Roses what to do with petals. Fragrant rose petal tea will protect you from colds and depression

It's sad to watch the bouquet lose its freshness. Especially if it was given by a loved one or in honor of a memorable event. But don’t rush to throw away the flowers. They can be used as decoration. In this article we will tell you what can be made from roses that have withered or dried out. You will also learn what practical uses can be found for their petals.

We do not offer step-by-step instructions on how to implement solutions. To do this, watch master classes on the Internet. But we encourage readers to fantasize and prolong the life of flowers.

What to make from fading roses

When the flowers have barely bowed their heads, do not let them lose their freshness completely, but take advantage of their beauty.

    Create a decorationor interior item, filling the rose with epoxy resin. If you have half-opened buds of spray roses, they will look elegant as a pendant. A large transparent ball with a lush inflorescence of an Ecuadorian rose will decorate the room. There are techniques when the flower is not completely filled, creating a sphere, but the petals are covered with resin. It looks like a sculpture.

    Try it sprout a flower. Of course, this requires a plant full of energy, but you still have nothing to lose. Use the methods from the article.

What to make from dried roses

If the bouquet has dried out and the petals have not fallen, use the plants for the benefit of design decisions.

    Decor of photo frames. To make the photo look unique, place the dried buds in 1-2 corners of the photo. This option will work if you use a deep frame or small buds.

    Create a miniature tree topiary, which has inflorescences instead of foliage. If you are superstitious and do not want to store crafts made from dried flowers at home, place it in the country: on the porch, in the gazebo or at the gate.

    Decorative panel. People with artistic taste will not find it difficult to use buds in the decoration of various paintings. These can be independent panels or accents in embroidery, macrame or painting.

What to make from rose petals

Most often, rose petals are used in cooking and cosmetics. But for such purposes, we recommend using your own grown flowers. Plants for business are subjected to special processing, so they lose their beneficial properties. But you can still use the petals effectively.

    Bath salt. Buy regular sea salt and mix it with rose petals. Cover tightly and leave for 2 weeks. Add salt to your bath to add fragrance to the water.

    Soap. If you want to learn a new hobby, try soap making and add petals as natural ingredients.

    Bottles with glycerin. Create decorative interior elements. Take a glass bottle and pour a mixture of glycerin and water into it in a 1:2 ratio. Seal tightly. You will get a bright and creative decor.

    Sachet. Sew bags from natural fabric and fill them with petals. You can add fragrant herbs: rosemary, thyme, chamomile. Place the sachets in drawers with clothes or bedding. There will be a subtle sweet aroma from the items.

It turns out that so many things can be made from ordinary roses and petals, you just need to give free rein to your imagination. Have you ever used roses from a bouquet for decorative purposes? Share your experience in the comments.

The height of flowering tea rose fills the garden with a fabulous aroma. And the desire to preserve this feeling of the triumph of the queen of flowers and enjoy it in winter is quite understandable. What is possible prepare from tea rose petals ? Today we give you Smart Tips - how to prepare various preparations for all family members. Welcome to the smart kitchen!

Read in this article:

Preparing tea rose

1. Rose petal tea

The easiest way tea rose petals — dry them and use them to brew aromatic tea. It is best to collect petals in dry weather at the moment of complete dissolution of the buds. Then spread them on sheets of paper in one layer in a place inaccessible to sunlight, which deprives the petals of color. You can successfully dry them even in the room on the table. Then pour the dry petals into a clean, dry jar and close with a nylon lid. Store in a dark place and use to brew aromatic tea.

2. Petal syrup for all occasions

Pour layers of rose and sugar into a 3-liter dry jar. Lightly compact and place on the windowsill in the sun. As heat and sugar act, a juice of rich color and aroma comes out of the petals, while the contents of the jar sags, which makes it possible to add a second and third portion of petals and sugar to it. As a result, you will receive healing nectar, which must be squeezed out of the thick mass of petals and poured into small jars for storage. It is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush in children, tonsillitis, and also as a flavoring for various drinks, creams, and pastries.

3. Rose petal infusion

Of course, wine connoisseurs are unlikely to call the resulting low-alcohol drink wine, since the latter is prepared from grapes through fermentation. In our case, there will be no fermentation and there will be no grapes, and the drink itself will be ready in 4 days. But its amazing taste and aroma will surprise even sophisticated gourmets.

Pour petals from 50 buds into a 3-liter jar, add half a kilo of sugar, 2 teaspoons of citric acid and add boiled water. Close with a nylon lid, shake well and place in a dark place for 4 days. Don’t forget to shake the contents every day. Before drinking, strain the drink, add half a liter of good quality vodka and cool. Ready!

