Cleansing with salt, getting rid of negative energy. What is energy cleansing and how to prepare for it? Cleansing your energy

Human energy, how to restore it - this is what today’s article is about. Each person, without exception, has his own energy. From the moment of birth until death. You need to cleanse your energy. Just like we cleanse our body. In essence, this is our subtle body. What are the signs of the need for energy cleansing?

It should be noted that there is a huge amount of different information around us all the time. A significant part, unfortunately, carries negative energy. Possessing destructive properties.

Negative energy depresses the human biofield

What does this affect? They may also appear at work. Chronic diseases are getting worse. Increased fatigue and low emotional background are noted. The person is immersed in and experiences a feeling of oppression. His life begins to resemble a series.

In this case, you need to immediately clear the energy field. Get rid of negative energy that negatively affects a person’s well-being.

Human energy - how to restore it? You can do the practice of clearing negativity yourself right now.

Restoring energy is not as simple a task as many may think at first glance. Special abilities and extensive experience in providing such assistance are required. One of these specialists is practicing healer Oksana Manoilo, who has successfully helped a large number of people.

Many people, like a sponge, begin to absorb the negative energy they encounter throughout the day. It is important to cleanse yours, just like your physical body. And learn to deal with such negative phenomena.

It is almost impossible to completely restore your energy without the participation of a professional. Only a true healer is able to recognize what is required. Initially, it is carried out and only then cleansing if necessary.

How to restore human energy yourself?

You can get rid of negative energy on your own if you have sufficient experience and knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you will need the help of a specialist. Oksana Manoilo offers effective cleansing and restoration of human energy. A unique technique is used to achieve positive results as quickly as possible.

You need to understand that cleansing and restoring energy is a very labor-intensive process. Requiring maximum concentration and expenditure of one's own energy. Therefore, the person conducting the cleansing must at least have strong, healthy energy.

Human energy - what is it and how to restore it?

Each person has two types of energy:

1.Physical or life.

2. Free or creative.

There are several ways to increase energy levels, depending on its type. A person’s physical energy is actively restored during rest or sleep.

Restoring creative energy is quite a long process. Especially when we live in constant conditions.

To speed up the recovery process you need to contact professionals. Just like you turn to hairdressers, cosmetologists, nutritionists, trainers... for body care.

Oksana Manoilo will not only cleanse, but also restore the destroyed and “broken” human energy. Will provide quality at the highest level. Already within the first two weeks you will feel an improvement in your well-being, life will sparkle with colors.

How is human energy restored?

In short.

  1. At the first stage, a person’s energy is diagnosed using photography.
  2. The specialist studies it most carefully. Energy cleansing is an important and responsible process that should not be trusted to amateurs. Otherwise, you can only do harm.
  3. Special knowledge and techniques will help restore energy.
  4. They will provide its protection for a long time.
  5. They will help remove deformations in the energy field.

Human energy often suffers, how to restore it yourself? Is it possible? Do such knowledge and practices exist? You can learn this yourself. In her course "" Oksana is happy to share her knowledge. Without making this a sealed secret.

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Why is information filtering important for human energy and its restoration?

Any person, through his actions, words and deeds, forms a unique information field around himself. Strong human energy is considered the key to full development and personal happiness. How can I restore it?

Strong human energy, what is it? Good energy, like a magnet, attracts good events and useful acquaintances. Promotes success in all endeavors. Helps you develop and become better. Information filtering makes it possible to cut out negative information. Which negatively affects the human biofield. Makes him fragile and vulnerable.

Polluted human energy provokes the emergence of various types. Promotes the development of depression and depression. Does not allow you to fully enjoy life.

Sooner or later, the accumulated negativity will have the opportunity to undermine your health. Will facilitate the possibility of guidance and the evil eye. Experienced Oksana Manoilo will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Human energy is weakening, how to restore it? It is important to seek help in a timely manner. If you have begun to be haunted by failures or have serious health problems, then you should not think twice. Delay can only worsen the state of a person’s energy field. Which will require a long recovery period.

Do not forget that the disease is treated in proportion to the time of illness. That is, if your energy has been suffering for half a year, or even more. And you turn a blind eye to this and think that living in depression, apathy, etc. is the norm. Even the treatment will not happen in one day with the wave of a magic wand. Although this happened more than once.

