Scenario for the New Year's holiday “New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya. Holiday script: “New Year’s adventures of Masha and Vitya New Year’s adventures of Masha and Vitya read the play

Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.
Masha, a junior schoolgirl.
Vitya, a junior high school student.
Baba Yaga.
Cat Matvey, wild cat.
Apple tree.
Koschey the Immortal.
Servants of Koshchei.
New Year's preparations for children. Masha and Vitya argue about fairy tales.
VITYA: - My dad denies fairy tales and all sorts of miracles, and my dad is a candidate of technical sciences.
MASHA: - Professor! Are all of you bespectacled people unimaginative?
Masha brings Father Frost to Vita.
MASHA: - Meet the real magical Santa Claus!
SANTA CLAUS (introduces himself): - Santa Claus.
VITYA: - Masha claims that you are a real magical Santa Claus, which means you are entitled to
a real magical Snow Maiden.
SANTA CLAUS: - Koschey the Immortal stole it. He wanted to arrange a New Year for his evil spirits.
MASHA: We need to help the Snow Maiden. And we can’t live without the New Year.
SANTA CLAUS: - Just getting into Koshcheevo’s kingdom is not an easy task. But I have no way there.
MASHA: - I’ll get through, I’ll help the Snow Maiden.
SANTA CLAUS: - Won’t you be scared if I push you into a fairy tale?
VITYA (embarrassed): Excuse me... But could you take me... too into a fairy tale? My mom says that
Girls must always be protected.
SANTA CLAUS: - Okay, go to the fairy tale together.
Masha and Vitya enter the fairy-tale forest through the Christmas tree.
Fairy forest. On stage are Baba Yaga, Leshy, and Matvey the Cat.
Thunder and lightning rumble.
BABA YAGA: -Alarm, someone snuck into our forest, the alarm went off. Let's see now. Eniki
beniks brooms brooms...
Baba Yaga, Cat and Leshy in chorus: - Make the wall transparent!
Vitya and Masha appear and sing a song:
Song of Masha and Vitya
(to the tune: “Man is a Dog’s Friend” from the film “Bobik Visiting Barbos”)
We will save the Snow Maiden,
And we will take Koshchei prisoner,
And although he is cunning and merciless,
We'll find him anyway!
Let the road be hard
But good is always stronger than evil!
Transformations lie ahead
What an adventure!
Masha and Vitya leave.
BABA YAGA: - Santa Claus sent them.
Leshy: - What should we do?
BABA YAGA: - To defeat them, you need to separate them. (Everyone laughs) I rushed to my place to lure them
to the hut and fry it, we’ll have dinner together
Baba Yaga sings and dances in the hut:
Song of Baba Yaga.
(To the tune: “Ditties of Babok-Yozhek” from the film “Flying Ship”)
Come visit grandma Yozhka
Pour yourself some food,
Disassemble forks and spoons
Eat, let's have fun!
I didn't understand myself
How did I invite the guests?
For rich children
He will reward me with Koschey!
Vitya and Masha approach the hut.
MASHA: - Vitya, look at the fairy-tale hut.
BABA YAGA: - Please (takes you into the hut, sits you at the laid table). Eat and drink, dear guests.
How far are you going?
VITYA: - The goal of our expedition is to penetrate the so-called Koshcheevo kingdom.
BABA YAGA: - Ah-ah-ah! My killer whales will destroy you Koschey.
VITYA: - In my opinion, you are somewhat exaggerating the capabilities of this Koshchei.
BABA YAGA: -Me? Do you know Koshcheev's power? Who killed Ivan Tsarevich? - Koschey. Fenista
Who killed the Clear Falcon? - Back he is, Koschey the Immortal.
MASHA: - Thank you very much, everything was very tasty.
BABA YAGA: - Come on, kids, climb onto the stove (helps the children climb onto the stove) Morning evening
Baba Yaga boils water.
VITYA: - Masha, in my opinion, this is Baba Yaga, and she wants to eat us.
MASHA: - Vitenka, my dear, I’m afraid.
VITYA (stammering): - D-don’t f-be afraid Masha.
BABA YAGA: - Should I go for a walk to get my appetite?
Baba Yaga leaves the hut.
VITYA: -Calm down, my dad is a candidate of technical sciences and I won’t allow anything to eat you.
a literate old woman.
VITYA and MASHA got off the stove.
VITYA pushes the door: - Closed it. Quiet.
Children look at the stupa.
VITYA: -What kind of device?
MASHA: -Yes, this is the stupa in which Baba Yaga flies.
VITYA: - Does it fly? Do you know how it starts?
MASHA: -I don’t know, nothing is written about this in fairy tales.
VITYA: - (opens the door from the bottom of the stupa, takes something and smells). Ordinary RPD.
Powder jet engine. Get ready, key to start (they climb into the mortar), ignition,
broaching, blowing. Five, four, three, two, one. Start!
Masha and Vitya fly out through the pipe into the street.
MASHA and VITYA: - Hurray! (land)
MASHA: -You know, Vitya, now I won’t call you a professor. Want?
VITYA: - Well, why call it, I don’t mind.
MASHA: - Then I won’t call you a bespectacled person. Want?
VITYA: - There’s no need for a bespectacled person. Thank you.
Masha and Vitya approach Pechka. Pechki's song:
Pechka's Song
(To the tune: “Tired toys sleep” Program “ Good night, kids!")

And with cabbage and potatoes,

Come to the door, open it!
OVEN: - Help Mashenka, BABA YAGA has stoned me, open the damper, free me.
Masha removes the stones.
OVEN: - Oh, thank you children, help yourself to my delicious pies.
MASHA: - Take Vitya.
OVEN: - Here's a hot coal for you Mashenka, where it will roll and go. He's on your way
Koshcheevo's kingdom will indicate.
The children ran for coal.
Leshy appears. Leshy sings:
Song of the Leshy.
(based on the tune: “Songs of Vanya Pechnik” from the film “The Flying Ship”)
I'm a simple man
I don’t like to talk in vain!
If you need help,
Contact me, I’ll help you!
I'll take you for your sake
Even a mountain stream
And my soul is bright
Delicate flower!
Leshay picks up the coal and hides it in his bosom. Masha and Vitya are running
VITYA: -Uncle, hello.
Leshy: - Great. What do you need?
MASHA: - You didn’t pick up our coal?
Leshy: - What coal?
MASHA: -Little red.
Leshy: - Oh, little red one. No, I didn't. Ah-ah-ah (a coal burns in his bosom, he takes it out and
drops into the water).
VITYA: -What have you done?
MASHA: - Aren't you ashamed?
VITYA: -And what do they teach you only in the forest?
LESHIY (plaintively): - Now you are kept with your parents, you eat apricots, and I am my mother
Don't know. Everyone demands villainy from you. And my soul is as tender as a flower.
MASHA: -Uncle Leshy, we didn’t want to offend you.
Leshy: - For your kindness, I can show you the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom. Just give it up to the boy.
MASHA: -No, I won’t go anywhere without Vitya.
Leshy approaches Vita
Leshy: -Well, why did you get involved with the girl? Throw her away, and I’ll give you the way, like a man to a man.
I'll show you with Koshchei. Agree?
VITYA: Thank you, I agree. Hands down?
Leshy: - Hands down.
They hold hands, Leshy is shaking from the current.
VITYA: Stop shaking. Sent by whom?
Leshy: - Baba Yaga.
VITYA: -Goal.
Leshy: - Separate you.
VITYA: -Tell me, where is the road to Koshchei?
Leshy: - I don’t know, they don’t let me in there. Let me go boy, let me go.
VITYA: -So be it.
Leshy: Thank you boy.
MASHA: -What's wrong with him?
VITYA: - A trifling electric charge. And why was he shaking so much?
Masha and Vitya notice Yablonka.
APPLE TREE: - Have pity on me, Mashenka.
The apple tree sings:
Apple tree's song.
(based on the tune: “Songs of the Engine” from the film “Locomotive from Romashkovo”)

My branches bent to the ground.

MASHA: -Take it.
VITYA: - No way, it’s not washed.
MASHA eats an apple: - It’s inconvenient, it’s inconvenient to eat.
APPLE TREE: - Thank you Masha and Vitya, take another apple, throw it on the ground where it is
will roll there, and go, it will show you the way to Koshchei.
MASHA and VITYA: - Thank you Yablonka, goodbye.
APPLE TREE: - Goodbye Masha and Vitya.
They meet a cat, he picks up an apple and eats it.
CAT: - All babies, all chickens. Get down, come, sit down.
The cat sings:
Song of Matvey the Cat.
(based on the tune: “Tail by Tail” from the film “Walk of Leopold the Cat”)
I will destroy your friendship
I will destroy your friendship
From tail to ears!
A cat can't be good
A cat can't be good
If Koschey demands!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye!
You still can't get away from us,
You can't escape us anywhere!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye!
CAT: - Wow! My kids are simple. I immediately offered them to devour you, and I will.
MASHA: -What should I do?
CAT: - I love it when people tell me fairy tales. Come on girl, start a story.
MASHA: - A fairy tale about a turnip.
CAT: - Oh, we can talk about that. I allow it, go ahead.
MASHA: - Grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew big and big. Grandfather is pulling, he will pull, but he can’t pull
CAT: - Weak means Grandfather got caught, I understand.
MASHA: - Grandfather called Grandma, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t pull it out.
CAT: - It was a weak generation. Well.
MASHA: Grandma called Zhuchka.
CAT: - Who is she?
MASHA: - Well, Zhuchka, a small dog, woof-woof.
The cat hissed: “No need for Bug, we’ll let you through.”
MASHA: - She called woof-woof, well, that is, which we are missing, she called the Cat.
Cat: - This is a completely different matter, I approve. Let's move on.
MASHA: -They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out.
CAT: - I don’t believe in this.
VITYA: - Masha is ready (starts the mouse).
MASHA: - The Cat called the Mouse.
The cat rushes after the mouse.
VITYA: - Masha, let's run.
The children saw that Lesovichok was hanging on the tree.
Lesovichok sings:
Song of Lesovich.

