Scenario musical journey through cartoons. Travel to the land of Multi-Multi

Theatrical quiz game for primary schoolchildren

Equipment: projector, laptop, costumes for characters - Dunno, geese, granny, bandits, king, princess.

Preliminary work: students prepare performances based on songs from cartoons.

Today we are waiting for an exciting journey to a magical land - Multi-remote.

Not in reality and not in a dream

Without fear and without timidity

Let's go around the country today,

Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map

But you and I know

What is she, what is the country


Do you like cartoons? What cartoons do you know?

Film “Once Upon a Time There Were Multi”

Quiz “Name the Cartoon”

Based on characters, objects, and keywords, you need to guess the name of the cartoon.

  • Doctor of Puppet Science, turtle, mystery, 5 soldi, leeches, runaway with a poodle, log, closet, Molniya Theater

"The Adventures of Pinocchio"

  • A man in his prime, a propeller, a roof, a baby, jam, a housekeeper.

Floats past the windows, as if under sail,

Our beloved Carlson is in a great mood.

He'll drop by for an hour if there's jam.

A joke song will make you laugh, there is no doubt about it.

"Baby and Carlson"

Performance of "Carlson's Song"

I hurried to you, friends, with terrible impatience,

It was not in vain that I lubricated the motor with jam.

There's a propeller spinning behind me,

I want all the guys to sing with me.

A funny little man lives on the roof.

Funny man chews toffee

The funny little man is not used to being bored,

A funny man is a big mischief-maker.

I was preparing dinner for friends and girlfriends.

The soup was made from sweets, and the compote was made from buns.

Well, I myself lost two hundred kilograms -

I ate two hundred bagels and gingerbread together.

  • A ship, oranges, an unusual animal, a green friend, a telephone booth, an old woman with a rat. "Cheburashka"
  • Boy, village, cat, little jackdaw, cow, postman, parcel, dog. "Three in Prostokvashino"
  • Teddy bear, bad bees, birthday, tail as a gift, balloon. "Winnie the Pooh"
  • A basket of gifts, a forest, a girl, a wolf, a grandmother, hunters. "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • Flower, girl, toad, beetle, swallow, mole, mouse, elves. "Thumbelina"
  • Shorties, Flower City, Hot Air Balloon, Castor Oil, Carbonated Car, Cucumber River, Green City. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"


  1. Short saws sawed: barrels, mushrooms, pine trees?
  2. In the poems of Dunno, Toropyzhka swallowed: an umbrella, glasses, iron?
  3. Dunno thought that the dog Bulka was running after the balloon, but it turned out to be a snake, mother, shadow?
  4. As in a conversation with a friend, Dunno called the balloon: globe, shoe, bubble?
  5. Dunno believed that a piece of the sun fell on him, and it was: bug, cat, ball?
  6. Dunno's favorite musical instrument: gusli, piano, pipe?

In the highlighted vertical cells is the name of the little guy whose portrait the dunno drew first. Gunka.


Dramatization of the song “Two Cheerful Geese” - 2nd grade

Dramatization “Song of the Grasshopper” - 3rd grade

Dramatization of the song “We are banditos” - 4th grade

Dramatization of the song “Duet of the King and Princess” - 5th grade

Film screening "Country of Cartoonland"

Summing up.

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, become stronger friends.

And how it all ends is also known.

Good cartoons are always interesting to us.

Cartoons come to visit


images cartoon characters: Shrek, Thumbelina, Leopold the cat, Tom and Jerry, Winnie the Pooh,
leaves with names of cartoon characters,
DVD with cartoons,
sheets of paper and pens,
medals with the name Multi-Pulti.

Multi-Remote enters the room.

Multi-Remote: Hello children! Hello adults! I am Multi-Multi. Once upon a time, an artist invented me; he wanted to make me the main character of his cartoon, but, alas... Soon he came up with another character, and forgot about me. I came into your world by accident. My permanent place of residence is the country of Multimilitryamnia. We have a lot of fun there. You can meet the heroes of any cartoon... By the way, now you and I will try to meet them. Do you know how?