But it is still recommended to monitor your mental state no less, or even more carefully, than for. The healer is able to cleanse a person at the energetic level. The cleaning process usually takes two weeks. Much depends on the person and the degree of neglect of the condition.

Signs that energy needs to be cleaned

The following signs can be identified. Which indicate the need to undergo a cleaning procedure:

  1. Noticeable lack of vitality and increased fatigue.
  2. Haunted by an unreasonable feeling.
  3. Frequent illnesses.
  4. Long periods of depression.
  5. Sharp, causeless changes in mood from joy to deep sadness.
  6. Problems arise at work and in your personal life.
  7. Human energy - how to restore it?

After the session, I flew with a balloon for three days, periodically checking whether there was traction with the ground. She ate because she understood what she needed, and not because she was hungry. I didn’t want thermally processed food, and I periodically craved sweets. The next day after the session I woke up in high spirits. I drank a lot of water. There was no thirst, but I knew what was needed. Later I read in the recommendations that this is what should be done. I ate once a day. I was drawn to nature, since Serebryany Bor is nearby. I decided for myself that there would be no headphones with music, I set the order so that no one would call, I walked 10 km in one breath. I noticed that my sense of smell had become more acute, I could hear the smell of people 100 meters away, some women's perfumes were unbearable - a suffocating chematosis. And children smell delicious :)

On the very first day after, a wet cough began, as if she was mowing something down (I was probably puffing away, the cleaning started; I didn’t feel like smoking). Then the urgent need for water became more apparent. In and out. I received information about the correct preparation of melt water, and I have never taken so many baths as since the session. I became very happy to communicate with water, it helps, it became a kind of catalyst for the transition to a meditative state. And by the way, while taking a bath, I worked through energy/karmic ties with some people. I was drawn to do this kind of work in the water; it was easier to keep my attention on the workspace. I performed my own energy practices in the air.

Naturally, the result of the cleaning had a concrete impact on physics. This was easily noticed in asanas - where it did not bend, now it bends, where it did not stretch, it stretches, and the like. I was drawn to practice on the third day.

My head became clearer, my thoughts were more consistent. It has become much easier to track and detain for “inspection” both thoughts and emotions. I noticed that before situations in which it was necessary to react more consciously, “correctly,” the passage of time slowed down. That is, something happened, but acceptance and comprehension seemed to stretch out over time, and this did not allow automatism to work. There were, for example, no negative emotions or irritation and intolerance where they could have been. And the cases were all random - for example, calls from strange people who had the wrong number and “sent me far away” by the end of the conversation; or increased communication with one relative and improvement with another; the realization of the incorrectness of the reaction in some cases also came faster. I wrote everything down in detail in a diary for elaboration, but I don’t think it’s worth sharing here.

On the second day after the session, I woke up with a strong desire to get a cat (I have always loved dogs more). I even chose the breed, but sanity took over - I wouldn’t be able to fully care for the pet. I remembered that during test dives a cat came in my sleep. Why, I haven’t figured it out yet, I decided to bring the desire to the inner plane with an appeal to the Guardians. You should try to have a cat in your workspace, perhaps it will help on a subtle level.

As recommended, I started keeping a diary, recording dreams, thoughts, etc. I discovered a pattern that every time I asked the Guardians to provide information for the benefit of growth and development, this information was erased in the morning, I did not remember anything. But when I read the Manifesto before going to bed, what vivid and detailed dreams there were! The scenes were different, mostly favorable (not disasters or horrors), I was just resting in a dream, waking up in high spirits. In general, after the session, the Manifesto began to act differently, more powerfully, it vibrates through all the cells of physics and it makes you feel so joyful, the space around is structured. The dreams have become simply powerful, I can’t say it any other way, they contain a huge amount of symbolism and signs that have yet to be unpacked. I write everything down and re-read it. After some dreams and pictures I saw, there was a desire to put it all on paper. I’ve never drawn before, but now I guess I’ll start.

After cleaning, on the fourth day sharp unpleasant sensations began in the places where the connections were removed (left arm, area of ​​the left ovary). As if physics was building up and getting used to a new way of functioning, blood vessels and muscle tissue were restored. Everything seemed to straighten out and fall into its rightful place. When it became painful, I healed this place with new tools and everything became even. Sometimes, I forgot to do this in the morning after waking up, and did it while communicating with someone or while driving, the space around me really leveled out. This was very noticeable (for example, when communicating with one person, I began to constantly yawn and wanted to sleep. I put the sphere on and became as cheerful as a “cucumber”).


