Olga Zaitseva: I have a luxurious life, but I have forgotten how to do pull-ups. Olga Zaitseva: “The current generation is lost

The athlete was born in Moscow and began skiing following the example of her older sisters, Oksana and Elena. Zaitseva switched to biathlon at the age of 16 and three years later she was among the candidates for the Russian national team.

In Zakopane, Poland, in 2001, she won the Universiade in the relay, and in the same year she became second in the relay at the European Championships, which was held in France.

Zaitseva's first coach was Svetlana Nesterova, but later she began training under the guidance of her sister Oksana Rocheva.

In the same 2001, Zaitseva made her debut in the World Cup. She was immediately included in the squad for the Games in Salt Lake City. Nevertheless, the first pancake came out lumpy - in the individual race the Russian woman took only 37th place.

The coaches didn't have to wait long. Already in 2002, Zaitseva won the sprint at the first stage in Ostersund, Sweden and finished second in the pursuit race. This allowed her to join the relay team, which then took bronze.

By the age of 24, Zaitseva is a full-fledged member of the Russian national team. However, by the end of the first cup season, she lost her form and performed unsuccessfully at the home world championship in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Only at the 2005 world championship, which took place in Hochfilzen, Austria, did the Russian woman win her first medals. She became a relay champion, taking silver in the mixed relay and sprint, as well as bronze in the pursuit. At the end of that season, Zaitseva showed her best result in the overall standings - fourth place.

At the Turin Games in 2006, Zaitseva became the Olympic champion in the relay, but in individual races she could not rise above ninth place.

After the Olympics, Zaitseva married Slovakian Milan Augustin, taking a break to give birth to her child, son Alexander. The Russian returned to the national team at the beginning of the 2008/09 season, which became one of the best in her career. At the World Championships in Pyeongchang, she came third in the sprint and pursuit, and then brilliantly won the mass start. In addition, thanks largely to Zaitseva, the Russian team won the relay race (her partners then were Svetlana Sleptsova, Anna Bulygina and team veteran Olga Medvedtseva-Pyleva).

Zaitseva’s next Olympic season was not a success, as was the case for all Russian sports. However, despite poor form, the 31-year-old athlete, along with three other girls, won one of the three gold medals at the Vancouver Games in the relay.

After the Games in Canada, Medvedtseva ended her career, after Zaitseva she remained the oldest and most titled biathlete of the national team. She began to regularly win personal races at the World Cup. At the same time, Zaitseva was left without medals at three consecutive world championships (2011–2013), and the Russian team was going through hard times, ceasing to win prizes in relay races.

At the Sochi Olympics, the 35-year-old biathlete took 11th place in the pursuit. The second team ran in the relay four, and the Russians unexpectedly performed well, winning silver and losing only to the Ukrainians. However, in the fall of 2017, the International Olympic Committee deprived the Russian team of the Sochi relay award. According to officials, Olga Vilukhina and Yana Romanova violated anti-doping rules. A few days later, Zaitseva was also punished. Her results at the 2014 Games were due to scratches on her doping samples and an abnormally high salt content in her tests for a human. Also, in one of the athlete’s samples taken after the Olympics in Sochi, experts found traces of someone else’s DNA. Zaitseva and her partners at the 2014 Games filed appeals with the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which have not yet been considered.

The history of the Russian biathlon team's sporting achievements is inextricably linked with the name of the famous athlete Olga Zaitseva. One cannot help but admire this legendary biathlete, two-time Olympic champion in the relay, winner of the title “World Champion” three times, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, member of the country’s national biathlon team for 14 years. Olga Alekseevna uses her knowledge, skills and abilities to train the younger generation of biathletes, being the acting head coach of the Russian biathlon team since January 2015.

The champion's childhood

The biathlon star was born on May 16, 1978 in the family of a civil aviation pilot and a preschool teacher living in the main city of the country - Moscow. Alexey Nikolaevich sought to instill in his daughters perseverance and the ability to cope with any difficulties. Courage, excessive ability to work, composure, confidence, calmness are the main components of Olga’s character since childhood. The father of the future champion, who, by the way, has a rank in skiing, promoted a healthy lifestyle and instilled a love of sports. From her mother Alexandra Dmitrievna, the girl passed on an interest in needlework, which later, under the influence of teacher Tatyana Sergeevna Lazareva, manifested itself in a passion for embroidery. Since childhood, Olga has had a love for cats, considering them to be special helpers in relaxing after exercise.

Following the example of her father, Olga became interested in skiing in 1987, while still a student at a secondary school. In 1991, she transferred to the Olympic reserve sports school No. 43, Nesterova S.V. began training the student, and Chukedova E.V. continued. A happy accident, when Olga received an offer to try herself in biathlon due to the lack of a full school team, turned out to be fateful for a young athlete. It took the schoolgirl just a few weeks to learn the basics of shooting and become a participant in competitions in Krasnogorsk, after which Olga went to Perm for the All-Russian Winter Spartakiad. Zaitseva's childhood ended with admission to the Moscow College of Vocational Education and Sports in 1993.

Sports career

The year 1994 was marked by the complete and final transition of the aspiring athlete to biathlon after two years of participation in numerous competitions for which Olga was prepared by her coaches: I.V. Izotov and E.V. Chukedova. From this moment on, Zaitseva (already a master of sports of Russia in biathlon) began training engage Alexander Suslov. Olya’s perseverance, determination and diligence turned her into a certified physical education teacher with a diploma with honors (1996) and a student at the Russian State Academy of Physical Education. This year brings another surprise to Olga: she becomes a member of the country's junior team. Having gone to the World Junior Biathlon Championships in Kontiolahti, Olga Zaitseva becomes the owner of a silver medal. The junior championship in Italy (1997) brings her the title of champion in the team race.

The three nines of the last year of the millennium (1999) become truly symbolic in the athlete’s career growth: she is selected for the second squad of the Russian biathlon team. From this time Olga Zaitseva began her career at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Podolsk. She has enough time for everything - study, training, work.

In 2000, Olga began working in the tax service (category I specialist). With a change of job, a number of other changes occur in her life: Oksana Alekseevna Rocheva (Olga’s sister) becomes the athlete’s coach, the biathlete competes for the Dynamo Central Sports Club. This year Olga is awarded the title of international master of sports.

2001 brings her silver at the European Championship and a well-deserved inclusion in the main team of the national team. In 2002, Olga Zaitseva took part in her first Olympics, where she competed only once - in the individual race - and took 37th place.

A year later, Olga’s occupation changes; with the rank of captain of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation, she exercises control over the circulation of narcotic drugs. The 2003/2004 season brings her to fourth place in the final World Cup rankings.

The athlete’s intensive training in the 2004/2005 season contributed to the achievement of excellent preparation for the World Championship, which became successful and productive: a silver medal in the sprint, a bronze medal in the pursuit race and a top medal in the relay race, the participants of which were, and.

After performing at the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, where the biathlete became an Olympic champion for the first time, she changed her marital status (became a wife and mother). The disqualification of Ekaterina Yurieva immediately before the 2009 World Cup forced the coaching staff to look for a replacement. Olga Zaitseva was entered into all races. Her performance exceeded all expectations: four out of six races turned out to be very productive (two gold medals out of four).

The 2010 Vancouver Olympics brings the biathlete silver in the personal race (mass start) and a top medal in the relay. At the Sochi Winter Games in 2014, Olga won a silver medal for her performance in the relay.

Olga Zaitseva wins silver at the 2010 Olympics in the mass start

The famous athlete's hasty announcement to stop her sports activities in 2011 did not manage to upset the fans. Zaitseva resumes training, despite the fact that the injured shoulder has not yet fully recovered, and joins the team at the World Cup. In terms of the number of awards received, she surpasses all Russian biathletes.

At the end of the 2013/2014 season, Zaitseva ends her sports career. On January 24, 2015, she was appointed to act as head coach of the country's women's biathlon team.

According to the official website of the athlete, throughout her brilliant career, her mileage in Russian and international competitions amounted to 3083 km. Her achievements: 43 victories; 112 prizes; 2 gold and 2 silver Olympic medals; 8 world championship medals; 13 personal victories and 16 in relay races at the World Cup.


According to the athlete herself, Olympic awards are of particular value to her. The 2006 Olympics in Turin brought her her first Olympic gold. The Russian women's team (with a lead of 50 seconds) won thanks to Zaitseva's excellent skill in passing the third stage (best move and perfect shooting).

The athlete’s performance in Vancouver 2010, Canada, turned out to be even more successful: gold in the relay race and silver in the 12.5 km mass start. The relay was a brilliant repeat of the victory in Turin. Zaitseva performed at the final stage. Despite two extra rounds of shooting, she maintained the team's lead and finished first. And a silver medal can be considered more valuable than gold, because it was won in a personal race as a result of intense contact competition.

Participation in the Olympics on home soil is a crucial moment for every athlete. The Russian women's biathlon team - winners of the two previous Olympics - sought to enter the top three, and the result was not long in coming. , won the right to climb to the second step of the podium at the award ceremony. The injuries Zaitseva received in the mass start did not prevent her, a persistent and courageous fighter for victory, from passing her second stage with dignity in the relay race and winning silver together with the team. For Olga Zaitseva, this award became the fourth Olympic medal!

We met the two-time Olympic champion in biathlon in Sochi at a seminar for young sports leaders. Actually, I went to this event largely thanks to her - I saw a familiar name on the list of listeners. And during the break between lectures I turned on the recorder.

- At one time, you managed to leave the sport only on the second try. Was it a big deal to leave?
- Yes.

- Even though you have been preparing yourself for this step for more than four years?
“I just didn’t want to go into emptiness.” I wanted not only to end my career beautifully, but also to have an equally beautiful job after it, which would allow me to get the same return that I had in sports. The problem was that I simply didn’t see any prospects for such work. Moreover, I didn’t count on it too much: I was always honest with myself and knew that I really couldn’t do anything except run and shoot. At the same time, I understood that I had accumulated colossal experience in all respects, and it would probably be nice to convey it to young athletes.

- And against this background a proposal appeared called “head coach”?
- I was not the head coach - I just performed duties, and even then not for too long. After I finally left the sport, I talked a lot with Deputy Minister Yuri Nagornykh and RBU President Alexander Kravtsov. It’s not that I expected that they would solve all my problems, but deep down I believed that they would at least give me some advice. Nagornykh suggested going to his office and playing children’s sports, for example. But for some reason I stubbornly repeated to myself that I only wanted to work in the SBR. So Kravtsov offered me a leadership position.

- Did this make you happy?
- I don’t even know how to answer. On the one hand, I really wanted to benefit my sport. Attract new people, “young blood”.

In order to do this, you need to come with your team and change everything. This is already called a revolution. Are you a revolutionary by nature?
- In the soul - perhaps. But in fact the situation turned out to be different. I somehow very quickly began to feel that I was not given the position for me to work at all. But just to employ me in this way. Fortunately, I didn’t worry about this for long: when I found out that I was expecting my second child, I immediately came to Kravtsov and said that I couldn’t work in the federation.


- Leaving sports coincided with a difficult period in your personal life.
- That period associated with the first marriage continues to this day. I don’t even want to tell you - this is a separate and very difficult story.

- But are you happy now?
- Yes. Now, first of all, I am a beloved woman, a mother, completely immersed in caring for children. We are all together, we are family.