Children: No.
Multi-Remote: I will tell you riddles about cartoons, and you will guess them. Agreed?
Children: Agreed!
He's fat and green
A little funny
In love with Fiona.
Well, who is he?

Multi-Remote hangs a picture of Shrek on the wall. For each correctly guessed answer, the child receives a sweet prize.
Her fate is complex and difficult,
She was Krota's bride.
They wanted to marry her and Toad,
But she found her happiness with the elf.

Multi-Pulti hangs up a picture of Thumbelina.
You couldn't find a kinder cat in the world,
He can forgive everything to mischievous mice.
In general, there is no need to think for a long time here.
He always says, “Let’s live together!”
(cat Leopold)

There is a picture of Leopold the cat on the wall.
And here's another cat - another one,
He doesn't seem to be kind, but he's not evil either.
His whole life is a race for a little mouse,
With whom they weave affairs against each other.
(Tom and Jerry)

There is a picture of Tom and Jerry on the wall.
He goes to visit in the morning.
Where is the honey? It’s right there,
Well, what's his name?
(Winnie the Pooh)

Well done! All my riddles were solved. And the cartoons are already with us - here they are! (Points to the images hanging on the wall.) In our cartoon country there are evil characters, and there are good ones, there are funny ones, and there are sad ones, there are fat ones, and there are thin ones. Here is a task from the cartoon Shrek.

Multi-Pulypi turns over the sheet with the image of Shrek and reads the task written on the back: “Play the game “Such different cartoons”.”
Game “Such different cartoons”
The presenter names the character and describes him. For example, “kind. Aibolit." The next participant must name another character with the opposite characteristic. IN in this case- “evil Barmaley.” The game is a knockout game. The one who can't think of an answer
is out.

After each game, the winning participant receives a Multi-Multi round medal with his name on it.

Yes, you know a lot of characters from Multi-Timilitryamnia. I'm glad you're so smart. Do you remember “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

Children: Yes, it was written by Pushkin.
Multi-Remote : Right. And how the evil stepmother pretended to be a kind old woman begging for alms, remember?

Children: Yes.
Multi-Remote: In our country, almost everyone has magical powers. And they often turn into one character or another. So you won’t immediately understand who to expect trouble from and who you can trust. So, to find out if you can turn into cartoons, Thumbelina prepared for you next task.

Multi-Pulti turns over the sheet with the image of Thumbelina and reads the rules of the game on the back.

Game “Pretend to be a cartoon character”
All participants receive pieces of paper with the names of cartoon characters. It is impossible to talk about who got what name. Next, everyone portrays their hero. The task of the rest is to guess which character is in front of them. Those who guess the hero shown the fastest receive medals from Multi-Multi.
Multi-Remote: It's very good that you know how to transform. You can become evil if you suddenly need to. Or don't you want to be evil?

Children: We don't want to!
Multi-Remote: And rightly so! Because there is enough evil. But goodness must be done constantly, every day. Remember the cartoon where the heroes helped everyone.

Children name several cartoons (“Chip and Dale to the Rescue,” “Bag of Apples,” etc.).
Multi-Remote: Clever girls! And now you will find yourself in a cartoon with me... I won’t say which one. Try to guess.
Winter. An evil stepmother sends her stepdaughter to the forest to buy flowers. A poor girl wanders through a snowy forest and accidentally comes out into a clearing where 12 people are sitting around a fire.

Children guess the cartoon “Twelve Months”.

Multi-Remote: Right. Do you remember the cartoon about 12 months based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak? But our next guest, Leopold the cat, invites you to travel through the cartoons on your own.

Multi-Remote reads the task from Leopold the cat and plays the game.

Game “Journey through your favorite cartoons”
Using a counting rhyme, a leader is selected. You can choose a “cartoon” counting book. For example, everyone knows from childhood “We sat on the golden porch.”
They sat on the golden porch
Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,
Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
Come out, you will be Ponca.

