Why it can be difficult to get started. How to get a job: answering questions correctly during an interview The interviewer addresses you by name

Every employee has moments of least efficiency when you not only don’t want to do the work, but also don’t have the strength. And the employer, seeing that staff productivity is falling, most often sees the reasons in ordinary laziness, coming up with different ways to stimulate work activity, calling into question receiving bonuses or promotions on the career ladder.

Understanding that it is better not to wait for activating help from their superiors, it is better for employees to learn how to motivate themselves to work productively.

It is useless to reproach yourself for laziness. If you were able to work successfully before, then the reason for suddenly arising work difficulties is not at all your “lazy” character. Laziness can occur even in very hardworking people due to various circumstances. Since the factors of labor “laziness” can be different, the method of dealing with it must be selected depending on your situation.

Everyone has their own laziness and its symptoms.

Physical ailment, illness.

In this case, the psyche tries to save the host’s body from overwork, reducing performance in order to reserve strength to fight the disease. Modern work is so intense that employees often try to come to the organization in any state of health and condition, paying for such dedication by losing the desire to fulfill their duties. Meanwhile, such laziness is an absolutely natural manifestation and is intended for human self-preservation.

What should I do? Get your health in order. Have a good rest. As soon as the body is freed from the disease, laziness will disappear, as if it had never happened.

Fatigue due to excessive overload.

The reluctance to work again saves a person from even greater overexertion. If an employee chose a very strict work schedule for himself, experienced constant time pressure, and did not allow himself to relax for a long time, laziness sets in for him as a natural result of excessive zeal.

What to do? Review your work schedule. Distribute the workload evenly, so that hours of intense work are necessarily accompanied by short rest. Monitor your condition, and if there are signs of fatigue, immediately take a short break from work.

Fatigue is well relieved by resting as an alternative to work. If you work physically, the best way to restore strength is to sit or lie down and calmly drink tea. If you work mentally, then walking in the fresh air, visiting a gym or swimming pool is a good way to relax.

An invigorating drink - green tea - perfectly restores strength to everyone. But coffee and caffeinated drinks, as well as smoking, relieve symptoms of fatigue only for a short time, subsequently increasing it even more.

Misunderstanding of the purpose of the work.

An employee who does not see the end result of his efforts and does not understand what his superiors want from him spends too much mental energy coming up with goals and fear of not achieving them properly. Because of this, he loses interest in activities.

What to do? You just need to clarify the details of the work with your superiors, discuss the end result or difficulties in completing the assigned task. Then brain activity will be aimed only at doing work, and the employee will forget about laziness.

Too complicated and time-consuming work.

When an employee tries to complete all the huge task assigned at once in the shortest possible time, the psyche experiences overload. After all, you have to work a lot, cover and remember too much information.
What to do? Learn to divide the amount of work into parts. Create a time-bound plan for completing the work. Start implementing the points of the plan. Starting with the simplest and most interesting to you, gradually moving to a more complex level.

The problem of understanding the purpose of the work.

This is a problem of work motivation or goal setting. The employee does not see the point in completing the task, either he is forced to do it, or he dreams that his colleagues will complete this task.

What to do? Determine for yourself the need to complete the task. Try to find personal interest in completing the assigned work. For example, this way you can improve your professional level, prove yourself to your superiors, gain useful experience, and so on. Remember that it is important for you to find your personal goal, which does not necessarily coincide with your boss’s arguments.

Weak willpower.

The psyche seems to rebel against the need to complete the task, and the person cannot force himself to take active action.

What to do? We need to start completing the task. After the first step taken, the work will go much easier, and you won’t have to force yourself.

The employee is not confident that he is doing quality work.

The fear that his work will not be to the taste of his boss or colleagues interferes with productive work and causes reluctance to make efforts.

What to do? Stop thinking about trifles. If the boss doesn’t like the result, he will ask you to make changes to the work, and in the future it will be easier for you to understand his requests. You also need to make mistakes; they allow you to learn and develop.