4. Tea rose jam in the microwave

Grind the rose petals in a meat grinder, add sugar at the rate of 1 part of the volume of crushed petals and half of the sugar.

Microwave at 100% power for 5 minutes. The jam is ready. The yield is a half-liter jar. Can be sealed.

5. Tea rose wine

It takes a long time to cook, but it's worth it!

  1. Boil syrup from 4 liters of water and 2 kg of sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Pour in 400g of mashed or crushed tea rose petals.
  3. Tie the neck with gauze and place in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. Strain and place under a water seal for about 2 months in a warm place.
  5. Pour into bottles to the very top, carefully pouring off the sediment. Cork.
  6. Store in a cool, dark place. The longer, the better the wine becomes.

Hello, dear interlocutors! You were recently given roses, but the buds are already drooping and your hand won’t rise to throw them in the trash? And rightly so! After all, the petals can still serve you. They are used to make aromatic jam, beautiful ice for champagne, bath salts and much more. What can you make from rose petals at home? Let's look at 10 recipes!


It is not surprising that women primarily use the flower for skin and body care. It makes the face silky and rejuvenates.

Rose water.

Used to relieve irritations. Approximately 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for half an hour. After removing the sediment, pour the liquid into a container (ideally darkened) and place it in the refrigerator. The only negative is the short shelf life. Only 3 days. But it is natural and harmless.


The procedure softens the epidermis, rejuvenates, relieves stress, fatigue and simply improves your mood. Fill the bathtub halfway, then add petals from 10 roses. It is acceptable to take dried ones. Fill it all the way. Get into the water and enjoy. If you have a very difficult day, you can add essential oil, turn off the lights, light candles, listen to relaxing music and drink cool, freshly squeezed juice.

Sea salt.

Pour the preparation – regular sea salt – into a small glass jar. Generously distribute the petals in it, trying to place them evenly throughout the container. Close and shake. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Stir occasionally without opening. Homemade salt is ready! For one session you will need 6 tbsp. l. Dissolve them in 1 liter of water, then pour into the rest of the volume.

Rose oil.

The resulting mixture can be used in different ways: instead of a soothing lotion after a shower, to make the skin velvety and smooth, to remove makeup and cleanse the skin, as a massage oil, as a base for creams, masks, etc.

Our homemade oil will not consist entirely of roses or essential oils. It's more like a tincture. Pour 2 cups of petals with 1 cup of peach squeeze. It is permissible to replace olive oil, but the effect will be somewhat weaker. Seal the container tightly and put it aside for 3 weeks. Shake occasionally to ensure the active ingredients are distributed evenly. Remove any sediment. Store in a cool, dark place.

Cosmetic ice.

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a full handful of raw materials. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the liquid to infuse and become enriched with beneficial substances. Once cooled, pour into molds. If you want to achieve a decorative effect, add petals to each piece. This ice can be used to wipe not only the face, but also the décolleté area. It is advisable to carry out procedures twice a day: morning and evening.

And these are not all the ways! Soon I will talk about how to make lotions, masks and other natural cosmetics from the plant!

For home

Here the flight of fancy is even wider. I won’t bore you with intrigue: let’s get straight to the tricks and recipes.


Instead of the usual chemical air freshener, you can make a natural one with your own hands. One important condition: the buds must have a bright aroma. After preparation, take a beautiful jar and place some of the petals on the bottom. Sprinkle a thin layer of sea salt. Lay the leaves again. Continue until you reach the neck.

It is permissible to compact it slightly: this way the smell will be revealed even better. Experiment with colors, but don't use pre-flavored salt. Close the jar tightly. Set aside in a cool, dark place. Shake slightly occasionally. After a week, the flavoring can be used. Just open the lid a little and enjoy the aroma.


I have given several recipes before, so I will not repeat them. Here, too, imagination comes into play: add petals to the base or decorate the soap with them. The buds will give the finished product an extraordinary aroma and softness. This soap will make your hands velvety and quickly relieve irritation.


Beautiful scented pillows are easy to make yourself. Just fill the bag with leaves. The only difficulty is drying them. Place the collected raw materials on a newspaper away from sunlight and drafts. Wait until it dries. Do you feel how much brighter the smell has become? A sachet can be a great addition to your purse or add a delicate scent to your linen in your closet.

Decorative ice.

