The most interesting holidays in the world: list. International and world days International holidays

For as long as human history has existed, there has been a fierce struggle for rich fertile lands with mineral deposits. There is violence and war everywhere. An example of this was the events of the last year: continuous skirmishes, military conflicts, numerous civil wars, reluctance to negotiate peacefully, the struggle for power. All this clearly emphasizes the great importance of such a holiday as World Peace Day.

There are many different words, some gentle, beautiful, sometimes unkind and evil. But the most important ones are happiness and peace!

World Peace Day September 21

Peace everywhere in the world - what could be more important? People crave it so much. How wonderful it is to live as one friendly family, send your children to school every day, enjoy the new day that has come and breathe clean air. Peace has always been and is a necessity for all humanity.

All people of our planet celebrate World Peace Day on September 21 as a renunciation of violence and fratricidal wars. This decision was made in 2001. All countries, without exception, received a proposal on this day to stop all military operations, without shedding blood for at least 24 hours, and to carry out actions related to the problems of the world. Only through peaceful means can the goal of compromise solutions be achieved, benefiting all humanity.

The main goal of the holiday is to attract great attention of humanity to achieving world stability without any threats and violence, guaranteeing the future of our beautiful planet - Earth. In this regard, events are being held to show people how many absurd deaths there are in our society, how much hatred and evil there are. A bright smiling sun drawn by the children and a song about friendship sung by them call on everyone who “plays” with weapons to give it up in the name of peace and well-being.

International Day of Peace is an important holiday. It is on this day that the call for peace takes place. After all, aggression and war will not help solve problems; they only complicate life even more, bringing with them death, misfortune and grief. "Peace to the world!" - they shout in all languages. He must live always and everywhere on the planet!

World Peace Day: history of the holiday

What all nations strive for is peace. The real embodiment of this desire was created at the end of the most inhumane war in the entire history of 1939-1945. The main thing in the work of this organization was the establishment of good neighborly relations between states and the preservation of peace.

World Peace Day was approved by the UN General Assembly in 1981. Only twenty years later they decided to celebrate Complete Ceasefire Day every year on September 21.

This holiday was conceived by the General Assembly. It is a symbol of the complete renunciation of violent manifestations and the complete cessation of any military action. On Peace Day, every person should awaken the desire to think about the actions they have taken and what investment they have made to preserve peace.

A lot of time has passed since then. But the history of World Peace Day is not forgotten. This holiday covers more and more countries, where, with the help of various organizations, actions are held that make people think that peace on earth is not yet strong and something needs to be done to preserve it.

Ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Peace

Every year, the holiday ceremony begins at exactly ten o'clock near the Peace Bell, which Japan presented to the UN in 1954. It was installed in New York in the most beautiful place in the garden. This unique bell was cast using coins collected by children from sixty countries around the world, as well as various awards from people: medals, orders.

The ceremony lasts about 15 minutes. First, he strikes the bell and makes a speech in which he addresses the peoples of the entire planet and calls on them to think at least for a moment about the invaluable importance of peace. Then there is a minute of silence, after which the Chairman of the Security Council speaks.

A minute of silence has become the most common way to mark the International Day of Peace. To commemorate this, schools and civic associations hold their own ceremonies and events, the meaning of which is the joint reflection of all people about the meaning of peace on Earth. Maybe someone will make the right decision and thereby help bring universal peace to the entire planet.

A world without threats and violence

World Peace Day calls on people to unite and take responsibility for good neighborly relations, overcome their own needs for violence, and awaken a consciousness that will help abandon violent methods.

Every person is obliged to have a sound mind and realize the meaning of his life. How nice it is to call and hear the voice of a loved one, see the mischievous lights in the eyes of a child, respond to the misfortune of a homeless person, or just sit by the fire, breathing in the pure coolness, and allow your soul to fly into a beautiful world, free from cruelty and lust for power.

