It was not possible to get pregnant on the day of ovulation. How to get pregnant during ovulation and why it doesn’t work

Physiological processes in the female body such as ovulation and pregnancy are very closely related. If a mature egg does not leave the ovary in due time, that is, ovulation does not occur, which means there will be no conception. There are many reasons for this situation; to get pregnant, you need to find out and eliminate them.

The importance of ovulation for conception

Ovulation lasts only 1-2 days, these are the most favorable hours for conceiving a long-awaited baby. This is the shortest period in the menstrual cycle, but also significant. If sexual intercourse occurs during this short period of time, it can please the couple with the onset of pregnancy.

It happens that the time was calculated correctly, but fertilization did not occur. Without any significant abnormalities for conception, the couple cannot achieve fertilization. Why this happens must be determined by a doctor after examining the spouses, otherwise they have the opportunity to never become parents.

Reasons that interfere with conception during ovulation

The inability to fertilize an egg during the period of ovulation occurs for various reasons. Typically, the process of conception is slowed down by the following factors:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels, disruption of the natural balance of sex hormones. It provokes untimely release of the egg or its complete absence, as well as its inability to attach to the wall of the uterus once fertilized.
  2. Lack of living and motile sperm in the partner’s seminal fluid. They die earlier, without reaching the uterus. With age, the quality of semen becomes worse.

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes or the development of any pathological formation in the uterus. Pipes can overtighten or block adhesions left after inflammatory processes. Myoma or other tumors may form in the uterus, which prevent the embryo from attaching to its wall.
  2. An important factor is the state of cervical mucus during ovulation. Throughout the menstrual cycle, it is able to change its structure due to the concentration of the hormone working at the moment. When the egg is released, it becomes like egg white so as not to interfere with the passage of the sperm. When there is a hormonal imbalance, it becomes thick and viscous and sperm cannot get through it.

These causes can be eliminated; you just need to undergo examination and treatment and the deviations will normalize. For successful conception, it is necessary to calculate the days of ovulation and pregnancy will occur as soon as possible.

Not every woman releases eggs suitable for fertilization at every ovulation. If you didn’t get pregnant this time, don’t despair, but start preparing for the next ovulation. Doctors give advice on increasing the chance of conception during ovulation:

  • treat inflammatory processes of the female organs in a timely manner and prevent recurrence of the disease;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • include legumes, vegetables and fruits in your diet, take vitamin E and folic acid;
  • before ovulation, abstain from sex for several days in order to improve the quality of a man’s seminal fluid;
  • varicocele in men or decreased erection prevents normal conception even during ovulation.

You don’t need to think about it all the time, learn to distract yourself. Constantly dreaming about pregnancy reduces the chances of conception.

If conception does not occur, then there is no reason to despair. You need a change of scenery, go on vacation. When you completely relax, the chance of conception increases, and the three of you will return from vacation.

Not all couples manage to conceive a baby on the first try. Many expectant parents do not understand why they cannot get pregnant during ovulation. There are factors that accelerate and slow down the onset of a desired pregnancy. By learning about these factors and the features of the fertilization stage, you can increase the possibility of a long-awaited conception.

Factors that increase the chance of pregnancy

Simple rules will help you get pregnant during ovulation. The more points of the plan are involved, the higher the chance of a quick pregnancy.

  1. A woman has a stable emotional state. The absence of stress, nervous tension, as well as constant thoughts about pregnancy, significantly increase the possibility of fertilization. Thoughts about possible infertility are a strong psychological barrier that can cause childlessness.
  2. According to the laws of physics, certain positions increase the chance of pregnancy. For successful conception, you need to choose those positions where the man is on top or behind. Pregnancy during intercourse with the girl on top is almost impossible.
  3. A healthy diet and the absence of bad habits for both partners creates favorable conditions for the development of germ cells. A woman who smokes has a weak egg, and a man has slow sperm. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts and mushrooms help the growth and development of healthy cells.
  4. Moderate physical activity ensures active blood flow throughout the body, including the pelvic organs. With properly dosed exercise and the absence of overwork, the chances of conceiving a baby increase.