MASHA: How can I help?
VITYA: -I came up with it (climbed a tree and took down Lesovich).
LESOVICHOK: - Oh, thanks guys. And for helping me out, take the ball where it goes
boldly ride there after him and go. He will lead you to Koshchei.
Masha and Vitya move on.
VITYA: - Here we are.
MASHA: - And nothing special happened to us. We are not afraid of you Koschey!
Masha runs forward, and they are separated by a gate.
Masha finds herself in Koshchei's palace.
Koschey sings:
Song of Koshchei.
(to the tune: “The Grasshopper was sitting in the grass,” film The Adventures of Dunno)
Let me languish over gold,
Wandering around the wards,
And maybe a little boring
My whole life flows.

I am immortal and eternal!
Imagine, imagine
Although heartless!
KOSCHEY: - So the main thing is calm, like this. Are you afraid of me?
MASHA: - Not a bit. Why should I be afraid of you? I know everything about you, death is at your end
needles, needle in an egg, egg in a duck.
KOSHCHEY: - Okay, okay, okay, I blabbed. Here I am for you now (takes air into his mouth), oh-oh-
oh (grabs his tooth).
MASHA: - What's wrong with you?
KOSCHEY: - I’m struggling with my teeth.
MASHA: - What will you give if I cure you?
KOSCHEY: - I’ll give everything, just help.
MASHA: - Release the Snow Maiden immediately.
KOSHCHEY: - Oh-oh-oh mommies. I remove the witchcraft spell, I free the Snow Maiden. Lift up
MASHA: - Bring me a spoonful of salt and a glass of water (they bring it). Rinse.
KOSHCHEY: - It doesn’t hurt well.
Baba Yaga, the Cat, and the Leshy appear in Koshchei's palace.
BABA YAGA: - The fighter is standing at the gate. He boasts of taking your head off.
KOSHCHEY: - Who is that?
CAT: - Yes, boy.
Koschey: - Armor for me, a treasure sword, a dildo spear.
BABA YAGA: - Our Father Oh-ho-ho!
Leshy: - Well, Dad, you give it!
KOSCHEY: - Tie up the girl! I'll come back and execute you right away! She forced the Snow Maiden to let go.
Vitya mentally behind the gate: “Let’s see how you can resist my magnet Koschey
Koschey with the guards and evil spirits come out to Vitya.
KOSCHEY: - Ha-ha-ha! Nothing to say, we found a fighter. I’ll put it on my palm, I’ll slam the other one,
only a wet spot will remain.
Koschey tries to defeat Vitya with a spear, then a sword, but Vitya uses a stick with a magnet
KOSCHEY: - I give up. Oh.
VITYA: - Let Masha go immediately!
KOSCHEY: - Okay, okay, I’ll let your Masha go, just let me go.
Masha runs out and sees an unarmed Koshchei with his hands raised up.
MASHA: - Vitya, it’s me. What's wrong with him?
VITYA: - I killed him, let’s run!
Masha and Vitya run away.
KOSCHEY: - Sword! Catch up with them, grab them!
The evil spirits give chase.
VITYA: - Masha, hurry up!
The forest boy sits on a tree and throws pine cones at the evil spirits.
LESOVICHOK: - Well, wait, I’ll show you! Here's BABA YAGA for Masha and Vitya, that's it for you.
Oh, you green evil spirit, come here, here you go. Did you receive it? Wow, Leshy, here's Leshy, like this, like that.
Well, Cat, come here Cat. Here's a cat, you'll know. Here's to you all.
Vitya and Masha run and meet Yablonka.
APPLE TREE: - Don’t be afraid Masha and Vitya, run, I’ll stop them (throws apples at the evil spirits). Here's the cat
Matvey, here's BABA YAGA, here's Leshy. Don't touch small children, don't touch Masha and
Masha and Vitya run up to the stove.
OVEN: - Mashenka, Vitya, come here quickly, hide behind me.
MASHA: - For the stove Vitya!
OVEN: - Well, come, come, well, well (burns the evil spirits with fire).
The evil spirits run away.
MASHA and VITYA: - Hurray! Hooray! Victory! Hooray!
VITYA: - This is because everyone helped you, because you are kind and good. That's how it should be.
Masha and Vitya come out of the fairy tale. Holiday!
SNOW Maiden: - Hello Grandfather Frost!
SANTA CLAUS: - Hello daughter, hello dear. Thank you Mashenka, thank you Vitya. WITH
Snow Maiden: - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The final song is “Snowflake”. The whole class sings with flashlights in their hands.
Snow Maiden: - And now, Santa Claus, let's give gifts to the children. Come on over, kids!
Song of Masha and Vitya
(to the tune: “Man is a Dog’s Friend” from the film “Bobik Visiting Barbos”) Favorite songs 37
We will save the Snow Maiden,
And we will take Koshchei prisoner,
And although he is cunning and merciless,
We'll find him anyway!
Let the road be hard
But good is always stronger than evil!
Transformations lie ahead
What an adventure!
Song of Baba Yaga.
(To the tune of: “Ditties Babok-Yozhek” from the film “The Flying Ship”) Favorite songs 24
Come visit grandma Yozhka
Pour yourself some food,
Disassemble forks and spoons
Eat, let's have fun!
I didn't understand myself
How did I invite the guests?
For rich children
He will reward me with Koschey!
Pechka's Song
(To the tune: “Tired toys are sleeping” Program “Good night, kids!”) Planet M/f 3/19
I baked a lot of pies
I want to treat my friends, not my enemies.
And with cabbage and potatoes,
Even with a basket, even with a basket
Come to the door, open it!
Song of the Leshy.
(based on the tune: “Songs of Vanya Pechnik” from the film “The Flying Ship”) Planet Film 3/17
I'm a simple man
I don’t like to talk in vain!
If you need help,
Contact me, I’ll help you!
I'll take you for your sake
Even a mountain stream
And my soul is bright
Delicate flower!
Apple tree's song.
(based on the tune: “Songs of the Engine” from the film “Locomotive from Romashkovo”) Planet Film 2/02
My children have grown up as best they can.
My branches bent to the ground.
I ask you, children, to come closer,
Find sweeter apples for yourself!
Apples, find apples for yourself,
Save twigs, twigs from trouble.
Song of Matvey the Cat.
(based on the tune: “Tail by Tail” from the film “Walk of Leopold the Cat”) Planet Film 3/15
I will destroy your friendship
I will destroy your friendship
From tail to ears!
A cat can't be good
A cat can't be good
If Koschey demands!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye!
You still can't get away from us,
You can't escape us anywhere!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye!
Song of Lesovich.
(to the tune: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)
Kind Grandfather Lesovichok was walking through the forest,
But the evil spirits picked it up and hung it on a branch.
I'm hanging here alone, for the second night already,
I ask you children to come down from the tree and help me.
Song of Koshchei.
(to the tune: “The Grasshopper was sitting in the grass” m/f The Adventures of Dunno) Planet M/f 3/01
Let me languish over gold,
Wandering around the wards,
And maybe a little boring
My whole life flows.
Imagine, imagine
I am immortal and eternal!
Imagine, imagine
Although heartless!
Snowflake (final)
When a new year enters the house
And the old one goes into the distance
Hide a fragile snowflake in your palm
Make a wish
Look with hope into the night
Squeeze your palm loosely
And ask for everything you dreamed of
Make a wish and make a wish.

Will instantly fulfill your dream
If the snowflake doesn't melt
It won't melt in your palm
While the clock strikes twelve
While the clock strikes twelve
When the new year comes
And the old one goes away
Any dream can come true
That's the kind of night it is
Everything will calm down and freeze around
On the eve of new days
And suddenly a snowflake turns around
Fire like a bird in your hand
And the new year is about to come
Will instantly fulfill your dream
If the snowflake doesn't melt
It won't melt in your palm
While the clock strikes twelve
While the clock strikes twelve

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

229 “Combined kindergarten”

Scenario New Year's holiday "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

based on the fairy tale film of the same name

oh, wow


musical director

Maltseva Elena Gennadievna,

musical director

Arefieva Zulfiya Zufarovna





Father Frost

Snow Maiden



Cat Matvey roles are played adults

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga's Hut


Masha children



Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

1st child: Last year was a glorious year,
But time does not wait in a hurry.
The last calendar leaf was torn off -
Walking towards us New Year!
2nd: Does the New Year fly from the sky or come from the forest?
Or does the New Year come to us from a snowdrift?
He was probably a snowflake on some star,
Or he was hiding a feather in Frost’s beard.
3rd: Maybe he got into the refrigerator or into the squirrel's hollow,
Or did he climb under the glass into an old alarm clock?
But a miracle always happens: the clock strikes twelve,
And from nowhere the New Year comes to us!