Conflicts at work.

If there is an unhealthy environment in the workplace, then the person’s psyche is overstrained. She tries to adapt to constant conflict resolution and to working under conditions of strict self-control. There is simply no time left to enjoy the work itself.

What to do? Depends on the capabilities of the person. You must either resolve conflicts, or try to stay away from them, or change your workplace. If you join a team where you are valued and your work is valued, laziness will recede, as if it never existed.

Laziness does not appear by chance. Find your reason for your reluctance to work and fight it. Plan your work, enjoy it, develop yourself, relax more, and you will forget about bouts of laziness at work.

After passing the interview, do you find it difficult to evaluate it? suggests paying attention to the signs that most likely indicate a successful interview.

1. Conversations about prospects for further development

If the interviewer tells you what problems the company faces and suggests how they can solve them with your help, this is very valuable. Especially if the emphasis is on the specifics of your personal professional experience.

2. Interest in your job opportunities

If the interviewer asks whether you have already been interviewed at other companies or made you any offers, this indicates that he wants to know what his chances are of getting you as an employee. This also includes the question “How soon can you start working?”

3. The interview takes longer than expected.

Interviews with applicants for a position as an employee of the company are adjusted to the work schedule between other scheduled meetings. If the interview goes quickly, this indicates that the candidate is either not the same or completely different (the latter rarely happens). If the interview lasts longer than planned, this clearly works in your favor.

5. You are given a clear time frame.

If the interviewer ends the interview and says exactly when you should be called back, and in some cases clearly indicates how soon he expects you to complete the test task, this is a good sign.

6. Meet other employees

You can be sure that everything is going great if the interviewer starts introducing you to people who were not supposed to be present at the interview and who are responsible for making decisions.

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Natalya Danilenko 06/02/2015, 17:43

another nonsense... I was especially pleased with “The interviewer is interested in whether you have any recommendations.” As a rule, the resume lists 2 - 3 last places of work; before inviting a person for an interview, it is quite possible to find out his work history yourself.

Daria Nachovnaya, site manager site 06/02/2015, 19:13

Natalya, hello!
Employers say they turn to references at the final stage of approving a candidate to get final confirmation that they have made the right choice. There is no point in doing this earlier until you personally communicate with the candidate during the interview and form your opinion about him.

Alexander Beskorovainy 04/19/2019, 17:04

Or maybe you wrote this out of turn?.. Why don’t you go see a psychotherapist about him?)

Tatyana Kazak 06/02/2015, 19:34

I had the experience of the first, third and sixth points simultaneously. :)
I stopped by for an interview on the way to the dentist, I didn’t expect anything. They started asking about past experience and how I would organize work for them. Then the head of the department called the head of the department. He also asked me around. As a result, they sent me to register with the HR department right after the interview.
After a month of work, I found out that my resume was 50th for this vacancy...

Yaroslav Pastushenko 06/02/2015, 21:16

Item 2 is usually always heard at the first interview with recruiters and does not indicate anything.

Sergiy Karpik 02.06.2015, 22:07

p 2 no one ever asked! not those times! employers are getting really greedy now! They bully people, vacancies hang for 4 months and employers bully people and call them for interviews in vain! We got completely drunk!

It is estimated that the average recruiter spends 15-20 seconds reading a resume. This is why it is so important to correctly present information about you.

In my opinion, even before you start looking for work via the Internet or any other means, you need to make competent resume.

After all, from now on until you get a new job, this document will be your face, your characteristics. And the final result – getting the desired position – will depend on how correctly you present information about yourself in this document.

