Recipes with gelatin for hair. Oily hair mask

From traditional foods you can create the most different recipes for cosmetic purposes. So gelatin was not bypassed by fans of all kinds of products prepared from kitchen stocks. Gelatin hair mask is a simple and affordable alternative to several expensive salon procedures at once.

If we analyze the numerous reviews of hair masks with gelatin, then most of them confirm the effectiveness and relevance of this method of restoring hair health. Negative opinions are associated, as a rule, with the wrong proportions and technology for applying the substance.

The mask is able to restore shine, strength and volume of curls due to the presence in gelatin of substances such as natural collagen, protein and B-group vitamins. If you add to the standard gelatin hair mask recipe, then beneficial features expand significantly.

Important! Gelatin is natural and vegetable, and the second began to be obtained not so long ago from various algae and fruits. The vast majority of hair masks include animal gelatin.

The gelatin mask is also able to add shine to the hair, cope with any imperfections and damage. Very well, this tool is suitable for thinned curls. The mask is able to solve many problems that lead to unsatisfactory hair quality:

  • relieves brittleness;
  • helps to eliminate the consequences of improper staining;
  • makes hair obedient, after applying the mask it is easier to style and comb it;
  • gives the strands softness.

The use of a gelatin hair mask allows you to achieve a sustainable healing effect. This component is also suitable for home lamination.

Lamination - giving hair shine and volume. In professional salons, special vegetable resins are used for this procedure. Gelatin is similar to these resins in its effect. It completely envelops each hair and creates a protective film that does not wash off for a long time. But home lamination is required more often than salon lamination.

Possible harm to a gelatin mask

If this is your first time trying a particular gelatin hair mask recipe, don't apply it all over your hair all at once. Use a small amount of product on the strands at the back, because due to individual characteristics, the mask can be harmful:

  • sometimes gelatin masks damage and break off the ends of the hair;
  • in some cases, the opposite result is observed - the hair becomes dull and stiff;
  • if lumps form during the use of the mask, it is very difficult to comb them out of the curls in the process of washing it off;
  • an itchy and burning sensation may occur if the gelatin has been absorbed into the skin;
  • there are situations when, after using gelatin, the hair roots become unpleasantly greasy.

There were also such cases when gelatin masks led to the loss of curls.

Choosing the Right Gelatin

For a quality procedure, you will need gelatin that meets the following rules:

  1. When buying, choose gelatin labeled "instant".
  2. Give preference to white gelatin (unfortunately, it is not available in every store).
  3. The optimal form of gelatin is pressed plates.

Mask application technology

Proper application of a gelatin hair mask requires care and practice, although the process itself is usually quite simple:

  • apply the prepared product as close as possible to the scalp, but do not touch it, it is advisable not to touch the hair roots;
  • after applying the active substance, be sure to put on a cap, wrapping it with a towel;
  • warm the mask with hot air using a hair dryer for 10 minutes;
  • do not keep gelatin on curls for more than an hour.

How to wash off gelatin?

As a result of the use of a gelatin hair mask, a very thin film is formed, which must be preserved during the rinsing process:

  • hot water can wash off the film, so you need to rinse your hair with cool liquid;
  • before the main flush, you need to collect some water in a basin, then dip your head into it and hold for 2-3 minutes;
  • shampoo can not be used, as it washes away the beneficial substances included in gelatin.

After using the mask, the hair can be dried with a hairdryer, it is allowed to use cosmetics for styling. And remember that the effect of the gelatin mask lasts only until the next shampooing. But you need to apply recipes for hair masks with gelatin no more than once a week so that the curls are not used to the action of the substance.

Precautionary measures

  1. During the preparation of the active ingredients, boiling of gelatin should not be allowed.
  2. Apply the product with gentle distributing movements in circular manipulations from the roots, you can not rub the active substances into the hair, roots and skin themselves.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that no lumps appear during the dissolution of gelatin.
  4. If there are no results after the first application of the gelatin hair mask recipe, you may have a medical condition that requires a different approach to the restoration and treatment of curls.

Tip: when adding other ingredients to gelatin, watch the temperature difference. Do not mix too cold and hot components.

