Peony flower meaning. You are here: Peonies according to Feng Shui and their meaning. The main meanings of peonies from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Talking about peony, it should be noted the versatility and brightness of this flower. It leaves no one indifferent, and there is no consensus in the world regarding its origin and meaning.

"Artist's corner and red peonies" Maria Sapego

Peony is one of the symbols of longevity. The inhabitants of Hellas firmly believed in its miraculous properties, the ability to ward off evil spirits, and therefore, from infancy, they hung beads made from pieces of peony roots around their children’s necks.

These criminals, who went against the injustice of a corrupt government, were covered in only figurative tattoos, including lions, tiger, dragons, koi carp, and peonies, among other symbols. The peony, as previously seen in the paragraph on the history of this beautiful flower, is a species of Asian origin and is more specifically associated with Japan and China. In these countries there is also a strong connection with flowers, which, in addition to being processed in many areas with care and precision, are a true cult, rich in tradition and symbolism.

Where does this wonderful one come from? flower? It is believed that the name "peony" is derived from the Greek term paionios, which means "medicinal healing". However, there is another version associated with the ancient Greek myth about the doctor Peone, who healed the god of the underworld Hades himself after his fight with the mighty Hercules. Peon's mentor, the god of healing Asclepius, was jealous of his student's gift and planned to poison him. Peon, having learned about the impending revenge, began to pray to the Greek gods for intercession, and they, deciding to thank the famous doctor, turned him into a flower.

The meaning of peony in Europe

Chinese flowers and Japanese flowers are very famous as iconography and are studied by many artists and design enthusiasts and are often reproduced when oriental jewelry is to be made. Peony flowers in particular are among the most represented species in Chinese and Japanese painting, due to their high symbolic value. Another area in which the peony is widely used is in tattoos, in which the peony ends up being often one of the main subjects or a decorative element of many oriental style tattoos.

In this way, Peon was able to escape from imminent death and, apparently, it was no coincidence that he earned his next name - “evading peony,” as it is called in botany.

However, these are not all versions of the origin flower. It is also believed that the peony comes from the small town of Paeonia in Thrace, where it grows literally everywhere.

Let's briefly mention some myths about them.

It is important to know the specific planting needs of our plants so that they can grow to their full potential and see them shine in all their beauty. One thing should not be underestimated is the impact: each species needs special climatic conditions, specific soil and from the rays of sun or shade to develop to the best.

The ideal show for peonies is full sun or partial shade. In northern regions, the brightest and warmest positions are highly recommended. In southern regions, a somewhat shaded environment will help preserve flowers and leaves longer. Firstly, there is actually a risk of burning and drying in the fields.

Ancient Romans peony was associated with pomposity, complacency and pride. Even known the legend of the peony, who tried to outdo the rose, and the goddess Flora. Flora, having decided to go on a long journey, took care to leave an assistant in her place. She called floral council, where representatives of all colors arrived. Only the rose was late. When she appeared, everyone present was fascinated by her beauty and luxury, and chose a rose as her assistant. Peony, who believed that he was superior to the rose in all respects, began to object and puff up, trying to amaze everyone with his size. The goddess Flora could no longer bear his protests and, getting angry, called him a stupid and proud flower, which, for its complacency, will forever remain fat and puffy, and not a single butterfly will touch it with a kiss, not a single shoulder will take honey from it, not a single girl will not collect it in a bouquet and pin it to your chest. The ashamed peony blushed deeply and remained scarlet forever.

For practical purposes, two types are distinguished. Herbaceous peonies: the most common and economical. The air part, upon the arrival of dry autumn, completely disappears in winter. The corolla falls in shades of pink, red and white flowers. Shrub peonies: They are bushes with woody branches. Their growth is quite slow, but they can reach 2 feet in height for 2 in diameter.

Flowers are available in pink, red, white and yellow. Shrubs are afraid of cold winds, which can lead to dryness and slow growth of branches. If we live in the Central North, then we prefer a sheltered location, placing the plant against a south-facing wall or surrounded by other plants, perhaps with permanent foliage. However, some deficiencies may be caused by high temperatures and prolonged drought. Especially in the southern regions, it is good to cure the soil so that it always remains fresh, and choose a slightly shaded position in the summer season.