How to surprise your guests on New Year's Eve? Serve champagne on ice with buds! It is advisable to take small inflorescences so that the whole one fits into each piece. If there are none, then you will have to use ordinary petals. Tear them coarsely first to make it more beautiful. Now simply place the blanks in the molds and fill with water. On the holiday, all you have to do is fill the champagne bucket with ice. This option is also great for romantic evenings.


Tea rose is used for culinary purposes. From its delicate petals you can make aromatic, delicious jam. Under no circumstances take plants that have been treated with chemicals! Only homemade flowers are suitable for cooking.

You will need 200 g of fresh leaves. Pour boiling water over the workpiece and immediately lower it into cold water. Repeat the process 3 times. The buds should become soft and limp. Now prepare the main mixture: combine 350 ml of water and rose. Place on medium heat. Keep the temperature just below boiling. You will notice that the color has changed. Wait, it’s too early to panic!

Add 1.5 cups of sugar and mix well. Complete the composition with 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice. It is needed not only for taste, but also to maintain brightness and attractive appearance. Keep the mixture on low heat for another 5 minutes. Mix another half cup of sugar with 1 tsp. pectin (or agar-agar), add to the jam. Keep on very low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Ready! All that remains is to pour into jars and put in the refrigerator.

A little trick: if you need to keep the petals bright and fresh (for example, for crafts), then you can preserve them in wax. Simply melt the base and, holding the leaves with tweezers, lower them into the hot mixture. Lift, let excess drip off, shape into desired shape and leave to dry. You can do the same with whole buds.

It turns out that a bouquet is not only a beautiful, but also a useful gift! Soon I will share with you new simple ways to give roses a second life.

What do you do with fading flowers? Tell us about your family secrets!

Do you feel offended by watching the gifted bouquet wither? But you don’t know what you can do with rose petals. There are dozens of options for using them. Let's look at the most successful of them.

Using fresh roses

From fresh roses you can prepare:

  • Jam. Prepare syrup from 1 liter of water and 2 kg of sugar. Add 250 g of washed rose petals to the boiling syrup and boil the resulting mixture until your jam turns a pleasant pink color. After this, add 10 g of citric acid and cook for another minute. Pour the prepared jam into small sterilized jars.
  • Rose water. Pour water over the flowers and heat over low heat. When the petals become transparent, fully giving off their color, the rose water is ready.
  • Masks for coarse, dry hair. Grind the petals of 2-3 roses, put them in a small saucepan, pour a glass of cold milk and boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature, strain through a sieve and apply the resulting substance to your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Face masks. Rose petals are included in many anti-aging masks. The simplest of them is prepared like this. Grind the petals of 1 rose and pour in olive oil (2 teaspoons will be enough) or liquid honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water.
  • Cream. Grind the petals of 3 roses. Melt some beeswax in a steam bath and pour it over the flower paste. Pour in 1 tablespoon of butter (melted) and 0.5 teaspoon of vitamin A. Mix all the ingredients and place them in a small glass jar. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Using dry petals

Dried rose petals are most often used to create personal care products. From them you can make:

  • Lotion. Pour a small amount of boiling water over the dried flowers, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Strain. This lotion will noticeably tighten pores and refresh your face. Unfortunately, it is very short-lived. It can only be used for 2-3 days after production.
  • Cosmetic ice. Pour boiling water over the dried rose flowers and let them steep under the lid for about half an hour. Cool the resulting infusion and pour into ice cube trays. Every morning, wipe your face with a cube of this ice. It will help improve your complexion and refresh your skin.
  • Rose oil. Dry the petals well and pour them into a glass jar. Fill them with base oil (grape seed, sesame or olive oil). Place the resulting mixture in a water bath over low heat. Don't forget to cover the container with a lid to prevent the essential oils from evaporating. After 2 hours, remove the oil from the heat, cover the neck of the jar with a cloth and put it in a dark place for the next 3 weeks. Strain the oil, squeezing the petals well. Leave the strained oil for a couple of hours to check if it separates. If water has separated from it, carefully drain it. After this, add a few drops of vitamin E to the container. Your rose oil is ready for use.

What are the benefits of rose petals? The healing properties of rose petals have been known since ancient times.

In ancient times, doctors used infusions of rose petals to treat nerve diseases, and for respiratory diseases, they fumigate the premises with the aroma of incense. Even with such a serious illness as consumption, they were allowed to inhale the aroma of rose flowers; for diseases of the heart and kidneys they were treated with infusions of rose petals. All women put rose petals on their faces to refresh them and give them youthful freshness.

Rose petals were used to treat inflammation: in combination with vinegar, inflamed wounds were treated; petals infused with wine helped with gastrointestinal disorders; and the petals, together with honey water, helped perfectly as an antipyretic.