The best recipes for masks with gelatin

Any mask can be prepared at home. There are a variety of recipes, both for healthy and damaged curls, as well as for hair, which in its essence has never been distinguished by excellent health and beauty. With a competent approach to the use of masks, impressive results can be achieved, but it is still not recommended to abuse gelatin.

The most popular gelatin hair mask is prepared according to a recipe that includes a minimum of ingredients. It helps to get rid of brittleness, gives volume and shine, as close as possible in results to salon lamination:

  1. To recreate the recipe, you need 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 2 tbsp. l. shampoo or conditioner that you use regularly, plus 4 tbsp. l. ordinary water.
  2. The main active ingredient - gelatin - is poured with water at room temperature and left for 30 minutes if you chose gelatin without the inscription "instant". Such a substance does not require pre-soaking.
  3. Before applying the substance, rinse the curls, dry with a towel and a hairdryer. The optimal hair moisture content is 50-60%.
  4. Gelatin must be dissolved over low heat, remembering to stir constantly so that no lumps are formed.
  5. Then the resulting liquid gelatin is filtered and mixed with the conditioner until the components are completely combined.
  6. Apply the mask to the hair with a brush.
  7. Withstand an hour and wash off, following the advice.

It is on this recipe for a hair mask with gelatin that reviews are most common. Pay Special attention on the fact that the mask should be applied once a week for no longer than 2 months.

Recipe for Shiny and Soft Hair

To restore softness to hard hair, fill it with shine and strength, you can use a unique recipe for a gelatin hair mask, which includes regular henna:

  • To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of mustard powder, the same portion of colorless henna and one egg yolk, as well as a teaspoon of gelatin.
  • For the perfect recipe, dissolve and prepare the gelatin according to package directions.
  • It is necessary to cool gelatin to 60-70 degrees so that it does not turn into ordinary jelly.
  • Dry henna and mustard are mixed with each other, then the yolk is diluted in them.
  • Combine all components together with gelatin and quickly mix until completely homogeneous.
  • Keep this mask on your hair for an average of 20-30 minutes.

Recipe for hair volume

The mask is great for thin and thin hair that has lost volume or did not have it by nature. The recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum of ingredients:

  • One egg yolk and 1-2 tbsp. l. gelatin (for long strands - more, for short ones - less).
  • Prepare gelatin according to the instructions and cool slightly.
  • Add yolk. The temperature of the gelatin should be such that the yolk does not curl from the heat.
  • Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes and wash off.

Tip: add a little conditioner to 2-3 liters of water with which you will wash off the mask, but do not use a concentrated substance in the usual way. The conditioner diluted in water will not harm the resulting gelatinous film.

Recipe for hair growth

You can enhance the effect of the gelatin mask with the help of yeast. They also nourish curls:

  • To 1 tbsp. l. yeast add 3 tbsp. l. ordinary kefir of medium fat content.
  • Wait for the yeast to react with kefir.
  • Prepare gelatin according to the recipe, 1 tbsp. l. substances are mixed with the resulting yeast.
  • Add to the mixture 1 tsp. oils of vegetable origin and the usual conditioner.
  • You can keep this recipe on your hair for up to 40 minutes.

Yeast in combination with oil actively nourishes the curls and saturates them with a complete complex of vital vitamins.

Recipe for bleached hair

On the Internet, there are often reviews on a hair mask with gelatin, which talk about its bad effect on lightened curls - dullness appears, the shade worsens. To protect your hair from such exposure, combine gelatin with essential oils, the best honey, and a small amount of vegetable oil:

  • Prepare 20 g of gelatin by pouring 0.5 cups of water or other amount indicated on the package.
  • Add the yolk and a spoonful of honey to the cooled gelatin, mix.
  • Then pour in 3 drops of any essential oil, useful for blond hair (lemon, grapefruit or rose, for example).
  • Add 3 tablespoons of burdock oil and mix well.
  • The resulting mixture is kept for 1 to 2 hours.

The mask will help eliminate dryness, strengthen hair, relieve them of brittleness.