It is especially necessary to awaken in people an understanding of how much peace and complete disarmament are needed. The future human community of the Earth should not have any forms of violence: religious, racial, economic, physical, psychological.
Every person on the globe has every right to be free and live in peace.

Peace on Earth is a guarantee of the future

Peace is impossible without great human friendship, mutual understanding and respect for each other between people with different political views, social statuses, different nationalities and races.

The complete preservation of well-being on Earth is the only true task that can unite all world communities.

As we celebrate World Peace Day, we must unite as one human family, setting ourselves the goal of ensuring international, interregional and local peace, so that no shots can disturb the peace and quiet of our homes, and preserve the planet for all future generations.

January 25: Holiday - Day of Russian Students
January 25: Holiday - Tatiana's Day
January 27: Day of military glory of Russia. Lifting the blockade of Leningrad
January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27: Holiday - World Customs Day
January 30: World Leprosy Day

Russian holidays in February

Russian holidays in March

Russian holidays in May

July Holidays

August holidays

August 1: All-Russian collector's day
August 1 is celebrated as All-Russian Cash Cashier's Day. Cash collectors are people on whom the reliability and safety of funds and material assets largely depends. The work of a cash collector is extremely difficult. He must be, as they say, a jack of all trades: not only an experienced security guard, but also a cashier who knows all forms of documents necessary for the transfer of valuables, stamps, details. He is also a specialist in working with complex banking equipment (ATMs of various designs, electronic exchange offices) and, finally, a loader. After all, packaged valuables can be very heavy, weighing up to 50 kilograms (for example, coins - revenue from car fleets or bullions of precious metals) or, conversely, fragile (cassettes in ATMs). In 1988, the service acquired the status of an independent legal entity, subordinate to the Bank of Russia and being its structural entity. The duties of cash collectors include collecting, guarding and delivering cash and other valuables to the bank's cash desk. The word "collection" comes from the Italian incassare, which means "to put in a box."
Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
August 2: Day of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation
Railwayman's Day
August 6: Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation
August 8: Sportsman's Day
August 9: Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Cape Gangut (1714)
Builder's Day
August 12: Day of the Air Force of the Russian Federation
August 14: The origin (wear and tear) of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. Beginning of the Dormition Fast
August 15: Archaeologist's Day
Despite the fact that the history of this holiday is not connected with any events or discoveries and it is not a state or official holiday, archaeologists celebrate it as a professional holiday. Archeology is a completely separate science. All historical events are established either from written sources or from archaeological data. Very, very few written messages are preserved, and sometimes more everyday material than one can imagine. In Russia, this science began to develop in the middle of the 19th century, when Count Alexei Sergeevich Uvarov became interested in archeology. At first, he did not have the slightest idea about the technology of excavation. But it was his research that formed the basis for the further development of the science of antiquities.
August 16: Russian Air Fleet Day
August 19: Transfiguration
August 22: Russian National Flag Day
August 23: Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Kursk (1943)
August 27: Russian Cinema Day
August 28: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 30: Miner's Day

September holidays

September 1: Knowledge Day
On September 1, Russia celebrates an exciting and wonderful holiday - Knowledge Day. In all centuries, people have strived for knowledge, studied, taught, and only on September 1, 1984, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR officially established September 1 as a holiday - Knowledge Day. September 1 is a holiday for all of us, which every year brings together people of different generations and different professions.
September 2: Russian Guard Day
September 3: Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism
September 3 is a tragic date in the calendar of Russian holidays. September 3 is one of the memorable dates in Russia, which is called the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism was established by the federal law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia” dated July 6, 2005. This date is associated with the tragic events in Beslan on September 1-3, 2004.
September 4: Nuclear Support Specialist Day
September 6: Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day
September 8: International Day of Solidarity for Journalists
Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Borodino (1812)
September 11: Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Cape Tendra (1790)
September 13: Tankman's Day
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism
The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance of tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are millions of soldiers whom the fascist leaders pitted against each other, but even more - civilians who died under bombs, from disease and from hunger. There is no country that would benefit from the rule of the Nazis, there is no nation that would be enriched materially or spiritually as a result of their rule. Since 1962, it has been customary to consider every second Sunday in September as the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism. This day was determined specifically in September, since this month marks two dates associated with the Second World War - the day of its beginning and its complete end. This was one of the reasons for establishing a day of mourning on a September Sunday.
Programmer's Day
Programmer's Day is an unofficial holiday of programmers, celebrated on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 (two to the eighth power) was chosen because it is the number of numbers that can be expressed using a single byte. In leap years this holiday falls on September 12, in non-leap years - on September 13.
September 18: Secretary's Day
There is no official professional holiday for secretaries in Russia. But an initiative group of secretaries from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and Perm and the editors of the magazine “[email protected]” decided to correct this injustice and establish the “Secretary’s Day” holiday, which is proposed to be held every third Friday in September.
September 20:

