Our lives were filled with filler. Why does a cat need a tray with high sides?

November 20th, 2015 , 07:00 pm

To my surprise, I was faced with the fact that many, even very experienced cat owners, do not know how to properly use a tray with a grid.

Use cases I've encountered:

1. The filler is poured onto the grate.
2. The grid is not used at all.
3. The grate is used, but no filler is poured under it. That is, the tray is essentially empty and, naturally, aromas emanate from there by the end of the day, which does not make our life more beautiful.

I also came across the fact that not everyone knows how to use wood filler correctly. They pour it in, as they are used to, to capacity, and then they wonder why it rushes out of all the cracks, that is, out of the tray.

So I decided to show it clearly.

Using a tray with a grid is very convenient because:
1. Your cat does not dig into the described litter and does not get its paws dirty.
2. You don’t have to dig up buried poop in litter that is not always fresh and look for the remains of this poop in it.
3. Poop on the grate spills into the toilet very easily, the grate is rinsed in a second and cleanly put back in place.
4. Filler particles do not spread throughout the house.

About wood filler.
1. It is environmentally friendly.
2. It has virtually no odor, but absorbs odors well.
3. Not only is it cheap, but also...
4. Very economical to use.
5. It can be flushed down the toilet. Although some do not recommend it, I wash off the year and everything is fine.

There are probably other advantages, but I don’t remember all of them.

There is no point in pouring filler onto the grill. It's better to remove the grill altogether. The grate is designed to pour filler UNDER it.

It is also stupid to use an empty tray, because of the smells, or if you are not too lazy to clean it five times a day.

There is no need to add a lot of filler. I'll show you what it looks like for me.

Here it is for clarity. Do you see how small a layer of filler is poured? It doesn't even completely cover the bottom. You don't need to sprinkle a lot of it. This amount is enough for my two cats, with two trays present, for 5-7 days. Or, if they pee often, as the filler swells, all this changes. It’s not difficult to determine visually, as you can see.

The filler swells well from moisture (as you see in the photo) and gradually covers the entire bottom of the tray. The tray remains dry. At first I was shocked by this filler because I used a lot of it. I swore terribly, but then I adjusted to him and I no longer need any other filler.

I would be glad if this helped someone. Although, I believe that for most, like me, it will seem strange not to be able to use the tray. However, as I wrote above, this is not the first time I have encountered this elementary problem, so I decided to write this post.

To ensure that your pet’s presence is reminiscent of purring and not the smell of his litter box, you need to choose the right litter for the litter box. It will simplify the process of toilet training and keep the house fresh and clean.

How to choose litter for a tray

The main task of the filler is to retain moisture and unpleasant odors. In addition, it should be safe for cats and people, easy to dispose of, and not be a source of garbage in the apartment.

The filler for the tray should suit your pet first of all.

How do common types of fillers meet these requirements?

  • Wood in the form of granules made from pressed sawdust. It is environmentally safe, neutralizes odors well, and can be flushed down the toilet. Disadvantage: sawdust is easily spread across the floor by paws.
  • Clay, available in the form of sand of different fractions. Safe for cat and owner. When wet, it forms lumps that are easily removed with a spatula. Retains odors well while removing lumps in a timely manner. Do not flush it down the toilet or use it on small kittens who may eat it.
  • Silica gel. Environmentally friendly material. The most expensive filler, but it perfectly absorbs moisture and odors. It crunches peculiarly under the paws, which some animals don’t like.

As you can see, each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you settle on any particular type, it is worth purchasing a small package and trying each of them. It’s logical to start with the filler that the owner likes most. But the final choice is up to the cat: if she doesn’t like the contents of the tray, you will have to offer another option.

How often to change the litter in the tray

The frequency of changing the contents of the tray depends on the type of filler.

  • Wood pellets, when wet, quickly crumble into sawdust. After this, they retain odors less well. It needs to be changed approximately every three days.
  • Clay or mineral filler needs to be replaced once a week.
  • Silica gel needs to be changed least often - once every two or even three weeks.

These times are approximate and assume that solid waste products will be removed immediately. Before pouring the filler into the tray, you need to wash it every time, but without harsh-smelling products. You can use laundry soap.

The age of the pet also determines how often the litter needs to be updated. Kittens have a very fast metabolism and practically never get out of the litter box. Adult animals go to the toilet less often.

By choosing a filler that the cat likes. and by changing it regularly, you can avoid problems with cat litter and unpleasant odors in the apartment.