The presenter comes up with a cartoon. All other players take turns asking him questions about him. But such questions to which the presenter can only answer “Yes” or “No”. The one who guessed the planned cartoon becomes the presenter and receives a medal from Multi-Pulti.
Multi-Remote: Guessed all the cartoons! And the next task is more difficult. You need to guess both the cartoon and its character. By the way, this is the next task from Tom and Jerry.

Multi-Remote reads the task and plays the game.
Game "Recognize by voice"
All participants are blindfolded. Any cartoon is included. Players recognize the character by his voice and call his name and cartoon.
The player who correctly names the hero receives a medal.

Well, there is no way to confuse you - you know everything, you understand everything. And remember all the cartoons. But you’ll never guess what cartoon I’m from. Because my artist never came up with a cartoon for me. So now I want to play screenwriters with you. And good Winnie the Pooh agreed to help me.

Multi-Remote turns over the image of Winnie the Pooh, reads the task and plays the game.

Game "Write a script"
Participants are given sheets of paper and a pen.
Within 10-15 minutes they write a cartoon script with the participation of Multi-Pulti. All scenarios are then read out loud and Multi-Pulti determines the winner, who is awarded a medal.
Multi-Remote: Well, we remembered a lot of cartoons, talked to their characters, visited the country of Multi-Militramnia, and most importantly, I finally acquired the script for my cartoon and now I can star in the leading role. Thank you! The cartoons and I are very happy! And now I suggest everyone watch a new cartoon together!

Multi-Remote includes a new disc with cartoons not yet familiar to children.

Quiz “Travel through the cartoon country of Multipultia” for senior preschool and primary school age.

Author: Baldovskaya Gulya Rashitovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 385 “Fairy Tale”, Yekaterinburg.
Description of material:Today there are a lot of cartoons shown on television. And more and more often, children give preference to foreign ones, forgetting our domestic cartoons, on which more than one generation of good parents grew up. Their advantages, of course, are obvious: an interesting plot with a good ending, beautifully drawn characters, correct turns of phrase, good songs. Many Soviet “cartoons” have a deep instructive and educational meaning.
The quiz is intended for teachers of older groups, primary school teachers, students, and parents.
Target: propaganda of Soviet cartoons.
Tasks: to form in children primary ideas about good and evil through cartoon characters.
Preliminary work: watching cartoons, reading, listening to songs from cartoons.
“The Braggart Ant”, “Brave Hare”, “Tar Goby”, “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “Baby and Carlson”, “Just Like That”, “On the Road to the Clouds”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos”, “My friend umbrella”, “Do’s and don’ts”, “Queen Toothbrush”, “Bag of Apples”, “Little Raccoon”, “Locomotive from Romashkovo”, “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Strawberry Rain”, “ The Adventures of Leopold the Cat", "Different Wheels",
“Merry Carousel”, “Umka”, “Funtik”, “Scarecrow-Meow”, “Emerald City”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”, “Song of the Mouse”, “The Adventures of Dunno”, “Tryam! Hello !”, “Apple”, “Lifesaver”, “Uncle Misha”, “Boat”, “One, Two, Together”, “The Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Vaccinations”, “Mushroom-Tower”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.
“My dear guys, today we will go to a cartoon country called “Multipultia”, we will find out which of you is an expert in Soviet cartoons. For each correct answer you receive tokens. The one with the most wins. So let's begin"
First part.
To which character do these words belong:
"Do me a favor,
Get into position.
I am disabled, my leg hurts.
The sun will open
The anthill will close
I'll have to spend the night on the street,
In half an hour the dew will fall,
I'll be damp in an hour,
I'll be sick in two
And lo and behold, by morning I’ll be dead.
You will be ashamed! (Bragging ant)
2. “I’m not afraid of anyone. And that's it!
I’m not afraid of the wolf, the fox, or the bear.
If I come across a wolf,
I'll eat it myself. (Brave hare)
3. From a bear - honey, from a fox - rooster, from a hare - cabbage. And so as not to climb into other people’s gardens anymore. And look at other people's goods, no, no! (Resin barrel)
4. “And I have cheese without a hole, but you got it with a hole.” Now he has more, but she promised to split it in half. As long as greed and stupidity live on earth, we foxes can live!” (Two greedy little bears)
5. “This is not a housekeeper, but some kind of housekeeper!” (Kid and Carlson)