The easiest way to get pregnant

To get pregnant easily and quickly, you need to follow some rules.

If you follow these simple rules, ovulation and pregnancy will occur as quickly as possible, provided that both partners are healthy.

Hormonal stimulation of fertilization

Difficulties in conceiving in a healthy couple are often associated with an incorrect amount of hormones produced by the woman. Failures lead to irregular cycles and anovulation. To determine this condition, you need to take tests during one cycle.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy. After a couple of months, the situation improves and the girl manages to get pregnant.

Afterwards, double ovulation and pregnancy often occur. An increased amount of hormones leads to the development of 2 eggs instead of 1 and their successful fertilization. As a result of such a pregnancy, twins or twins are born, depending on where the eggs have matured: in the same ovary or in different ones.

Is it possible to get pregnant during ovulation?

In the absence of pathologies and diseases in men and women, the probability is about 35%. If a girl accurately determines the ovulation period, she will be able to get pregnant within 1-3 months.

The percentage of possible pregnancy increases with particularly viable sperm. Then conception can occur within 7 days, rather than 3-4 days.

Fertilization can occur in just 1-2 days during the entire cycle. With a short cycle, a woman can get pregnant faster, since she ovulates more often. With a cycle of about 35 days, the egg takes longer to mature, so the wait for pregnancy will take a little longer.

To get pregnant quickly, you need to know all the factors that accelerate and slow down conception, and try to adhere to them as much as possible.

Factors that reduce the chance of conception

You should know why there is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur. The reasons are very varied and mainly depend on the health status of the future parents.

The most common myths

In modern society, myths and false information “live” that confuse future parents. In order not to get confused in the information, and to ensure that ovulation and pregnancy occur as soon as possible, you need to know the truthful information. The most famous myths are described below.

  • Sexual intercourse should occur exactly on the day of ovulation. The egg lives for a day, maximum two. But sperm can stay in the female body for up to 7 days. This means that sexual intercourse 5 days before ovulation can also result in pregnancy.
  • Abstinence increases your chances of conceiving. During abstinence, as with very frequent ejaculations, sperm quality (the number and speed of sperm movement) decreases. Sexual intercourse is considered optimal for conception once every 2-3 days during the fertile period.
  • Lack of pregnancy after 6 months of trying means infertility. Most healthy couples are able to conceive within the first year. You can talk about possible infertility no earlier than 2-3 years of constant attempts to get pregnant.
  • Abrupt withdrawal of birth control pills ends in pregnancy. Conception occurs in approximately 25% of such cases and is a coincidence. While taking the pills, estrogen production is suppressed - eggs do not mature. The time it takes to restore the cycle varies individually. Most women take longer to conceive after taking oral contraceptives than girls who did not take them.
  • You cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. This applies only to the first 2 months after birth, when lactational amenorrhea occurs. After the end of this period, ovulation and pregnancy may occur with a high probability.
  • Hot temperature inhibits the speed of sperm movement. After a sauna or hot bath, there are fewer sperm in the semen, but their speed remains unchanged.
  • Taking folic acid increases the chance of conception. Folic acid has no effect on fertilization. This vitamin promotes the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy and eliminates the occurrence of many pathologies. It is useful to take folic acid at the planning stage, because this vitamin accumulates in the body for a long time. It must be taken throughout the first trimester of pregnancy to exclude pathologies of fetal development.

One couple was unable to conceive for 2 years. The husband and wife underwent many examinations, but the diagnosis of infertility could not be confirmed by anything. When the couple came to terms with the fact that they would not have children, the woman saw 2 lines on the pregnancy test.

Many mothers of infants become pregnant with their second child while breastfeeding their first. Due to the absence of menstruation, most people find out about pregnancy in the second trimester, when abortion is no longer possible.

Does ovulation occur during pregnancy?

