we looked at the toy truck and named the parts. of which it consists (cabin, body, wheels, windows) found out what controls truck driver.

I suggested that the children look at a sample truck and prepared blanks of carved silhouettes. I suggested sticking all parts of the car on a piece of paper: the cabin, body, windows and wheels.

She reminded me that I had to use the glue carefully and that I had to use a napkin. After finishing the work, the guys looked at your friends' trucks. Everyone really enjoyed the activity, the children said who would give their work to dad, grandpa, mom, etc. It was very nice.

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, my kids and I are preparing for Mother’s Day, and we made this flower arrangement. There is a word in our world.

In the junior group “Swallow”, an appliqué lesson is held once every two weeks, so the children are happy to wait until they can do it themselves.

Goal: - consolidate children’s knowledge about round shape, also about the difference in size of objects; - teach children to compose an image from parts.

Application in the second junior group. Children really enjoy making crafts from colored paper. The first thing that immediately comes to mind, of course.

In my work, like many teachers, I use a variety of teaching aids. The manuals are used in OOD for all educational purposes.

Summary of GCD for application in the middle group “Truck”. Educator: Tolstyakova Irina Konstantinovna Goal: Develop cognitive interests.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the first junior group “Reading A. Barto “Truck” Program content: help children remember A. Barto's poem; learn to recite a poem with the help of a teacher. Expand.

Here is a continuation of the series of colorful colorful applications for the youngest children. You can download application templates for kids on our website immediately in an archive, the download link is at the end of the publication.

How you can work with your child using this educational material

With the help of a series of such applications, it is very easy to teach a child how to glue and make applications. In addition, you can not only do appliqué, but also play the game “Guess what’s missing” with your baby. Download and unzip the archive with the application files, print the pictures, cut out the application details and you can practice with your baby.

Lay out the drawings in front of your child and ask: What is missing from the pictures? If your child finds it difficult to answer, help him, using an example of one of the applications, tell him how to combine the missing parts. The baby will quickly understand what is required of him and will be happy to join in the activities. Once you have all the applique pieces together, you can glue them on.

Such activities well develop attention, observation, train visual memory, speech, fine motor skills. Applications can be performed with children both at home and in kindergarten, in centers early development children.

Good luck and have fun!

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Templates for applique for children 2-3 years old

Template for applique for kids 2-3 years old - boat

Template for applique for babies 2-3 years old - rocket

Application templates for babies 2-3 years old - car

Application templates for kids 2-3 years old - train

Applique templates for babies 2-3 years old - cutting sheet

Making the Technomir applique from colored paper with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Degtyartseva Natalya Vasilievna, teacher of MAU DO DDTT, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia - Alania
The work is intended for children aged 7 years and older, teachers and parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift for family and friends.
Target: make a paper applique with your own hands.
Tasks: educational - master the technique of making applique; developmental - to develop the practical skills of students when working with scissors, a hole punch, to develop the child’s imagination and imagination; educational - to cultivate aesthetic taste.
Materials and tools: colored paper, scissors, compass, hole punch, glue stick, pencil, ruler, paper cutter.

The steamboat is sailing,
Floating somewhere.
The train is running,
Someone's lucky.
And a rocket into space
Flies stubbornly
Bus towards you
The car is in a hurry.

Technoworld, technoworld
It surrounds us everywhere.
Technoworld, technoworld
Helps us every day.

Help us remove
Vacuum cleaner all the dust,
The computer will tell you
Answer to the question.
Stores refrigerator
Products for us,
The alarm clock will wake you up

Us in the morning.

(words by Natalya Degtyartseva)

Progress of step-by-step work.

Making the “Steamboat” applique.

Cut sheets of paper into A4 shapes different colors into strips of various widths: from 1 to 5 cm. These colored strips will become the basis for the applique.

From these strips we will make the main parts of the applique: a yellow rectangle (9x4cm) for the base of the steamboat, for the boat of a sailboat (6x2cm), for the cabins of the steamboat (4x4cm), for decorating boats - a strip 0.3cm wide, for the mast a strip 0.5cm wide, for windows - rectangles (2x3cm and 1x2cm), for sails rectangles (4x3cm), using a compass, make circles with a diameter of 1.5cm for the window, a triangle (2cm long) for the flag and a flag, as in the photo, a pipe from a 1cm strip 2cm long, a circle for the sun (2cm in diameter) and triangles for the rays.

To make the base of the steamer, we will draw arcs on the yellow rectangle, as shown in the photo. Similarly, we will make a blank for making sails (two purple blanks and two white).

Glue red stripes to the base of the steamboat, boats and pipes. We will glue windows onto the booths, as shown in the photo.

Glue the finished parts of the steamboat onto a colored sheet of paper, as shown in the photo.

To the left and right of the steamboat we will glue two masts, and to them flags and sails, as shown in the photo.

We will glue the boats to the sails.

At the top of the applique we will glue the details of the sun and cloud. We cut out the clouds randomly, in arcs.

For the waves, we will cut out wide arcs from blue paper of various sizes and paste them onto the free spaces between the steamboat and the boats.
The application is ready.

Making an applique "Locomotive".

Make a rectangle for the carriage (12x7cm), a door for the carriage (3x5cm), windows (2x2.5cm) and (3x4cm), cut off a corner for the door handle, and a rectangle (5x1cm), strips for the windows (2.5x0.3cm).
To make a train, make a figure (can be glued from a rectangle (7x5cm) and a square (4cm side), a window (2x1.5cm) and a door (5x3cm), for a pipe (1x2cm), a trapezoid (small base 1cm), circles for wheels with a diameter of 1 , 5 cm, a circle for a flashlight with a diameter of 1 cm, a trapezoid or triangle with a base of 4 cm, a strip 0.5 cm wide for rails.

Glue the doors and windows to the train and trailer.

Lay out the applique parts as shown in the photo. Glue the rail and wheels

Glue all other parts of the applique as shown in the photo. Cut out the clouds randomly, using arcs of white paper.

Glue the parts of the sun (circle, 2cm in diameter, and triangles). Triangles can be cut from a strip of 1.5 - 2 cm, turning the scissors at an angle to the strip.

The application is ready.

Making the “Space” applique.

Make a rectangle for the rocket (7x3cm), a triangle with a side of 3cm, two triangles with a small side of 1cm, circles for the windows with a diameter of 1.5cm, for the door (2x1cm). Round the top corners of the rectangle for the door.
For the planets, make colored circles of various diameters (2-3 cm), ovals with a cut out center (the size of the ovals is 0.3 cm larger than the planet), and use a hole punch to make circles - stars of various shades of yellow.
For the planet “Earth”, round the edges of the rectangle (7x3cm). and cut out random figures to represent sushi. The earth can be made from blue or green paper.

Let's glue the main parts of the rocket, as shown in the photo.

Let's glue the door and windows - portholes - onto the rocket. We will make the fire from rectangles, cutting out a small triangle on one side.

Glue on the details of the planet “Earth” and the Moon (yellow circle).

Glue multi-colored planet circles around the rocket.

We will glue stars between the rocket and the planets. The application is ready.

1. To make circles, you can use lids of various diameters as templates.
2. Strips can be cut not only with scissors, but also with a paper cutting knife, as well as a special device for cutting paper.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your feedback.

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An applique always looks more interesting if it has three-dimensional details. We made an applique of a machine with sewn buttons, wheels and balloons on real threads.

Yesterday it was our little neighbor's birthday. So we made this unusual applique for him instead of a postcard.

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