Your husband works for the national cross-country skiing team. Does this mean that once the season begins...
-...Is he almost never at home? Yes. Such is our sporting life. Of course, you get used to it, but in reality, it’s hard. Especially with two children in my arms. In such cases, I begin to mentally project the situation onto myself. I remember how I also constantly left home. And I was often not around either. Now everything is coming back. Although during the years of her own performances she used every opportunity to come to her family, she returned from every training camp, from every stage of the World Cup.

Did you have any thoughts, when your first family began to collapse, that the Olympic champion was not a very suitable person for family life? And the character is complex, and the titles put pressure, and it’s not always easy to conform. Not every man can stand this.
- When a woman is doing well, she does not need to demonstrate character, it seems to me. My husband loves and respects me - and for my character as well. I have wonderful boys whom I cherish and love very much.

- Is your eldest son Sasha already involved in sports?
- Yes, he plays hockey. He's a goalkeeper.

- Was it his own choice?
- Absolutely. In this regard, I don’t put any pressure on my child at all. I know that he is capable, athletic, I know that he can do anything. We were already wrestlers and rock climbers, now we are still playing hockey. I don’t know how things will turn out next, but it will definitely not be my choice, but my son’s, and I will only support him.

- Considering your husband’s profession, what are you more involved in - biathlon or cross-country skiing?
- It's difficult to answer. In connection with such events as the successful performances of Sergei Ustyugov, naturally, you begin to become more interested in racing. It’s just that now we are not going through the easiest period in sports: we have been slandered simply in a terrible way, purely politically. The next Olympic Games are just around the corner, but we still can’t move away from the previous ones.

- What feelings does biathlon give you when you look at it from the outside?
- I always protect everyone. I say that you just need to wait: the new generation will grow up, train, and everything will be great. Although for the first time after leaving I only thought that I was ready to run myself, and that it would be no worse than what our girls are doing now. Now I look at it more calmly.


- From your point of view, how justified are individual teams within the national team - such as the one where Anton Shipulin and Alexei Volkov train?
- If it brings results, then perhaps they are justified. Although I think that even with individual training, it is necessary to conduct some training sessions with the team. So that you can be seen, so that you can see others. It’s cool, of course, to work alone, understanding that everything revolves around you, that sparring partners are selected for you and solely of your choice, but you need to understand that this situation also has its downsides. Not to mention the fact that those who first joined the national team should see how the stars train, how they approach this work, how they behave, how they perform, and who they need to look up to. For example, over the years I have seen how Galya Kukleva, Olya Medvedtseva, Albina Akhatova, Svetlana Ishmuratova treat their work - despite the fact that Sveta sometimes also switched to individual training. And from the very beginning I clearly understood that I wanted to be like them. Maybe it was just a different time: now you can see everything a person does through social networks, especially since on the Internet all athletes in one way or another promote themselves, promote themselves, and endlessly post videos.

- Nevertheless, the current generation is constantly contrasted with yours.
- My opinion boils down to the fact that the current generation of athletes is, in a sense, simply missed. Something else must grow.

Which generation exactly are you referring to? The generation of Sleptsova, Starykh, Virolainen and Akimova, who are already under 30 or a little “for”, or Ulyana Kaisheva and Olga Podchufarova, who several years ago “tolerated” all their rivals in juniors?
- Younger ones, of course. It seems to me that one of the global mistakes in their preparation was precisely that the emphasis was placed on juniors. The athletes were required to show the same results in juniors as they now need to show in the national team. And they simply spent themselves, dried up. But this is solely my opinion.

- Do you want to say that it is not possible to recover in this case?
- I think not. It’s not just about the fact that athletes are physically exhausted. In junior sports they were stars of the first magnitude. And it’s hard to be a star, and then suddenly become a nobody and start losing. And it’s very difficult to climb back, not everyone can do it. On the other hand, I still remember how I started running in the national team myself, and how they said about us that we were no good at all: we don’t train as much as those who were in the national team before us, and accordingly, we don’t perform as well . It was then that I decided for myself that I would never allow myself to make such statements about those who would come to the national team after me. I don't want to act as such an "expert". I'm not sure if this is even correct. Not to mention life changing.

- Do values ​​change with it?
- It’s possible that yes. For us, the highest value was to get into the team, into the main team. Everyone understood that this was really cool. And now there is a very real option when a person is called to the World Cup, and he says: “I don’t want to.” Because running in the IBU Cup is easier in every way. It’s easier to win money, they’ll pay good money. I call all this other values. I know that everyone works hard because you can’t run in competitions without training. But with this attitude, people lower the bar for themselves.

- That is, they lose the feeling that losing is scary?
- No, losing is just scary for them - if only because you immediately come under attack from the media. They write the same thing: that they still won’t get out of the hole, that their coaches are bad. Sometimes it really kills.


- You yourself went through a period when the Russian women's national team was led by Wolfgang Pichler, about whom they often wrote that he was not a coach at all, that his methods were no good. Did this put moral pressure on you?
- It was hard. Especially on the eve of the Olympics. When you told us at the lecture how important it is for an athlete to be able to change his attitude towards what is happening around him, including towards journalists, I thought that I was missing precisely this skill at that time. I went into the mixed zone as if I were going to war, knowing exactly what and in what tones I would hear there. And she obviously set herself up to defend herself. Therefore, everything was perceived with hostility, accompanied by endless stress and took a lot of energy. Now I would react completely differently.

- You quite demonstratively, it seems to me, ignore social networks. Is there a reason for this?
- I don't like all this too much. Perhaps I’m just not brought up to shout about myself at every corner. I understand that this may be wrong. At lectures on marketing, they explained to us that in today’s times you don’t have to be someone to be noticed, you just need to be able to speak beautifully about yourself. That's what everyone is doing to the best of their ability. And athletes too. They show not the result, but themselves. I'm not saying it's bad. Perhaps this is just how life is now, everything is changing. But social media is a distraction.

According to many psychologists, the main problem with social networks is that they atrophy a person’s ability to listen to himself, to his experiences, to analyze his own life and mistakes. In any stressful situation, people simply go into virtual reality, grabbing their phone.
- So something keeps me from being active on the Internet. When I look through Instagram, every time I think about the same thing: a bunch of people constantly show themselves, their lives, their children, show how they love these children, how they go out with them, what gifts they buy. I also love my children, but I’m not at all ready to shout about it at every corner. And besides, I clearly understand that every time I go to Instagram, I immerse myself in some other people’s lives instead of living my own. Well, why do I need all this?


In those years that you competed, you were good at leading yourself to the main competitions. Who did this eyeliner? Did you completely trust the head coach?
- Partly, yes, but I constantly included my own intuition. When I was young, it was completely different: on the eve of the main competitions, I always got sick. That’s probably why I started thinking about the reasons. In addition, I always wanted to prove to others that I was able to run not only in December, as the press has repeatedly written about me, but throughout the season. Gradually, with experience, with age, I began to understand my body and listen to it. Much, of course, depends on the coach, on your communication with him, on how you communicate with him, how much you trust. I have always had normal relationships with all the coaches I have worked with. At the 2009 World Championships in Korea, I had the feeling that my body itself knew what and how to do. The main thing is to constantly listen to him and not interfere.

- Have there been situations when the coach said one thing, but intuition said the opposite?
- Certainly. When I was young, it happened... Naturally, I didn’t argue with the coach, I just did everything he said, even when there were stars in my eyes. And that work one way or another resulted in results. When an athlete has a certain status, he can discuss something with the coach on equal terms. This was the case with Pichler, with whom we clashed quite often on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi. He said: “We must,” explained why he thought so, and convinced me. Then Pichler once said that if Zaitseva had trained even more, she would have had better results. Now I can honestly admit: he really was right. It’s just human nature to feel sorry for yourself. The body's capabilities are not limited. Everything is limited by the head.

- Which of the current biathletes is most interesting to you from a professional point of view?
- I can’t say that I single out anyone in particular. In addition, everything is constantly changing: there was a person at the top and suddenly - suddenly! And he is already at the very bottom of the protocol.

- But there are eternal values? Martin Fourcade, for example.
- I sympathize with Bjoerndalen more. Mostly a person of my generation. I saw how he started, how he achieved his results. In general, I always root more for those who run beautifully. Sometimes it’s clear even before the start that a person will win. By the eyes. That is, it hasn’t even started yet, but you kind of already understand it. For girls, I worry more about those with whom I ran. For those who have been in biathlon for many years. And the young ones, just as they came, they quickly leave.

Not so long ago, Katya Yurlova told me in an interview that a kind of club of young mothers had formed in women’s biathlon. And that this is a separate category of female athletes.
- It was exactly the same with us. Olga Medvedtseva, Anya Bogaliy, Albina, and I had children almost simultaneously. Sveta Sleptsova constantly made fun of us. For her, we were all “mothers.” It's really a different attitude to life when you have a child and a family. More responsible, perhaps.

- What exactly did you begin to understand about sports after the birth of your child?
- That time is running out very quickly. Much faster than you think. At one time, my sister Oksana told me: “Olya, enjoy what you do, be happy, get a thrill from this work. Because very soon you won’t have that.” I always told the girls the same thing when I was performing in the last years of my career.

- Does the ability to achieve results in sports help you in everyday life?
- Now I don’t really need it, I’m just a mother. And it will definitely help in the future, I know that for sure.

Interlocutors of Elena Vaitsekhovskaya, sport-express.ru

Everything in the article has already been said by Olga one way or another. And it was also true that 30-year-olds are better than the older generation. If it weren’t for the birth of the child, I could still run, it seems to me, and we would be happy to cheer.

The comments, as often happens in Belarus, outdid the article. Some fans' souls turned around and dragged politicians here, perhaps? Couldn't handle the spilled water.

June 21, 2017 (18:50), Vasilisa P:
“... In the 90s there was confusion and vacillation.”
Kaneshna! But where could they go when the labor education of children was turned into the exploitation of child labor LEGALLY and we, PARENTS, suddenly turned into exploiters.
Oh, and they tore it up... the prosecutor's office... It's complete idiocy.
Even they were forbidden to collect acorns, weed the beds and earn some money. At least.
Fruits, vegetables and berries rotted for nothing.

Olga Pavlovna, as the saying goes, “a holy place is never empty.” In any case, new people will come to the cleared site; we don’t even know their names right now. But the fact that no one from the current RRF will be there is certain. At worst, foreigners will do it if there are no specialists left.

AMAlexander, your sharply negative attitude towards the Russian national team is no secret. Therefore, it’s natural for you to throw mud at an athlete who, in fact, carried the national team single-handedly for several years. If you take away Olga’s results, then the unenviable position of the Russian national team would please your ego much more. There are some individuals who feel good when others feel bad. But the arguments that you give indicate that you are counting on people who are not burdened with intelligence, well, like you. You also need to be able to slander, but you have a great desire, but your abilities are rather weak. One consolation for you is that you are not alone, far from alone. And if there is one thing our biathletes lack (not only this, but this is one of the main factors) it is fans. Fans, for whose sake the athletes are ready to jump over themselves, to step over themselves, to perform a miracle. And you are not a fan. You are not able to motivate athletes, but it is up to you to interfere. There is no need to have such fans and enemies.

I agree with =Vasilisa P.= about the generation of the 90s, if this is what Olga Zaitseva meant, then I agree with her!