Flora's curse had no effect - peonies bloom beautifully and attract bees, and how beautiful and majestic bouquets of peonies are!

The majesty of the peony is also celebrated in the East, namely in Ancient China . The popularity of the peony in China is explained by its meaning. In China peony- a symbol of nobility and wealth. Every person who has achieved power should plant peonies in his garden. This one is truly royal flower presented to both friends and ambassadors from other countries as a symbol good wishes and well-being.

The meaning of red peonies according to Feng Shui

In this regard, peonies are quite tolerant. To get the most out of them, it is important to put them in deep, fresh and above all rich organic matter. This will stimulate growth and abundant flowering. Irrigation. The soil should always remain cool, especially in the spring. If the land is suitable for this season, interventions will not be indispensable, except in cases of prolonged drought. We wait for the leaves to fall before we spray. We look at young specimens, especially those in bushes, with great attention.

It happens in China the legend of incredibly skillful and loving flowers a gardener who managed to develop a new variety of peony. However, the flower did not appeal to the noble prince, who began to destroy all the gardener’s achievements, causing him, completely mad, to beat the prince with a stick. As in any fairy tale, there is a fairy here who managed to restore all the gardener’s flowers with a wave of her magic wand. The disgraced prince ordered the gardener to be executed and the garden razed to the ground, but then the peonies growing in the garden turned into beautiful girls. The beauties waved their hands, and a gust of wind carried the prince to the mountains, where he crashed. People, fascinated by this spectacle, released the gardener, and he grew beautiful flowers in his garden for a long time.

Peonies love rich soil in organic matter. To create and maintain these conditions, it is ideal for spreading, during November abundant manure is scratched at the base of objects. In addition to protecting the roots from the cold, they will penetrate and make the area vital.

Growing and pruning peonies

In the spring we can add a few pots of slow release granular fertilizer to flowering plants to shed it with a little plumage. Peonies are fairly self-contained plants and their maintenance is very limited. Let's only intervene in the spring to eliminate any diseased or dead branches. For the herbaceous peonies: When they reached almost their final size in the spring, we set up the educators and joined the whole bush. This will help keep the plant compact and pleasant even after heavy rains. Remove the flowers by hand when dry and give the bush a nice rounded appearance. Before winter, we cut the stems about 3 cm from the ground.

Many centuries have passed, but to this day, peony is one of the most regal flowers that looks great both in the garden and in a bouquet.

Love is the most great feeling, which only exists in our world, and almost all people without exception strive to experience it. How many noble deeds have been committed by humanity in the name of love, how many novels and poems have been written, poems composed and songs sung - you can’t count them. Love and hate are two borderline emotions one step apart, and, of course, each of us prefers to experience the first. In the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, there are many methods for attracting love and loving relationships. Feng Shui symbols such as flowers have incredible properties that can bestow a person with all sorts of joys in life: good mood, good health, mutual love, and harmony in the home. Such beautiful flowers as peonies according to Feng Shui contribute to the emergence of a romantic mood, passion, mutual love and attractions. The meaning of peonies according to Feng Shui is known for their ability to awaken the most incredible, bright and warm feelings in a person, to arouse ardor and give a romantic mood.

Peony meaning: settlement

We can expect that they are empty inside and that the plant has restored all its vital substances. Peony roots do not like to be manipulated. We only separate samples when absolutely necessary. They can live well for 20 years without being affected. This is preferable for autumn, but for shrubs even in late winter.

For herbaceous peony. It is good to dig deeper and prepare them at the bottom of a thick drainage layer. We mix the extracted soil with a small amount of mature manure. The roots should be very superficial, covering no more than 3 cm of the substrate. Ancient Chinese art helps to attract flows of positive energy into our lives and direct them towards the goal.

If you want to feel “butterflies in your stomach”, as in your youth, and awe from the gaze of a loved one, then according to Feng Shui, peonies are just that mysterious symbol that will allow the space around you to vibrate with molecules of love and spread bliss around. It is highly recommended to decorate the interior of your home with peonies (both real flowers and their images) for those people who dream of meeting their soul mate, and also strive to build strong partnerships that bring benefit and development. For single girls who tend to suffer from loneliness, Feng Shui experts recommend getting a bouquet of peonies or a beautiful painting depicting these fluffy flowers, placing it in the bedroom - the place that is most directly related to partnership and personal life. According to Feng Shui, peonies in the bedroom will help married couples strengthen their union and breathe freshness into the relationship, even if over time the feelings have dulled a little or even almost completely disappeared. By hanging a picture of peonies over Feng Shui (peonies or pink flowers are especially good in this regard), expect a new wave of sensations in relationships, an explosion of passion and the awakening of awe towards your partner, as well as getting rid of various complexes in bed and clarifying unclear moments in relationships.