Recipe for oily hair

A recipe for a gelatin mask, which includes ordinary table vinegar, will help get rid of excess oily hair. Remember, this recipe is best for light hair, as the vinegar can dissolve the pigment. Cannot be used on dyed curls:

  • Brew 1 tbsp. l. gelatin according to the instructions and let it cool a little.
  • Add the yolk to the prepared base and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour in 4 tbsp. l. table vinegar and add a spoonful of regular shampoo.
  • It is necessary to withstand such a mixture for no more than 15 minutes so that the vinegar does not begin to destroy the hair structure.

Nutritious Gelatin Recipe

Natural herbs, for example, green tea or nettle for dark hair and chamomile for light hair, give a special vitamin nourishment to the hair. Prepare a recipe for a mask with gelatin for hair as follows:

  • To 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, diluted in the required amount of herbal decoction according to the instructions, add a small spoonful of honey and ½ tsp. olive oils.
  • The ingredients are mixed and applied to the curls, kept for 60 minutes.

Use this mask only on thoroughly washed hair.

Recipe for normal hair

To prepare a gelatin mask, you need a little vegetable or fruit juice:

  • 1 st. l. gelatin diluted in 3 tbsp. l. juice.
  • Apply to hair and hold in the range of 30 to 40 minutes.

Brunettes may prefer carrot or apple juice, while blondes are ideal for lemon juice.

Recipe for smoothness and health

Milk is a unique ingredient that can be used with gelatin to different type hair. Additionally, vitamin A is used in the recipe, which enhances the effect of the mask. As a result of its use, the curls are charged with health, become smooth, but elastic, and also acquire an attractive sheen:

  • 1 st. l. gelatin diluted in 3 tbsp. l. milk and heated.
  • Add a vitamin A capsule or 8-10 drops from a bottle to the cooled mixture.
  • Keep the mask on the head for up to 30 minutes.

For a full course of treatment, it is necessary to apply this mask for at least 2 months at least 1 time per week. As a result, the hair will become much stronger and acquire a healthy appearance, and their density can increase by 1.5-2 times.

Moisture Recipe

Dry hair is ideal for a gelatin hair mask recipe with regular glycerin. It actively moisturizes the curls, restores their normal structure and strengthens them well:

  • To prepare gelatin, use the standard recipe with water.
  • Then mix 1 part of the resulting solution with 2 parts of glycerin and dilute it all with 1 part of the conditioner and the same portion of olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture for half an hour.
  • Rinse off normally without using shampoo.

Recipe for powerful hair strengthening

If your curls have lost volume and health, then give them liveliness with a gelatin hair mask with pharmacy activated charcoal:

  • For 1 st. l. prepared with water gelatin, take 3-4 tablets of coal.
  • Mix thoroughly and keep on hair for up to 1 hour.

Keep in mind that activated charcoal has a powerful coloring effect, so it should only be applied to dark hair. It can also be used on colored hair.

No matter how attractive and detailed the reviews for gelatin hair masks are, always pre-test on one strand before using the recipe. Don't forget about important point that each organism has special characteristics, each process takes place in everyone with different characteristics, and even the most popular gelatin mask may not suit you. Follow the recommended proportions of recipes, and then the result of applying the mask will definitely not harm your hair.

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Unfortunately, bad ecology, unhealthy foods and a constant lack of vitamins affect both health and appearance. Most of all, in this case, suffer hair. They become dry and brittle, devoid of shine. Salon procedures and professional cosmetics, of course, can help in solving this problem, but they often do not have enough time or money. Therefore, in this article we will consider the importance of ordinary gelatin for hair.

Gelatin for hair - benefits

This simple product contains a large amount of protein (vegetable or animal origin), B vitamins and collagen.

The above components are indispensable components for healthy hair, and their effect is manifested not only during external procedures, but also due to the intake of gelatin inside.

How does gelatin affect hair?

Due to the high protein content, gelatin has a strengthening effect on the hair roots. Thus, the hair follicles are not destroyed, and their life span becomes much longer. Therefore, the hair stops falling out, and the intensity of their growth increases.

Collagen is an indispensable substance for dry and dull hair. It fills the voids in the hair shaft and glues the scales, so that the hair looks healthy and shiny. It is worth noting that collagen is able to revive even severely split and dull tips.