Products of this type are a plastic container with a grid inside. Some models are distinguished by a rubberized base of the body, which prevents the tray from sliding and moving from one place.

How to use a cat litter box with mesh

The convenience of a tray with a grid is that it can be used without filler, but subject to timely removal of excrement and washing. Otherwise, a persistent unpleasant odor will appear. Cat owners who have tried litter boxes of this type recommend using a litter that absorbs liquid and prevents unpleasant odors from spreading. The filler is poured onto the bottom of the housing, and a mesh is installed on top; it is permissible to place a disposable diaper. An economical option involves using newspaper to cover the bottom, or plain water, so that excrement does not dry to the surface of the body.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Owners note the convenience of the toilet in cases where it is necessary to collect material for analysis. After the animal has gone to the toilet, the urine is easily drained from the body into a container for analysis.

This type of toilet is preferred by clean pets who do not like their paws getting wet and refuse to use the litter box at the slightest level of contamination.

It is advisable to purchase a tray with a mesh for cats that intensively dig for litter, scattering it around and carrying it around the apartment.

The disadvantages are that the presence of a grate prevents cats from burying excrement. Pets cling to the bars with their claws, and they do not like the dissatisfaction of their instinct.

Some models require the grid to be placed almost at the same level with the bottom. With this arrangement, there is little space left for liquid to drain.

Cats react differently to a new litter box. Some quickly get used to it, while others begin to relieve themselves only in small quantities, leaving feces nearby or finding another place for the toilet.

How to choose a mesh tray

The cat will use the litter box if its size matches the size of the animal. For kittens, you should purchase a toilet for adults, because kittens grow quickly, and it is better to accustom them to one toilet at once. Adult animals may refuse to use the new toilet.

It is better to give preference to light-colored products, since it is difficult to see excrement on dark ones, which becomes necessary in some situations.

The products differ in shape (corner, rectangular), so you need to choose a toilet based on the location in which it will be installed.

The cost of a cat litter box with mesh depends on its size, the height of the sides, the presence of a rubberized bottom, and the quality of the materials used. The price for a cat tray with a grid starts from 150 rubles.

How to accustom a cat to a litter box with bars

Every pet is different and there is no one right way to litter box train. If previously the pet relieved itself in a tray with litter, then it is necessary to accustom it to a tray with a mesh gradually, pouring litter under the mesh and reducing its amount over a certain period of time. At first, it is advisable to pour filler onto the mesh to satisfy the instinct to bury waste.

Another method is to place newspaper or toilet paper on the mesh. Gradually reduce the amount of paper, and then stop using it altogether. But there is no need to rush to remove the soiled paper, because cats use the smell to find the latrine.

In this article I will look at what a cat litter box with a grid is, its pros and cons, and how to use it correctly. I’ll tell you which litter is best to choose for a cat’s litter box with mesh and why. I will describe how and where to sprinkle, its rules for changing and washing the tray.

The design of the toilet is simple. It consists of two components - a tray and a mesh grid. The mesh is placed on top of the toilet. Granules fall inside, under the grate.

The material from which the structure is made is plastic.

Pros and cons of cat litter

The advantages include:

  • Cleanliness of the animal's paws. Because of the mesh, the cat cannot reach the pellets, burying his waste on top of the mesh. This way, the paws stay clean, which means the house does too.
  • Because of the bars, the animal will not eat pellets for the same reason. It simply won't reach him.
  • Tray hygiene is convenient and simple. Cleaning the toilet is quick and easy. The main thing is to have water and a small amount of processing agent on hand.
  • Various colors and tray sizes. You can choose what suits your interior and the size of the animal.
  • Reasonable price. Since such a toilet is made of plastic, it is available to any buyer with varying incomes.

Cat litter is one of the most important points when organizing a cat’s life in the house.

The disadvantages include:

  • Frequently clean the cat's litter box. After almost every trip the cat goes to the toilet, you will have to wash it, otherwise the animal may get dirty.
  • If the waste products of the animal are not removed in time, an unpleasant odor will arise. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor when your cat went to pee.
  • The openness of this toilet. Since it must be accessible to the animal, it has to be kept in an open place, which cannot be called aesthetically pleasing.

What litter should I use for a mesh toilet and why?

To avoid some of the disadvantages listed above, use granules for trays. Decide for yourself which one to choose.

The cat litter box can be used with or without litter.