6. “Sad.” There is no sun. But there are clouds. Clouds are boring. Wow, what a walk it turned out to be. (On the road to the clouds)
7. “I want to eat cutlets,
I want to drink jelly,
I want to look out the window,
I want to play on this one, on a transistor,
And I want to lie on the bed.
Everything is mine here: my refrigerator,
Everything in the refrigerator is mine too.
And grandfather sleeps there, in the hallway.
And if he doesn’t listen, then I’ll broom him” (Bobik visiting Barbos)
8. “Listen, singer, do you have a friend?
Yes, I haven't met it yet.
And I can dance the butterfly polka.
Do you know who a friend is? Do everything for each other! Hide me from the rain! (My friend the umbrella)
9. “Four sons and a sweet daughter” “So you like bunnies and like apples?
And I have hares, raw” (Bag of apples)
10. “Aren’t you afraid of the one sitting in the pond?
I’ll never go to the pond again, I’m afraid of the one sitting in the pond, he has a stick even bigger than mine, and he’s making such funny faces” (Little Raccoon)
11. “If we don’t see the first lilies of the valley, we’ll be late for the whole spring! If we don't hear the first nightingales, we'll be late for the whole summer. Every sunrise is unique in life. If we don’t see the dawn, we will be late for the rest of our lives.” (Locomotive from Romashkovo)
12. “Where have you been? I’ve already blown up the samovar on the chair. I think you’ll come now and drink tea with raspberry jam. After all, who besides you will count the stars, after all, it’s good that we are together again” (Hedgehog in the Fog)
13. “My mom and dad! I live well. Simply wonderful. I have a house. It has one room and a kitchen. I miss you very much. But my health is not very good: sometimes my paws ache, sometimes my tail falls off. And the other day I started shedding, my old fur is falling off, even if you don’t go into the house. But the new one is growing clean and silky, so my hairiness has increased. (Three from Prostokvashino)
14. “When I was little, I loved to walk in the candy rain” (Strawberry Rain)
15. “Guys, let’s live together” (Leopold)
Well done, guys! Now we move on to the second part.
At this stage the tasks are more difficult. But I'm sure you can handle it.
Second part.
What cartoon is this song from? (Children listen to backing tracks)
1. “Blue Car” (Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka)
2. “Smile” (Little Raccoon)
3. “Song of the Baby Mammoth” (Mom for the Baby Mammoth)
4. “Song of the Cat Matroskin” (Three from Prostokvashino)
5. “Lullaby of the Bear” (Umka)
6. “Tail for Tail” (Walk of Leopold the Cat)
7. “Song of Ellie and Totoshi” (Emerald City)
8. “There is nothing better in the world” (Bremen Town Musicians)
9. “Funtik’s Song” (Funtik)
10. “Song of Summer” (Locomotive from Romashkovo)
11. “Clouds” (Shake! Hello)
12. “The morning begins, begins” (Scarecrow-meow)
13. “Song of Friends” (Merry Carousel)
14. “If only there were no winter” (Winter in Prostokvashino)
15. “True Friend” (Dimka and Timka)
16. “What a wonderful day” (Mouse’s Song)
Third part.
1. Name everyone characters in the cartoon “Mushroom Teremok” (ant, butterfly, mouse, bunny, bird, fox)
2. Why did the frog call the characters in the famous cartoon “Boat” cowards? How they decided to prove their courage and masculinity. (because they were afraid to swim, they made a raft)
3. What is the name of the cartoon where the clubfoot tried to do more than one thing well, but took on several at once, and did not complete any of them. So I was left with nothing. (Uncle Misha)
4. What couldn’t the hare, crow, and hedgehog share in the cartoon “Two Tales?” (apple) How did Mikhail Potapych judge fairly? (offered to divide equally)
5. Did the hedgehog’s wand have magic in the cartoon “The Magic Wand” (no, it’s all about the hedgehog’s intelligence)
6. An animal that was afraid of vaccinations? (hippopotamus)
7. A cartoon about how an elk got into trouble, he was crushed by a tree, his friends - a hedgehog, a hare, a mouse, baby squirrels, a frog and an ant tried to save him. (One, two, together)
8. About a girl who didn’t like to wash her face, comb her hair, or brush her teeth. She looked unkempt and sloppy. (Queen Toothbrush)
Fourth, final part.
What cartoon characters are depicted here?