B vitamins are especially beneficial for the scalp. They increase local immunity, protecting against various diseases, such as dandruff and seborrhea. It is the poet who has long practiced hair treatment with gelatin in folk medicine. In addition, vitamin B protects the scalp from drying out, maintains a natural water and acid balance.

Is gelatin bad for hair?

This product does not pose any danger if procedures are used with it within reasonable limits. Naturally, daily gelatin masks are not recommended, like any other. This is too much stress on the hair, due to which they can weaken even more and fall out. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Gelatin for hair growth - masks

Hair mask with gelatin for their growth:

  • in a deep glass bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of the product with water in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • heat the mixture in a water bath or in a microwave, stirring occasionally, until the gelatin is completely dissolved;
  • apply the resulting warm mass to the hair;
  • After 15 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with running cool water.

Hair mask with egg yolk and gelatin for hair growth and strengthening:

  • melt the gelatin until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • in equal proportions mix dry mustard powder, gelatin and colorless henna. It is usually enough to take 1 teaspoon of each ingredient;
  • add 1 egg yolk to the mass and mix everything well;
  • Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature.

Home lamination of hair with gelatin - recipe:

Washing hair with gelatin

It is very easy to prepare a health-improving hygiene product with this product. You just need to mix liquid gelatin with your favorite shampoo and dilute it a little with boiled water.

Thanks to the regular use of gelatin, the hair becomes shiny and healthy in about 3 weeks.

Gelatin is an excellent tool for hair, it gives it a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Since the chemical basis of this substance is collagen, the main connective protein of the human body, gelatin restores hair in a natural way. It envelops each hair and protects it from the harmful effects of external factors, and also regenerates the natural structure of the hair.

Home lamination of hair with gelatin

Hair lamination is one of the restorative procedures for hair. Gelatin lamination is done at home. A special mixture based on edible gelatin is applied to the hair, which envelops them along the entire length. After the procedure, they grow faster, their structure is restored and their lively shine returns. Lamination is also done by owners of curly hair - after the procedure, the hair becomes obedient and strengthened.

Gelatin mixture for lamination is easy to prepare. To do this, a tablespoon of dry edible gelatin is diluted in three tablespoons of warm water. If the hair is long or thick, you can make more of the mixture, but the proportions must be observed. For the normal consistency of the mixture, you need three times more water than gelatin. Then the composition is left for half an hour or more to swell. If the mixture does not become homogeneous, lumps remain, then it is heated in a water bath until a slurry is formed, with a consistency like thick sour cream. The main thing is not to bring the mixture to a boil. In order not to burn the scalp and not damage the hair, the cooled composition should be applied. If the packaging indicates a different method of diluting gelatin, you must use it, but at the same time observe the proportions necessary for lamination.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair well with shampoo and rinse with conditioner, you can apply a softening balm or mask. Hair gets wet easily terry towel but do not dry. The gelatin mixture is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots. Then wrap with cling film or put on a plastic cap, and cover with a natural towel on top. You can gently warm the hairline with a hairdryer on a towel for a quarter of an hour so that the gelatin penetrates better into the hairs. After another half an hour, the gelatin mixture should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and leave the hair until it dries naturally.

The result of such lamination depends on the individual characteristics of the hair, but, without a doubt, if used correctly, the procedure will be effective. You can repeat gelatin lamination every two weeks, but you should not do the procedure for a long time. Before the procedure, you should make sure that there are no allergies or contraindications.

Mask with gelatin for hair

On the basis of edible gelatin, you can make effective cosmetics for hair - masks that not only restore hair, but also accelerate their growth. Wash your hair thoroughly before applying the mask. The mask is applied to wet curls for a quarter of an hour, then the hair is wrapped with plastic wrap and a terry towel. If the hair is very damaged, you can heat it over the towel with a hair dryer at low temperature. This will ensure 100% decomposition of gelatin and enhance the effect of the mask. It is not recommended to apply the mask on the roots and on the scalp - it tightens the skin and, with prolonged exposure, can cause peeling.