Olga56, I present some options for those who have the right to SPEAK - 1) Olya, you are our idol, let’s carry the baton, we also have children. Olya got nervous - it didn’t work out...

There are new photos on the SBR website. Men in Ruhpolding.

I love and respect Olechka, and I don’t care about all the nagging of the fans. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. And Olga never took anyone else’s place on the team. It is her right to speak out as she sees fit.

Olga said everything correctly... She didn’t play around... That’s how she sees everything in our biathlon... Thanks to her for her victories, for her defeats... She is a HUMAN! And she is a woman!... And most importantly, Olga is a Mother!... Good luck to her!

Khinskiy, oh, the military children, despite all the difficulties, at least had an ideology - and it was the ideology of the victors. In the 90s there was confusion and vacillation.

Vladimir, alone, for me alone, such a layer of problems or “program of action” simply cannot be dealt with...

As food for thought, I suggest you read the VERY, very, very interesting report of a respected political scientist (by the way, he heads the School of Analytics at the Moscow Humanitarian University...) - in this video he spoke about the real state of affairs and events in our country and for it outside for the LAST period of time from April 2016 to May 2017 (held the last meeting of my School before September)...

Whoever is not a fool, and can UNDERSTAND, assimilate, realize EVERYTHING that Fursov spoke about, will learn a lot about today and TOMORROW... including about sports and biathlon in its particulars...


Oleg Vasilievich, I would like to hear the continuation from you. You do better and not today - I’m leaving.

Vladimir, - Ok, okay (maybe I really exaggerated)... their “system” still works... it’s a pity that the final result is “AS ALWAYS”, and not as we all would like...

But my personal pessimism - alas, as of yesterday and today has FALLED even below the plinth (World Cup 2011-ХМ) already... this is from 2011-2014, it has fallen so deeply that I can’t even see it myself - where is it, its BOTTOM -BOTTOM...?
I myself want to understand - HOW and WHAT to lift it up?!

First, as You said:

You need to saw their brains, scream, write letters and drop them “drop by drop”... which should break their bone...

It's accepted!
I agree completely and, in fact, this is exactly what we have been doing and doing... since 2011.

A-it’s true =>> soon, all of a sudden, their spine will break, or at least one or two of “these vertebrae” - a personal ligament: Barnashov + Kravtsov... AIT is no longer cartilage, but just a “rudiment” “- he himself must fall away and go to the bottom or “go to the village”...

Then go ahead yourself, continue and finish somehow naturally and logically, so that it’s like: =>> “in the same spirit”...

What's second?

well, or maybe a little more steps and points...

We must move in “that direction”, which is still in the opposite direction to where we are heading... or is it no longer worth it, because it is USELESS?!

Vasilisa P, those who were born in 1941-1945 and whose childhood occurred during these years, dominated in all sports, despite the difficulties that the whole country was experiencing.
The reason is different. Athletes at all times and under all regimes will always strive only for victory. But in our country, people came to the management of sports for whom the foreground is not sport at all, but money.
And as it turned out, it’s even more convenient to cut money in the absence of results, as Mr. Barnashov and the changing worthless presidents of the SBR show.

Oleg Vasilyevich, Firstly, you exaggerate my pessimism. I am for impact, even with a grain of disbelief. We must remember, as the ancestors said, that a drop wears away a stone. First, you need to convince objects, subjects (as you put it) that not everything is great in biathlon and offer specific steps to get out of this situation. One of these steps is Kravtsov’s resignation. How could Kravtsov be appointed president of the biathlon union knowing that his former deputy at the Center for Highest Achievement, Alexey Velikodny, worked in conjunction with Rodchenkov? They removed the biathlon curator from the Nagorny Ministry, they removed Velikodny and Kravtsov was promoted - miracles.

Oleg Vasilievich, I can’t help but agree! You are right, as always! Everything was justified, with reasoning, calmly and quite objectively! Well, how can such an eminent athlete give parting words to our biathletes (already in such a... difficult situation) before the Olympic Games? How? Should I say “YOU ARE A LOST GENERATION”? How narcissistic do you need to be and not think about how the athlete feels? (

Olga is 100% right.
Children of the 90s are much weaker in health than the generations before and after. The chaos of that time could not help but affect the pregnancies of mothers of athletes - and here it is not only nutrition, first of all nerves, constant stress. The mother's condition is passed on to the unborn child. And the food - as they say, not everyone’s tables were full either. And on the tables there was some foreign rubbish that we got our hands on after the curtain fell.

Parenting on a broken system is also unclear - not every parent was able to determine values ​​for themselves and pass this on to their child. The guidelines and goals of children of the 90s are very blurred. The generation born and raised in the 90s is in many respects behind other generations, both mentally and psychologically. I’m not saying that it’s universal, but if you take it on average, it’s striking. Ask teachers and doctors.

And this is also the basis for the illiterate steps of the management and the technical staff, who are accustomed to working with strong and super-healthy athletes.

This is most likely what Olga meant. In any case, in a personal conversation the meaning was the same as I wrote.

Oleg Vasilyevich, I am far from thinking that the current composition of biathlon leaders does not know the way out of the impasse. Everything is simpler. If Irina Viner doesn’t need money in rhythmic gymnastics. She herself sponsored the national team until recently, but this cannot be said for biathlon figures. They know, but they don't do it. There is no balance between personal and purely sporting interests. Moreover: sporting interests are relegated to the background - a residual principle.

Even the Ministry of Sports did not deign to give an assessment to the leadership of the RBU for the past season. Expert assessment is not an assessment. And who would dare to give a negative assessment after the well-known congratulatory telegram on the occasion of gold in the men's relay at the World Championships? This is how we live. Although, by and large, I repeated and repeat that Kravtsov has no place at the helm of biathlon. For new tasks, a new leader. We'll come to this. Apparently they decided at the top that now is not the time and the reason for this is football - the World Cup. At stake is not only the prestige of the country, but also quite a bit of money.

Oleg Vasilyevich, get out

Oh, right then and there - a professional anonymous person jumped out... well, exactly - “a professional from the SBR”, there’s no other way to say it :-))

Probably a colleague of Natalia Dzhilkibaeva, or maybe she herself...?

Vladimir, you should at least familiarize yourself with the compositions first.

And here is the base in Pokljuka, for those who have not yet looked at the link biathlonrus.com

Bravo Vladimir, your remark above (the title is like a sentence!) prompted me to return to the topic of this blog once again...

Your opinion that the environment itself, etc. “the system of management, decision-making and budgetary financing” of our winter sport is VICIOUS and, with all its content, gives rise to decay and degradation... - absolutely accurately and completely reflects the REAL state of affairs and circumstances of the present time!

Z.Y. really - let's leave O. Zaitseva alone...

Another question:

WHY right now, in the off-season..., in the summer and even long before the START of the winter season on the snow, i.e. on the eve of the START of the main Olympic season of the 4th anniversary, =>> we would not try to DISCUSS and FIND OUT the main- MAIN and other so-called.

= >> PREREQUISITES, reasons and motivating MOTIVES for the present FUNCTIONING of “this very system” created in the bowels of the Ministry of Sports (Fetisov-Mutko) and the SBR (Tikhonov-Prokhorov/Kushchenko and Kravtsov) - which kills and drives into the swamp “everything living, sane and useful.” “What else is left in our biathlon environment of SPORTS of the highest achievements and SPORTS DEVELOPMENT in Russian children's and youth teams...?!

(I’ll name names and appearances: Alikin - in Russia, Khovantsev - in Finland, Polkhovsky - in Kazakhstan, Gerbulov - in Shipulin’s group, Rostovtsev - on the parliamentary run, Medvedtsev - it’s unclear where and what he’s doing..., Reztsova - in Khimki near Moscow and Guryev - under the wing of the governor..., here he is the only one who has settled well in his homeland)... - but what about ALL the rest, including those who have already finished competing in big biathlon... isn’t this a reserve and “our everything” that we have in BIATHLON RF?!?!

In fact: the official guidelines of the legislation and the approved Strategy for the Development of Sports and Physical Education in Russia until 2030 are well known... (the author is still the same Mutko)!

Even more information about the activities of the RRF since the time of A.I. Tikhonov (1996-2008) and further... right up to the present day!

There are already enough facts, data, information and other necessary information =>>

in order to completely “objectively-subjectively” EVALUATE and GIVE assessments to all links of the “MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” for the development of biathlon, in order not only to draw CONCLUSIONS, but also to propose WAYS, METHODS, and METHODS for exiting the crisis... and thus prevent the really impending “the catastrophe of biathlon in Russia in its post-Korean period”!?!,

when it already becomes obvious that the current functionaries and “leaders-managers” of biathlon in Russia will have to leave their homes in the office of the RRF (as our colleague aptly noted in this blog - “A COLLECTION OF TALENTED SAWERS” of budget money allocated from the state budget through offices Ministry of Sports for the development of biathlon and support for national teams (the so-called to ensure the achievement of the highest results in sports on the international stage - under the agreed “medal plan”).

By the way, the development and state of infrastructure (now even Rostec, represented by the Kalashnikov Concern, has focused on the development of small-caliber weapons for our sport...!) for biathlon and skiing in Russia, at the moment

=>> is at its highest level (!) for the entire period of existence of winter sports in the USSR and Russia... this is the foundation for further progressive development, but also TOTAL dominance of our domestic athletes for many years in the future (and not only until 2030) and in skiing, but above all in biathlon...?!?

Legitimate question:

So WHAT is biathlon missing in Russia to push all competitors behind its back?

Unless, of course, this topic MAY still be of interest to someone in the summer, until regular races on the snow take away almost “all the available” resources of the brain and nervous system from seconds, points and shots at the ranges... :-)(

Boeing-777-300, and who will nurture this new generation if all former athletes dream of being managers or consultants and, like hell, run away from coaching work?

The headline is like a verdict and this is before the Olympics. I don’t know about anyone, but I don’t like this way of putting the question. Following it, is it not by this logic that Moshkova, as an example, is not in the reserve team, but there is Svetlana Sleptsova, who is not from the lost generation? It is not the generation’s fault that biathlon, women’s biathlon no exception, is not on the rise, but the environment in which it is placed. About the environment is a separate topic.

Valentinovna, can you guess why I have an unpleasant aftertaste from the interview? This is unlikely, I can’t really explain it to myself. I probably also guess why you decided that you were guessing, but it’s interesting to listen to your version.

Thanks to Olga Zaitseva for the interview! I just don’t agree that the current generation is missing out! The generation is normal, but the coaches are not fully prepared! All athletes are now very motivated, they just need to train using more modern methods, they need to take something from the Norwegians and the French, although tens of years ago, foreigners often took our domestic method of training biathletes.
Olga Zaitseva has done a lot for our biathlon and many thanks to her! Although there were moments when I did not agree with her, but as time passed, my opinion changed.
I wish her family happiness and raising beautiful boys! Good luck in life!
It’s good that I left the SBR, now there is such a “swamp” there...
We are waiting for all fans for the summer Biathlon World Championships in Tchaikovsky, I have already bought tickets, we will cheer for our people!

Unfortunately, a generation of non-athletes has been lost, but there is simply no continuity of coaches. Young specialists are not trained, there is no serious work on modern methods of work of the best foreign trainers. And no matter what talents appear in the national team, it won’t work without an intelligent coach. I personally had hope for Medvedtsev, but apparently the current leadership of the RBU is not satisfied with independent, thinking coaches.