During each pregnancy, the female body is primed for conception. When fertilization does not occur, the cycle begins again: the body resumes trying to get pregnant. If a fertilized egg has successfully implanted into the uterus, transformed into an embryo and is actively developing, the body undergoes serious changes.

After pregnancy occurs, the female body tries with all its might to hold it. For this purpose, certain hormones are produced. They relax the muscles of the uterus, preventing miscarriage. Sex hormones are also responsible for the growth and development of the embryo and placenta. In such difficult conditions, the body does not need to create conditions for the growth of the egg. Fertilization has already occurred, so ovulation does not occur during pregnancy.

If hormones create certain conditions for conception, then a completely different environment is needed to preserve the fetus. Therefore, ovulation during pregnancy potentially poses a threat to the embryo. Nature took care of the safety of the baby’s life, so ovulation does not occur during pregnancy.

To get pregnant during ovulation the first time, both partners must be absolutely healthy and maximally follow all the rules that increase the chance of conception. Knowledge about the ovulation phase will help you correctly calculate the dates of sexual intercourse so that pregnancy occurs as quickly as possible. Most couples manage to conceive within a year of constant attempts. Only after 2-3 years can infertility be suspected.


Such a mysterious and unpredictable phenomenon as the maturation of female cells interests many women, forcing them to monitor the release of the egg. At the same time, some are waiting with trepidation for it with the hope of a quick replenishment, while others, on the contrary, are postponing this moment indefinitely. But does conception really occur strictly within 24 hours of the release of the female reproductive cell? Is it possible to get pregnant on days other than ovulation?

The probability of fertilization during “after-hours” time

Is it possible to get pregnant outside of ovulation? Theoretically, the probability of fertilization occurring under such conditions is zero. But many representatives of the fair sex claim that cell fusion occurred precisely on the so-called “safe” days, that is, not on ovulation. Such statements are confusing. What's really going on? Is it possible to conceive on a day other than “day x”? And is there a need to carefully monitor the appearance of the egg?

Conception before the release of the egg

The fusion of cells without the fact of the appearance of an oocyte (egg) is impossible - there is no one for sperm to fertilize. Thus, pregnancy outside of ovulation days is theoretically impossible. But sperm are extremely patient. They are ready to wait up to 7 days for an egg. In other words, if sexual contact took place 5-6 days before oocyte maturation and earlier, the probability of fertilization is very high. According to medical statistics, the probability of conception directly during ovulation is about 35%, a day before the “hour X” - 31%. By the end of the third day, the chances of fertilization remain up to 16%. After this period, the possibility of getting pregnant is sharply reduced.

Since sperm remain inside the female body for about another week, fertilization can occur if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs 7 days before the appearance of the oocyte or later.

Conception will not occur without the presence of an oocyte

Fertilization after the release of the egg

Once the ovulation period ends, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. A day after the formation of the oocyte, the time of so-called absolute infertility or the corpus luteum phase begins. It lasts approximately 14 days, regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle. Fertilization does not occur because the egg lives only 24 hours, and sometimes even less. After this time, the unfertilized cell is destroyed.

The exception is the late exit of the female cell. Sometimes it happens later than the expected day. From a group of sperm that have retained their internal reserves, one merges with the female cell, marking the beginning of pregnancy.

Factors influencing conception during the absence of an oocyte

Despite all the statistics and medical reports, the female body is a very subtle and sometimes unknown matter. Calculating the onset of ovulation and choosing “safe” days sometimes leads to an unexpected result - pregnancy. Being quite sure that ovulation cannot occur on a given specific day, a woman can still miscalculate. The fertilization process is directly influenced by the following factors:

  • Error in calculations. The time for the “standard” release of an oocyte during a 28-day menstrual cycle is 14 days after menstruation. However, a woman may often experience early or late ovulation, for example, on the 7th or 20th day of the cycle. If during this time there was unprotected sexual intercourse, pregnancy will not be long in coming.