There are many options gelatin masks, you can add those components that suit a particular type of hair to the gelatin mixture. The basis of such masks should always be gelatin and water in proportions of 1: 3. If food gelatin does not dissolve well, you can heat it in a water bath.

  • The simplest recipe is to dissolve a tablespoon of the product in two or three tablespoons of warm water, and when the mixture becomes a homogeneous gel, distribute it along the entire length of the strands.
  • For oily hair, you can make a mask with egg yolk. To do this, take a tablespoon of gelatin, dry mustard and colorless henna. First, gelatin is poured with warm water, when it is completely dissolved, the rest of the ingredients are added.
  • Apple cider vinegar can enhance the effect. A teaspoon of non-concentrated apple cider vinegar and a few drops of burdock, olive or sage oil are added to the gelatinous mass.
  • You can replace water with freshly squeezed juice of lemon, apple, carrot. Or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Nettle, burdock roots, chamomile, thyme and sage go well with gelatin.

How to wash gelatin from hair

Because the given substance very viscous, you need to use cosmetic gelatin products carefully. Otherwise, the hair will stick together and the scalp will tighten, that is, there will be no positive effect. Washing off the gelatin mixture can take a long time.

In order for the gelatin to be washed off well, you need to properly prepare the mixture. The most important aspect is the homogeneity and consistency of the mixture. If gelatin granules remain in the mask, you should warm it up and stir it so that in the end there are no solid particles left at all. Such a mask is poorly washed off from the hair even if it is too thick. The base gelatin gruel should have a consistency similar to thick fatty sour cream or gel. The mask can be beaten a little, but so that a continuous foam does not form. If needed, you can add warm water to it. A poorly mixed mask will stick the hairs together and fall off.

If the hair is curly or naughty, then you can add a few drops of balm to the gelatin mixture - this will facilitate rinsing.

It is recommended to ensure that the gelatin does not harden on the hair: for this you need a plastic wrap and a natural towel over the hair. Rinse off such a mask with warm water without shampoo until there is no mixture left on the hair at all. Then the curls are rinsed with cool water.

Finally, a balm can be applied to the hairline or rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs. It is not recommended to dry your hair with a hair dryer. To remove the remnants of the gelatinous mask, dry hair is combed with a fine comb.

The benefits of gelatin for hair

Ordinary edible gelatin is a storehouse useful substances for hair. The whole secret lies in its structure and chemical composition. This substance is synthesized from an animal product, less often from a vegetable product, that is, gelatin is completely natural. Therefore, hair perceives cosmetics based on this product well.

The main structural element of gelatin is collagen, a connective protein. It works on both the scalp and hair. Collagen penetrates well into tissues and replaces missing or damaged cells, thus, collagen strengthens and restores hair and skin. A feature of collagen, which is part of gelatin, is its size. Regular collagen molecules are too large to penetrate directly into cells. But gelatin contains hydrolyzed protein, which is much smaller than regular collagen. That is, it is already at one of the stages of decomposition, and the body does not expend energy on additional chemical reactions, but simply "lets" hydrolyzed collagen into the tissues. Due to collagen, hair becomes smooth and elastic, skin properties improve and tissue nutrition is normalized. Collagen works well on strands that have suffered during staining. This protein is involved in restoring the natural color of the hair.

In addition to collagen, amino acids are useful for hair, 18 of which contain gelatin. Most of these amino acids are essential for hair health.

  • Alanine is involved in metabolism, it is very useful for improving tissue metabolism.
  • Arginine has antioxidant properties and accelerates tissue repair.
  • Glycine normalizes intracellular metabolic processes and strengthens capillaries. This amino acid is needed in order to improve the nutrition of the hair and scalp.
  • Glutamic acid normalizes lipid and carbon metabolism, stimulates oxidative reactions, but most importantly, it removes ammonia from tissues and eliminates the negative effects of this substance. Therefore, gelatin is very useful for those who dye their hair.
  • Lysine is an essential amino acid, without which tissues cannot be restored and grow, and enzymes-catalysts are not produced. chemical reactions in tissues. Without lysine, hair will grow slowly, and the effects of damage will be visible for a very long time.
  • Oxyproline is needed for the formation of elastin - a protein that allows tissues to recover, in addition, it makes hair elastic.
  • Proline strengthens the hair structure, together with ascorbic acid takes part in oxidative reactions, that is, proline also improves metabolism.
  • Edible gelatin also contains trace elements that are needed for hairline and scalp - iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

    Thus, in its composition and action, gelatin is an ideal remedy for damaged, dull and weak curls. It intensifies hair growth, protects and strengthens them, improves nutrition, restores shine and natural color hair.

