Untidy appearance of clean clothes. Untidy appearance as a way of life

Women's habits that scare men away

Pathetic behavior

Here are classic examples of pathetic behavior that should be avoided:

When you tell a man that you need him to be happy.

When you constantly repeat “I missed you.”

When you compulsively check your email or voicemail.

Intrusive emails and calls (especially to make sure “everything is okay with him”).

Power demands to know where he is and what he is doing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Quiet - and not so - attacks of anger when he does not devote his attention to you.

A constant, insatiable desire to hear that he likes your appearance and that he approves of your actions.

Your feeling of inferiority, causing pity, puts exorbitant and absolutely unnecessary pressure on a man. He will constantly feel that he must fulfill his role for you, be perfect and/or live up to your ideal image of himself... otherwise... If he makes a "mistake", he will not only have to deal with the consequences - he, In addition, he will also be responsible for your happiness.

Also, if you have the false idea that you need him to be happy, you are stripped of all your power. Your well-being will always be at the mercy of another person. You make yourself powerless, and a powerless woman, my dear, can be anything but irresistible.

Endless uncertainty

“Doesn’t it make me look fat?” “Do you still love me?” “You probably think she’s prettier than me?” “Am I attractive enough for you?” Endless uncertainty infuriates men and feeds the illusion of your self that you are full of flaws and somehow worse than others. Your insecurities are a bottomless pit that cannot be filled, no matter how much reassurance you receive to the contrary. This happens because the idea that you are somehow worse than others is false. It's an illusion. The illusion cannot be corrected, because it is initially unreal, unreal.

You can learn not to feed your insecurities, and it is absolutely necessary to do so if you want to be irresistible. Either you invest energy in uncertainty or irresistibility. I suggest the second option.

Here's a hint. If you think you look fat in a certain outfit, you probably do. I know it's harsh, but that's the reality. Not every type of clothing is suitable for every body type. Wear clothes that look amazing on you and that flatter your figure. Go through your wardrobe with a trusted friend and tweak it so that clothes that make you wonder if you look fat are eliminated from your list of options.

Here's another important note. No matter how slim, successful and attractive you become, insecurity will not go away. Because an internal false thought cannot be corrected by external reality. The only way to get rid of insecurity is to allow yourself to feel it when you actually feel it (in other words, don't resist it). But you can’t dwell on this feeling. Shift your attention to what is happening around you. For example, listen carefully to your interlocutor or simply tidy up your desk. Where you place your attention is where energy flows. You will simply notice insecurities without taking them to heart or giving them importance, you will find that they will appear much less often. You will also strengthen your ability to be present in the here and now, to give yourself fully to life, which is the key to unleashing your true irresistibility. ...

Inability to communicate

Women often make communication mistakes that undermine their irresistibility and cause men to run away before you can say, “Marriage, children!”

First of all, most women don't really listen. We decide whether we like what a man says, whether we agree with his words or not, we determine whether we knew this before. We also listen to understand whether what we hear fits into our plans (such as, for example, getting a boyfriend, getting married, having children). This is not real listening.

When you really listen, you become instantly attractive. By truly listening to a man, you make him feel special and interested in you in a very powerful way. If you have a genuine attraction for each other, he will open up to you more and more. After all, you are so sensitive and so subtly understand who he really is (and not who you are trying to make him). I can't tell you how important this is. If you really want to drive men crazy, become a master listener.

The second communication mistake is when women talk about other men in a manner that arouses jealousy or insecurity in their current partner. Ex-boyfriends, husbands, other people you date, your wonderful male friends - all these topics are dangerous and uncomfortable if you do not show them tactfully when broaching them. Tip: If you doubt your abilities, leave other men outside of your relationship. You should not describe the details of your romantic and sexual history, just as you should not praise other men in order to provoke your partner into competition. Pictures and stories of the past will haunt him and create a karmic circle of jealousy-based games with which you will wear each other down.

Third, many women feel the need to talk during or after sex, believing that this is the perfect moment to get him to reveal his true feelings. No, no and no! You shouldn't put pressure on a man to open up to you during or after sex, especially during the dating stage. Side effects Such pressure results in dissatisfaction, alienation and, at times, extreme confusion.

Here's the thing: sex is an incredible opportunity to just let yourself go and be passionate, thirsty, and free. There is no need to try to achieve anything through sex or reach new level in relationships. Making love means freeing yourself, discovering new things and giving pleasure to yourself and your loved one...