From Khovantsev’s interview:
“Who from that team (2011) can you call your support?
“Zaitsev, although, it would seem, at her level, problems should have arisen...”
This is about the question of her “stardom” and arrogance.

“What kind of people persuaded her to stay after Khovantsev’s dismissal? What were they hoping for?
Maybe for those 7 personal and 4 relay medals and 6th place in the World Cup total for the 2011/12 season? Russia then took 1st place in the KN, and Zaitseva was the main slaughterer.
A year later, only the “Norwegian battering ram” prevented Olga from winning a World Cup medal. Two 4th places, 5th and 6th places and giving the men the laughs first at that World Cup - this, of course, is “hell” by today’s standards.

I don’t understand: either people have sclerosis or delusions of grandeur, if for them such results are nothing.

Thanks to Olya for her victories, she has achieved a lot as an athlete, probably people who have achieved something cannot be liked by everyone and in everything, and Olya is a contradictory personality, good luck to her in her family, in her children, in her future work, and we are the judge not judges or prosecutors, I completely agree with the position of Vladimir Eremeech Sokolov.

That's it Olya! When we won, it was our Bunny, but now people who have absolutely no knowledge of the person talk about intelligence.
Lily, I agree.

Elena, everything is correct.

Khinskiy, judging by some of your posts, you also have problems with IQ.

Who is Olga Zaitseva for me? - the last bright memory of women’s biathlon... and it’s very sad to read all the commentators who blame her for everything, she brought us the joy of victories, beautiful victories that were not squeezed out of the finger, when Olga went to the start in almost every race hope for victory, you haven’t expected this from any Russian woman for a long time... but people don’t know how to appreciate their heroes, maybe that’s why we don’t have them anymore and most likely won’t have them soon...

Marina, I can even guess why you personally have some kind of unpleasant aftertaste from Olga’s answers related directly to sports.))

I myself have completely conflicting feelings about Olga. I start to think about what good things happened and how many minutes of joy the athlete brought, and the last years of her being in the national team and the disappointment that followed immediately come to mind. And vice versa. What kind of people persuaded her to stay after Khovantsev’s dismissal? What were they hoping for? After all, it was her most timely and correct decision! After all, it was clear to the naked eye that Olga was tired. And who is to blame now for everything that happened next?
This should be a good lesson for everyone: SBR, TS, fans and, first of all, the athletes themselves.
A good example: Magdalena Neuner.

Well, guys, now you’ll agree that she also stabbed Yuryev’s “saint” from Starye...

From Zaitseva’s interview and her answers directly related to sports, I personally was left with some kind of unpleasant aftertaste. I will not give an assessment of what was said, because I did not and do not follow women’s biathlon very closely, and therefore I am not aware of non-race events in the women’s team, but the impression from everything that was said is unpleasant.
For the first time, I probably completely agree with the opinion of ERIDA (8.53) - the same thoughts from the interview.

It's nice to see Dear BIATHLON PATIENTS, calmly, judiciously for and against. I DO NOT detract from Olga’s merits, but from a certain moment (it’s different for everyone) she, I hope, was a brake (I mean, she stopped slowing down) of our biathlon; others naturally pressed the pedal, but this does not negate her negative role. and I don’t even know what emotions there are in general from the performances, rather negative ones. and suddenly Olga drops by to the Republic of Belarus, I wish her to be a loving mother and wife, and not to get into the jungle of politics - from the bottom of my heart

It makes no sense to link Olga Zaitseva to some tectonic changes in our biathlon.
She just wanted Yana Romanova to live in the room with her and there was no Yuryeva.
Irina Starykh, according to her, saw Zaitseva alive for the first time only in her second year on the national team.
Well, Zaitseva ignored everyone else, starting in 2004, not performing at domestic competitions, except for commercial ones.
What can Zaitseva give to our women’s biathlon if she doesn’t give a damn about it?

Zaitseva's grins and antics were good only when she was an athlete, and at 35 years old this is a clear manifestation of low IQ.
Judging by the interview, Olga has problems integrating into ordinary life, unlike when everything was decided by calling her superiors.
She has the rank of captain of something like that in the fight against drugs, but who needs her there?
But there was no point in joining Dynamo, they promoted it.

Caligula had already appointed his horse a senator and it worked for them there, and it would have worked for us to appoint Zaitseva as a senior coach, but someone gave the pensioners a blow.

The article “SE” by Elena Vaitsekhovskaya caused chaotic feelings - there is a lot of food for thought, there is something to speak out about.
I agree with each comment in a certain context to the interview with Olga Zaitseva.
I can’t help but remember today’s attitude towards members of the RRF (“a bunch of mediocre scammers”) A.I. Tikhonov and A.A. Reztsova, whose activities overshadowed their past merits as great athletes...

Olga Zaitseva:
“... Nagornykh suggested going to his office, playing children’s sports, for example. But for some reason I stubbornly repeated to myself that I only wanted to work in the SBR. So Kravtsov offered me a leadership position... I somehow very quickly began to feel that the position was not given to me at all for me to work. But just to employ me in this way. Fortunately, I didn’t worry about this for long: when I found out that I was expecting my second child, I immediately came to Kravtsov and said that I couldn’t work in the federation.”

1. Judging by the slow display of one failure at the shooting range with “YOTM” (and now I remember that video with a kind smile) and for other reasons, you, Olga, are a very, very caring and lively person, and therefore, so that “generations are not lost,” children’s sport is yours vocation.
2. A SBR. What about SBR? This is a swamp of physical lazy people and psychological mediocrities, which today probably make up 95% of the government and other managers. I did the right thing by leaving there.

Hello, Vladimir Eremeevich.

I read your response.
I accept your Position, since you yourself stated it and justified it.
Personally, everything is clear to me and does not *require* any additions...
I won’t elaborate, or as they say:
“trying to reach out to...” - you can add the ending yourself... :-))
I don't want to start a big, long discussion... website

BUT..., here some thoughts have already appeared, and “NEW conclusions” from the VIEW material, as well as some remarks from the participants of this blog, according to my own briefly and delicately stated at the very beginning of the “Positions” blog - that’s why I It seems that NOW it is simply necessary to summarize the discussion.

1. It’s rightly said - EVERYONE HIS OWN... sees, and/or wants (to see or think-say) and “this is his own” understanding of the situation comes to mind either immediately, or after important events, or maybe even... , and DID NOT ARRIVE (or maybe simply not able to arrive)!

(illustration in a well-known proverb about a psychological test asking the subject, in his opinion:... THIS glass is half full, or half empty...)

Someone sees: ONLY the front side of the medal - and the other, at the same time, the reverse side... etc.

Olga Zaitseva can divide, as I see for myself (or maybe not think about everything that happened in her career and destiny...) her Life and sports career into two unequal halves (the latter is more important - because it is the crown of her entire sports life in biathlon!):

(personally, this is exactly how I still perceive her... by the way, I did it in exactly the same way: in fairness and honestly... since 2010, never forgetting her past merits and achievements in sports before World Cup Khanty-Mansiysk)...

As a matter of fact, that has already SAID EVERYTHING!

In the first part - she is an honored hero of Russian biathlon!

(along with Ishmuratova, Akhatova, Medvedtseva, Bogaliy, Yana Romanova and the same Svetlana Sleptsova..., as well as many other women and men of our national teams...)

After returning in 2012, she, of her own free will and at the instigation of the people around her, turned into “that very brake,” an anti-hero and the main Agent of influence of the leaders, steering officials and the “evil genius” of the women’s team - Pichler!

As a result, “after her wasted return” - she debunked herself as the worst, weakest link of the Olympic relay and de-classified herself as a “world-class” biathlete into something incomprehensible?!... she became worse... not even herself of past years, but even Katya Shumilova, against her background, ALREADY WAS next to her, as a “strong middle peasant of the women’s relay”... until the last weeks of last season...

It would be impossible to even imagine a worse personal condition and the situation of AFFAIRS in the national team, the microclimate and the state of the sports FORM of the “team captain” than the similar position of Zaitseva in the 2014 national team... it developed by itself, primarily thanks to Olga herself and her sister Oksana Rocheva with a bunch of scoundrels from the e-SBR.
You yourself know, thanks to whom personally and personally, how we got to this point... we won’t point and point fingers...

2. Try to smooth out corners, tell lies, flatter, praise for beautiful eyes or “do politeness” for Zaitseva now that she is done with sports (in every sense!), has gone to her family, but at the same time allows herself to “SPEAK IN THE PRESS” as if we don’t understand or see anything, WE DO NOT REMEMBER and DO NOT KNOW how it really was (only 2-3 years have passed)... etc. - it is especially outrageous and provocative after reading the CONTENTS of this view, with its title and MEANING - advice for everyone and everything... and “this” a few months before the Olympic starts of her FORMER friends on the same team, some of whom she personally competed with in recent years!

How should you treat your fellow biathletes and current coaches in order to say “... you are all a lost generation”! How can this be assessed at the present moment?!?!?

For me personally: “ALL this is her VIEW” is unacceptable, because her personal ROLE and RESPONSIBILITY in the deplorable state of affairs in the women’s team is too great... and even “AS the former captain of that team during the entire Olympic cycle!”, which her represented and CONSTANTLY positioned by the officials, the leaders of the SBR (Baidin) and journalists (go-... biathlon governor) in all recent years after 2011 until the end of the 2014 season. website

3. Colleagues above correctly noted in their remarks:

Personally, I don’t have any “particularly personal” relationship with Olga Zaitseva... ever since I personally attended her autograph session at the Ski World (for those interested, a photo report and a whole blog on its results are on my page and in the archives of the Republic of Belarus);

My words are dictated solely by a PERSONAL attitude towards the state of affairs in the domestic biathlon that has developed in Russia after the call of balabols and basketball demagogues and amateurs to the e-SBR: Prokhorov and Kushchenko, who brought Baidina and a large number of crooks and illiterate people into the number “main organizers and functionaries” from Maygurov to Pichler and Pak...

The most important thing, from my point of view. - do not remain indifferent to WHAT and HOW is happening not only INSIDE in the national teams themselves (looking at the RESULTS BOARD), but above all, GIVE a truthful assessment and a strict REPORT to WHO personally and WHY (for what and with what consequences) WHAT is doing - he is doing things inside the SBR (federation) of our favorite winter sport - which has been steadily in recent years (!) - really DEGRADING and suffering a DISASTER with those leaders and officials who have been managing it for more than 10 years...!

Khrustalev Vladimir Fedorovich, - You said absolutely correctly in your short remark:

NOTHING has been missed yet - the Olympic season hasn't even started yet!

The results of the inter-Olympic cycle (about this generation) will be summed up ONLY in April-May 2018 based on the actual RESULTS of the Olympic lists...

(I would like to believe that we will be allowed to participate in the 2018 AWG)...

There is no need to “bury the current team” long before the main starts of the 4th anniversary!


Old skier - 1964, I support you. I respect and love Olya.

Olga Zaitseva:
“Something keeps me from being active on the Internet. When I look through Instagram, every time I think about the same thing: a bunch of people constantly show themselves, their lives, their children, show how they love these children, how they go out with them, what gifts they buy. I also love my children, but I’m not at all ready to shout about it at every corner. And besides, I clearly understand that every time I go to Instagram, I immerse myself in some other people’s lives instead of living my own. Well, why do I need all this?