Song " New Year Wishes»

(music and lyrics by T. A. Khizhinskaya, musical arrangement by Yu. Zabutov)

The children sit on the chairs, leaving only Masha and Vitya. Masha is decorating the Christmas tree, Vitya is concentrating on the calculator.

Vitya: My dad denies fairy tales and all kinds of miracles. Currently, he and I are working on an invention.Masha: Me too, professor!

"Masha and Vitya's dispute"


Masha: But I still believe in miracles!Takes a toy Santa Claus.

Eniki, beniks, brooms, brooms, hello, Grandfather Frost!

The real Santa Claus comes in accompanied by cheerful music.

Father Frost: I am sincerely glad to see all the guests and all the guys.
Happy New Year, I wish you a snowy winter!
So that the sleds can roll you around, so that you can play in the snow,
So that snowstorms sing their songs to you,
So that they are not afraid of frost, so that they grow and harden.
Masha: Meet Vitya, here is the real, magical Santa Claus!Father Frost: Hello, Vitya! Father Frost! (gives hand to boy)

Vitya: Very nice, Vitya! Which theater are you from? If you are real, then where is your Snow Maiden?

Father Frost: Koschey the Immortal stole it! I wanted to arrange a New Year for my evil spirits. He knows that the Snow Maiden only good people comes, so he hid it in his underground kingdom.

Masha: How can this be? We need to help the Snow Maiden. And we can’t live without the New Year...

Father Frost: Certainly! But getting into Koshcheevo’s kingdom is not an easy task. There is no way for me to go there.

Masha: I'll get through! I will help the Snow Maiden!Presenter: And the guys and I will help!

Vitya: Excuse me, could you take me into a fairy tale too? My mother tells me that girls need to be protected.

Father Frost: OK then. Go to a fairy tale together. And the stars will show you the way. Santa Claus is leaving

Dance of the Stars

(music chosen by the music director)

1 star: A difficult road awaits you

There's no secret to it

2 star: To help you a little

We will give three pieces of advice:

3 star: Don't expect help in a fairy tale

Try yourself along the way, help,

To everyone who is waiting for help.

4 star: A long journey awaits you

And besides, I won’t hide it,

Recognize evil under the guise of good

It's not easy at times.

5 star: If it's going to be hard on the way

We must not get lost

And be strong for each other

You, friends, hold on.

Presenter: Well, guys, let's go?

Children, holding hands, walk around the tree to the sound of the song “Masha and Vitya’s Argument” from the movie “Masha Vitya’s New Year’s Adventures” and take their seats.

Baba Yaga, Matvey the Cat, and Leshy appear, and they sing.

"Song of Wild Guitars"

sl. V. Lugovoy, music. G. Gladkova

The singing is interrupted by the wail of a siren.

Baba Yaga: Anxiety! Someone snuck into our forest. The alarm went off.

Cat: Now let's see.He takes out binoculars and looks into the hall.

Yes, there are children there, apparently and invisible!

Goblin: They are coming for the Snow Maiden! Everything is gone!Cat: Or maybe it’s theirs!Baba Yaga: No way!Goblin: What if?..Baba Yaga: Not worth it!Cat: Well then...Baba Yaga: Quiet! To defeat them, you need to separate them!Cat and Leshy: Separate! ( rejoice, dance, rub their hands)

Baba Yaga: I rushed to my place. I'll lure them into the hut and fry them. Let's have dinner together! Ambush!

The cat and Leshy leave. A hut on chicken legs appears.

Baba Yaga's song "I like birds and fish"

from the movie "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

sl. V. Lugovoy, music. G. Gladkova

Presenter: Guys, look, a fairytale hut!

(Reads): Dead end of evil spirits, 13.

Masha: Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me.

The hut turns, but suddenly it gets jammed. Baba Yaga runs out

Baba Yaga: It's stuck!Vitya: Do you have oil?Baba Yaga: How not to be!

Serves oil, Vitya lubricates chicken legs

Vitya: Complete order! Turn around. Hasn’t it been lubricated for 100 years?

Baba Yaga: One hundred and fifty, iris. This is how brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka came in from then on. How far are you going?

Vitya: We want to penetrate Koshcheevo's kingdom.

Baba Yaga: My killer whales! Koschey will destroy you! And don’t dream of going against him. Climb, kids, onto the stove. Morning is wiser than evening.

Baba Yaga: Burn, firewood, burn

Remove the ash from the stump

Roast from Masha and Vitya

Today I'll serve it to the table

I’ll go for a walk or something... For my appetite.

Walks out the door

Presenter: Guys, I think Baba Yaga wants to eat us! We need to get out of here. Look, she left the broom. She will help us!

Game "Flying on the Broom"

2 teams are participating. Rules: sit on the broom, fly around the Christmas tree, pass the broom to the next person, sit down.

Leshy appears.

Song of the Leshy

from movie "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

sl. V. Lugovoy, music. G. Gladkova

Masha: Uncle, hello.Goblin: Hello.Vitya: Why are you crying?

Goblin: You are kept with your parents, but I don’t know my mother. They say a witch, but what kind of witch, where did it go? And everyone pushes you around, everyone demands villainy, but I, perhaps, have a soul as tender as a flower.

Presenter: Leshy, don’t be upset, but do you want to dance with us?Goblin: Certainly!

Dance of boys and Leshy

After the dance, Leshy approaches Masha

Goblin: I can show you the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom. Just give it up to the boy!

Masha: No! I won’t go anywhere without Vitya!

Leshy runs up to Vita

Goblin: Well, what are you doing with the girl? Drop her! And I, like man to man, will show you the way to Koshchei. Hands down?Vitya: Hands down! ( squeezes Leshy's hand) Goblin: Let go!Vitya: Tell me, who sent you?Goblin: Koschei.Vitya: Target?Goblin: Separate you! ( writhing in pain) Vitya: Where is the road to Koshchei?

Goblin: I don’t know, they don’t let me in there.

Vitya: So be it! ( lets go)

Goblin: Goodbye boy (backs away timidly and leaves).

The curtain closes.

Vitya: Let's go, Masha!

Masha: Let's go, Vitya!

Suddenly, from behind the door, Matvey the Cat attacks Masha and Vitya with a hiss. Children run away into their chairs in fear

Song of Matvey the Cat

from the movie "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

sl. V. Lugovoy, music. G. Gladkova

Cat: That's it, kids! That's it, we've arrived! For now, say goodbye to each other, cry, you can howl. I love it with passion when they howl. And I also love people telling me fairy tales ( calls the child). Come on girl, come here.

The girl approaches the Cat and hides a toy mouse in her hands.

Child: A fairy tale about a turnip! Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big - very big. He pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Cat: Weak, which means my grandfather got caught.

Child: Grandfather called grandma. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.

Cat: It was a weak generation!

Child: Grandma called Zhuchka.

Cat: Shhh! No need for Bug! Let's skip it.

Child: Bug called the cat.

Cat: Another thing!

Child: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!

Cat: I don't believe it!

Child: The cat called... the mouse!

The girl throws a mouse toy in front of the cat, Matvey pounces on it and runs away, losing the envelope in the process. The presenter and the children find a diagram or task in the envelope: “To get into the kingdom of Koshchei, you need to clear the path of snow.”

Game "Clear the path"

Children form into two teams and use a shovel to collect snowballs into a basket. After the game, the curtain opens, Koschey sits on the throne with a bandaged cheek.

Koschey: Are you afraid of me?

Children: No!

Koschey: And don't you shudder?

Children: Not a bit!

Child: We know everything about you. Death is at the end of your needle, the needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck!

Koschey: Okay, okay, let's talk! Here I am for you now!

He takes in air to blow, but grabs his sore tooth.


Presenter: What's wrong with you?

Koschey: I'm struggling with my teeth. I've already tried all the magic tricks - nothing helps!

Masha: What will you give if we cure you?

Koschey: I'll give it all!

Vitya: Free the Snow Maiden!

Koschey: Oh-oh-oh, how painful it is! Okay, I'll release you!

Masha: Won't you deceive me? A spoon of salt and a glass of water! Mixes. Rinse! Koshchei rinses.

Koschey: It doesn't hurt! And now everyone is dancing!

Free dance

music chosen by the music director

Take your Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden appears, Koschey leaves

Snow Maiden: I escaped from Koshcheev’s captivity, how wonderful freedom is! Thank you guys! Where is Grandfather Frost?

Father Frost: Hello, Snow Maiden! Hey guys! Ay, well done! We weren't afraid, we freed you!

Snow Maiden:Grandfather, look, the Christmas tree is simply marvelous! So elegant and beautiful!Father Frost:Come on guys, hurry up and join the round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance “The Christmas tree has come to us”

sl. N. Berenhof, music. A. Pautova

Children sit on chairs, one child remains and sits on Santa Claus' chair

Father Frost:How to understand this? What a caring grandson! He sat down himself, but will grandfather stand?Child:Grandfather Frost, let's play with you. Whoever runs around the tree first gets to sit on the chair.

The game “Who can run around the Christmas tree faster?”

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, it's hot in the hall,
What a great game we had!

Snow Maiden: And you sit, grandpa, relax, and we’ll play (chooses one dad and takes him to the Christmas tree).