    Harm of gelatin for hair

    Gelatin can be harmful if the mixture is not properly prepared, gelatin masks are used too often, or laminating with gelatin. Hair will become hard, unruly, heavy and bulky, and may fall out if gelatin products are abused. They will also be harmful if the curls are badly damaged and weakened - gelatin compounds can disrupt the protein balance of tissues. It is not recommended to use them if the hair is restored using other means.

    Harmful to the hair are food additives, which are sometimes added by gelatin manufacturers to improve the connecting effect. Therefore, before preparing the mixture, you should carefully study the composition of the product or you can make gelatin at home.

    Gelatin mixtures should be applied very carefully to the scalp: if you leave the mask on the skin, peeling, redness and itching may begin. Usually gelatin has a good effect on the skin, but the mask on the hair does not need to be kept for too long - during this time it tightens the skin and disrupts the water-lipid balance.

    You can harm your hair and skin if you boil the gelatin mixture - then amino acids are destroyed. Also, hot mixture should not be applied to the curls, so as not to get burned.

    Contraindications to the use of gelatin cosmetics are:

    • allergic reactions;
    • violations of water-salt metabolism;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • oxaluric diathesis;
    • exacerbation of skin diseases.

Gelatin is the end product of denaturation (processing) of animal connective tissues.(skin, bones, cartilage, tendons). In other words, it is pure collagen protein. Outwardly, it looks like a viscous and transparent substance, odorless.

But why has regular gelatin earned such wild popularity lately?

The answer is simple. Nowadays, the fashion for natural cosmetics is growing by leaps and bounds. And gelatin, as you know, is an inexpensive and completely natural remedy.

It is sold in absolutely any grocery store. One has only to lend a hand, and here you are holding a bag of powder, which includes a whole range of useful substances: protein, vitamins E and B, minerals and trace elements.

IMPORTANT: Thanks to its rich composition, gelatin cares for hair, improves it appearance and also protects from bad weather and sunlight. Most often, gelatin is used to make masks and create a laminating effect.

How do masks work?

When the mixture is applied to the hair, each individual hair is wrapped in a thin, transparent film. This film not only levels the structure of the hair and fills in all its irregularities, but also has a strengthening and protective effect at the same time.

At the same time, the hair breathes, receives the necessary nutrition and hydration, looks thicker and becomes smoother, at the same time, the film protects it from all harmful environmental influences (sun, wind, cold, dust) for a long time. Masks with edible gelatin will benefit the hair only if they are prepared correctly.

There are several nuances of preparing a homemade mixture:

See more about the preparation and use of gelatin hair mask in the video below:

What is useful?

  • nutrition and hydration of curls;
  • prevention and elimination of collagen and keratin deficiency in the hair structure;
  • smoothing and strengthening hair, giving them a healthy shine;
  • prevention and elimination of split ends;
  • protection from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • hair thickening.

Is there any harm in using it?

Like any care product, a gelatin-based product helps some, and can harm others. Why might this happen? Firstly, if the rules for preparing and applying the mixture described above are not followed. Secondly, with individual intolerance to gelatin.


  1. hair can become too coarse;
  2. in some cases, gelatin is difficult to wash off;
  3. hair gets greasy faster;
  4. the ends of the hair become brittle;
  5. the effect is absent or reversed.


Masks with gelatin do not have hard contraindications. However, there are several limitations to be aware of when using them.:

  • owners of dry and mixed hair need to be careful and keep the product for less than half an hour;
  • Allergy sufferers should first apply a mask on back side palms and only in the absence of allergies apply to the hair;
  • if there are irritations, wounds or inflammations on the scalp, then gelatin should in no case get on the skin.