Summing up. Counting tokens. Presentation of prizes, certificates, diplomas.
The quiz ends with the composition of the Multi-Pulti group with the song “Multipultiya”.

Abstract open class in the middle group.

"Journey through cartoons."


Develop dexterity, spatial orientation and coordination of movements.

Promote development creativity, self-expression and expressiveness of movements.

1. Children's entry into the hall. Bow.

Ved - Guys, today we are going on a journey through cartoons. But for this we need to do a little warm-up.

2. warm-up (

Batman tandu with a toe extension with a transfer to the heel and toe. (The movement is performed 2p from the right leg and 2p from the left leg).

Side step with a half-squat and clapping in front of you to the right and left. (4 times).

Spring 4 times.


4 steps march.

Half-squat, hit your knees with your palms, opening your arms to the 2nd position and bringing your legs to the heel.

Spring 4 times.

Extending the leg to the side onto the heel (Pinocchio) 2p.

Ved - now we will close our eyes and count 1,2,3. (spun around) take us to multityandia. And we are going to visit Mickey Mouse. Let's go, we're along the path where a bun rolled recently.

3. (the song “Kolobok” by T.I. Morozov sounds)

Children run in circles. They jump over pebbles. They go around the puddles.

Ved - guys, we came to Mickey Mouse, let's dance for him.

4. dance “Mickey Mouse”. (T.I. Morozova) practical guide N.V. Zaretskaya. “Holidays and entertainment in preschool educational institutions” description of the dance p. 151.

Ved - and now we will go to visit the gummi bears. But to get to them, we will go on a fun train.

5. “Jolly Train” by Suvorov. They move in a chain in a circle, like a snake, etc.

Ved. Did you guys like the Gummi Bears? Shall we go further? Now where we are going, there are no trains; you can only get there by horseback.

7. Horse dance. T.I. Morozova

Ved. We came to visit Thumbelina. And our Thumbelina lives in a flower meadow, let's sit in a beautiful meadow and play with our hands and fingers.

Our bright flowers show a bud

The petals open, the fingers and hands open to the sides.

The breeze barely breathes, blowing on your fingers.

The petals sway, they move their fingers.

Our bright flowers show a flower.

They close the petals and fold their hands into a bud.

They shake their heads, They shake their buds.

They fall asleep quietly. Fold into a fist.

8. Ved. So we played with you in a beautiful clearing, and now I invite you to dance a dance with flowers. (Tchaikovsky "Waltz")

Ved. Guys, do you want to play and dance a little more? We will play the game “What I love and what I have.”

Questions about the game:

Who has plants?

Who has a toy?

Who loves tomato juice?

Who has a car?

Who has a doll?

Who loves semolina porridge?

Who likes to watch cartoons?

Guys, now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten!!! Close your eyes 1,2,3. Take it to kindergarten for us.

People always dream of time travel. Return to prevent or correct. Force to watch or prevent. Unfortunately, humanity has not yet been able to create a working time machine, or we don’t know about it. Fortunately, in literature, cinema and animation, such a wonderful topic is covered from all sides, and interest in it will not fade, because people always dream of time travel.