An error in determining the day the oocyte is released can lead to its fertilization

  • Some women release eggs twice a month. This option is considered a deviation from the norm, and a woman may not be aware of the presence of such an oddity. If such a feature occurs, you can get pregnant not only on the days of expected ovulation.
  • Completion of oral hormonal contraceptives. Previously suppressed reproductive cells are again ready for fertilization, which significantly increases the chances of getting pregnant.

There have been many cases of pregnancy occurring after a woman stops taking oral contraceptives.

  • A short or irregular menstrual cycle (up to 28 days) creates favorable opportunities for pregnancy literally a few days after menstruation, and sometimes even during them.

Important! The theory that it is impossible to conceive during menstruation is wrong. Statistics indicate a number of cases where cell fusion occurred precisely in the presence of monthly bleeding.

Thus, although it is impossible to get pregnant outside of ovulation, the incidence of pregnancy on supposed “safe” days is very high. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy by determining a safe day, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the egg appeared only on that particular day. Otherwise, early or late ovulation may lead to the appearance of an unplanned number of stripes on the test. If pregnancy is desired, you also need to know the exact time of release of the female cell. Intimacy during the readiness of the female reproductive cell, as well as the next day after it, creates a high probability of early conception.

If you try to conceive a baby from month to month, again and again, but your period comes in due time and you have to admit to yourself, again nothing happened...

Why doesn't it work and when exactly should you admit failure? In general, gynecologists believe that the period after which one can admit that nothing is working out is one year of unprotected sexual activity. Of course, there are ways to quickly become parents, but not everyone knows about them. For example, you can catch the day of ovulation, knowing the methods for calculating this period, you will not have to suffer for a long time waiting for an interesting situation.

Ovulation- this is the release of an egg, ready for fertilization, from the ovary. Within 12-24 hours after its onset, it is possible to conceive a child; if sexual intercourse occurs at this time, conception will take place. It happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but not every month. The question of how to get pregnant quickly is determined precisely by an accurate diagnosis of day “X”.

No matter how much you want it, you won’t be able to do everything quickly if you have rare ovulation, or it’s difficult to calculate due to an irregular cycle. But even in this case, you shouldn’t give up and tell yourself that everything is in vain. There are different options to help you. You can resort to calendar calculation, you can measure basal temperature, you can use special tests. If all methods do not help, you should contact your doctors with a request. Experts will definitely find out the reason for the failure and then it will be possible to think about the most suitable treatment option.

Having a child is a natural desire for any woman.

What does it take to become a mother? First of all, we need an answer to the question, why is it not working? Both men and women may be to blame for this. Men are to blame for infertility in 40% of cases. Therefore, both will have to undergo examination. Usually doctors prescribe an examination for sexually transmitted infections, a spermogram for the husband, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a study of the patency of the fallopian tubes, and hormonal levels for the woman. Compatibility research is also carried out, sometimes the reason is that the woman is allergic to her husband’s sperm. That’s why it’s so important to get examined first, and only then panic. Moreover, the same health problems that prevented conception can cause miscarriage or loss of a child, which, of course, will not bring joy.

If you want a child, you better ask yourself how to make it right. Getting pregnant correctly means conceiving as planned, carefully, knowing exactly what you are getting into, having been examined. Such a baby will come into the world where he was definitely expected, he will be born healthy and on time. When a woman says, “I want a child,” she must realize that the first question should be her own health and ability to bear a baby, and not the task of quickly getting pregnant.

But sometimes even a completely healthy couple fails to give birth to a baby. Why?

The reasons are varied. Sometimes a man and a woman are simply not compatible; antibodies in a woman’s vaginal secretions immobilize her husband’s sperm, and this becomes the reason for failure. In such cases, only the help of doctors makes it possible to become pregnant (IVF). But in most cases, regular counting helps to conceive a baby very quickly.

Did you know that even the gender of the unborn child can be calculated in advance if you know when that very moment comes?

The sex of the child depends on which sex chromosome is contained in the sperm, female or male. It has long been noted that sperm with a female sex chromosome are less mobile, but survive longer, while sperm with a male chromosome are more active. Planning the gender of the child is based precisely on this feature. If sexual intercourse took place 2-3 days before the peak moment, there is a high chance of having a girl.