Game "Transformations"

Don't open your eyes yet.

(to children): Your task is to remain silent

And don’t give away the secret!

Let dad (mom) guess

Who does he (she) turn into?

Dad (mom) is placed behind a large picture, with a hole for the face. Viewers see the costume of the character depicted in the painting, but the dad himself does not know who he has turned into. He asks children questions to understand who he has become. For example: “I am fairy tale hero?, “Am I a wild animal?”, “Do I have a tail?” etc. Children can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we have a surprise for you

Turn away...

Let's say: “Everything is ready!” -

Turn to us again


Polka "Trick Truck"

(music by I. Strauss)

Father Frost:I’ll tell you a secret: I’m also a musician. For such an instrument (points to the piano) I am, of course, too old. But when I want to have fun for myself, I beat on the drum, the blizzard howls on the trumpet.

The Snow Maiden and the Presenter bring out a large drum in which gifts are hidden. Santa Claus begins to play on it and with the last blow breaks through the paper.

Gift distribution

Father Frost:See you again! Until new winters!

Snow Maiden: Even though we don't want to leave,

But let’s go – the road is calling us 20…. year!

List of used literature:

1. Magazine “Musical Palette”. Issue 1 (40), 2008 2. Magazine “Musical Palette”. Issue 5, 2008

Meshkova Oksana Valerievna – Teacher of MBDOU No. 42 “Lukomorye” Balashikha, Moscow region
Date of submission of work to the competition: 12/09/16.

Scenario New Year's party V preparatory group

based on the fairy tale "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"

Cheerful music is playing. Children run into the hall wearing jackets, hats, and mittens. Children play in the snow. Suddenly a voice is heard, an announcement on the radio.

Children: Hurray! New Year is coming! Let's run home!

The children run away, take off their jackets and hats and prepare to go into the hall. At this time, the presenter congratulates the guests on the holiday.

Winter covered houses, trees and bushes with white snow,

And the holiday comes to us next, you and I know about it.

The holiday is called New Year, there is nothing more wonderful in the world,

He has been very dear to all of us since childhood, he gives people happiness and light!

May the New Year bring you snow - laughter,

With frost there is cheerfulness, and in spirit - firmness.

May happiness next year be a wonderful gift to you,

And leave the boredom, tears and misfortune of the year to the old ones.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Christmas tree in festive decoration...

Isn't it time to start?

In cramped conditions, but not in offense -

That's what people say.

We are very glad that you came

To our Christmas tree kindergarten!

On a good day, New Year's

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone

He will bring a cartload of gifts!

Together with the Snow Maiden

We'll start a round dance.

And let's spin under the tree...

Hello, hello, New Year!

Song ____________________

Ved: Tell me, guys, what you would like to receive as a gift from Grandfather Frost for the New Year.

Reb: I would like a robot like this, groovy and steely.

With a pistol and a sword, with an air gun.

Reb: I wouldn’t like a simple doll, a wind-up Barbie doll,

In the most fashionable dresses, with a golden strand.

Reb: I would like a computer, I would sit with it all day:

I would study the alphabet and play different games.

Reb: I dream about football, about a big green field,

I wish I had a soccer ball, I would be happy.

Reb: We would also like to see a fairy tale at the Christmas tree.

Ved.: Well, a fairy tale is just a fairy tale. Do you, dear guests, want a fairy tale?

They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!

Masha and Vitya come out to the Christmas tree. Decorating the Christmas tree.

Ved.: Meet Masha and Vitya, here they are standing near the Christmas tree and arguing about something. Masha believes in fairy tales, Vitya does not believe in them. Let's listen to what they are talking about.

Vitya: There are no miracles in the world these days.

Masha: For those who do not believe in them themselves.

Vitya: No Koshchei - even children know this!

Masha: And fairy tales live here and there.

Vitya: Lukomorye is not on the map, which means there is no way into the fairy tale!

Masha: This is a saying, not a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come!

There is a hut on chicken legs, in that fairy tale.

Ved.: Masha, Vitya! We received a video letter from Santa Claus. Let's take a look?

Santa Claus appears on the screen.

“Dear Masha and Vitya! We're in trouble! The Snow Maiden was stolen by Koschey the Immortal. I wanted to arrange a New Year for my evil spirits. There is no way for me to go to the kingdom of Koshcheevo, and without the Snow Maiden, the New Year will never come, and all the children will be left without a holiday. Masha and Vitya, you guys are savvy and brave, and only you can cope with Koshchei. Save the Snow Maiden!

Vitya. Masha, do you think this is true?

Masha. Of course it's true! The Snow Maiden must be saved! But where to look for it?

Ved.: let's ask the magic screen to show us where the Snow Maiden is.

A recording appears on the screen: The Snow Maiden sings a song.

Masha: Everything is clear. Well, why are you going with me to a fairy tale?

Vitya. I'm coming. But how do we get there?

Ved.: Vitya, you know that in the forest you can navigate by the stars, that they can show the way? So let the stars help Masha and Vita get into the fairytale forest.

DANCE OF THE STARS. They run away with Masha and Vitya.

Baba Yaga, Leshy and Matvey the Cat appear. With Guitar, drums. They sing and dance to the song of the Wild Guitars. At the end of the song Leshy squeals.

Cat: What are you doing, huh?

B.Ya: I took it half an octave higher!

Cat: The rooster crowed! (squeeze him)

B.Ya. Do you know what Koschey will do to you for such amateur performances instead of the New Year?!

The alarm sounds.

Yaga. Anxiety! The alarm went off! Surely someone snuck into our forest.

Cat. Who could it be?

B.Ya. Let's see now. Eniki, beniks, panicles, brooms.

In chorus. Make the wall transparent!

The screen turns on. On the screen, Masha and Vitya are walking to the song. Children sing a song.

Cat, yes, it’s Masha and Vitya coming here. It was Father Frost who sent them here, he wants to bring his Snow Maiden back.

Leshy. What about our New Year? After all, Koschey promised to arrange it just for us!

Yaga. Yes, Koshchei will give us a hard time!

Leshy (doomed). Well, that's it, our New Year is gone!

Yaga. But it didn’t disappear! We need a plan.

Leshy. I came up with an idea to destroy them!

Cat: No, they must be eaten!

Goblin: And I say - drown!

Yaga. No! We must defeat them! And in order to defeat them, they must be separated!

Cat. And then gobble it up!

B.Ya: Well, I rushed to my place! I’ll lure them into my hut so they won’t run away, and then I’ll fry them. Let's have dinner together.. Come on, my daughters, Grandmothers Hedgehogs, help me, lure Masha and Vitya into my hut! Whistles.

2-3 Granny Hedgehogs appear to the song from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”. They dance and sing ditties.

All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!


I was tipsy

And she flew on a broom.

I heard that Frost

He brought gifts to the kindergarten.


They didn't invite us to the ball,

We'll make a scandal for you.

Wow, let's have some fun

Until next winter.


We will celebrate the holiday without you,

When it strikes 12 times -

Without Snow Maiden New Year

He won’t come to your holiday.


Well, we are in our forest

Let's dance and sing together.

And we’ll eat all the gifts,

We won't give it to you!

They run away.

Masha and Vitya come out from behind the tree. They see a hut.

Masha: Oh, who is that sitting on the porch of a forest hut, it looks like it’s Baba Yaga.

(B. I sits humming, sharpening my nails with a file.)

Vitya: It can’t be, in my opinion, a completely pretty woman.

B.Ya: (jumps up and runs up to the children): Who came to us, Mashenka, Vitenka! I am so glad that you came to visit me. I haven’t eaten anything tasty for a long time (aside). Oh, what am I saying, it’s been a while since I’ve met such cute kids. I would really like to chat with someone delicious. Ugh, you... are smart. And I’m so kind!

Baba Yaga sings a song (after all, I love boys and girls very much...)

B.Ya: You’re tired, probably tired, drink some tea and relax, tell me how far you’re going? For trade or merchant matters? Have you decided to fight?

Vitya: We are going to Koshcheevo’s kingdom

B.Ya: Ah-ah! My killer whales, Koschey will destroy you, take out your womb, drink your blood, and scatter your white bones around the world.

Masha: Yes, grandma, don’t scare us.

Vitya: We can handle him.

B.Ya: Okay, okay, we’ve been talking for a long time, the morning is wiser than the evening, it’s time to go to bed. (children fall asleep)

B.Ya: (to the viewer) I’ll go and invite Leshy and the Cat to dinner (B.Ya tiptoes behind the tree)

Masha: Oh, Vitya, I’m afraid she really wants to eat us, that’s real Baba Yaga.

Vitya: We have to run away from here! But how?

???Two horses appear. To the song “Three White Horses” they take Masha and Vitya behind the Christmas tree.

Masha and Vitya meet Pechka.

Stove. I baked pies

For friends, not for enemies.

And there’s not a single person around in the forest.

Traveler open the door a crack,

Try my pie

And the stove will thank you.

Stove. Masha, Vitya, help, Baba Yaga stoned me, open the valve, free me.

Masha: how should we deal with this misfortune, Vitya, please advise

Vitya: approaching her is dangerous, you know perfectly well!

Masha: we must help everyone on the road who is waiting for help!

Masha and Vitya are removing stones.

Stove. Oh, thanks kids, help yourself to my pies. Both with potatoes and cabbage, very tasty.

Masha and Vitya take the pies and thank Pechka.