Wood is one of the best options for a mesh tray
  • An economical option is wood. When moisture gets in, the granules increase in volume, so add a little bit of it. Absorbs odors well.
  • Silica gel absorbs moisture well and eliminates odors.
  • Sand is used as a filler. Absorbs moisture well, but copes worse with odor. You will have to wash it once every 2-3 days.
  • Sawdust is often used. Sometimes clay is added to them. Absorbs moisture well and eliminates odor. Change every 5 days.

When it gets wet, silica gel begins to hiss, which can frighten your pet. It is a toxic substance as it is prepared from dry silicate gel.

Where and how to pour it correctly

  • Place granules in the bottom of the lower bowl. How much to fill it depends on the type. For example, if you use wood, keep in mind that it expands when it comes into contact with moisture. The bottom of the container must be clean and dry.
  • A cat litter net is placed on top of a plastic tray.

There should be a distance between the tray and the grid so that the moisture goes into the filler and does not remain on the grid.

Rules for changing the filler and washing the tray

Granules are changed in different ways, depending on its type.

Silica gel granules are removed in lumps for two weeks, and then completely removed. Wood pellets crumble and are also partially removed until the filler is completely used. The sand is sifted through a mesh and left dry.

After the filler has been used, it is completely cleaned with a spatula.

The tray and mesh are washed under running water. Dry and refill.

Cat litter with bars has its pros and cons. With the right approach, many disadvantages can be avoided.

All you have to do is choose the filler that suits you.

The most beloved and popular among cats and their owners is wood filler. The demand for this product is explained by its affordable cost, ease of use and effective characteristics. The filler perfectly absorbs odors, and therefore no bad aroma will be felt in the house where furry pets live. Cats are designed in such a way that they like to have some substance in their litter box in which they can easily dig a hole. In addition, the contents of the toilet must please the little pet. As a rule, all animals without exception love this filler. Their owners are also delighted with the woody variety.

Types of wood fillers

Wood comes in two varieties: absorbent and clumping. The first option is granules made from crushed and compressed wood dust, which perfectly retains odor and absorbs moisture. High-quality filler is made from spruce and pine wood without the use of any additives. Such compositions have antiseptic qualities. Some companies use walnut shells instead of wood. Thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies in the production of filler granules, the filler granules are cheap, environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies.

The second type of filler (clumping) differs significantly from the absorbent version. If the previous option absorbs moisture from all the poured granules, then when using this type of filler a lump is formed. It is obtained in the place where moisture has fallen. This lump should be removed from the tray.

How to use the filler

Wood litter is usually poured approximately three centimeters deep into the cat's litter box. This amount will be needed for an ordinary deep toilet. If the accessory is equipped with a mesh, then you can reduce the layer to one centimeter. When solid excrement appears, it should be removed using a special spatula. If you begin to notice an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to replace the filler completely. To make it more comfortable for your cat to go to the litter box, you should wash the toilet under running water and soap every time after you have completely thrown out the litter.

Advantages of wood filler

Wood litter for cat litter has only one drawback: it sticks to the animal’s paws and fur. The pet subsequently spreads these sawdust throughout the apartment. Otherwise, the product consists of only advantages. Namely:

In addition, used litter from a completely healthy pet can be used as fertilizer after pre-composting. This product can also be used for rodents, who eat it with great pleasure.

Filler "Clean paws"

The modern domestic market offers a varied selection of wood fillers manufactured by many brands. The most successful brand was “Clean Paws”. “Clean Paws” is a wood filler that is produced to make life easier for people who have cats in their homes. Thanks to special research, it was found that the product of this label can be used all year round. There is no need to regularly replace the contents of the tray. It is only important to remove contaminants.

This is an incredibly beneficial filler. One package of it completely replaces four packages of a product from another brand. Due to the fact that excrement does not come into contact with air, this litter eliminates odor in the best possible way.

Features of choice

The litter you purchased may not be liked not only by the cat, but also by its owner. If this happens, then this indicates that you bought low quality products. Cheap filler will not retain odor, does not absorb moisture well, and disintegrates quickly.

Therefore, when buying this or that filler, you need to pay attention to the strength of the package and carefully analyze the information about the composition of the product. If the product is produced by a self-respecting brand, then the label will indicate what components the composition is made of, what level of moisture it absorbs and what animals it is designed for. If the packaging contains all this data, then you can safely purchase the filler.

People's opinions regarding the filler

Wood cat litter has long received excellent reviews. The owners who tried to use it once no longer want to buy any other options. Moreover, the wood composition is suitable not only for adult cats and kittens, but also for small kittens. Therefore, there is no need to rack your brain every time about what to fill the animal’s tray with.