Well, that's just a GORGEOUS thought. How wise and real for sobriety. + 10005000, although this is priceless.
Showing off is only needed by abnormal exhibitors. Hee, hee.
Olga Zaitseva:
“The body’s capabilities are not limited. Everything is limited by the head."

And again + 10005000. And the head can and should be turned off, but this is trained by a specialist. And it’s a pity they don’t train our people in this. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU its
Olga Zaitseva:
“The current generation is missing out. Something else must grow"

Unfortunately for me + 10005000
Too many greedy people rushed to the money of all sorts of SorosOff and sold people. Oh, I wish I could uproot all this riffraff.

And so?
And of course you, Olga, MA-LAD-CHI-NA! And so that there is order in the family and health comes first.
I take off my hat with respect and bow deeply to the fighter.

Valentinovna, don’t be sad. Everything will work out for you

Dmitry, Are you having difficulty understanding text? Sadly.

Valentinovna, I have nothing to decide on in this case. I didn't say that someone is bad and someone is good. I just said that I didn’t like this interview, and then answered the question about what bad Zaitseva did in my opinion. What does Kasperovich have to do with this - I don’t understand. If Kasperovich spent a significant part of his energy on removing our team from international competitions, and on proving to everyone that our athletes are “dopingists”, and athletes from other countries are as pure as angels, and after that Shipulin would have supported and praised him in every possible way (trying to stay away from him - in accordance with his “individual plan”), then you can rest assured that I would also be dissatisfied with this.
I was also surprised by Volkov. Where did I “lobby” him? I just said that I would be very happy if he became the champion of the GS season again. Wouldn't you be happy in this case?

Erida, in my short opus there is not a word about anger, negativity, hostility, etc. I always try to operate only with facts, but many people follow the saying: Facts are like a drawbar, as you turn, so it turns out! Vladimir Eremeevich, I subscribe to every word!
In general, I love all OUR biathletes (a little more than one), because they are OURS and we have no others!

Spring and early summer caused quite a shake-up in Russian biathlon - a new president of the federation, a new coaching staff, new national team rosters, and all this against the backdrop of ongoing litigation among our stars of past years. We talked about this and much more with one of the main representatives of that galaxy - Olga Zaitseva. We started with the main theme of the summer.

– It will probably sound ugly, but I don’t always have time to watch broadcasts; often I only find out the results. Nowadays there is a huge amount of information about biathlon; it is not at all necessary to directly follow the race. Regarding your question, of course, it is sad that we have not had success. You can only have an outside view, because I’m not on the team, I don’t see how they train. My opinion is that there is now a generational change. There are no adult athletes yet who want and can compete with the world elite. Something is going wrong, because other countries are growing and progressing, but in our country, on the contrary, we are regressing. But life, in principle, flows in waves - sometimes up, sometimes down. Today we are down. We need to wait and hope that new girls will grow up or those who are running now will mature.

It took me a while to achieve something myself, but looking at the other girls on the team, I always knew that my time would come. I knew and did everything in my power: I trained, worked, moved forward. Now girls constantly have some kind of problem, now one thing, then another. I don’t want to grumble, saying that this didn’t happen in our generation, but perhaps today’s young people have a slightly different perception of work and the training process. Sport is still violence against oneself. You need to force yourself and not expect pity from others. Maybe our girls are not very ready for this yet, at least that’s what it looks like.

“Gossipers will be uncomfortable”


“On the track we are athletes, but in life we ​​are loving women”

Spring and early summer caused quite a shake-up in Russian biathlon - a new president of the federation, a new coaching staff, new national team rosters, and all this against the backdrop of ongoing litigation among our stars of past years. We talked about this and much more with one of the main representatives of that galaxy - Olga Zaitseva. We started with the main theme of the summer.

– Are you following the World Cup?

– I even got to two matches in Sochi. Portugal - Spain and Belgium - Panama. It's very interesting when you watch it live for the first time. You find yourself in a different element.

– Where are you planning to watch the game between Russia and Spain?

“We’re at our parents’ dacha now, so we’ll be cheering on TV.”


“Working at SBR is an excellent career continuation”

– It seems that you worked quite successfully with Anatoly Khovantsev. And yet, how do you evaluate the coaching staff proposed by Vladimir Drachev?

– Anatoly Nikolaevich has been involved in biathlon for many years, he knows what it is. He also has experience working with foreigners, with our men’s team, just when Vladimir Drachev was performing. In the same way, all the other trainers involved - each has their own experience. If management decided to appoint these candidates, then they deserve it.

– Don’t you think that in our sport the time has come to rejuvenate the coaching staff, to attract yesterday’s athletes who performed at a high level and can pass on their experience?

Perhaps it is necessary to introduce young specialists into junior and youth teams, where they will also gain experience. And then there will be a reserve of professional coaches to work with the main team. We should not forget about those coaches who have students who show high results.

– You said that you are ready to help the national team. Has there been any response to this?

– At the moment I’m working on the question in what form my experience will be useful to the team. I spent my whole life in biathlon, and, of course, working in the RBU after finishing my career is an excellent continuation of it, an opportunity to be useful.


“Sport is still violence against oneself”

– What feelings did you experience while watching the performance of our team last season?

– It will probably sound ugly, but I don’t always have time to watch broadcasts; often I only find out the results. Nowadays there is a huge amount of information about biathlon; it is not at all necessary to directly follow the race. Regarding your question, of course, it is sad that we have not had success. You can only have an outside view, because I’m not on the team, I don’t see how they train. My opinion is that there is now a generational change. There are no adult athletes yet who want and can compete with the world elite. Something is going wrong because other countries are growing and progressing, but in our country, on the contrary, we are regressing. But life, in principle, flows in waves - sometimes up, sometimes down. Today we are down. We need to wait and hope that new girls will grow up or those who are running now will mature. It took me a while to achieve something myself, but looking at the other girls on the team, I always knew that my time would come. I knew and did everything in my power: I trained, worked, moved forward. Now girls constantly have some kind of problem, now one thing, then another. I don’t want to grumble, saying that this didn’t happen in our generation, but perhaps today’s young people have a slightly different perception of work and the training process. Sport is still violence against oneself. You need to force yourself and not expect pity from others. Maybe our girls are not very ready for this yet, at least that’s what it looks like.

– It’s no secret that Muscovites in cyclic sports are a rarity; they often love themselves too much. Where did you, being born in the capital, get your motivation as a child?

– I won’t say that we lacked motivation. There was a strong team in Moscow. The decline began later, when, due to discord in the country, many gave up sports. Yes, indeed, Moscow attracts personnel from the provinces, but this is normal, because athletes want to get the maximum possible during their careers. And they change regions if they offer better conditions somewhere. At the beginning of my career, I was also called to run for another region. But I always knew that I wanted to compete for Moscow, and as for motivation, it’s probably my upbringing plus my character. “If you achieve results, you will have everything,” I told myself. Today this expression, of course, is not very relevant (laughs). But that's the kind of person I am. I wanted to be better than others - first in Moscow, then in Russia, then in the world.

– At what point did this become a job for you? In the sense that you need to go to training even if you don’t feel like it?

“I realized this when I was competing as a skier. Then I switched to biathlon, and my coach Alexander Suslov always said: there are no irreplaceable places. If I don’t finish something somewhere, I’ll feel sorry for myself; there will definitely be a more prepared athlete. High competition stimulated me a lot. Therefore, I did even more than, perhaps, was necessary. Someone runs two kilometers, Zaitseva - two and a half.

– Were you afraid that someone would do more and they would overtake you?

- Yes. And I won't be the best. This encouraged me. It was hard, I didn’t want to, but if you don’t force yourself, you won’t achieve anything in sports.

– Do big victories help you overcome difficult moments in training?

– First place is like a bonus for work. Naturally, you have a desire to work harder.

– It’s the opposite case – we trained a lot in the pre-season, but there was no progress or results. How to cope here?

- Very serious condition. I recently talked to fans, and they asked how to cope with failures. But athletes have such a mentality and character that we can withstand it. It is important to remember that without failures, losses, falls there will be no victories. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. I know cases when a person trains more than anyone else and seems to be physically ready, but there is no result. This leads to sliding into a psychological hole. Some people stay there, others get out only after a few years. During the transition from juniors to adults, nothing worked out for me, I was even planning to end my career. But there were people nearby - coaches, family, friends - who believed in me. An athlete cannot cope alone - he needs support and a team. Well, you don’t need to set big goals right away, it’s better to move gradually, completing feasible tasks. You know how it happens in training: it’s hard, there are five minutes left to run, someone will turn around and go home, and the other will decide to run oh-oh-oh to that tree. Then - until the next one. And so, as a result, he will get to the medal.

– You joined the youth team in 1996, when there were no massage therapists, no servicemen, no doctors, nothing. Now, looking at the conditions of the juniors, don’t you envy them?

- There is no envy. I am glad that I was born in those years, because I learned to work. The opportunities that exist now must be used wisely and implemented wisely. Modern children, by the way, have it even harder in some ways than we do.

– What are Olga Zaitseva’s favorite biathlon routes?

– In general, I like heavy terrain. But my favorite ones were probably where I was most lucky or just comfortable. Of course, the first place is Östersund. Then Hochfilzen and probably Oberhof. And the most beautiful place is Anholz.

– Can you remember the most physically difficult races?

– The IBU Cup stage after my first birth: I needed to run to understand what level I was at. It was the hardest race - I couldn’t run or shoot at all. I was going uphill in a herringbone pattern and I was sooooo ashamed that I wasn’t going. In second place is not quite biathlon. In July 2016, friends invited me to the “Viking race” in Kuzminki, this is an obstacle race. In general, they led me to the finish line by the arms; I was unable to move on my own. They brought me to the grass, I lay down on it and fell asleep immediately. I’ll be honest: this never happened even during my professional career, only after long training. Well, you can probably add all the starts when your skis don’t work to the list of difficult ones. This happened at the sprint in Sochi 2014 and at the 2012 World Championships in Ruhpolding.

“When you have a child, after training you switch”

– This year Tatyana Akimova and Irina Uslugina went on maternity leave. Tell me, as an experienced person, how difficult is it to come back after childbirth?

- In general, all girls are different. Some people say that running after giving birth is cool and easy. It didn’t work out for me right away. But my case is probably still separate. I am a “crazy mom” and cannot leave my child with grandmothers or nannies. Therefore it was very difficult.

My first son was always with me during the preparation period, my mother and sister were nearby, the managers helped, the girls on the team were patient, because we all lived together. But, thank God, my boy is calm, quiet and did not seem to bother anyone.

One thing I can say for sure: renewal of the body after childbirth really occurs. But at different speeds. I gave birth in 2007, but my form returned only in 2009. Everything that happened between these two dates is just crazy. Two years of slowly getting into the load.

– When did you manage to return to fighting weight?

- Not right away. Back in 2008, my weight was wow. I always treated this problem quite calmly, although I knew that it existed, and the coaches talked about it. I usually lost weight in the winter through exercise, avoiding any strict diets, simply sticking to a healthy diet. However, my normal state returned only two years after giving birth, and even then in the summer of 2009 I was still “chubby.”

– When did you stop breastfeeding?