Sloppy and unkempt appearance

So many beautiful women push themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. If you've gained weight, stopped caring for yourself, or think a workout suit is your best outfit, it's time to look at what's really going on. The way you look affects how you feel. And if you look homely, then most likely you don’t feel so good, and men pick up on this feeling of yours. When relationships are such that women become too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may remain attracted to you for a short time (especially if they don't take care of themselves in the same way), but for many, such neglect can trigger a withdrawal reaction. And when you become a couple, it's very easy to relax. Do not do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal
hygiene (teeth, breathing and... yes, there too). And although sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate
and fantastic, but irresistible women make sure to always be clean and fresh. ...

In general, you can easily wander around the house like this on weekends or go out with friends. But if you have an important business meeting, a going out, or a first date with the man of your dreams, be sure to check your image for the absence of these 10 markers of sloppiness!

Hair band on hand

It's not a bracelet or a watch, it's a hair tie, and the only visible place it should be is on your head. Of course, it's convenient to always have it on your wrist, but just imagine how annoying it will be for you to see a black elastic cord on your arm in your best friend's wedding photo album.

Two tote bags together (and one of them is a canvas string bag)


Canvas string bags are not intended for everyday wear as an “extra” bag, but rather for shopping and other similar household chores. If you wear such a bag every day, you inevitably look disorganized, and some stylists are sure that by constantly wearing this “duffel bag” you become like a homeless woman who carries everything she owns with her. Think about it: do you need all the things from the second bag? Look through everything you carry with you, and you will probably come to the conclusion that in your canvas shopping bag there is a whole bunch of unnecessary junk.

Hairstyle in the style of “either a bun or a ponytail”

Hair somehow collected into something between a bun and a ponytail can ruin any, even the most thoughtful and stylish look. Therefore, if you are about to meet someone important to you, take a couple of seconds to modify this misunderstanding into a regular ponytail.

Underwear peeking out from under clothes

A protruding bra strap, tight-fitting panties peeking out from under the waistband of a miniskirt - if your underwear constantly reminds others of your presence, then they may get the impression of you as a slob who is too lazy to even just look at herself in the mirror before leaving the house .

Constantly trying to fix clothes

Constantly tugging and tugging on clothes irritates not only you, but also those around you - people get the feeling that you are unable to find comfortable clothes for yourself. If you cannot safely wear something, it is better not to wear it outside the house.

Your pet's fur on your clothes

If you think that this is unnoticed, you are deeply mistaken - as a result of such an oversight, you become that “strong” independent woman"from the joke about forty cats. As you understand, your potential boyfriend will not be attracted to this at all.

Pants that are too long and drag on the ground

Oh, how great flared jeans and slacks to the floor! Only the beauty of this is largely due to the fact that famous fashionistas wear such trousers with heels, preventing the legs from dragging on the ground. Of course, you're unlikely to wear your flared jeans with the same pair of ankle boots, the heel height of which is perfect for not picking up all the dirt from the city streets. There are two ways out: either shorten the trousers for shoes with flat soles (but what about heels?), or switch to narrower and shorter models.

Your blouse is constantly falling out of jeans and skirts

A blouse that is constantly hanging halfway from the waistband of trousers or a skirt looks sloppy, and trying to put it back in public place hardly decent. If you like a perfectly tucked blouse, check out body blouses.

Your shoelaces are always a mess

In reality, this is probably the least important item on our list, but when combined with anything else on it, it can further add to the sloppiness of the look, so keep an eye on how your shoe laces look - it's best to keep them tied neatly and equally.

We often pay attention to a person’s unkempt appearance. Most people who take care of their appearance avoid communicating with unkempt people. If it is not possible to avoid such contacts, then there are 2 main options for the development of events. The first is that we think to ourselves something like: “Oh no, do something about your appearance - you look terrible!” The second option is when we honestly tell a person that he should pay attention to his appearance. But the fact is that systematic untidiness is a sign of a slob. And the slob, in turn, leads an untidy lifestyle and is unlikely to change it.

Untidy appearance and sloppiness in life

Appearance may not always give away a slob. You can often see a pretty well-groomed girl, whose home, as it turns out later, is always a mess. It happens that, for example, a guy in worn out pants and an ugly haircut can be quite thrifty and maintain order at home and at work.

In any case, external untidiness or a careless attitude towards the cleanliness of the home is a sign of internal problems. For example, let's look at the room of a 15-year-old girl.

Cute crib for an untidy girl. Everything is included here: food, entertainment and relaxation.
The slob's desk also functions as a wardrobe.
Food left on the windowsill even though there was no food left there. Maybe this is a reserve for a rainy day, or is this how a special delicacy is prepared?

The guy or girl is a slob and how this will affect life in the future

An unkempt guy can find ways in life to make good money and make a splash in a pigsty, well, that’s in theory. Therefore, a slob of a man turns out to be some kind of husband, a breadwinner and an ordinary father for his children.