Quite a few time periods have passed since a new cartoon about time travel was released in the cinema: . For complete immersion in time collisions, the site offers you a large selection of other cartoons on this topic. Note that there are a lot of them. And short films, and episodes of all kinds of animated series, and entire franchises - but we selected only the best. By the way, most of them are not very famous, and here is our version: someone persistently returns from the future and erases the memory of these cartoons.

"Lords of Time"

Let's start chronologically and with full-length cartoons. "Lords of Time", by the way, are quite worthy of being included in good selections about and , but they didn’t fit in there, so we’ll tell you now. Here is an old, but very good film adaptation of a science fiction story from the times when it became a high-quality “mainstream”.

The premise is harsh: little Piel lost his parents and was left alone on a dangerous planet. A group of adults went to save him. You will find truly unexpected plot twists (beware of spoilers!), sad moments and, of course, time travel that changed the course of the history of an entire planet. The cartoon is quite heavy, but we have a “0+” rating, and children will understand this story in some ways better than adults.

"The Adventures of Mark Twain"

It looks a little creepy, but the majority of viewers, who took the angular plasticine figures for granted, were extremely pleased with this film. Provided that they love the work of Mark Twain, of course. Because this cartoon is all about him. That is main character- Mr. Twain himself, accompanied by Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher, they fly in an interplanetary balloon towards Galileo's comet, and along the way they find themselves in various stories from the books of the famous author. A cunning time trick is also available. Recommended for all nostalgic romantics!

“We're back! Dinosaur Story"

What would time travel be without dinosaurs? That's right, boring. The only question is whether to return to the jaws of the toothy lizards or transfer the monstrous guests to our time. The creators of the cartoon “We're Back! The Story of a Dinosaur” chose the second option. At the same time, the wonderful professor made the dinosaur heroes kind and sweet ahead of time, they fell on their heads good boy Louis, the professor's evil brother, has started a hunt... However, the plot of the old cartoon is really interesting, you should see it for yourself.

"All Hallows' Eve"

"Visiting the Robinsons"

We got to an underrated and little-known Disney cartoon. At the same time, it is one of the brightest and most interesting animated films about time travel in principle. Young Lewis finds himself in the future with his family and learns that he is not just a little eccentric genius inventor, but a great eccentric genius inventor who invented time travel. As the ultimate cinematic time traveler, Doctor Who, would say: it's "timey-waimy." There's no better way to explain it.

"Dinomama 3D»

And again about dinosaurs. In Dinomama, the child characters travel back in time to meet the most adorable animated T. rex in history. This large and graceful pink lady mistook them for her babies, which saved the heroes' lives and doomed them to exciting adventures in the rugged terrain of the Jurassic period. At the same time, a tyrannosaurus egg ended up in the house of its human parents in our time, and yes, it eats Very many. Dinomama's ratings are modest, but in fact the cartoon is not bad, kind, understandable and about family.

« Turkeys: Back to the Future"

If American turkeys had a mind and a time machine, that's exactly what they would do - go back to the 17th century to remove their species from the Thanksgiving menu. Actually, the whole cartoon is about this. Turkeys here do both brave and stupid things, meet themselves in different times and achieve their goal, leaving another famous dish as an alternative food. The move is questionable, but they are fun to watch.

"The Adventures of Mr. Peabody and Sherman"

"Back to the Future"

Let's move on to animated series. Yes, yes, they are real - two seasons of animated adventures on the legendary DeLorean. The peculiarity of this series is that it is for preschoolers, the focus is on young Jules and Verne, and continuations “about children” automatically cause sour thoughts and rejection in many viewers. But here everything is not so sad. Doc and other main characters of the cult film series appear, time travel is here at every turn, and it was created largely by the old team, so the quality bar is very high.