What are international holidays? These are events of global significance. It’s not surprising, because our entire planet celebrates them, regardless of nationality, citizenship or religious beliefs. So where do they come from? What dates do they refer to?

Most holidays are a consequence of the work of UNESCO and the UN

There are a lot of such events today. Many of them appeared, by the way, quite recently, thanks to the initiative of the UN and UNESCO. Although some international holidays arose so long ago that even historians cannot understand where these traditions came from. For those around them, these events are so familiar that they simply celebrate them year after year, without thinking about anything.

The uniqueness of such holidays lies in the fact that each person gets the opportunity to become one of the participants in the international movement, “touching world civilization.” In a word, these events unite all the countries of the world into one whole and promote mutual understanding and friendship among peoples.

So many different holidays...

People of all nationalities celebrate a wide variety of events every year. Sometimes international holidays simply amaze with their originality. For example, look no further than World Even More Fun - International Toilet Day!

There are different ways to celebrate such events. The main thing is not to forget about creativity!

International holidays open the new year

So, the very first event! New Year is celebrated, of course, by the whole world! In general, international holidays occur very often in January. These include Customs Day, Hug Day, and Thank You Day. However, the New Year is the most popular, long-awaited and beloved holiday.

The custom of celebrating this day was born back in the third millennium AD in Mesopotamia. People celebrated this event with various processions, masquerades and carnivals. On this day it was impossible to work or hold court.

Little by little, the tradition of celebrating the New Year became more and more widespread. This idea was followed by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, initially by the Jews, after them by the Greeks and, ultimately, by the peoples of Western Europe.

This holiday appeared in the Soviet Union. Its author was Mikhail Gorbachev. The first president of the USSR acted, so to speak, according to a certain plan. To begin with, a “prohibition law” was established, making all men sober. After this, they were given their own holiday. Apparently, it was necessary to celebrate it “with glasses of kefir in hand.” The holiday was officially approved at the beginning of the 21st century. However, no one celebrates it as widely as International Women's Day. The thing is that not everyone knows about this holiday. However, over the past ten years, several specific traditions have become attached to this event. On this day, men at work are always congratulated, warm words are said, and even awards are given for their outstanding contribution to the development of the country. Concerts are organized for them and all kinds of competitions are organized.

This holiday is celebrated annually on the first Saturday of November by more and more people. It is quite possible that this event will soon rank with such well-known dates as January 1 or March 8.

In addition, like women, men have several other holidays. These include Brother's Day, Father's Day, etc.

Holidays for jokers

For people with a good sense of humor there is also a world famous date. International ones, or rather, their list, is opened by her. On the first of the month, people take great pleasure in playing pranks on each other, joking, laughing and having fun. This custom appeared many, many years ago in France.

This tradition has been preserved to this day. By the way, some historians argue that this date was not chosen by chance. Nature at the beginning of April is very capricious. Therefore, people try to seem to “appease” her with their various pranks and jokes.

A date has also been set aside for labor shock workers!