Stove. And why did you wander into the forest?

Masha. We are going to rescue the Snow Maiden from trouble, Koschey kidnapped her. Can you tell me the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom?

Stove. Here's a hot coal for you, Mashenka, where it will roll and go. He will show you the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom.

Leshy appears. He takes away the coal.

Vitya: hello, did you take our coal?

Goblin: What other coal? I didn't see any coal.

(addresses Vitya) Listen, Vitya, you want to hang out with a girl, leave her, let’s go play football with me.

Vitya: Sorry, Masha and I have an urgent matter, and in general my grandmother doesn’t allow me to talk to strangers.

Goblin: Just think, they don’t allow him to talk. Well, okay, I’ll be friends with Masha.

Leshy (addresses Masha): Mashenka, I’m so sad alone, no one wants to be friends with me. Baba Yaga beats me with a broom every day, the cat Matvey promised to bite off his ears, you are kind, play with me, and let the boy go his way.

Masha: Well, no, I won’t go anywhere with you.

Leshy: If you don’t want to do it in a good way, I will forcibly drag you to Baba Yaga, I have been ordered to take you to her.

Masha: Vitya, Vitenka, help. (The goblin drags you by the hand, Vitya comes up and rolls up his sleeves)

Leshy: What are you going to beat?

Vitya: No, the guys and I know a funny dance. And your legs will start dancing on their own! (addresses the children) Guys, can you help?

SONG_DANCE _______________

The goblin dances: Oh-oh, that's enough, I'm tired, stop! Get out of here!

Masha and Vitya run away and make a circle around the Christmas tree. Apple tree appears.

Apple. My kids have grown up

The branches bend to the ground.

There is no one to look after me.

Are you tired on the way?

That you should approach.

Try the apple in bulk.

Masha (takes two apples from the tree, gives one to Vitya.) Take it.

Vitya. It's unwashed.

Masha. Eat, it's uncomfortable.

Apple. Thank you Masha and Vitya, take another apple, throw it on the ground, where it will roll there, and go, it will show you the way to Koshchei.

Masha and Vitya. Thank you Yablonka, goodbye.

Apple. Goodbye, Masha and Vitya.

Matvey the cat appears. Takes the apple.

Cat. All babies, all chickens. Get down, come, sit down. Wow! I keep it simple, guys. I immediately offered them to devour you. (Ties a napkin.) I’ll take it today and eat it.

Masha (scared). What to do?

Cat. I love being told fairy tales. Do you know any fairy tale?

Masha addresses the children. Guys, can you help me tell a fairy tale, while Vitya comes up with something?

Two children come out.

1 child A tale about a turnip.

Cat: About the turnip? You can talk about this, I grant you permission,

Child 2: Grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip, but he couldn’t pull it out.

Cat: So the weak grandfather was caught.

1st child: Grandfather called grandmother and granddaughter, they pull, they pull, they can’t

Cat: Yes, a weak generation..

2nd child: Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Cat: Who else is this?

1 child: Well, the dog woof-woof.

Cat: Sh_sh-sh! No need for Bug to skip this place. Further.

Child 2: She called the cat.

Cat: Murrr! We approve of this!

1st child: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull.

Cat: Well, I don’t believe this, so that they don’t take the cat out, I don’t believe it.

2nd child: (slowly) The cat and mouse called!

2-3 mice come out. They dance. After the dance, Matvey the Cat chases the mice and they run away.

SONG _____________________________________________________

Masha and Vitya come out.

Vitya: And here comes Koshcheevo’s kingdom….

Masha: Look Vitya, is this really Koschey? He's so funny, not scary at all.

Koschey: Are you afraid of me?

Vitya: Not a bit, why should we be afraid of you? Everyone knows about you that death is at the end of your needle, the needle is in the egg, and the egg is in the duck.

Koschey: Okay, okay, let’s babble. Here I am with you now.. (Vitya is shielding Masha, Koschey takes in air, wants to blow and groans).. Oh, how it hurts)

Masha: What's wrong with you?

Koschey: (lisps) My damn teeth hurt. I’ve been living in the world for 2000 years, nothing worse has happened to me.

Masha (approaches): Why do your teeth hurt, maybe you have caries, have you eaten too much candy?

Koschey: Leave me alone, girl, I’m sick without you (moans) And anyway, what are you doing here?

Vitya: We came to free the Snow Maiden. You are doing a very ugly thing, leaving your children without a New Year's holiday.

Koschey: Beautiful - ugly, my servants also dream of attending the New Year's holiday at least once, so we will have a holiday, I said (pounds his fist and grabs his tooth). Oh, how painful it is!

Masha: Well, I told you that he has caries and has eaten too much candy. Do you want me to cure you? But for this you must let the Snow Maiden go.

Koschey: Okay, okay, it really hurts! I'll do whatever you say...

Masha: Bring a glass of water and a spoon of salt (the guards bring it). Mix everything thoroughly and say the magic words. Rinse your mouth. (hands a glass to Koshchei)

Koschey rinses his mouth, he is getting better...

Vitya: Well, Koschey, Masha cured you, give us the Snow Maiden.

Koschey: What else! I changed my mind! Guards, grab them!

Masha: Well, you promised, shame on you1

Koschey: who knows what I promised? I'm the king! If I want, I give my word, if I want, I’ll take it back! Grab them!

Masha: Vitya, I'm afraid! What should we do?

Vitya: Guys, help us!

Ved:: Come on, glorious heroes, help Masha, Vita and Snow Maiden

Capture group dance

Skaz: Come on guys, let's help Vita, Masha and Snegurochka. Take snowballs and throw them at these evil spirits.

Snowball fight.

Koschey gets scared and runs away. The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree.

Snow: Thank you Masha and Vitya for freeing me from captivity, returning joy and fun to the children, thank you guys for fighting us off from Baba Yaga, Leshego and the evil Cat.

Snow: Snow Maiden, my friends call me, I’m not afraid of the cold,

I’m not afraid of the winter cold, I’m even friendly with it.

Where is my Grandfather, is he really late for the holiday?

Sad music sounds and sad Santa Claus comes in.

Ved: What happened, Santa Claus?

D.M: I walked a hundred roads, but I couldn’t find my granddaughter anywhere. We will have to cancel the holiday, because without the Snow Maiden the New Year will not come.

(Snow Maiden comes up from behind and closes his eyes)

D.M: Oh, what cold hands! Who is this? Water? Snowflakes, pieces of ice?

Snow: Yes, it’s me, your granddaughter, Snow Maiden.

D.M: My granddaughter, have you really returned, who saved you from the evil Koshchei?

Snow: Here are my saviors, here are my saviors.

Vitya: Well, come on, this is a fairy tale, and fairy tale magic helped the Snow Maiden escape.

Masha: Don’t be modest, Vitya, because there is nothing more magical in the world than human kindness and friendship.

D.M: Good evening, good people! May the holiday be wonderful!

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness! Let everyone be healthy!

I have been friends with children for a long time, I walk around the world.

I bring a lot of gifts to kind children in every home.

So that everyone's eyes sparkle, and no one hangs their nose.

Santa Claus ordered you to start dancing as soon as possible.

Get up in a round dance and start together.


Snow: Santa Claus, I wish I could come up with a game to amuse the kids.

D.M: There are a lot of games in the world. Do you want to play, children?

Children: Yes!


Snow Maiden: Are you tired, grandfather? Sit down and rest. And the guys read poetry to you.


D.M: Now answer me, did I play with you?

Children: Yes!

D.M: Did you entertain all the children?

Children: Yes!

D.M: Did you sing songs and make them laugh?

Children: Yes!

D.M: What else did I forget?

Children: Gifts!

D.M: That’s right, guys, in winter it’s a busy time for me: I need to freeze the rivers with ice, decorate the windows with patterns and prepare gifts.

D.M. I will not remain in debt

I'll treat everyone today!

(takes out a box of needles)

Now Snegurochka and I will give you magic needles......

Now come together to our Christmas tree.......

We all throw needles on the Christmas tree together, close our eyes and talk

“Needles, needles - become gifts from the Christmas tree” (children repeat the words several times.)

The lights go out. A bag of gifts appears. Distribution of gifts.

Santa Claus: Good for you guys,

But it's time for me to leave.

This holiday is New Year's

I will never forget.

Final words.

Oksana Meshkova
Scenario for the New Year's party in the preparatory group. Based on the fairy tale "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group

By based on fairy tales« New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti»

Cheerful music is playing. Children run into the hall wearing jackets, hats, and mittens. Children play in the snow. Suddenly a voice is heard, an announcement on the radio.

Children: Hooray! New Year is coming! Let's run home!

The children run away, take off their jackets and hats and prepare to go into the hall. At this time, the presenter congratulates the guests on the holiday.

Winter covered houses, trees and bushes with white snow,

And the holiday comes to us next, you and I know about it.

The holiday is called New Year, there is nothing more wonderful in the world,

He has been very dear to all of us since childhood, he gives people happiness and light!

May the New Year bring you snow - laughter,

With frost there is cheerfulness, and in spirit - firmness.

May happiness next year be a wonderful gift to you,

And leave the boredom, tears and misfortune of the year to the old ones.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Christmas tree in festive decoration...

Isn't it time to start?

In cramped conditions, but not in offense -

That's what people say.