There were questions for the custodians, but I didn’t let them get in touch. I didn’t let her in, and I understand this after listening to the session. They confirmed their presence to me - there was a feeling of something very close, Love, care, a feeling of complete safety and Home. There was no full communication with them in the format I wanted. But I wanted a flurry of images and sensations. Sometimes I get the impression that I am running ahead of the locomotive, and they are holding me back with their silence.

There is a block “no vision, no faith”, the block is mine.

Feelings in physics have appeared, the correctness of my further actions will be confirmed by these sensations, now I’m on the right path, don’t turn aside, don’t be lazy. Support is always nearby. Harmonize all the energies that became available after cleansing.


After the session, a serious restructuring of the internal and external spaces begins. The most important thing is not to negate these effects by NOT following the recommendations and being lazy. We need to be inspired by these changes and move forward. Because sometimes I just wanted to “get high” from the state, and not continue to work. Full awareness and setting a clear and strong intention are very energy-consuming if you do not practice it constantly.

The memory of my own workspace has returned, which I can create, where I can work with myself, with others and gain strength. Through cleansing, I came to the understanding that my obsessive thoughts can come on business, and it is important to distinguish between them and immediately work through them, now I understand how to do this. Once again I was convinced that I don’t just give away trust when it comes to working on the subtle plane. Well, I can’t simply open up to the “voice of a person”, regardless of his “regalia” or whatever super defenses and attitudes he has, I need to pass the person through all the senses, and only then do I decide on admission or not.

The most memorable moments are related to the sensations in physics. After cleaning, the whole body came to life, the energy flowed clearly and became obvious.

Now I already know that the main goal of my session was cleansing, and it was fully achieved. Of course, I still have a desire for astral travel, “Soul-to-Soul” dialogues with the Guardians, receiving answers to questions about the current incarnation, a full experience of my multidimensionality and the energy of the Creator in every cell, but... In one sitting, such a “no need to eat a big cake” is harmful for me , can greatly distract you from worldly affairs, and the variety of other questions can be answered in the following sessions and through your OWN work within yourself, gradually….

*Session of new hypnologists in the words of a ward

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because truth is limitless, and each level of consciousness has its own picture of the world and level of information processing. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)

In the modern world there is a lot of negativity and negative energy, so many bioenergeticists and magicians claim that human energy cleansing is what everyone needs to maintain their health and survive in the turmoil of days.


Experts say that energy comes and goes through the fingers. Thus, energy cleansing of a person should begin with working on the fingers. The simplest thing you can do is to start stretching them, letting the muscles first feel some tension, and then relaxation. It will be similar to removing a ring or a thimble from your finger. At the same time, it is imperative to think that with the help of these actions, all the negative energy that is in the body goes into oblivion. Next, having gotten rid of the negativity, you need to charge yourself with warmth and To do this, just turn your hands with your palms up, raise them to the level of your neck and begin to imagine how your body absorbs all the positive that is floating around. This way a person will not only get rid of it, but also be charged with positive energy.

Energy cleansing of a person can also be carried out with the help of air. To do this, you need to exhale all the air from yourself and immediately hold your breath. If a person can hold out without air for less than 12 seconds, this means that his body is overloaded with negativity. If it’s more, then everything is more or less normal. Such training should be carried out as often as possible. It is believed that in this way the body’s connections with negative energy are broken, and it leaves the person.

Energy cleansing of a person can also be carried out with the help of a candle and prayers. This method is good to use daily to remove the taint of negativity that can “stick” to a person during the day. To do this, you need to take a lit candle and wrap it in paper so that it does not drip. Next, when reading Psalm 90 or any other, you need to carry out the following actions. First, a person lowers the candle in a zigzag from forehead to toe, then lifts it in a straight line and lowers it again to his feet. Next, from below you need to lift the candle in a counterclockwise spiral, while not forgetting to read the prayer. Then a circle is drawn around the head with a candle, and the action ends with a kind of cross from the forehead to the chest and from the right to the left shoulder. During this time, the prayer or conspiracy is read at least three times. All actions are performed without haste, slowly and carefully. The candle does not go out, it simply burns out on its own.