How to properly use the hidden energy of peonies according to Feng Shui theory

To attract money, activate the wealth zone in your home and office. Let us remind you that material well-being"meets" in the southeast of the room. The first thing to do is general cleaning, because even a small amount of dust or unnecessary objects interferes with the circulation of chi-positive and creative energy. The next step is to choose the main “money” colors - green, black, purple and blue. You don't need to change the wallpaper in the wealth sector or fill the entire space with elements in the right shades.

In addition to the bedroom, Feng Shui paintings with peonies are also ideal for placement in the living room. Images of bouquets of beautiful peonies, especially red, in the bedroom and living room attract happiness to a person in his personal life, will contribute to the growth of attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex and will provide an opportunity to quickly resolve all his problems in his personal life, if any. A painting or even a whole panel large size you can decorate a wall in the living room - a room where we spend a pleasant time, relaxing after a hard day with family and friends, getting together on holidays with friends, making noise and having fun, and also watching romantic films with our lovers - options for spending time in the living room there can be many, but the result should always be the same: pleasant company, a cozy and blissful atmosphere, a lot of light, space, a lot of love, fullness and harmony of qi.

Location of peonies in the house

It is enough to place a cup of the appropriate color, and in it - coins or several banknotes. Some Chinese consider pink to be the “color of money”, so in important negotiations they put on something pink - a tie, a shirt, a scarf, or take an object in this “color” - a pen, a pen, a notepad. You can follow suit and get the right accessory. The main element of wealth is Wood. Water is harmonious with it, so the image of a waterfall or fountain and a living room with small round petals will also increase the money area and make financial income regular and stable.

When choosing the color of peonies, it should be taken into account that in order to attract passion and love, it is best to choose red peonies according to Feng Shui, because the red color is considered a symbol of the manifestation of sensuality, ardor and love vibrations. According to Feng Shui, red peonies will thus contribute to the rapid spread of heart-stimulating chi energy in the home, which will allow every member of the household to inhale the vibrations of love and absorb this wonderful feeling. According to Feng Shui, pink and white peonies have a calmer and more peaceful energy; they will not awaken such passionate feelings as red flowers, but peonies of such delicate shades will attract very interesting meetings and new acquaintances into your life with pleasant representatives of the opposite sex.

Once you provide support for the elements, a talisman will appear. The main symbol of wealth in Feng Shui is a frog sitting on money or holding a coin in its mouth. You may have seen model boats in many of your boss's offices and you probably took them as a sign of young romantic dreams, but that's not the case. In Feng Shui, a sailboat symbolizes the influx of wealth and useful goods. Place the ship in the money sector so that it “floats” inner part rooms and placed 3 Chinese or Chinese red coins on his deck.

There will also be no need for energy “feed” to your wallet. Draw thick Wealth card characters in a small box and place them in your wallet along with a blank note. To attract love, it is recommended to activate the southwest of your home. Ideally, if the bedroom is located in this sector. If not, pay attention to the far right corner of the room where you sleep or spend the most time. In the field of love and marriage, also enter into impeccable order and carefully maintain it.

According to Feng Shui, peonies in a house should be placed in a visible place, preferably on the sunny side, since peonies love light and sun. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a bouquet of real peonies, but you really want to decorate your living space with them, then you can use artificial peonies according to Feng Shui: just put artificial flowers in a vase and place them on a table or near the front door. For owners of private houses, peonies will perfectly decorate the flower beds of the front garden and.

Remove all objects, photographs of the dead, photographs of yourself that you have sealed. Get rid of reminders of past love failures. One of the elements in the love sector is the Earth, so activate this area with what is found or growing in the soil. Place a rhinestone, a ceramic bowl of rice beans, a painting showing a blossoming twig of a plum or an apple. The second element of personal happiness is Fire. You will need red heart candles to place in the love and marriage area and burn them from time to time.