Here is a representative of the kind of TV series that only a few people know about; there are not particularly high-quality recordings in the public domain, but all those who joined say almost unanimously: it’s worth it. It's worth putting up with the big pixels to find out how the adventures of the anthropomorphic lion Argay from the past in modern New York will end. Here you have well-written characters, a bright and visual dystopia, high-quality French animation, and much more that they managed to put into 26 episodes of one season. Oh yes! This is “0+” - even if you introduce children to the old science fiction, that's exactly it.

"Samurai Jack"

"Smeshariki: Pin code"

Smeshariki before time travel in the full-length film “Smeshariki. Deja vu" moved to other times and eras. In the second season, the wonderful Sharolette, which allows you to travel anywhere, is added to the Sharoscope, which allows you to travel whenever you want. Which the heroes never miss an opportunity to take advantage of, of course. Inventions of the future and great achievements of the past - educational, exciting and with comments from your favorite characters.

"No time for nuts"

For starters, we left two great short films about time travel, which we highly recommend watching under any circumstances. And regardless of your attitude towards Scrat, the colorful unlucky hero. His epic pursuit of an acorn through the centuries earned him an Oscar nomination, which is a sign in itself. Let us add on our own that this is the clearest lesson that time travel is an extremely dangerous and generally dubious undertaking.

Objectives of the task:

  • development of creative abilities of children of primary school age;
  • rallying the class team through gaming activities;
  • formation of cognitive interest in the art of animation;
  • expanding the horizons of schoolchildren, taking into account their age.


On the board (screen) there are cards with the names of cartoon characters familiar to children. The walls and board are also decorated with drawings of cartoon characters made by the children themselves in advance. (Drawing competition “My favorite hero”).

Participants of the game: students in grades 3-4. The optimal number of teams is 3.

The game is conducted by a teacher or high school students.

Additional material: encyclopedia about cinema, cards with tasks for children, cards with tasks for the presenter, A3 sheets, markers.

Rules of the game: on cards with the names of heroes with reverse side Various assignments have been written. At the beginning of the game, lots are drawn. The captain of each team “gives” his opponent a card with a hero as a gift with the words: “I want to give my opponent a cartoon with ... (name the hero).” The opposing team completes the task from this card. For each competition-task, the presenter hands out “cartoonlands” - money from a fairy-tale country. The game continues until all the cards are “given away”. At the end, the total number of “multlands” is calculated; whoever has the most becomes the winner.

Prizes and gifts: teams are awarded certificates and prizes.

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults. Today I invite you to go on a trip to the country of Cartoonland, meet the characters of all the familiar cartoons, and complete various competitions. But first, listen to a little story about the creation of cartoons. Be careful, she will help you later in one of the competitions.

A message for children. The word “animation” translated from Latin means “multiplying”. The human eye holds any image on the retina for one twentieth of a second. This phenomenon in science is called persistence, or inertia of visual impressions. Since a film projector runs 24 frames per second, each lasting 1/25th of a second, they all merge into one continuous image. This is the principle of cinematography.

In our country, in 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm studio was created, equipped with the most modern technology at that time. This allowed a sharp increase in the number of hand-drawn films for children. And, of course, you all know very well the American director Walt Disney, the famous animator of such cartoons as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty”, etc.

Currently, cartoons made in computer programs are appearing, or they are also called animated films.

Well, now, guys, let's go on a trip to Cartoonland. Music from any cartoon sounds.

Proposed competitions and tasks.

Winnie the Pooh. (competition for all three teams). “Collect a cartoon.” For this task, two participants from the team are invited, they receive a card with a frame from the cartoon. Assignment: select among other frames those that relate specifically to this cartoon. Say the title, name the main characters.

Uncle Fedor: an outdoor game - a relay race for all teams “Roll the ball forward”. One participant per class is invited. A nut on a string is tied to their belt, with which the children must roll the balloon forward.

Scrooge McDuck. Competition for one team “Earn a million”. One participant must name as many ways of making money as possible in 1 minute. After all, our hero loved money and found thousands of ways to replenish his fortune.