We figured out what gelatin is, how it is useful for hair and how it works on hair, listed all its pros and cons. Summarize. Is eating gelatin more likely to benefit or harm hair? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because we are all individual and the same remedy for different people can give different effects.

If we turn to opinions about gelatin on third-party Internet resources, we will see a lot of positive reviews about its use for curls, which undoubtedly indicates the popularity and effectiveness of edible gelatin in hair care.

Millions of women have already tried this amazing natural remedy, so can you! Who knows, maybe it is the gelatin mask that will transform your hair!

The article discusses gelatin for hair. We talk about the benefits and harms of the application, methods of use. Applying our recommendations, you will learn how to make various masks with gelatin for hair, as well as how to do home lamination.

Gelatin is a bone glue that has a transparent or yellowish color.

It is produced by long-term cooking of cartilage, bone and joint tissues. In the process of boiling, water evaporates, the resulting solution is cooled, clarified. The resulting thick mass is cut into small pieces, dried. The product is produced in sheet, powder form.

  • glycine;
  • proline;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • protein;
  • vitamins B, E;
  • iron.

Benefits and harms for hair

The benefits of gelatin for hair:

  • elimination of split ends;
  • moisturizing the scalp and hair;
  • elimination of keratin deficiency;
  • restoration of damaged hair.
  • the formation of a dense film, as a result of which the access of oxygen to the hair is reduced;
  • volume loss;
  • weight, stiffness of hair.

How to use

In order for the effect of the use of gelatin to be positive, certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. To dissolve the product, take only warm boiled water.
  2. When heating the product in a water bath, do not allow it to boil. If it does happen, take new components.
  3. Avoid the formation of lumps when dissolving gelatin. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to comb them out after applying the mask.
  4. In the composition of masks for oily hair, in addition to the main component, protein, lemon should be added, for dry hair - yolk, fatty dairy products.

How to apply

Rules for applying a gelatin mask:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo before applying the composition.
  2. Prepare the mask just before using it.
  3. Use only chilled gelatin, otherwise it will be difficult to apply.
  4. Apply the composition to the entire length of the strands, except for the roots.
  5. Insulate your head if you wear a mask for more than 60 minutes.
  6. Do not use the mask at night, hair with hardened gelatin can become brittle.

How much to keep

It is necessary to keep the mask on the curls from a quarter of an hour to 60 minutes, depending on the desired effect.

Remove the composition from the strands using warm water.

Hair lamination with gelatin

Lamination - a special coating of curls with a protective film. The method makes the strands silky, shiny, healthy.

To get the result, do lamination 2 times a week for 60 days.



  1. Gelatin - 15 gr.
  2. Balm - 20 ml.
  3. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Bring the liquid to a boil, then wait until it becomes warm. Take a container, pour 60 ml of water into it, add gelatin, stir. Let the mixture brew for half an hour, and at this time wash your hair. After 30 minutes, add balm to the mixture, mix.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your hair. Then warm your head with cellophane, a scarf. Wash off the composition after 45 minutes with warm water.

Result: Shiny curls.


Below are reviews of women who did lamination.

Yana, 32 years old

I've done lamination a few times. I have Thin hair, so after the procedure they quickly become dirty. The first few days after the mask, the curls really shine, soft to the touch.

Karina, 48 years old

For several years I have been doing lamination at home, before that I did it in the salon. I will say right away that there is no difference between home and salon. With proper observance of the instructions, the effect is the same as in the cabin. I have thick hair, so before applying the mask, I wash my hair not only with shampoo, but also with conditioner.

Irina, 38 years old

I do lamination before solemn events. It suits me that with a small amount of time spent on preparing and applying the composition, an excellent result is obtained. Curls look healthy, they are easier to comb. I've been doing it for a few years now and have never regretted it. I recommend.

Mask Recipes

In order for the curls to look healthy, elastic and moisturized, it is enough to make 1 mask per week from the following.

Classic recipe


  1. Gelatin - 12 gr.
  2. Water - 40 ml.
  3. Shampoo - 10 gr.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients, wait until the composition swells. After that, place the container in a water bath, heat, stirring constantly. Then add shampoo, mix.