“I fed Sasha until she was one year and eight months old.

– And at the same time you still trained fully?

– Yes, besides, because of breastfeeding, I completely gave up all sports supplements, pills, and only drank water during training. It was very difficult. She started training with the team in June 2008 and breastfed until November, not getting enough sleep at night.

– When they came “dead” after training, did your son add strength and motivation?

- Certainly. Yes, you are tired, irritated and you couldn’t give much warmth, but still your child is nearby, he sees his mother, I see him, we feel good at this moment. And what’s important is that my soul is very calm, because my son is with me, there’s no need to guess what’s wrong with him. When you have a child, after training you switch gears and forget even about fatigue. True, another kind of fatigue sets in - from caring for the baby.


"All girls are cute and want love"

– How is your relationship now with your first husband, Milan Augustin, and how do you share care for your common son?

– This is my personal life, which I don’t like to talk about much. I have two wonderful children and a beloved husband. We maintain relations with Sasha’s father, as far as the lives of people living in different countries allow.

– Do you think that the tough character that sports instills in women hinders them in their personal lives?

- No. It’s in the forest, on the track, we are athletes, but in life we ​​are soft women who dream of tenderness. It’s just that not every man can find an approach. In fact, all girls are cute and want love.

“Gossipers will be uncomfortable”

– How do you keep track of the progress of the case regarding your joint lawsuit with Yana Romanova against Grigory Rodchenkov?

– All cases are handled by lawyers, we are notified of all changes as information is received. We completely trust the lawyers, and so do Mikhail Prokhorov.

– Do you feel public support in connection with this story?

– Yes, people write: “We are with you!” Those who support me know that this is complete nonsense. And I’m grateful, because, of course, it’s psychologically very difficult for me to bear all this.

– No one looks askance, no one whispers behind his back?

- You know, there are some. There was one time when I heard it, it became very offensive. But this is due to ignorance of the situation. Although all people have their own opinions that must be accepted. And I won’t convince everyone. People are different, and when the truth is revealed, those who are on our side will rejoice, but those who gossip behind our backs will simply be uncomfortable.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexander Vilf, RIA Novosti/Konstantin Chalabov, RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev, RIA Novosti/Vladimir Trefilov


Olga Zaitseva - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography 2018

Olga Zaitseva: biography

Actress Olga Zaitseva, according to some film fans, is lucky in the sense that she has avoided the sad nature of the profession and does not beg for roles from directors or producers. Since the beginning of her creative biography, two or three films with her participation are released annually on large and small screens.

Childhood and youth

Olga Zaitseva is a Muscovite, born in August 1982. Father Vladimir is an engineer by education and vocation, mother Valentina served for ten years at the Bolshoi Drama Theater of St. Petersburg. At school, the girl had no problems with her studies, which is why she received a certificate at the age of 15.

When choosing a profession, Olya decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and stormed the admissions committee of VGIK three times. When they refused for the third time, I gave up trying and went to study to become an economist. But still, Zaitseva believed that she was not mediocre, and tried to enter GITIS.

I passed Leonid Kheifetz’s course on the first try, but six months later I was disappointed and wanted to return to my previous university. But at this time the director of Sergei Solovyov called and invited him to star in the film “About Love” based on Chekhov’s stories. After filming, the director took the girl to his course at VGIK.


In 2003, Olga received a cameo role in the detective melodrama “The Fifth Angel” by Vladimir Fokin. A year later, documentary film director Ekaterina Toldonova began filming her debut feature film “Duel,” in which Olga Zaitseva and Svetlana Ivanova played half-sister fencers competing for life and death.

For three years, the actress appeared in different seasons of the popular youth series “Club,” in which she played one of the main roles. In addition to the actors, representatives of Russian pop and show business appeared in the film - Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, Dima Bilan, Sergei Lazarev, Valeria, Timur Batrutdinov.

Another title character went to Olga in the drama “Point of Return” with the participation of Arnis Licitis, Sergei Chonishvili, Ilya Shakunov. Zaitseva played the role of a publishing house editor, with whom the main character, a surgeon, falls in love. The couple has a lot in common, but these seemingly random coincidences arouse suspicion among the doctor's friend.

In the joint Russian-Ukrainian melodrama “King, Queen, Jack,” Zaitseva appears as a stepmother who has entered a new family. The main character's son accuses his father's young wife of divorcing his mother and, wanting revenge, seduces her, but ultimately falls in love. My father will find out about everything.

Among the films in Olga’s filmography is the action movie “The Path”, the credits of which include famous names - Oleg Taktarov, Michael Madsen, Nikolai Valuev, Dmitry Nosov. Filming of the film, full of complex stunts and special effects, took place in Myanmar. The performers of the main male roles experienced the training course for special forces soldiers. But alas, “The Path” did not bring the creators the expected success.

Another work with Zaitseva’s participation received much more attention - the drama “This is What Happens to Me,” produced by Gosha Kutsenko, where he starred in the title role. The film received a nomination for the main prize of the Kinotavr festival.

In 2013, Olga again played the leading role, this time in the melodrama “Party for the Champion.” Zaitseva’s heroine, Elena, is a former successful athlete who now works in a real estate agency. A woman makes a career, but her personal life is given up. And here the doctors strongly recommend giving birth to a child, otherwise there will be no chance later. Lena is faced with the task of finding a worthy candidate for potential fathers.

The role of Pannochka in the highest-grossing film of 2014, “Viy,” made Olga Zaitseva truly popular. According to the producers of the film, they did not want to film a media person in this role so that the atmosphere would not be lost. And be that as it may, the new film would inevitably be compared with the one in which Natalya Varley played. Therefore, we decided to look for new faces. They looked at 250 candidates, and when Olga came, the director saw the witch he wanted.

Instead of Agnia Ditkovskite, the candidacy of Natalia Vodianova was initially considered. This would have been a film debut for the supermodel, but her travel schedule did not coincide with the filming time, and besides, according to her contract, Natalya cannot change her appearance. But the film crew witnessed the romance between Agnia and Alexei Chadov unfolding before everyone’s eyes.

Zaitseva was not afraid of the prejudices associated with the role. The actress said that she slept peacefully in a coffin while the directors were building the scene.

Olga is in awe of the film “Kenzhe”, directed by Kazakh director Ermek Tursunov, a Nika nominee for the film “Shal”. The audience especially noted the brilliant camera work of Sergei Kozlov. In the film about brothers who decided to achieve success through criminal means, the actress played a killer.

Personal life

In 2005, Olga gave birth to a son, Artem, but the actress is not married and does not disclose the name of the boy’s father.

When she is not filming, the actress spends her time usefully - playing tennis, which she has loved since childhood, and doing vocals and fitness. In her youth, Olya, by her own admission, suffered from excess weight, as she ate a lot, without limiting herself in anything. And she lost weight “thanks” to the guy she liked, but he rejected the girl, calling her fat.

Zaitseva chose an extreme method - water with lemon, nuts and apples. During pregnancy, I gained only 10 kg, snowboarded and went to the pool until recently. Olga does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, but does not refuse sweets.

In 2014, the actress starred in a candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Before this, I thought for a long time whether she needed such pictures. When she came to the editorial office, Zaitseva was asked to choose the image herself, and Olga became a courtesan of the 19th century.

Olga Zaitseva now

In 2018, viewers can expect new films in which Olga Zaitseva will play. The adventure film “The King of Madagascar” will focus on the events of the 18th century. Then the pirates were going through hard times; England destroyed their refuge in Tortuga.

Sea robbers decided to settle in Madagascar. But secret agents of Peter I arrive there with the aim of persuading the pirates to sign the agreement.

In the drama series “Ministry” about the everyday life of officials, Olga will appear in company with Kirill Safonov, Anna Polupanova and Ivan Oganesyan.


  • 2003 – “About Love”
  • 2005 – “Duel”
  • 2006 – “The Irreversible Man”
  • 2006-2009 – “Club”
  • 2007 – “Point of Return”
  • 2008 – “King, Queen, Jack”
  • 2010 – “Blizzard”
  • 2011 – “The Last Cordon. Continuation"
  • 2012 – “Kitchen”
  • 2014 – “Viy”
  • 2015 – “Kenzhe”
  • 2018 – “King of Madagascar”



"The current generation is lost. Another must grow up"

We met the two-time Olympic champion in biathlon in Sochi at a seminar for young sports leaders.

Actually, I went to this event largely thanks to her - I saw a familiar name on the list of listeners. And during the break between lectures I turned on the recorder.

– At one time, you managed to leave the sport only on the second try. Was it a big deal to leave?

– Even though you have been preparing yourself for this step for more than four years?

“I just didn’t want to go into emptiness.” I wanted not only to end my career beautifully, but also to have an equally beautiful job after it, which would allow me to get the same return that I had in sports. The problem was that I simply didn’t see any prospects for such work. Moreover, I didn’t count on it too much: I was always honest with myself and knew that I really couldn’t do anything except run and shoot. At the same time, I understood that I had accumulated colossal experience in all respects, and it would probably be nice to convey it to young athletes.

– And against this background a proposal appeared called “head coach”?

– I was not the head coach - I just performed duties, and even then not for too long. After I finally left the sport, I talked a lot with Deputy Minister Yuri Nagornykh and RBU President Alexander Kravtsov. It’s not that I expected that they would solve all my problems, but deep down I believed that they would at least give me some advice. Nagornykh suggested going to his office and playing children’s sports, for example. But for some reason I stubbornly repeated to myself that I only wanted to work in the SBR. So Kravtsov offered me a leadership position.

– Did this make you happy?

– I don’t even know how to answer. On the one hand, I really wanted to benefit my sport. Attract new people, “young blood”.

– In order to do this, you need to come with your team and change everything. This is already called a revolution. Are you a revolutionary by nature?

– In the soul – it’s possible. But in fact the situation turned out to be different. I somehow very quickly began to feel that I was not given the position for me to work at all. But just to employ me in this way. Fortunately, I didn’t worry about this for long: when I found out that I was expecting my second child, I immediately came to Kravtsov and said that I couldn’t work in the federation.


– Leaving sports coincided with a difficult period in your personal life.

– That period associated with the first marriage continues to this day. I don’t even want to tell you - this is a separate and very difficult story.

- But are you happy now?

- Yes. Now, first of all, I am a beloved woman, a mother, completely immersed in caring for children. We are all together, we are family.

– Your husband works on the national cross-country skiing team. Does this mean that once the season begins...

-...Is he almost never at home? Yes. Such is our sporting life. Of course, you get used to it, but in reality, it’s hard. Especially with two children in my arms. In such cases, I begin to mentally project the situation onto myself. I remember how I also constantly left home. And I was often not around either. Now everything is coming back. Although during the years of her own performances she used every opportunity to come to her family, she returned from every training camp, from every stage of the World Cup.

– Did you have any thoughts, when your first family began to collapse, that the Olympic champion was not a very suitable person for family life? And the character is complex, and the titles put pressure, and it’s not always easy to conform. Not every man can stand this.

– When a woman is doing well, she doesn’t need to demonstrate character, it seems to me. My husband loves and respects me – and for my character as well. I have wonderful boys whom I cherish and love very much.

– Is your eldest son Sasha already involved in sports?

- Yes, he plays hockey. He's a goalkeeper.

– Was it his own choice?