Baba Yaga: competition for one team “Baba Yaga and that’s all” Name at least 5 cartoons where one of the characters is Baba Yaga.

Detective from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”: “Find the Hero” - a competition for one team. A passage or description is read, from which you need to guess the character and the name of the cartoon.

The girl, the heroine of this film, was named after the color of her face. She had to leave her home because an evil woman was jealous of her. The girl found herself in a place where there were many, many different plants and animals; she made friends, who at first were very frightened. Because of the black tricks of the evil woman, the girl fell asleep. A young man traveling around the world was able to help her. (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”)

Aladdin: Blitz survey. Competition for one team “Magic words”. What words need to be spoken in order to

  1. Call Sivka-burka? (Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)
  2. Together with Ali Baba, open the door to the treasure cave. (Sim-sim, open up!)
  3. Cook porridge in a magic pot. (One, two, three, pot, cook!)
  4. Fulfill the orders of the magic pike. (According to the pike's command - according to my desire).

Pirate from the film “Treasure Island”: “Cave paintings” competition for all teams. One participant at a time is invited. The presenter reads the words, the participant must depict these concepts on a piece of paper, then complete the drawing and come up with a name for it.

Words: love, laughter, joy, modesty, resentment, excitement, friendship, despair, desire, happiness.

Mowgli: Pantomime Skills Competition. A team of participants depicts flocks of animals (monkeys, cats, giraffes, roosters, snakes). Quality and originality are assessed.

Dunno: riddle competition. Guess the name of the cartoon.

In the savannah there is joy, singing and laughter -
The royal couple has a daughter!
Everyone is happy, but the lion cub is the most happy:
There is no one more beautiful than Kiara. (Lion King)

All the forest people know
That bears love honey.
This friend will do anything
To fill their stomachs.
And he climbed a tree,
And he flew on a balloon,
But you can't fool the bees -
Blocking a friend's path! (Winnie the Pooh)

Having learned about the plans of the girl alone, the prince was furious.
After all, there is no time just before Christmas
The sorceress performed the witchcraft,
And he turned into an evil beast. (Beauty and the Beast).

4.Every day and every hour
The jungle generously feeds us -
And bears and elephants,
And panthers and boars.
Create stocks here -

This, brother, is monkey work! (“The Jungle Book” or “Mowgli”)

A long time ago, as they say: “It’s time”
In China, the old emperor ruled.
People and dragons lived there peacefully,
And there were many different strict rules.
The law said: if a girl suddenly wears
A man's suit will lose his life immediately.
And here’s another: I’m obliged to report to the army
Both old and young according to the first order. (“Mulan”)

Thumbelina. Competition for one team “Cook a dish”. The names of the products are written on the card. Within a minute, select the dishes you need to prepare. The children come up with the dish themselves. Originality is assessed.

Aibolit. “Vitamin.” From one class (the one who received this task) 10 people are invited. Assignment: the whole team eat one carrot with the condition that everyone can take a bite only once, and each participant must take a bite of the carrot.

Lion King. “Think and say.” Blitz survey for one participant from the team. Give as many answers to the questions as possible in 1 minute.

  1. What does the word “animation” mean when translated from Latin language? (Multiplication).
  2. Where is a new cartoon created? (In the studios).
  3. Name an American director whose cartoons are shown all over the world. (Walt Disney).
  4. What is the name of the cartoon with the main character Alisa Selezneva? (“The Secret of the Third Planet”).
  5. What was the name of the guy who shoed the flea? (Left-handed)
  6. Name Uncle Fyodor's friends (Cat, Dog, Crow).
  7. Name a Russian cartoon where one character constantly runs after the other. (“Well, just wait!”)
  8. What did the Mole think in the film “Thumbelina”? (Grains)
  9. What did Snow White eat before falling asleep? (Apple)
  10. What were the names of the cat and mouse from the famous American film? (Tom and Jerry)

At the end, the results are summed up: “multlands” are counted, certificates and gifts are given out.


  1. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Young Spectators. – M.: 1987.