We are very glad that you came

Come to our kindergarten Christmas tree!

On a good day New Year

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone

He will bring a cartload of gifts!

Together with the Snow Maiden

We'll start a round dance.

And let's spin under the tree...

Hello, hello, New Year!

Ved: Tell me, guys, what would you like to receive as a gift from Grandfather Frost for the New Year.

Reb: I would like a robot like this, groovy and steely.

With a pistol and a sword, with an air gun.

Reb: I wouldn’t like a simple doll, a wind-up Barbie doll,

In the most fashionable dresses, with golden strands.

Reb: I would like a computer with it all day sat:

I would study the alphabet and play different games.

Reb: I dream about football, about a big green field,

I wish I had a soccer ball, I would be happy.

Reb: And we would also like see a fairy tale at the Christmas tree.

Ved.: Well then, a fairy tale like a fairy tale. Do you, dear guests, want fairy tale?

They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!

Masha and Vitya come out to the Christmas tree. Decorating the Christmas tree.

Ved.: Meet Masha and Vitya, here they are standing near the Christmas tree and arguing about something. Masha believes in fairy tales, Vitya doesn’t believe in them. Let's listen to what they are talking about.

Vitya: There are no miracles in the world these days.

Masha: For those who do not believe in them themselves.

Vitya: No Koshchei - even children know this!

Masha: A fairy tales live here and there.

Vitya: Lukomorye is not on the map, which means in there is no way to a fairy tale!

Masha: This proverb, Not fairy tale, the fairy tale is ahead!

Eat on chicken legs, in that fairy tale hut.

Ved.: Masha, Vitya! We received a video letter from Santa Claus. Let's take a look?

Santa Claus appears on the screen.

“Dear Masha and Vitya! We're in trouble! The Snow Maiden was stolen by Koschey the Immortal. I wanted to arrange a New Year for my evil spirits. There is no way for me to go to the kingdom of Koshcheevo, and without the Snow Maiden, the New Year will never come, and all the children will be left without a holiday. Masha and Vitya, you guys are savvy and brave, and only you can cope with Koshchei. Save the Snow Maiden!

Vitya. Masha, do you think this is true?

Masha. Of course it's true! The Snow Maiden must be saved! But where to look for it?

Ved.: let's ask the magic screen to show us where the Snow Maiden is.

appears on the screen record: The Snow Maiden sings a song.

Masha: Everything is clear. Well, are you coming with me to fairy tale?

Vitya. I'm coming. But how do we get there?

Ved.: Vitya, you know that in the forest you can navigate by the stars, that they can show the way? So let's help the stars help Masha and Vita get into fairy forest.

DANCE OF THE STARS. They run away with Masha and Vitya.

Baba Yaga, Leshy and Matvey the Cat appear. With Guitar, drums. They sing and dance to the song of the Wild Guitars. At the end of the song Leshy squeals.

Cat: What are you doing, huh?

B. I: I took it half an octave higher!

Cat: The rooster crowed! (squeeze him)

B. Ya. Yes, you Koschey for such amateur performances instead New Year's Eve you know what will he do?

The alarm sounds.

Yaga. Anxiety! The alarm went off! Surely someone snuck into our forest.

Cat. Who could it be?

B. Ya. Let's see now. Eniki, beniks, panicles, brooms.

In chorus. Make the wall transparent!

The screen turns on. On the screen, Masha and Vitya are walking to the song. Children sing a song.

Cat Yes, it’s Masha and Vitya coming here. It was Father Frost who sent them here, he wants to bring his Snow Maiden back.

Leshy. What about our New Year? After all, Koschey promised to arrange it just for us!

Yaga. Yes, Koshchei will give us a hard time!

Goblin (doomed). Well, that's it, our New Year is gone!

Yaga. But it didn’t disappear! We need a plan.

Leshy. I came up with an idea to destroy them!

Cat: No, they must be gobbled up!

Goblin: And I say - drown!

Yaga. No! We must defeat them! And in order to defeat them, they must be separated!

Cat. And then gobble it up!

B. I: Well, I rushed to my place! I’ll lure them into my hut so they won’t run away, and then I’ll fry them. Let's have dinner together. Come on, my daughters, Grandmothers Hedgehogs, help me, lure Masha and Vitya into my hut! Whistles.

2-3 Granny Hedgehogs appear to a song from a cartoon "Flying Ship". They dance and sing ditties.

All: Stretch the bellows, accordion,

Eh, play, have fun!

Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy

And she flew on a broom.

I heard that Frost

He brought gifts to the kindergarten.

They didn't invite us to the ball,

We'll make a scandal for you.

Wow, let's have some fun

Until next winter.

We will celebrate the holiday without you,

When it strikes 12 times -

Without Snow Maiden New Year

He won’t come to your holiday.

Well, we are in our forest

Let's dance and sing together.

And we’ll eat all the gifts,

We won't give it to you!

Masha and Vitya come out from behind the tree. They see a hut.

Masha: Oh, who’s that sitting on the porch of a forest hut, it looks like it’s Baba Yaga.

(B. I sit humming, sharpening my nails with a file.)

Vitya: In my opinion, she can’t be a completely pretty woman.

B. I: (jumps up and runs to the children): Who came to us, Mashenka, Vitenka! I am so glad that you came to visit me. I haven't eaten anything tasty for a long time (to the side). Oh, what am I saying, it’s been a while since I’ve met such cute kids. I would really like to chat with someone delicious. Ugh, you. smart. And I’m so kind!

Baba Yaga sings a song (after all, I love boys and girls very much)

B. I: You’re tired, I suppose, tired, drink some tea and relax, tell me how far you’re going? For trade or merchant matters? Have you decided to fight?

Vitya: We are going to Koshcheevo kingdom

B. I: Ah-ah! My killer whales, Koschey will destroy you, take out your womb, drink your blood, and scatter your white bones around the world.

Masha: Yes, grandma, don’t scare us.

Vitya: We can handle it.

B. I: Well, okay, okay, we’ve been talking for a long time, the morning is wiser than the evening, it’s time to go to bed. (children fall asleep)

B. I: (to the viewer) I'll go and invite Leshy and the Cat to dinner (B. I tiptoe behind the tree)

Masha: Oh, Vitya, I’m afraid she really wants to eat us, this is the real Baba Yaga.

Vitya: We must run away from here! But how?

Two horses appear. To the song "Three White Horses" They take Masha and Vitya behind the Christmas tree.

Masha and Vitya meet Pechka.

Stove. I baked pies

For friends, not for enemies.

And there’s not a single person around in the forest.

Traveler open the door a crack,

Try my pie

And the stove will thank you.

Stove. Masha, Vitya, help, Baba Yaga stoned me, open the valve, free me.

Masha: how should we deal with this misfortune, Vitya, please advise

Vitya: It’s dangerous to approach her, you know perfectly well!

Masha: we must help everyone on the road who is waiting for help!

Masha and Vitya are removing stones.

Stove. Oh, thanks kids, help yourself to my pies. Both with potatoes and cabbage, very tasty.

Masha and Vitya take the pies and thank Pechka.

Stove. And why did you wander into the forest?

Masha. We are going to rescue the Snow Maiden from trouble, Koschey kidnapped her. Can you tell me the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom?

Stove. Here's a hot coal for you, Mashenka, where it will roll and go. He will show you the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom.

Leshy appears. He takes away the coal.

Vitya: Hello, did you take our coal?

Goblin: What other coal? I didn't see any coal.

(addresses Vita) Listen, Vitya, if you want to hang out with a girl, leave her, let’s go play football with me.

Vitya: Sorry, Masha and I have an urgent matter, and in general my grandmother does not allow me to talk to strangers.

Goblin: Just think, they don’t allow him to talk. Well, okay, I’ll be friends with Masha.

Goblin (addresses Masha): Mashenka, I’m so sad alone, no one wants to be friends with me. Baba Yaga beats me with a broom every day, the cat Matvey promised to bite off his ears, you are kind, play with me, and let the boy go his way.

Masha: Well, no, I won’t go anywhere with you.

Goblin: If you don’t want it in a good way, I will forcibly drag you to Baba Yaga, I’ve been ordered to take you to her.

Masha: Vitya, Vitya, help me. (The goblin drags you by the hand, Vitya comes up and rolls up his sleeves)

Goblin: What are you going to hit?

Vitya: No, the guys and I know a funny dance. And your legs will start dancing on their own! (addresses children) Guys, can you help?


Leshy dances: Oh-oh, that's enough, I'm tired, stop! Get out of here!

Masha and Vitya run away and make a circle around the Christmas tree. Apple tree appears.

Apple. My kids have grown up

The branches bend to the ground.

There is no one to look after me.

Are you tired on the way?

That you should approach.

Try the apple in bulk.

Masha (takes two apples from the tree, gives one Viti.) Take it.

Vitya. It's unwashed.

Masha. Eat, it's uncomfortable.

Apple. Thank you Masha and Vitya, take another apple, throw it on the ground, where it will roll there, and go, it will show you the way to Koshchei.

Masha and Vitya. Thank you Yablonka, goodbye.

Apple. Goodbye, Masha and Vitya.

Matvey the cat appears. Takes the apple.

Cat. All babies, all chickens. Get down, come, sit down. Wow! I keep it simple, guys. I immediately offered them to devour you. (Ties a napkin). I’ll take it today and eat it.

Masha (scared). What to do?