Well, if the sloppy guy is also a loser and has achieved nothing in life, then we see nasty couples. When two monsters find each other and raise their terrible children. This means both appearance and inner world - an impeccable combination.

While a girl is a slob, she can be outwardly beautiful. But she will make a terrible wife and mother. A careless woman cannot fully show love and care. In marriage, it serves as a piece of furniture and simply as a kept woman.

Although, again, an untidy girl may have a high income and will not have to worry about running a household. Moreover, for money you can maintain your appearance, as well as attract and maintain a hardworking, but such house husband, or just an alcoholic. Well, it depends.

😉 Hello, my dear readers! Friends, a person's appearance and appearance are different concepts. Appearance is given to us by nature; we take care of our appearance ourselves.

Human appearance

A person's appearance is business card. Caring for wood is a prerequisite and an indispensable attribute for people leading a healthy lifestyle. A well-groomed appearance is clear skin and neatly styled hair, neat nails, healthy teeth. All this should be in harmony with clean shoes and clothes.

It is important that these components of the external image are constantly maintained in perfect condition. Imagine a young charming woman. Nice clothes, correct makeup, stylish hairstyle. And suddenly the beauty begins to speak. Oh my... rotten teeth and bad breath! All! We feel uncomfortable and want to stop communicating...

O times! O morals!

Grooming is the key to success, both in your personal life and in labor activity. A person's appearance matters a lot. Only well-groomed man is perceived much better by the people around him than an unkempt person.

Here's what a world-famous motivator says about a person's appearance:

  • “If you look sloppy, then none of your customers will want to buy anything from you. If you look sickly and are poorly dressed, it can affect your entire career."
  • “There is no point in expecting others to appreciate you for your character and personality without paying attention to what you look like.”

Appearance and spiritual world

There are women and girls who devote all their free time to taking care of their appearance. Manicures, hairstyles, beauty salons, massages, masks, brands... A beauty marathon day after day, year after year... More and more often they complain that life is boring and uninteresting, people are constantly being judged by their appearance.

You talk to a girl-doll, inside of whom there is cold and emptiness and it becomes uninteresting.

A familiar story: She is very beautiful, but no one is asking her to get married, but her classmate Svetka is married and loved. Two children. And Svetka is just a gray mouse, no skin, no face, doesn’t go to salons, doesn’t wear brands. Why is there such injustice in life?

But it happens the other way around. Creative, talented individuals who are passionate about what they love are often not interested in fashion (they don’t have time for it). And communicating with them is always a holiday! They emanate a lot of warmth and love for life! A charge of positivity!

Most successful people love what they do and always take care of their appearance. There should be no trifles here. That's why they are successful! But still, spiritual fulfillment is important.


I will remember for the rest of my life an old man, my friend’s grandfather. Just a few hours of communication with him enriched me for many years! On that day he celebrated his

And it was like this. On the day off I was completely free. On the street I met a friend who was on her way to congratulate her grandfather on his birthday. She offered to join her. I agreed.

Grandfather, the owner of a small estate, in an old, faded but ironed shirt, about 87 years old, invited us to the table. The table setting surprised me so much that my eyes filled with tears.

Imagine, festive table was set for tea. Several glass bowls filled with jam and honey, squares of cookies on two small plates were laid out with love. Tea service, spoons... Everything was very nice, but the most unusual thing was that antique postcards and photographs were placed between the cutlery!

There were three of us celebrating, but it was very fun, cozy and comfortable. The owner was filled with positivity, humor and optimism.

We drank tea. 🙂 Then the grandfather “dived” into the cellar for a bottle of homemade wine. And then there was a guitar and a unique evening in the courtyard of the birthday boy’s house. A large bush of blooming jasmine and the most beautiful romances!

“The fragrant bunches of white acacia drove us crazy all night long...”

The grandfather in the old shirt radiated a lot of warmth and love for life. And when a person is filled with kindness and light, then it makes no difference how old his shirt is.

Clothing determines consciousness

When you put on a nice, expensive suit, a person’s appearance changes—you feel different. Your mood may lift and new reserves of energy will miraculously open up. On the contrary, when you put on old, unclean clothes that give you a ridiculous or even sloppy look, you experience weakness, awkwardness and self-doubt.

Appearance + inner world of a person = personality

Friends and family enjoy being with a person who smacks of cleanliness and freshness. But as a rule, a person who is unkempt in appearance is often the same in deeds and actions.

It is not permissible even at home (where strangers cannot see you) to walk around in an unkempt manner. In an old, washed-out robe or a tracksuit with extended knees.

Understand that you cannot hide from yourself. If you are successful, harmony is everywhere: in your head, in your clothes, in your thoughts and in your life. A person’s appearance can tell a lot: about taste, wealth, character, upbringing.