Planning the sex of a child by calculating ovulation is a folk remedy, without guarantees; with IVF, the sex of a child can be planned with 100% accuracy. Although for most women who do not know how to get pregnant in general, the gender of the child does not matter at all...

Why pregnancy does not occur: reasons and what to do

There are many reasons that prevent conception. People often ask why pregnancy doesn’t occur, but how much you need to worry about this and what needs to be done if there are still reasons for anxiety – we’ll figure it out.

  • Why, if both are healthy, does pregnancy not occur?
  • There is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur: reasons
  • Other reasons
  • If it doesn't work out, what should I do?
  • Why doesn't pregnancy occur the first time?
  • After ovulation stimulation
  • After laparoscopy

Why doesn't pregnancy occur if both are healthy?

For pregnancy to occur, in addition to the health of both spouses, several more conditions are necessary:

  • Sexual intercourse on the right days for conception. A woman's fertile period depends on the length of her menstrual cycle. The release of a mature oocyte from the dominant follicle occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation, both during regular and irregular periods. The optimal is two days before and after the release of the oocyte, in the so-called.
  • Presence of an egg (oocyte). During ovulation, it is easier to “catch” an oocyte if the cycle is regular, but even if menstruation, like clockwork, occurs exactly on schedule, the presence of an egg ready for fertilization must be confirmed (for example, using tests). Sometimes they happen when hormones are normal, periods are regular, tests are also good, but eggs are not. In these cases, pregnancy does not occur. They are considered physiological if they occur no more than two or three times a year, no more. But this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

There is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur: reasons

Reasons why ovulation occurs but pregnancy does not occur:

  • poor quality oocyte,
  • bad spermogram;
  • genetic inferiority of the zygote.

Conditions that are necessary for pregnancy with preserved ovulation:

  • The oocyte must be mature and ready to fuse with a sperm. Unfortunately, as a result, the quality of the genetic material of the germ cell suffers. The window during which an oocyte can be fertilized lasts on average 24-48 hours. The period can vary in one direction or another for several hours, depending on the characteristics of the woman’s body.
  • Mature, motile sperm, i.e. the spermogram is normal. The conditions of modern life negatively affect the quality of sperm, although men mostly do not accept this fact and insist that everything is fine with them. If there is no pregnancy for six months, it is worth carefully examining not only the woman, but also her spouse.
  • The “meeting” is not just a male and female reproductive cell, but a genetically complete sperm and egg. If there is a break in the genetic code of the fertilized egg, the embryo most often dies on the fourth day and is released with menstrual flow, and the girl does not even suspect that in fact there was a pregnancy, but implantation did not occur. In the human population this occurs in 30% of cases. This is the main reason why pregnancy does not occur if all possible tests, including hormones, are normal, both partners are healthy, the tubes are patent and the spermogram is normal.

If there is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur, this is not yet a cause for concern. It is not always possible to conceive a baby the first time, but more on that later.

Other reasons why pregnancy does not occur

The reasons why pregnancy does not occur (first or second) should be systematized and divided into groups according to their effect on the stages of fertilization and implantation:

  • Fallopian tubes are missing or they are welded together (). Adhesions prevent the movement of sperm towards the egg, but even if the sperm manages to get through the holes between the adhesions and fertilize the oocyte, the egg will not be able to descend into the uterine cavity due to its size and develops. The oocyte is the largest cell in the body. The mystery of fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube, or rather in its ampulla, the widest part facing the ovary.
  • One tube is missing, and ovulation is constantly on the opposite side. The opinion that is wrong.
  • The presence of adhesions and deformations (after abortion, frozen pregnancy, cesarean section). They interfere, therefore, there are no conditions for pregnancy. Often, the diagnosis of these diseases occurs after partners have been unable to get pregnant for a long time. Sometimes the journey to the doctor takes a year or more, because the symptoms are not always clearly visible.
  • Hormonal imbalances interfere with the maturation of the oocyte and. – a disease in which you can get pregnant, but treatment (surgical or therapeutic) is necessary. Depending on the extent of the lesion, the gynecologist prescribes drugs that “switch off” menstrual function for a period of 3–6 months or to remove lesions and confirm.
  • With (hypofunction of the thyroid gland), the maturation and release of the oocyte does not occur at all. To exclude thyroid dysfunction, you need to donate blood to determine the “thyroid” hormones T₃, T₄, .
  • A long absence of a first pregnancy during the fertile period makes the organs of the reproductive system unclaimed. Microcirculation in them is disrupted, hormonal regulation becomes imperfect, which is a good reason why pregnancy does not occur for a long time.
  • Lactation period.