One of the main principles when writing a resume is brevity. Surely the recruiter is of little interest in what difficult path in life you had to go through before making you happy with your offer;

Stick to it uniform style. Your resume should be in a formal business style, without colloquial phrases or expressions. You should also not use professional and complicated words;

Use action verbs(trained, improved, etc.);

Of great importance resume design. Be sure to highlight headings and indent before the next logical part. You should not make a resume more than 1-2 pages. There is no need to attach a photograph to your resume (unless this requirement is specified in the vacancy);

Never do not write about your weaknesses and health. Oddly enough, It is not recommended to indicate the salary level, which you are counting on. If your candidacy suits the employer, then most likely you will be offered exactly the salary you expect;

Be sure to make resume in English. This will increase your chances of being found by a foreign company.

So, what should be included in a resume?

Contact information
In this block you specify:

Last name, first name, patronymic
Residence address, contact numbers
Date and place of birth
Marital status and


Please indicate which vacancy you are interested in. For example:

Goal: obtaining a position as an advertising specialist


In this block, you write first the main higher education (or several, in the order of receipt) indicating the faculty and time of study, and a little lower - courses and internships.

Described according to the scheme:

Duration of work (month and year of arrival and departure)
Company name
Direction of the company's activities
Job title
Job responsibilities
Number of subordinates (if any)

The last point is extremely important when writing a resume. Try indicate as many numbers as possible. For example, increasing the volume of advertising by 30% or attracting about 400 new partners. Use verbs: conducted, participated, developed, attracted, etc.

If you have a lot of experience and are afraid that you won't fit into a page or perhaps even two, list the work beyond last 10 years.

Additional information

This part reflects the level of computer proficiency (for example, an advanced user) indicating the programs in which you worked, the level of proficiency, and whether you have a driver’s license.


For example, kayaking or reading classic English prose. This block makes your resume different from others.

Of course, it would be good to discuss this issue with your previous management in advance and receive, among other things, their written advice. But, unfortunately, this cannot always be done. In this case, it is better not to include this section in your resume at all.

At the very end of the resume you must indicate when are you ready to start work?.

Remember that a properly written resume is the key to a successful job search.

Your resume should be selling, because even the best specialists will be unemployed if they fail to sell themselves competently.

Your resume should use language that characterizes you as a professional. It should contain facts confirming your professionalism.

Nowadays, successful cases that you have developed in other companies, in other words, a portfolio, are highly valued. For example: − in 2013 I worked there, organized such and such, such and such a result was obtained. Those. Three parameters must always be present - date, fact, and measured result.

If you are a complete beginner, then there is no need to invent anything, write as it is in life, for example: - in 2013, I worked as a telephone dispatcher, received 120 calls per shift, and became the best dispatcher of the enterprise. Even if there were only two of you, write about it.

The best facts from your work life are placed on one page. Well, since the employer is interested in your experience in working on Internet projects, and you are currently taking some kind of training course, feel free to write about it: - I am currently taking such and such a course, studying such and such topics.

The resume must be in PDF format, you prepare it in Word and then convert it to PDF format. Resumes made in graphic format are excellent to read and look.

Your resume must include a photo of you, taken in a strict manner, in business attire, with a friendly expression on your face.

How to write a resume without work experience

Aspiring candidates for remote work will typically need to complete an internship. When writing your resume, don’t be afraid to write that you already know something and can be useful to this company as an intern. Perhaps you will be invited to some project. Of course, this will not be paid, but you will gain experience. While you are not an experienced worker, you will be supervised and guided during your internship. After the internship, you are either hired or you ask for a letter of recommendation.

The purpose of the resume is to pass the casting. Therefore, template resumes are not included here. It is advisable to create a graphic resume, in the form of an image, on the first page of which emphasize your strengths, indicate the vacancy you are interested in, describe your skills, describe your qualities and be sure to confirm your readiness to start working right now.

It is also advisable to add a drop of flattery to your resume, for example, your company interested me in this and that way, I can be useful to you in resolving such and such issues.

After writing your resume, send it to at least 30 companies. According to statistics, at least 3 of them should answer you. If, after sending your resume, you are not invited to an interview, then there are flaws in it: too much or too little information, there are gaps in experience (it’s better not to show them at all), or there are spelling or stylistic errors in the resume.