Dress modestly and neatly. This earns the respect of others than a brand on an unkempt and unkempt person. Maintaining the proper appearance is easy.

Basic things:

  • hair must be clean;
  • shower daily;
  • take care of healthy condition teeth;
  • in the daytime, discreet, natural makeup;
  • neat manicure;
  • measure in gold jewelry;
  • wear clothes that suit you. Don't imitate others;
  • diamonds and dark outfits, only in the evening;
  • don't forget to smile! Looking sullen will not help you be successful;
  • “To change your life, you just need to change your clothes” Tips from

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Depression is a serious illness. It can be confused with banal fatigue; it is often hidden under excessive workaholism or, conversely, feigned cheerfulness. Sadness, lack of initiative, loss of physical and moral strength - all these are signs of this illness, but not the only ones.

Only a doctor can make a definitive diagnosis, but you can suspect this emotional disorder in yourself or a loved one on your own.

website decided to look at the non-obvious symptoms of depression that can help avoid its negative consequences.

1. Philosophizing

Hidden depression may be indicated by a person’s increased desire to talk about philosophical topics using abstract formulations. “This always happens to me” instead of “I haven’t gotten enough sleep for the last two weeks”; “This doesn’t make any sense” instead of “I think we should use another method.” Depressed people tend to like to talk about the meaning of life and do this all the time. However, there is no specificity in their words. Whereas psychologists believe that the more specifically a person expresses his thoughts, the greater his chances of getting satisfaction from life.

2. Finding excuses

People with depressive disorder often use excuses to hide their true desires and sadness. For example, they can come up with a touching story about why they didn’t come to a friend’s birthday or why they didn’t stay for lunch with their colleagues. Plausible excuses serve as a disguise so as not to injure or bother anyone with your depressed emotional state.

3. Lack of adequate response

In a state of depression, a person perceives the surrounding reality differently. He may begin to agree with everyone, stop expressing his opinions and desires, not react to insults, and even not experience pain in situations where pain is inevitable - for example, in the event of the loss of loved ones.

4. Psychosomatic illnesses

In a depressed state, a person may complain of discomfort in the heart area, tension in the arms and legs, difficulty breathing, headache, toothache and other ailments. In this case, the examination will most likely show that everything is in order with your health. The occurrence of various pain sensations may be a consequence of an unstable and anxious state. In turn, pain often leads to anxiety and tension, forming a vicious circle and causing a person to suffer from sudden psychosomatic pain.

5. Mental gum

In a state of depression, a person constantly turns the same thoughts in his head. He thinks that in this way he is looking for answers to his questions, but obsessive thoughts cannot solve his problems. On the contrary, they only create the illusion of finding a way out. It’s easy to suspect that your loved one is suffering from obsessive thoughts: as a rule, at such moments the person is thoughtful, absent-minded and talks about the same topic day after day without trying to translate thoughts into actions. As an example, we can recall the main character of the film “Areas of Darkness”. Constantly turning thoughts about writing a book and possible success in his head, Bradley Cooper's character plunges himself even deeper into apathy and stress, while losing loved ones and friends.

6. Untidy appearance

A depressed state is usually reflected in appearance. If a person has stopped taking care of himself, neglects hygiene rules and does not maintain order in the house, there is reason to wonder whether everything is fine with him. This applies to those who previously had no problems with order and cleanliness.

7. Changing the pace of work

If a person's pace of work changes, this may also be a warning sign that he is feeling depressed. A person may stop coping with standard daily tasks, begin to forget information, become more tired, and feel the meaninglessness of their actions. There is also a reverse reaction, when previously not very active people suddenly become workaholics with a busy schedule and begin to collect their achievements. In this way they try to escape from their feelings and give meaning to life.

How to help yourself and your loved ones

  • You can check if you have depression using the Beck Depression Inventory or the Zang Depression Inventory.
  • If symptoms of depression occur in loved one, then you should try to talk to him about his well-being and offer help. If a person does not make contact, it is worth leaving him alone for a while and observing his condition.
  • Do not devalue the problems of your loved ones, do not be ironic or ridicule the situation. Calls to “cheer up”, “stop it”, “relax” in in this case don't work.
  • Help with little things and everyday issues that depression leaves you no strength to answer.
  • Do not force a depressed person to lead an active life, he is not yet capable of this.
  • Take breaks from communicating with a depressed person so as not to adopt their condition.
  • Debunk the myths that it is not necessary to have your depression treated by a specialist. Offer professional help.
  • Be more attentive to those around you. Sometimes, behind the smile and Instagram feed of your perfect life, big problems can be hidden.