- Absolutely. In this regard, I don’t put any pressure on my child at all. I know that he is capable, athletic, I know that he can do anything. We were already wrestlers and rock climbers, now we are still playing hockey. I don’t know how things will turn out next, but it will definitely not be my choice, but my son’s, and I will only support him.

– Considering your husband’s profession, what are you more involved in – biathlon or cross-country skiing?

– It’s difficult to answer. In connection with such events as the successful performances of Sergei Ustyugov, naturally, you begin to become more interested in racing. It’s just that now we are not going through the easiest period in sports: we have been slandered simply in a terrible way, purely politically. The next Olympic Games are just around the corner, but we still can’t move away from the previous ones.

– What feelings does biathlon give you when you look at it from the outside?


– From your point of view, how justified are individual teams within the national team - such as the one where Anton Shipulin and Alexei Volkov train?

– If it brings results, then perhaps they are justified. Although I think that even with individual training, it is necessary to conduct some training sessions with the team. So that you can be seen, so that you can see others. It’s cool, of course, to work alone, understanding that everything revolves around you, that sparring partners are selected for you and solely of your choice, but you need to understand that this situation also has its downsides.

Not to mention the fact that those who first joined the national team should see how the stars train, how they approach this work, how they behave, how they perform, and who they need to look up to. For example, over the years I have seen how Galya Kukleva, Olya Medvedtseva, Albina Akhatova, Svetlana Ishmuratova treat their work - despite the fact that Sveta sometimes also switched to individual training. And from the very beginning I clearly understood that I wanted to be like them. Maybe it was just a different time: now you can see everything a person does through social networks, especially since on the Internet all athletes in one way or another promote themselves, promote themselves, and endlessly post videos.

– Nevertheless, the current generation is constantly contrasted with yours.

– Which generation do you mean? The generation of Sleptsova, Starykh, Virolainen and Akimova, who are already under 30 or a little “for”, or Ulyana Kaisheva and Olga Podchufarova, who several years ago “tolerated” all their rivals in juniors?

- I think not. It’s not just about the fact that athletes are physically exhausted. In junior sports they were stars of the first magnitude. And it’s hard to be a star, and then suddenly become a nobody and start losing. And it’s very difficult to climb back, not everyone can do it.

On the other hand, I still remember how I started running in the national team myself, and how they said about us that we were no good at all: we don’t train as much as those who were in the national team before us, and accordingly, we don’t perform as well . It was then that I decided for myself that I would never allow myself to make such statements about those who would come to the national team after me. I don't want to act as such an "expert". I'm not sure if this is even correct. Not to mention life changing.

– Do values ​​change with it?

– It’s possible that yes. For us, the highest value was to get into the team, into the main team. Everyone understood that this was really cool. And now there is a very real option when a person is called to the World Cup, and he says: “I don’t want to.” Because running in the IBU Cup is easier in every way. It’s easier to win money, they’ll pay good money. I call all this other values. I know that everyone works hard because you can’t run in competitions without training. But with this attitude, people lower the bar for themselves.

– That is, they lose the feeling that losing is scary?

– No, losing is just scary for them, if only because you immediately come under attack from the media. They write the same thing: that they still won’t get out of the hole, that their coaches are bad. Sometimes it really kills.


– You yourself went through a period when the Russian women’s national team was led by Wolfgang Pichler, about whom they often wrote that he was not a coach at all, that his methods were no good. Did this put moral pressure on you?

- It was hard. Especially on the eve of the Olympics. When you told us at the lecture how important it is for an athlete to be able to change his attitude towards what is happening around him, including towards journalists, I thought that I was missing precisely this skill at that time. I went into the mixed zone as if I were going to war, knowing exactly what and in what tones I would hear there. And she obviously set herself up to defend herself. Therefore, everything was perceived with hostility, accompanied by endless stress and took a lot of energy. Now I would react completely differently.

– You quite demonstratively, it seems to me, ignore social networks. Is there a reason for this?

– I don’t like all this too much. Perhaps I’m just not brought up to shout about myself at every corner. I understand that this may be wrong. At lectures on marketing, they explained to us that in today’s times you don’t have to be someone to be noticed, you just need to be able to speak beautifully about yourself. That's what everyone is doing to the best of their ability. And athletes too. They show not the result, but themselves. I'm not saying it's bad. Perhaps this is just how life is now, everything is changing. But social media is a distraction.

– According to many psychologists, the main problem with social networks is that they atrophy a person’s ability to listen to himself, to his experiences, to analyze his own life and mistakes. In any stressful situation, people simply go into virtual reality, grabbing their phone.

– Something keeps me from being active on the Internet. When I look through Instagram, every time I think about the same thing: a bunch of people constantly show themselves, their lives, their children, show how they love these children, how they go out with them, what gifts they buy. I also love my children, but I’m not at all ready to shout about it at every corner. And besides, I clearly understand that every time I go to Instagram, I immerse myself in some other people’s lives instead of living my own. Well, why do I need all this?


– In those years that you competed, you were good at leading yourself to the main competitions. Who did this eyeliner? Did you completely trust the head coach?

– Partly, yes, but I constantly included my own intuition. When I was young, it was completely different: on the eve of the main competitions, I always got sick. That’s probably why I started thinking about the reasons. In addition, I always wanted to prove to others that I was able to run not only in December, as the press has repeatedly written about me, but throughout the season. Gradually, with experience, with age, I began to understand my body and listen to it. Much, of course, depends on the coach, on your communication with him, on how you communicate with him, how much you trust. I have always had normal relationships with all the coaches I have worked with. At the 2009 World Championships in Korea, I had the feeling that my body itself knew what and how to do. The main thing is to constantly listen to him and not interfere.

– Have there been situations when the coach said one thing, but intuition said the opposite?

- Certainly. When I was young, it happened... Naturally, I didn’t argue with the coach, I just did everything he said, even when there were stars in my eyes. And that work one way or another resulted in results. When an athlete has a certain status, he can discuss something with the coach on equal terms. This was the case with Pichler, with whom we clashed quite often on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi. He said: “We must,” explained why he thought so, and convinced me. Then Pichler once said that if Zaitseva had trained even more, she would have had better results. Now I can honestly admit: he really was right. It’s just human nature to feel sorry for yourself. The body's capabilities are not limited. Everything is limited by the head.

– Which of the current biathletes is most interesting to you from a professional point of view?

– I can’t say that I single out anyone in particular. In addition, everything is constantly changing: there was a person at the top and suddenly - time! And he is already at the very bottom of the protocol.

– But there are eternal values? Martin Fourcade, for example.

– I like Bjoerndalen more. Mostly a person of my generation. I saw how he started, how he achieved his results. In general, I always root more for those who run beautifully. Sometimes it’s clear even before the start that a person will win. By the eyes. That is, it hasn’t even started yet, but you kind of already understand it. For girls, I worry more about those with whom I ran. For those who have been in biathlon for many years. And the young ones, just as they came, they quickly leave.

– Not so long ago, Katya Yurlova told me in an interview that a kind of club of young mothers has formed in women’s biathlon. And that this is a separate category of female athletes.

– It was exactly the same with us. Olga Medvedtseva, Anya Bogaliy, Albina, and I had children almost simultaneously. Sveta Sleptsova constantly made fun of us. For her, we were all “mothers.” It's really a different attitude to life when you have a child and a family. More responsible, perhaps.

– What exactly did you begin to understand about sports after the birth of your child?

- That time is running out very quickly. Much faster than you think. At one time, my sister Oksana told me: “Olya, enjoy what you do, be happy, get a thrill from this work. Because very soon you won’t have that.” I always told the girls the same thing when I was performing in the last years of my career.

– Does the ability to achieve results in sports help you in everyday life?

– Now I don’t really need it, I’m just a mother. And it will definitely help in the future, I know that for sure.

Elena Vaitsekhovskaya, "Sport-Express"


Olga Zaitseva - biography of the actress, photo, personal life and her husband 2018

Biography of Olga Zaitseva

Olga Vladimirovna Zaitseva is a Russian actress, known for her work in the films “Viy”, “Duel”, “Point of Return”, “The Path” and others. Perhaps you were looking for the biography of her namesake, biathlete Olga Zaitseva.

Childhood and family

Olga Zaitseva was born in Moscow on August 5, 1982. The future actress’s father is an engineer, her mother is actress Valentina Zaitseva, who served at the Bolshoi Drama Theater for more than 10 years. Tovstonogov. Olya studied well at school and was seriously involved in tennis and chess. It is worth noting that both Olga’s grandfather and father were Moscow tennis champions.

Olga said in an interview that at the age of five she told her mother that she wanted to become an actress, and that she was not going to play in the theater, but exclusively in cinema. Mom was horrified.


The future actress received a certificate of secondary education at the age of 15. As an exemplary daughter, on the advice of her parents, Olya tried to enter MGIMO and failed twice. The future actress entered VGIK three times, but unsuccessfully. Then, to the delight of her parents, she went to study as an economist at the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics.

However, the desire to play in films haunted the girl, and she decided to enter GITIS, where she was accepted on her first try. But after studying for about six months in the workshop of Leonid Kheifets, Zaitseva left the university. The girl explained this by saying that the training did not live up to her expectations.

Olga was about to return to economics when director Sergei Solovyov invited her to play a small role in his film “About Love.” Soon after filming, Zaitseva was finally accepted into VGIK - into the workshop of Solovyov, Merzoev and Rubinchik.

Olga graduated from VGIK in 2006. By the way, the actress also graduated from VZEFI with a degree in financial management.

Works in theater and cinema

While studying at VGIK, Zaitseva received mainly age-related roles in student productions. In one of the educational performances, Olga played the great Faina Ranevskaya. But at that time the theater was of little interest to the girl, who had dreamed of cinema from a young age. In 2003, in addition to Solovyov’s role in the film “About Love,” Olga starred in two more small roles in the TV series “Next 3” and “The Fifth Angel.”

2005 became more successful for the actress. She was approved for the main role in the film “Duel”. This is a film directed by Ekaterina Toldonova about two half-sisters who are fencers. Zaitseva's partner in the film was Svetlana Ivanova.

On the screen, the girls fencing beautifully, which can be explained very simply: firstly, fencing is taught at VGIK, and secondly, while working on the film, the actresses were trained by an Olympic champion.

"Duel" received a diploma from the international film festival "Stalker". It is worth noting that Olga starred in this film while she was four months pregnant. Only her strong character and habit of stress helped her to withstand the filming, much of which was carried out on night shifts.

In 2005, viewers saw Zaitseva in several more projects: “Palm Reader”, “Airport”, “Swan Paradise”, “Confession”.

In 2006, Olga starred in the films “The Irrevocable Man,” “Dad of All Trades,” and “Plus Infinity.” The most notable was Zaitseva’s work in the youth series “Club”, where she played one of the main roles. Many Russian celebrities took part in this project, which ran on Russian MTV for three whole years: Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, Valeria, Timur Batrutdinov, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. In 2007, Olga Zaitseva starred in a small role in the film “Running on the Waves” and in the main role in the two-part film “Point of Return”, on the set of which she had the opportunity to work with Arnis Licitis, Sergei Chonishvili, Ilya Shakunov.