How to pass an interview correctly

If you like your resume, you will be invited for an interview. As a rule, it takes place via Skype or by phone.

An interview is not only the art of getting a job, but also an opportunity to sell yourself dearly. You need to be prepared for the questions that will be asked of you, and a lot depends on how you answer them.

Employers often ask the following questions:

Why did you leave your previous job? - Under no circumstances should you say that the team is bad or that the boss is a tyrant. It must be said that we have “hit the ceiling”, there are no prospects for growth.

Why do you want to work with us? -I see prospects for growth with decent earnings.

What didn't you like about your previous job? - I didn't like monotony and routine.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? - a very tricky question. Here you need to start with the disadvantages, but be sure to cover them with advantages, for example:I don’t type very quickly, but I sell well, I don’t know English very well, but I communicate quite competently in Russian.

What mistakes did you make at your previous job? - I couldn’t work in Excel, but now everything is fine – I’ve mastered it.

Be prepared to talk about yourself. It should be a short but meaningful story.

Education, age, marital status, presence of children, place of residence. Describe in more detail your work experience in the specialty you are interested in - how many years, in which organizations and with whom you worked. It is very interesting to add moments of career and professional growth.

Describe the main responsibilities of your last job.

Dwell in more detail on matters that will overlap with work in the desired place. Achievements and rewards, the path up the career ladder. Show how much you like this particular activity.

Explain the reasons for leaving your previous job. Only obvious reasons. For example, moving an office to a new location that is inconvenient to get to, going on maternity leave.

Why did this vacancy interest you? - Ease of use.

In what mode are you ready to work? - It is worth considering in advance how much time you can devote to work and on what days. Tell your employer about this in detail. If it is possible to devote 8 to 12 hours a day to work, then the expected level of earnings will be significantly higher.

What do you expect from this work? − Stability, permanence, professional development, specified level of income.

How long do you plan to work with us? − Tell me honestly about your plans - for example, 2 years before the end of maternity leave. However, if we are talking about several months, it is better not to talk about it - every employer dreams of permanent, not temporary employees.

When can you start working? − The ideal answer is any time, tomorrow, as soon as possible. If there are real reasons to delay starting work, then you should be honest about them. If you need time to think about a proposal, say so directly.

When you are interviewing, you need to ask questions that interest you here and now.

Ask questions about your responsibilities:

“What exactly will I do?” At this time, you can make notes in a notebook - this will emphasize your efficiency and seriousness of intentions.

Be sure to ask about the specifics of the work and payment, and the possibility of shifting the work schedule.

Be sure to ask about company ethics. This may not be important for you, but for the employer it is flattering. Ask - how many people are in the team? How is it customary for a team to congratulate each other? etc.

Feel confident and everything will work out!

You opened and closed the window several times, brewed coffee four times, looked in the mirror, checked your email again and social networks again. There, someone posted a video with a newborn panda - they watched it, liked it, and then from this video they jumped on the link to another video and spent another 40 minutes watching everything that the World Wide Web could offer you about pandas. What's going on with you? Why have you been rushing between all these meaningless things for three hours already? And you just need to do some work, and the deadline is tomorrow.

Whatever popular wisdom advises about how wrong it is to put things off, we all do it and suffer greatly from it. Even if we know that the task to be done will take 40 minutes, we may spend several hours beforehand trying to force ourselves to start.

Then, when time is really running out, we begin to get nervous and hate ourselves for not starting earlier.

We swear to ourselves that this is the last time and from tomorrow a new life will begin in which we will not postpone anything, but everything repeats itself again, turning into a circle of wasted hours, feelings of guilt and work that we did much worse than we could because we didn't have enough time for it. No matter how difficult the situation may seem, procrastination (which is what psychologists call the tendency to endlessly procrastinate before getting down to business) can be fought. Like this:

1. Make a to-do list. Firstly, you will immediately understand how much time it will take to complete them, and secondly, you can deceive yourself like a child. Don't really want to do the job under point 1? Well, okay, make the one that is item 2. No, you say, the one that is the first item is urgent. Exactly. It’s urgent, you need to start with it, but you can’t force yourself to start and you’ve already looked through all the pandas on the Internet. But instead of arguing, you could have done the matter under point 2, and you would have one less thing left to do.