Cat. I love that I fairy tales were told. Do you know any fairy tale?

Masha addresses the children. Guys, can you help? tell a fairy tale, will Vitya come up with something yet?

Two children come out.

1 child Tale about a turnip.

Cat: About the turnip? You can talk about this, I grant you permission,

2 child: Grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip, but he couldn’t pull it out.

Cat: So the weak grandfather was caught.

1 child: Grandfather called grandmother and granddaughter, they pull, they pull, they can’t

Cat: Yes, a weak generation.

2 child: The granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Cat: Who else is this?

1 child: Well, the dog woof-woof.

Cat: Sh_sh-sh! No need for Bug to skip this place. Further.

2 child: She called the cat.

Cat: Murrr! We approve of this!

1 child: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull.

Cat: Well, I don’t believe this, so that they don’t drag him out with the cat, I don’t believe it.

2 child: (slowly) The cat and mouse called!

2-3 mice come out. They dance. After the dance, Matvey the Cat chases the mice and they run away.

Masha and Vitya come out.

Vitya: And here comes Koshcheevo’s kingdom….

Masha: Look Vitya, is this really Koschey? He's so funny, not scary at all.

Koschey: Are you afraid of me?

Vitya: Not one bit, why should we be afraid of you? Everyone knows about you that death is at the end of a needle, the needle is in the egg, and the egg is in the duck.

Koschey: Okay, okay, let's talk. Here I am now. (Vitya shields Masha, Koschey takes in air, wants to blow and groans). Oh how it hurts)

Masha: What's wrong with you?

Koschey: (lisp) My damn teeth hurt. I have been living in the world for 2000 years, nothing worse has happened to me.

Masha (fits): That your teeth hurt, you probably have caries, have you eaten too much candy?

Koschey: Leave me alone girl, I’m sick without you (moans) What are you doing here anyway?

Vitya: We came to free the Snow Maiden. You are acting very ugly by leaving children without New Year's holiday.

Koschey: Beautiful - ugly, my servants also dream of visiting at least once New Year's holiday, so we will have a holiday, I said(pounds his fist and grabs his tooth). Oh, how painful it is!

Masha: Well, I told you that he has caries and has eaten too much candy. Do you want me to cure you? But for this you must let the Snow Maiden go.

Koschey: Okay, okay, it really hurts! I'll do whatever you say...

Masha: Bring a glass of water and a spoon of salt (guards bring). Mix everything thoroughly and say the magic words. Rinse your mouth. (hands a glass to Koshchei)

Koschey rinses his mouth, he is getting better...

Vitya: Well, Koschey, Masha cured you, give us the Snow Maiden.

Koschey: What else! I changed my mind! Guards, grab them!

Masha: Well, you promised, shame on you1

Koschey: Who knows what I promised? I'm the king! If I want, I give my word, if I want, I’ll take it back! Grab them!

Masha: Vitya, I'm afraid! What should we do?

Vitya: Guys, help us!

Ved:: Come on, glorious heroes, help Masha, Vita and Snow Maiden

Dance capture groups

Tale: Come on guys, let’s help Vita, Masha and Snegurochka. Take snowballs and throw them at these evil spirits.

Snowball fight.

Koschey gets scared and runs away. The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree.

Snow: Thank you Masha and Vitya for freeing me from captivity, returning joy and fun to the children, thank you guys for fighting us off from Baba Yaga, the Leshy and evil Cat.

Snow: Snow Maiden, I’m called my friends, I’m not afraid of the cold,

I’m not afraid of the winter cold, I’m even friendly with it.

Where is my Grandfather, is he really late for the holiday?

Sad music sounds and sad Santa Claus comes in.

Ved: What happened Santa Claus?

D. M: I walked a hundred roads, but I couldn’t find my granddaughter anywhere. We will have to cancel the holiday, because without the Snow Maiden the New Year will not come.

(Snow Maiden comes up from behind and closes his eyes)

D. M: Oh, what cold hands! Who is this? Water? Snowflakes, pieces of ice?

Snow: Yes, it’s me, your granddaughter, Snow Maiden.

D. M: My granddaughter, have you really returned, who saved you from the evil Koshchei?

Snow: Here are my saviors, here are my saviors.

Vitya: Well, what are you talking about? fairy tale, And fabulous magic helped the Snow Maiden escape.

Masha: Don’t be modest, Vitya, because there is nothing more magical in the world than human kindness and friendship.

D. M: Good evening, good people! May the holiday be wonderful!

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness! Let everyone be healthy!

I have been friends with children for a long time, I walk around the world.

I bring a lot of gifts to kind children in every home.

So that everyone's eyes sparkle, and no one hangs their nose.

Start dancing soon Santa Claus ordered you.

Get up in a round dance and start together.


Snow: Santa Claus, would come up with a game to amuse the kids.

D. M: There are a lot of games in the world. Do you want to play, children?

Children: Yes!


Snow Maiden: Are you tired, grandpa? Sit down and rest. And the guys read poetry to you.

D. M: Now answer me, did I play with you?

Children: Yes!

D. M: Did you entertain all the children?

Children: Yes!

D. M: Did you sing songs and make them laugh?

Children: Yes!

D. M: What else did I forget?

Children: Present!

D. M: That's right, guys, I get hot in winter it's time: we need to freeze the rivers with ice, decorate the windows with patterns and prepare gifts.

D.M. I will not remain in debt,

I'll treat everyone today!

(takes out a box of needles)

Now Snegurochka and I will give you magic needles.

Now come together to our Christmas tree.

We all throw needles on the Christmas tree together, close our eyes and talk

“Needles, needles - become gifts from the Christmas tree” (children repeat the words several times.)

The lights go out. A bag of gifts appears. Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost: Good for you guys,

But it's time for me to leave.

This holiday New Year

I will never forget.

Final words.

Lyudmila Shulga
Scenario New Year's fairy tale"The Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

New Year's holiday scenario


UVK "Scarlet Sails"

Republic of Crimea, Simferopol.

Educator: Shulga Lyudmila Petrovna

Holiday characters (children):

4. Baba Yaga

8. Lesovichok

9. Yablonka

10. Servants of Koshchei


1. Time machine(something like a phone or a calculator)

2. Saucer with poured apple

3. Pies on a plate or in a basket

4. Basket with apples

5. Mechanical mouse (or a toy mouse on a string)

6. New broom

7. Glass of water

Children are decorating the Christmas tree, suddenly the music stops. The children whisper and look at each other.

1- Did you hear?

2- Did you hear?

3- Terrible news!

All: What's happened?

4- The Snow Maiden was kidnapped!

6- Probably evil robbers?

7- Or maybe pirates?

8- No, more like a cannibal!

9- Or maybe Barmaley?

10- Not pirates or robbers, what are you talking about? I haven't read the fairy tale? The Snow Maiden was kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal himself!

All: Koschey the Immortal?

11- This means that the long-awaited New Year will not come!

12- Well, what would New Year be without the Snow Maiden.

13- And we will be left without a holiday and without gifts.

All the girls and Masha are crying.

Masha (crying)

Vitya. A woman should cry into a man's shoulder.

All the girls cry into the boys' shoulders.

Vitya. Stop crying! There is an idea on how to save the Snow Maiden!

All: How?

Vitya. No wonder my dad is a candidate of technical sciences. We need to get into fabulous the country of Lukomorye to the kingdom of the treacherous Koshchei and save the Snow Maiden.

Masha. But is this possible? After all, there are no miracles in the world!

Song Masha and Vitya.

Vitya. We're going to fairy tale, and you get ready for New Year, just don’t say a word to Santa Claus, he shouldn’t be nervous.

Enough time machine. Churli-murli, churli-tim get in we want a fairy tale.

The lights go out, thunder, lightning, Masha and Vitya disappear. The light turns on, Masha and Vitya fly into the air and fall to the floor, looking around.

Masha. Oh, where are we?

Vitya. Hooray! The time machine worked! I am the head!

Masha. Professor!

Vitya. Don't you understand, we're in the real world? fairy tale, to Lukomorye itself!

Masha. In the present fairy tale? IN fairy forest? Miracles! Oh! How many Christmas trees!

Dance of the Christmas trees.

Vitya. I think someone is coming here. For our safety, we need to hide. (They hide behind the Christmas tree.)

Baba Yaga flies in, followed by Leshy and the Cat.

Baba Yaga. Anxiety! Someone snuck into our forest and the alarm went off. I can smell the Russian spirit.

Leshy. (yawns). At least some variety! Otherwise it’s green boring.

Cat. The main thing is that there are no problems! Passion I don’t like problems, but mice (looks) I love mice.

Baba Yaga. Shut up! Don’t bother me, Granny Yagusenka, to think. Think, think my little head! Bring here a saucer with a poured apple. (cat and goblin bring)

Baba Yaga. Come on, little apple, take a ride on a saucer and report who got into our forest.

All three of them spin on their knees around the saucer

Cat. Children! UGH! I thought mice!

Leshy. Children are nothing but trouble!

B-Yaga. This was just not enough! What do they want? You need to find out everything, and then cook them and eat them!

All. Cook and eat.

Dance of Baba Yaga, Leshego and Cat.

After the dance they run away, and Masha and Vitya appear.

Vitya. This is the first obstacle, but we will overcome it.

Masha. Of course we will overcome it! After all, we are together, and friendship allows us to do real miracles!