Simple rules

Cleaning a person can be carried out not only with the help of special actions, but also during ordinary daily activities. So, after coming from the street, you must wash your hands, this way they are cleansed not only of dirt, but also of negative energy. In the evening, you definitely need to wash your face, cleanse your soul and body, throwing off all the negativity. It is also good to avoid conflicts, they spoil. If it is impossible to avoid them, then during a showdown it is better to remain silent and not argue, mentally putting up a defense in front of you that the negativity hovering around simply will not penetrate. Using all these methods, very effective cleaning of human energy channels can be carried out.

Negative energy has a destructive effect on our biofield, which leads to personal problems, illnesses and turns life into a series of failures. Three effective ways will help you get out of this state.

Today there is a huge amount of information around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person, like a sponge, absorbs all the energy waves with which he interacts during the day. It is necessary to combat negative energy influences. Positive thinking and three effective ways to cleanse the biofield will help you with this.

Information filtering

Each person creates the world around him: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine our future destiny. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biofield is clogged with negativity, then the person is haunted by misfortune, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens for nothing. Some people are overtaken by karma, others achieve everything with their own hands. But we are all masters of our own lives, and, as in any responsible matter, in designing our destiny it is necessary to observe order and certain rules.

Like attracts like. All received information is distributed to every cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA, modifying it at the physical level. Hence the diseases that appear as if out of nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches a program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

All the negativity you receive and see will sooner or later affect your luck and physical condition. That’s why it’s so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, and get as many positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative influence that you can draw from the world on your own, a person is also subject to bad influence from the outside. Evil eyes, damage and other magical actions are aimed at destroying your life through energy. Three effective and proven methods will help you get rid of energy dirt.

Method 1: eliminating energy holes in the biofield

Place your hands with the backs of your palms facing each other. Imagine that there is a clot of negative energy between your palms. Take a deep breath and feel the Divine energy filling you. With exhalation, pure energy should come out through the hands and positively charge all the collected negativity. It is necessary to repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With its help, you will not only cleanse yourself of negativity, but also strengthen your biofield. The generated positive energy will help you remove barriers and layers of negative influence. If you expect quick results, then at the beginning of your course you should make as much effort as possible and do this exercise several times a day.

Method 2: getting rid of foreign energy

If you feel discomfort in your body, are haunted by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as noticeably negative influences, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and visually place yourself above it. You should mentally throw yourself into the fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in flames, and your phantom, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around you is shining with white light. This is pure energy.

Now in real time you need to feel how the white energy spreads throughout your body, starting from your feet. In the end, it should entangle you like a cocoon, creating a shield from other people’s influences and sorrows.

Method 3: energy cleansing at the cellular level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relaxing on the shore, you don’t care about anything, you are happy and calm. You feel the waves caressing your feet. Look at yourself from the outside. You should see dirty spots in areas that cause physical or emotional pain. Take a deep breath and feel the cool sea water wash over you. As you exhale, feel the water recede, washing away some of the stains. Continue this until the dirt is completely removed from your body. Usually cleansing occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing negative energy. Their impact occurs at the mental level, which helps to saturate yourself with positive energy, release negativity and strengthen the biofield. We wish you success, happiness, and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2017 06:50

Words can not only influence a person’s life, but also attract a lot of problems to him. ...

Today, perhaps, no one will be surprised by the fact that each person has his own energy field. And no one will argue with the fact that people’s energy varies. After all, you can often literally physically feel that it is a pleasure to be next to one person, but you want to run away from another like fire.

However, not only living beings have energy, but also inanimate objects. So the philosophy of Feng Shui is based on the influence of the energy flows around us on people.

Causes of human energy pollution

The human energy field is influenced by literally everything: the environment, people, pets, and even one’s own thoughts and feelings. This means that the energy body of each of us can be contaminated by the hostile intentions of one of the ill-wishers or even random people whom we encounter at work or in public places. Moreover, our own negative thoughts, emotions or doubts can pollute our energy aura.

A person’s polluted energy body affects his sense of the world, vital energy and potential. Therefore, energy needs periodic cleansing, otherwise a person’s poor emotional well-being can lead to problems with his physical and mental health, as well as disruption of the harmony of relationships with loved ones.

The cause of contamination of the energy field can also be the process of cleansing the energy of the home, when energy dirt settles on a person; skin and hair are especially susceptible to contamination. This means that in order to get rid of impurities, procedures should be carried out to cleanse the physical body.