Cancellation of oral contraceptives (OC) does not leave its mark on the body. It is not possible to get pregnant right away. It will take time to restore ovulatory function and your own hormonal levels. The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the duration of taking OK. On average it lasts from 1 to 4 months.

Nature is very intelligent and the mechanisms that prevent the onset of “poor” pregnancy allow us to avoid the transmission of hereditary pathologies, miscarriages and abortions.

Reasons why pregnancy does not occur the first time:

  • Sexual intercourse did not coincide with. The release of the oocyte is mostly not felt, so it is difficult to predict the moment of ovulation. Pregnancy is possible if PA occurs 6-7 days before the release of the oocyte (this is the maximum period of life of sperm in the organs of the female reproductive tract) and 2 days after it. It is believed that the egg can fuse with the sperm within 2 days after ovulation. But there is an opinion that the oocyte is “competent” until the moment of menstruation, until it leaves the body along with menstrual flow.
  • Poor endometrium prevents implantation. Conversely, high-quality uterine mucosa blocks the production of vital substances to a low-quality embryo, which prevents it from implanting. These mechanisms are aimed at maintaining the health of the human population.

The chances of getting pregnant the first time are 5%, provided that the parents are absolutely healthy. A large number of embryos formed during conception have genetic abnormalities. In 30 cases out of 100, the endometrium prevents their attachment. The same amount can attach and be torn off after a few days. Miscarriages occur in 10% of cases.

  • . This hormone helps to consolidate and “engraft” the embryo in the uterus. It is secreted by the corpus luteum. If there is a deficiency, the gynecologist prescribes Utrozhestan; if there is a threat of miscarriage as a result of luteal insufficiency, Duphaston is prescribed.

Pregnancy does not occur, what to do?

If pregnancy does not occur, you must do the following:

  • Review your diet, normalize your routine, forget about it.
  • Make an appointment with a gynecologist, undergo an examination, ultrasound and hormones with a partner.
  • Maintain a 3-day break between sexual acts. During this time, the required number of sperm accumulates. Regular ejaculation allows you to normalize the quality of sperm and remove congestion in the male reproductive organs.
  • Change intense physical activity to moderate one.
  • Start taking folic acid, vitamins E and C if indicated.

To identify diseases or pathological conditions after a miscarriage or abortion, laparoscopy is recommended.

Laparoscopy does not guarantee pregnancy immediately. Since during surgery it is possible to exclude diseases or treat them, but other factors that prevent pregnancy remain. According to statistics, 20% of women conceive after laparoscopy in the first month after it. In 15 out of 100 women, pregnancy does not occur within a year after laparoscopy. Laparoscopy for and syndrome also does not guarantee “instant” conception.

Pregnancy did not occur after ovulation stimulation

In the absence of ovulation and pathological anovulatory cycles, hormonal drugs are used to induce ovulation. Depending on the indications, different regimens and drugs are used.

If the ovaries are sensitive to therapy, ovulation occurs. At the same time, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. But the systemic effect of stimulation has not been sufficiently studied. It is believed that stimulation can negatively affect the quality of the endometrium. After stimulation, pregnancy does not occur if the ovaries are not sensitive to hormonal therapy. The efficiency of inducing oocyte maturation is only 10-15%. Pregnancy occurs in a total of 4 cycles of stimulation in 20-38% of cases.