Not to mention the fact that the remorse from pandas is incomparably greater than the feeling of guilt from the fact that something has been done, even if it is not the most important thing.

2. Set yourself realistic deadlines. If the schedule does not match your capabilities, you will quickly fall out of it. It's like juggling balls: if you drop one, you get desperate and scatter the rest. Give yourself a little more time than you need for each task - this way you will have the feeling that you have planned everything correctly, are on schedule, and in general you are doing well.

3. If the task is big and heavy, break it down into small pieces. and write it all down in subparagraphs. We often cannot bring ourselves to get down to work because it seems overwhelming to us. And believe me, it’s better to start and do half than not start at all. But here, too, the folk wisdom about eyes that are afraid and hands that do things is usually right. No matter how difficult the task, starting is always unbearable, but if you start, you will surprise yourself and probably even finish.

4. Before you start, look at your watch. It’s eight o’clock in the evening, but you need an hour to get things done? Imagine that it is already nine o'clock in the evening and you have done what you were supposed to do. Imagine how good you will feel, how proud you will be of yourself, and how nice it will be to lie down in bed for the first time in a week and not hate yourself in it for again not doing anything that day.

5. Stop being afraid. In addition to the fear associated with the fact that the task seems overwhelming, there is a much stronger fear: we think that we cannot cope, and therefore we put it off. “No, I’m not in the right mood today.” “No, I’m too tired today.” “No, I won’t do well.” “No, I’ll put it aside.” All this is not treated with the most pleasant medicine, but that’s what medicine is for.

Tell yourself the truth. Better than you can do this particular task, you still won’t do it. That is, tomorrow, no matter how much you want it, you will not wake up a more talented person than you were today.

Tomorrow you will not be smarter than you are today. So you can calmly get the job done today—it won’t be better tomorrow.

6. Don't forget to reward yourself. You spend months, maybe even years, berating yourself for constantly putting things off. Like any punishments, this, naturally, did not help, because punishments do not correct behavior at all, but only teach them to hide it. You are not a child for a long time, and you don’t need to hide anything from your parents (well, that is, you need to, but that’s the topic of another article), but admit it: you have long become a great master in the ability to outwit yourself. Promise to improve starting tomorrow, start a new life on Monday, get to work on time next time - yes, you could get a black belt in this. Try the opposite tactic. First of all, we don't beat ourselves up anymore. We just praise. They didn’t do it - well, they didn’t do it. We live on.

But if you have already done it, you definitely need to receive some kind of reward. For a big undertaking, you can promise yourself some big gift, but you shouldn’t forget to encourage small successes.

For example, you promised yourself a cup of tea as soon as you finish one item. By the way, this will simultaneously solve the problem that you constantly jump up from the table. Now you can only go into the kitchen after something small is done. Previously, for some reason, the desire to drink tea seemed sacred to you. So, nothing will happen to you if you drink tea not now, but in half an hour, when the job is done. Turn it into a reward that must be earned through work.

7. And of course, the Internet is the enemy of any work. Admit it, turning it off is useless. Firstly, it is often needed for work, and secondly, as soon as you turn it off, all your thoughts are occupied by the question of whether someone wrote you a letter.

And in general, a disconnected Internet becomes the center of the universe and there is no way to concentrate on anything else.

Stop fighting the Internet as the enemy. Don't turn it off. Turn it into a reward (see point 6). You'll think much less about it if it's on than if it's off. Set a beep on your email so it beeps when a letter arrives - this way you will no longer have a reason to check it manually. And social networks - well, what can you do? If they bother you, you are obviously too attached to them. But now we don’t have time to wean you off this drug addiction—it’s worth it.