How to use: Spread the mixture on the strands, starting from the top and to the very ends. Wrap your head in cellophane and a scarf, heat with a hair dryer for 15 minutes. Keep the mask on for 45 minutes, remove it using slightly warm water.

Result: Volume, elasticity, silkiness, easy styling.

with egg


  1. Gelatin - 15 gr.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Water - 60 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the main component in water, stir, add the yolk, mix again. Place the composition in a water bath, heat slightly.

How to use: After the mixture has cooled to room temperature, apply it to the entire length of the curls, rinse off after half an hour.

Result: Strengthening the roots.

With honey


  1. Honey - 9 gr.
  2. Gelatin -15 gr.
  3. Water - 60 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the main component in warm water, wait 10 minutes, then add honey to it. Lightly heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to form a homogeneous substance.

How to use: Wait until the composition cools down a bit, then apply it to the entire length of the hair, wrap your head with a scarf. Wash off after half an hour.

Result: Moisturizing hair.

With balm


  1. Gelatin - 10 gr.
  2. Balm - 20 gr.
  3. Water - 60 ml.
  4. Honey - 10 gr.
  5. Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Pour gelatin with water, leave the composition for 15 minutes, then heat it in a water bath so that the grains are completely dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients to the gelatin, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mixture to damp hair, then insulate them with polyethylene, a scarf. Wash off after 60 minutes with shampoo.

Result: Volume, density of hair.

with mustard


  1. Gelatin - 20 gr.
  2. Dry mustard - 10 gr.
  3. Water - 60 ml.

How to cook: Dilute gelatin with water, add mustard, stir.

How to use: Spread the mixture evenly using a comb. Rub some of the composition into the roots of the hair. Wash off the mask after half an hour.

Result: Stimulation of hair growth.

With burdock oil


  1. Gelatin - 15 gr.
  2. P - 5 ml.
  3. Water - 60 ml.

How to cook: Dissolve gelatin in water, add Burr oil, stir, then heat in a water bath.

How to use: Spread the mixture on the strands, rinse after half an hour.

Result: Strengthening hair.

With vitamins


  1. Gelatin - 20 gr.
  2. Vitamin A - 2 ml.
  3. Vitamin E - 2 ml.
  4. Water - 50 ml.

How to cook: Dissolve the gelatin in water, leave the composition for 15 minutes, then heat in a water bath until the particles are completely dissolved. Pour in vitamins, stir again.

How to use: Spread the mixture on your hair, warm it with cellophane, a scarf, wash it off after an hour using shampoo.

Result: Glitter and fast growth hair.

For hair growth


  1. Gelatin - 10 gr.
  2. Henna - 10 gr.
  3. Mustard - 10 gr.
  4. Egg - 1 pc.
  5. Water - 40 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the main component in water, let it swell. In a separate bowl, mix mustard, colorless henna, egg and pour into the gelatin mixture.

How to use: Spread the roots with the resulting mask, the entire length, insulate with polyethylene, a scarf. Wash off after 20 minutes with cool water and shampoo.

Result: Stimulation of hair growth, the appearance of volume, shine.

For dry hair


  1. Gelatin - 20 gr.
  2. Kefir - 60 ml.
  3. Almond oil - 10 gr.
  4. Balm - 10 gr.
  5. Dry yeast - 10 gr.

How to cook: Heat the kefir until it becomes warm, then pour the yeast into it, stir. Wait 20 minutes. Then add the rest of the ingredients, mix.

How to use: Apply the resulting mass evenly on the hair, insulate with cellophane, a towel, rinse after 40 minutes. Perform the procedure twice in 7 days.

Result: Nutrition, strengthening dry strands.

With glycerin


  1. Gelatin - 10 gr.
  2. Glycerin - 10 ml.
  3. Honey - 40 gr.
  4. Salicylic acid - half a tablet.
  5. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute gelatin in water, pour in glycerin, add salicylic acid. Place the mass in a water bath, heat until all components are dissolved. Add honey, stir.

How to use: Apply the mixture on curls, leave for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Result: Softening hard strands, hair density.