Ways to cleanse human energy

In the most effective way energy cleansing is, of course, water, that is, washing one’s own body. But there are other ways of cleansing, for example, interaction with nature. When simply walking barefoot on the ground helps to cleanse yourself of negative energy, you can also sit or lie on the ground, imagining your unity with nature and mentally setting yourself to get rid of accumulated negativity.

Another “natural” way of cleansing is interaction with flora, that is, the plant world, namely trees, which have a unique ability to both absorb negative energy and charge it with positive energy. For example, aspen, linden and poplar absorb negative destructive energy, and birch charges with positivity.

To effectively cleanse with trees, you need to remember some rules. First you need to choose the right tree, then go up to it and hug it, while concentrating on your feelings. If no unpleasant feelings arise, you should press your back against a tree and imagine how everything bad, including fatigue and worries, leaves you and complete cleansing occurs. After a few minutes, you should thank the tree for its care. Over time, you will learn to feel the waves of energy emanating from the trees.

You should also take into account some rules, for example, you do not need to become attached to the same tree for a long time. You should not “communicate” with trees in winter, when nature is at rest. It is also important to know that some trees, such as aspen, with prolonged interaction can absorb too much of your energy, depriving you of strength.

People with strong energy can cleanse the aura on their own. To do this, you need to lie down and relax, breathe deeply and evenly, then imagine that each exhalation takes away negative energy, and each inhalation fills the body with positive energy. Sometimes you can feel discomfort in a certain part of the body, which suggests that you should mentally concentrate on it, cleansing yourself.

But let's return to the most effective way to cleanse energy pollution - to water. All healers in the world recognize the healing properties of water. Also, most of them recognize the benefits of dousing with cold water, which not only washes away energy dirt in the literal sense of the word, but also fills the body with energy and health. Pouring cold water can be replaced with a regular shower, but with any water procedures it is important to remember that your emotional mood, namely the message for cleansing, is especially important.

But not only with the help of a shower can you cleanse your energy; this can also be done by taking a fragrant bath. For example, baths with the addition of orange (juice of one orange and 4 slices of this fruit) or baths with a decoction of juniper or wormwood herbs. The condition for taking such a bath is a certain water temperature - 37-38 ° C, ablution time - 10-15 minutes. After taking a bath, you should rinse in the shower, mentally getting rid of energy pollution. Then, without drying yourself, you need to wrap yourself in a terry towel and relax, enjoying the feeling of peace and harmony. In this case, you can light an aroma lamp or fumigate the room.

How to protect yourself from negative energy

Pets and plants can help cleanse the space around us and protect us from negative energy. Since ancient times, cats have been considered the most active guardians.

You can also use various protective amulets and amulets. Particular attention should be paid to windows and the front door. You can try to repel negative energy with the help of statues of elephants, lions, winged dragons Pi Yao or Fu dogs standing at the front door. Pictures hanging on both sides of the front door with images of the gods-protectors of the house will also prevent the entry of negative energy.

To protect your home, you can decorate your door with a metal ring or bracket. Sometimes a Bagua mirror is used for this purpose, which, however, should be treated with great caution.

Our Slavic ancestors traditionally carved protective symbols from wood (most often oak or acacia) and placed them above the front door.

Whitewash is also believed to protect the house, but only as long as it is clean. In private homes, it is recommended to install shutters on the windows.

Bunches of garlic, pepper or onion also have a protective effect. Feng Shui suggests driving away negative energy with the help of special decorative bunches of red pepper.

You can protect yourself with the help of herbs, for example, make a sachet from a mixture of oregano, elderberry, valerian and basil. Bags of herbs should be placed in the corners of the house; they will become a kind of amulet for the home, not only against unnecessary energy, but also against unwanted visitors.

It is known that all precious and semi-precious stones have vital energy. Jade and agate are endowed with protective properties more than others. For example, with the help of a large agate jewelry you can protect yourself from negative energy and an envious eye. Stone balls, eggs, figurines of turtles or cranes are suitable for protecting the house.

Some express ways to cleanse negative energy

It is useful to follow certain rules that will help you quickly cleanse yourself and the surrounding space of energetic dirt.

1. When returning home, you should definitely change into home clothes, wipe your shoes and take a shower.
2. Donated or purchased items (including clothes) must be cleaned (fumigated, washed or washed) before wearing or using them.
3. After guests leave, wash the dishes and wipe the floor to get rid of any negative energy, even accidentally left behind.

Take care of yourself and remember that cleanliness is the key to both physical and spiritual health.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
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