Sing a song “We will save the Snow Maiden” They leave.

The stove appears.

Song of the Stove.

Stove. I love feeding everyone so much treat: pies with cabbage, with potatoes, with apples. I'll brown them with baking! But now there is no one to feed, everyone was scared away by the forest evil spirits and Koschey the Immortal. Oh-ho-ho. Where are the old days?

Masha and Vitya appear.

Vitya. Hello, dear stove!

Stove. Hello kids! Where did you come from in our forest? So pretty and neat.

Masha. We are going to the kingdom of Koshcheevo to rescue the Snow Maiden. Can you tell us a shortcut?

Stove. And I will advise and help! Just try my pies.

Vitya. It's a pleasure!

Masha. This is not semolina porridge! (eating pies).

Stove. I’ll give you a magic coal, where it rolls, go there. Yes, pies for the road.

Children. Thank you, stove.

They throw coal.

Stove. Have a nice trip! My soul became lighter.

Stove dance.

A forester appears in the clearing and sings his song.

Scratching the back of his head.

Lesovik. Well, Baba Yaga set the task, to catch the children, tie them up and bring them to her. But I am kind and my soul is bright. I don't like these fights. But there was nothing to do, so the coal had to be stolen. (hides it in his bosom).

Masha and Vitya appear.

Vitya. Uncle, hello!

Lesovik. Great. What do you need?

Masha. And you didn’t pick up our coal?

Lesovik. What other coal?

Vitya. Red, hot!

Lesovik. Ay-ay-ay! I didn’t lift it, oh it burns, it hurts (pulls out a coal)

Masha. Shame on you? So big, but you're deceiving!

Lesovik: But I didn’t do it of my own free will, I have a kind, vulnerable soul. But I still need to tie you up and take you to Baba Yaga.

He takes the rope and tries to tie him up. Vitya directs an electric charge at him. The woodsman begins to shake.

Vitya. A trifling electrical charge. He will come to his senses now, and it’s time for us to go.

They run away. An apple tree appears.

Apple tree. How I love to treat everyone with my apples. And I have apples excellent: juicy, crispy, juice just squirts out. But now there is no one to treat, the forest evil spirits have scared everyone away. It's like the old days! Oh, my branches have become heavy. It's hard to stand.

Masha and Vitya appear.

Vitya. Hello, Aunt Yablonka!

Apple tree. Oh, kids. Where did you come from? Yes, so pretty, so pretty.

Apple tree's song.

Masha. We are going to Koshcheevo's kingdom to save the Snow Maiden!

Apple tree. Oh, dangerous road! But I will help you. Eat my apples.

Vitya. Are they washed? Unwashed are not allowed!

Apple tree. Eat, don't be afraid! They are environmentally friendly, non-GMO. Children eat. And for the fact that you respected me, I will give you a magic apple. Throw it where it rolls, and go there.

Children. Thank you, Yablonka (leave).

Apple tree. Oh, how easy it became. Dance of the Apple Tree.

Cat. The apple was magical, it became mine. Now they won’t find the way, but they will come to me.

Cat song. Children appear.

Vitya. Why did you eat our apple?

Masha. Don't you know that you can't take someone else's property?

Cat. Who's that meowing there? I'll eat you too now! Although you're not my type at all.

Vitya. And before you eat, listen to the fairy tale.

Cat. ABOUT! I love this for better digestion before lunch. I'll listen to a fairy tale.

Vitya. Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big and big. Grandfather pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Cat. A weak grandfather was caught, I understand.

Masha. Grandfather called grandmother, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t pull it out.

Vitya. The grandmother called the dog bug.

Cat. (hissed). My hair stood on end. No dogs needed! Let's skip!

Masha. And the one we are missing called the cat.

Cat. I approve! Well done! This is another matter.

Vitya. And the cat called the mouse! (launches the mouse)

Cat. Mouse! Where is the mouse?

Vitya. Masha, let's run!

They run away. They run around the Christmas tree and meet Baba Yaga and Leshiy. They collide.

Song of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. But the killer whales, the prey fell into our hands! Let's have lunch today!

Vitya. What a day! Everyone wants to eat us!

Masha. But you can’t eat us, we’re skinny, just bones, because I do choreography and follow a diet.

Leshy. Indeed, skinny! I’m the one who’s okay, decent.

Vitya. We'll give you indigestion.

Baba Yaga. What other jam is in the stomach? Don't talk to me about it!

Vitya. Let us go, the guys are waiting for us to celebrate the New Year, but we need to free the Snow Maiden.

Leshy. And what about gifts? And gifts, and a Christmas tree and the real Santa Claus?

A stove, an apple tree and two Christmas trees: Let them go, Baba Yaga, we beg you very much.

Vitya. And for this I’ll give you a new broom made of polyvinyl.

Baba Yaga. First the broom! Mine has completely lost weight!

Vitya. I'll try it now. Churli-murli, churli-chu, I want a new broom. (broom flies out).

Baba Yaga sits down. This is a broom! (flies away).

1. We will show you the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom. We have been growing here for a long time, we know everything, we see everything. Follow us.

2. We will lead you straight to the palace of Koshchei the Immortal, do not be afraid!

1. We are green Christmas trees,

Spiny needles

We love to have fun

We can't sit still

2. We are green beauties

We really like living in the forest

We know every path

Every path, stitch.

Song of Christmas Trees

Christmas trees, forest scent

We really need a beautiful outfit

Beautiful Christmas trees during the festive hour

Every needle makes you happy (2 times)

We really want to help Masha and Vitya

So that night doesn't overtake them in the forest

We will take them to the kingdom of Koshchei

Together we will save the Snow Maiden all (2 times)

Koshcheevo kingdom. Koschey is sitting with a servant nearby. Song of Koshchei.

Koschey. Have you delivered the Snow Maiden?

Servant 1. Delivered, Your Majesty! How are you ordered.

Koschey. Did you feed and drink?

Servant 2. No, Your Majesty! She went on a hunger strike!

Servant 3. I told you, you shouldn’t mess with girls, they’re always nothing but trouble.

Koschey. That's a nasty girl. What does she want?

Servant 1. Demands to let her go to the children's kindergarten to celebrate the New Year!

Servant 2. Wants to visit his Grandfather Frost.

Servant 3. Organized a strike.

Koschey. What about me? I really wanted to celebrate the New Year for real! With the Christmas tree, with the Snow Maiden! Oh-oh-oh (grabs his tooth)

Servant 1. What, another tooth?

Servant 3. Which one is wisdom?

Koschey. Damn him! It hurts and I want to howl.

Servant 2. Well, howl to your health!

Song of Koshchei under Vitas (howls).Dance.

Koschey. Why are you sitting? Do something!

Servant 1. Can we sing?

Servant 2. Let's sing.

Servant 3. Our beloved.

Servants are running and fussing.

Servant 1. Maybe a pill?

Servant 3. Or maybe a chocolate candy?

Koschey. I've already taken all the pills, but it still hurts.

Servant 2. Your Majesty, we have guests!

Koschey. What other bones?

Servant1. Not bones, but guests!

Koschey. I'm not expecting any guests! Ooh, it hurts!

Masha and Vitya and the Christmas trees come in.

Koschey. And here it is New Year dinner came to me himself, and two Christmas trees at once. This is a holiday, a real New Year! Oh-oh-oh it hurts!

Vitya. I think something is hurting you.

Servant 1. Not something, but a tooth.

Servant 2. It hurts very much.

Servant 3. Wisdom tooth. He is very wise among us.

Masha. If you free the Snow Maiden, we will relieve you of toothache.

Koschey. This is impossible. I've already tried everything.

Servants: We tried everything, sang and danced, and took pills.

Vitya. I give you my honest man’s word - we’ll cure you! But first, Snow Maiden!

Koschey. Lead, lead this girl! I can't stand it!

The servants bring the Snow Maiden. Masha and Vitya rush to hug, covering the Snow Maiden with themselves.

Koschey. Take the Snow Maiden, just cure the tooth!

Masha. Do you brush your teeth in the morning?

Koschey. No!

Vitya. Do you rinse after eating?

Koschey. No!

Masha. Everything is clear. Caries! We will give you a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Vitya. And now, a glass of water, a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda. (servant brings).Rinse.

Koschey (rinses).Oh, easier! Oh it doesn't hurt anymore! (starts dancing)

Vitya. Well, it's time for us. The guys are waiting.

Koschey. And take me, I’ll be good, I’ve never celebrated a real New Year!

Servants. And take us, please!

All characters appear.

All. And us!

Snow Maiden. On the eve new year, we must forgive everyone, and we forgive you and invite everyone to the holiday. It's time to hurry! Snowflakes are falling from the sky, and the snowdrifts are getting higher and higher - which means the New Year is approaching!

Song Snowflakes are falling from the sky.

General dance.

After the song everyone leaves, the Snow Maiden remains.

Words of the Snow Maiden.

Our fairy tales happy ending

May everything always end well

And all the heroes finally became friends

And that means the holiday begins!

Everything is ready: There is beauty in the hall!

Our children will be here soon.

The Christmas tree is waiting for them, all lit up with lights.

Even Grandfather Frost will dance with us.

To start the carnival you need to not get bored in the hall.

Greet everyone with loud applause!

We begin the long-awaited holiday, on New Year We invite everyone to the carnival!

Children appear in carnival costumes.