The benefits of rose petals are obvious, but you need to keep in mind that in rare cases there are cases, so before using, make sure that you are not allergic.

What are the benefits of rose petals?

Rose petals contain:

General properties of rose petals:

  • bactericidal;
  • regenerating;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The petals of white rose flowers contain a large range of resinous and mucilaginous substances, and they are mainly used:

  • in the form of jam as a mild laxative;
  • in the form of an infusion as an anthelmintic;
  • as an antibiotic agent in the treatment of purulent wounds, bedsores, burns.

Red rose petals are useful for:

  • intestinal disorders, as they have a good astringent and fixing effect;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • purulent wounds, burns ( rose petals are also useful);
  • conjunctivitis.

Both fresh and dry rose petals can be used for medicinal purposes. The best time to collect is in the morning after rain or after dew.

After collection, they are not washed and used either immediately or dried in well-ventilated areas.

What are the benefits of rose petals and how are they used?

Balm for bronchitis and bronchial asthma:

  • 500gr;
  • 6 dry plantain leaves;
  • 100g dry rose petals;
  • 100g honey;
  • bottle (1l) Cahors.

Place everything in a saucepan, let it boil and immediately remove from heat. Let it stand for a day. Squeeze. Keep refrigerated. Drink 5-6 times a tablespoon. You need to drink the tincture in 2 courses. One course every 6 months.

Benefits of rose petal jam

This is the great benefit of rose petal jam.

How to make wonderful aromatic jam from rose petals?

0 5 kilograms of finely chopped petals, mix 0.5 kilograms of sugar and leave for 2 days in a closed container. Then prepare the syrup: add the juice of one lemon and one glass of water to a kilogram of sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Dip the mixture of petals and sugar into the syrup and cook until the petals soften (they should not squeak on your teeth)

Benefits of bath with rose petals

To cleanse the skin with various lesions to relieve fatigue and overwork, a state of anxiety and tension, you can prepare a bath of rose petals.

Pour boiling water over half a glass of well-packed petals, we need 200 mol, and let it sit for half an hour under the lid. Then add the aromatic infusion, along with rose petals, to the bath. A slightly wilted bouquet can be used to prepare an infusion and roses.

Benefits of a bath with rose petals.

  1. An excellent remedy for the treatment of nervous diseases.
  2. Relieves fatigue, anxiety, tones.
  3. Positively affects the heart.
  4. Cleanses the skin perfectly.
  5. Increases the body's performance.

Benefits of rose petals for face and body

1) A mask of rose petals is universal for everyone:

  • 5 crushed petals
  • 2 tsp olive oil or sour cream, fermented baked milk, honey.

Let it sit for an hour. Gently apply to face and leave for 20 minutes.

2) Mask for nutrition and hydration:

  • petals of one rose
  • oatmeal 3 tbsp
  • honey-1 tbsp
  • some water

Grind the flakes and petals using a blender, add a couple of tablespoons of water, honey and mix. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

3) Mask for oily skin:

Keep on face for 20 minutes.

4) Anti-wrinkle mask

  • glycerin-1 tbsp
  • glass of milk
  • rose petals-3 table spoons

Pour hot milk over the petals and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and add glycerin. Keep for 20 minutes. You can put the remaining mixture in the refrigerator and store for 3 days.

5) To refresh your face, you need to regularly make a wonderful mask:

  • 2 tbsp chamomile
  • 1 tbsp fresh rose petals
  • 2 tbsp St. John's wort
  • 1 tbsp linden blossom
  • half a tablespoon of mint

Grind all ingredients into powder. Cleanse your face, apply a rich cream and sprinkle powder on top of the cream. Lie down for 20 minutes. The face will become fresher, pinker, and brighter.

6) Mask for the chest: mix rose petals (you can dry them) with cream to make a mass like cream, apply and warm the chest, then rinse off after 15 minutes. This mask, thanks to the beneficial properties of rose petals, rejuvenates the skin, fights stretch marks, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

7) For dry skin, rose petal oil is indispensable: place three glasses of dry rose petals in a glass jar, compact well and pour in peach or almond oil so that all the petals are covered, put in a warm place for two weeks, the oil should turn reddish. Wipe your face with this wonderful oil several times a day. The oil cleanses the face well of cosmetics.

I make rose petal oil and add it to all my cosmetics. It is better, of course, to use rose petals grown in the garden or at the dacha; store-bought roses are always treated with something, so they will not bring any benefit.

That's how many uses and beneficial properties rose petals have! I look forward to your comments!

Be happy, beautiful, loved!