In 2008, the actress appeared again in two films: “Cold Sun” and “King, Queen, Jack,” a joint Russian-Ukrainian production. The following year, 2009, the actress starred in the large project “The Path” based on the novel “Judgment Day” by Alexander Chervonenko. In this action film, Olga played a senior lieutenant of the medical service. Filming took place in Russia, China, Thailand and the USA. Despite large investments and a star cast, the film was not very successful.

2010 brought the actress again two roles in the films “Women’s Dreams of Far Countries” and “Blizzard.”

In 2012, Olga Zaitseva starred in the film “This is What Happens to Me” with Gosha Kutsenko in the title role. This film was well received by the audience and was even nominated for the main prize at the Kinotavr film festival.

The following year, 2013, viewers again saw Olga Zaitseva in the title role in the film “Party for the Champion.” The filmmakers were looking for an actress who played tennis professionally, and Zaitseva was the perfect fit.

Also in 2013, the horror film “Viy 3D” based on the work of N.V. was released. Gogol, where the audience saw Olga Zaitseva in the role of a lady. It must be said that more than 500 actresses and models from Russia, the Czech Republic and Ukraine auditioned for this role. The filmmakers saw Zaitseva as a real witch and were not mistaken.

The actress performed most of the stunts in the film herself, and there are a huge number of them, for example, a flying coffin. The actress said in an interview that after working on this film she stopped being afraid of heights.

In the same year, Olga took part in the enterprise directed by Yuri Vasiliev “Veronica Decides to Die” based on the work of Paulo Coelho.

In 2014, the actress starred in a candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Olga was asked to choose the image at her discretion, and she became a 19th-century courtesan. In an interview, Olga admitted that for a long time she could not decide to take this step, but then she thought that any experience makes a person richer.

Zaitseva considers one of her favorite roles to be the role of a killer in the film “Kenzhe” by Kazakh director Ermek Tursunov. For this film, Olga learned to fight professionally and even once applied her skills in life, when she was attacked by a robber in a dark alley. The attacker did not immediately manage to take the bag from the actress - he clearly did not expect such a rebuff from the fragile girl.

In 2017, Olga Zaitseva worked, among other things, on the set of the film “The King of Madagascar,” an adventure film about the events of the 18th century.

Personal life of Olga Zaitseva

Olga Zaitseva is not married. In 2005, the actress had a son, Artemy. In one of the interviews, Olga said that the boy’s father takes part in his son’s life, although he does not live with him. The actress never mentions the name of her son’s father. On her Facebook page, Olga wrote that she is in a “civil partnership”; there is also a mention of her husband, who, according to Olga, does not know how to take photographs at all.

The actress does not drink, does not smoke, and regularly plays sports: tennis, swimming, snowboarding, alpine skiing, roller skating. The actress, who is in ideal shape, promotes a healthy lifestyle on social networks. Olga devotes a lot of time to her family: her son, daughter and parents. She often goes on vacation with her family and a mysterious man and regularly pleases her fans and subscribers with photos, videos and positive posts.

Olga Zaitseva says that money does not play a fundamental role for her; she is ready to take part in an interesting project for free.

The actress writes poetry and is going to try herself as a producer; she is sure that her economics degree will be useful for this.

Olga Zaitseva now

In 2018, work was underway on the series “Ministry”, where the actress plays one of the supporting roles, and her co-stars were Ivan Oganesyan, Anna Polupanova, Kirill Safonov. Olga Zaitseva often appears on various television shows, for example, in January 2018 she participated in “Fashionable Verdict”. The episode was called "The Case of the Conservation Queen." In the episode, Olga told how a young mother can keep in shape after giving birth.

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“The current generation of biathletes is simply missed. Something else must grow"

Former biathlete, two-time Olympic champion Olga Zaitseva believes that global mistakes were made in the preparation of young athletes.

– How does biathlon make you feel when you look at it from the outside?

– I always protect everyone. I say that you just need to wait: the new generation will grow up, train, and everything will be great. Although for the first time after leaving I only thought that I was ready to run myself, and that it would be no worse than what our girls are doing now. Now I look at it more calmly.

– The current generation is constantly contrasted with yours.

– My opinion boils down to the fact that the current generation of athletes, in a sense, has simply been missed. Something else must grow.

– Which generation do you mean? The generation of Sleptsova, Starykh, Virolainen and Akimova, who are already under 30 or a little “for”, or Ulyana Kaisheva and Olga Podchufarova, who several years ago “tolerated” all their rivals in juniors?

- Younger ones, of course. It seems to me that one of the global mistakes in their preparation was precisely that the emphasis was placed on juniors. The athletes were required to show the same results in juniors as they now need to show in the national team. And they simply spent themselves, dried up. But this is solely my opinion.

– Do you want to say that it is not possible to recover in this case?

- I think not. It’s not just about the fact that athletes are physically exhausted. In junior sports they were stars of the first magnitude. And it’s hard to be a star, and then suddenly become a nobody and start losing. And it’s very difficult to climb back, not everyone can do it. On the other hand, I still remember how I started running in the national team myself, and how they said about us that we were no good at all: we don’t train as much as those who were in the national team before us, and accordingly, we don’t perform as well . It was then that I decided for myself that I would never allow myself to make such statements about those who would come to the national team after me. I don’t want to act as such an “expert”. I'm not sure if this is even correct. Not to mention life changing.

“All-Russian Bunny” - Olga Zaitseva received this nickname at the peak of her career from devoted biathlon fans. The champion, who has long closed the doors to big-time sports, admits that fans still address her this way when they meet randomly. Olga was able to get two gold medals for Russia at the Olympics and won world championships three times.

Childhood and youth

Olga Zaitseva was born into a Muscovite family - a pilot and a kindergarten teacher. Elder sisters Elena and Oksana could already boast of some achievements in skiing as teenagers. Following the example of the girls, Olya also wanted to ski and in the third grade joined the ranks of the ski section of the sports school. The future champion was taken under the wing of coach Svetlana Nesterova, who was soon replaced by Elena Chukedova.

The school program was supplemented by another “snow” sport - biathlon, but the students were in no hurry to exchange ski racing for it; there was a catastrophic shortage of girls on the team. Olga became interested in this area, so she happily agreed to the offer to prepare for the competition.

Only two weeks were allotted for learning the basics of shooting. Zaitseva, under the leadership of Viktor Izotov, managed to master the basics and went to competitions in Krasnogorsk, and from there to the All-Russian Winter Spartakiad in Perm. Since then, the girl decided to seriously engage in biathlon. However, she didn’t give up skiing.

After 8th grade, Olga entered a sports college and managed to combine her studies with two sports. The biathlete remembers that time as one of the most difficult in her life. But she didn’t give up and even became a master of sports in biathlon, after which she said goodbye to cross-country skiing, having finally decided on her career path.

Zaitseva did not stop with a college diploma; she entered the Academy of Physical Culture, which she successfully graduated from. In the late 90s, the girl managed to serve her native state in the uniform of a policeman, in the 2000s she worked in the tax police, then with the rank of captain she was listed in the federal drug control service.

Sports talent, supported by perseverance in training, did not go unnoticed. Soon Olga joined the Russian junior team and won the first silver award at the championship in Kontiolahti. A year later, she brought back the championship title from Italy, obtained based on the results of team racing. In 1999, Zaitseva was accepted into its ranks by the adult national team.

Professional sports

The new millennium began with training under the guidance of her sister Oksana Rocheva. Olga Zaitseva made her debut in the Dynamo Central Sports Club, earning the title of international master of sports. And in 2001, her sports biography reached an international scale - the biathlete won silver at the European Championships. A year later she successfully debuted in the World Cup and received a pass to the 2002 Olympics.

The athlete delighted biathlon fans at the World Championships in 2005, where she collected the entire set of medals and received the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports. The following season, Olga Alekseevna Zaitseva’s list of awards was decorated with the first Olympic gold won in Turin.

The woman had to take a break from her sports career. Olga got married and gave birth to a child, it took her a long time to regain her lost form - she did not please her with her successes in performances. Experts did not pin their hopes on the athlete nominated for the 2009 championship after the doping scandal that deprived the Russian team of the biathlon color: Dmitry Yaroshenko and Ekaterina Yuryeva did not participate.

But the biathlete surprised by snatching two gold and the same number of bronze medals from her opponents. The following year, she added to her assets with several World Cups, as well as gold and silver (relay and mass start) at the Vancouver Olympics.

In 2011, the champion was going to put an end to professional sports. The impetus was the negative results of the women's team at the World Cup, which took place in Russia. But, having publicly announced the end of her career, Olga Zaitseva soon changed her mind and stayed for another three years - until the next Olympics.

During this period, the athlete collected a rich harvest of Cups and other awards. She won performances in Finland, took second and third places in Austria, and also led in sprint races and pursuit races. At the beginning of 2012, she won her third winning position at the World Cup in Germany, and took first place in competitions held in the Czech Republic.

In 2014, Olga Zaitseva graced the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The titled athlete ended her career with dignity - with a silver medal. But the sport did not just let the skier go: Olga Alekseevna took the post of acting head coach of the Russian women's biathlon team.

Personal life

In the fall of 2006, the athlete celebrated her wedding. Olga Zaitseva’s husband was a colleague, biathlete from Slovakia Milan Augustin, who ended his career back in the 90s due to a back injury.

The couple even got married, the ceremony took place in the homeland of the chosen one. The celebration was held modestly, in the circle of the closest people. And the newly-made spouses spent their honeymoon in Brussels.

Soon Olga and Milan had a son, who was named Alexander. The girl’s mother approved the decision to return to sports, taking on the main responsibilities of raising her grandson.

In 2013, fans of the athlete learned the news about the divorce of a couple of biathletes. Zaitseva did not voice the reasons for the separation; moreover, on the official website she asked fans not to ask unnecessary questions.

A couple of years later, Sasha’s 8-year-old son had a brother; Olga Zaitseva named the second heir Stepan. The child's father is ski team servicer Pyotr Trifonov.

Olga Zaitseva now

After saying goodbye to biathlon, Zaitseva devoted her life to raising children and social activities. The woman was a member of the Athletes’ Commission of the Russian Olympic Committee and participated in the construction of a sports complex for small skiers and biathletes in the country’s capital.

At the end of 2017, by decision of the IOC, the authoritative athlete was deprived of the silver medal won at the 2014 Games. Following this, Olga Zaitseva received a lifelong ban from participating in the Olympics. The biathlete was included in the list of “suspicious” athletes for doping by accident. During a total inspection of the samples, scratches were found on the test tubes - they were allegedly opened to replace the “dirty” biomaterial with “clean” ones.

Together with Zaitseva, biathletes and Yana Romanova lost their awards and the opportunity to compete at the Olympics. In February 2018, the athletes filed an appeal against the IOC decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (USA). At the beginning of March it became known that the date for consideration of the claim had not yet been set.

Olga is currently on maternity leave and notes in an interview:

“I’m resting for now. My goal is to raise children."

The woman receives another education - she studies by correspondence at Moscow State University with a degree in sports management. He often becomes a guest and organizer of competitions, helping his sister Oksana develop sports school No. 102.


  • 2001 – silver at the European Championships
  • 2005 - bronze, silver and gold at the World Championships in Hochfilzen
  • 2006 - gold at the Olympics in Turin
  • 2009 – two bronze and two gold medals at the World Championships in Pyeongchang
  • 2010 – gold at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2010 – silver at the Vancouver Olympics
  • 2014 – silver at the Olympics in Sochi