There are also international days and holidays created to support working people. "World! Work! May!" - a phrase familiar to everyone. This holiday appeared in 1886 in Chicago. On May 1, the city's workers came together to organize a strike and demand a shorter working day.

In 1889, a decision was made in Paris to hold May Day demonstrations every year. Well, in 1890, this holiday was celebrated in Belgium, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Germany, the USA, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France, Norway... For a long time, May Day was considered the so-called symbol of the revolution. And today it is one of the ordinary events. And it is celebrated like other simplest international days and holidays. Interestingly, May Day is recognized in 66 countries around the world.

For the younger generation - its own holiday

Another famous event is the Day of Knowledge, celebrated throughout the world on September 1. It is a sea of ​​white bows and flowers, excitement and laughter. It is a particularly long-awaited holiday for future first-graders and graduates.

The beginning of each new academic year is celebrated by all schoolchildren, students, and teachers. Not a single holiday is complete without a solemn line-up dedicated to the next stage in the life of each of them. Teachers wish children knowledge and wisdom that will give them the opportunity to cope with any random troubles.

Songs and dances, poems and acrobatic performances - students demonstrate their talents to those present, thereby delivering great pleasure.

Old people receive special respect

International holidays in October also delight us with such an event as the Day of Older Persons. It has been celebrated on the 1st day since 1991.

Different countries celebrate this day in their own way. Various concerts, festivals and conferences dedicated to their rights are organized for older people. And in the Scandinavian countries, throughout the whole day, television programs are broadcast taking into account the tastes of the heroes of the occasion.

Various public organizations and foundations also organize various charitable events. In short, the highest authorities are trying to provide a better, more varied, more fulfilling and more satisfying life for older people, at least for this day.

There are a variety of international holidays in October. However, it probably deserves special respect.

In support of those who are especially hard-pressed

International holidays in December are also distinguished by their diversity. One of them is aimed at combating AIDS. However, it is, of course, difficult to call an event related to such a serious problem a holiday, because the number of people diagnosed with HIV is growing every year. Most often, young people suffer from this terrible disease. Accordingly, various concerts of popular pop singers are organized for them on December 1st. At such events, the results of various studies aimed at combating AIDS are often announced.

International holidays in December include other charitable events. Among them are Day of the Disabled, Day of Helping the Poor, Day of Innocent Babies, etc.

The great importance of international holidays

So, when opening the calendar, you can be amazed when you notice how many events are celebrated by almost all countries of the world at the same time. Somewhere they are celebrated on a grand scale, somewhere they are celebrated modestly and almost unnoticeably. However, in any case, positive emotions are guaranteed to people.

International holidays are of great importance. They erase the boundaries of cultural differences and unite people all over the world. Joy and fun make them closer and closer to each other. As a result, every inhabitant of our planet can join world civilization and become a participant in the general celebration!

In Russia, state, professional, international, folk, church (Orthodox), and unusual holidays are celebrated.

The most important dates:

  • New Year
  • Christmas
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • International Women's Day
  • Spring and Labor Day
  • Victory Day
  • Russia Day
  • National Unity Day

Russian public holidays are proclaimed in honor of a significant historical event in the life of the country. They are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Some of them are declared holidays. Non-working holidays are listed in Art. 112 of the Labor Code of Russia. On these days, official ceremonial events are held and the state flag is raised.

Professional holidays in Russia are established in recognition of the merits of specialists in various fields of activity. Most of them are enshrined in a decree of the president of the country or other normative act and are noted at the state level. Some are informal.

International holidays have global significance. They are celebrated all over the planet. Established by international organizations: UN, UNESCO, WHO, etc.

Church (Orthodox) holidays are days of remembrance of sacred events from the life of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, John the Baptist or veneration of the memory of saints.

Folk holidays are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors. Most of them are associated with events on the church calendar. Some arose during pagan times. Folk holidays have rich interesting traditions, customs and signs.

Unusual holidays are events that are distinguished by their originality: dedicated to inventions, funny objects, fairy-tale characters, etc.